
发布时间:2020-10-13 11:10:35







版权信息书名:鲍勃·迪伦传(中英双语版)作者:萨利·巴伯排版:昀赛出版社:外语教学与研究出版社本书由外语教学与研究出版社有限责任公司 授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。—·版权所有 侵权必究·—Pop's Poet Laureate流行音乐界之桂冠诗人

In 2012, 70-year-old Bob Dylan marked the 50th anniversary of his debut album, Bob Dylan. For a half-century, the artist's genius forged modern culture and challenged ideas of what it meant to be a musician. Dylan pushed the envelope in the music world time and again. He was a reluctant spokesperson for the protest movement of the 1960s. His driven creative journey through music genres, film, literature and painting established a rich body of work provocatively articulating the human experience of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.


Dylan's second album, The Free wheel in' Bob Dylan, was released in 1963. Unlike the earlier folk album, it primarily contained original songs, including the iconic Blowin' In the Wind, and anti-war songs, Masters of War and A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall. Established artists Peter, Paul, and Mary, and Joan Baez recorded Dylan's new wave protest music, launching his image as a spokesperson of the Vietnam anti-war era. Despite populace pressure, it was a role Dylan refused to claim. Songs from the period, such as Blowin' In The Wind and The Times They Are a-Chang in' found their way into the American songbook.


Dylan's poetic, literate folk songs ignited new possibilities for the singer-songwriter. Only two years after coming on the scene, Dylan's fresh style and innovation was to revolution the rock genre. He stunned crowds at the 1965 Newport Festival when he abandoned his acoustic guitar for an electric guitar. Viewed by many as an unforgivable betrayal of folk music traditions, fans booed, but there was no turning back. The marriage of folk to rock was consummated.


Many quickly recognized Dylan's rare genius. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum reported that folksinger Pete Seeger, one of Dylan's early influences, is known to have said of the young musician, "He'll be America's greatest troubadour, if he doesn't explode." Over the years, Dylan proved he was capable of managing his prolific genius. Throughout his career, he remained true to a path defined by his artistic instincts. It inspired an ever-changing repertoire and a long list of achievements and prestigious awards. While not all of Dylan's works were received warmly by fans and critics, his career never appeared manipulated by critical response.


Dylan's antics filmed in 1965 for D.A Penne baker's documentary Don't Look Back fostered the birth of the music video. Tapes from Dylan's informal sessions with The Band are considered among the genre's first bootleg material, according to an iTunes biography of the artist. Fans were periodically led into new musical directions. In the late 1970s, Dylan announced he was a born-again Christian. The announcement was followed by the release of three religious albums.


In 2008, Dylan broke more ground when he added the prestigious Pulitzer Prize to his extensive list of awards. Billboard reported, "It was the first time judges, who have long favored classical music, and, more recently, jazz, awarded an art form once dismissed as barbaric, even subversive." Noting Dylan's powerful influence, the Pulitzer citation celebrated the artist for his "profound impact on popular music and the American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power."


In his seventh decade, Bob Dylan continues to gift audiences with insights, innovations, and enduring and unique artistic voice.

在生命的第七十个年头,鲍勃·迪伦仍在向观众展现他的睿智和创意,呈献经久不衰、独特的艺术之音。A Modern Troubadour Grows Up一位当代民谣歌手成长历程

Bob Dylan's early years were blessed by a stable family life and the benefits of a traditional hard-working American community. Dylan's parents, the vivacious Beatrice (Beatty) Stone and the shy Abe Zimmerman, married in 1934 when the country was struggling to emerge from the Great Depression. With money tight, the young Jewish couple lived with Beatty's mother in Duluth, Minnesota, wrote Howard Sounes in his book, Down the Highway: The Life of Bob Dylan. On May 24, 1941, Bob Dylan entered the world. The baby was given two names, Sounes noted. Dylan was given the Hebrew name Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham and also Robert Allen Zimmerman.

