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第1章 全国医学博士外语统一考试英语考试指导

1.1 考试简介

全国医学博士外语统一考试是根据国务院学位委员会颁发的《临床医学专业学位试行办法》和《口腔医学专业学位试行办法》,并为医学博士研究生招生单位提供服务而设置的考试。考试目的在于科学、客观、公正地测试考生掌握和运用外语的实际能力。该项考试的前身为1997年起实施的卫生部属单位医学博士研究生入学外语水平考试(Foreign Language Admission Test for Medical Doctoral Students,简称FATMD)和1999年起实施的在职临床医师申请临床医学博士专业学位全国外语统一考试(National English Qualification Test for M.D.,简称NEQTMD)。






1.2 大纲要求




1. 本考试主要是用于博士生入学和申请医学博士专业学位的一种英语水平考试,其命题不以某一种医学英语教材为主要命题依据。

2. 考试内容为医学公共英语,注重突出临床医学特点。

3. 本考试从听力、词语用法、综合理解、阅读、书面表达五个方面命题,全面测试考生的英语能力,并突出对考生的英语应用和交际能力测试,以确定其是否已达到在职申请医学博士专业学位的英语水平或是否已达到医学博士研究生入学英语水平。


试卷分为两大部分:试卷一(Paper One)和试卷二(Paper Two)。试卷一包括听力(30%),词语用法(10%),完形填空(10%)和阅读理解(30%),答卷时间115分钟;试卷二包括书面表达(20%),答卷时间50分钟。


1.3 试题分析


Ⅰ. 听力理解(Listening Comprehension)

听力分两部分:Section A和Section B。答题时间为30分钟。

Section A:简短对话(Short Conversations)



Section B:长对话及短文(Longer Conversations and Talks)




需要说明的是,Section A中15个简短对话所涉及的内容比较广泛,根据最近几年真题的统计,涉及医学方面的内容(多为谈论疾病、健康等)的试题一般为3~4道。在Section B中长对话及短文大多为医学科普方面的内容。

Ⅱ. 词语用法(Vocabulary)


词语用法旨在测试考生对英语词汇和短语的理解和使用能力,分两部分:Section A和Section B。

Section A:填空(Fill in the blank)



Section B:单选题(Multiple choice)




Ⅲ. 完形填空(Cloze)




Ⅳ. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)






Ⅴ. 书面表达(Writing)








第2章 历年真题及详解[部分视频讲解+听力音频]


Paper OnePart Ⅰ  Listening Comprehension (30%)(略)Part Ⅱ  Vocabulary (10%)

Section A

Directions: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

31. The medical team discussed their shared _____ to eliminating this curable disease.

A. obedience

B. susceptibility

C. inclination

D. dedication【答案】D【解析】句意:医疗队探讨了他们对消除这种可治愈疾病的共同贡献。obedience顺从;服从。susceptibility敏感性。inclination倾向;趋向。dedication献身,贡献。根据句意,正确答案为D。

32. Many of us are taught from an early age that the grown-up response to pain, weakness, or emotional _____ is to ignore it, to tough it out.

A. turmoil

B. rebellion

C. temptation

D. relaxation【答案】A【解析】句意:我们很多人从很小就被教导,对待痛苦、脆弱和情绪波动的成熟反应,就是无视它、忍受它。turmoil骚动;焦虑。rebellion背叛。temptation诱惑;引诱。relaxation放松。此处意在表达不利的情况,因此选A。

33. Those depressed kids seem to care little about others, _____ communication and indulge in their own worlds.

A. put down

B. shut down

C. settle down

D. break down【答案】B【解析】句意:那些抑郁的孩子似乎很少关注他人,他们拒绝交流,沉溺于自己的世界中。put down放下;记下;镇压。shut down关闭;停业。settle down定居;平息。break down(不及物)坏掉;失败;垮掉。根据句意,正确答案为B。

34. The school board attached great emphasis to _____ in students a sense of modesty and a sense of community.

A. diluting

B. inspecting

C. instilling

D. disillusioning【答案】C【解析】句意:学校董事会十分重视向学生灌输谦虚精神和集体感。dilute稀释;削弱。inspect检查;视察。instill逐渐灌输,逐步培养。disillusion使醒悟,使不再抱有幻想。根据句意,正确答案为C。

35. Our brain is very good at filtering out sensory information that is not _____ pertinent _____ to what we need to be attending to.

A. pertinent

B. permanent

C. precedent

D. prominent【答案】A【解析】句意:我们的大脑非常善于过滤掉与我们需要关注的东西不相关的感官信息。pertinent相关的,相干的,常与介词to搭配。permanent永恒的,永久的。precedent在先的,在前的。prominent杰出的;显著的。根据句意,正确答案为A。

36. New studies have found a rather _____ correlation between the presence of small particles and both obesity and diabetes.

