雅思听力1000词 (雅思1000词系列 4)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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雅思听力1000词 (雅思1000词系列 4)

雅思听力1000词 (雅思1000词系列 4)试读:



然而盲目扩大词汇量并不可行。一些考生背了很多单词,但做题时还是听不懂,有些即便听懂了,也无法结合上下文确定句子的含义。其实,这些问题总结起来有以下几个原因:● 不熟悉雅思常考习语搭配

雅思听力考试模拟真实环境,因此说话者的语速、停顿等都令习惯于慢速及匀速的考生感到不适应,而考试中考生需要即刻判断材料内容,没有过多的思考时间。例如bubble和economy都是熟悉的单词,其组成的词组bubble economy是指“泡沫经济”,在口语中较少用到,如果不熟悉将会给答题带来困扰。● 不熟悉同义词、同义词组及单词间的联系

雅思听力中很多题目和材料并非一一对应,而是题目中用同义词或同义词组的方式转述材料的内容,考生如果对单词的同义词、同义词组不熟悉就很难做出正确选择。例如在材料中听到the box office has been reoriented with…,而材料中相对应的选项是replaced,考生需要迅速将单词reoriented和replaced对应起来。● 不熟悉各种口音

雅思听力以英音为主,但其中还会掺杂澳洲口音、美音以及其他地区的口音。例如:schedule在英式英语里的发音是['5edju:l],而在美式英语里的发音是['sked9u:l],相差很大,对二者区别不熟悉的考生很容易出错。因此对于习惯于单一口音、尤其是美音的考生来说,多种口音也是一道障碍。● 不熟悉雅思考试中的常考词义和文化知识

雅思听力和口语材料均取自真实场景,很多考生在不了解文化背景的情况下,如果听不懂材料就无法答对题目;雅思考试又是有一定重复性的,一些单词词义是反复考查的,因此了解这些常考词义有助于考生突破听力障碍。例如:在对话中出现Would you be interested in us taking your present car as part exchange?就是在询问对方是否愿意把自己的旧车拿出来进行交换买卖,如果不知道这种买卖方法,不了解part exchange的意思,是无法理解这句话的。




①词组派送:雅思听力考试中包含大量的词组,常考查的听力场景也相对固定,如日常生活场景、工作生活场景等。在这些特定的场景下,一些固定短语搭配则经常出现,如常在学术场景中出现的bar graph(线状图)。若考生不了解此类词组的意思,就会影响答题效率和准确性。本书为考生归纳总结了听力中的常用词组搭配,便于考生进行系统复习,扫清了考生对常考词组搭配不熟悉的障碍。

②同义转述:在雅思听力考试中,同义词或同义词组也是一大考查重点,如对话中提到了disadvantage,答案中出现的是drawback;词组也如此,对话中说到了keep to oneself,而选项中则用be not friendly来替代keep to oneself表述同样的意思。如果考生不了解这样的替换关系,那么考试中就无法得出答案,为此本书给出了该单词的同义词以及相关词组的同义词组,并帮助考生建立单词间的联系,扫清考生对同义词、同义词组不熟悉的障碍。


同时也对一些容易发生连读现象的词组进行说明,如:in advance这个词组中的in和advance中的a经常连读,请考生注意辨别。


④要点提示:在本书主词条的下设项目中,还设置了“要点”,这部分的作用等同于雅思的听力机经,其中的很多提示内容皆是针对真题特点提供的,此外还总结了相关单词和英语国家文化知识,横向扩充了考生的词汇量和文化常识。牢记这部分,考生实际上就已经得到一些分数了。如:address这个单词的要点提示是:经常在Section 1里用到,在租房、图书馆、办理各类手续等场景中常见,address后面接的地址信息一般都是出题点,在填写地址时注意单词首字母大写。这部分旨在帮助考生扫清对语言文化知识及相关场景单词不熟悉的障碍。3.听力技巧提示,背景知识介绍,复习事半功倍。


希望本书能够助各位辛苦备考的考生一臂之力,并衷心祝愿你们顺利通过考试!编者part 1雅思听力如何获得高分




比较常见的就是连读、吞音和弱化的现象,比如a cup of tea中的cup of以及half an hour都存在典型的连读现象。如果我们对这些发音现象不熟悉,就可能无法听懂听力内容,例如:


Choose THREE letters,A-G.

Which THREE things can students have with them in the museum?

