
发布时间:2020-11-15 03:48:30







前 言


1. 设计了内容丰富、形式多样的口语练习话题。每一单元的练习中,既有单人练习,也有双人合作和小组互动讨论;既有头脑风暴、小游戏、看图描述、对话等简单练习,也有小组讨论、辩论比赛、采访等难度较高的练习。不同层次的学习者会找到难易程度适合自己的练习,从而能勇敢地开口说英语。

2. 注重听、说、读、写四个英语技能的整合。语言是一个输入到输出的过程,听和读属于输入,说和写属于输出,如果没有大量的听力和阅读输入,那么口语练习将是无源水之,无法得到有效的提升。本教材则把这四个方面有机地结合起来,在每一单元都设计了与话题相关的词汇、文章及视听材料,因此学习者在口语练习中不会因为缺乏输入而“巧妇难为无米之炊”。

3. 体现出思想政治教育融入专业课的重要指导思想。语言背后更为重要的是文化意识、价值观、人文素养等思想政治教育内容。因此本教材在设计话题和练习时专门选择了一些我国社会热点话题作为素材,使学习者们关注时事,对我国的历史、政治、经济、社会、文化等各个方面有所了解,并能用英语对这些问题表达自己的看法。

4. 弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化。在英语的跨文化学习中,学习者容易陷入误区,即过多关注西方文化,而忽略了中国文化,存在着中国文化失语症的问题。在目前中国文化走出去的重要战略指导下,如何用英语表达和传播中国文化是我国英语学习者的重要目标。本教材在每一单元中都设计了与中国文化相关的练习,使学习者学会用英语去表达中国的文化。

5. 本教材既适合在英语口语课堂上使用,也适合学习者在课下的自主学习。本教材的每单元都设计了课下自主学习的部分,通过听、说、读、写的综合练习来提高口语水平。

6. 本教材兼顾了趣味性。为了使英语口语学习不再枯燥,本书在每单元的最后选取了一些广受欢迎的英文影视片段或英文歌曲,并设计了丰富的视听说练习,有利于提高学习者对口语练习的兴趣。

7. 本教材也注重了应试的实用性。针对广大英语学习者有英语口语考试的应试需求,本教材在每单元都设计了本单元话题在雅思口语考试中的例题,通过经典考试的实战练习,学习者能够更好地运用所学知识。

由于时间仓促、能力有限,本书在编写过程中难免会出现一些错误和不足之处,因此恳请同行专家、教师、同学和教材的使用者们提出宝贵的批评意见和建议。编 者Unit OnePeople in My LifeIntroduction

Have you noticed the people that you have around you in your life? Do you still remember the person who has impressed you deeply or helped you when you were in trouble? What is your ideal type?

In this unit you will learn:

◆ to make a good self-introduction

◆ to describe the appearance and personality of people

◆ to talk about a person who has given you much help or has great influence on you

◆ to master communicative English about greetings and introduction

◆ to discuss the second child policy of China


If there is one thing one can always yearn for and sometimes attain, it is human love.

-Albert Camus(1913-1960, a French philosopher, author, and journalist)

Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

-Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961, an American Novelist, and short story writer)

It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery(1900-1944, a French writer, poet, aristocrat, and pioneering aviator)Part One: Warm-up Activities

Task 1: Brainstorming

Directions: Work with your partner or partners to list any words concerning “people in my life” in the following blanks. You may tell your partners which people are important for you in your life.

Task 2: Game

Directions: Work in pairs. One student describes a certain classmate with several simple sentences, and the other student guesses who he/she is describing. Then the two students will take turns to play the game.Part Two: In-class Activities

Task 1: Individual Practice

1. Describing a person

Directions: Describe a certain person in your life, such as a parent, a grand-parent, a brother or sister, a friend, a teacher, a neighbor, and so on. Your description should include their age, occupation, height, stature, appearance, hairstyle, personality and character. You can refer to the useful expressions in the Word Bank below the pictures.

Word Bank

2. Identity exchange

Directions: Suppose one day you wake up in the morning and find you and your mother/father have switched your identities with each other.You need to play the role of mother/father for a whole day. Give a first-person description of what you have done this day, and then answer the following questions:

● Is it easy to be a parent? Why or why not?

● Do you think you can be a good parent? Why or why not?

● Give some suggestions to your parents.

