
发布时间:2020-12-01 15:04:03







第1章 雅思口语测试指南

1.1 雅思口语测试简介


雅思(IELTS)考试,全称International English Language Testing(国际英语语言测试系统),在世界范围内得到广受认可,是听说读写四项英语交流能力的测试。此项考试的目的是为打算在交流语言为英语的国家或地区学习或工作的人们所设置的英语语言水平考试。


雅思考试分为学术类(Academic)和培训类(General Training)两种类型,学术类在于考生是否有在英语环境中就读高校本科或研究生课程的语言能力;普通培训类适用计划移民、出国工作或申请国外非学术培训、中学课程的考生,侧重点在于评估考生是否掌握足够英语技能在英语国家生活的能力。






1.2 雅思口语测试备考策略















1.3 雅思口语测试应试技巧










总之,在雅思口语测试的过程中,考生应该做到用词恰当丰富,时态准确,并且无明显语法错误。此外应注意逻辑清晰和思维连贯,在表达过程中适当使用表示列举(for example/ for instance/such as等)、递进(furthermore/in addition/moreover/besides等)、转折(but/however/nevertheless等)和先后顺序(first/second/third等)的连接词,从而让表达层次分明,清楚易懂。并且,要做到语速适中,发音标准和表达流畅。有些人以为语速快表示自己口语比较熟练,但语速太快会给考官带来听力障碍,从而影响分数。最后要注意和考官保持目光交流,做到自信友善。

第2章 雅思口语考试第一部分(自我介绍和面谈)高分特训50题



本章通过对近年雅思考试进行分析,总结出雅思口语考试第一部分常考的50个话题,分别为:Name,Books,Collection,Cooking,Culture Events,Daily Routine,Festivals,Films,Friends,Hobbies等。



● Good morning/afternoon. My name is _____. Can I have me your full name, please?

● What should I call you?

● Could you tell me where you come from?   

● Can I see your identification, please?

Thank you. Now in the first part I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.



● What’s your name?

● How should I address you?

● What’s the meaning of your Chinese name?

● Have you ever changed your name?【参考答案】

● What’s your name?【答案】My name is Li Qing.【解析】简要回答即可。

● How should I address you?【答案】You can call my English name, Mike.【解析】告诉考官自己的英文名字。

● What’s the meaning of your Chinese name?【答案】Li is my family name and my given name Qing means ‘sunny’, because I was born on a sunny summer day.【解析】解释自己名字的意义,也可以告诉考官自己为什么叫这个名字。

● Have you ever changed your name?【答案】No, I’ve been using this name when I was born. I like my name.【解析】根据自己实际情况回答即可。


● How often do you read books?

● What’s your favourite book?

● Why do you like it?【参考答案】

● How often do you read books?【答案】I’m a bookworm and I read books everyday.【解析】简要回答即可。

● What’s your favourite book?【答案】I think it is The Catcher in the Rye, written by I.D. Salinger. It’s popular and it is about teenage confusion and the book is interesting.【解析】考生应介绍书的作者和主要内容。

● Why do you like it?【答案】Well I like the hero who has the same feeling as myself. The author touches my soul.【解析】可从书的主题、主人公等方面回答。


● Do you like to collect things?

● What do Chinese people like to collect?

● What did you collect when you were young?

● What can people get from their collections?【参考答案】

● Do you like to collect things?【答案】Yeah, I like collecting stamps. It’s a childhood habit.【解析】可以回答集邮,也可以说喜爱收藏其他东西。

● What do Chinese people like to collect?【答案】That is hard to say ! Chinese people have different tastes when it comes to collection. For example, bronze items, traditional Chinese paintings, porcelains, rosewood furniture and so on.【解析】可以说收藏青铜物品、国画、瓷器等。

● What did you collect when you were young?【答案】I collected stamps when I was young. Most of my collections were given by my parents and relatives and some were purchased.【解析】考生应具体说明自己是如何收集的。

● What can people get from their collections?【答案】I guess it is a sense of achievement. They can feel satisfied when they possess so many collections. But some people collect trivial things from the past because they like reminiscence.【解析】该题考生可以理解为“为什么人们喜爱收藏物品。”


● Who cooks most in your family?

● How often do you cook by yourself?

● Who do you learn cooking from?

● What kind of cookery is useful?

