
发布时间:2020-11-03 09:21:56







版权信息书名:大力神的传说(1级)(美绘版)作者:(英)哈迪-古尔德排版:Clementine出版社:外语教学与研究出版社出版时间:2010-06-01ISBN:9787513519069本书由外语教学与研究出版社授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —AUTHOR 关于作者Janet Hardy-Gould

Janet Hardy-Gould has worked as a teacher of English for many years. In her free time she enjoys reading history books and modern novels, visiting other European countries, and drinking tea with her friends. She lives in the ancient town of Lewes in the south of England with her husband, Geoff, and two children, Gabriella and Joseph. She has written a number of books for students of English, including Henry VIII and His Six Wives, King Arthur, The Great Fire of London, Mulan and Sinbad in the Bookworms series.珍妮特·哈迪-古尔德

珍妮特·哈迪-古尔德担任英语教师多年。闲暇之余,她喜欢阅读历史书和现当代小说,去欧洲其他国家旅行,或者同朋友们品茶。她同丈夫杰夫和两个孩子——加布里埃拉和约瑟夫——一起住在英格兰南部的古城刘易斯。她为学英语的学生著书多部,其中包括“书虫”系列的《亨利八世和他的六位妻子》、《亚瑟王传奇》、《伦敦大火》、《花木兰》和《辛巴达历险记》。ACTIVITIESBEFORE READING

1 In the story, Hercules does different things. Match the first and the second parts of the sentences. Use a dictionary to help you.

a Hercules kills …

b Hercules runs after …

c Hercules goes to a far away garden and gets …

d Hercules cleans …

1 some apples.

2 a big lion.

3 some dirty stables.

4 a very quick deer.

2 Who helps Hercules? Tick two boxes.

aKing Eurystheus

bthe goddess Athena

cthe goddess Hera

dKing Creon


fPrincess AdmeteCHAPTER 1第一章

One day, in her palace in Greece, Princess Alcmene has a son. She calls the boy Hercules.

'What a big, strong boy!' say Alcmene's friends when they see him.

'Of course he's big and strong,' smiles Alcmene. 'His father's Zeus, king of the gods.'

But not everybody likes Hercules. The goddess Hera is looking through the palace window. Hera is Zeus's wife – and she's far from happy.

'When I see that boy,' says Hera, 'I remember his mother, Alcmene. Why does Zeus always run after different women? It's not right. I'm his wife! He never thinks of me!'

She leaves Alcmene's palace angrily.

Some nights later, Hera comes back – and she puts two big snakes in Hercules's bed. 'Goodbye, little boy!' she laughs.

But when Hera comes back next morning, Hercules is alive. He has the dead snakes in his hands.

'Grrr!' cries Hera angrily. 'You wait. I'm watching you, Hercules. You can't get away from me!'

Later, when Hercules is older, he has many teachers. They come to the palace and teach him there. But he is not a very good student. He doesn't find it easy to learn, and he is often angry when he can't understand things.

In the end, Alcmene sends Hercules away to some hills in the country near Thebes. He feels better there. He can run through the trees happily for hours, and there are lions for him to fight. Soon after he arrives, some people come to the hills because they want to take the King of Thebes's cows, but Hercules stops them.

When King Creon of Thebes hears about Hercules, he speaks to his daughter.

'Megara,' he says, 'Hercules is a good strong young man. Would you like to marry him?'

'Yes, Father,' answers Megara.

So Creon's men go and speak to Hercules, and he comes to Thebes and marries Megara. Soon they have three sons.

Hercules is happy with his beautiful wife and his young sons. But Hera is angry. 'Alcmene's son is doing well,' she says. 'I must change that.'

Very early one morning – when Hercules, Megara and their sons are in their beds – Hera sends a black cloud over Hercules's head. He opens his eyes, but he can't see a thing through the cloud. Suddenly there are four men in black in front of him. They want to kill Megara and the boys. 'I must stop them,'thinks Hercules. He fights the men and kills them one by one. Then he goes back to sleep. Later, when he opens his eyes, there are no men there, only his wife and sons. But their bodies are cold, and they do not move or speak. Suddenly Hercules feels afraid.

