
发布时间:2020-10-12 17:13:14








Ⅰ. Vocabulary & Grammar (30%)

Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer, on your Answer Sheet.

1. Bureaucratic power has _____ upon the freedom of the individual.

A. encroached

B. encapsulated

C. enchanted

D. encompassed【答案】A【解析】句意:官僚权力侵犯了个人的自由。encroach侵犯。encapsulate压缩、概括。enchant使迷惑。encompass包含、围绕。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

2. You risk _____ bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit.

A. recurring

B. occurring

C. incurring

D. concurring【答案】C【解析】句意:如果超出了透支限额,就有被银行加收费用的风险。recur再现。occur发生、出现。incur招致、蒙受。concur同意。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

3. If one thing or person is _______ with another, they are very different in important ways, and do not suit each other or agree with each other.

A. inquisitive

B. incompatible

C. inconsiderate

D. inappropriate【答案】B【解析】句意:如果某物/人与另一物/人是不相容的,那么他们在很多重要的方面是有区别的,且无法彼此适应或达成统一意见。inquisitive好奇的。incompatible不相容的。inconsiderate不体谅人的。inappropriate不恰当的。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

4. The laws apply to everyone _______ race creed or color.

A. in terms of

B. in spite of

C. in virtue of

D. irrespective of【答案】D【解析】句意:法律对人人都适用,不分种族,肤色或信仰。in terms of在……方面。in spite of尽管。in virtue of由于;凭借。irrespective of不论。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

5. Moving through life sometimes feels like swimming ______. Other times it’s like flying through the air.

A. downwards

B. backstroke

C. counterclockwise

D. upstream【答案】D【解析】句意:在生活中前行有时感觉像逆流而上,有时又像顺风飞行。downwards向下。backstroke仰泳。counterclockwise逆时针方向的。upstream逆流地。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

6. He’s usually very _______ at keeping his private life out of the media.

A. adept

B. adapt

C. adopt

D. acute【答案】A【解析】句意:他通常很善于让自己的私生活避开媒体的关注。be adept at善于。adapt适应,常与介词to/for连用。adopt采取。acute敏锐的。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

7. Her commitment to a great cause _______ from a crusade into an obsession.

A. downgraded

B. depredated

C. degenerated

D. depreciated【答案】C【解析】句意:她致力于一项伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热。downgrade降级。depredate掠夺。degenerate退化;堕落。depreciate贬值。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

8. Portugal has _______ a complaint with the International Court of Justice against the recent Spanish stern measures.

A. dislodged

B. subscribed

C. lodged

D. contributed【答案】C【解析】句意:葡萄牙向国际法院提出了申诉,控诉西班牙近期的严厉措施。dislodge驱逐。subscribe订阅。lodge提出。contribute贡献。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

9. I’ll appreciate your _______ effort to promote the sale in your market on communication basis.

A. atrocious

B. strenuous

C. effusive

D. evocative【答案】B【解析】句意:如果您在代理的基础上,在市场上为我们的产品尽全力促销的话,我将非常感谢您。atrocious恶劣的。strenuous费力的。effusive溢于言表的。evocative唤起感情的。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

10. Although they plant trees in this area year in and year out the tops of some hills are still _____.

A. bare

B. vacant

C. blank

D. hollow【答案】A【解析】句意:尽管他们每年都在这一地区种植树木。bare光秃的。vacant空着的,常用于形容房屋、座位等。blank空白的。hollow空心的。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

11. The price of beer _____ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.

A. wandered

B. covered

C. overwhelmed

D. ranged【答案】D【解析】句意:在夏季,啤酒的价格从每升50美分到4美元不等。wander漫步。cover包括。overwhelm淹没。range(在……内)变动。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

12. The present leaders have to decide whether to stand down and _______ to a younger generation.

A. hand out

B. hand in

C. hand over

D. hand down【答案】C【解析】句意:现任领导层必须决定是否应退居二线,把重任移交给更为年轻的一代。hand out分发。hand in上交。hand over(把某事)……负责。hand down世代相传。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

13. She’s completely homeless; at least I have my parents to _______.

A. fall behind with

B. fall in with

C. fall down on

D. fall back on【答案】D【解析】句意:她是真正无家可归;我至少有父母可依靠。fall behind with拖欠未付(租金等)。fall in with偶然遇到。fall down on失败。fall back on求助于。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

14. If you _______ someone or something, you like them, especially after knowing them or thinking about them for only a short time.

