
发布时间:2020-11-02 20:53:53
































Stir-fried Dried Fish Maw with Mungbean Sprouts and Egg Whites6人·6 persons20分鐘·20 minutes材料魚肚100克韭黃100克銀芽100克蟹肉100克蛋白10隻火腿絲3片葱白2條薑絲2片量煨料薑2片葱2條酒1湯匙雞蛋調味料生粉1湯匙鹽1茶匙薑汁酒1茶匙糖½茶匙胡椒粉½茶匙麻油¼茶匙Ingredients100 g dried fish maw100 g yellow chives100 g mungbean sprouts100 g crabmeat10 egg whites3 slices ham (shredded) 2 stalks spring onion (white part)2 slices ginger (shredded)Condiments2 slices ginger2 stalks spring onion1 tbsp wineSeasoning for eggs1 tbsp caltrop starch1 tsp salt1 tsp ginger wine½ tsp sugar½ tsp ground white pepper¼ tsp sesame oil做法1 韭黃洗淨,切段。銀芽洗淨,瀝乾。2 魚肚洗淨,以清水浸透至軟身,用煨料煮片刻,以清水洗淨,切長條。3 燒熱鑊,下油爆香薑絲,加入銀芽拌炒,下鹽調味,盛起,備用。4 蛋白放大碗中,加入調味料拌勻,加入銀芽、火腿和蟹肉拌勻,備用。5 燒熱油鑊,爆香葱白,加入韭黃、魚肚,倒入蛋白混合物,快手兜勻,上碟即成。Method1 Rinse yellow chives and section.Rinse mungbean sprouts and drain.2 Rinse dried fish maw and soak in water thoroughly until soft.Cook together with the condiments for a while.Rinse and cut into long strips.3 Heat oil in a wok.Stir-fry ginger shreds until fragrant.Add mungbean sprouts and stir-fry well.Season with salt and dish.4 Put egg whites into a large bowl.Put in the seasoning and mix well.Add mungbean sprouts and crabmeat.Mix and set aside.5 Heat oil in a wok.Stir-fry white part of spring onion until fragrant.Add yellow chives and dried fish maw.Pour in the egg white mixture.Fry quickly and serve.小貼士 Tips爆香的材料要放涼後才盛入蛋白內。


Stir-fried Eel with Fresh Prawns6人·6 persons20分鐘·20 minutes材料黃鱔400克大蝦仁150克蒜頭3粒酒少許醃料胡椒粉少許生粉少許鹽少許調味料老抽1½茶匙生抽1茶匙麻油1茶匙糖½茶匙水2湯匙芡汁生粉水少許Ingredients400 g yellow eel150 g large shelled prawns3 cloves garlicwineMarinadeground white peppercaltrop starchsaltSeasoning1½ tsps dark soy sauce1 tsp light soy sauce1 tsp sesame oil½ tsp sugar2 tbsps waterSaucecaltrop starch solution做法1 黃鱔洗淨,起骨去頭尾,汆水去黏液,洗淨後切片,放入胡椒粉、生粉拌勻,備用。2 大蝦仁洗淨,抹乾水分,加入胡椒粉、鹽、生粉拌勻。3 燒熱鑊,下蝦仁泡油後盛起,備用。4 下油爆香蒜頭,放入鱔片炒熟,灒酒,倒入調味料,用少許生粉水勾芡,加入蝦仁炒勻即成。Method1 Rinse yellow eel.Bone and remove head and tail.Scald for a while to remove the slime.Rinse and slice again.Mix in ground white pepper and caltrop starch.Set aside.2 Rinse large shelled prawns and wipe dry.Mix in ground white pepper, salt and caltrop starch.3 Heat oil in a wok.Jiggle shelled shrimps in oil slowly and drain.4 Stir-fry garlic in oil until fragrant.Put in eel slices and stir-fry until done.Sizzle in wine and seasoning.Thicken the sauce with a little caltrop starch solution.Add shelled prawns and stir-fry well.Serve.小貼士 Tips黃鱔可請魚販代為起骨及去潺。


