
发布时间:2020-10-28 08:22:33









本系列分为五个级别,词汇量逐级扩大,“如何使用本书”和“如何提高英语阅读水平”提供了概括性的指导。另外,本系列还针对不同的故事内容设计了“你读懂了多少”(Comprehension Quiz),帮助你检测阅读理解的效果。“阅读准备”(Before You Read)以图文并茂的形式让读者对生词形成一定的感性认识,并在文中给出更详尽的注释。书后附有译文,帮助你更好地理解故事。本系列还配有精美的插图和“背景知识”(Understanding the Story),让你的阅读更加多姿多彩。




查尔斯·狄更斯(1812~1870)Charles Dickens



❶ 原汁原味的作品


❷ 重点词汇(Key Words)


❸ 一点通(One Point Lesson)








想学好英语并没有捷径。只有那些进行大量阅读的学习者才能登上语言学习的顶峰。如果你经常大量地阅读英语作品,相信你的英语水平会有一个令人惊喜的提高。The Christmas Carol


Before You Read阅读准备Scrooge 斯克罗吉

My name is Ebenezer Scrooge. I hate to spend money or give money away. I have only one thing to say about Christmas, "Bah, humbug!"

我叫埃比尼泽·斯克罗吉。我讨厌花钱,也不喜欢捐钱做善事。对于圣诞节,我只会说:“呸,骗人的东西!”Marley 马利

I am Jacob Marley. I used to be partners with Ebenezer Scrooge. Unfortunately, I died seven years ago. Now, I must wear a chain and walk through the world of the living.

我叫雅各布·马利。我过去是埃比尼泽·斯克罗吉的合伙人。不幸的是我七年前去世了。现在,我必须戴着一条链子在活人的世界里行走。Bob Crachit 鲍勃·克拉奇蒂

I am Bob Crachit. I work for Mr. Scrooge as a clerk. I have a beautiful family and a good life. I work very hard, but sadly I don't make much money.

我叫鲍勃·克拉奇蒂。我受雇于斯克罗吉先生。我有一个幸福的家庭,过着快乐的生活。我工作非常努力,但可惜赚的钱不多。Fred 弗雷德

My name is Fred. I am Mr. Scrooge's nephew. I am quite different from my uncle. I like to laugh and spend time with my lovely family. I guess I take after my mother.

我叫弗雷德,是斯克罗吉先生的外甥。我与我的舅舅截然不同。我喜欢笑,喜欢与我可爱的家人在一起。我猜我像妈妈。Chistmas Ghost of Past 昔日圣诞幽灵

I am the Ghost of Christmas Past. I show Ebenezer Scrooge his past Christmases. I try to make him see his faults by reminding him of better times.

我是昔日圣诞幽灵。我让埃比尼泽·斯克罗吉看到他过去过圣诞节的场景。通过让他想起从前美好的时光,我想帮助他看到自己的过错。Christmas Ghost of Present 今日圣诞幽灵

I am the Ghost of Christmas Present. I show Ebenezer Scrooge scenes from this Christmas, which will hopefully convince him to change his miserly ways.

我是今日圣诞幽灵。我带埃比尼泽·斯克罗吉看了这次圣诞节的一些场景,希望能够说服他改变自己吝啬的行为。Christmas Ghost of Future 未来圣诞幽灵

I am the Ghost of Christmas Future. I must show Ebenezer Scrooge what waits for him in the future if he remains a heartless, mean old man.

我是未来圣诞幽灵。我必须让埃比尼泽·斯克罗吉知道,如果他继续做一个无情、吝啬的老头儿的话,未来等待他的会是什么。第1章斯克罗吉CHAPTER 1 Scrooge

A long, long time ago, Scrooge and Marley had been good business partners. Each had tried to work harder than the other. Each had wanted to be richer than the other.

Even now, seven years after Marley had died, the company was still called 'Scrooge and Marley.'

If you went to their office, that is what you would see on the door, 'Scrooge and Marley.' But now the only owner was Scrooge.

Scrooge was known by everyone to be mean, miserly, and cold.

He hated spending money and he hated giving money away even more. And cold? Scrooge's thin white lips, icy blue nose, and tiny red eyes showed the cold. His weak, brittle voice could make you hear the cold. Feeling the cold was the worst — he kept his office very, very cold, especially at Christmas. He hated to buy charcoal for the fire, so his office was always cold and dark.

Though it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, it was already getting dark because of the heavy, wet fog. The only other person in the office was Bob Cratchit, Scrooge's clerk. Bob was sitting next to a tiny fire. He tried warming his hands over the candle he was using for light, but that couldn't help.

"Merry Christmas, Uncle!" a cheerful voice suddenly said. It was Scrooge's young nephew, Fred.

"Bah, humbug," answered Scrooge. He looked angry about having his work interrupted.

