
发布时间:2020-12-08 03:32:46











定语从句(Attributive Clause)是英语语法中的一个重要门类,掌握好定语从句的使用方法,可以使你分析文章更容易,也能够写出很好的句式。


定语从句分两类:限制性定语从句(Restrictive Attributive Clause)和非限制性定语从句(Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause)。本书详细分析了两类从句的区别,包括关系代词和关系副词的使用区分、定语从句同先行词割裂的情况、关系代词用作表语的情况、there be引导的限制性定语从句和定语从句的状语含义等用法。




1.关系代词(relative pronoun)用来指代先行词是人或物的名词或代词


He is a man who/that means what he says.他是一个说话算数的人。(指人,作主语)

The people whom/that you met in the campus yesterday are from England.你昨天在校园里碰到的那些人是从英国来的。(指人,作宾语)

Is there anyone in your department whose father is a painter?你们系里有谁的父亲是画家吗?(指人,作定语)

The young man with whom I traveled could speak English.同我一起旅行的那个年轻人会说英语。(指人,作宾语)

Anything that that lady does looks pretty.那位女士不论做什么都很好看。(指物,作宾语)

The bicycle the brake of which was damaged has now been repaired.那辆坏了闸的自行车现在已经修好了。(指物,作主语)


1 关系代词的省略(1)作直接宾语时可以省略。例如:

Is there anything(that)I can do for you?我能为您效劳吗?

Who was the woman(that)you were talking with?你刚才同她谈话的妇女是谁?

The man(whom)you saw just now is our manager.你刚才见到的那个人是我们的经理。(2)在“there+be”结构的从句中作主语的关系代词可以省略。例如:

This is the only bus(that)there is to that park.这是开往那个公园的唯一的一路公共汽车。

He would rather place his money in the best investment(that)there is.他宁愿把钱用于最可靠的投资。

The old professor made full use of the time(that)there was left to him to continue his research in the field of electronics.这位老教授充分利用余年,继续他在电子学方面的研究。(3)That is+先行词,It is+先行词,There is+先行词,Here is+先行词,其后定语从句的主语that或who常可省略。例如:

That is the man(that/who)exposed the illicit financial dealings.那就是揭露非法金融交易的人。

That's all(that)is the matter with him.他的问题就是这些。

This is the man(that/who)fixed my car.这就是帮我修车的人。

It's a thing(that)happens from time to time.这种事情偶尔会发生。

There is somebody(who)wants to see you.有人想见你。

There is something(that)makes him frightened.有什么东西使他害怕。

There was never any war(that)brought worse disaster to the world.从来没有任何战争给世界带来这么大灾难的。【提示】


This is the girl with whom he worked.(whom不可省)

This is the girl(whom)he worked with.这就是同他一起工作的女孩。

This is the room in which Churchill was born.(which不可省)

This is the room(which)Churchill was born in.这就是丘吉尔出生的房间。

②who或whom的先行词有时可省略,相当于one who/whom,anyone/who/whom,those who。例如:

Who knows most says least.大智若愚。(=He who,anyone who)

Who works not shall not eat.不劳无获。

Who eats must pay.吃了就得付钱。

Whom the gods love die young.天妒奇才常命短。

This is written to whom it may concern.致相关者。(=any person whom)

Who marries a beauty marries trouble.娶了美人就要了麻烦。(=Those who)

Who are thirsty drink in silence.口渴的人会静静地饮水。2 格言、谚语、警句中的定语从句指人主语通常是类指,一般用that,偶尔也用who

He is lifeless that is faultless.只要活着,总有过错。

He that respects not is not respected.你不敬人,人不敬你。

He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.想吃果子就得爬树。

He that mischief hatches.mischief catches.害人必害己。

He laughs best that/who laughs last.笑在最后的,笑得最开心。

Heaven does not let down the one that has a will.苍天不负有心人。

It is a good wife that never grumbles.再好的妻子也会唠叨。

It's easy to kick a man that is down.虎落平原被犬欺。

He who loses courage loses all.一个人失去了生活的勇气就失去了一切。

He who knows most knows best how little he knows.知识越多的人越最清楚自己知道的东西太少。3 定语从句为that be,that is,that it is,that there is,以be为谓语,从句主语通常用that

He's not the man that he was.他已不是从前的他了。

The decisions are in the hands of the powers that be.决定权在当局者手中。

It is not the beautiful lake that it was.它已不再是从前那个美丽的湖了。

Mrs.Johnson that is to be will have everything a woman could wish for.这位未来的约翰逊夫人将拥有一个女人所想要的一切。

The old lady was away back in the full and happy life that had been.老太太完全沉浸在对过去充实而幸福的生活的回忆中。

That's all(that)there is to it.如此而已。

That is the only one(that)there is.这是仅有的一个。

They have eaten all the food(that)there is to be had.他们把所有的食物都吃完了。

It is the only book(that)there is on the Antarctic exploration.这是唯一一本关于南极探险的书。4 先行词是who,whom,which,what时,限制性定语从句一般用that引导,以避免wh-语音的重复

Who that had seen the sight could ever forget?见到这种景象,谁会忘记呢?