Stir-fried Eel with Mungbean Sprouts4~6人·4~6 persons20分鐘·20 minutes材料黃鱔500克銀芽150克蒜茸4粒量薑茸1茶匙酒少許胡椒粉少許調味料老抽2湯匙麻油1茶匙生粉1茶匙糖¾茶匙鹽½茶匙水¼杯Ingredients500 g yellow eel150 g mungbean sprouts4 cloves garlic (grated)1 tsp grated gingerwineground white pepperSeasoning2 tbsps dark soy sauce1 tsp sesame oil1 tsp caltrop starch¾ tsp sugar½ tsp salt¼ cup water做法1 黃鱔洗淨,起骨去頭尾,汆水去黏液,再洗淨後切成約4厘米長的條狀。2 銀芽洗淨,瀝乾。燒熱鑊,下油炒熟銀芽,盛起備用。3 下油爆香蒜茸、薑茸,倒入黃鱔炒香,灒酒,加入調味料,倒入銀芽炒勻後上碟,加入少許胡椒粉拌勻,即可。Method1 Rinse yellow eel.Bone and remove head and tail.Scald for a while to remove the slime.Rinse and cut into strips of about 4 cm long.2 Rinse mungbean sprouts and drain.Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry mungbean sprouts until done.Dish.3 Heat oil in a wok.Stir-fry grated garlic and grated ginger until fragrant.Pour in yellow eel and stir-fry until fragrant.Sizzle in wine.Add seasoning.Put in mungbean sprouts and stir-fry until well-mixed.Mix in a little ground white pepper and serve.小貼士 Tips可將蒜茸另外炸至金黃,留待上碟時灑上便更香脆。


Stir-fried Grouper Fillet with Yellow Chives4人·4 persons20分鐘·20 minutes材料石斑肉400克韭黃100克葱3條甘筍½條蘆筍2條薑2片醃料蛋白½隻酒1茶匙鹽½茶匙糖½茶匙生粉½湯匙芡汁蠔油1湯匙麻油1茶匙胡椒粉1茶匙生粉1茶匙水30毫升Ingredients400 g grouper fillet100 g yellow chives3 stalks spring onion½ carrot2 asparaguses2 slices gingerMarinade½ egg white1 tsp wine½ tsp salt½ tsp sugar½ tbsp caltrop starchSauce1 tbsp oyster sauce1 tsp sesame oil1 tsp ground white pepper1 tsp caltrop starch30 ml water做法1 石斑肉洗淨,切成約2厘米厚方塊,加醃料醃30分鐘。2 其他材料分別洗淨,葱、蘆筍、韭黃切段,甘筍切片。3 燒熱鑊,下石斑塊泡嫩油,撈起,瀝乾油分,備用。4 再燒熱油鑊,爆香葱、薑、甘筍、蘆筍等,炒香後倒入芡汁煮滾,加入韭黃,將魚塊回鑊,即可上碟。Method1 Rinse grouper fillet and cut into pieces of 2 cm thick.Marinate for 30 minutes.2 Rinse other ingredients respectively.Section spring onion, asparaguses and yellow chives.Slice carrot.3 Heat oil in a wok and jiggle grouper in warm oil slowly.Drain and set aside.4 Heat a little oil in a wok.Stir-fry spring onion, ginger, carrot and asparaguses until fragrant.Pour in the sauce and bring to the boil.Add yellow chives and fish.Mix well and serve.小貼士 Tips韭黃很快便煮熟,所以不可太早加入鑊中炒。


