
发布时间:2020-11-27 05:55:41








Part One 20%

Directions: Filling in the following blanks. (one point each)

1. Languages are studied at different levels. Theoretical linguistics generally includes six main branches, namely _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____.【答案】phonetics; phonology; morphology; syntax; semantics; pragmatics【解析】本题考查理论语言学的基本分支。理论语言学的六个主要分支有语音学,音系学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语用学。

2. The most important two relationships in language are _____ and _____as identified by de Saussure.【答案】diachronic and synchronic; langue and parole【解析】本题考查索绪尔提出的两个关于语言的二分法。这两个二分法分别是共时和历时,语言和言语。

3. Chomsky put forward the notions of _____ and _____, which are comparable to de Saussure’s langue and parole.【答案】competence; performance【解析】本题考查乔姆斯基提出了语言能力和语言应用的根本区别。一名语言使用者对于语言规则系统的潜在认识称为他的语言能力,语言运用指在具体场景中语言的实际运用。语言能力和语言运用与索绪尔的语言和言语分别对应。

4. The publication of The Waste Land, written by _____, helped to establish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive thought.【答案】T. S. Eliot【解析】本题考查《荒原》的作者。《荒原》是现代英美诗歌的里程碑,是象征主义文学中最有代表性的作品,是托马斯•艾略特的成名作和影响最深远的作品,表达了西方一代人精神上的幻灭,被认为是西方现代文学中具有划时代意义的作品。

5. Fitzgerald summarized the experiences and attitudes of the 1920s decade in his masterpiece novel _____.【答案】The Great Gatsby【解析】本题考查美国作家菲茨杰拉德的代表作。其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》是一部以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,是对大萧条时期之后的“爵士时代”的一个不安的叙述:它刻录着“爵土时代”及其伴随着这个时代所发生的一切,具有深到的社会普遍代表性和认识价值。

6. An American woman writer named _____ who had lived in Paris since 1903, welcomed the young expatriates to her literary salon, and gave them a name “the Lost Generation”.【答案】Gertrude Stein【解析】本题考查美国女作家格特鲁德•斯泰因的相关知识。格特鲁德•斯泰因对美国现代主义的影响很大,被称作美国“垮掉的一代”(斯泰因称他们为“迷惘的一代”)的导师、保姆、代言人和命名者。

7. _____ is generally regarded as John Steinbeck’s masterpiece.【答案】The Grape of Wrath【解析】本题考查约翰•斯坦贝克的代表作。《愤怒的葡萄》是美国现代小说家约翰•斯坦贝克的代表作,这部作品描写美国20世纪30年代经济恐慌期间大批农民破产、逃荒的故事,反映了惊心动魄的社会斗争的图景。小说饱含美国农民的血泪、愤慨和斗争。

8. Quentin is a character in Faulkner’s novel _____【答案】The Sound and the Fury【解析】本题考查福克纳的小说《喧哗与骚动》。《喧哗与骚动》是福克纳的第一部成熟的作品。书中大量运用多视角叙述方法及意识流手法,是现代派小说中的经典名著。昆丁是该小说中的一个主要人物。

9. The poetic style Whitman devised is now called _____, which is poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.【答案】free verse【解析】本题考查惠特曼诗歌的韵律特点。惠特曼是美国文学史上最伟大的改革者之一,他所创造的诗体现在被称为“自由体”,即没有固定节拍和规则韵律的诗。

10. Melville’s world classic novel Moby Dick was dedicated to _____, a novelist who wrote The Scarlet Letter suggested that American Romanticism adapted itself to American Puritan Moralism.【答案】Nathaniel Hawthorne【解析】本题考查小说《红字》的作者。《红字》是霍桑的代表作,小说惯用象征手法,人物、情节和语言都颇具主观想象色彩,在描写中又常把人的心理活动和直觉放在首位。因此,它不仅是美国浪漫主义小说的代表作,同时也被称作是美国心理分析小说的开创篇。

11. The Bronte sisters are Charlotte Bronte, _____ and Anne Bronte.【答案】Emily Bronte【解析】本题考查勃朗特三姐妹。勃朗特家庭是文学史上的一个天才家庭,姐妹三人都具有非凡的文学才能。夏洛蒂、艾米莉、安妮,她们虽然都命运坎坷,英年早逝,但其著作却成为19世纪文学的经典之作,她们是后世轰轰烈烈的“女性写作运动”的鼻祖。

12. Among Hardy’s novels, the best known is _____ and Jude the Obscure.【答案】Tess of the D’Urbervilles【解析】本题考查哈代的主要作品。《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代的代表作是“威塞克斯系列”中的一部。它描写了一位农村姑娘的悲惨命运。哈代在小说的副标题中称女主人公为“一个纯洁的女人”,公开地向维多利亚时代虚伪的社会道德挑战。《无名的裘德》是哈代最优秀的作品之一,它以悲怆的笔调叙述了乡村青年裘德一生的悲剧。