A. collaborating

B. comprehending

C. compromising

D. convincing【答案】D【解析】句意:新的研究发现小分子与肥胖症和糖尿病之间存在着具有说服力的联系。collaborate合作;通敌。comprehend理解;领悟。A、B项为动词的现在分词形式。compromising有失体面的;不宜泄露的。convincing令人信服的;有说服力的。C、D项为形容词。根据句意,正确答案为D。

37. We must test our _____ about what to include in the emulation and at what level in detail.

A. intelligence

B. imitations

C. hypothesis

D. precautions【答案】C【解析】句意:对于仿真内容和细节程度的假设,我们必须要进行测试。intelligence智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报。imitation赝品;模仿。hypothesis假设;(凭空的)猜想。precaution防备;预防。根据句意,正确答案为C。

38. We must _____ the problem _____, which is why our map combines both brain structure and function measurements at large scale and high resolution.

A. set...back

B. take...over

C. pull...in

D. break...down【答案】D【解析】句意:我们必须分解这个问题,这就是为什么我们的地图以大规模和高分辨率将大脑结构和功能测量结合起来。set back阻碍;延迟。take over接管;继承。pull in(火车等)到站;船靠近(海岸)。break down(及物)砸破;发生故障;分解。根据句意,正确答案为D。

39. Diabetes is one of the most _____ and potentially dangerous diseases in the world.

A. crucial

B. virulent

C. colossal

D. prevalent【答案】D【解析】句意:糖尿病是世界上最普遍的且具有潜在危险的疾病之一。crucial至关重要的;关键性的。virulent致命的;剧毒的。colossal庞大的。prevalent流行的;普遍存在的。根据句意,正确答案为D。

40. It is simply a fantastic imagination to _____ that one can master a foreign language overnight.

A. conceive

B. conceal

C. convert

D. conform【答案】A【解析】句意:认为一个人在一夜之间便能掌握一门外语,只是奇幻的想象。conceive构想;设想;怀孕。conceal隐藏;掩盖。convert转变;转化。conform遵守;使一致;使顺从。根据句意,正确答案为A。

Section B

Directions: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

41. The truly competent physician is the one who sits down, senses the “mystery” of another human beings, and offers the simple gifts of personal interest and understanding.

A. imaginable

B. capable

C. sensible

D. humble【答案】B【解析】句意:真正称职的医生,能坐下来,感受他人的“秘密”,并对病人表现出个人兴趣和充分的理解。competent有能力的;称职的;合格的。capable有能力的;足以胜任的。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。imaginable可以想象的。sensible明智的;理智的。humble谦逊的;(级别或地位)低下的。故正确答案为B项。

42. The physician often perceived that treatment was initiated by the patient.

A. conserved

B. theorized

C. realized

D. persisted【答案】C【解析】句意:医生通常认为治疗是由病人发起的。perceive认为;意识到。realize实现;意识到。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。conserve节省;保存。theorize理论化。persist维持;坚持。故正确答案为C项。

43. Large community meals might have served to lubricate social connections and alleviate tensions.

A. facilitate

B. intimidate

C. terminate

D. mediate【答案】A【解析】句意:大型社区聚餐或许能充当社会联系的润滑剂,缓解紧张关系。lubricate给……上润滑油,可引申为“促进”。facilitate促使;促进。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。intimidate威胁;恐吓。terminate终止。mediate调解;斡旋。故正确答案为A项。

44. Catalase activity, reduced glutathione and Vitamin E levels were decreased exclusively in subjects with active disease.

A. definitely

B. truly

C. simply

D. solely【答案】D【解析】句意:过氧化氢酶的活性,还原型谷胱甘肽和维生素E含量仅在具有活动性疾病的受试者中降低。exclusively仅仅;专门地。solely单独地。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。definitely明确地。truly确实;确切。simply简单地;简直。故正确答案为D项。

45. Ocular anomalies were frequently observed in this cohort of offspring born after in vitro fertilization.

A. fetuses

B. descendants

C. seeds

D. orphans【答案】B【解析】句意:体外受精繁衍出的后代群体经常出现眼部异常。offspring后代;子女。descendant后代;子孙。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。fetus胎儿。seed种子;萌芽。orphan孤儿。故正确答案为B项。

46. Childhood poverty should be regarded as the single greatest public health menace facing our children.

A. breach

B. grief

C. threat

D. abuse【答案】C【解析】句意:儿童贫困应被视为儿童面临的唯一最大的公共健康威胁。menace威胁。threat威胁。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。breach突破口。grief痛苦;悲伤。abuse滥用;虐待;辱骂。故正确答案为C项。