Deep-fried Fish Belly with Lychees and Sweet and Sour Sauce6人·6 persons30分鐘·30 minutes材料魚腩300克荔枝8粒青、紅椒各1個(切塊)菠蘿3圈薑片3片葱3條蒜茸2湯匙生粉、酒適量醃料酒2茶匙胡椒粉1茶匙鹽½茶匙調味料白醋2湯匙糖1湯匙薑汁2茶匙生粉1茶匙鹽½茶匙水2湯匙Ingredients300 g fish belly8 lychees1 green pepper (cut into pieces)1 red pepper (cut into pieces)3 rings pineapple3 slices ginger3 stalks spring onion2 tbsps grated garliccaltrop starch, wineMarinade2 tsps wine1 tsp ground white pepper½ tsp saltSeasoning2 tbsps white vinegar1 tbsp sugar2 tsps ginger juice1 tsp caltrop starch½ tsp salt2 tbsps water做法1 魚腩洗淨,切約4厘米寬的長塊,加醃料醃約15分鐘。2 燒熱鑊,魚腩撲上生粉,放入油鑊中炸至金黃色,瀝乾油分,備用。3 再燒熱油鑊,爆香蒜茸、薑片、青椒、紅椒,灒酒,下調味料煮成濃汁,將魚腩回鑊,熄火,下荔枝、菠蘿、葱兜勻,上碟。Method1 Rinse fish belly and cut into long pieces of about 4 cm wide.Marinate for about 15 minutes.2 Heat oil in a wok.Coat fish belly with caltrop starch and deep-fry until golden brown.Drain.3 Heat a little oil in a wok.Stir-fry grated garlic, ginger slices, green and red peppers until fragrant.Sizzle in wine.Add seasoning and cook into thick sauce.Put in the fish belly and remove from heat.Add lychees, pineapple and spring onion.Mix and serve.小貼士 Tips熄火後才將水果落鑊炒勻。


Steamed Nori Seaweed Fish Rolls4人·4 persons20分鐘·20 minutes材料鯪魚肉200克紫菜4片(方型)生菜絲少許醃料鹽1茶匙胡椒粉1茶匙麻油1茶匙芡汁生粉2茶匙雞粉2茶匙水120毫升Ingredients200 g dace paste4 slices square-shaped nori seaweedlettuce shredsMarinade1 tsp salt1 tsp ground white pepper1 tsp sesame oilSauce2 tsps caltrop starch2 tsps chicken powder120 ml water做法1 魚肉加醃料拌勻,順一個方向攪至起膠。2 取一張紫菜平放碟上,將魚膠均勻地塗在紫菜上,向內捲成長條形,隔水以大火蒸5分鐘,取出,待涼後切成小片。3 生菜絲放在碟上,放上魚卷。4 燒熱鑊,煮滾芡汁,淋在魚卷上即成。Method1 Mix dace paste with the marinade.Stir in one direction until sticky.2 Put a slice of nori seaweed onto a plate.Spread dace paste evenly onto the nori seaweed.Roll up into long strips.Steam over high heat for 5 minutes.Set aside to let cool and cut into small slices.3 Place lettuce shreds onto a plate and put the fish rolls on top.4 Heat oil in a wok.Add the sauce and bring to the boil.Pour over the fish rolls and serve.小貼士 Tips1 紫菜可改用蛋皮,即用雞蛋煎成薄餅皮,紫翠香魚即成黃金香魚。2 蒸好的魚卷切片後,可放鑊中煎香。


Fried Fish in Thai Style4人·4 persons20分鐘·20 minutes材料鮫魚3件蒜頭10粒紅辣椒2隻青檸2個葱2條醃料酒2茶匙鹽½茶匙胡椒粉½茶匙汁料魚露2湯匙糖4湯匙黃薑粉½茶匙小茴粉¼茶匙Ingredients3 pieces mackerel10 cloves garlic2 red chilies2 limes2 stalks spring onionMarinade2 tsps wine½ tsp salt½ tsp ground white pepperSauce2 tbsps fish sauce4 tbsps sugar½ tsp turmeric powder¼ tsp fennel powder做法1 鮫魚洗淨,瀝乾水分,用醃料醃20分鐘。2 燒熱鑊,下油將鮫魚煎至兩面金黃,上碟備用。3 蒜頭切茸,紅辣椒切圈,青檸榨汁。葱切段,鋪在鮫魚上。4 再燒熱油鑊,爆香蒜茸、紅辣椒,放入青檸汁和汁料,煮滾,淋在鮫魚上即成。Method1 Rinse mackerel and drain.Marinate for 20 minutes.2 Heat oil in a wok.Fry the fish until both sides are golden.Dish.3 Chop garlic and cut red chilies into rings.Juice limes.Section spring onion and spread over the fish.4 Heat a little oil in a wok.Stir-fry chopped garlic and red chilies until fragrant.Add lime juice and the sauce.Bring to the boil.Pour over the fish and serve.小貼士 Tips可以改用魚代替鮫魚。