Task 2: Pair Work

1. Greetings and self-introduction

Directions: Work in pairs, and make dialogues based on one of the following situations. You should practice how to greet somebody and introduce yourself or somebody to others. You can refer to the useful expression in the Tips for Communicative English about Greetings.

1. In your first English class in college, you meet your partner for the first time. Please introduce yourself to each other.

2. You are with a friend in a restaurant. One of your teachers comes in. They do not know each other. Introduce them.

3. You are shopping in a shopping mall with somebody where you come across an old friend you haven’t seen for years.

4. Suppose you were a freshman who just came to the college, give your parents a phone call.

Tips for Communicative English about Greetings

Do you know how English speakers greet each other? Maybe you have learned “-How are you? –Fine, thank you, and you? ” in the English textbooks in your primary school or middle school, but this way of greeting is too formal and it is not so often used in real life.Here are listed some ways to greet others and how to answer other’s greetings.

The most commonly used ways of greeting among English speakers are: 1. How are you? 2. How are you doing? (or How you doing? ) 3. How’s it going? 4. What’s up? They are quite similar to “Hello” or “Hi”, just like Chinese people greet each other with “ 吃 了吗? /Have you eaten? ”. “How are you? ” is relatively more often used than the others as it can be used in various relationships such as strangers, colleagues, acquaintances and friends,while “what’s up? ” is often used among very close friends.

Here are some possible answer to answer “How are you? ”.

1. If you are greeted by some strangers such as shop assistants, cashiers, waiters, or waitresses, you can simply answer “Good”, “Pretty good”, “Not bad”, “I’m good. Thanks.”and so on in order to show your politeness. Or you can just give them a smile without saying anything.

2. For the people who are not very close such as colleagues or acquaintances, “How are you? ” is just a ritualized greeting you don’t need to answer in details. You can just say “Good.How are you? ”, “Pretty good”, “Great” and so on, and then you two will be busy with your own affairs separately or continue directly to talk about something that you want to talk to him or her. Remember that others may not care whether you are doing well or not, so try not to use the answer such as “Can’t be better/worse”, or “Terrible/awful” unless you do want to tell them what happened.

3. For the very close friends, the answers are more casual such as “Very well, thanks.”,“Pretty good”, “Doing pretty well, thanks. How about you? ”, “Same old”, and so on. If others show their genuine concern for you or your friend may know what you have been through such as illness or job hunting, you can continue to tell him or her your new condition after the usual answer.

As for “What’s up? ” or “What’s new? ”, sometimes you can also use the answers to “How are you? ”, or you can also answer “Not much”, “Nothing”, “Nothing much”.Sometimes, the close friends will answer “What’s up” or “Sup”. But they usually don’t use“Just so so”which is often used by Chinese students.

The following are some examples of greeting:

Sample 1:

A: Hey man, what’s up?

B: Not bad. How are you doing?

A: I’m doing good. How’s your new jobgoing?

B: It’s alright. I just have to get used to the new environment.

Sample 2:

A: How are you?

B: Fine, you?

A: I’m fine. You look a little upset. Is everything okay?

B: Well, not really...

Sample 3:

A: Hi Chris, what’s up?

B: Nothing much John, just going to play basketball. You?

A: Nothing new, presentation for my seminar

B: Well, good luck, I gotta run.

A: Okay, bye.

2. What’s your dating type?

Directions: Have you been in a relationship? What kind of boys or girls do you like? What’s your dating type? Work in pairs and make a dialogue by using some of the following sentence patterns. You should talk about what type of boys or girls you like, and you can also share your experience of your dating.

1. I’m really looking for a girl who is...I think...is very important,and I like...girls.

2. I’m really attracted to...men. It’s very important that they’re...

3. I think a woman is beautiful when/if she is...

4. I’m attracted to men/women who are...

Task 3: Group Discussion

Directions: A second child, Yes or No? A new policy has come into being that each family can have a second child.Some approve of it while other don’t. What about you?What’s your idea about this policy? Have a discussion with your group members and then give a report on this topic.Your report should include:

(1) what the policy is and the possible reasons;

(2) the opinions of the public;

(3) share your own experience of having a brother or sister if you have any;

(4) whether you want to have a brother or sister if you don’t have any;

(5) advantages and disadvantages of one-child policy and two-child policy;

(6) how many children you would like to have in the future.