47. A distant dream would be to deliberately set off quakes to release tectonic stress in a controlled way.

A. definitely

B. desperately

C. intentionally

D. identically【答案】C【答案】句意:一个遥远的梦想是能够有意地引发地震,以便以可控的方式释放地球构造压力。deliberately蓄意地。intentionally有意地。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。definitely明确地。desperately绝望地。identically相同地。故正确答案为C项。

48. Big challenges still await companies converting carbon dioxide to petrol.

A. applying

B. relating

C. relaying

D. transforming【答案】D【解析】句意:巨大的挑战仍然横亘在企业将二氧化碳转化成汽油的道路上。convert转化;转变。transform转变,改观。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。apply应用。relate联系;叙述。relay转发;转播。故正确答案为D项。

49. Concerns have recently been voiced that the drugs elicit unexpected cognitive side effects, such as memory loss, fuzzy thinking and learning difficulties.

A. ensue

B. encounter

C. impede

D. induce【答案】D【解析】句意:最近有人担心这些药物会引起对认知方面意料之外的副作用,如记忆力减退、思维模糊和学习障碍。elicit引起;诱出。induce引起;劝诱。两者意思相近,此处可相互替换。ensue接着发生,因而产生。encounter遭遇;邂逅。impede阻碍;阻止。故正确答案为D项。

50. The applications of genetic engineering are abundant and choosing one appropriate for this case can be rather difficult.

A. sufficient

B. plentiful

C. adequate

D. countable【答案】B【解析】句意:基因工程应用繁多,要从中为这个案例选择一种是很困难的。abundant大量的;丰盛的。plentiful大量的;充足的。sufficient足够的;充足的。adequate足够的;合格的。countable可数的。sufficient和adequate意指“(数量)合适”,不能作为正确答案。故正确答案为B项。Part Ⅲ  Cloze (10%)

Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D listed below the passage. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

The same benefits and drawbacks are found when using CT scanning to detect lung cancer—the three-dimensional imaging improves detection of disease but creates hundreds of images that increase a radiologist’s workload, which, (51)_____, can result in missed positive scans.

Researchers at University of Chicago Pritizker School of Medicine presented (52)_____ data on a CAE (computer-aided diagnosis) program they’ve designed that helps radiologist spot lung cancer (53)_____ CT scanning. Their study was (54)_____ by the NIH and the university.

In the study, CAD was applied to 32 low-dose CT scanning with a total of 50 lung nodules, 38 of which were biopsy-confirmed lung cancer that were not found during initial clinical exam. (55)_____ the 38 missed cancers, 15 were the result of interpretation error (identifying an image but (56)_____ it as noncancerous) and 23 (57)_____ observational error (not identifying the cancerous image).

CAD found 32 of the 38 previously missed cancers (84% sensitivity), with false-positive (58)_____ of 1.6 per section.

Although CAD improved detection of lung cancer, it won’t replace radiologists, said Sgmuel G. Armato, PhD, lead author of the study. “The computer is not perfect,” Armato said. “It will miss some cancers and call some things cancer that (59)_____. The radiologists can identify normal anatomy that the computer may (60)_____ something suspicious. It’s sort of a spellchecker, or a second opinion.”

51. A. in common

B. in turn

C. in one

D. in all

52. A. preliminary

B. considerate

C. deliberate

D. ordinary

53. A. being used

B. to use

C. using

D. use

54. A. investigated

B. originated

C. founded

D. funded

55. A. From

B. Amid

C. Of

D. In

56. A. disseminating

B. degenerating

C. dismissing

D. deceiving

57. A. were mistaken for

B. were attributed to

C. resulted in

D. gave way to

58. A. mortalities

B. incidences

C. images

D. rates

59. A. don’t

B. won’t

C. aren’t

D. wasn’t

60. A. stand for

B. search for

C. account for

D. mistake for【答案与解析】

51.B  句意:这种三维成像技术提高了对疾病的检测能力,但会生成数百张图像,增加放射科医生的工作量,从而导致遗漏阳性的扫描。in turn意为“反过来”,符合题意,故正确答案为B项。

52.A  preliminary初期的。considerate体贴的。deliberate故意的;深思熟虑的。ordinary普通的。根据上下文的语义,此处意在表达“初期数据”,故正确答案为A项。

53.C  此处不缺谓语动词,故应选择非谓语动词,可排除D项。逻辑主语为radiologist,此处为主动关系,可排除A项。B项为不定式,不合句意,故正确答案为C项。

54.D  句意:该项目受到了NIH的资助。investigate调查。originate起源。found建立。fund资助。故正确答案为D项。

55.D  句意:在这38个漏掉的癌症病例中……。此处强调“在……范围之内”,in符合题意。amid强调“在……过程中”,不合题意,故正确答案为D项。

56.C  句意:……但却被当成非癌图像而搁置一旁。disseminate传播;散播。degenerate堕落;衰败;恶化。dismiss解雇;驳回;摒弃;不理会。deceive欺骗;诓骗。故正确答案为C项。

