
发布时间:2020-11-12 06:35:20






版权信息书名:开口说英语(购物+餐饮篇)作者:新东方英语研究中心排版:KingStar出版时间:2016-11-01本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —第一节购物Topic 01 逛街购物音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Do you want some assistance, madam?您需要帮忙吗,女士?● Is the price negotiable?这个价钱可以商量吗?● What kind of shoes would you prefer? We have various kinds of shoes.您想要哪种鞋呢?我们有各种不同种类的鞋。● Where is the expiration date?保质期在哪儿?● Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here?请问你们卖有机蔬菜吗?● You’d better take one of these trolleys.你最好去拿一辆手推车。● I want to buy a new lipstick. Do you know any good brands?我想买一支新的口红,你知道哪些牌子比较好用吗?● What color do these T-shirts come in?现在流行什么颜色的T恤?● I hope its quality is guaranteed.希望它的质量是有保证的。● Do you have cheongsam here?你们这有旗袍吗?拓展 | 多学一点常用语expensive a. 昂贵的cheap a. 便宜的expiration date 保质期quality n. 质量various a. 各种各样的brand n. 品牌style n. 款式try on 试穿cut down 减价bargain v. 讨价还价material n. 材料pattern n. 款式妙答 | 回答很坦然● I’d like to see an overcoat for the autumn. Not too heavy and not too light.我想看看秋天穿的大衣,不要太厚也不要太薄。● I’m sorry we only sell at fixed prices.很抱歉,我们店不还价。● Well, I’m looking for walking shoes.噢,我在找一种散步穿的鞋子。● It is printed on the carton.它印在盒子上。● Yes, we do. They’re right in front of you.有的,就在你前面。● Where is it?在哪儿?● You can look at this one.您可以看一下这一款。● The blue is in.蓝色很流行。● You can feel at ease.您可以放心。● We have cheongsam of various materials, colors, and patterns.我们有各种面料、各种颜色和不同款式的旗袍。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: I’d like to buy a T-shirt. 我想买一件T恤。B: Here are some latest styles. Are you interested in this one? 这儿有些最新款式,喜欢这件吗?A: I like the design. Do you have any blue ones? 我喜欢这个设计,有蓝色的吗?B: Yes. Just a moment. Here you are. 有,稍等一下。给您。Topic 02 电视购物音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Those on TV shopping always brag that their goods are the best. So ridiculous.电视购物上的人总是吹嘘说他们的商品是最好的,真可笑。● Could you tell me how much it is?您能告诉我这个多少钱吗?● Would you consider a volume discount?批量购买可以优惠吗?● That’s way too much money.价格太贵了。● Do you like TV shopping?你喜欢电视购物吗?● You can make a call to consult.你可以打电话咨询一下。● There is some promotion on TV.电视上有一些促销活动。● Is tax already included in the price?这个价位含税吗?● How do I pay you?我怎么付钱呢?● How do you know it?你是怎么知道的?拓展 | 多学一点常用语advertisement n. 广告delivery n. 交付tax n. 税金consult v. 咨询convenient a. 方便的on sale 减价促销promotion n. 促销活动volume n. 大量discount n. 折扣pay v. 付款percent n. 百分比cotton n. 棉妙答 | 回答很坦然● You shouldn’t buy any word of it.你最好一个字也不要信。● In the neighborhood of $500.500美元左右。● If you buy 1,000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount.如果您能购买一千件或以上,可以打9折。● We can give privileges by model.我们可以根据型号给予优惠。● Yes, I like it. It’s very convenient.喜欢,这样很方便。● What’s the number?号码是多少?● What’s it for?是关于什么的?● Yes. Our price can’t be matched.是的。我们的价格很有优势。● You can pay on delivery.你可以货到付款。● I saw the advertisement on TV.我在电视上看见广告了。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Thanks, how much does it cost? 谢谢。多少钱?B: It’s 20 percent off now, only 99 yuan. 现在打8折,只要99元。A: Great. I’ll take it. May I pay it by card? 好的,我买了。我可以刷卡付款吗?B: Sure. 当然。Topic 03 网络购物音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Have you ever tried shopping online?你试过在网上买东西吗?● Do you know how to do shopping online?你知道怎么网上购物吗?● It’s quite different from what we see on the website.这和我们在网站上看到的差得多。● Could you tell me some advantages of shopping online?你能告诉我一些网上购物的好处吗?● It’s not always so safe to pay online.网上支付不是很安全。● What is its disadvantages of shopping online do you think?你认为网购的缺点是什么?● Aunt Cindy, do you shop online often?辛迪阿姨,你经常在网上购物吗?● Are there many things online?网上的商品多吗?● Is this an online virtual supermarket?这是一个网络虚拟超市吗?