
发布时间:2020-12-02 10:52:56


作者:(韩)Jim Lee







TOEIC考试(Test of English for International Communication)是ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)专为母语非英语人士设计的英语能力考试。它是目前全球规模最大的职场英语能力考试,在全球90多个国家和地区实施,拥有9000个以上的超大型企业客户,年考试量超过500万人次。TOEIC在企业界被广泛使用,作为英语培训绩效标准、员工招募、外派或驻外人员筛选标准及晋升的必要条件。优秀的TOEIC考试成绩已经成为进入外企的一块敲门砖。




为了帮助广大考生更好地了解TOEIC考试的要求和特点,迅速夯实语言基础,提高应试技能,我们推出了一系列与TOEIC考试相关的辅导用书。这些图书均由具有多年TOEIC考试培训经验的专家编写,主要包括:《托业考试官方指南》、《托业词汇词根+联想记忆法》、《TOEIC 990分核心词汇》、《TOEIC 990分核心短语》、《托业高频词汇问与答》、《托业听力专项突破》、《托业阅读专项突破》、《TOEIC综合指导与模拟试题》等。这些图书一经出版,就获得了各地考生的广泛赞誉,成为备战TOEIC考试的首选复习资料。不过,除了词汇类、听力/阅读单项类及综合指导类图书之外,许多考生还希望能有高仿真的模拟试题集,以供在基础复习和考前冲刺阶段进行练习。因此,我们从韩国多乐园出版社引进了《托业听力全真模拟1000题》和《托业阅读全真模拟1000题》。这两本习题集均由在韩国执教托业考试培训多年的辅导专家执笔编写,是韩国最畅销的托业书之一。《托业听力全真模拟1000题》包含10套高度仿真的听力题目,涵盖了托业听力经常考查的句式、话题和场景。解析部分不仅附有听力原文及选项的全文翻译,而且还针对其中出现的重点词汇、短语和句型进行了系统归纳和扩展,以帮助考生达到举一反三的学习效果。《托业阅读全真模拟1000题》包含10套高度仿真的阅读题目,涵盖了托业阅读经常考查的核心语法、词汇及篇章类型。解析部分不仅有答案讲解,还提供了文章及题目的翻译,以及从篇章中提炼出的大量词汇和短语,方便考生在做题之后进行系统地学习,打好语言基础,查缺补漏。


希望这两本高品质的习题集能够帮助广大考生取得优异的托业成绩!How to Study如何准备托业阅读Part 5 准确又迅速

Part 5的题型可归类为:1)语法题:测试对日常生活或商业活动中常用到的基本语法知识的掌握程度;2)词汇题:测试是否能够正确分析全句,进行基本的交流;3)语法+词汇题:不仅要正确理解句子结构,而且需要掌握句意。学习方法



语法+词汇题:分析句子结构后,排除选项中不符合要求的,再选出符合句意的选项。Part 6 通往Part 7的桥梁

Part 5主要测试分析句子结构和理解句意所需的语法知识和词汇量,而Part 7主要评价对长篇文章的分析及理解能力。连接这两个Part的桥梁就是Part 6。乍一看,Part 6像是Part 7文章和Part 5提问的结合体。实际上,在这一部分中,有很多题是必须根据上下文才能找出正确答案的。因此,除了具备语法知识和词汇量外,还得具备较快的阅读速度和优秀的阅读理解能力。

与Part 5类似,这一部分主要还是语法题和词汇题,但要理解全篇文章的内容,因此也需要一定的阅读能力。就算语法知识和词汇量稍有欠缺,如果把握好文章脉络,再进行推理判断,也能达到理想的效果。学习方法

不要针对个别句子寻找答案,学会纵观全局,把握文章脉络,提高推断能力。Part 7 准确、迅速地把握文章内容是关键

TOEIC拿到900分以上的高手也会觉得阅读部分100题只给75分钟的解题时间远远不够用。这是因为Part 7的文章和问题数有所增加,且Part 6也是阅读题,加之间接性的提问越来越多,若没有准确、迅速的阅读能力,Part 7还没答一半,考试结束的铃声就响了。为避免这种情况发生,我们必须研究出一些新的战术。