A. take after

B. take to

C. take in

D. take for【答案】B【解析】句意:如果你开始喜欢上某人或做某事,也就是说你已经喜欢上了他们,尤其是在仅有短时间的了解或考虑后便产生好感。take after与……相像。take to(短时间内)喜欢上。take in吸收。take for误认为。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

15. The students ______ new proposals on the running of the college to the College education Committee.

A. put forward

B. put through

C. put forth

D. put out【答案】A【解析】句意:学生们向学院教育委员会提出了管理学院的建议。put through完成(任务、工作、计划、交易等)。put out出版。put forth与put forward皆有“提出”的意思,但put forth则常用于提出或发表理论、政策等,而put forward含有提议以供考虑的意思,更加符合题意。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

16. He is a skilled worker _____ from his job in Ford Company.

A. laid down

B. laid out

C. laid off

D. laid aside【答案】C【解析】句意:他是个熟练的工人,被贝尔发斯特一家造船厂解雇了。lay down放下。lay out摆放。lay off 解雇。lay aside把……搁置一边。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

17. The judge wouldn’t have _____ him _____ so easily if it hadn’t been a first offence.

A. got through

B. got back

C. got off

D. got in【答案】C【解析】句意:如非初犯,法官不会如此轻易就免除对他的责罚。get through通过。get back回到。get off免于受罚。get in进入。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

18. In no country _____ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A. other than

B. more than

C. rather than

D. better than【答案】A【解析】句意:据说除了英国没有一个国家在一天中能体验四个季节。other than除了。rather than而不是。more than不仅仅。less than少于。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

19. I hope all the precautions against air pollution, _____ suggested by the local government will be seriously considered here.

A. which

B. as

C. what

D. whereas【答案】B【解析】句意:我希望所有正如当地政府建议的那些针对大气污染的预防措施都能够在此被严肃考虑。as suggested by the local government作插入语,修饰the precautions。如使用which则此处变为非限制性定语从句,suggested前缺少形成被动式的be动词。what和whereas一般作从句的引导词。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

20. The project, _____ by the end of 2020, will expand the city’s telephone network to cover 10 million users.

A. accomplished

B. being accomplished

C. while accomplished

D. having been accomplished【答案】C【解析】句意:这项将于2012年底完工的项目将会扩宽城市的电话网络至覆盖1000万用户。根据句意可知,by the end of 2020是一个将来时的时间状语,说明该事情是未来完成的,A、D项表示被动和已完成。B项表示正在被做。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

21. My husband suggested _______ to New York for a holiday, though I actually favored _____ Hawaii.

A. going; to visit

B. to go; to visit

C. to go; visiting

D. going; visiting【答案】D【解析】句意:我丈夫建议去纽约度假,虽然我其实喜欢夏威夷。suggest和favor后接动词的-ing形式。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

22. _____ had the CIG started work _______ it began to chafe at its restrictions and sought authority to start operating espionage networks abroad.

A. No sooner when

B. Hardly than

C. No sooner than

D. Scarcely than【答案】C【解析】句意:CIG一开始工作就因受到限制而感到焦躁,并且开始向当局寻求在国外运行间谍网络。No sooner than一……就……。A、B、D项无此用法。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

23. Reading is to the mind _______ food is to the body.

A. what

B. like

C. as if

D. while【答案】A【解析】句意:阅读之于心灵,犹如食物之于身体。固定用法A is to B what C is to D,意为“A对B而言正如C对D一样”。因此,本题的正确答案为A。

24. She took the name George Eliot for the reason ______ women of her day were not supposed to be novelists.

A. why

B. /

C. that

D. because【答案】C【解析】句意:她取名乔治·艾略特是因为在她那个时代,人们认为小说家不应该是女性。the reason that后接具体原因,the reason why后接对这个理由的修饰。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

