
发布时间:2020-10-13 10:20:07







Preface 卷首语

★All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter金子未必都闪光◎By J. R. R. Tolkien 译·赏析 / 辛献云

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewedshall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king.









赏 析

约翰·罗纳德·鲁埃尔·托尔金(John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,简称为J. R. R. Tolkien,1892~1973),英国作家、诗人,因其创作的经典史诗奇幻作品《霍比特人》(The Hobbit)、《指环王》(The Lord of the Rings)和《精灵宝钻》(The Silmarillion)而闻名于世。

这首诗出现自小说《指环王》第一部《魔戒同盟》(The Fellowship of the Ring)。诗歌第一句脱胎于著名谚语“闪光的并非都是金子(All that glitters is not gold)”,但却取其反义,暗指小说主人公阿拉贡(Aragorn)虽貌不惊人,看起来普普通通,却贵比黄金。第二句说的是游侠,他们保护人民不受邪恶欺凌,却被误以为是普通的流浪汉。第三、第四句暗指阿拉贡继承的王室血统永不磨灭。第五、第六句暗指王室的复兴,同时也象征绝处逢生的希望。第七句是指纳西尔圣剑,虽有残缺却仍会崭露锋芒。最后一句预言阿拉贡虽无王冠,但终将成为一代王者。


What's Hot 特别推荐

★☆好片连连10 Most Anticipated Hollywood Movies of 20142014年最值得期待的十部好莱坞大片◎ 选编 / Maggie 译 / 张晓敏


The Monuments Men《古迹卫士》

Scheduled Release Date: 7 February, 2014


Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history, The Monuments Men is an action drama focusing on an unlikely World War II platoon, tasked by Franklin Delano Roosevelt with going into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them to their rightful owners. It would be an impossible mission: with the art trapped behind enemy lines, and with the German army under orders to destroy everything as the Reichfell, how could these guys—seven museum directors, curators, and art historians, all more familiar with Michelangelo than the M-1—possibly hope to succeed? But as the Monuments Men, as they were called, found themselves in a race against time to avoid the destruction of 1000 years of culture, they would risk their lives to protect and defend mankind's greatest achievements.《古迹卫士》是一部动作片,改编自历史上最著名的真实寻宝故事,讲述了一支另类的二战小分队的故事,这支小分队奉富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福之命,要潜入德国,挽救被纳粹强盗盗走的那些艺术珍品,并将它们完璧归赵。这看起来是个不可能完成的任务,因为那些艺术品都深陷敌军后方阵营,而且随着纳粹德国的陷落,德军受命毁灭一切。在这样的情况下,这些人(其中有七个人是博物馆馆长、美术馆馆长以及艺术史学家,比起M-1步枪,他们更熟悉米开朗基罗)怎么可能有望成功呢?但是随着这群被称作“古迹卫士”的人发现他们不得不与时间赛跑才能避免上千年的文明成果被毁灭,他们将不惜付出生命的代价来保护那些人类最伟大的艺术成果。

Mr. Peabody & Sherman《眼镜狗和眼镜男孩》

Scheduled Release Date: 7 March, 2014


Mr. Peabody & Sherman will feature Mr. Peabody, a talking dog who is the smartest being in the world, and his "pet" boy Sherman. When Sherman's use of their time traveling WABAC machine results in disastrous and comical results, it is up to them to put things on track before the universe is irreparablydestroyed.《眼镜狗和眼镜男孩》的故事将围绕世界上最聪明的生物、会说话的眼镜狗皮博迪先生和他的“宠物”男孩谢尔曼展开。谢尔曼在使用他们的WABAC时光穿梭机时,造成了一系列滑稽的灾难性后果。现在要由他们在宇宙遭到不可逆转的破坏前将一切扳回正轨。


