
发布时间:2020-11-27 23:31:19







版权信息书名:费正清新汉学的文化解读作者:张凌排版:咪奥出版社:中国人民大学出版社出版时间:2017-09-29ISBN: 9787300244570本书由北京人大数字科技有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —摘  要










费正清用“中国中心主义”的概念来解释传统中国的对外关系,认为从历史发展、面积、财富、国力等方面看,古代中国都是东亚的中心,中国古代文明对周边国家和文化影响巨大,故中国中心主义是传统中国对外关系的基础。这种观念也与其“冲击回应”模式一脉相承。从费正清的“冲击回应”模式到柯文提出的“中国中心观”,两种中国研究模式虽有不少区别,但也具有诸多联系:第一,都是“向内摆动”模式;第二, “冲击回应”模式是“中国中心观”模式的基础;第三,费正清对早期“冲击回应”模式的修正使其具有了中国中心观的某些特征。 “中国中心观”倡导回到中国并从中国自身的视角来研究中国,可以弥补以前模式观察视角的一些不足,但也向我们提出了以下问题:第一,国外中国学用完全的中国视角来研究中国是可能的吗?第二,这是必要的吗?第三,这种对观察者视角的担忧原因何在?其一,作为域外的中国研究,观察者的视角是顺理成章的;其二,该模式有助于形成多样化的研究视角、弥补主观化和西方中心观的研究模式所留下的视角空白,但也有其局限性,容易夸大某些传统中国的固有属性使之绝对化,而低估了外来影响和中国文化的适应能力;其三,对研究视角的担忧反映了中国研究学者的某种原罪意识。


关键词:费正清;新汉学;中国研究;文化解读; “冲击回应”模式


The book is an attempt to approach John King Fairbank's new Sinology and its influence from a cultural point of view. As the most prominentfigurein Chinese Studies circle in the United States,Fairbank has devoted all his life to the East Asian Studies,especially Chinese Studies,earning him the title of the founding father of modern Chinese Studies in the United States. Fairbank has always focused on a cultural approach to study China,making his Chinese Studies distinctively grand,which looks atthe Chinese history as a whole and holds that tradition is closely connected to the present,and there is a culture constantin the changes and transformation of the country.

Fairbank's idea of Confucianism is his key to understanding Chinese history,especially modern Chinese history. AccordingtoFairbank,Confucianism has always remained the mainstream of traditional Chinese culture,and its development spans the whole Chinese history,leaving its mark on Chinese thoughts,culture and institutions,and deeply embedded in Chinese people's ethics,customs,and nationalcharacter. Confucianism is first a personal principle;it aims to make every person a moral one;Confucianism is also a political thought of traditional China,according to which a Chinese emperor gains legitimacy of his rule through his high morality and good reputation. Conducive to traditionalChina's stabi lityanddevelopment,Confucianism also served as the root against China's modernization. First,the Confucian phi losophy is focused on the society and the relationship between people rather than on conquering nature;second,law under Confucianism aims to protect and preserve the hierarchical and social order,thus law becomes part of the whole,fai ling to provide strong protection for the development of modern industry and commerce. The slogan of “Chinese learning for the essence, Western learning for practical use”proposed in the Restoration of the 1860s was not able to bring China to modernization.

Fairbank also studied the relationship between Confucianism and the Chinese revolution. The inwardness of Confucianism has led to many conflicts when the Chinese culture and Western culture metand clashedin modern time,which in turn has led to revolution. However,both the conservatives and the reformists tried to find and gain strength from Confucianism, making it the target of revolution at one time,and the theoretical basis for revolution at another. When talking about Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao,two of the most famous reformists in late Qing,Fairbank argues that some of their thoughts with revolutionary ideas have actually come from Confucianism's ideals of the Da Tong Society and the New People,which in turn imposed directimpact on M ao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party. The Great Taiping Rebellion was notableto accomplish a revolution to another dynastyjust becauseitfai led to gain support from Confucians. Anyone who wants to achieve victory in revolution in China,therefore,has to learn how to make use of Confucianism.The Republic of China was established after the 1911 Revolution,but the Confucian ideas passed down from the old empire hindered the development of political reform. The Guomindang Party-led Nanj ing Government restored worshiping Confucius and reiterated the traditional Confucian ethics ofsense of propriety,justice, honesty and honor, but Jiang Jieshi was only using Confucianism to practice one-party dictatorship,and no answers could be found in Confucianism to resolve the problems of adapting China to modernity.

