
发布时间:2020-11-07 12:37:29











1. 涵盖面全 本词典收入约6000个英语单词及一定量的短语,涵盖了英语学习者所需要的基本词汇和知识。

2. 便于查找 每个词条均以双色粗体突现出来,这样视觉效果好,可以大大减少查询时间。

3. 含金量高 词条下的内容囊括了本词条的搭配、近义词、助记、例句等考核内容,真正起到为广大英语学习者服务的目的。


v.=动词(兼指 vt. & vi.)











aux. v.=助动词



a/ə;eɪ//an/ən/art. 1. 一(个) 2. 每一(个)3.(同类事物中的)任何一个4.(指说话者不认识之人)某一


搭配 abandon oneself to sth. 纵情于某事,沉溺于某事

近义词 desert, forsake, give up, discard, resign, yield, quit, leave, depart, discontinue, surrender, withdraw



ut they're not willing to abandon it without a lot more detailed information and neither should you. 但是在没有更多详细信息的情况下他们不愿意放弃它———你也不应该。

abbey/ˈæbɪ/n. 1. 修道院 2. 大教堂




/ˌeɪbi:ˈsi:/n. 1. 字母表 2. 基础知识,初步,入门

★abdomen/ˈæbdəmen/n. 腹部

近义词 belly, stomach

例句 The bike then falls over and the other end of the handlebars hits the ground, ramming it into their abdomen. 然后车子摔倒,车把的另一头碰到地面,把它压入他们的腹部。


+abide/əˈbaɪd/vi.(by)遵守,坚持vt. 1. 忍耐,忍受 2. 保持,继续

搭配 abide by(=stick to, adhere to)遵守,坚持

近义词 stick to, adhere to, bear, endure, tolerate, remain, continue, go on, put up with, live, stay

例句 We have got to abide by the rules. 我们要遵守规则。

ability/əˈbɪlɪtɪ/n. 1. 能力,本领 2. (pl.)才能,才识

搭配 have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事

have great abilities in 在…方面能力很强

to the best of one's ability 尽某人最大的努力

近义词 capability, competence, gift, skill,talent, aptitude, capacity, efficiency, power

助记 able(有能力的)+-ity(表属性)→ability(能力)

例句 Students choose their curricula depending on their interests, future goals, and level of ability.学生选择课程是根据个人喜好、目标以及能力水平。

able/ˈeɪbl/adj. 1. 有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事的 2. 有本事的,能干的

搭配 be able to 能够,会

近义词 capable, competent, efficient, qualified,skilful

*abnofmal/æbˈnɔ:məl/adj. 1. 反常的,变态的 2. 不规则的

搭配 be abnormal in sth. 在某事上反常

近义词 unusual, unordinary, peculiar, irregular, eccentric, insane, odd, unnatural, unexpected

助记 ab-(表否定)+normal(正常的)→abnormal(不正常的,反常的)

例句 A kid with leukemia produces lots of abnormal white blood cells in the bone marrow.患白血病的孩子会在骨髓中产生大量不正常的白细胞。

aboard/əˈbɔ:d/adv. & prep.在船(车、飞行器)上,上船(车、飞行器)

搭配 go aboard 上船(飞机等)

All aboard!所有乘客登机

近义词 on, into

助记 a-(在…之上)+board(板)→aboard(在甲板上,即上船)

例句 The longest American stay was that of Shannon Lucid, who spent 188 days aboard Mir in 1996. 美国人在空间站停留最长的一次是珊农·露西的那一次,她1996年在和平号上停留了188天。


近义词 annul, cancel, eliminate, end, revoke, repeal, do away with, bring to an end, stop, destroy, exterminate, put an end to, wipe out

例句 The whole system should be abolished. 整个系统应该被废除。


近义词 indigenous, ancient, native, primary

助记 ab-(处于)+original(原始的)→aboriginal(土著的)