A food

B water

C cameras

D books

E bags

F pens

G worksheets


When the students come into the museum foyer we ask them to check in their backpacks with their books,lunch boxes,etc,at the cloakroom before they enter the museum proper.I'm afraid in the past we have had a few things gone missing after school visits so this is a strict rule.Also,some of the exhibits are fragile and we don't want them to be accidentally knocked.But we do provide school students with handouts with questions and quizzes on them.


我们为你解决发音难题:handout['h1ndaJt] t 的发音尽可能弱化(标注单词特殊发音,帮助攻克听力难题。) n.施舍物,传单,(免费)散发的文字材料;新闻通报;宣传材料【例句】 The information about visa applications is all in the handout.有关签证申请的信息全部都包含在宣传材料中。【要点】 hand out作一个词时重音在词首,分开构成动词短语hand out,意思是“分发,施舍”,注意在听力中辨别。二、影响理解的单词



Choose the correct letter,A,B or C.

When are the experimental areas closed to the public?

A all the year round

B almost all the year

C a short time every year


All these areas can be visited by the general public for almost the year…although…please take note of the large signs at the entrance to each area which tell…which tell you when certain areas are being used for particular controlled experiments and are therefore temporarily out of bounds to the public.

对于out of bounds,许多考生可能会感觉比较陌生。但如果没有掌握这个用法,可能就很难选出选项C是正确答案。

我们为你解决理解单词的难题:bound[baJnd]a.一定的,必然的;受约束的;有义务的 v.跳跃,跳跃着前进;弹回;成为…的界线,给…划界 n.跳跃;【常作pl.】界限【搭配】 bound for 开往…的;out of bounds 禁止入内的【例句】 He bounded to his feetand waved good-bye to his friends.他一跃而起,向朋友们挥手告别。(地道的真题模拟例句,帮助考生理解单词用法。)三、学科相关单词



Choose the correct letter,A,B or C.

What is the main purpose of having the Rare Breeds Section?

A to save unusual animals

B to keep a variety of breeds

C to educate the public


A good place to start on your tour is the Rare Breeds Section.We keep goats,sheep and hens and other kinds of poultry.We are also thinking of bringing in cows and horses but we do not,as yet,have facilities for these bigger animals.The animals are fed in public twice a day and a short lecture given on their feeding habits and nutritional needs.These are very popular with the public but of course we mustn't lose sight of the main purpose of having this section.Not as such to preserve rare animals but to maintain the diversity of breeds to broaden the gene pool for agricultural development.


我们为你解决学科相关单词的难题:breed[bri:d]n.品种,种类v.(使)繁殖,生殖;产生,引起;抚养,饲养同reproduce(多个词义一网打尽,全方位学习单词。)【搭配】 breedfish 养鱼【例句】 Ted Hunter will tell us about the possibility of breeding and rearing these birds in this country.泰德·亨特将告诉我们在该国繁殖和饲养这些鸟的可能性有多大。part 2雅思听力备考策略一、关于雅思听力







● Multiple Choice选择题

● Matching配对题

● Form/Table/Flow-chart Completion图表完成题

● Note Taking & Gap Filling填空题

● Short-answer Question & Sentence Completion 简答题和句子完成题



配对题通常出现在Section 3和Section 4中,这种题目的难度在于选项与题干不是一一对应,而是会有多出的干扰项。


Which statement applies to each of the following people who were interviewed by Shona?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter,A-F.

A gave false data

B decided to stop participating

C refused to tell Shona about their job

D kept changing their mind about participating

E became very angry with Shona

F was worried about confidentiality

People interviewed by Shona

a person interviewed in the street_____

an undergraduate at the university_____

a colleague in her department_____

a tutor in a foreign university_____


I thought you might also be interested in some of the problems I encountered in collecting my data.There were odd cases that threw me,one of the subjects who I had approached while he was out shopping in town,decided to pull out when it came to the second round…

And one of the first-year students I interviewed wanted reassurance that no names would be traceable from the answers…

Then,one of the people that I work with got a bit funny.The questions were quite personal and one minute he said he'd do it,then the next day he wouldn't,and in the end he did do it…

The most bizarre case was a telephone interview I did with a teacher at a university in France.He answered all my questions in great detail,but then when I asked how much access he had to dangerous substances he wouldn't tell me exactly what his work involved.It's a real eye-opener…