Fried Dace Cakes with White Sesame4人·4 persons30分鐘·30 minutes材料鯪魚肉300克青檸1個白芝麻1湯匙醃料麵粉4湯匙澄麵2湯匙鹽½茶匙黑椒粉½茶匙水適量Ingredients300 g dace paste1 lime1 tbsp white sesameMarinade4 tbsps flour2 tbsps Tang flour½ tsp salt½ tsp ground black pepperwater做法1 鯪魚肉加醃料,順一個方向拌勻成魚肉粉漿。2 白芝麻以白鑊炒香,備用。3 青檸榨汁,備用。4 燒熱油,分次放下魚肉粉漿,煎成魚餅形狀,至兩邊金黃色盛起。5 灑上炒香的白芝麻及青檸汁即成。Method1 Add marinade into the dace paste and stir in one direction until sticky.2 Stir-fry white sesame in a wok without oil until fragrant and set aside.3 Juice lime.4 Heat oil in a wok.Add the dace paste by several times.Fry into fish cakes and until both sides are golden brown.Dish.5 Sprinkle over stir-fried white sesame and lime juice.Serve.小貼士 Tips煎好的魚餅可切成條狀,加入其他材料如蔬菜或瓜類拌炒。涼瓜煎魚Fried Pomfret with Bitter Melon4~6人·4~6 persons20分鐘·20 minutes材料魚1條涼瓜240克水適量醃料胡椒粉½茶匙酒½茶匙鹽¼茶匙調味料蒜茸1湯匙豆豉2茶匙鹽½茶匙糖¼茶匙Ingredients1 pomfret240 g bitter melonwaterMarinade½ tsp ground white pepper½ tsp wine¼ tsp saltSeasoning1 tbsp grated garlic2 tsps fermented black beans½ tsp salt¼ tsp sugar做法1 魚劏洗淨,抹乾水分,用醃料醃10分鐘,魚面2刀。2 燒熱鑊,下魚煎至兩面金黃,瀝乾油分,盛起。3 涼瓜洗淨,去瓤去核,切成骨排形。4 再燒熱油鑊,爆香調味料,加入涼瓜、水煮片刻,慢火炆至涼瓜軟身,將魚回鑊,用中火炆至水分收乾,上碟即可。Method1 Gut pomfret and wipe dry.Marinate for 10 minutes and slit twice on the surface.2 Heat oil in a wok.Fry pomfret until both sides are golden and drain.Dish.3 Rinse bitter melon.Remove the pith and core.Cut into small rectangular pieces.4 Heat a little oil in a wok.Stir-fry the seasoning until fragrant.Add bitter melon and water.Cook for a while.Simmer over low heat until the melon is soft.Put back the pomfret and simmer over medium heat until dry.Serve.小貼士 Tips涼瓜除了去瓤去核外,更要去除白色的部分才不苦。醬爆鰻魚Braised Eel with Fermented Soybean Sauce6人·6 persons25分鐘·25 minutes材料白鱔600克乾葱頭2粒磨豉醬1湯匙薑粒2茶匙醃料酒1湯匙蛋白1湯匙薑汁1茶匙胡椒粉½茶匙鹽¼茶匙調味料生抽1湯匙糖4茶匙胡椒粉½茶匙水6湯匙Ingredients600 g white eel2 shallots1 tbsp fermented soybean paste2 tsps chopped gingerMarinade1 tbsp wine1 tbsp egg white1 tsp ginger juice½ tsp ground white pepper¼ tsp saltSeasoning1 tbsp light soy sauce4 tsps sugar½ tsp ground white pepper6 tbsps water做法1 白鱔洗淨,去骨,汆水去黏液,抹乾水分,十字花,用醃料醃15分鐘。2 燒熱鑊,白鱔撲上生粉,放滾油中炸至金黃色,瀝乾油分,盛起。3 再燒熱鑊,爆香乾葱、薑粒及磨豉醬,下調味料,將鱔回鑊拌勻,即可上碟。