'Oh, no!' he cries. 'My wife and sons are dead! And I'm their killer. It's the work of one of the gods. He – or she – is angry with me!'

Hercules goes to King Creon and says, 'The gods are angry with me. Help me!'

'Very well,' says Creon. 'What's the matter?'

Hercules tells Creon everything. The king's face is white when he hears about his daughter and his grandsons.

'Leave my palace at once,' says Creon. 'I can do nothing for you. Go to Delphi and talk to the priestess there. Perhaps she can help.'

At Delphi, the priestess tells Hercules: 'It's a very bad crime when a man kills his wife and sons. So you're right. The gods are angry with you.'

'I know that, but what can I do about it?' asks Hercules.

'For twelve years you must work for King Eurystheus, and do twelve tasks for him,' says the priestess. 'When you finish, the gods can forgive your crime.'

'Oh no! Not my cousin Eurystheus!' thinks Hercules. 'He doesn't like me because I'm bigger and stronger than him. And now I'm working for him!'

Hercules goes to King Eurystheus and tells him about the twelve tasks.

'All right, Hercules!' smiles Eurystheus coldly. 'I have a first task for you. There's a big, hungry lion in Nemea. It's eating everybody there! Kill it, and bring its dead body back to me.' Hercules leaves Eurystheus's palace at once.

'Good luck with your first – and last – task, Hercules,' laughs the king.

Just then, the goddess Hera arrives.

'Good work, Eurystheus. Hercules is a dead man, I think,'she laughs. 'No one can fight that lion and get away alive.'

palace n. a big house where a king lives 王宫

princess n. the daughter of a king 公主

strong adj. with a body that works well (身体)强壮的

king n. the most important man in a country 国王

god n. an important being who never dies and who decides what happens in the world 神

goddess n. a woman god 女神

wife n. the woman that a man is married to 妻子

snake n. a long animal with no legs 蛇

send v. (sent, sent) to make someone go somewhere 派(人)

lion n. a big yellow animal with long brown hair round its face 狮子

fight v. (fought, fought) to hit again and again 打架;搏斗

cow n. an animal that gives milk 奶牛

marry v. to make someone your husband or wife 和……结婚

cloud n. a big white or grey thing in the sky 云

priestess n. a woman who works in a temple 女祭司

crime n. killing someone, or doing something very bad 罪行

task n. work 任务

forgive v. (forgave, forgiven) to stop being angry with someone after they do something bad 原谅,宽恕

cousin n. the son (or daughter) of your mother's (or father's) sister (or brother) 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)ACTIVITIESREADING CHECK

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

a When Hercules is a young boy, he's very ill/strong.

b Hercules is Princess Alcmene's/the goddess Hera's son.

c The god Zeus is Hercules's brother/father.

d The goddess Hera/god Zeus is very angry with Hercules.

e Hercules finds/doesn't find it easy to learn new things with his teacher.

f When Hercules goes and lives in the hills, he is very happy/angry.

g Hercules leaves/kills his wife and sons.

h Hercules must work for King Eurystheus and do ten/twelve things for him.

i King Eurystheus is Hercules's cousin/friend.

j Hercules must go to Nemea and kill a snake/lion.


1 Find eleven more words from Chapter 1 in the wordsquare.

2 Use the words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences.

a 'You're two hours late!' 'We're very sorry! Please  forgive  us!'

b 'Let's go in now. It's cold out here and there's a big dark ______ in the sky over there.'

c 'Please don't ______ me away to the country. I want to stay here.'

d 'What are you reading?' 'It's a book about a very bad ______: two men take a lot of money from a shop.'

e 'I have a little ______ for you. Can you go to the supermarket and buy some bread?'

f 'We're learning about the Greek ______ Hera at the moment.'

g 'Mr Black is my ______ – his father is my father's brother. And that woman is his______, Mrs Black.'

h 'I love you. Please ______ me, Juliet!' 'Yes, of course, Romeo!'

i Hercules asks the ______ at Delphi for help.

j 'That man is very big and ______. Everybody is afraid of him and nobody wants to ______ him.'

3 Match the words with the pictures.





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