解析:根据题干中的People interviewed by Shona可知,我们要重点关注的不是interview或者Shona,而是被采访的people。所以当听到I thought you might also be interested in some of the problems I encountered in collecting my data.时,就要多加留意了,因为data一定是来自被采访对象的。

根据one of the subjects who I had approached while he was out shopping in town,decided to pull out…可知他最后决定pull out,也就是“退出”的意思,所以第一题选B;

根据one of the first-year students I interviewed wanted reassurance that no names would be traceable from the answers可知,这名学生不希望从答案中透露自己的姓名,也就是说他希望答案是机密的,所以选F;

根据one of the people that I work with got a bit funny.The questions were quite personal and one minute he said he'd do it,then the next day he wouldn't,and in the end he did do it.这部分可知,这名同事一直在改变主意,所以选D;

根据a telephone interview I did with a teacher at a university in France和he wouldn't tell me exactly what his work involved可知,这名老师不愿透露自己的职业,所以选C。






Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.



I need to take down a few details of the actual damage over the phone before you put in a full report.Can you tell me how many items were damaged and what the damage was?


Yes,well four things actually.I'll start with the big things.My TV first of all…


Our insurance doesn't cover electrical problems.


It isn't an electrical problems.The screen has a huge crack in it so it's unusable.


…What was the second item?


The cabinet from the bathroom was damaged as well…


And what is the extent of the damage?


Well,the back and the sides seem okay but the door has a huge hole in it…


And how much do you think it will cost to replace it?


Well,when I bought it last year I paid $125 for it.But the one I've seen here in Sydney is a bit more expensive,it's $140.


Right,what's the third item?


My dining room table…It must have been very hot inside the container because one leg has completely split down the middle…


…What's the last item,Mr Alexander?


Well,we have a lovely set of china plates and dishes…They were all in the box which must have got dropped because some plates were broken—six actually.


And can you tell me the replacement value of these?


Well,it's hard to say because they were part of a set but they can be up to $10 each as it's such a good set.


Okay,so that would be around $60 altogether?


Yes,that's right.


因为被损坏物品的情况一定是一件一件来描述的,所以听到Can you tell me how many items were damaged and what the damage was?这句话时,就要开始留心了。

当说到电视的时候,根据the screen has a huge crack可知,电视需要更换屏幕,所以第一个空应填screen。

然后根据What was the second item?可知下面要说第二件物品。由The cabinet from the bathroom was damaged可知第二个空应填bathroom;Michael描述柜子时说到the back and the sides seem okay but the door has a huge hole in it,听到but时要注意,转折词后面的内容通常是重点,因此第三个空要填door;同理,谈到价格时,虽然前面说到购买价格是125美元,但后面又补充说这款柜子在当地售价更高,所以第四个空应填140。

第三件物品是dining room table,它的问题是one leg has completely split down the middle,所以横线上只要填leg就可以了。

最后谈到了损坏的餐具,根据some plates were broken—six actually可知,第六个空应填plates;根据下文的they can be up to $10 each 和Judy说的so that would be around $60 altogether?可知最后一个空应填60。三、必备听力技巧





在开始听题目的时候,当听到那些表示转折、递进、并列、对比等关系的连词,比如:although,but,What's more,otherwise,instead…时,一定要多加留意。因为这些词的出现往往意味着重要答案就在附近。但也要注意不要被误导,因为although后面的句子中所含的信息通常是不重要的,重点在于后面的内容。




雅思听力试题的录音中有时会有口音出现,如果不熟悉这样的发音,对一些简单的词汇可能也无法很快反应过来。比如often在美式英语中,可能会被读作of-ten['3:ft4n]。如果不熟悉外国人的口音,就可能造成理解障碍。因此建议考生多熟悉一下其他国家的人说英语时的发音习惯,以免造成不必要的失分。part 3雅思听力话题词汇Listen to Me 1日常生活篇Part One 熟悉单词abode[ə'bəʊd]n.房屋,家;住所同dwelling【搭配】 right of abode 居住权;fixed abode 固定的居住场所;permanent abode 永久住所【例句】 I do not dare to linger in that abode because it is too dark.我不敢在那个房屋中逗留,因为它太暗了。【要点】 租房场景中常用的房屋类词汇:

dwelling 住处

bungalow 平房

semi-detached house半独立住宅

duplex house 双户住宅

residence 住宅

terraced houses 排房

block of flats 公寓楼abundance[ə'bʌndəns]n.大量,丰富,充足同large quantity【搭配】 in abundance丰富【例句】 At the party,there was food and drink supply in abundance.宴会上,食品和饮料供应都很充足。accidentally[W1ksIˑdent4li]ad.偶然地,意外地【例句】 Some of the exhibits are fragile and we hope they won't be accidentally knocked.一些展品是易碎的,而我们不希望它们被意外打破。address[ə'dres]n.地址;演说 v.写地址;演说;对付【搭配】 address a letter 在信上写地址;address sb.向…致词【例句】 In the marketing course I will address all these commercial issues.在市场营销课上,我会讲解所有这些商务问题。【要点】 在雅思听力场景中经常出现“Please write your name and address on the paper/form.”等表达,address经常在Section 1里用到,在租房、图书馆、办理各类手续等场景中常见,address后面接的地址信息一般都是出题点,在填写地址时注意单词首字母大写。afford[4'f3:d]v.担负得起;买得起;提供,给予同be able to pay/buy【搭配】 afford to do sth.负担得起做…;afford to sth.买得起【例句】 I don't think I could afford to support myself with no salary for a whole year.我认为在一整年没有薪水的情况下我无法养活自己。【要点】 afford一般出现在租房场景中,例如:How much can you afford maximum?aisle[aɪl]s不发音 n.走道;侧廊;过道【搭配】 an aisle seat 靠过道的座位【例句】 The hidden television camera monitors our physical movement around the supermarket aisles.隐蔽的摄像头监视着我们在超市过道处的行动。attempt[ə'tempt]t的发音尽可能弱化 n.企图,努力 v.尝试,试图同try【搭配】 make attempt 尝试;attempt at(doing)sth.尝试做…【例句】 The union's attempt is to help students of this university to stay healthy when coping with study and social life at the same time.这个组织努力帮助这所大学的学生在处理学习和社交的同时能保持健康。awesome['ɔsəm]a.使人敬畏的,使人惊惧的;了不起的【例句】 It's very familiar to me and it's awesome both geographically and visually.这对我来说很熟悉,而且从地理上和视觉上都棒极了。【要点】 awesome用在口语中时,常表示“卓越的;棒极了的”。block[blɒk]n.大楼,街区;阻塞;大块木料(或石料、金属) v.阻塞,阻拦,封锁同district【搭配】 office blocks 办公大楼;block of flats 公寓楼【例句】 The administration office is in the building called block D.行政办公室在D号办公楼里。bound[baʊnd]a.一定的,必然的;受约束的;有义务的 v.跳跃,跳跃着前进;弹回;成为…的界线,给…划界 n.跳跃;【常作pl.】界限【搭配】 bound for 开往…的;out of bounds 禁止入内的【例句】 He bounded to his feet and waved good-bye to his friends.他一跃而起,向朋友们挥手告别。buffet['bʊfeɪ]t不发音 n.自助餐 v.连续猛击【搭配】 buffet car 自助餐车【例句】 The ball will give everyone a chance to meet and get to know each other,and we'll be serving you a buffet lunch in the Main Hall,which is on the first floor.我会给大家一个认识了解彼此的机会,我们将在一楼的大厅为大家提供自助午餐。【要点】 本词来自法语,拼写时不要丢掉结尾的t。calendar['k1lInd4(r)]n.日历,月历【搭配】 a perpetual calendar 万年历【例句】 The professor's calendar is full for the rest of the week.