You can also find some useful expressions and ideas for your discussion from the following passage excerpted from a piece of news in China Daily:Two-child policy is a turning point for ChinaBy Yao Yao (chinadaily.com.cn) October 30, 2015

The universal two-child policy in a statement from the Communist Party of China on Thursday is an earth-shattering change from the one-child policy instituted in the late 1970s and reflects a family planning policy in tune with the times.

The universal two-child policy will reportedly actively address the country’s aging trend and potential future labor shortages due to the low birth rate in recent years.

Low birth rate means less adults of working age, which poses a threat for the country’s sustainable growth in the long run.

The percentage of the population aged under 14 in China declined from 33. 6 in 1982 to 16. 6 in 2010, according to the National Bureau of Statistics; any society with a population in that age bracket between 15 and 18 percent of the total populace faces a severely low birth rate.

So in November 2013, the family planning policy was further adjusted to allow couples to have a second child when one spouse was an only child; early in the 21st century, couples were allowed to have a second child if they were both an only child.

However, the adjustment in 2013 was reported to be not enough to bring about an expected baby boom.

In 2014, only 700, 000 out of the 2 million couples eligible to have a second child applied for a second-child, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

To better solve the existing demographic problems in China, a universal two-child policy better suits the country’s demand.

The one-child policy put forward in the late 1970s aimed at slowing the fast population growth caused by a baby boom appearing in the late 1960s and early 1970s after the country recovered from three years of natural disasters in the early 1960s.

Controlling population size has become the country’s top priority after taking into consideration the large population base, fast growth and people’s poor livelihoods, recalled population expert Tian Xueyuan, who attended the five forums on population policy along with many experts in 1980.

The year 1982 witnessed the one-child policy becoming a basic state policy, after the policy was written into the Constitution in March 1978.

The achievements China has made today prove the one-child policy’s effects on improving people’s livelihood and speeding economic growth.

However, the implementation of the one-child policy also has its bottlenecks, though some families, such as ethnic minorities, can have more than one child, according to the policy.

Except for forced abortion, a punishment for disobeying the policy, female infanticide and under-reporting of female births are frequently seen as many Chinese families still prefer boys to girls, due to the influence of ancient patriarchal society.

Besides, with the only child becoming the center of a family, the child may be too spoiled to grow up with a healthy outlook on life, which can be seen in many related cases reported nowadays.

Still, if the only child dies before his parents, it’s hard to imagine how the parents will spend the rest of their lives, especially when they are old.

Task 4: Related topics in speaking tests

Directions: The following is a sample in IELTS speaking test related to the topic in this unit.Try to read the sample and learn how to answer the question well, and then test yourself with the given test questions.

Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:

how this person is related to you what this person looks like

what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like this person.

Sample text:

I would like to talk about my father. My father is about 176cm high, with little hair and a pair of glasses. He was originally an engineer. After being an engineer for many years, he wanted to start his own business. After several years of hard work, he finally succeeded. He always says,“Work hard and you will succeed one day.” In the daily life, he is a humorous person. He loves telling me some jokes of his colleagues. I always burst into laughter when I hear them. My father is also a versatile person. He teaches me how to play golf and how to do traditional Chinese handwriting in his leisure time. I always wonder why he is so energetic about doing anything. This is my father and I love him.

Test yourself:

Describe a person such as your teacher that has helped you.You should say:

who the teacher is

what subject he / she teaches how he / she has taught

and say whether other people had a similar opinion of this teacher.Part Three: After-class Practice

Task 1: Read, Think, Speak and Write

Directions: Read the following essay written by Zhu Ziqing, and finish the following tasks after class.The Sight of Father’s BackBy Zhu Ziqing, translated by Zhang Peiji

It is more than two years since I last saw father,and what I can never forget is the sight of his back.Misfortunes never come singly. In the winter of more than two years ago, grandma died and father lost his job. I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandma’s funeral. When I met father in Xuzhou, the sight of the disorderly mess in his courtyard and the thought of grandma started tears trickling down my cheeks. Father said,“Now that things’ve come to such a pass, it’s no use crying. Fortunately, Heaven always leaves one a way out.”

After arriving home in Yangzhou, father paid off debts by selling or pawning things. He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses. Between grandma’s funeral and father’s unemployment, our family was then in reduced circumstances. After the funeral was over,father was to go to Nanjing to look for a job and I was to return to Beijing to study, so we started out together.