搭配 have an abortion 流产

induced abortion 人工流产

forced abortion 堕胎

近义词 miscarriage

about/əˈbaʊt/prep. 1. 在…周围 2. 关于,对于 3. 向相反的方向adv. 1. 附近,周围,到处 2. 大约,大概

搭配 be about to do 马上,就要,立即

go about 着手做

see about 负责处理

come about 发生,成为现实

turn about 向后转,转过身来

近义词 around, approximately, roughly, as regards, nearly, concerning

例句 Many people are very concerned about the destruction of the environment. 许多人对环境的破坏深感忧虑。

above/əˈbʌv/prep.在…之上,高于adj.上述的,上面的adv. 1. 在上面,往上 2. 更多

搭配 above all 尤其是,最主要的是

above yourself 自高自大

above question 不容置疑

近义词 over, up, on, beyond

例句 Soot is believed to play a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans andland.相信煤灰对海洋和陆地上空大气层的变化有一定影响。

abfoad/əˈbrɔ:d/adv. 1. 到国外,在海外 2. 遍布,到处

搭配 go abroad 出国

at home and abroad 在国内外

近义词 overseas, all over, everywhere, away

助记 a-(到…地方去)+broad(宽广的)→abroad(到宽广的地方去,即到国外、海外)

例句 He authorized me to act for him while he is abroad.他授权我在他出国期间代行他的职务。

+abrupt/əˈbrʌpt/adj. 1. 突然的 2. 粗鲁的,(态度)生硬的

近义词 sudden, unexpected, rude, blunt, brisk, discourteous, hasty, hurried, impolite, quick, rapid

例句 Following an abrupt change of the topic, we started to complain about the quality offood.话题突然一转,我们开始抱怨饭菜的质量。


absence/ˈæbsəns/n. 1. 缺席 2. 缺乏,缺少

搭配 in the absence of 不在场,缺席

absence of mind 心不在焉

近义词 lack, shortage, deficiency

例句 Otherwise, the absence of reflected light on one side would give the object away.否则,一侧反射光的缺失会使物体显现。

absent/ˈæbsənt/adj. 1. 缺席的 2. 缺乏的 3. 不在意的,茫然的

搭配 be absent from 缺席

absent-minded 心不在焉的

近义词 inattentive, lacking, away

助记 present(出席的),absent(缺席的)

例句 “Bear in mind that undetectable does not equal absent”, he says.他说:“不要忘了难以发现并不等于没。”

absolute/ˈæbsəlu:t;ˌæbsəˈlu:t/adj. 1. 绝对的,完全的 2. 确实的,肯定的n.绝对

近义词 complete, entire, definite, essential, positive, supreme, thorough, total, certain, perfect, without doubt

例句 After the train crash, the station was a scene of absolute panic.发生撞火车事件后,车站上是一片完全恐慌的景象。

absorb/əbˈsɔ:b/vt. 1. 吸收 2. 使全神贯注 3. 吞并,合并 4. 减轻

搭配 be absorbed by 被…吸引

be absorbed in doing sth. 专心于,全神贯注于

absorb from 从中吸取

近义词 suck, take in, hold the attention/interest, attract, merge with, incorporate

例句 They argue that hydrogen gets absorbed before hitting Titan's planet-like surface covered with methane lakes and rivers. 他们认为,氢气在到达布满甲烷河流湖泊的土卫六类似行星一样的表层前就已经被吸收了。

abstract/ˈæbstrækt;æbˈstrækt/adj. 抽象的,不具体的,深奥的n.摘要,提要v.提取,抽取

搭配 in the abstract 抽象地,在理论上

abstract…from… 从…提取/提炼

近义词 difficult, general, theoretical, digest, outline, summary, remove, draw out, take away



f a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the abstract in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. 如果教师布置了一篇长篇阅读的任务,即使他们没在课堂上讨论过或者考试过,他们还是期望学生熟悉这篇读物的概要。


近义词 funny, ridiculous, amusing, crazy, foolish, humorous, senseless, stupid, silly