● Have you ever shopped online?你在网上购物过吗?拓展 | 多学一点常用语online a. 网上的overseas shopping 海淘virtual a. 虚拟的goods n. 商品shopping cart 购物车fraud n. 假货;骗子website n. 网站express delivery 快递disadvantage n. 缺点advantage n. 优点online bank 网上银行click v. 点击妙答 | 回答很坦然● No, never.没有,从来没有。● Yes, I can teach you how to do.知道,我可以教你怎么做。● That happens.有时确实。● Of course. Firstly, it is very convenient.当然。首先,它很方便。● It’s said that some measures have been taken to deal with this problem.听说已经出台措施解决这个问题了。● Well, the biggest one is that I cannot see the true goods.嗯,最大的缺点是我看不到真正的商品。● Yes, it’s very convenient and the price is even lower.是啊。这很方便而且价格还更加便宜呢。● Sure. You can find almost everything all over the world.当然了。你几乎能买到世界上所有的东西。● Let’s click to check it out.我们点击进去看看。● Quite often. It is very convenient, saving me a lot of time.经常。网购非常方便,为我节省了很多时间。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Have you ever shopped online? 你在网上买过东西吗?B: Yes, yesterday I bought some books on it. 买过,昨天我还在网上买了一些书。A: Can you tell me how to pay for it? 你能告诉我怎样付款吗?B: Yes, of course. 当然。Topic 04 交易纠纷音频巧问 | 开口超简单● I’d like to talk to the person responsible for sale.我想同负责销售的人谈谈。● We would like you to ship back all the goods to us.我们希望您能把所有货物寄送回来。● What’s the problem?有什么问题吗?● We will send you a replacement right now.我们会马上补寄一批货过去。● I don’t like to have to bring this up, but we found that the bag is broken.我也不想跟你说这些,但我们发现包有破损。● Do you need us to replace them, return them or would you prefer a discount?您想要我们给您换货,退货,还是倾向于打折呢?● The goods we’ve received do not tally with the sample on which we ordered.我们收到的货物与订货样品不符。● I want to know a certain product of yours.我想询问一下你们公司的某个产品。● Why haven’t we received the shoes?我们为什么还没有收到鞋子?● I’m sorry to inform you of this, but we got the cloth that is all the wrong color.很抱歉通知您,贵方寄送的布匹颜色全错了。拓展 | 多学一点常用语responsible a. 承担责任的discount n. 折扣replace v. 替换goods n. 货物replacement n. 补充handle v. 处理suggestion n. 建议refund v. 退款sample n. 样品faulty a. 有瑕疵的material n. 材料return v. 退货妙答 | 回答很坦然● What’s the matter?有什么问题吗?● OK. We will do.好,我们照办。● We asked for black and green, but we got white and red.我们要黑的和绿的,但你们送来的是白的和红的。● Sorry, but we want to return the goods.对不起,但是我们想退货。● We can change a new one for you.我们可以给您换一个新的。● Let me think about it. I’ll let you know when I find out.让我考虑一下,具体怎么办我会通知你。● Sorry. I’ll check on it.对不起。我会检查一下。● What about it? I may possibly be of help.什么产品?也许我能效劳。● Sorry, we delayed the delivery for some reason.抱歉,由于一些原因我们延期发货了。● I’ll check on it immediately.我马上给您核对一下。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: I hate to tell you of this. But we found that there are some faulty materials in the goods which we have shipped to you. 很抱歉通知您。我们发现已寄送给贵方的那批货里有一些劣质品。B: Oh, that’s quite unusual for your company, isn’t it? 哦,你们公司向来很少会出这种事情,不是吗?A: I’m really sorry. 我很抱歉。B: What can we do to fix things? 那现在我们要怎么办呢?Topic 05 购买化妆品音频巧问 | 开口超简单● I’m not sure if this color matches my skin tone. Can I try it first?我不确定这个颜色是否适合我的肤色。我可以先试用一下吗?● If my skin is allergic to the product, can I bring it back for a refund?如果我的皮肤对这个产品过敏,我可以拿回来退吗?● How can I help you?我能帮您什么吗?● How about this facial mask?这款面膜怎么样?● I want some cleaning lotion.我想要卸妆液。● Could you show me how to put on this eye shadow?你可以示范给我看怎么用这款眼影吗?● Hi, I’m interested in your moisturizers. Could you tell me more about them?嗨,我对你们的保湿产品有兴趣,你可以介绍一下吗?● What colors do you have in foundation?粉底有哪些颜色呢?● My T-zone gets oily easily, but my cheeks are dry in the winter.我的T区容易出油,但两颊冬天却很干。● Do you have a good thickening mascara?你们有卖浓密式睫毛膏吗?拓展 | 多学一点常用语skin tone 肤色skin toner 爽肤水mascara n. 睫毛膏sample sack 试用装lotion n. 乳液bestseller n. 畅销品moisturizer n. 保湿产品BB cushion 气垫BBcream n. 