Method1 Rinse white eel and bone.Scald for a while to remove the slime.Wipe dry and slit crosses on the surface.Marinate for 15 minutes.2 Heat oil in a wok.Coat eel with caltrop starch and deep-fry in boiling oil until golden brown.Drain.Dish.3 Heat a little oil in a wok.Stir-fry shallots, chopped ginger and fermented soybean paste until fragrant.Add seasoning and eel.Stir-fry well and serve.小貼士 Tips魚肉上面斜成十字花狀,炸後會捲起來。狗肚魚煎蛋Fried Bombay Duck Fish and Eggs4~6人·4~6 persons30分鐘·30 minutes材料狗肚魚6條雞蛋4隻醃料酒½茶匙鹽½茶匙胡椒粉½茶匙Ingredients6 Bombay duck fish4 eggsMarinade½ tsp wine½ tsp salt½ tsp ground white pepper做法1 狗肚魚洗淨,切去頭尾,取去中骨起肉,抹乾水分,用醃料醃好。2 燒熱油鑊,下狗肚魚煎至金黃,盛起,瀝乾油分,備用。3 雞蛋打勻,放油中煎至半熟,加入狗肚魚拌勻,煎至金黃即可。Method1 Rinse Bombay duck fish and cut off heads and tails.Bone and wipe dry.Marinate for a while.2 Heat oil in a wok.Fry the fish until golden brown and drain.Dish.3 Whisk eggs.Fry in oil until medium-cooked.Add Bombay duck fish and mix well.Fry until golden brown and serve.小貼士 Tips狗肚魚用醃料醃好也可放油中炸。石斑文也Grouper Menuiere4~6人·4~6 persons30分鐘·30 minutes材料石斑肉500克麵粉250克雞蛋5隻醃料鹽1茶匙胡椒粉¼茶匙汁料牛油100克橙汁200毫升忌廉60毫升檸檬汁30毫升糖1湯匙麵粉1茶匙鹽¼茶匙Ingredients500 g grouper flesh250 g flour5 eggsMarinade1 tsp salt¼ tsp ground white pepperSauce100 g butter200 ml orange juice60 ml whipping cream30 ml lemon juice1 tbsp sugar1 tsp flour¼ tsp salt做法1 石斑肉洗淨,薄切雙飛或切2厘米厚件,加醃料拌勻醃片刻。2 雞蛋打勻,將石斑塊撲上麵粉,醮勻雞蛋液;燒熱油鑊,下石斑塊半煎炸至金黃 色,隔油上碟。3 下牛油1茶匙於煲內煮熔,調入麵粉拌勻後,加入橙汁,以慢火略煮;再加入忌廉、糖,煮至汁液濃稠,調入檸檬汁和鹽拌勻,加入餘下牛油拌勻至熔,即可與魚塊同吃。Method1 Rinse grouper flesh.Cut into slices and slit at the centre along the height without cutting through or cut into slices of 2 cm thick.Marinate for a while.2 Whisk eggs.Coat grouper with flour and then whisked eggs.Heat oil in a wok.Shallow-fry the grouper until golden brown and drain.Dish.3 Melt 1 tsp of butter in a pot.Add flour and mix well.Put in orange juice and cook over low heat briefly.Add cream and sugar.Cook until thickens.Mix in lemon juice and salt.Put in the remaining butter and mix until molten.Serve with the fish.小貼士 Tips橙汁是用來調色的,可以改用其他的橙色材料。





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