What man is there that has no worry in life?生活中谁没有不顺心的事呢?

I couldn't tell you who it was that revealed the secret.我不能告诉你是谁透露了那个秘密。

Please tell me who it was that you talked about.请告诉我你们刚才谈的是谁。

She showed which picture it was that she took in Scotland.她给我看哪张是她在苏格兰拍的照片。

Who that you have ever seen can do better?你看见过谁能做得更好?5 先行词为that时,定语从句通常用which引导

What's that which he asked for?他要的是什么?

She has found that which he lost the other day.他前天丢的东西她找到了。

That which purifies us is trial,and trial is by what is contrary.致我们纯洁者是考验,而考验则必借相反的事物。6 在限制性定语从句中,作表语的关系代词通常用that

The town is not the tourist attraction that it once was.这座小城不再是从前那样的旅游胜地了。

This high-ranking official was still at heart the greedy merchant that he had been.这名高官骨子里依然是从前那个贪婪的商人。7 先行词为those,关系代词通常用who

Chance favours only those who know how to court her.机会只青睐那些知道如何去追求她的人。

Great men are those who profit the most from the fewest mistakes.伟大人物都能从最少的错误中吸取最多的教益。8 如果关系代词紧跟在介词后面,不能用who或that,只能用which或whom

This is the question about which(不用that)they have had so much discussion in the past few weeks.这就是几周来他们反复讨论的那个问题。

The people with whom(不用that)he worked thought he was a bit strange.同他一起工作的人都觉得他有点怪。

They sat down by the north window outside which there was a flower garden.他们在北窗边坐了下来,窗外有一个花园。

He is a famous statesman than whom none is more influential in China.他是一位著名的政治家,在中国,没有人比他更有影响力了。9 如果先行词是all,much,anything,something,nothing,everything,little,none,few等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which(但something,everything或anything后,偶尔也用which)

That's all(that)I could do at that time.这就是我当时所能做的一切。

I'm keeping the few that will be sent to Mary next month.我正收藏着下个月寄给玛丽的那几个。

There was not much that interested me at the travel show.那个旅游展览会上没有什么吸引我的。

Please just tell me anything(that)you know about the author of the book.凡是你知道的关于本书作者的情况请都告诉我。

Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner,but of all that come in contact with it.内心的欢乐不仅温暖了欢乐者自己的心,也温暖了所有与之接触者的心。

There is little that can be believed about it.几无可信之处。

She has nothing that is good to say.她没有什么好说的。

She hates everything that is modern.所有现代的东西她都不喜欢。【提示】在“It is+名词+定语从句+定语从句”结构中,后一定语从句要用that。例如:

It is only a man who has seen much of the world that can be a leader.只有阅历丰富的人才能当领导。

It is always the mouth which talks too much that arouses troubles.言多必失。

It is a man who is honest that can do the work.只有诚实的人才能做这项工作。

10 如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first,last,any,only,few,little,much,no,some,very等词修饰,引导限制性定语从句常用关系代词that,不用which,who或whom

He is the only person that was present at the time.他是当时唯一在场的人。

This is the best TV set that is made in China.这是中国生产的最好的电视机。

The little information that I could get about them was largely contradictory.我能得到的有关他们的少量信息大部分是自相矛盾的。

The very ambulance that was available broke down on the way.仅能找到的救护车也在路上抛了锚。

Which was the first battleship that crossed the strait?渡过海峡的第一艘战舰是哪一艘?

It is the fastest sports car that has ever been made.这是已制造出的最快的赛车。

Which is the next road that will be widened?下一条要拓宽的是哪条路?