"Humbug?! Why do you think Christmas is a humbug, Uncle?" Fred looked warm. "Surely you don't mean that. Everyone likes Christmas."

"Yes, I do mean it," said Scrooge. "Merry Christmas, what is there to be merry about? Aren't you poor? You have nothing to be happy about."

"Well, why aren't you happy, Uncle? You are very rich," Fred answered with a smile.

Scrooge was getting angry. "There are many fools in the world wishing each other 'Merry Christmas' when they don't even have any money!"

"Uncle, please! It's such a nice time of year."

"Nice?! What is nice? I never make any money on Christmas because no one ever works."

Scrooge didn't understand Christmas.

"But Christmas isn't about money, Uncle." said Fred. "I love Christmas. It's a time to be happy and generous!"

Bob, in his tiny office, agreed.

"You are right, sir. Merry Christmas to you."

"You get back to work," Scrooge ordered.

"Or you won't have a job to be merry about."

"Don't be angry, Uncle. I just came to invite you to Christmas dinner." Fred knew his uncle didn't like Christmas, but he felt sorry for Scrooge. Scrooge had no family.

"No, I'm too busy. You have your Christmas, and I'll have mine. Now leave me alone."

"But won't you join us, Uncle? We are family, and we should be friends."

"Bye," was Scrooge's only answer.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. But I wish you a merry Christmas all the same."

As Fred walked out, he said, "Merry Christmas!" to poor Bob in his cold office.

"Yes, a happy Christmas to you, too," Bob answered warmly. Then he opened the door for Fred and watched him walking away into the fog.

"Two poor fools wishing each other a merry Christmas," Scrooge said.

Just then two fat gentlemen wearing expensive clothes came into the office.

"Excuse us, is this 'Scrooge and Marley's office'?"

"Yes, it is," answered Scrooge, again looking angry about an interruption.

"May I ask, are you Mr. Scrooge or Mr. Marley?" one of the men asked.

"Mr. Marley is dead. He died on Christmas Eve seven years ago, in 1836."

"Oh, I'm sorry," said the same man. "But we are here, at this blessed time of year, to ask if you would like to give some money to the poor. So many people have nothing to eat."

"Aren't there any prisons?" asked Scrooge. "Or any orphanages?"

"Well, yes, sir, there are still many prisons and orphanages."

"What about poorhouses for the poor?" Scrooge said with a mean look.

"It's sad, but there are still many poorhouses, orphanages, and prisons," said the same man. "But many people can't go there. They are cold and have little to eat. Could you please help them by donating some money?"

"No, I will give no money to people who are too lazy to work." said Scrooge.

"But sir, some of them could die. Won't you help them?"

"I do help them. They already get too much money from me and my taxes. Besides, there are too many people in the world now. A few lazy fools dying is a good thing!"

The two men could tell Scrooge would never give them anything. They gave Bob a sorrowful look.

"Now get back to work and no more interruptions!" Scrooge shouted at his clerk.

The afternoon slowly became night. It was time to go home.

"I guess you want the whole day tomorrow," Scrooge said angrily to his clerk. "You want to sit at home all day and still get paid?"

"Well, yes, sir, if it isn't a bother. It is Christmas."

Bob was worried about not being able to be with his family.

"Bah, humbug! It is a bother. Every year on December 25th, you don't work, but I have to pay you. It's money for nothing!"

Bob just looked down, holding his hat tightly in his hands.

"All right, I have no choice. But be here early on the 26th."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Bob left quickly before Scrooge could change his mind. Once he was outside, he forgot all about the work — it was Christmas Eve. He was happy to be going home to his family.KEY WORDS

business partner 生意伙伴

call v. 叫做

owner n. 所有者

mean adj. 吝啬的

miserly adj. 贪婪的

cold adj. 冷漠的

hate v. 不愿,讨厌

give away 赠送

tiny adj. 极小的

weak adj. (声音)虚弱的

brittle adj. (声音)尖利的

charcoal n. 木炭

though conj. 虽然

heavy adj. (雾气)浓重的

clerk n. 雇员,职员

warm v. 使温暖

cheerful adj. 高兴的

suddenly adv. 突然

nephew n. 外甥

bah int. (表示轻蔑、厌恶等)呸!

humbug n. 骗人的东西,胡扯

angry adj. 生气的

interrupt v. 打断

surely adv. 想必

mean v. 意指


wish v. 祝愿

each other 互相

make money 挣钱

generous adj. 慷慨的

get back to 回去……

order v. 命令

invite v. 邀请

feel sorry for 为……感到难过

leave sb. alone 不打扰某人

join v. 加入

all the same 仍然

poor adj. 可怜的

just then 就在这时

wear v. 穿着


expensive adj. 昂贵的

blessed adj. 幸福的,快乐的

prison n. 监狱,看守所

orphanage n. 孤儿院

What about... ?(提出建议、询问消息或征求意见时用)……怎么样?

