
发布时间:2020-12-03 17:35:00













● 准备一个本子,每天从微信中把要翻译的英文句子抄写下来。

● 每天都花5分钟时间看一下要翻译的这个句子(遇到不认识的单词要查、要背,积累词汇量)。

● 花些精力译一译(要多思考,不要追求速度,大概花10分钟)。请大家一定要动手,而不只是动脑:事情往往“想起来容易,做起来难”,而思考“如何翻译才更好”的过程,其实就是我们理清难句的过程,所以必不可少——这样第二天看解析的时候才会有更真切的感受。

● 为了能够事半功倍,将阅读和写作结合在一起,大家还要耐下性子完成汉译英的翻译训练,因为在以后的写作中或许能够派上用场(大概15分钟)。




● 每天花上20分钟时间,把文章细细地读一遍。对于文章之中不认识的单词,一定要及时查出来(需要大家重点识记的单词已经在文中着重标出来了)。

● 做一下文章后面附带的题目:一方面,可以训练解题技巧;另一方面,也可以考查清楚同学们是否真正读懂了文章。

其实我一直觉得“top down”的英语学习方法才是正解:从文章阅读中积累词汇和句型,要远比背单词书有效得多——尽管看起来速度不快,但效率极高,因为有语境才会用。有些类似小时候的语文课:老师一天只教一篇文章,抠出五个生字,在文中讲解。


2013年3月3日的托福考试刚考完,就有如潮的同学发微信感谢我:因为当日考试的文章在“文勇的微信空中课堂”中都出现过(它们分别是“中世纪商人信用”、“猛犸草原”和“独居与群居”)。类似的情况在3月30日这一天又发生了,有同学在考试的时候欣喜地发现了“Japanese Climate”和“Mesoamerica”这两篇熟悉的文章。我觉得挺得意的同时,心里当然知道,这些同学取得好成绩是应该的——不是因为他们碰上了机经,而是因为这些同学中的大部分人我都特别眼熟,他们都是坚持每天参加百日读活动的乖孩子。哪里有努力的人不成功的道理?

最后有两句话,一句要送给大家,另一句要送给自己:“哪有什么胜利可言,挺住意味着一切。”——里尔克(微信课堂我们一起坚持,一步一步往前挪。)“一扇门要开,手里有一万把钥匙,一把把试过来,来不及的。良师告诉你,一捅,就开了。”——木心(希望微信课堂能有希望朝这个方向多挪动一点儿,也希望我自己能够往这个方向多挪动一点儿。)序二:Necessary Evil“为什么会出版与机经沾边儿的图书?”
















其实我用“Necessary Evil”作为这篇短文的标题,也算是为制作机经的我们和阅读机经的你们开脱,毕竟这并不是一件多好的事情。亚里士多德说过的一句话放在这里或许会很合适,无论我们是否承认:

Evil draws men together.(正是邪恶的想法,才能把人们聚集起来。)



以下名单排名不分先后:乐闻携尔熬夜团 团支书文勇






◆ 本书的结构主要分为两大部分——Passage和Sentence。其中,“Passage”部分为整理出炉的最新北美机经还原文章,并附有一至两道练习题目,以检验同学们对于文章的理解程度(文章中着重标注出来的单词是需要额外注意的,如果对它们不够熟悉,大家最好下点儿功夫强化记忆并将其牢牢掌握);“Sentence”部分则全部选自免费共享资料“黄金阅读”,该部分下设几个小板块,包括需要翻译的英文原文、参考翻译、知识点小结、与该原文相关的阅读题目、汉英翻译练习及其参考译文、扩充后的中文段落翻译及其相关的托福写作题目以及勇哥批改学生的翻译练习。