No sample that we have received is satisfactory.我们已收到的样品没有一个令人满意。

They are the last persons that can believe all men are born equal.他们是最不会相信“人人生来平等”的人了。

Please send us any information that you have about the subject.有关这个专题的任何资料都请寄给我们。11 在非限制性定语从句和接续性定语从句中,一般不用that,要用who或which,作宾语用的代词也不能省略

The Heavenly Lake,which is one of the world famous scenic spots,is on Tianshan Mountain.天池是世界名胜之一,位于天山之上。

There are thirty students in the class,the majority of whom are from the city.这个班上有30位学生,大多数来自城市。

I will pardon her,who didn't do it on purpose.我会原谅她,她不是有意的。

I met Professor Xu,who told me the result of the election.我碰见徐教授,他告诉了我选举的结果。【提示】偶尔也见到在非限制性定语从句前使用关系代词that的情况。例如:

I looked at Mary's sad face,(a face)that I had once so passionately loved.我望着玛丽忧伤的面容,这面容我一度那样深情地爱过。12 which可以引导修饰整个主句的定语从句

which可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语、定语或表语,多数情况下意思同and this相似。例如:

New Concept English is intended for foreign students,which is known to all of us.《新概念英语》是为外国学生编写的,这是我们大家都知道的。(which作主语)

She was awarded a gold medal,which the whole family considered a great honor.她被授予一枚金质奖章,全家人都认为这是极大的光荣。(which作宾语)

He lost the manuscript during the war,in which case he had to rewrite the book.他在战争中把手稿丢失了,既然如此,他就不得不重写那本书了。(which作定语)

She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was.她对孩子们非常耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。(which作表语)

Some pilots are specialized in trial flight,which is most dangerous.有些飞行员专门做试飞工作,这是十分危险的。

I told him to go to a doctor,which advice he took.我告诉他去看医生,他接受了这个建议。(指代部分概念)

Don't call between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock,at which time I am usually having lunch.不要在12点和1点之间来电话,这段时间里我通常在吃午饭。

She is studying economics,which knowledge is very important today.她在学习经济学,这门知识现在非常重要。

He believes in self-reliance,which idea I fully agree to.他相信要依靠自己,我完全赞同这种观念。

She died three days ago,which I can't believe.她三年前去世了,这我很难相信。(=which fact,a fact which)

Jim was seriously ill,which she did not know.吉姆病得很重,这她并不知道。(=which circumstance)

They bribed the officials,which practice was common here.他们赌赂官员,在这里很普遍。

The President was killed,which circumstance was very serious.总统被杀害了,这种情况非常严重。(=which fact)

Jim's car was last in the queue,which gave Ted enough time to put his plan of revenge into operation.吉姆的车是队伍中的最后一辆,这就给了泰德足够的时间将他的复仇计划付诸实施。

I left my keys at home,which was a pretty silly thing to do.我把钥匙落在家里了,干了件没脑子的事。

Mother arrived home just then,which spoiled everything.就在这时,母亲回家来了,把一切都给搅了。

She married him,which was disgraceful.她嫁给了他,真丢人。

The kitchen hadn't been cleaned properly the night before,which put him in a bad mood.前一天晚上厨房没有收拾干净,这使他心情很坏。

He cycles from home to office every day,which is pretty good for his health.他每天骑自行车从家去办公室,这对他的健康非常好。

The child was addicted to computer games,which worried his parents very much.这孩子沉迷于玩电脑游戏,这使他父母很担心。

The rain washed away the track,which prevented the train from running.大雨冲走了铁轨,火车无法行驶。

He was furious about this and sued the young man's mother which led to a trial and imprisonment for two years.他为此大发雷霆,向这名青年的母亲提出控诉,结果,法院判她两年徒刑。

She then decided to leave,which decision pleased me greatly.她那时决定离开,这个决定使我非常高兴。

I asked her not to lend money to Peter,which sounds like an ungrateful thing to say.我叫她不要借钱给彼得,这样说听上去好像有些忘恩负义。

The plane was badly delayed,which made the passengers very angry.飞机严重误点,这使乘客们非常气愤。

They were divorced within a year,which was unexpected.他们结婚不到一年就离婚了,真出人意料。

The manager said nothing,which made him still more tense.经理什么也没说,这使他更加紧张。

They said he told lies about the agreement,which he didn't.他们说关于那项协议他撒了谎,事实上他并没有撒谎。

The people who rise to the top in politics are usually the most ruthless,which you know.政坛巨头通常都是无情的,这你是知道的。

He got the address wrong,for which mistake he apologized.他把地址搞错了,为此他道了歉。

She may have missed the train,in which case she won't arrive for another hour.她可能没有赶上火车,那样再过一个小时她也到不了。

This I did at nine o'clock,after which I watched TV.这件事是我9点做的,之后我就看电视了。

She said she was short of money,which was untrue.她说她缺钱,这不真实。

My brother spent five years at college,during which time he studied medicine.我弟弟上了五年大学,学医。