13. _____ is the representative among the writers of aestheticism and decadence. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a typical decadent novel written by him.【答案】Oscar Wilde【解析】本题考查奥斯卡•王尔德的相关知识。他是爱尔兰作家、诗人、剧作家,英国唯美主义艺术运动的倡导者。《道林•格雷的画像》是其主要作品之一。

Part Two (Linguistics)

Section A

Directions: Please answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are the features that distinguish a human language from other communication systems? And in what way they are important to man’s development? (8%)【答案】(1) Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. This definition has revealed five essential factors of language: systematic, arbitrary, vocal, symbolic and most importantly human-specific. Design features refer to the defining properties of human languages that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.(2) Arbitrariness is the core feature of language, which refers to the fact that there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with. It is not entirely arbitrary at all levels. Some words, such as the ones created in the imitation of sounds by sounds are motivated in a certain degree.(3) Duality refers to the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of two levels has its own principles of organization. The property of duality only exists in such a system, namely, with both elements (e.g. sounds, letters) and units (e.g. words).(4) Creativity means language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness, which enables human beings to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences in our native language, including the sentences which were never heard before.(5) Displacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication. Displacement benefits human beings by giving them the power to handle generalizations and abstractions.(6) Language is culturally transmitted. It cannot be transmitted through heredity.(7) Interchangeability refers to the fact that man can both produce and receive messages, and his roles as a speaker and a hearer can be exchanged at ease. Thus these design features distinguish human language from any other communication system in their special way.【答题思路】本题考查语言的定义特征。分别阐述语言的定义特征的含义以及其功能即可。

2. What are the three metafunctions of language proposed by M. K. Halliday? Please explain each of them briefly (8%)【答案】(1) In his systemic-functional grammar, Halliday proposed three metafunctions of language, namely, ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function.(2) The ideational function is applied for conveying new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer. The ideational function mainly consists of “transitivity” and “voice”. Transitivity simply refers to the grammar of the clause in its ideational aspect. It consists of six different processes: Material, Behavioral, Mental, Verbal, Relational and Existential Process.(3) The interpersonal function embodies all uses of language to express social and personal relationships. This includes the various ways the speaker enters a speech situation and performs a speech act. Because the clause is not confined to the expression of transitivity, there are non-ideational elements in the adult language system. Interpersonal function is realized by mood and modality. Mood indicates what role the speaker selects in the speech situation and what role he assigns to the addressee. Mood is made up of two parts: the “Subject” and the “Finite” element. The subject can be a noun, a noun phrase, or a clause. Modality specifies if the speaker is expressing his judgment or making a prediction.(4) The textual function means that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and at the same time, make a living passage different from a random list of sentences. Although two sentences may have exactly the same ideational and interpersonal functions, they may be different in textual coherence.【答题思路】本题考查韩礼德提出的语言的三个元功能。语言的三个元功能是元功能:概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。分别解释这三个功能的具体含义即可。

3. In what way is speech sound segmented into consonants and vowels? Is their difference clear-cut? Can you give an example of a speech sound that bears the feature of both consonant and vowel? (8%)【答案】(1) Consonants are sounds produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some places to divert, impede or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity. Vowels are sounds produced without obstruction, so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air can be perceived. So consonants and vowels are segmented in terms of the obstruction of the air.(2) Theoretically, as far as phoneticians are concerned, any sound segment must be either a vowel or a consonant; if a segment is not a vowel, it is a consonant. However, the difference between consonants and vowels are not so clear-cut, so there are some odd examples that bear the features of both consonant and vowels.(3) The problematic area is that the initial sound in hot gives little turbulence, depending on how forcefully it is said, and in yet and wet the initial sound segments are obviously vowels. To get out of this problem, the usual solution is to say that these segments are neither vowels nor consonants but midway between the two categories, that is, semi-vowels.【答题思路】本题考查语音学中辅音和元音的相关知识。首先区分辅音和元音的含义,然后分析区分二者的主要因素。最后结合具体的例子阐述同时具有辅音和元音双重性质的语音。

4. Please write down 12 single vowels in 3 groups in English, namely front, middle and back vowels and explain the basis for such a classification. (8%)【答案】(1) Front vowels: [i]; [e]; [æ]; middle vowels: [ә]; [ә:]; [ɔ:]; back vowels: [u:]; [u]; [a:].(2) In English, vowels are described and classified according to four criteria: the height of tongue raising (high, mid, low); the position of the highest part of the tongue (front, central, back); the length or tenseness of the vowel (tense vs. lax or long vs. short); and lip-rounding (rounded vs. unrounded).【答题思路】本题考查英语中元音的分类。英语元音的分类有四个标准:舌头抬起的高度——高、中、低;舌头最高部分的高度——前、中、后;元音的长度或紧度;唇的圆展度——圆唇、非圆唇。