◆ 书中特意设计了供读者使用的“小试身手”练习框:在“句子翻译”这个部分中的“英文原文”之后给出了一个方框;在“汉英翻译练习”之后给出了三个方框。除了考虑到排版的美观之外,更重要的是大家可以尽情挥笔,动手写下心中的答案,一次次地打磨,找出不足,逐步改善翻译质量。在每天的末尾,我们还精心挑选了两到三篇的学生作业并进行批改。批改后的文章不是唯一的标准答案,只是供读者参考,这样可以使它成为一本专门为你量身定做的、真正有效的备考材料。

◆ 书中阅读题目的答案请见本书最后的“参考答案”。



Day 76

Passage 76

Development of the Newspaper in America


The modern newspaper is a European invention. The oldest direct ancestor of the modern newspaper appears to have been the handwritten news sheets that circulated widely in the sixteenth century in Venice, which was a center for trade and, therefore, for information. With very few exceptions, the early newspapers never reported any news about the country in which they were printed. Print shops were tightly regulated; Europe's rulers allowed them to print newspapers as long as these papers did not discuss any local or national issues or events.


Britain's American colonies entered the world of the newspaper relatively late. It was not until 1690 that the first American newssheet—Boston's Publick Occurrences published by Benjamin Harris—made its debut. The Massachusetts authorities, in high resentment towards that Harris dared to report that English military forces had allied themselves with "miserable" savages, put him out of business four days later, so the first issue of America's first newspaper was also the last. The Boston News-Letter, America's second printed newspaper, published fourteen years later, was a much tamer affair than Harris's paper. In the following years, newspapers appeared successively in almost every colony. By 1765, all but two of the colonies, Delaware and New Jersey, had weekly newspapers. These early papers were careful not to offend colonial authorities, and were filled primarily with short news items, documents and essays mostly taken from other newspapers, particularly British and European papers.


The major limitation on press freedom was the stamp tax passed by the British Parliament in 1765, which had the effect of raising the price of newspapers to the point where the poorer classes could not afford to buy them. As Americans were not represented in this Parliament, American newspapers rebelled against the new tax. Similar protests reverberated through these colonial newspapers when the British Parliament approved the Townshend Acts in 1767, which imposed taxes on American imports of glass, lead, paint, tea, and, significantly, paper. Though not all the colonial newspapers were on the anti-British side, most of them, in the years leading up to the American Revolution, represented something the world had never before seen: a bold press committed to challenging, even overthrowing, governmental authorities. These newspapers were, in a sense, loyal to the new authorities who had appeared on the continent: the Sons of Liberty. During the Revolution, these newspapers were also an effective force working towards the unification of sentiment, the awakening of a consciousness with common purpose, interest, and destiny among the separate colonies, and of a determination to see the war through to a success. They were more single-minded than the people themselves, and bore no small share of the undertaking of arousing and supporting the often discouraged and indifferent public spirit.


In the unsettled years after the Revolution, American newspapers remained filled with arguments and anger—now directed not against the British but against their political opponents. Each of the two parties that formed, the Federalists and the Republicans, had their newspapers and these papers had little sympathy for representatives of the other side. Federalist Party leaders, increasingly uncomfortable with the criticism they were taking from Republican editors, signed the Sedition Act in 1798 to protect the government from the libels of editors. The result was a dozen convictions and a storm of outraged public opinions that threw the party from power, and led the Republicans to take control of the government in the 1800.


After 1800, the presses began to have their views expressed in a much freer manner than ever before and newspapers became a form of public property, freely available in reading rooms, barbershops, taverns, hotels, and coffeehouses.[1] The editor, usually reflecting the sentiment of a group or a faction, began to emerge as a distinct power, closely following the drift of events and expressing vigorous opinions. The years of violence also witnessed a development in both the quality and the power of newspapers, with the press in the United States eventually demonstrating a compatibility with the maintenance of orderly government. Also, news reporting was extended to new fields of local affairs, and the intense rivalry from numerous competitors initiate the rush for the earliest reports, which was to become the dominant trait in American journalism.


What can be inferred from Paragraph 5 about the news reporting before 1800?