Confucianism is alsolinked with the Communist victoryin China. Fairbank argues that the principle of “uniformity of theory and practice”is shared by both Confucianism and Marxism;in addition,the self-criticism approach advocated by the Com munist Party finds similarity in self-cultivation of Confucianism. The tradition of Confucianism is echoed by Communism in China in some aspects of their thoughts.

The Confucian tradition is also demonstratedin the time-honored tributary system,which shows the royal rights centralism awareness. A derivative of Confucianism,the tributary system is only an expanded Confucian social order to the outside. Confucianism is closely related to the Imperial Examination System:first,Confucianism provides the ideological basis of the importance of education;second,as an effective way to select bureaucrats through Confucianism,the Imperial Examination Systemensures those selected conform to the orthodox ideas of the ruling class,making it a great political invention. Fairbank points out,nevertheless,the various problems of the Imperial Examination System itself in the late 19th century as well as the practical problems,limitation on the qualified number of candidates,for instance,has blocked many talented people outside the government,has led to rebellions and was finally abolished in 1905.

On the whole Confucianism obstructed the development of modern China, yet it has some progressive elements in itself,for example,the humanism tradition of Confucian scholars opposing evi l rule, which may serve as a positive force to modernization. However,the traditional China's value of humanism is focused on social behavior rather than on individual performance of the Western humanistic tradition,so it helps to establish a patriarchal rule and allows for highly centralized autocracy.

The concept of “All under Heaven” (t'ien-hsia)does not come from racial singularity of the Chinese people but rather from Confucianism. Though related closely to Confucianism,the concept of “All under Heaven”has been deeply embedded in the heart of Chinese people, making it stand out of the Confucian tradition. Amonistic phi losophy, Confucianism advocates great uniformity from thoughts to ruling structure. Besides,the non-alphabetical nature of the Chinese language,though having many defects compared with the Western alphabetical languages,possesses a unique advantage of being able to overcome obstacles of dialects and other language barriers,thus conducive to the formation of a unified thought pattern and political pattern,which in turn promotes the formation and development of China as a grand unified country“All under Heaven”. Playing a key role in the formation and development of grand unified thought pattern,Confucianism and Legalism are the roots of China's politicalcentralism.In addition,the nationalistic nature of China and theimplosion caused by population growth also help to form a grand unified pattern of the country. The “All under Heaven”rule does not reject rule by a foreign nationality,however;in history of China a synarchy model appeared several times with a power-sharing pattern between theHan nationality and other nationalities,reaching its peak in Late Qing when a synarchy was formed under the treaties.

When the Republic of China was established,the soaring nationalism aroused by imperialisticinvasion expected a government with a unified common defense,yet the national interests were faced with a grim reality similar to that ofthe old empire ofthe Qing Dynasty,thatis,districts such as Tibetand Mongolia were under the threat of breaking away from the country. Finally Mongolia acquired autocracy through Russian influences;in Tibet,the suzerainty of China over the district was reinforced by firm measures in Qing Dynasty;in Xinjiang,the Qing government adopted a policy of divide-and-rule and maintained effective control over the region. After the Republic of China was established,Xinj iang in general stayed outside the power struggle of China,yet remained part ofthe country. Leftfrom miserable experiencesin the modern history of China,the issues of H ong Kong,Macao,Taiwan,Tibet etc.are allrelated to national sovereignty,some already resolved,some remaining unsettled. Fairbank's study of the traditional “All under Heaven”thought is conducive to A merican people's better understanding of China's stand and attitudes towards the above issues,and provides reference for W ashington in making appropriate policies on China.