*abundant/əˈbʌndənt/adj. 丰富的,充裕的

搭配 be abundant in 丰富,富有

近义词 plenty of, rich, ample, adequate, plentiful, enough, full, excessive, generous Molecule for molecule, methane's heattrapping power in the atmosphere is 21 times stronger than carbon dioxide, the most abundant greenhouse gas. 按分子与分子对比,甲烷在大气中吸收热量的能力是二氧化碳———最丰富的温室气体的21倍。

*abuse/əˈbju:z/vt.&n. 1. 滥用,妄用 2. 辱骂,诬蔑 3. 虐待

近义词 misuse, make bad use of, maltreat, damage, mistreat, ill-use

例句 Since their A


R definition did not include outcomes linked to problems in drug administration, overdoses, drug abuse, and therapeutic failures. 因为他们对用药不良反应下的定义不包括错误服药、过量用药、滥用药物和治疗失败所造成的后果。

academic/ˌækəˈdemɪk/adj. 1. 学术的 2. 学院的 3. 学究的



ducation for those children might emphasize the development of language and communication, and personal, social, and vocational skills rather than academic skills. 对那样儿童的教育也许要强调语言和交流能力以及个人、社会和职业技能的培养,而不是强调学术能力。

academy/əˈkædəmɪ/n. 1. (高等)院校,研究院 2. 学会,协会 3. 专门技术学校,专科学校

近义词 institute, college, school, university, association, organization, league, union

例句 A second study, also published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, links age-associated memory decline to high glucose levels. 接下来的研究,同样也是刊登在这周网上出版的国家科学院文献汇编中,是关于与年龄相关的由于葡萄糖浓度过高引起的记忆衰退。

*accelerate/əkˈseləreɪt/vt. 1. 加速 2. 促进vi.增加速度

近义词 step up, hasten, hurry, quicken, speed up, move faster, increase, promote, stimulate In order to improve our standard of living, we have to accelerate production. 为了改善我们的生活水平,我们必须要提高生产力。

accent/ˈæksənt/n. 1. 口音 2. 重音 vt. 1. 重读 2. 标重音符号

近义词 tone, dialect, pronunciation, emphasis

例句 Another development has been the accent of seating arrangements. 另外一个发展是强调座位的安排。

accept/əkˈsept/vt. 1. 接受,领受 2. 认可,同意vi.同意,认可

近义词 receive, take, admit, believe, agree to, adopt, approve, consent to



overnment officials are disallowed to accept bribery. 政府官员不可接受贿赂。

acceptable/əkˈseptəbl/adj. 1. 可接受的 2. 合意的,受欢迎的

近义词 desirable, welcome

助记 accept(接受)+able(能够)→acceptable(能接受的)

acceptance/əkˈseptəns/n. 1. 接受 2. 承认,认可

近义词 agreement, approval

助记 accept(接受)+-ance(表状态)→acceptance(接受)

access/ˈækses/vt.接近,获得(机会等)n. 入口,通道

搭配 have/gain/get access to 有(机会、手段、权力)得到/接近/进入

have no access to 没有机会

be easy/difficult of access 易于/难于接近

近义词 entrance, entry, gate, passage, approach

例句 As conventional reserves become more difficult to access, others such as oil shales and tar sands may be used instead. 当常规能源不容易获得时,代之使用的可能是诸如油页岩和沥青砂等能源。


近义词 approachable

助记 access(接近)+-ible(可…的)→accessible(可接近的)

例句 Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years. 许多专家预计,我们会在50年内耗尽易采掘的燃料储备。

+accessory/əkˈsesərɪ/n.附件,附属品adj. 1. 附属的 2. 同谋的

助记 access(接近)+-ory(作…用的事物)→accessory(作为接近某物的事物,即附属品)