Scheduled Release Date: 28 March, 2014


Noah means to be big and important, retelling the tale of Noah and the flood through the eyes of one of today's most ambitious auteurs. The basic gistremains the same—Noah builds an ark to protect his family and Earth's creatures after receiving visions of the world's destruction from God—but the director expands on the details, pitting his hero againstnot only impending Armageddonbut also against the barbaricTubal-cain, who believes Noah to be a madman rather than a true prophet.《诺亚方舟》就是冲着大片来的,该片导演是当今世界上最有雄心的电影导演之一,影片通过他的视角重述了诺亚方舟和大洪水的传说。故事的基本要点不变——在领受到上帝灭世的诸多异象之后,诺亚开始建造方舟以保护他的家人及地球上的那些生物。不过,导演对细节进行了拓展,他让这部电影的主人公不仅要面对即将到来的灭世之灾,还要对抗残暴的土八该隐(编注:《创世纪》中第一个炼化五金的人)——土八该隐认为诺亚只是个疯子,而非真正的先知。

Rio 2《里约大冒险 2》

Scheduled Release Date: 11 April, 2014


In this animation film, Blu, Jewel, and their three kids leave their domesticated life in the city of Rio de Janeiro for a journey to the Amazon rainforest where they encounter a menagerieof characters born to be wild. But things get worse when Blu and Jewel's old nemesisNigel the cockatoocomes back for revenge and their daughter becomes too afraid to fly.



Scheduled Release Date: 25 April, 2014


In the future, a computer scientist accidentally unleashesa supremely intelligent sentientA.I. named Archos. Archos becomes self-aware and immediately starts planning the elimination of human civilization in an attempt to preserve Earth's biodiversity. It infects all penetrable networked electronic devices like cars, airplanes, elevators, and other robots with a special virus. Before it launches a full-blown attack on humanity, it sends out probing attacks to analyze the technical feasibilityof its strategies and to assess human response. The random attacks are designed to look like sporadicmalfunctionsof devices that humans depend on for their everyday routines. Domestic robots attacking innocents, planes are intentionally set on a collision course, and smart cars start driving out of control. After the entire automated world turns against humanity, a group of Native Americans lead a group to fight back. Small groups of survivors find ways to survive without modern technology in an increasingly robot-reliant society.


The Amazing Spider-Man 2《超凡蜘蛛侠2》

Scheduled Release Date: 2 May, 2014


The Amazing Spider-Man: Rise of Electro (also known as The Amazing Spider-Man 2) is a science fiction film. We've always known that Spider-Man's most important battle has been within himself: the struggle between the ordinary obligations of Peter Parker and the extraordinary responsibilities of Spider-Man. But in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker finds that a greater conflict lies ahead.

It's great to be Spider-Man. For Peter Parker, there's no feeling quite like swinging between skyscrapers, embracing being the hero, and spending time with Gwen. But being Spider-Man comes at a price: only Spider-Man can protect his fellow New Yorkers from the formidable villains that threaten the city. With the emergence of Electro, Peter must confront a foe far more powerful than he. And as his old friend, Harry Osborn, returns, Peter comes to realize that all of his enemies have one thing in common: Oscorp.《超凡蜘蛛侠:电光人的崛起》(即《超凡蜘蛛侠2》)是一部科幻片。我们都知道蜘蛛侠最重要的斗争一直都存在于他的内心:是要做彼得·帕克,尽普通人的平凡义务,还是要做蜘蛛侠,肩负不寻常的责任?但在《超凡蜘蛛侠2》中,彼得·帕克发现有一场更加艰难的战斗在等着他。


How to Train Your Dragon 2《驯龙高手2》

Scheduled Release Date: 4 July, 2014


The first movie took us into a war between fire-breathing dragons and Vikings, but when a boy named Hiccup impossibly befriended a dragon named Toothless, their friendship changed their world forever. How to Train Your Dragon 2, the second film of this fantastic epic trilogy continues the story about a man named Hiccup and a dragon named Toothless. The heroic Viking Hiccup and his faithful dragon Toothless must protect the peace—and save the future of men and dragons from the power-hungry Drago.《驯龙高手》把我们带进了喷火龙与维京人之间的一场战争,但当一个名叫希卡普的男孩和一条名叫无牙的龙出人意料地成为朋友后,他们的友谊永远地改变了他们的世界。《驯龙高手2》是这个史诗传奇三部曲的第二部,该片继续讲述名叫希卡普的男人和名叫无牙的龙的故事。维京英雄希卡普和他忠实的巨龙朋友无牙必须一起维护和平,与权欲熏心的德拉古作战,才能拯救人类和龙族的未来。

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes《猩球黎明》

Scheduled Release Date: 7 July, 2014


A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth's dominant species.