这位教授本周接下来的时间安排得很满。carry['k1ri]]v.运送,搬运;传送,传播;领,带同bring;take【搭配】 carry off 夺去;carry on 继续下去,坚持下去;从事;carry out 贯彻;实现【例句】 We advised the customers to carry either euros or dollars.我们建议顾客带着欧元或美元。【要点】 在雅思听力中,carry后面经常加money和passport等词作宾语。claim[kleɪm]n.要求;主张,断言;索赔;权利,要求权,所有权 v.要求;声称,主张;索赔同assert;demand;request【搭配】 lay claim to 对…提出所有权要求;make/put forward a claim to sth.提出要得到某物;claim to do sth.声称要做某事【例句】 The manufacturer claims the flask does maintain heat for 18 hours.生产商声称这种暖瓶可以保温18个小时。【要点】 claim在雅思听力中常考到“索赔”的词义,通常出现在购买保险的场景中,例如考过的一个填表题:the cause of claimed before(过去索赔的原因)。cloakroom['kləʊkru:m]n.衣帽间;【英】盥洗室同coatroom【例句】 The cloakroom where you can hang your coat or leave your bags is just behind us here.衣帽间就在我们后面,你可以把外套或包放在那儿。community[kə'mju:nəti]n.公众;社会,社区;共同体【搭配】 the Asian community 亚洲人聚居的社区;sense of community 社区意识【例句】 Many sports facilities are available in the community now.现在,社区内有很多运动设施可用。【要点】 community一词经常出现在雅思听力的租房场景中,可能要求考生填空,注意单词的拼写。complain[kəm'pleɪn]v.抱怨;申诉同make/lodge a complaint【搭配】 complain about/of 申诉…;complain to 向…抱怨【例句】 I don't think we can complain about adverts,as long as they don't last for ten minutes each time.我认为只要广告每次不超过10分钟,我们就不应该抱怨。【要点】 complain在雅思听力考试中是一个比较有提示性的单词,一般出现在生活类场景中,通常complain后面的内容都是考点。consignment[kən'saɪnmənt]t的发音尽可能弱化 n.交付,委托;托运;所托运的货物;代销货物【搭配】 on consignment 以寄售方式;a large consignment of grain 大批托运的粮食【例句】 We are glad to hear of the post office's making a consignment of my boxes.听说邮局可以托运我的这些箱子,我们很高兴。【要点】 注意不要和assignment(n.工作,任务)混淆。convert[k4n'v\:t]t的发音尽可能弱化 v.变换,转换同modify【搭配】 convert to/into 转化为【例句】 The small,dark dressing room we used to have has been converted into two large airy rooms.我们曾经用过的那间又小又暗的化妆室已经改造成两间大且通风的房间了。corridor['kɒrId3:(r)]n.走廊,通道【搭配】 in the corridor 在走廊里【例句】 To get to the Main Hall,you walk on to the end of this corridor in front of you.去主楼的话,你得沿着前面的走廊一直走到尽头。【要点】 corridor经常出现在问路场景里,注意它和aisle的区别:aisle指的是飞机、汽车或者大礼堂中比较窄的小过道,而corridor则表示连接两个地方的走廊。和corridor意思相近的还有passageway。damp[dæmp]p的发音尽可能弱化 a.有湿气的,潮湿的同humid;moist【搭配】 damp course 防水层【例句】 It's damp outside in this season;you'd better wear a warm coat.这个季节外面很潮湿,你最好穿一件暖和的外衣。【要点】 这个词经常出现在租房场景中,用来形容房屋的状况。debt[det]b不发音 n.债,债务同liabilities【搭配】 be in debt 欠债,欠情;in debt to sb./in one's debt 欠某人的债【例句】 The sophomore misconducted his expenditure so he's deep in debt.这名大二新生没有很好地规划他的开支,所以债台高筑。【要点】 student debt是学生中比较常见的一个现象。另外,和“债务”相关的说法还有:

apply for/grant a loan 申请/批准贷款

collateral 担保物

mortgage 抵押

by installment 分期付款

extension 延期

overdraw/overdraft 透支deposit[dI'pɒzIt]英式发音[dI'p2ːzIt]美式发音 n.存款;押金,保证金;沉积物 v.存放;储蓄;使沉淀;付(保证金)【搭配】 savings deposit 存款额;a fixed deposit 定期存款;20% deposit 20%的押金【例句】 Generally,you should pay a deposit before you rent a house.一般情况下,你应该在租房之前交押金。【要点】 开户常用open an account表示;向某个账户存款常用make a deposit into…来表示。这里再简要介绍几种常用的账户:

savings account 储蓄存款账户

current account 活期存款账户

deposit account 定期存款账户

check account 支票账户

daily interest account 按天计息账户deprive[dɪ'praɪv]v.(使)失去,剥夺同grab;snatch【搭配】 deprive sb.of sth.剥夺某人某物【例句】 The billboards over there deprive the flat of light.那些广告牌挡住了这个公寓的阳光。disposal[dɪs'pəʊzl]n.处理,处置;布置,安排【搭配】 waste disposal 废物处理;at one's disposal 任某人处理,供某人支配【例句】 The main use of water in most families is washing and waste disposal.在大多数家庭中,水的主要用途是洗漱和废物处理。【要点】 waste disposal和garbage disposal是雅思听力生活场景出现频率比较高的两个短语。distinguish[dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃ]v.区别,辨别;辨认出;使杰出同differentiate;make a distinction;tell…apart【搭配】 distinguish between 辨别,弄清;distinguish…from 把…与…区别开【例句】 The twins were so much alike that it was difficult to distinguish one from the other.这对双胞胎像得使人难以分辨。【要点】 distinguished和distinguishing都是形容词:distinguished 指“显著的、明显的”,distinguishing 指“有区别的”。disturb[dI'st\:b]v.弄乱,打乱;打扰,使烦恼同bother;interrupt【搭配】 disturb the peace 打乱和平;disturb the balance of the environment 破坏环境平衡【例句】 Cutting down trees will disturb the Earth's balance.砍伐树木会破坏地球的平衡。【要点】 环境问题也是雅思考试中的一个高频话题,这里再介绍一些和环境有关的词汇:

acid rain 酸雨

ecosystem 生态系统

extinction 灭绝

organic fertilizer 有机肥料

fresh water 淡水

ozone layer 臭氧层

solar energy 太阳能

wind energy 风能drawback['dr3:b1k]n.缺点;障碍,不利条件;退还的关税同disadvantage【搭配】 drawback of sth.某事物的缺点【例句】 It's a fantastic place—the only drawback is the humid climate.这个地方非常好,唯一的缺点就是气候潮湿。【要点】 雅思考试中曾出现过对一个动物园的介绍,用的句式就是This is the drawback of the zoo。dressing['dresɪŋ]n.调味品;穿衣【搭配】 dressing room 更衣室,化妆室;salad dressing 沙拉调料【例句】 I took both of the salad dressings.我放了两种沙拉调料。【要点】 do window dressing 的意思是“橱窗装饰”,经常出现在雅思听力的生活场景中,用来指职业等。dwelling['dwelI6]n.住宅,寓所【例句】 This kind of ground-dwelling herbivore may go extinct within a decade.这种穴居食草动物也许在十年内就会灭绝。effect[ɪ'fekt]n.作用,影响;结果;效果,效力 v.产生,招致同impact;influence【搭配】 carry/bring into effect 使生效,实施;in effect 有效;实际上;take effect 生效,起作用;side effect 副作用;positive effect 积极影响;causes and effects 原因和结果【例句】 We did not fully think of the effect that the policy would have on our day-to-day life.我们没有充分地考虑这项政策会给我们日常生活带来的影响。enclose[ɪn'kləʊz]v.包住,围住;把…装入信封同surround【搭配】 an enclosed area 一个封闭的区域【例句】 You'd better enclose your resume and the letter of reference in the envelop.你最好把简历和推荐信装入信封中。endure[InˑdJr]v.忍受,忍耐;维持,持续【例句】 I can't endure the insults anymore.我再也忍受不了这种侮辱了。ensure[In'5J4(r)]v.确保,保证【例句】 Schools should take steps to ensure students' safety.学校应该采取措施确保学生的安全。entrance['entrəns]n.入口,大门口;进入;入学同access【搭配】 entrance fee 入场费;main entrance 大门,主入口【例句】 Now,we're standing at the main entrance.现在我们就站在大门口。【要点】 在做雅思听力地图配对题的时候,关键点是要找出example所给出的位置点和main entrance。另外,在回答这类问题的时候,还要注意up,down,opposite,next,near等方位词。entry['entri]n.进入,入口;通道;记载,条目同access;entrance【搭配】 entry into…进入…;entry level 入门级别【例句】 We will look at the types of courses and entry requirements.我们将看看课程的种类和上课条件。【要点】 这个词在雅思考试中的常用搭配为multiple entry visa,意为“多次入境签证”,也可写作multi-entry visa。estate[ɪ'steɪt]n.地产,房地产【搭配】 personal estate 动产;real estate 房地产,房地产所有权【例句】 For me,walking down towards the river is the best part of the estate.对我而言,能散步到河边是这栋房子最大的好处。estimate['estImeIt]动词发音['estIm4t]名词发音*注意a的发音v./n.估计,估价同guess;speculation【搭配】 estimated time of arrival(ETA)预计到达时间;estimated time of departure(ETD)预计出发时间;estimated number of people 预计人数【例句】 It is good that you have given me a rough estimate.很好,你给了我一个粗略估计。【要点】 estimate这个词常出现在餐厅和机场座位预定的场景中,会提到estimated number of people(预计人数);这个词表示“估价”的时候,前面常接rough,conservative,original,annual等形容词。





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