以前我们认为,先读题目,然后在文中找出相应信息是最有效的解题方法。但现在,因为一篇阅读文章后的题目数量有所增加(最多的有五道题),又新增了Double Passage(两篇短文的组合)的题型,若还以这种方法解题,耗时较长。不如先快速过一遍文章,掌握基本的文章内容,记住几个关键点,然后再依次进行解答。学习方法提高词汇量

Part 7考查的核心是阅读能力,其奠基石就是掌握的词汇量。不仅要掌握单词本身的含义,也要掌握其常用词组。Part 5就是巩固词汇用法的最佳练习题,因为Part 5句子的集合便是Part 7的阅读文章。同义替换的表达练习

Part 7中,备选答案一般不会直接引用原文,而是运用同义词、反义词等将原文换一种方式来表述。因此我们在背单词时,还要了解其同义词、反义词。新托业的Part 7中经常出现有关同义词的词汇题,因此,多进行同义替换的表达练习能起到不小的作用。How to Use This Book使用说明试题册Test 01Reading TestIn the reading test,you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions.The entire reading test will last 75 minutes.There are three parts,and directions are given for each part.You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.Part 5Directions:A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below.Four answer choices are given below each sentence.Select the best answer to complete the sentence.Then,mark the letter(A),(B),(C),or(D)on your answer sheet.

101._____ you want to receive additional information regarding the services we offer,please log onto our website at www.healthclub.com today.(A)If(B)For(C)Despite(D)Whether

102.Sandy Duncan was handpicked by the general manager to head the next project because of _____ experience in this field.(A)her(B)hers(C)herself(D)she

103.The changes made in the working conditions at our company resulted in remarkable improvements in all aspects of our business and _____ more so in the morale of our employees.(A)all(B)any(C)even(D)although

104.All commuters _____ the main highway to get to the center of the city will face delays of up to an hour today because of on-going construction.(A)use(B)used(C)using(D)will use

105.In order to become a member of the country club,applicants have to meet the strict _____ set by the club president.(A)require(B)requires(C)requiring(D)requirements

106.The outcome of our meeting today with the board of directors will _____ the course of action we will take this year.(A)determine(B)determines(C)determining(D)determination

107.The announcement of John Stanton's retirement was not well received by most of the staff members,but Leslie,his long time friend and colleague,was extremely _____ to hear that Mr.Stanton will now be able to enjoy some leisure time.(A)happiest(B)happily(C)happier(D)happy

108.Because many of the warehouse workers were out sick today,Mr.Miller had to stock the goods on the shelves _____.(A)itself(B)himself(C)herself(D)themselves

109.Please accept our _____ apology for the inconvenience this delay is causing all the passengers here at Pearson International Airport.(A)sincere(B)original(C)estimated(D)completed

110.The majority of the contract _____ that took place during the year were handled by lawyers from a local law firm.(A)negotiate(B)negotiations(C)negotiable(D)negotiator

111.It will be next to impossible to _____ a room at the Ashton Hotel this week because of the film festival.(A)reserve(B)respond(C)connect(D)appoint

112.The presentation of this evening's winners will commence _____ at seven following dinner at six.(A)precise(B)precision(C)precisely(D)preciseness

113.The new sports complex will accommodate an Olympic-sized swimming pool and other _____,including a fitness center and a spa,to name just a few.(A)facilities(B)categories(C)qualities(D)supplies

114.Our new product will be put through a number of _____ tests before being released to the public.(A)dependent(B)founded(C)withhold(D)stringent

115.Mr.Chan's main role in the company for the next two weeks is to look _____ the right person to take over Mr.Shaw's position when he leaves at the end of the month.(A)in(B)for(C)over(D)from

116.People unanimously agreed that John would have performed a great deal better under more _____ circumstances.(A)favorable(B)favorably(C)favorite(D)favor