● Do you think young people should learn cooking? Why or why not?【参考答案】

● Who cooks most in your family?【答案】I think my mother cooks the most in my family.【解析】简要回答即可。

● How often do you cook by yourself?【答案】Since most of the time I live on campus, So I go to the school canteen and only cook by myself on holiday.【解析】可以说放假在家时自己做饭。

● Who do you learn cooking from?【答案】I learn it from my mother, but I am not good at cooking and after many practice I have improved a little.【解析】可以说妈妈过去做饭和现在做饭的对比,比如Frankly,my mother used to be not good at cooking. But now …总之,一定要把内容拓展开来。

● Do you think young people should learn cooking? Why or why not?【答案】I think they should. Cooking is essential in life and should be mastered. Young people should not rely on their parents to cook for them. Besides, Cooking is an art and very interesting.【解析】可以说做饭是日常生活非常重要的一部分,也是一门艺术。

● What kind of cookery is useful?【答案】Cantonese cuisine is delicious and healthy. I like it very much.

When preparing for a Cantonese meal you need wok and steamers.【解析】中国有八大菜系,考生可任意介绍其中一个。

5.Culture Events

● What kinds of cultural events do people like to go to in your city/region?

● Is it expensive to go to such events?

● Do you think that such events are important in people’s life?

● Have you ever participated in a cultural event?【参考答案】

● What kinds of cultural events do people like to go to in your city/region?【答案】There are many kinds of cultural events in my hometown, for example,the Dragon Boat Festival celebration. Every year on lunar May 5th, people eat a kind of pyramid-shaped rice dumpling called“Zongzi”, and hold dragon boat racing to memorize Quyuan, a great patriotic poet.【解析】考生可列举一个中国传统节日进行说明,描述这个节日都有哪些活动。

● Is it expensive to go to such events?【答案】I don’t think so. Such events are basically free because they are held along the river. Citizens all come to watch these events.【解析】节日活动大多是免费的,由当地居民自发组织。

● Do you think that such events are important in people’s life?【答案】Absolutely. Cultural events like the Dragon Boat Festival celebration are very important because these events remind people of the history and they are important elements of national identity. Moreover, these social gatherings bring us joy and national pride.【解析】传统节日的庆祝活动是一种民族身份的认同,也对于增进人与人的感情有积极作用。

● Have you ever participated in a cultural event?【答案】Yes, of course. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of my favourite cultural events. I would go to such event every year. Nowadays, more and more people are taking part in Dragon Boat Festival events.【解析】考生可简单描述自己参加过的一个节日活动。

6.Daily Routine

● When do you usually get up/go to bed?

● Are your weekday and weekend routines different?

● What would you like to change about your weekday/weekend routines?

● At what times do you usually eat your meals?【参考答案】

● When do you usually get up/go to bed?【答案】I get up at around 7:30 and go to bed at 23:00.【解析】简单回答即可。

● Are your weekday and weekend routines different?【答案】Of course. I have classes from Monday to Friday. But on weekends I usually meet up with friends, watch films and do some light reading. to relax myself.【解析】可回答周末和朋友聚餐,去购物,看电影等。

● What would you like to change about your weekday/weekend routines?【答案】I don’t want to make any change. I am satisfied with my life now.【解析】不论是否想改变现在的生活,都应简单说明原因。

● At what times do you usually eat your meals?【答案】I have my meals on time, usually at 8:00, 12:00, and 18:30.【解析】考生应明确告诉考官一日三餐的时间。


● Do you often celebrate festivals in your culture?

● Do these festivals have special meanings?

● Are there any festivals special for your city of region?

● Which is your favourite festival?

● Do you celebrate any foreign festivals?【参考答案】

● Do you often celebrate festivals in your culture?【答案】We have many traditional festivals like the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Labour Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the National Day, etc.【解析】传统节日有很多,比如春节、国庆节等。

● Do these festivals have special meanings?【答案】I think every festival has its own origin. For example the Dragon Boat Festival is in memory of the ancient patriotic poet who was called“Qu Yuan”. Another example is the Lantern Festival which is associated with the ancient practice to guess riddles on lanterns.【解析】考生应举例说明节日的由来,比如端午节是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。

● Are there any festivals special for your city of region?【答案】Not really. I think most of them are all similar, though some of them might have a little difference.【解析】节日一般都差别不大。

● Which is your favourite festival?【答案】I like the Spring Festival most. Spring Festival is the most important and special festival to Chinese people. Spring Festival is always filled with noise and excitement.  Families usually get together on the lunar New Year’s Eve and hold a great banquet..They can set off fireworks and firecrackers that day.【解析】考试应详细描述节日当天都有哪些节日活动。

● Do you celebrate any foreign festivals?【答案】I celebrate Father’s Day, Mother’s Day and Christmas. I think foreign festivals are fun and exotic, and they get more and more popular now.【解析】国外节日比较流行的有Christmas Day(圣诞节),April Fool’s Day(愚人节),Valentine’s Day(情人节)等。


● What type of film do you like best?

● What’s the feature of this film?

● Is this kind of film popular in your country?