鲍勃·迪伦早年生活幸福,家庭稳定。当时美国全社会都在勤劳工作,社会环境也很和谐。迪伦的父母——活泼的碧翠丝·斯通(贝蒂)和生性腼腆的亚伯·齐默尔曼,在1934年结婚,当时美国正在努力摆脱大萧条的阴影。《沿着公路直行:鲍勃·迪伦传》的作者桑华德·桑恩思在书中写道,由于手头拮据,这对年轻的犹太夫妇和贝蒂的母亲一起住在明尼苏达州的德卢斯市。1941年5月24日,鲍勃·迪伦来到这个世界上。桑恩思写道,小婴儿被取了两个名字:其中一个是希伯来名字Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham,另一个是罗伯特·艾伦·齐默尔曼。

Two important events occurred in young Dylan's life in 1946. His brother David Benjamin was born and the family moved 75 miles northwest of Duluth to Hibbing, Minnesota. Sounes stated the move was prompted by a need to live closer to family members after Abe was afflicted with polio.


Bob Dylan's hometown of Hibbing is located in St. Louis County. The city is the self proclaimed "Iron Capital of the World." Frank Hibbing, a German, established the community in 1893 after he discovered iron ore in the region, which then fueled a strong mining industry. The entire town was relocated two miles in the 1920s, one building at a time, to mine ore discovered beneath the settlement. The town gradually grew in population. By 2010, the community could boast of 16,000 residents.


While Bob Dylan's first years were marked by the events of World War II, the post-war years provided an optimistic environment. The socially significant Baby Boom was underway. The positive mood of the country was reflected in the 1946 release of the iconic movie, It's a Wonderful Life. It was in post-war Hibbing, Bobby, as he was called by friends and family, enjoyed boyhood riding bikes, swimming, fishing, skating and other common activities.


Dylan's interest in music and language emerged early. Bobby presented his first "concert" at a family gathering when he was just four years old, according to Sounes. As a youngster, he wrote poems for his mother and father. It is documented by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum that by the time he was ten years old, Dylan had learned how to play piano and harmonica. He taught himself to play guitar and while still in high school, he formed a band called the Golden Chords.


Following high school graduation in 1959, Dylan enrolled at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis to study art. A Rolling Stone magazine biography states Dylan lasted only three semesters at the university and during this brief college career he performed folksongs at coffeehouses under the name Bob Dylan. Dylan adopted the name from the famous Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. Dylan Thomas was also known as prolific artist from an early age. Born in 1914, the poet is remembered for his plays Under Milk Wood and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog. Bobby Zimmerman legally assumed the name Bob Dylan in August 1962.


The summer of 1960, Dylan lived in Denver, Colorado. It was here he made the commitment to build a music career. An iTunes biography notes the budding musician's encounter with blues artist Jesse Fuller that summer was key to Dylan's musical development.


The following January, Dylan left the Midwest behind to pursue his music career in New York City. There was another reason Dylan wanted to be in the Big Apple: he wished to connect to one of his greatest musical influences, Woody Guthrie.


Folk singer/songwriter Woody Guthrie is one of the most celebrated artists of America's Dust Bowl Days. Of the 3,000 songs he wrote, his most beloved song, This Land is Your Land, is still learned by school children around the country. During the 1930s and 1940s, Guthrie's political protest music centered on a variety of social causes, such as union organizing, anti-fascism, and peace. Guthrie was hospitalized later in life when symptoms of Huntington's Chorea, a degenerative disease of the nervous system, took hold and essentially robbed him of his talent.


While hospitalized, many young folksingers visited Guthrie's bedside. They brought their guitars, their songs and their appreciation. The Woody Guthrie website reports, along with Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Phil Ochs and the Green briar Boys were visitors. It was during this period Dylan commemorated his musical hero with his tune, Song to Woody.


It wasn't long after arriving in New York that Dylan became a part of the Greenwich Village music scene. Rolling Stone magazine reported that by April he was opening for blues artist John Lee Hooker with Guthrie-like songs at Gerdes Folk City. Only a few months later, a positive review by Robert Shelton published in The New York Times led to Dylan's first record contract. Dylan was on his way to one of the longest lasting music careers in popular music.


Recognized around the world for his lifelong creative contributions, Duluth and Hibbing's native son is honored at his birthplace and hometown. In 2006, Duluth named a 1.8 mile stretch of road the Bob Dylan Pathway to honor the artist's legacy. The path way traverses Duluth's downtown district and connects the city's primary cultural assets.






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