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1《饥饿游戏:自由幻梦(上)》

Scheduled Release Date: 21 November, 2014


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 and Part 2 sees Jennifer Lawrence return as Katniss Everdeen to take on the tyrannicalCapitol once and for all. After surviving yet another round of Hunger Games, she finds herself in the company of the rebels in District 13, thought to have been destroyed by the Capitol. With the help of her comrades, Katniss must stand against President Snow and become the symbol of hope the people of Panem desperately need. But will this last chapter take her life in the process?


The Hobbit: There and Back Again《霍比特人:去而复返》

Scheduled Release Date: 17 December, 2014


The Hobbit: There and Back Again is the epic conclusion to Peter Jackson's trilogy of films adapting the enduringly popular masterpiece The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien. The film concludes the adventure of the title character Bilbo Baggins, who joins the Wizard Gandalf and thirteen Dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, on an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor.《霍比特人:去而复返》是彼得·杰克逊电影三部曲史诗的结尾。电影改编自J. R. R.托尔金广受欢迎的巨著《霍比特人》。影片讲述了主角霍比特人比尔博·巴金斯冒险之旅的最后一程。在之前的故事中,比尔博加入了巫师甘道夫和由索林·橡木盾率领的13矮人的队伍,同他们一起踏上了夺回失陷的矮人王国伊鲁柏的伟大征程。☆永远的曼德拉Fascinating Anecdotes from People Who Knew Nelson Mandela本色曼德拉——传奇老人的四则轶事◎ From pbs.org译 / 宋怡秋


Story 轶事1

Storyteller: Richard Stengel, collaborated with Mandela on his autobiography, spending most of 1993 with him


We were once on a propplane ... And as soon as he gets on an airplane he picks up a newspaper. He adores newspapers ... And we're about, I don't know, halfway there ... I was sitting right across from him, and he pointed out the window ... and I saw, to my great horror, that the propellerhad stopped going around. And he said very, very calmly, ''Richard, you might want to inform the pilot that the propeller isn't working.'' I said, ''Yes, Madiba.'' I walked to the front of the plane, and the pilot was well aware of it and he said, ''Go back and sit down. We've called the airport.''

I went back and I told Madiba that, and he just, in that very solemn way, listened, and said, ''Yes.'' And then picked up his newspaper and started reading. I was terrified, and the way I calmed myself was I looked at him. And he was as calm as could be.



The plane landed. No problem. He never changed his expression or anything like that. And as we got into the airport and we sort of had a moment alone, he turned to me and he said, ''Man, I was scared up there.'' It was such a revelation because that's what courage is. Courage is not, not being scared. Courage is being terrified and not showing it. I was given courage by looking at him, because he was pretending not to be scared, and that's what he did for his whole life. The more you pretend that you're not scared, the more not scared you become, the more you inhabit that role, and that's what happened in Robben Island.


Story 轶事2

Storyteller: Wolfie Kodesh, who hid Mandela for nearly eight weeks in his bachelor apartment in a white suburb of Johannesburg


I brought him into the flat. Then we had a discussion and an argument about who is going to sleep where. I had a bed and I had a camp stretcherin a cupboard. So when I brought out the camp stretcher, I said to him, "Well, I'll sleep on the camp stretcher. You sleep on the bed because you are six foot something, I am five foot something." No, he wasn't going to have that. We had a bit of a talk about that and ... it was arranged, and I would sleep on the bed.

We had tea and all the rest of it, and then time came to sleep. So he said, "You don't mind, but I'm going to run around." He told me that he woke up very early in the morning, about 4:00 in the townships, and that he always went for these long runs. So I said, "No man, here you're in a white area. You can't get up at 4:00 or 5:00 running around. They patrol ..." He said, "I am going to run. You'll see. Don't worry. Let's go to sleep."



About 5:00 in the morning, I heard these camp stretchers squeak... I looked and I saw him sitting on the end of the stretcher, putting on long johns, and then the suits ... and I said to him, "Well, what's going on here?" He said, "I am going to start running." I said, ''Well, I am not going to give you the key to go out.'' Then he got up, and he started running on the spot.