25. That night, _______, he went out again to look for help.

A. tired like he was

B. tired as he was

C. tired though he was

D. tired even though he was【答案】C【解析】句意:那天晚上,虽然很累,他仍再次出门寻求帮助。根据句意,此处含有转折的意味,C、D项表示转折,但D项无此用法。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

26. I like the city, but I like the country better _______ I have more friends there.

A. now that

B. for that

C. since that

D. in that【答案】D【解析】句意:我喜欢城市,但是我更喜欢乡村,因为我有更多的朋友在乡村。根据句意,空缺处引导原因从句。in that意为“因为”,其他选项均不表示原因,或不是固定搭配。因此,本题的正确答案为D。

27. —You’ve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you?

—_____. How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World!

A. Yes, I have

B. No, I haven’t

C. No, I have

D. Yes I haven’t【答案】B【解析】句意:——你从未见过恐龙蛋,对吗?——对呀,我多么希望我能去参观恐龙世界!此句为反义疑问句,其回答都应根据事实回答。根据句意,回答应为否定,故采用“no+否定结构”。因此,本题的正确答案为B。

28. _____ they are fit I see no reason why they shouldn’t go on playing for another four or five years.

A. Provide

B. Having provided

C. Provided

D. To be provided【答案】C【解析】句意:如果他们是健康的,我找不出还有什么原因能让他们不接着再打四五年篮球。空缺处为省略句,完整形式应为“If it is provided that”,此处provide应使用被动结构,that引导宾语从句可以省略,故只有C项符合。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

29. I’d just as soon you _____ more than we do.

A. study

B. have studied

C. studied

D. would study【答案】C【解析】句意:我宁愿你比我们学得多。虚拟语气中,“would just as soon”等同于“would rather”,意为“宁愿”,后接的宾语从句中动词用过去式。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

30. If Mr. Wang _______ to learn more English, he would not have bought this book yesterday.

A. didn’t need

B. hasn’t needed

C. hadn’t needed

D. shouldn’t need【答案】C【解析】句意:如果王先生不用再学更多英语,他昨天就不会买这本书了。本句使用虚拟语气,内容与过去事实相反,主句用would/should/could+have+过去分词,从句用had+过去分词。因此,本题的正确答案为C。

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension (40%)

Directions: This part consists of two sections. In Section A. there are three passages followed by a total of 15 multiple choice questions. In Section B, there is one passage followed by a total of 5 short-answer questions. Read the passages and then mark or write down your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Section A  Multiple-Choice Questions (20%)Passage 1

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

The timber rattlesnake, once widespread throughout the eastern United States, is now on the endangered species list and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once thrived. Compared to its western cousins, the Timber rattlesnake may be especially vulnerable because of certain behaviors adapted for coping with the cold climate in which it lives.

Rattlesnakes are generally found in warm climates because, like all reptiles, they cannot generate or regulate their own body temperature internally and must rely on the sun’s warmth for heat. But Timber rattlesnakes migrated into colder northern areas about 8,000 years ago when glaciers retreated. In these northern regions, the snakes developed a number of adaptive strategies to survive, but ultimately these behaviors make them more vulnerable to human predation, their main threat.

One survival strategy the snakes have developed is hibernation. For approximately eight months of the year, the rattlers remain motionless in deep frost-free crevices, with their body temperature dropping as low as 40 degrees. In the spring when they emerge, they must warm their chilled bodies by sunning themselves for three or four days on rocks in the open. This behavior, coupled with the fact that Timber rattlesnakes tend to concentrate in large numbers at their wintering sites, makes them easy prey. Gestating females are particularly vulnerable because they spend much of their time basking (取暖) in the sun in order to produce live young from eggs. In addition, females have very long interbirth intervals, producing live young only every three to five years. If frost or cold spell comes late in the year, the entire litter of six to twelve young may die.