近义词 addition, supplement, additional, extra, accomplice


搭配 by accident(=by chance)意外地,偶然地

by accident of 因…的机会,由于…方面的运气

近义词 event, happening, incident, casualty, chance Asequence ofbadaccidents haveprompted the council to put up warning signs. 一系列的严重事故已促使市议会设置警告标志。

accommodate/əˈkɒmədeɪt/vt. 1. 为…提供住宿 2. 容纳,接纳 3. 使适应,调节

搭配 accommodate sb.with sth. 向某人提供…

accommodate sth./oneself to(doing)适应于

近义词 provide, hold, contain, adjust to, regulate, adapt to, accustom, cater for, fit, put up, serve, shelter, supply, suit, take in

例句 Think of your filing system not as a rigid tool, but as a living, breathing system that can accommodate your changing needs. 你的档案系统不是一个死板的工具,而是一个活生生A的、能够呼吸的、能适应你不断变化需要的系统。

accommodation/əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/n. 1. 膳宿供应 2. (pl.)提供便利的设备(或用具) 3. 适应,调节 4. 和解

搭配 come to an accommodation 达到和解,达成妥协

近义词 lodging, agreement, bed and board

助记 accommodate(使适应)+-tion(表状态,构成名词)→accommodation(适应)

accompany/əˈkʌmpənɪ/vt. 1. 陪伴,陪同 2. 为…伴奏

搭配 be accompanied by 伴随,附有

be accompanied with 带有,兼有

accompany sb.on/at 用…为某人伴奏

近义词 attend, escort, go with


搭配 be accomplished in 擅长于

accomplished fact 既成事实

近义词 achieve, attain, bring to success, carry out, come true, complete, finish, fulfill, perform, realize

例句 Sulli doesn't know how babies accomplish this night-time learning, but she suspects that the special ability might indicate that unlike adults, babies don't“turn off”their cerebral cortex while they sleep. 雪莉不知道婴儿是如何完成这个夜间学习的,但是她怀疑这种特殊能力说明跟大人不一样,婴儿睡觉时并不把大脑皮层“关掉”。


搭配 in accordance with 依照,依据,与…一致

近义词 agreement, conformity, harmony


近义词 in accordance with, in agreement with, in conformity to

*accordingly/əˈkɔ:dɪŋlɪ/adv. 1. 依照 2. 由此,于是 3. 相应地

近义词 correspondingly, consequently, thus, so, thereby, therefore, hence

助记 according(依据)+-ly(副词性后缀)→accordingly(相应地)

account/əˈkaʊnt/vi.说明(理由等)n. 1. 陈述,说明 2. 账户,(pl.)账目 3. 原因,理由

搭配 account for(=explain)说明,解释(原因等)

on account of 基于,由于

on all accounts 无论如何

on no account 决不

take into account 考虑,重视

近义词 explain, description, reason, cause, list, record, statement, sum, consideration

例句 Recent studies show that the modelis insufficient to account for more complex oil production cycles of some countries. 最近研究表明,这一模型不足以解释某些国家更加复杂的石油生产周期。


近义词 banker, cashier

助记 ac-(加强语气)+count(点数,计算)+-ant(…的人)→accountant(点数计算的人,即会计)


近义词 assemble, collect, get together, gather, pile up, build up, heap up, increase, grow up, multiply, store up

例句 By our providing so many thoughts and preferences to our machines each day, they'll accumulate enough information about how we think so that they'll be able to mimic our minds and act as our agents. 随着我们每天不断地向机器提供各种想法和喜好,机器将会积累足够的信息来了解我们的想法,可以模仿我们的大脑思维,扮演代理人的角色。


近义词 exact, precise, correct, true, right, perfect

例句 With its rapid reaction and accurate control, the virtual driver can reduce the accident rate on expressways considerably. 由于虚拟驾驶员反应迅速、操控准确,它能大量减少高速公路上的事故率。