He believes in public ownership,which idea I am quite opposed to.他相信公有制,对此观念我持反对态度。

He gave me a lift back to Nanjing,which was very kind of him.他让我搭他的便车回南京,真是太好了。

Hester heaved a long deep sigh,in which the burden of shame and anguish departed from her spirit.海丝特长长地舒了一口气,重压在心头的羞辱和苦痛也随之而去。【提示】


Moreover,which you may hardly believe,the motive for this murder was jealousy.而且,你可能难以相信这一点,这桩谋杀案是由妒忌引起的。

They also said,which was not surprising,that the sex shop was a danger to public morals.他们还说,性用品商店会危害社会公德,这不奇怪。

Primarily,which is very curious,these birds fly back to the island on the same day every year.首先,这些鸟儿年复一年在同一天飞回到这个岛上来,这说来很奇怪。

He hung around for hours and,which was worse,kept me from doing my work.他闲逛了好几个小时,更糟的是,他还不让我工作。

He buried himself in studying English.And—which was the point—it was of no use to him then.他埋头学习英语,而且关键所在是,英语当时对他并没有任何用处。

Anyway,the evening,which I'll tell you more about later,I ended up staying at Richard's place.不管怎样,我那天晚上是在理查德那儿过的夜,有关的详情我晚些时候再同你讲。


He is sure to come unless(which is impossible)he has something urgent.除非有紧急事务,否则他一定会来的。(which从句放在括号中,表示作出某种说明)

She said,“I've done my best.”Which was true.她说:“我已经尽力了。”这是真的。(which紧跟在直接引语之后)13 用作表语的关系代词(1)关系代词that可指代人或物,可用作表语,仅用于限制性定语从句中。例如:

He is no longer the simple-minded man that he was five years ago.他已不再是五年前那个头脑简单的他了。

He is said to be everything that an honest man should be.人们说他具备了一个正直的人应有的一切美好品质。

What he said and did there showed the man that he was.他在那里的言行反映出他真实的本人。

He never revealed himself as the man(that)he was.他从没透露过他的真实身份。(2)关系代词which可用作表语,通常指物,但也可用来指人的地位、性格和修养等。例如:

The modern car is no longer the car which it was in 1930's.现代的汽车已不是20世纪30年代的汽车了。

She looks like a Russian,which you are not.她看上去像个俄罗斯人,而你不像。

She did it like a clever girl which she undoubtedly is.她像一个灵巧的姑娘那样做了这件事,她无疑是一位灵巧的姑娘。

They thought him dull,which he was not.他们认为他头脑迟钝,实则不然。

This is not the type of modern house which my own is.这不是我房子那样的现代化住宅。

My wife is wordy,which she was not.我妻子现在爱唠叨,她过去不是。

The police accused him of being a murderer,which he was.警方控告他是个杀人犯,他真是个杀人犯。

Jack is a reckless driver which his elder brother is not.杰克是个鲁莽的司机,而他哥哥则不是这样。【提示】在正式文体中,which表示人的类属、性质、特征、身份,that或who表示特定、具体的某个人。比较:

Diana is an experienced teacher which her boyfriend was not.戴安娜是一位有经验的教师,而她的男朋友则缺乏经验。(类属)

Diana is the most experienced teacher that I've ever met.戴安娜是我遇见过的最有经验的教师。(特定)

I was surprised to find Frank a different man from the one which I used to know.我惊讶地发现弗兰克已不是我原来熟知的那种人了。(类属)

I was surprised to find Frank a different man from the one that I used to know.我惊讶地发现弗兰克已不是我原来熟知的那个人了。(特定)

She is the perfect accountant which her younger sister is not.她是她妹妹所不能达到的那种十全十美的会计师。(类属)

Stay faithful to the person that/who you're married to.对与你结婚的人要忠贞不渝。(具体)


The country village and the urban housing estate both needed the best men which/that can be found for them.农村与城市住宅区都需要能为它们找到优秀的管理人才。

He is commonly regarded as a Funny Man than as the revolutionary which/that,at bottom,he is.一般都把他看作滑稽人,不看作革命者,而他骨子里却是个革命者。(3)关系代词as可用作表语,引导非限制性定语从句,相当于which。例如:

The question is very difficult,as/which indeed it is.这个问题很难,的确很难。14 whose meaning和the meaning of which(1)whose引导定语从句,既可指人也可指物。whose在定语从句中有时同it连用,it起形式主语的作用,表示强调。例如:

They had a sentence whose meaning was completely beyond them.他们有一个句子,其含义他们完全不懂。(=the meaning of which was...)(注意加the)

She's become famous by writing a novel whose purport nobody was quite sure of.她写了一部小说一举成名,这部小说的主旨谁也拿不准。(=the purport of which...)