Efforts are under way to protect the Timber rattlesnake and its habitat from further human depredation, but in many states it is already too late.

31. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Why Timber rattlesnakes hibernate.

B. How Timber rattlesnakes are surviving.

C. How Timber rattlesnakes adapted to northern climates.

D. Why Timber rattlesnakes are endangered.

32. Which of the following is true about Timber rattlesnakes?

A. They migrated to eastern sidles.

B. They migrated northward during a warming period.

C. They migrated to escape a cold climate.

D. They migrated to the South to seek a warmer climate.

33. In which of the following places might a person be most likely to find Timber rattlesnakes in the spring?

A. in the woods

B. in the meadows

C. in bushy areas

D. in canyons

34. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT contribute to the rattle snake being an endangered animal?

A. hibernating for eight months

B. basking in the sun

C. congregating together

D. having long intervals between births

35. What is the author’s tone attitude toward the topic?

A. accusative

B. nostalgic

C. regretful

D. humorous【答案与解析】

31. D  文章第一段和第二段的重点都在于“the Timber rattlesnake may be especially vulnerable because of certain behaviors adapted for coping with the cold climate”,第三段则是对这些行为举一例进行进一步的说明,最后一段为总结。由此可知文章的重点在于响尾蛇变得易受伤害的原因,即濒临灭绝的原因,故选D。

32. B  文章第二段提到“Timber rattlesnakes migrated into colder northern areas about 8,000 years ago when glaciers retreated.”,由此可知响尾蛇在冰川消退、即气温变暖时期向北边更寒冷的区域迁徙,故选B。

33. D  文章第三段提到“In the spring when they emerge, they must warm their chilled bodies by sunning themselves for three or four days on rocks in the open.”,由此可知响尾蛇春天为了取暖会出现开阔的岩石旁,故选D。

34. A  B、C、D三项文章第三段中皆有提及,故选A。

35. C  文章最后一段提到“it is already too late”。由此可知作者认为虽然人们已做出努力挽救濒临灭亡的响尾蛇,但为时已晚,语气中表露了遗憾之情,故选C。Passage 2

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets and "life in the fast track" have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.

Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980s, and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.

In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors. Statistics reveal that heart attack rates increase significantly for both females and males in the few days immediately preceding and following their birthdays. And unmarried men are more at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts. Though stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the aforementioned risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and how heart failure is triggered.

36. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. risk factors in heart attacks

B. seasonal and temporal patterns of heart attacks

C. cardiology in the 1980s

D. diet and stress as Factors in heart attacks

37. What do the second and third paragraphs of the passage mainly discuss?

A. the link between heart attacks and marriage

B. unusual risk factors in heart attacks

C. age and gender factors in heart attacks

D. myths about lifestyle and heart attacks

38. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a possible cause of many heart attacks?

A. decreased blood flow to the heart

B. increased blood pressure

C. lower heart rate

D. increase in hormones

39. Which of the following is NOT cited as a possible risk factor?

A. having a birthday

B. getting married

C. eating fatty foods

D. being under stress

40. Which of the following does the passage infer?

A. We now fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks.

B. We recently began to study how risk factors trigger heart attacks.

C. We have not identified many risk factors associated with heart attacks.

D. We do not fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks.【答案与解析】

36. A  细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话可知本文谈论的是引起心脏病的因素,故选A。

37. B  细节理解题。文章为总分结构,第一段最后一句提到除了高脂肪饮食和快节奏生活还有其他因素会导致心脏病发生,第二、三段介绍其他因素,故选B。

38. C  细节理解题。根据第二段,血压升高、心率加速以及血的浓度升高会刺激荷尔蒙,减少流回心脏的血量,C错误,故选C。

39. B  细节理解题。最后一段提到单身男性比已婚男性更容易有心脏病,故结婚可能是降低心脏病风险的方法,但不是导致心脏病的因素,故选B。

40. C  主旨大意题。根据第一段引起心脏病的因素比我们所知道的多得多,故选C。Passage 3

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:

The miserable fate of Enron’s employees will be a landmark in business history, one of those awful events that everyone agrees must never be allowed to happen again. This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock. But making sure it never happens again may not be possible, because the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents something even larger than it seems. It’s the latest turn in the unwinding of one of the most audacious promise of the 20th century.