助记 accuse(控告)+-tion(表状态,构成名词)→accusation(控告)

accuse/əˈkju:z/vt. 1. 指责 2. 控告

搭配 accuse sb. of sth.(=charge sb. with sth.)指责某人…,控告某人…

近义词 blame, complain against, impeach, charge with, denounce, indict


搭配 be accustomed to 习惯于

近义词 addict, condition, familiarize, get usedto

助记 ac-(前缀,到达,进入)+custom(习惯)→accustom(使习惯)

ace/eɪs/n. 1. “A”牌 2. 能手,专家 3. 发球得分

搭配 within an ace of 几乎,差一点儿

ache/eɪk/vi.痛n. 1. 痛,疼痛 2. 渴望

搭配 have an ache in 某部位疼痛

近义词 pain, pang, hurt, eager, long, thirst

achieve/əˈtʃi:v/vt. 1. 完成,实现 2. (经过努力)获得,达到

近义词 fulfill, accomplish, finish, obtain, attain, acquire, carry out, complete, gain, perform, realize

achievement/əˈtʃi:vmənt/n. 1. 成就,成绩 2. 实现,达到

近义词 accomplishment, completion, fulfillment

助记 achieve(完成)+-ment(名词性后缀)→achievement(完成)

例句 Intelligence was believed to be a fixed entity, some faculty ofthe mindthat we all possess and which determines in some way the extent of our achievements. 智力被认为是一个固定的实体,我们都拥有的大脑的某种能力和以某种方式决定我们的成就大小的东西。

+acid/ˈæsɪd/adj. 1. 酸的,酸性的 2. 尖酸的,刻薄的n.酸

近义词 sour, tart, harsh, severe, sarcastic

acknowledge/əkˈnɒlɪʤ/vt. 1. 承认 2. 感谢 3. 告知收到(信件等)

近义词 accept, answer, concede, grant, admit, confess, recognize, notify

*acquaint/əˈkweɪnt/vt. 1. 使熟悉,使认识 2. 通知

搭配 be acquainted with 熟悉,认识

近义词 familiarize, inform, make sb./yourself familiar with, enlighten, notify, teach, tell

*acquaintance/əˈkweɪntəns/n. 1. 认识的人,熟人 2. 认识,了解

搭配 make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人

have acquaintance with 了解

近义词 familiarity, intimacy, knowledge

acquire/əˈkwaɪə(r)/vt. 1. 获得,取得 2. 学到(知识等),养成(习惯等)

近义词 obtain, gain, earn, win, attain, get, master, learn, secure

助记 require(要求),acquire(获得)

例句 Snow crystals acquire their special beauty when their simple six-sided symmetry blossoms. 当这种简单的六边对称形状发生变化时,雪晶体就拥有了它们独特的美丽之处。


近义词 acquirement, gaining


across/əˈkrɒs/prep. 1. 横过,穿过 2. 在…的对面 3. 交叉 4. 经过(一段时间)adv. 1. 横过,穿过 2. 在另一边

搭配 come across 偶然遇到

go across 走过

run across 偶遇,跑着穿过

近义词 through, past, via

act/ækt/vi. 1. 行动,做 2. 起作用 3. 表演vt. 1. 扮演(角色) 2. 装作n. 1. 行为,行动 2. 法令,条例 3. (戏剧的)一幕

搭配 act as(=serve as)担任…职务

act on/upon 按照…行动;对…起作用

act for 代理

近义词 conduct, behave, function, work, pretend, action, law, bill, perform

action/ˈækʃən/n. 1. 活动,行为 2. 作用 3. 战斗,军事行动 4. 情节 5. 姿势 6. 诉讼

搭配 take action 采取行动

out of action 不能工作,失去作用

近义词 activity, act, deed, function, operation, battle, behavior, conduct, performance, reaction

助记 act(活动)+-tion(名词性后缀)→action(活动)

*activate/ˈæktɪveɪt/vt. 1. 使活动 2. 使激活,使活化

近义词 make active, stimulate, excite, stir, affect, provoke

助记 active(活动的)+-ate(动词后缀,使…)→activate(使活动)


近义词 energetic, living, vigorous, sporty, animated, dynamic, lively, spirited, working

例句 Like cells anywhere else in your body, active neurons use oxygen. 像身体中其他地方的细胞一样,活跃的神经元细胞也需要氧气。