5. What are the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes? Please give at least 5 examples to support your statement. (8%)【答案】(1) Inflectional affixes are generally less productive than derivational affixes: they very often act as a minute or delicate grammatical function only to the stem, such as those inflectional affixes in words toys, walks, John’s. Therefore, they serve to produce different forms of a single lexical item. However, derivational affixes are very productive in making new words. For example, recite, recitation, recital, thus derivational affixes often change the lexical meaning.(2) Inflectional affixes do not change the word class of the word they attach to, such as flower, flowers, whereas derivational affixes might, as the relationship between small and smallness and that between brother and brotherhood show.(3) That whether one should add inflectional affixes or not depends very often on other factors within the phrase or sentence at stake. For instance, the choice of likes in the boy likes to navigate on the Internet is determined by the subject the boy in the sentence. However, derivational affixes are more often based on simple meaning distinction. For example, the choice of clever and cleverness depends on whether we want to talk about the property “clever” or the state of being clever.(4) In English, most inflectional affixes are suffixes, which are always word final (e.g. drums, walks, Mary’s). However, derivational affixes can be either prefixes (e.g. suburban; depart, online), suffixes (e.g. slaver, teacher, workable), or both (e.g. international, supernational) at the same time.(5) One word usually has only one inflectional morpheme whereas it may have two or more derivational morphemes.【答题思路】本题考查屈折词缀和派生词缀的差异。结合具体的例子分别从构词能力,功能,决定因素,位置和数量等角度进行比较。

6. In English, lexicons are created in many ways, e.g. invention, blending, abbreviation, acronym, back-formation, analogical creation, borrowing, etc. Please group the following words according to their means of creation. (8%)【答案】(1) Invention: Coke; Lenovo;(2) Blending: transistor; positron; modem;(3) Abbreviation: bike; gym; flu;(4) Acronym: PLA; AIDS; SARS;(5) Back-formation: edit; beg;(6) Analogical creation: worked; slayed;(7) Borrowing: atom; alibi; Jodo.【答题思路】本题考查构词法的相关知识。根据各个构词法的含义,通过观察和分析对所给单词进行分类。

7. Please give a brief account on differences in number, gender, case, tense, and aspect between English and Chinese language. (8%)【答案】(1) Number is a grammatical category used for the analysis of word classes displaying such contrasts as singular, dual, plural, etc. In English, number is mainly observed in nouns, and it has only two forms: singular and plural. Number is also reflected in the inflection of pronouns and verbs. However, in Chinese, the manifestation of number can be found in pronouns like “我们”, “你们” and so on.(2) Gender is a grammatical category dividing nouns into classes basically characterized by sex. Gender is also a category of nouns and pronouns. In English, the gender distinctions are on the whole natural, determined by the biological gender of the creature. However, exactly speaking, the gender here means the grammatical gender, which includes feminine, masculine and neuter. Both English and Chinese are only concerned with the natural gender.(3) Case is an inflectional category, basically of nouns, which typically marks their roles in relation to other parts of the sentence. In English, pronouns have three cases of nominative (e.g. we, he, she), accusative (e.g. us, him, her) and genitive (e.g. our, your, his). But nouns have only two cases: general (e.g. Tom, girl) and genitive (e.g. Tom’s, girl’s). In Chinese, the nouns and pronouns have no different cases.(4) Tense and aspect are two important categories of the verb, and they were not separated in traditional grammar. The distinction between tense and aspect lies in that the former is deictic, i.e. indicating time relative to the time of utterance; while the latter is not deictic, the time indicated is not relative to the time of utterance, but relative to the time of another event described, or implied, in the narrative. So it is clear that English is a language with tense and aspect while Chinese has no tense. In Chinese, the concept of time is not manifested in verbs but in the time adverbials.【答题思路】本题考查英汉两种语言在数,格,性,时态和体等方面的差异。分别解释这几个范畴的含义,然后比较英汉两种语言在这些方面存在的差异。

