
发布时间:2020-11-30 19:51:07









本系列分为五个级别,词汇量逐级扩大,“如何使用本书”和“如何提高英语阅读水平”提供了概括性的指导。另外,本系列还针对不同的故事内容设计了“你读懂了多少”(Comprehension Quiz),帮助你检测阅读理解的效果。“阅读准备”(Before You Read)以图文并茂的形式让读者对生词形成一定的感性认识,并在文中给出更详尽的注释。书后附有译文,帮助你更好地理解故事。本系列还配有精美的插图和“背景知识”(Understanding the Story),让你的阅读更加多姿多彩。




安徒生(1805~1875)Hans Christian Andersen





❶ 原汁原味的作品


❷ 重点词汇(Key Words)


❸ 一点通(One Point Lesson)








想学好英语并没有捷径。只有那些进行大量阅读的学习者才能登上语言学习的顶峰。如果你经常大量地阅读英语作品,相信你的英语水平会有一个令人惊喜的提高。The Little Mermaid


Before You Read阅读准备第1章海底世界CHAPTER 1 The World Under the Sea

The ocean was a wonderful place.

The water was a very beautiful blue.

At the bottom of the ocean was an even more amazing world.

There were so many wonderful sea creatures.

There was also a Sea King.

He lived in a castle at the bottom of the sea.

This castle was more fantastic than castles on land.

The Sea King lived with six sea princesses.

His wife died many years ago.

Their grandmother, a very wise woman, took care of them all.

All day, the beautiful princesses swam together.

They also played with the fish in the ocean.

The fish in the ocean were like the birds in the sky.

Each sea princess was very special.

But the youngest was the prettiest.

Her skin was so white and clear, and her long hair flew smoothly in the sea.

She seemed like other girls on land.

But she had a tail like a fish.

Every day the little mermaid liked to stay in her garden, and grew red flowers.

She never went out of the sea.

One day, a statue fell to the bottom of the ocean.

It looked like a beautiful boy.

She asked her grandmother, "What is it?"

"It is a statue from a ship.

It is like the people above us," said her grandmother.

The little mermaid loved the statue.

She planted some beautiful trees near it.

The branches floated around the statue's face.

He was always smiling in the deep, deep ocean.

The little mermaid loved stories about the land.

She always said to her grandmother, "Tell me a story about the land above us."

Her grandmother told about beautiful ships, towns, and the people above.

"Really? The flowers have perfume?

The fish in the trees can sing?" she asked.

She didn't know about birds.

"I want to see the people, the fish, and the flowers," she said.

"You can go when you are fifteen," her grandmother said.

"Fifteen!" thought the mermaid.

"I am only nine now. It is such a long time to wait."

The little mermaid swam to her oldest sister.

"Sister!" she said.

"You're going to be fifteen next year.

Tell me all about the land above."

At last, it was her oldest sister's birthday.

"It was wonderful," she said.

"I saw so many things.

I lay on a beach in the moonlight.

I saw a town and some people.

It was so exciting."

The little mermaid listened carefully.

One year passed by quickly.

Now, it was the second sister's turn.

She swam up a river.

She saw palaces, and green hills.

She saw people laughing, and children playing.

"It was interesting," she said.

"I want to go again tomorrow."

Again, the little mermaid felt envious.

Every year, each sister had to tell the other sisters about the world above.

They loved to see new things, but quickly became bored.

But the little mermaid wanted to see everything.

She said to her sisters, "Tell me another story."

"We told you everything.

We have no more stories.

It isn't interesting anymore," they said.

Every night, she looked up, and thought, "When will my turn come?

I want to be fifteen.

My sisters don't care about the world above the ocean.

I will love it forever," she said to herself.KEY WORSD

ocean n. 海洋

wonderful adj. 奇妙的

bottom n. 底部

even adv. 甚至

amazing adj. 令人惊叹的

creature n. 生物

castle n. 城堡

fantastic adj. 奇异的

on land 在陆地上

wise adj. 有智慧的

take care of 照顾

flow v. 流动,飘动


smoothly adv. 顺滑地

seem like 看起来像

tail n. 尾巴

stay v. 停留

grow v. 种植


go out of 到……之外去

statue n. 雕像

fall v. 掉落


above prep. 在……之上

plant v. 种植

branch n. 枝

float v. 漂浮

deep adj. 深的

perfume n. 香味

only adv. 只有

at last 最后

lie v. 躺


moonlight n. 月光

exciting adj. 令人兴奋的

carefully adv. 认真地

pass by 过去

turn n. 轮流

swim up 游向上游

palace n. 宫殿

hill n. 小丘

laugh v. 大笑

feel v. 觉得,感到


envious adj. 羡慕的

have to 不得不

become v. 变得


bored adj. 厌烦的

not... anymore 不再

look up 仰望

care about 关心

forever adv. 永远

say to oneself 自言自语One Point Lesson

The fish in the ocean were like the birds in the sky.



e.g. He looks like a famous TV star.


It is such a long time to wait.


such a+名词:常常用来表示感叹,意为“这么……”。

e.g. It is such a good day.


She saw people laughing, and children playing.


see sb. doing:看到某人正在做某事

e.g. I saw him playing the tennis.

我看到他在打网球。CHAPTER 1第1章Comprehension Quiz你读懂了多少

A 根据图和中文写出相应的英文单词。

B 根据故事内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。

❶ At age 15, the little mermaid saw the top of the ocean.