117.After a long and difficult strike,the plant workers will show up to work _____ Monday.(A)starting on(B)afterwards(C)instead(D)outside

118.Scarborough General Hospital has two _____ for certified X-ray technicians to start immediately.(A)open(B)opener(C)openings(D)openness

119.Mark's Warehouse Clearance Store is having sale with savings of up to 40 percent off on a clothing this weekend _____ celebration of it 25th anniversary.(A)in(B)at(C)on(D)of

120.Probe Magazine conducted a survey asking one thousand employees who work in low-paying industries to express _____ their biggest concerns are.(A)how(B)when(C)what(D)which

121.Should there be any requests for schedule changes,please notify us _____.(A)prompt(B)prompted(C)promptly(D)prompting

122.For this weekend only,Bad Boys Electronics Store is celebrating its first year in business with up to thirty percent _____ on all items in the store.(A)retail(B)market(C)economy(D)discounts

123.The automobile parts we requested for our customer got here on _____.(A)authority(B)condition(C)schedule(D)appointment

124.The advertisements printed in this magazine do not _____ imply endorsement by the management.(A)highly(B)barely(C)gradually(D)necessarily

125.The newly installed alarm system,which is directly connected to the police,will go off if the correct security code is not entered _____ 60 seconds of touching the keypad.(A)only(B)under(C)within(D)directly

126.The airline requested a _____ call to ensure a seat on my flight back home.(A)confirm(B)confirmed(C)confirming(D)confirmation

127.If the task is too complicated to figure out on _____ own,please don,t hesitate to ask one of our representatives,who are here to help.(A)you(B)your(C)yours(D)yourself

128.The hard work put in during his younger years made him become _____ sound in his later years.(A)finance(B)finances(C)financial(D)financially

129.Ms.Taylor has called the managers to _____ her in the main conference room to discuss next year's budget.(A)met(B)meet(C)have met(D)will meet

130._____ announcing his retirement,Mr.Kinsley has been busy trying to train his replacement.(A)Because(B)Once(C)Since(D)While

131.Please fax us the information immediately because I need to _____ the client right away.(A)notify(B)speak(C)report(D)attend

132.One of the reasons why our sales team has become a leader today is that they are put through a number of vigorous training sessions to keep up with the _____ changes that occur in the market.(A)prosperous(B)continuous(C)straight(D)mature

133.John is a bit nervous because he will give a speech _____ the board members this afternoon.(A)by(B)on(C)to(D)during

134.Of the many radio stations in the city,FM 109 is considered to play the _____ listening music.(A)easy(B)easiest(C)more easily(D)most easily

135.The new,expensive software was purchased to help keep better _____ of the clients we have here at our company.(A)records(B)states(C)points(D)marks

136.Only after _____ requests by the tenants did the superintendant do something about the broken intercoms in some of the apartments.(A)repeat(B)repeated(C)repeating(D)repetition

137.A rain shower _____ by cold winds is expected to reach our region by this evening.(A)accompany(B)accompanied(C)accompanying(D)will accompany

138.The special deal offered by our supplier will last only for a _____ time.(A)limited(B)minor(C)partial(D)lower

139._____ something drastic happens before midnight,the postal workers will most likely walk out on their jobs.(A)Also(B)Except(C)Unless(D)Therefore

140.The defense attorney contemplated a long time before finally making his decision to _____ the accused in court.(A)attend(B)represent(C)express(D)performPart 6Directions:A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below.Four answer choices are given below each sentence.Select the best answer to complete the sentence.Then,mark the letter(A),(B),(C),or(D)on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following article.Bank Mortgage Rates Will FallSeveral of Canada's largest banks _____ to decrease their mortgage rates.Royal Bank141.(A)decide(B)deciding(C)was decided(D)have decidedrevealed its plan to cut key mortgage rates by a tenth of a percentage point across the board,while TD Canada Trust will decrease its rates by the same _____ except for142.(A)margin(B)allowance(C)space(D)surplusits 10-year rate.The Bank of Montreal will also lower its fixed-rate mortgages on four-year terms and longer by a tenth of a percentage point.And lastly,Vancouver Trust has also jumped on the wagon by announcing that it is planning to _____ its rates,but the exact numbers are still unknown.However,insiders are predicting143.(A)turn down(B)shorten(C)reduce(D)narrowthat the reduction rates will be similar to those of other banks.

Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement.“A net worth of $2.5 millionin just 4 years using London Life'ssimple wealth strategy”- Jane Booth and Glenda Jackson - Investment AdvisersIf you're looking to get on the _____ to financial freedom but aren't sure of what steps144.(A)path(B)access(C)line(D)trackto take or if your existing investment portfolio is not doing its job and needs a major shake up,then we can help.Many middle-income earners have expressed their opinions on how difficult it is to get honest,straightforward,and unbiased advice that supports their financial goals.According to one couple,they were working hard as teachers and never thought that they could get ahead on their _____ until they discovered145.(A)costs(B)prices(C)charges(D)wagesLondon Life's simple _____ effective investing techniques.By following our simple strategy,146.(A)once(B)still(C)yet(D)everwe were able to amass a small fortune for the couple!Now,we can show you how you can,too.London Life• FINANCIAL PLANNING • STOCKBROKING • PROPERTY • FINANCE

Questions 147-149 refer to the following notice.Promoting Cycling in Our CityAn essential element of the transportation system in many of the cities around the world is cycling.The city of Buffalo recognizes this and has developed a 10-year plan to promote more cycling in our city.The city's development plan includes the addition of more cycling _____ to our streets.147.(A)admission(B)entrance(C)access(D)passThis,of course,is with the intention of encouraging greater cycling _____ by our citizens in148.(A)participate(B)participation(C)participates(D)participatedan effort to mimic the benefits other global cities have experienced,such as the reduction of pollution and traffic congestion as well as health and social advantages.Other plans include a coordinated network of bicycle lanes to be interconnected to the surrounding towns as well as the setting up of a number of social programs to provide information to the cyclists.The city wishes to hear your thoughts about its _____.Further information and submission149.(A)effects(B)operations(C)remedies(D)proposalsforms are available at our website at:www.cityofbuffalo.gov.us,by visiting your local Neighborhood Service Center,or by calling 755-9333.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following email.Jonathan Wong [mailto:jonathan:wong@From:hydetransport.com]Monday,October 27,2007 11:07 AMSent:John Devereux;Steve Tracey;Brian KibbleTo:Alfredo Chen;Jenny LeeCc:Visit to Global LogisticsSubject:On behalf of Alfredo Chen and Hydetransport Taiwan,I would like to thank you for your warm hospitality during our visit to Global Logistics.It was a pleasure meeting all of you and seeing your operations and setup.We were very impressed with your _____ facility and your investment in technology.150.(A)secure(B)secured(C)securely(D)to secureAs we discussed,we would like to extend our gratitude by inviting you to Taipei when you are available in the _____ future.Please let me know when you would like to schedule your _____.151.(A)prevalent(B)surfacing(C)foreseeable(D)ongoing152.(A)tourism(B)trip(C)talk(D)requestAs a second step,we would also like further to explore your business ventures with Hydetransport.As part of your plan to expand globally,we see much synergy and advantage for both parties to pursue a business partnership in Taiwan.Thank you once again and I'm looking forward to your response.Best regards,Jonathan WongDirector / Planning GroupPart 7Directions:In this part you will read a selection of texts,such as magazine and newspaper articles,letters,and advertisements.Each text is followed by several questions.Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter(A),(B),(C),or(D)on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following letter.October 20,2006Mr.Joe Fernandez1385 Midland Ave.Detroit,MichiganDear Mr.Fernandez,As the president,I am proud to announce that this Friday marks the 30th anniversary of our long and successful running country club.This,of course,calls for a night of celebration.And for this reason,we have reserved the Grand Hall at the Falcon Hotel this Friday at 7 p.m.for a night of fine dining and dancing.On this special evening,the newest members of our club will get an opportunity to listen to the thoughts of our older members and exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere.The newest members,who will be carrying on our tradition,should hear what the older members have to say.Further,the food will be superb.I've had a chance to dine at the hotel several times in the past in other functions,and it was the food that convinced me to hold our event there.I am quite certain that all of our members will share my feeling.Anyhow,I am looking forward to this Friday when all of our members can let loose and have some fun.Therefore,this is a letter to officially invite you and your spouse or significant other to join us on this memorable evening.Please let us know if you can't attend.Yours sincerely,