One major contribution of Fairbank's new sinology is that the new approach,having a regionalstudy nature,shakesthe Orientalistic approach of traditional Sinology to its foundation. The China-Centered Approach was in fact based on a critical inheritance of Fairbank's new sinology. According to Edward W. Said,the Orient is almost a fabricated place for the Europeans, which is the Other against the existence of the W est and an exterior existence different from self . This distinction between the East and the W est has existed from ancient times. Due to limitations of Orientalism and Eurocentrism,the W esterners are preoccupied with concepts and impressions of China,which in turn impose influences,big or small,on Sinology. With a profound insight into the differences between the Eastern culture and the W estern culture,Fairbank points out that these two cultures first differ greatly in their respective attitude towards the relationship between man and nature, which has led to different courses of the two cultures. The Chinese culture and the Western culture have more di fferences than simi larities. Based on Confucianism,the Chinese culture acquires an extraordinary stabi lity and inertia,lasting through the whole Chinese history. This stable traditional orderlasted unti lthe 19th century,when a strong W estern cultureintrudedin and castitsimpact on it . The“Impact-Response” M odel proposed byFairbank has a strong explanatory power for China's modern history,yet some problems do exist:first,the model has an inner contradiction, when Fairbank stresses on the inertia of the traditional Chinese culture,he also points out that the Chinese culture is not absolutely stagnant,though there are limits to the changes that take place within a certain range,how to define the range and its relation with changes that take place is more a substitution of historical results for the exploration of historical reasons,rather than objective observations;second,the kernel of the model is also Orientalistic, which looks at China as an external existence of the West,and assumes a perspective of Eurocentrism;third,the generality of the model makes it difficult to account for the complexity of history,and is likely to be too general and too absolute in the concept of West when discussing the Western impact,and too abstract when discussing China's response. Therefore,the model may give an even and singular understanding of historical reality. Based on the “Impact-Response”model,the “Tradition-Modernity”modelalso assumesthattraditional Chinais a stagnant society,which is able to transform to modernity only by the strong impacts ofW estern intrusion. The thirdmodel is called“imperialism approach”,which bui lds its model by criticizing the former two models,and maintains thatimperialism is the root of various problems in modern China. A major advocate of thismodel, James Peck challenges the“Tradition-M odernity”model and argues that the modernity theory is but an ideology uti lized by the China experts in the United States to defend and justify the A merican political,military and economicintrusion into Asia after World WarⅡ. Based on the three models of Chinese studies,Paul A. Cohen proposes a “China-centered approach”,which holds that all the above three models are based on West-centrism,according to which all the important changes in modern history of China could only be caused by the Western impact . The “China-centered approach”,on the contrary,explains some phenomena that are difficult to be explained by other models by assuming the specific context of China and considering the regional differences and social class differences.

Fairbank uses “Sinocentrism ”to describe traditional China's foreign relationship,maintaining that Sinocentrism has been the basis of traditional China's foreign relationship due to China's being the center of Asiain terms of historical development,area,wealth and power and its greatinfluence on the cultures of peripheral countries. The concept of Sinocentrism conforms to the “Impact-Response”model he proposes,which is related to the “China-centered approach”proposed by Cohen,though with some differences:first,both are “swinging inward”models;second, “Impact-Response”model serves as the basis of “China-centered approach”;third,the modifications Fairbank made later on his earlier “Impact-Response” model show some tendencies and characters of “China-centered approach”. “China-centered approach”does fi ll up some blind zones left by former models’limited perspectives by advocating coming back to China and study Chinafrom the perspective of Chinaitself,but problems remain:first,is it possible to employ an absolute Chinese perspective to study China in China studies overseas? Second,is this perspective necessary? Third,what are the reasons behind all these anxiety and worries of the perspectives of the observer? In fact,assuming the perspective of the observer is only natural and reasonable in overseas China studies;second,the “China-centered approach”is conducive to forming diversified research perspectives,covering the blind zones left by subjective andW est-centeredmodels,yet it alsohas its limitations, suchas exaggerating some innate qualities of traditional China and making them absolute,so asto underestimate theforeign impact and adaptabi lity of Chinese culture;third,the anxiety and worries reflect some “original sin”of some China studies scholars.