● Which was the best film you’ve ever saw?

● Do you think people of different ages like different films?【参考答案】

● What type of film do you like best?【答案】I like romantic film best.【解析】电影类型很多,如爱情片,动作片等。

● What’s the feature of this film?【答案】Well, romantic films is always about the a man and a woman, and it is about how they meet, have fights, solve conflicts and fall in love. You know, girls always like these cliché.【解析】考生可介绍该类电影通常都有什么样的故事情节。

● Is this kind of film popular in your country?【答案】Yeah, I think so. Young people like this kind of films.【解析】简要回答并说明原因。

● Which was the best film you’ve ever saw?【答案】I have seen so many excellent films and I guess the most impressive one is Gone with the wind. The film is very inspiring with an open ending, allowing the audience to think further.【解析】考生应介绍电影名称并说明这部电影有什么特点。

● Do you think people of different ages like different films?【答案】I think so. Young people like me enjoy those with exciting and complicated plots. Middle-aged people, however, don’t like exciting films very well.【解析】年轻人一般喜欢动作片、悬疑片等,年龄大些的人则不太喜欢这类电影。



● Do you often spend time with friends?

● Did you meet most of friends through school/work?

● Do you and your friends have similar hobbies and interests?

● Do you spend more of your free time with friends or with family?【参考答案】

● Do you often spend time with friends?【答案】Since I live on campus, I spend most of my spare time with my friends.【解析】简要说明即可。

● Did you meet most of friends through school/work?【答案】I’m still studying. So I met most of them through school. We have classes together and after class we go to canteen together. I guess it’s easier to make friends with your peers.【解析】考生应说明自己是如何认识朋友的,是如何和他们相处的。

● Do you and your friends have similar hobbies and interests?【答案】We share similar hobbies like hiking, tennis, movies, etc. So we always hang out together.【解析】考生应向考官介绍自己和朋友都有哪些共同爱好。

● Do you spend more of your free time with friends or with family?【答案】I spend most of my time with my friends because I live on campus. Being with friends keeps away homesickness.【解析】简要回答即可。


● What are your hobbies?

● Why do you like to do them?

● What do you prefer to do in the evening?

● What do you hate to do in the evening?【参考答案】

● What are your hobbies?【答案】I love stamp collecting. I have been collecting stamps for many years. I spend about two hours every week on it. I also love hiking, going to the movies and so on.【解析】考生应举例说明自己都有哪些爱好。

● Why do you like to do them?【答案】Hobbies can help cultivate your taste and teach you more about life. Take stamp collecting for example. It stimulates me to learn more about the world. Stamps from every country can tell you something about that country. More over, you are able to meet new friends who have the same hobby like you.【解析】培养一个爱好可以让我们对生活充满希望,也能交到很多和我们兴趣相投的朋友。

● What do you prefer to do in the evening?【答案】I like to do some light reading in the evening. I sometimes watch some TV programmes, and I also gang out with my friends.【解析】晚上的时间可以看看书,看电视节目,或是和朋友一起出去散步。

● What do you hate to do in the evening?【答案】I think I am a lazy person so I hate to do laundry, or to wash dishes in the evening. I want to have a rest in the evening.【解析】可以举一两个例子说明自己晚上讨厌做什么。

11.Food and weather

● What kinds of food do you particularly like?

● Do you like cooking?

● Do you prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?

● What kind of weather do you like?

● How does the weather affect people?

● Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years, compared to the past?【参考答案】

● What kinds of food do you particularly like?【答案】Ah... I quite like noodles even if I'm not from Shanxi Province. It stimulates my appetite. But I can't have it every day for every meal, because I am afraid that I will become fat.My parents always tell me to have more vegetables and other roughage food.I just can’t help having noodles every few days.【解析】考生只需谈论自己喜欢的一种食物,并说明理由即可。

● Do you like cooking?【答案】Well, pretty much.. because I would be very happy to hear that they actually like the food I had cooked for them.  I cooked chicken wings for my friends last weekend. She said it was even better than those she had in the restaurant. I felt very happy to hear that.【解析】考生可回答为什么喜欢做饭,及自己擅长做什么。也可以谈论上一次下厨的经历。

● Do you prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?【答案】Personally, I think that sometimes dinner out could be fun and refreshing, because home-made food could be very boring sometimes. I always eat rice, noodle and dumplings in my home. I mean that we could have more choices when we have dinner in a restaurant.【解析】考生要具体给出选择在家或外出吃饭的理由,不要泛泛而谈。