霜allergic a. 过敏的sunproof a. 防晒的combination skin 混合型皮肤妙答 | 回答很坦然● Yes, here’s the sample sack.可以,这是试用装。● Sorry, I’m afraid not.抱歉,恐怕不能。● I want sunproof skin care products.我想要防晒的护肤品。● It’s good for moisturizing the skin.它对皮肤有很好的补水作用。● Which brand do you want?您想要哪个牌子的?● Yes, of course.当然。● Sure. Do you know your skin type?好的。您知道自己是哪一类肌肤吗?● Let me show you.你看看。● This “Cream of Olives” is our bestseller for combination skin.这款橄榄滋养霜是我们卖得最好的,专门针对混合型肌肤。● Of course. Here is our thickening mascara.有,这是我们的浓密式睫毛膏。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: May I help you? 我可以帮您吗?B: Is there any promotion about the cosmetics? 化妆品有什么促销活动吗?A: You can look at the cream here. Buy two and you can get one free. 你可以看看这儿的面霜,买二赠一。B: How much is it? 多少钱?Topic 06 试穿试用音频巧问 | 开口超简单● May I try it on?我可以试穿吗?● Do you have this in a smaller size?这款你们还有小号的吗?● What do you think of this pair?您觉得这双怎么样?● I’d prefer something long.我喜欢长点的衣服。● This is just my size.正合适。● Can you give me a larger one?你能给我找一件大一号的吗?● How many items can I take to the fitting room each time?我一次可以带几件衣服到试衣间?● This coat fits like a glove.这件外套很适合您。● How about it, sir? Do they fit?怎么样,先生?合适吗?● What about this one? It’s much smaller.这件怎么样?这件小多了。拓展 | 多学一点常用语try on 试穿loose a. 松的tight a. 紧的long a. 长的short a. 短的mirror n. 镜子narrow a. 窄的fitting room 试衣间medium size 中号smaller a. 小一点的larger a. 大一点的figure n. 身材妙答 | 回答很坦然● Sure. The fitting room is over there.当然,试衣间在那边。● What size do you wear?您穿多大号的?● I feel better.这双穿起来更舒服。● I think this coat fits you.我认为这件外套很适合您。● Yes, that looks good on you.是的,你穿上真好看。● What’s your size?您穿多大号?● Two.两件。● Yes, I like it.是的,我喜欢这件。● No, this size is a little too large for me. Have you got a smaller one?不太合适。这个尺寸对我来说有点大。还有小一点的吗?● Yes, this one looks much better.这件看起来好多了。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: I like that coat. 我喜欢那件大衣。B: Why don’t you try it on? 你为什么不试穿一下呢?A: All right. How do I look? 好吧。我穿着怎么样?B: Well, the style is OK, but the color is too dark. 嗯,款式还可以,就是颜色太暗了。Topic 07 讨价还价音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Is there a price reduction?可以打个折扣吗?● Can you give me a little deal on this?这能卖得便宜一点吗?● Come on, give me a break on this.别这样,你就让点儿价吧。● They are in promotion.它们正在促销。● I want to buy these two items in your store. Can you make them cheaper?我想在你们店买这两件东西。你能便宜一点儿吗?● You are pricing yourself out of the market!你这是漫天要价!● It’s a daylight robbery! To charge 150 yuan for a mere cup of tea!简直是抢劫!一杯茶就要我150元。● How much is this dress?这件衣服是多少钱?● I can get this cheaper at other places.这样东西我在别的地方可以买到更便宜的。● One hundred and I’ll take it.100块我就买。拓展 | 多学一点常用语discount n. 折扣bargain v. 讨价还价market price市场价floor price底价rock-bottom price最低价bargain sale廉价出售promotion n. 促销reasonable a.合理的reduction n. 减少quality n. 质量charge n. 费用offer n. 报价妙答 | 回答很坦然● We are having a sale now. The price has already gone down.我们正在大减价,价钱已经很低了。● Sorry, the price has been very low.抱歉,价格已经很低了。● The prices here are fixed.这里是不讲价的。● Are they cheaper than usual?它们比平常便宜吗?● I’m sorry, sir. There is no bargaining in our store.对不起,先生。我们店不讲价。● My offer is reasonable.我开的价是合理的。● Why don’t you beat a bargain?你为什么不还价呢?● Two hundred and sixty yuan. No less.260块。不能再少了。● The quality must be different.质量肯定是不一样的。● Then, one hundred and thirty. That’s my last offer. Take it or leave it.那么,130块。这是我最后报价。要不要由您了。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Let me see some necklaces first. 让我先看看项链吧。B: This one is very nice. It’s two hundred and fifty dollars. 这串很好看,价格是250美元。A: Is there a price reduction? 可以打个折扣吗?B: We are having a sale now. The price has already gone down. 我们正在大减价,价钱已经很低了。





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