The changes of China studies models reflect the course of development of China studies. These approaches are complementary as well as evolutionary.The multiple perspectives of models fill up the gaps of one single perspective, helping to form a more objective understanding of China for overseas China studies as wellas ofa better understanding ofthe development ofcurrent China studies for us. Fairbank's new Sinology brings traditional Sinology to the state of Chinese Studies,and provides a brand new cultural perspective, with which people outside China achieves a better understanding of the country.

KeyWords:John King Fairbank; NewSinology; Chinese Studies;Cultural Approach; “Impact-Response”Model第1章问题的切入:文化解读1.1 中国:从想象到现实

汉学作为一门西方研究中国的学问,如果把马可·波罗作为汉学的开端和雏形算起,其发展已经经历了数百年历史,主要可以分为传统汉学即欧洲汉学阶段和主要以战后美国为中心的现代中国学或中国研究阶段,而在传统汉学阶段的发展中,中国在西方想象中的形象与汉学有着密不可分的关系,中国的形象经历了从想象到现实的变化,西方汉学家对于其研究对象的中国也经历了从仰视到俯视的视角转换。1694年法国巴黎发生了一桩轰动朝野的大事,一位据说是中国公主的女人被海盗绑架劫掠到了巴黎,根据她磕磕绊绊的法语叙述,她是康熙皇帝的女儿,被许配给日本皇太子,但是在路途中被荷兰海盗掳走,最后辗转又被法国舰船俘获。这在三百多年前的法国是一条爆炸性的新闻,一时间,达官贵人趋之若鹜,都来一睹这位中国皇帝女儿的芳容,甚至皇族也来认她作干女儿,给她买高贵的华服,教给她最高贵的宫廷礼仪,并规劝她放弃原有的宗教信仰,皈依神圣的天主教。这一事件也震动了当时巴黎研究中国的一个小圈子,虽当时还没有严格意义上的汉学,不过当地刚好有一位在中国传教20年刚回巴黎的耶稣会修士,他慕名前去拜会这位中国公主,却发现自己用汉语跟她交谈时,这位中国公主一点也不懂,而是用一种奇怪的语言跟他交谈,并坚持说自己说的才是正宗的汉语。由于当时没有其他懂汉语的人可以判别,所以大家都相信中国公主的话,而不相信修士。不甘心的修士发现,这位公主长得一点都不像中国人,于是又想出一招,回家拿了一本中文书请她读,想以此揭穿她的虚假身份。没想到,这位中国公主拿过书去,就高声朗读起来,不过读的根本就不是汉语。因为她是“中国人”,所以大家又都相信了她的话。随着时间流逝,这位中国公主身上的疑点也越来越多了,最后几乎没有人再听信她的辩言。直到她风烛残年之时,她才透露了为何要冒充中国人,冒充中国皇帝的女儿: “我是一个十分贫寒的法国女人。如果我是法国人,没有任何人会关心照顾我。但只要我摇身一变成了中国人,我所[1]有的好年景都会来了。”



贝耶综合研究了当时有关中国的所有成果,而这些学说本身很多都是虚假的。当时的英国学者约翰·韦伯终其毕生学术生涯,求证汉语是世界上第一种语言,因此汉语是世界上所有语言的“母亲”;荷兰学者伊萨克·沃休斯认为中国的艺术与科学遥遥领先于所有国家;法国学者菲利普·麦逊曾“证明”汉语是古希伯来语的一支方言,汉语的知识可以诠释《旧约》中的一切语言学上的难解之谜,比如他认为,《旧约》中上帝为救围在沙漠里的以色列孩子们而从天上撒下来的食物“玛那” (Manna)就是中国人所说的“馒头”(Man-ton);瑞典学者奥拉欧斯·拉德贝克认为汉语是离古哥特语最近的平行的一支。注释[1]Jonathan D.Spence.To Change Europe:The First Chinese in France,1680—1735(The John Fulton Lecture in the Liberal Arts). Middlebury Vermont: Middlebury College,1989:810.[2]Jonathan.D.Spence.Chinese Roundabout. New York: W.W.Norton & Company Inc.,1992:8182.[3]Spence,Chinese Roundabout:8182.





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