● What kind of weather do you like?【答案】Sunny days would be better for me because I like warm weather in summer and even in winter. I think we can do a lot of things when the weather is fine outside. I still remember last time I went to picnic with some o f my friends. It is really a wonderful experience. But the sunshine can't be too strong, you know, sunny but not scorching, because my skin is pretty sensitive. It gets burnt very easily, so normal sunny days are good enough for me.【解析】考生可以结合自己具体的某次经历谈论为什么喜欢或者不喜欢某种天气。

● How does the weather affect people?【答案】For me, my whole day could be all upset simply because of bad weather. And for sure it always changes our outdoor activity plans. For example, my best friend was going to propose to his girl friend last week, but it got cancelled because it was too windy that day. So weathers affect us everywhere.【解析】考生可通过天气影响人们的心情和外出活动等方面进行答题。

● Do you think the climate have changed in recent years, compared to the past?【答案】Yes, for sure. It feels like the south part of our countries becomes much colder in winter. For example, many areas of southern province had heavy snows in winter.While many years age there was little snow in those southern areas in our country【解析】考生可以从多个角度解答,比如从地域上进行阐述。例如从一个地方季节长短的变化、温度的变化等方面进行答题。

12.Keeping Fit

● Do you try to keep fit?

● Is keeping fit popular in China?

● Is keeping fit more important for men or women?

● How do Chinese people usually exercise?

● Are there any exercises facilities near your home?【参考答案】

● Do you try to keep fit?【答案】Yes. I go jogging every day to keep fit.【解析】简要回答即可。

● Is keeping fit popular in China?【答案】Definitely! People, young or old, all pay much attention to their health. White collars are especially fond of going to gyms to do exercise and the elderly go to parks to do morning exercise.【解析】不同年龄的人都重视健身,年轻人大多去健身俱乐部,老人多在公园晨练。

● Is keeping fit more important for men or women?【答案】Actually, it’s vital for both men or women. But because women pay more attention to their shape so they are more willing to do it. Men are sometimes care less about their figure.【解析】对男女来说,健身都很重要。但一般女性更注意自己的身材。

● How do Chinese people usually exercise?【答案】We do various kinds of exercise such as jogging, swimming, hiking, yoga, etc. These exercises are beneficial to our health.【解析】健身方式有很多种,比如游泳、跑步、登山等,考生可举例说明。

● Are there any exercises facilities near your home?【答案】Yeah, there are many free facilities downstairs for people to work out. They are funded by local government and citizens can do exercise without paying any money. Every community has these facilities.【解析】现在的居民区内都有很多健身器材供居民锻炼身体,这些器材都是免费的。

13.Living Condition

● Do you live in a house or a flat?

● What do you think of the area in which you live?

● Do you like the surrounding area?

● How long have you lived there?

● What about the traffic there?【参考答案】

● Do you live in a house or a flat?【答案】My parents and I live in a flat in the community of Haidian district because we can’t afford to live in a house,【解析】可适当描述自己的居住环境。

● What do you think of the area in which you live?【答案】It’s quite and safe with friendly neighbours. Though it’s a bit far away from downtown but the transportation there is very convenient,【解析】可以描述居住地的环境、交通、小区治安等。

● Do you like the surrounding area?【答案】Of course,There is a nice park around the community and we often go there to take walks and have a breath of fresh air. There’s also a small lake in the park so. I often go fishing there.【解析】可以说小区周围有公园、健身俱乐部、商业街等,并举例描述。

● How long have you lived there?【答案】I’ve been living here for 10 years【解析】简要回答即可。

● What about the traffic there?【答案】The traffic condition is satisfying. You can take the subway which is fast and very cheap. The public transport like bus is convenient as well.【解析】考生可回答有哪些交通工具,是否便捷。


● What’s your major?

● Do you like it? Why or why not?

● Is this major popular in your country?

● What do you expect to learn on this major?【参考答案】

● What’s your major?【答案】I major in English.【解析】简要回答即可。

● Do you like it? Why or why not?【答案】Yeah, because I can get to know a lot of different culture. We have a lot of chances to communicate with foreigners, so I can introduce our own culture to them.【解析】自己所学专业有什么特点,给自己带来什么样的收获。.

● Is this major popular in your country?【答案】I think so. Given the successful programmes that we had with foreign countries, I think this major is very promising and you can do a lot of works related to my major.【解析】考生可从该专业就业方向、前景等方面回答。

● What do you expect to learn on this major?【答案】I expect to learn the basic language skills such as reading, listening, and so on, besides I want to know more about western cultures. I also want to cultivate my cultural awareness so as to better understand different cultures.【解析】考生可具体向考官介绍自己自己专业都涉及到哪些专业知识。


● What kind of music do you like?

● Can you play a musical instrument?

● Do your friends and your family have different musical tastes to you?

● Who is your favourite musician or singer?

● Have you ever been to one of their performances or seen one on TV?【参考答案】





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