This is the building whose windows were all painted green.这就是窗户全漆成绿色的那幢大楼。

He stars an elderly stranger in town,whose arrival is followed by some mysterious deaths.他主演的是镇上一位年迈的陌生人。自他到来之后,镇上发生了几起神秘的死亡事件。

In 2012 she caught a serious illness from whose effects she still suffers.2012年她患了重病,直到现在还没有康复。(=the effects of which)

This is the painter whose house a lot of pictures were stolen from.这就是那位家里有许多画被盗的画家。

If you happen to be the farmer on whose land the locusts arrive,then it's a very serious problem.大量的蝗虫来到了农场主的田里,如果你碰巧就是这位农场主,那么,这便是一个非常严重的问题。

It is a book of rare value,many of whose pages are dog-eared.这是一本珍本书,许多书页都翻得卷了角了。

It would mean giving more power to the courts,many of whose members are widely believed to

be corrupt.这意味着给法院更大的权力,而人们广泛认为许多法官腐败。

A teacher is a person whose duty is to teach.教师的职责是教书。

A teacher is a person whose duty it is to teach.

这两个句子意思相同,结构有所不同。whose duty it is to teach中的it是形式主语,真正主语是不定式to teach,从强调结构it is his duty to teach演化而来。再如:

There are many organizations whose sole purpose it is to help mentally retarded children.有许多组织,其唯一的目的就是帮助弱智儿童。(演化自it is their sole purpose to help...)(2)名词/代词/数词+of+whom和名词/代词/数词+of+which。

若用定语从句表示“所属”关系,先行词指人时,用“名词/代词/数词+of+whom”结构;先行词指物时,用“名词/代词/数词+of+which”结构,of前表示部分,of后表示整体。whose指物时,可用...of which代替。例如:

The committee consists of 20 members,five of whom are women.这个委员会有20名成员组成,妇女5名。

The book contains 50 poems,most of which were written in the 1930's.这本书中有50首诗,大部分写于20世纪30年代。

There are two left,one of which is almost finished and the other of which is not quite.还剩下两个,一个即将完成,另一个还远未完成。

I can lend you two books,both of which are very interesting.我可以借给你两本书,这两本书都很有趣。(=of which both)

It would involve all Rome in a fearful strife,the end of which no man could foresee.这会使整个罗马卷入一场可怕的战争,其结局没有人能预料。



The river whose banks are covered with trees flows to the sea.

The river of which the banks are covered with trees flows to the sea.

The river the banks of which are covered with trees flows to the sea.



There are in this class twenty students,whose backgrounds are different.

There are in this class twenty students,the backgrounds of whom are different.

There are in this class twenty students,of whom the backgrounds are different.

但是,...of which所修饰的词若是数词、不定代词或另有其他限定词(the除外),不可改为“whose...”结构。例如:

There are six possibilities,every one of which involves difficulty.有六种可能,其中每一个都有困难。

They offered a strong opposition,of the like of which he had never dreamed.他们进行了有力的抵抗,他做梦都没想到会遇到这样的抵抗。

An aircraft engine consists of thousands of parts,each of which has its importance.航空发动机有数千个零件,每个零件都有其重要作用。

He now has 20,000 hectares of land,more than two-thirds of which are under cultivation.他现在有两万公顷土地,超过三分之二都在耕种。(不可说whose more than two-thirds...)


Linda had just been delivered of twin boys of which,by the way,Mark seems to have been the father.琳达刚生了一对双胞胎男孩,马克好像是孩子的父亲。(婴儿常被当作中性的事物看待)15 先行词是集体名词用who还是用which


The basketball team,which is playing very well,will come out first.这个篮球队打得很好,将会得第一名。

The basketball team,who are having a rest,will begin another match in twenty minutes.这个篮球队的队员们正在休息,将于20分钟后开始另一场比赛。16 如果先行词是anyone,anybody,everyone,everybody,someone,somebody,应用who或whom,不用which

Is there anyone here who can speak French?这里有谁会说法语吗?

He saw the manager talking with somebody whom he didn't know.他看见经理在同一个他不认识的人谈话。17 如果有两个或两个以上先行词,兼指人或物,应用that

The famous writer and his works that the radio broadcast have aroused great interest among the students.广播中播出的那位著名作家及其作品在学生中间引起了极大的兴趣。





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