
发布时间:2020-12-07 19:10:48









作者: 王庆生






— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —作者简介


Brief Introduction to the Author

Qingsheng Wang,born in November,1963,in Henan Province.Professor of Tourism Management,Dean of Business School of Tianjin Universityof Commerce(TUC),Ph.D.in Social and Economic Geography,Depattment of Gcology and Geography,Odessa National University named after I.I.Mechnikov (ONU) in Ukrainc.He is well-known as the tourism planning scholar with 10 published acdemic worksand more than100 papers issued at different times.Seeking higher education Belarus,Russia and Ukraine,the author traveled,studied and researched in the United States and Australia for many times. His motto is to make contribucion to tourism rcsearch by means of practicing“reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles”as an old famnous Chinese saying goes.内容简介



This album is a stage outcome of the author whohosts a natural fund project named “Innovative Research on Sustainable Development of Regional Tourism Industry(71373174)”.Over 100 typical pictures photographed during the journeys of research and study domestically and abroad were selected and compiled in the album covering the following three scopes of views.Part 1.The Impression of Beauty: nature and humanity--the unity of the heaven and the earth; Part 2.TheCharm of Peoples and Customs: the natural and the pure--the universality of the world;Part 3.The Cases of Tourism Development: landscapes and architecture-the beauty of harmony.The pictures in the album are the means for the au由orto express his understanding and cognition ofsustainable tourism and the album is intended for the students majored in Tourism Management andthe enthusiasts of 位aveling or photography.序

说来话长。 记得是1983年暑期,还在河南大学地理学系读大三的时候,受黄以柱教授委托,我和梁留科同学去洛阳市栾川县进行国土资源考察,经村民指路,邂逅位于栾川县县城西约3000米的栾川鸡冠洞。出于地理学专业的认知,意识到这应该是一处北方罕见的喀斯特地貌景观。鸡冠洞位于半山腰,洞口直径不足两米。正应了“初生牛犊不怕虎”的说法,我们带着当地老乡准备的蜡烛,深入鸡冠洞考察约两个小时,惊喜地目睹这个不起眼的山体里面竟蕴藏着一个偌大的地下宫殿!基于这个“发现”,我们还合写了一篇有关鸡冠洞旅游开发的小文投递给《河南日报》。尽管稿件石沉大海,但这次鸡冠洞之旅却为自己以后的旅游人生留下了深深的印记,不仅把栾川县自然资源开发作为大学毕业论文选题,1989年发表的《栾川县自然资源综合开发利用研究》也成为我公开发表的第一篇论文。时过境迁!如今的栾川县鸡冠洞景区已经是名扬中外的中国AAAAA级景区,同时,也是国家旅游局树立的“栾川模式”的核心旅游吸引物之一。

长话短说。 我大致从20世纪90年代开始从事旅游规划工作。在我看来,旅游规划确实是一套技术活儿,不仅要了解规划规程,还一定要走出去,实地踏勘规划地的地理人文、风情民俗。有鉴于此,30多年来,不仅有“美文美图,悦人悦心”的感慨,更有“读万卷书,行万里路”的身体力行。我的足迹几乎踏遍祖国各地,同时也走进四大洲,分别在乌克兰、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、摩尔多瓦、土耳其、蒙古国、美国、澳大利亚等国家,或留学访学,或旅游考察。间或发表《走近黑海》等散文多篇,并拍摄了大量图片,尝试以另外一种方式记载旅游开发与管理的轨迹与思考。

书归正传。 天工造物,美不胜收!图片是直观表现自然与人文之美的重要载体。本画册通过我拍摄的部分图片,意在提醒读者珍视美景和善待美景,警惕现实世界中对自然和人文资源的不当或过度无节制利用,造成旅游风景的不可持续性开发。所以,本画册的重点不在于展示我的摄影水准,重点在于借助照片实录我的旅游规划观点与思考,正所谓“醉翁之意不在酒”!

特别感谢。 感谢我的家人,尤其是夫人惠玲对我摄影癖好的包容和支持;感谢女儿小丹驾车带我游历美国的多个国家、州立公园以及名校名居。感谢中国铁道出版社靳岭编辑以及出版社同仁为本画册出版所进行的负责任和有新意的策划与支持。天津商业大学旅游管理系梁怡老师承担了本画册的英语翻译,特此谢忱。还要感谢这么多年来我的所有合作过的朋友、同事诸君,大家的包容、支持与合作一直是我乐观自信前行的动力。当然,本画册不是专业摄影作品,摄影图片仅代表了我在旅游规划与开发过程中的思考和浅见,不当之处,诚望读者朋友批评、赐教、指正!本人自称小庆,故画册取名《小庆旅游印象》。Preface