The promise was assured economic security—even comfort—for essentially everyone in the developed world. With the explosion of wealth, that began in the 19th century it became possible to think about a possibility no one had dared to dream before.

The fear at the center of daily living since caveman days—lack of food, warmth, shelter—would at last lose its power to terrify. That remarkable promise became reality in many ways. Governments created welfare systems for anyone in need and separate programmes for the elderly (Social Security in the U.S.). Labour unions promised not only better pay for workers but also pensions for retirees. Giant corporations came into being and offered the possibility—in some cases the promise—of lifetime employment plus guaranteed pensions? The cumulative effect was a fundamental change in how millions of people approached life itself, a reversal of attitude that most rank as one of the largest in human history. For millennia the average person’s stance toward providing for himself had been. Ultimately I’m on my own. Now it became, ultimately I’ll be taken care of.

The early hints that this promise might be broken on a large scale came in the 1980s. U.S. business had become uncompetitive globally and began restructuring massively, with huge layoffs. The trend accelerated in the 1990s as the bastions of corporate welfare faced reality. IBM ended it’s no-layoff policy. AT&T fired thousands, many of whom found such a thing simply incomprehensible, and a few of whom killed themselves. The other supposed guarantors of our economic security were also in decline. Labor union membership and power fell to their lowest levels in decades. President Clinton signed a historic bill scaling back welfare. Americans realized that Social Security won’t provide social security for any of us.

A less visible but equally significant trend is affected pensions. To make costs easier to control, companies moved away from defined benefit pension plans, which obligate them to pay out specified amounts years in the future, to define contribution plans, which specify only how much goes into the play today. The most common type of defined-contribution plan is the 401(k). The significance of the 401(k) is that it puts most of the responsibility for a person’s economic fate back on the employee. Within limits the employee must decide how much goes into the plan each year and how it gets invested—the two factors that will determine how much it’s worth when the employee retires.

Which brings us back to Enron? Those billions of dollars in vaporized retirement savings went in employees’ 401(k) accounts. That is, the employees chose how much money to put into those accounts and then chose how to invest it. Enron matched a certain proportion of each employee’s 401 (k) contribution with company stock, so everyone was going to end up with some Enron in his or her portfolio; but that could be regarded as a freebie, since nothing compels a company to match employee contributions at all. At least two special features complicate the Enron case. First, some shareholders charge top management with illegally covering up the company’s problems, prompting investors to hang on when they should have sold. Second, Enron’s 401 (k) accounts were locked while the company changed plan administrators in October, when the stock was falling, so employees could not have closed their accounts if they wanted to.

But by far the largest cause of this human tragedy is that thousands of employees were heavily overweighed in Enron stock. Many had placed 100% of their 401 (k) assets in the stock rather than in the 18 other investment options they were offered. Of course that wasn’t prudent, but it’s what some of them did.

The Enron employees’ retirement disaster is part of the larger trend away from guaranteed economic security. That’s why preventing such a thing from ever happening again may be impossible. The huge attitudinal shift to I’ll-be-taken-care-of took at least a generation. The shift back may take just as long. It won’t be complete until a new generation of employees see assured economic comfort as a 20m-century quirk, and understand not just intellectually but in their bones that, like most people in most times and places, they’ re on their own.

41. Why does the author say at the beginning “The miserable fate of Enron’s employees will be a landmark in business history”?

A. Because the company has gone bankrupt.

B. Because such events would never happen again.

C. Because many Enron workers lost their retirement savings.

D. Because it signifies a turning point in economic security.

42. According to the passage, the combined efforts by governments, layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in _____.

A. people’s outlook on life

B. people’s life styles

C. people’s living standard

D. people’s social values

43. Changes in pension schemes were also part of_____.

A. the corporate lay-offs

B. the government cuts in welfare spending





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