近义词 active(积极的)+-ist(…者)→activist(积极的人,积极分子)

activity/ækˈtɪvɪtɪ/n. 1. (pl.)活动,所做的事情 2. 活动性,活跃

近义词 movement, practice, action, deed, motion

actor/ˈæktə(r)/n. 1. 演员,男演员 2. 行动者

近义词 player, performer

助记 act(表演)+-or(…者,表男性)→actor(男演员)


助记 act(表演)+-ress(…者,表女性)→actress(女演员)


近义词 real, true, realistic, tangible, genuine, concrete, authentic


近义词 in fact, as a matter offact, practically, really, truly

例句 In nature, there is actually sound that is beyond our hearing. 在自然中,确实有的声音在我们的听力之外。

acute/əˈkju:t/adj. 1. (头脑或五官)灵敏的,敏锐的 2. 急性的 3. 剧烈的 4. 严重的

近义词 smart, bright, sharp, shrewd, keen, eager, clever, intelligent, quick, extreme, fierce, intense, severe, violent, critical

A. D./ˌeɪˈdi:/公元


助记 advertisement 的缩写

adapt/əˈdæpt/vt. 1. 使适应,使适合 2. 改写,改编

搭配 adapt...to 使适合,使适用

近义词 adjust, accommodate, change, revise, amend, alter, modify, vary

例句 The family's form changes as it adapts to changing social and economic influences. 家庭的构成形式随着不断变化的社会和经济影响而改变。

add/æd/vi. 1. 增加 2. 加,相加vt. 1. 加,增加 2. 接着讲(或写)

搭配 add(up)to 累计为,总数达

add up 合计

近义词 join, put together, unite, amplify, increase, sum, total, make larger


搭配 be addicted to 嗜好,爱好

addict oneself to 沉溺于…

近义词 surrender, devote, indulge in, be devoted to


助记 addict(使成瘾)+-tion(名词性后缀)→addiction(吸毒成瘾)

addition/əˈdɪʃən/n. 1. 加,加法 2. 附加部分,增加

搭配 in addition to 除…之外,另外

近义词 accessory, appendix, attachment, expansion

例句 In addition, DNA fingerprinting is often done inprivate laboratories that may not follow uniform testing standards and quality controls. 此外,DNA指纹常是在私人实验室做的,可能并不遵循统一的测试标准与质量控制。


近义词 extra, supplementary, added, further, more

助记 addition(附加部分)+-al(表属性,构成形容词)→additional(附加的)

例句 Vision specialists may provide special materials and equipment, help teachers and classmates understand the children's condition, andpossibly provide additional instruction. 眼科专家能提供专门的材料和设备,帮助老师和同学了解盲童的境况,还可以提供额外指导。

address/əˈdres/n. 1. 地址,住址 2. 讲话,演说vt. 1. 向…讲话 2. 写姓名,写地址

近义词 location, speech, talk, lecture, speak to


近义词 enough, ample, sufficient, plentiful, acceptable, qualified, competent, suitable, fit

例句 The government has been trying hard to provide adequate employment opportunities. 政府为提供充分的就业机会而竭尽全力。

+adhere/ədˈhɪə(r)/vi.(to) 1. 黏着 2. 坚持,遵守 3. 依附,追随

近义词 stick, hold, cling, follow, affix

助记 ad-(动词前缀,加于…)+here(这儿)→adhere(加于这上面,即黏着)

+adjacent/əˈʤeɪsənt/adj.(to) 1. (时间上)紧接着的 2. 邻近的,毗邻的

近义词 adjoining, near, neighboring, next to, touching



or example, the floor framing systems in one ofthe adjacent buildings was quite rugged, allowing floors that were pierced by tons of falling debris to remain intact. 例如,附近一幢建筑的楼板骨架系统非常坚固,这使那些被成吨的残片击穿的楼板得以完整无缺。