153.What is the main purpose of this letter?(A)To provide information about the club's history(B)To notify the members of a yearly meeting(C)To welcome the newest member to the club(D)To invite the members to an upcoming event

154.Which of the following will NOT be part of the event?(A)Discussions(B)Entertainment(C)Presentations(D)Dinner

155.According to Mr.Connelly,what led him to hold the event there?(A)It has become a tradition at the club.(B)He has special ties with the hotel staff.(C)The hotel is located close to the club.(D)He was impressed with its menu.

Questions 156-159 refer to the following guidelines.“HOMESTAY NETWORK”STUDENT GUIDELINESOn arrival at your new home:● Try to remember the names of your host family.If unsure about how to address them,it is okay to ask how they would like to be called.For example,if it is impolite in your country to call someone elder by their first name,ask if it's okay to add Mr.or Mrs.in front of their names.Some Americans do not like to be addressed this way because it makes them feel old.● Show your family that you are grateful for being your host.But do not give expensive gifts.It is,however,considered appropriate to bring inexpensive handcrafts from your country or a small gift for the children of the host family.● Your host family will be curious to know more about you.Bring photos of your family and friends to share with them.This is also a great way to break the ice with them.● After you get settled,your host family will help you make a call to your parents to assure them that you have arrived safely.● After you've had dinner,you may ask the host family to be excused early.They will be fully aware of the fact that you might be jetlagged,so feel free to ask them.On your first day of school:● On your first day of school,your host family will take you to school and help you with the necessary registration paperwork.● Your host family will also make sure that you know your way to and from school.They will also teach you how to use public transportation.● When traveling alone,you should at all times carry a map and the phone number of your host family.● In case you are lost and cannot get in touch with your host family,you can contact the“Homestay Network”.

156.For whom is this guideline intended?(A)Host families(B)Foreign students(C)School staff(D)Airline worker

157.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the guideline?(A)Find out how you should address the host family(B)Always be prepared for the unexpected(C)Be prompt during meal times(D)Establish a rapport with the host family

158.What might be an appropriate present for the host family?(A)A toy train(B)A bottle of whiskey(C)A camera(D)A cellular phone

159.What is implied by the guidelines?(A)Americans prefer to address each other formally.(B)Newly arrived students often get lost in the city.(C)Host families come from educated backgrounds.(D)Students will depend on the host family to settle in.

Questions 160-161 refer to the following advertisement.Pump Itspecial offerLook your best this summer with our state-of-the-art equipment and a tailor-made training program made specially for you by one of our top rated personal trainersIf you are having a difficult time getting motivated,Pump It is where you want to be.With a personal trainer assigned to you,you'll be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks.With our program,you will get the lull benefits of…● Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry● The use of the most updated fitness equipment money can buy,including free weights,treadmills,bikes,and even a his and hers sauna● Ongoing group classes,from aerobics to yoga to dancercise to‘abs-butts-thighs’,just to name a few● For the time being,absolutely no joining fee and a very affordable monthly membership ratesSo come for a free consultation,and get started today!Don't miss out!Offer is good until this Friday310 St.George Street,Suite 601,ChicagoT:755-3422 W:pumpitclub.com

160.Who does this advertisement mainly target?(A)Anyone who failed at dieting during the summer(B)People without much time on their hands(C)Athletes training for upcoming competitions(D)People who need a little nudge at getting into shape

161.What is NOT offered in the advertisement?(A)Continuation of organized lessons(B)Personalized coaching to suit individuals' needs(C)Free signup(D)Annual membership discounts

Questions 162-164 refer to the following information.





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