A Long Story to Tell

When I studied as a junior student in the Department of Geography in Henan University in 1983,my classmate and I,entrusted by Professor Yizhu Huang,went to investigate the situation of land resources in Luanchuan County of Luoyang. Under the guidance of a local we fortunately came across a cave called Jiguan Cave (meaning cockscomb) 3 km west to the county. Thanks to the acute cognition based on the profession of geography,we realized in no time that it is a rare landscape with typical karst land features which locates halfway up the mountain with the diameter of the mouth no more than 2 meters. As a famous Chinese saying goes that “a newly born calf is not afraid of a tiger”,holding candles offered by that local,lit by feeble candle light,we spent almost 2 hours exploring every corner of the enormous underground palace hidden under this seemingly common mountain with quite a surprise. This unexpected “discovery”inspired us to work together on a little piece of article which was submitted to Henan Daily for publication. Although the article failed to be published,the trip into Jiguan Cave left a remarkable influence on my future life of traveling.How time flies! The cave we crept in has been well-known as an AAAAA scenic spot to domestic and overseas tourists for years while it has become one of core attractions authorized by NTA (National Tourism Administration) as the “Model of Luanchuan”.

Making A Long Story Short

Devoted myself to the research of tourism industry from 1990s,I conclude tourism planning as an array of skilled jobs including learning the procedure of tour planning,going on field trips and doing many spot investigations on geographic and cultural circumstances and spectacles. Not only was I pleased by the gorgeous sceneries and refined words,but I put the famous Chinese ambition into practice through over 30 years of traveling thousands of miles as well as reading thousands of books. My footprints have covered every land of my home country and some other countries such as Ukraine,Russia,Belarus,Kazakhstan,Moldova,Turkey,Mongolia,the US,Australia of four continents seeking education or doing research. Access to the Black Sea and some other essays were published and many marvelous photos were taken,which turns out to be another form of records for the trace and thinking of Tourism Development and Management.

About the Album

Photographs are indispensable means to visually display the unbelievable beauty of nature and culture,the glamorous creation of the magical power. A portion of photographed on trips of these years by the author constitute the book,dedicated to remind the readers of the importance of cherishing and being nice to the beautiful views and sceneries around us and avoiding an unsustainable tourism development of the abuse or overuse of natural and cultural resources.Therefore,the intention of compilation of this book is to share how the author thinks of tourism planning rather than representing the photography skills,which resembles a famous Chinese proverb that “the drinker’s heart is not in the cup—to have ulterior motives”.

Particular Thanks

Many thanks to my family for their being patient and supportive to my “hobby of photography”,especially to my wife Huiling Wang. Not less thanks to my dear daughter,Danlei Wang,for her driving me through the United States visiting a great many national parks,state parks,famous universities and former residence of celebrities. Particular thanks to the editor Ling Jin of China Railway Publishing House and her colleagues,who planned for and supported the publishing of the book professionally and responsibly. Yi Liang from Tourism Department of TUC took on the translation into English to whom I am very grateful. There are many other colleagues and friends I ever worked with who deserve my immense gratitude for their tolerance,support and cooperation,which are ever-lasting motivation on my way to go forward with much optimism. I have to admit that the photographs contained in this book are never considered as works of professionals but the means to represent some rough ideas and opinions drawn from my research of tourism planning and development. Any criticism or improvement from the readers for anything inappropriate and unintended mistakes will be highly appreciated.

Qingsheng Wang in Haiming Garden of Tianjin13/8/2016美丽印象自然、人文,天地归一

The Impression of Beauty:

nature and humanity—the unity of the heaven and the earth



Headstreams of the Palongzangbu River

Headstreams of the Palongzangbu River,which is a tributary of the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet Autonomous Region. June,2013.



The Magnificent Ranwu Lake

The lake sits in the Ranwu Town of Tibet Autonomous Region,3807 meters above sea level. June,2013.



The Morning at Ranwu Lake




Snowy Peaks on the Plateau

Snowy peaks on the plateau,which locates in the Basu County of Tibet Autonomous Region. June,2013.



The Laigu Glaciers

One of the 3 greatest glaciers of the world,which locates in the Laigu Village,Basu County of Tibet Autonomous Region,next to the Ranwu Lake. June,2013.



The Cameron Glaciers

Part of the Laigu Glaciers. June,2013.



Prairie Wild Flower

Prairie wild flower,which is located in Chifeng of Inner Mongolia Autonomous. August,2014.



Wild Rhododendron

Wild Rhododendron,located in the Laigu Village of Tibet Autonomous Region,at an altitude of about4200 meters. June,2013.



In Early Puberty of the Lotus

In early puberty of the lotus,which is located in the Yanyulou Lake of Mountain Resort in Chengde(World Cultural Heritage). July,2016.



Kievan Monastery of Caves

Kievan Monastery of Caves,which is the oldest monastery building in the urban area of Kiev,Ukraine,site of World Cultural Heritage. May,2004.



The Dnieper River

A bird-view over the Dnieper River on the roof of Kievan Monastery of Caves. Kiev,Ukraine,May,2004.




It is the Washington Monument,located in downtown of Washington D. C.,the United States.October,2012.



The Waters and Skies Merge in one Colour

West Haven Beach,in Connecticut,U. S..July,2015.





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