A. They were not a public property.

B. They usually reflect the sentiment of a group.

C. They mainly focused on national affairs.

D. They didn't have too much competition.核心词汇:词汇练习:


impose circulate initiate successively relatively regulate

distinct represent bold opponent maintenance vigorous

1. Water _____ through heat reservoirs in this temperature range is able to extract enough heat to warm residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. (TPO-21: Geothermal Energy)

2. Without the external cue, the difference accumulates and so the internally _____ activities of the biological day drift continuously, like the tides, in relation to the solar day. (TPO-13: Biological Clocks)

3. Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat materials in new ways, the basic difference in attitude of artists in relation to their materials in the fine arts and the applied arts remains _____ constant. (OG: Applied Arts and Fine Arts)

4. An abandoned field, for instance, will be invaded _____ by herbaceous plants (plants with little or no woody tissue), shrubs, and trees, eventually becoming a forest. (TPO-19: Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems)

5. When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they ____ a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. (TPO-19: The Roman Army's Impact on Britain)

6. The new candid photography—unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken—confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often____, suggested new compositional formats. (TPO-22: The Birth of Photography)

7. Mendeleyev was ____ than Meyer and even assumed that if a measured atomic mass put an element in the wrong place in the table, the atomic mass was wrong. (TPO-16: Development of the Periodic Table)

8. During Jackson's second term, his ____ had gradually come together to form the Whig party. (OG: Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States)

9. All organisms, therefore, allocate energy to growth, reproduction, ____, and storage. (Online Test: Opportunists and Competitors)

10. A green iceberg that stranded just west of the Amery Ice Shelf showed two ____ layers: bubbly blue-white ice and bubble-free green ice separated by a one-meter-long ice layer containing sediments. (OG Test 2: Green Icebergs)

11. If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of ____ begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions on the basis of their offsprings’ calls. (TPO-11: Begging by Nestlings)

12. In small groups we have a better chance to ____ contact and establish rapport with them. (TPO-13: Types of Social Groups)参考答案:

1. circulated 2. regulated 3. relatively 4. successively 5. represented

6. imposed 7. bolder 8. opponents 9. maintenance 10. distinct

11. vigorous 12. initiate注释


Sentence 76

)相同的句型。Sentence 76英文原文:

In the second case, pollinators (insects, birds) obtain food from the flowering plant, and the plant has its pollen distributed and seeds dispersed much more efficiently than they would be if they were carried by the wind only.

TPO-17: Symbiotic Relationships



1. 词组“obtain A from B”意思是“从B处获得A”。

2. “have/get sth. done(过去分词)”意思是“让别人做某事”。注意该动作是别人发出的,而不是自己,并且动作的发出者不一定出现,若需出现可由“by”引出;类似的句子有很多,如:

a. We had the machine mended just now.


b. He has had his hair cut.


本句话中的“has its pollen distributed and seeds dispersed”也是该结构的例子,需要注意的是,此处动作的发出者省略了,应该是前面的“pollinators”。

3. “distribute”和“disperse”是同义词,都表示“分散;传播”;代词“they”指代的是前面的“pollen and seeds”,“would be”后面其实省略了“would be distributed/dispersed”。

4. 后半句“they would be if they were carried by the wind only”是虚拟语气,表示假设的情况。虚拟语气的结构分两种情况,一种是与过去相反的情况:


a. If I had known you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.


b. If I were you, I would have refused him.




If I had a map, I would lend it to you.


5. 该句中其实将两种传播方式进行比较,通过前者(pollinators)传播比通过后者(wind only)传播更加高效(much more efficiently)。与本次句子翻译相关的阅读题目:

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

In the second case, pollinators (insects, birds) obtain food from the flowering plant, and the plant has its pollen distributed and seeds dispersed much more efficiently than they would be if they were carried by the wind only.

A. The relationship between flowering plants and pollinators provides pollinators with food and flowers with efficient reproduction.