8. G. Leech classified seven types of meaning. What are they? (8%)【答案】(1) According to Leech, there are seven types of meanings. The first is conceptual meaning which is logical, cognitive, or denotative content. It is denotative in that it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to.(2) The second is connotative meaning, that is, what is communicated by virtue of what language refers to. The third one is social meaning which refers to what is communicated of the social circumstances of language use. The fourth is affective meaning that is what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker /writer. The fifth is reflected meaning which is what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression. The sixth one is collocative meaning that refers to what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word. These five types of meaning are also called associative meaning in the sense that an elementary associationist theory of mental connections is enough to explain their use.(3) The last type is the thematic meaning which is more peripheral since it is only determined by the order of the words in a sentence and the different prominence they each receive.【答题思路】本题考查意义的类型。根据利奇的观点,意义可以分为七种类型,分别是概念意义,内涵意义,社会意义,感情意义,反射意义,搭配意义和主位意义。依次阐述这七种意义即可。

9. What is speech act theory? (8%)【答案】(1) The speech act theory was proposed by the Oxford philosopher John Austin in his How to Do Things with Words. It is a philosophical explanation of the nature of linguistic communication. It aims to answer the question “What do we do when using language?”(2) Austin’s first contribution to the theory is the claim that there are two types of sentences: performatives and constatives, which could not be valued from the traditional view of truth-value. Thus, he made a distinction between performatives and constatives. Performatives are statements which are used to do something, which do not state or describe a fact and are not verifiable. Constatives are statements that state or describe a fact and are thus verifiable.(3) Though performatives cannot be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous, which are known as felicity conditions suggested by Austin as follows: ①There must be a relevant conventional procedure, and the relevant participants and circumstances must be appropriate; ②The procedure must be executed correctly and completely; ③The relevant people must have the requisite thoughts, feelings and intentions, and must follow it up with actions as specified.【答题思路】本题考查言语行为理论。首先解释该理论的含义及目标,然后详细阐释其具体内容。

10. Please give a brief account on the different kinds of relationship between antonyms. (8%)【答案】(1) Antonymy is the name for oppositeness relation. There are three main sub-types: gradable antonymy, complementary antonymy, and converse antonymy.(2) Gradable antonymy. It is the commonest type of antonymy. They are gradable, namely, the members of a pair differ in terms of degree. The denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other.(3) Complementary antonymy. The members of a pair in this type are complementary to each other. They divide up the whole of a semantic field completely. Not only the assertion of one means the denial of the other,but the denial of one also means the assertion of the other.(4) Converse antonymy. This is a special type of antonymy in that the members of a pair do not constitute a positive-negative opposition. They show the reversal of a relationship between two entities. This type of antonymy is typically seen in reciprocal social roles, kinship relations, temporal and spatial relations. It is in this sense that they are also known as relational opposites. There are always two entities involved. One presupposes the other. This is the major difference between this type and the previous two.【答题思路】本题考查反义关系的含义及类型。首先解释反义关系的含义,然后分别阐述三种不同类型的反义关系,可以结合具体的例子进行解释。

Section Two  Essay Questions

1. Please give a detailed account on Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. (15%)【答案】(1) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is named after the American anthropological linguist Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Whorf. It is also known as the theory of linguistic relativity, linguistic relativism, linguistic determinism, Whorfian hypothesis, and Whorfianism. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is the linguistic theory that the semantic structure of a language shapes or limits the ways in which a speaker forms conceptions of the world. There has been much debate and controversy on the theory over the past decades, consequently, two versions of this hypothesis have been developed, a strong version and s weak version.(2) The strong version refers to the claim the original hypothesis makes, emphasizing the decisive role of language as the shaper of our thinking patterns. The weak version of this hypothesis is a modified type of its original theory, suggesting that there is a correlation between language, culture and thought. The cross-cultural differences thus produced in our ways of thinking are relative, rather than categorical.(3) Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that our language helps mould our way of thinking and consequently, different languages may probably express their unique ways of understanding the world. Following his argument, two important points could be captured in this theory. On the one hand, language may determine our thinking patterns. On the other, similarity between languages is relative. For two different speech communities, the greater their structural differentiations are, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be.(4) Recent development in linguistics not only brings more vitality to linguistic science but also calls for more eclecticism in its theorizing. Following this line of argument, it seems still premature to completely reject the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.【答题思路】本题考查萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说。首先解释该假说的含义,然后分别从该假说的两个版本:强势版本和弱势版本两个角度进行阐释。

2. What is cooperative principle? Please clarify with proper examples. (15%)【答案】(1) Quite often a speaker can mean much more than what is said and the hearer can understand the speaker’s meaning. Oxford philosopher H. P. Grice believes that there must be some mechanisms governing the production and comprehension of these utterances. He argues that there is a set of assumptions guiding the conduct of conversation. This is what he calls the Cooperative Principle. He formulates the principle and its maxims as follows: “Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.”(2) There are four maxims under this general principle: the maxim of quantity, quality, relation and manner. But the use of terms “principle” and “maxim” does not mean that everybody will follow the CP and its maxims all the time. People do violate the maxims and tell





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