近义词 be next to, border on

助记 ad-(动词前缀,加于…)+join(加入)→adjoin(贴近)

adjust/əˈʤʌst/vt. 1. 调整,调节 2. 校准,校对vi. 1. 调整,校准 2. (to)适应于

近义词 regulate, modulate, adapt, alter, arrange

助记 ad-(动词前缀,朝向…)+just(公平的)→adjust(朝公平前进,即调整、校对)

例句 At least 90 days' notice ought to be given in such instances so that workers have time to adjust. 在这种情况下,应至少提前90天通知工人们,这样工人们才能有时间调整。

*administer/ədˈmɪnɪstə(r)/vt. 1. 管理,支配 2. 实行,实施 3. 给予,用(药等)

近义词 manage, direct, conduct, control, execute, lead, regulate, rule, supervise, distribute, supply, provide, offer

administration/ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃən/n. 1. 管理,经营 2. 行政机关

近义词 management, execution, operation, government, giving, administering

例句 The biggest food safety riskfor fresh fruits and vegetables as they are grown, picked or processed comes from human and animal waste, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA)said Friday. 美国食品和药物管理署周五说,新鲜水果蔬菜在生产、采摘与加工过程中最大的食品安全危险是人畜排泄物。


搭配 admire sb. for sth. 因某事而羡慕某人

近义词 esteem, respect, envy, sing high praise of, think highly of, look up to, value, appreciate, enjoy

admission/ədˈmɪʃən/n. 1. 允许进入 2. 入场费 3. 坦白,承认

近义词 access, entrance, entry, acceptance, acknowledgement, confession

admit/ədˈmɪt/vt. 1. 承认 2. 接纳,招收

近义词 allow, acknowledge, confess, accept, agree, concede, declare, disclose, grant, take in



owever, Doi admits that some of the technology, such as the alcohol odor sensor, should be improved. 尽管如此,多伊承认有一些技术,如酒精气味传感器仍有待改进。


近义词 youth, teens


例句 The clock pushes forward, so adolescents and teenagers are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. 青春期时,生物钟会提前,所以,青少年会比以前睡得晚。

adopt/əˈdɒpt/vt. 1. 采用,采取(态度等) 2. 选定(道路、职业等) 3. 收养

近义词 accept, approve, choose, take up, go for, support, foster

助记 adapt(使适应),adopt(采用)

例句 The team has also approached the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to try to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design. 这个团队还通过美国消费产品安全委员会努力说服制造商采纳新设计。


近义词 mature, ripe, grown-up

advance/ədˈvɑ:ns; ədˈvæns/vt. 1. 促进,推进 2. 提升,提高 3. 提出vi.前进,进展n. 1. 发展,前进 2. 预付款项 3. 增长,抬高

搭配 in advance 预先,在前面

近义词 promote, raise, suggest, develop, put forward, progress, elevation, improvement, development, growth, accelerate, boost, facilitate, further, proceed, go forward, make progress, propose

advantage/ədˈvɑ:ntɪʤ/n. 1. 优势,优点 2. 利益,好处

搭配 take advantage of 利用,趁机;欺骗,占…的便宜

近义词 merit, benefit, profit, interest, convenience, favor, gain

例句 Lighter, quieter, and often more efficient than rural counterparts, they take advantage of the extreme turbulence and rapid shifts in direction that characterize urban wind patterns. 城市里的风利用乱流、快速转向等特点,使其比乡村风更轻、更安静、更有效率。


助记 ad-(朝向)+vent(出口)→advent(朝向出口,即出现)

近义词 appearance, arrival, reach

adventure/ədˈventʃə(r)/n. 1. 冒险活动 2. 奇遇

近义词 venture, risk, hazard, experience, incident, occurrence, project

助记 ad-(朝向,进入)+venture(冒险)→adventure(冒险活动)

+adverse/ˈædvɜ:s; ædˈvɜ:s/adj.不利的,有害的,相反的

近义词 disadvantageous, harmful, contrary, unfavorable, disapproving, hostile, inappropriate, negative, opposing





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