❷ The little mermaid had four sisters.


❸ The little mermaid likes to grow orange flowers.


❹ The little mermaid planted trees around the statue of the boy.


C 把下列句子中的动词变成过去时。

❶ The ocean is ⇨_________ a wonderful place.

❷ Their grandmother takes ⇨_________ care of them.

❸ She swims ⇨_________ so well in the sea.

❹ A beautiful statue falls ⇨_________ to the bottom of the ocean.

D 用适当的词语填空。

like other girls the prettiest feet to play like a fish

The little mermaid was ❶_____________________. But she wasn't ❷___________________. She didn't have any ❸___________________. She had a tail ❹_________________. She liked ❺_________________ in her garden.答案

A ❶ mermaid

❷ statue

❸ Sea King

B ❶ T

❷ F

❸ F

❹ T

C ❶ was

❷ took

❸ swam

❹ fell

D ❶ the prettiest

❷ like other girls

❸ feet

❹ like a fish

❺ to playBefore You Read阅读准备第2章海之外CHAPTER 2 The World Above the Sea

The little mermaid finally became fifteen.

"I am fifteen! I am fifteen!" she shouted excitedly.

Her grandmother put some white flowers in her hair.

Then, she swam to the top of the sea.

The sun was setting now.

It was full of red and orange clouds.

"How beautiful!" she thought.

She could see a ship sailing on the sea.

She swam close to the ship.

She heard music and laughing.

There was also a young man. He was a prince.

Everyone was having a birthday party for him.

They all looked very happy.

The little mermaid watched the prince for hours.

Suddenly, a storm came.

The sky was very angry, and the wind was very strong.

The waves were becoming very rough.

But the little mermaid was not scared.

It was great fun for her to swim in the storm, but not for the ship.

Suddenly, the wind broke the ship's mast.

A few seconds later, the ship turned over into the sea.

The little mermaid could see many people swimming in the rough sea.

"People cannot swim very well.

Where is the prince? I must help him," thought she.

After some searching, she found the prince.

He was sinking deep into the ocean.

She took him to the top of the sea, and looked into his handsome face all night long.

By morning, the storm was finished.

In the sunlight, the prince looked more handsome.

His eyes were still closed.

"Please don't die. You must live," she said.

Close to the beach, there was a small building.

She took the prince very close to the building.

She laid him on the beach.

Suddenly, some bells began to ring.

Some young girls came out of the building.

One of the young girls saw the prince on the beach.

She came to him.

Then she ran to get help.

After a few minutes, many people took the young prince away.

The mermaid suddenly felt very sad.

After returning home, her sisters cried, "What did you see?! What did you see?"

But the little mermaid said nothing.

She was too sad to speak.

One day, she finally told her sisters.

One of the sisters took her to his palace.

She found her prince again.

Now she thought, "I can come here at any time."

She spent many evenings there.

After some time, she had so many questions about people.

She decided to ask her grandmother.

"Grandmother, can people live forever?" she asked.

"No, they can't.

They don't live very long.

But people have souls.

Their souls live forever.

We can live for three hundred years.

Then, we become the foam in the ocean."

"I want to have a soul.

I want to live like a person," said the little mermaid.

"Can I never have a soul?

How can I get a soul?" she asked her grandmother.

Grandmother said, "There is only one way.

A man must fall in love with you.

Then, you must marry him.

But this is impossible.

You have a beautiful tail. But people think it is ugly.

No man will want to marry a mermaid.

Do not dream of the world above the sea anymore.

You will only be sad."

She looked at her tail and thought," I hate it. I want to have two legs.

I want to marry the prince."

"Just be happy," Grandmother finally said.

"Live happily for three hundred years.

This evening, there will be a big party.

You will feel better then."

The party in the deep sea castle was fantastic.

Many different kinds of shells decorated the walls.

The mermaids and the mermen danced together in the ballroom.

And they sang together.

They all had beautiful voices.

But the little mermaid sang the best.

Everyone loved her singing.

For a short time, the little mermaid felt happy.

Then, she thought of the prince.

She became sad again.

Sadly, she left the party.

She went to her own place her garden.

There, she could cry in peace.

She thought, "I love him.

I will do anything for him.

And I want to have a soul.

I will go to the sea witch.

She can help me."KEY WORDS

finally adv. 最后

excitedly adv. 激动地

put ... in 把……插入

set v. (太阳)落下地平线


be full of 充满

sail v. 航行

prince n. 王子

have a birthday party 举行生日晚会

for hours 几个小时

storm n. 暴风雨

angry adj. 乌云密布的

wave n. 海浪

rough adj. 狂暴的

scared adj. 害怕的

fun n. 好玩的事

break v. 折断


mast n. 桅杆

a few seconds later 几秒钟后

turn over 翻,倾覆

search v. 寻找

find v. 找到


sink v. 下沉


look into 凝视

all night long 一整夜

finish v. 结束

sunlight n. 阳光

die v. 死

lay v. 放置


bell n. 钟

ring v. (钟)敲响


get help 找来帮手

take away 带走

cry v. 大声说

at any time 任何时候

after some time 过了一段时间

decide v. 决定

soul n. 灵魂

foam n. 泡沫

way n. 办法

fall in love with 爱上

marry v. 结婚

impossible adj. 不可能的

dream of 梦想

hate v. 讨厌

kind n. 种类





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