I spent the first day in Nanjing strolling about with some friends at their invitation, and was ferrying across the Yangtse River to Pukou the next morning and thence taking a train for Beijing on the afternoon of the same day. Father said he was too busy to go and see me off at the railway station, but would ask a hotel waiter that he knew to accompany me there instead. He urged the waiter again and again to take good care of me, but still did not quite trust him. He hesitated for quite a while about what to do. As a matter of fact, nothing would matter at all because I was then twenty and had already travelled on the Beijing-Pukou Railway a couple of times. After some wavering, he finally decided that he himself would accompany me to the station. I repeatedly tried to talk him out of it, but he only said,“Never mind! It won’t do to trust guys like those hotel boys!”

We entered the railway station after crossing the River. While I was at the booking office buying a ticket, father saw to my luggage. There was quite a bit of luggage and he had to bargain with the porter over the fee. I was then such a smart aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched. Getting on the train with me, he picked me a seat close to the carriage door. I spread on the seat the brownish fur lined overcoat he had got tailor made for me. He told me to be watchful on the way and be careful not to catch cold at night. He also asked the train attendants to take good care of me. I sniggered at father for being so impractical,for it was utterly useless to entrust me to those attendants, who cared for nothing but money.Besides, it was certainly no problem for a person of my age to look after himself. Oh, when I come to think of it, I can see how smarty I was in those days!

I said,“Dad, you might leave now.” But he looked out of the window and said,“I’m going to buy you some tangerines. You just stay here. Don’t move around.” I caught sight of several vendors waiting for customers outside the railings beyond a platform. But to reach that platform would require crossing the railway track and doing some climbing up and down. That would be a strenuous job for father, who was fat. I wanted to do all that myself,but he stopped me, so I could do nothing but let him go. I watched him hobble towards the railway track in his black skullcap, black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown. He had little trouble climbing down the railway track, but it was a lot more difficult for him to climb up that platform after crossing the railway track. His hands held onto the upper part of the platform, his legs huddled up and his corpulent body tipped slightly towards the left, obviously making an enormous exertion. While I was watching him from behind, tears gushed from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away lest he or others should catch me crying. The next moment when I looked out of the window again, father was already on the way back, holding bright red tangerines in both hands. In crossing the railway track, he first put the tangerines on the ground, climbed down slowly and then picked them up again. When he came near the train, I hurried out to help him by the hand. After boarding the train with me, he laid all the tangerines on my overcoat, and patting the dirt off his clothes, he looked somewhat relieved and said after a while,“I must be going now. Don’t forget to write me from Beijing” I gazed after his back retreating out of the carriage. After a few steps, he looked back at me and said, “Go back to your seat. Don’t leave your things alone.” I, however, did not go back to my seat until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no longer visible. My eyes were again wet with tears.

In recent years, both father and I have been living an unsettled life, and the circumstances of our family going from bad to worse. Father left home to seek a livelihood when young and did achieve quite a few things all on his own. To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! The discouraging state of affairs filled him with an uncontrollable feeling of deep sorrow, and his pent-up emotion had to find a vent. That is why even mere domestic trivialities would often make him angry, and meanwhile he became less and less nice with me. However, the separation of the last two years has made him more forgiving towards me. He keeps thinking about me and my son. After I arrived in Beijing, he wrote me a letter, in which he says,“I’m all right except for a severe pain in my arm. I even have trouble using chopsticks or writing brushes. Perhaps it won’t be long now before I depart this life.” Through the glistening tears which these words had brought to my eyes I again saw the back of father’s corpulent form in the dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown and the black cloth mandarin jacket. Oh, how I long to see him again!

New Words

1. Read the passage and try to recite one or two paragraphs of it.

2. Pay attention to the detailed description of father’s appearance and movements, and retell in your own words.

3. Discuss the change of writer’s feeling towards his father and think about whether you have the similar changes towards your parents.

4. Write a letter to your parents in English in which you need to express your gratitude to them.

Task 2: Listen and speak

Directions: Everyone knows that mother is the most important person in our lives. In English there are many expressions of “mother”. Listen to the following passage and find out the meaning and usages of the idioms about mother.Not All Mother Expressions Are As Nice As Mom

Now, the VOA Learning English program Words and Their Stories. Each week at this time,we tell about everyday expressions in American English and how to use them.

In the United States, Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May. It was back in 1908 when a woman named Anna Jarvis created this unofficial holiday to honor mothers.However, Ms. Jarvis would later criticize Mother’s Day. She said it had become too commercial -- too much about spending money.

She had a good point.





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