B. In some cases birds obtain food from the seeds that are dispersed in the wind.

C. The wind not only helps the flowers distribute their seeds but enables birds to find more food.

D. Animals and insects are more effective in distributing pollen and seeds than the wind.汉英翻译练习:

一些在大公司里工作的人认为他们的潜力能够比在小公司里工作被开发得更充分。(使用“get sth. done”结构和“if”引导的虚拟语气)参考翻译:

Some people working in a big company believe they can get their potential more fully tapped than it would be if they worked in a small one.请将以上句子扩充后的中文段落翻译成英文:



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It's better to work in a large company than in a small one.





[1]“黄金阅读”是学生备考托福的一大法宝,请访问http://www.lasedu.com/的“资料分享”界面,或直接在网上搜索“文勇的黄金阅读”即可找到。现已更新到2015.05版本,囊括了10篇OG文章,3篇Online Test文章和34个TPO。

Day 77

Passage 77

Inca's Recording System


While Egypt had hieroglyphs on paper and stone and Mesopotamia had cuneiform pressed into clay, the Inca appeared to lack a written language that we would recognize. This has always been a puzzle to archaeologists, who habitually assume that advanced civilizations must have had some system for their central administration to keep track of what went on in its empire. The only possible Incan system of recording information might have been the mysterious knotted strings known as Quipu.


A typical Quipu consists of several twisted plaits of strings that descend from a single unified string. Each descending string is dyed in many different colors, are twisted to the right or left, and have a wide variety and number of knots tied in them. Cord color, cord length, knot type, knot location, and cord twist direction together hold information that was once readable by several South American societies.


The main content of Quipu are numbers which are expressed by knots on a section of rope. Unlike our "Arabic" numbers which uses ten different symbols for each digit, Quipu makers tied multiple knots in a tight sequence to represent a "digit". Digits can range from no knots representing zero to nine knots representing nine. Multiple sequences of knots represent a number larger than ten. The number 321, for example, would be represented as three sequences of knots, the first one with three knots, the second with two knots, and the last one with one knot. In this sense, Quipu was a positional ten-based numeric system that, instead of being encoded in written symbols, is encoded in knots.


Three different kinds of knots are used in Quipu. Commonly, the single knot (S) is used to represent the value of one except in the very last position, where two different knot types are used. The last position employs the figure eight knot (E) to represent the value one and the multiple four-turn long knots (L) to represent values higher than one.[1] In other words, the figure eight knot and the four-turn long knot are both used to signal the end of a number.


During excavations in the 1950s, a cache of Quipu was discovered in an urn near the ruins of the Puruchuco palace, a major regional and administrative site in the central highlands of the Inca Empire. A recent research into this collection of Quipu showed that it contains some form of hierarchical accounting information. Scholars divided these Quipus into three groups: levels I, II, and III. Level I Quipus have six sections, level IIs have three, and level IIIs have only one. On all levels, these sections, almost always, have the same number of pendant numeric cords arranged in the same color pattern, implying that they all record the same set of goods. If one adds up numeric cords in the same position across different sections of a level I Quipu, the sum is equal, or very close, to a single numeric cord in the same position in one section of a level II Quipu. Similarly, level II numeric cords sum up to a single level III numeric cord. This tells us that the accounting information is being summarized at an increasingly higher level, with the level III Quipu most likely representing the grand total of goods.


In addition, level II and III Quipus also have what is called "introductory segments". In every introductory segment, there is always a pendant cord that contains three figure eight (E) knots. Since figure eight knots only serve as the number one in the last position on a Quipu number, a sequence of three figure eight knots is clearly not a number. In fact, it is argued that the sequence might represent the name of the town and that the information is there so that when the Quipus would be passed to administrators outside of Puruchuco, it would still be identifiable as Puruchuco's Quipus. Other explanations point to the information that must be stored there, such as what kind of thing is being counted, and possibly, for what period of time.


The word "hierarchical" in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. with numerous numbers

B. with different levels

C. ancient

D. varied核心词汇:





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