So that was his running. I thought, ''Oh well, if you want to run on the spot, good luck to you. I am going to sleep.'' About a half an hour afterwards I woke up again, and he's still running on the spot ... and it went on for about an hour, and each time I just turned over and went to sleep again. At the end of it all, I noticed he did a few frog jumps across the flat ... that took at least an hour.



Story 轶事3

Storyteller: Christo Brand, who became Mandela's warderat Pollsmoor Prison


There were rumors that Mandela smuggledletters out and I asked Mandela about it. ''Did you smuggle a letter out?'' He said, ''Mr. Brand, you know if I'm alone in a cell and there's an ant walking there, there is still life around me. It means there's many ways to send a letter out.''

There was one occasion when after hours I opened his cell to give him a message that Mr. Kobie Coetsee wanted to see him. While I was standing there ... a long rope with something heavy on the bottom in a bag was thrown through the window from the top story ... into his cell.



So he caught it, he gave it to me, he said, ''Mr. Brand, it must be for you.'' When I opened it, it was actually for him. Inside was a letter. The criminal prisoners were asking for some tobacco or any foodstuff which he could give them ... then he could put it in a bag ... and he could add his letters, they would take it out because ... the criminals go to court every day and it was way for them to take a letter out.

I showed him the letter and he said, ''Mr. Brand, you must report this business.'' And so I reported it to the head of the prison and then two days or three days after that he was moved to hospital. Immediately, the prison department got some louvres. They put louvres on the whole top part of the section ...



Story 轶事4

Storyteller: Jessie Duarte, who had been Mandela's personal assistant for nearly four years after Mandela's release from prison in 1990


He always made his own bed, no matter where we traveled. I remember we were in Shanghai, in a very fancy hotel, and the Chinese hospitality requires that the person who cleans your room and provides you with your food, does exactly that. If you do it for yourself, it could even be regarded as an insult.

So in Shanghai I tried to say to him, ''Please don't make your own bed, because there's this custom here.'' And he said, ''Call them; bring them to me.''

So I did. I asked the hotel manager to bring the ladies who would be cleaning the room, so that he could explain why he himself has to make his own bed, and that they not feel insulted. He didn't ever want to hurt people's feelings. He never really cared about what great big people think of him, but he did care about what small people thought of him. That used to amaze me. He didn't mind if he insulted a very important person, or said something to them that was unkind, because he said they could fendand fight for themselves. But he would never insult someone who did not have power.



我照办了。我请酒店经理把要给我们打扫房间的那些女服务员找来,这样曼德拉就可以说明为什么他一定要自己整理床铺,从而不会令她们觉得自尊受到伤害。他从来不愿意伤害别人的感情。他从未真正在意那些大人物怎么看他,但他却很在意普通人对他的看法。这一点曾让我惊叹不已。他不在乎是否侮辱了某位要人,或者对他们说了一些不友好的话,因为他说那些大人物有能力保护自己并维护自己的权利。但是,他绝不会去侮辱那些无权无势的人。Long Walk to Freedom漫漫自由路◎ By Nelson Mandela译 / 赵青奇


I was not born with a hunger to be free. I was born free—free in every way that I could know. Free to run in the fields near my mother's hut, free to swim in the clear stream that ran through my village, free to roast mealiesunder the stars and ride the broad backs of slow-moving bulls. As long as I obeyed my father and abided bythe customs of my tribe, I was not troubled by the laws of man or God.

It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it. At first, as a student, I wanted freedom only for myself, the transitoryfreedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased, and go where I chose. Later, as a young man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the basic and honorable freedoms of achieving my potential, of earning my keep, of marrying and having a family—the freedom not to be obstructedin a lawful life.



But then I slowly saw that not only was I not free, but my brothers and sisters were not free. I saw that it was not just my freedom that was curtailed, but the freedom of everyone who looked like I did. That is when I joined the African National Congress, and that is when the hunger for my own freedom became the greater hunger for the freedom of my people. It was this desire for the freedom of my people to live their lives with dignity and self-respect that animated my life, that transformed a frightened young man into a bold one, that drove a law-abiding attorneyto become a criminal, that turned a family-loving husband into a man without a home, that forced a life-loving man to live like a monk. I am no more virtuous or self-sacrificing than the next man, but I found that I could not even enjoy the poor and limited freedoms I was allowed when I knew my people were not free. Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.






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