poorhouse n. 救济院,济贫院

look n. 目光

donate v. 捐献,捐赠

too ... to ... 太……以至不能……

tax n. 税

besides adv. 此外

tell v. 断定,知道


sorrowful adj. 伤心的

guess v. 猜想

whole adj. 整个的

all day 整天

pay v. 给……报酬


bother n. 麻烦

be worried about 担心……

for nothing 徒然,白白地

hold v. 拿着,握住


tightly adv. 紧紧地

change one's mind 改变主意

once conj. 一旦One Point Lesson

Each had tried to work harder than the other.



e.g. I had lived in Beijing before I moved to Shanghai two years ago.


But we are here, at this blessed time of year, to ask if you would like to give some money to the poor.



e.g. the poor


the rich


the living


the dead

死人CHAPTER 1第1章Comprehension Quiz你读懂了多少

A 根据故事内容,找出与斯克罗吉相关的词。

B 根据故事内容,将下列两栏相关的内容用线连接起来。

C 根据词意,将下列两栏相关的内容用线连接起来。

D 选择正确的答案。

❶ Fred came to Scrooge's office _________________.

(a) to make his uncle angry

(b) to invite him to Christmas dinner

(c) to give him charcoal for the fire

❷ The gentlemen came to Scrooge's office _________________.

(a) to get a donation

(b) to ask him to pay taxes

(c) to wish him a merry Christmas

E 根据故事内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。

❶ Scrooge and Marley worked together for seven years.


❷ Christmas was only a time for Scrooge to be generous.


❸ Fred felt sorry for Scrooge because Scrooge had no family.


❹ Bob didn't have to work on Christmas.

T F答案

A ❶ miserly, cold, mean

B ❶ - ⓒ

❷ - ⓑ

❸ - ⓐ

C ❶ - ⓑ

❷ - ⓐ

❸ - ⓒ

D ❶ (b)

❷ (a)

E ❶ F

❷ F

❸ T

❹ T第2章马利的鬼魂CHAPTER 2 Marley's Ghost

Bob went home to see his family; Scrooge went back to his empty house. The house was cold and dark. For some people the darkness was scary, but Scrooge liked it — it was cheap.

That night when he got home, however, the house seemed strange. Maybe it was because it was Marley's house and he had died exactly seven years ago this very day. Maybe it was just because the heavy fog made it darker than normal. It seemed like there was someone or something else in the house.

Scrooge lit a candle and looked around the room.

"Bah, humbug," he said, "no one is here." Still, he carefully locked the door and then made a little fire in the fireplace.

As the fire started to burn, Scrooge thought he heard something in the house. He looked around again, but it was just the ticking of the clock.

In the quiet, Scrooge could hear something else. It was far away, but it was coming closer.

It sounded like chains being dragged across the floor above.

Scrooge nervously shook his head.

"This can't be happening. I must be dreaming," he thought to himself.

Just then the doorbell began to ring loudly. Scrooge wasn't dreaming. Slowly, something came into the room. It wore Marley's old clothes, while its whole body was wrapped in a chain. Many familiar things were attached to the chain — the account books, heavy cashboxes, keys and locks. But the most familiar thing of all was the face.

The face! He recognized it right away as Marley's.

"Who are you?" asked Scrooge.

"Ask not who I am, ask who I was."

"Who were you?" Scrooge cried out. "What do you want from me?"

"You know who I am. I can see it in your eyes."

"It can't be you. That's impossible," Scrooge said.

"No! Scrooge, you know it is I, Jacob Marley, your old business partner!" The ghost shouted in anger.

The sudden loud noise scared Scrooge. He didn't want to believe it, but looking into those cold eyes frightened him. He didn't know how or why, but he knew it was Marley. Scrooge began to be very afraid.

"Yes, I know it is you, Jacob. Why are you here? What do you want?"

Scrooge's voice trembled as he spoke. His heart grew cold with fear.

"If a man stays away from other people while he is alive, that man becomes like me," the ghost answered shaking its chain sadly. "Though I am dead, I must walk through the world of the living. I can see people laugh, but I cannot laugh with them. Happiness, sadness, joy — I can see them all, but none of them are for me."

"But why are you here, before me?" Scrooge's voice shook as he spoke. "And why are you wearing that chain?"

"This chain, this heavy chain of sorrow and pain? You have one just like it, Ebenezer Scrooge. Only yours is far longer and far heavier," the ghost said. "This is the chain I made during my lifetime. Every time I refused to help those in need, the chain became a little longer. When I died, our chains were about the same, Scrooge, but now, after seven years, yours is so much longer than mine."

"But what can I do, Jacob? Please, tell me what I can do," Scrooge was now begging for help.





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