57.B  根据上下文,在38个漏诊的案例中,15个是阐释错误,23个归因于观察失误。此处为因果关系,故可排除A、D项。由于这里是“前果后因”,因此要选择表示“由于”之意的词组。be attributed to归因于。result in导致。故正确答案为B项。

58.D  句意:CAD在38个先前遗漏的癌症案例中发现了32个(84%的敏感性),假阳性概率为每节1.6个。mortality死亡数,死亡率。incidence发生率;影响程度。image图像。rate比率。故正确答案为D项。

59.C  此处为省略句,完整的表达应为“It will miss some cancers and call some things cancer that are not cancers”。故正确答案为C项。

60.D  句意:放射科医生能辨认出电脑可能误诊为疑似病例的正常解剖。stand for代表。search for寻找。account for证明;由于。mistake for把……错认。前后形成对照,故正确答案为D项。Part Ⅳ  Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

Passage One

When Tony Wagner, the Harvard education specialist, describes his job today, he says he’s “a translator between two hostile tribes”—the education world and the business world, the people who teach our kids and the people who give them jobs. Wagner’s argument in his book Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World is that our K-12 and college tracks are not consistently “adding the value and teaching the skills that matter most in the marketplace”.

This is dangerous at a time when there is increasingly no such things as a high-wage, middle-skilled job—the thing that sustained the middle class in the last generation. Now, there is only a high-wage, high-skilled job. Every middle-class job today is being pulled up, out or down faster than ever. That is, it either requires more skill or can be done by more people around the world or is being buried—made obsolete—faster than ever. Which is why the goal of education today, argues Wagner, should not be to make every child “college ready” but “innovation ready”—ready to add value to whatever they do.

That is a tall task. I tracked Wagner down and asked him to elaborate. “Today,” he said via e-mail, “because knowledge is available on every Internet-connected device, what you know matters far less than what you can do with what you know. The capacity to innovate—the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life—and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge. As one executive told me, “We can teach new hires the content. And we will have to because it continues to change, but we can’t teach them how to think—to ask the right questions—and to take initiative.”

My generation had it easy. We got to “find” a job. But, more than ever, our kids will have to “invent” a job. Sure, the lucky ones will find their first job, but, given the pace of change today, even they will have to reinvent, re-engineer and reimagine that job much often than their parents if they want to advance in it.“Finland is one of the most innovative economies in the world,” Wagner said, “and it is the only country where students leave high school ‘innovation-ready’. They learn concepts and creativity more than facts, and have a choice of many electives—all with a shorter school day, little homework, and almost no testing. There are a growing number of “reinvented” colleges like the Olin College of Engineering, the M.I.T. Media Lab and the ‘D-school’ Stanford where students learn to innovate.”

61. In his book, Wagner argues that _____.

A. the education world is hostile to our kids

B. the business world is hostile to those seeking jobs

C. the business world is too demanding on the education world

D. the education world should teach what the marketplace demands

62. What does the “tall task” refer to in the third paragraph?

A. Sustaining the middle class.

B. Saving high-wage, middle-skilled jobs.

C. Shifting from “college ready” to “innovation ready”.

D. Preventing middle-class jobs from becoming obsolete fast.

63. What is mainly expressed in Wagner’s e-mail?

A. New hires should be taught the content rather than the ways of thinking.

B. Knowledge is more readily available on Internet-connected devices.

C. Academic knowledge is still the most important to teach.

D. Creativity and skills matter more than knowledge.

64. What is implied in the fourth paragraph?

A. Jobs favor the lucky ones in every generation.

B. Jobs changed slowly in the author’s generation.

C. The author’s generation led an easier life than their kids.

D. It was easy for the author’s generation to find their first jobs.

65. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To orient future education.

B. To exemplify the necessary shift in education.

C. To draw a conclusion about the shift in education.

D. To criticize some colleges for their practices in education.【答案与解析】

61.D  细节题。由题干中可定位到文章第一段第二句。此句提到Wagner认为教育应该教给孩子市场最需要的技能。故正确答案为D项。

62.C  指代题。由题干可定位到文章第三段第一句。此处that指代的是上一段的末尾,即由“college ready”向“innovation ready”的转变。故正确答案为C项。

63.D  细节题。由题干可定位到文章第三段第二句。该句提到学术知识远没有创造性解决问题的能力和在生活中创造新可能性重要。故正确答案为D项。

64.D  推理题。文章第四段提到作者这一代很容易——他们必须“找到”一份工作。但他们的孩子比以往任何时候都需要“发明”一份工作。由此可知,作者这一代比起下一代找工作要容易得多。故正确答案为D项。

65.B  意图题。文章最后一段提到芬兰奥林工程学院,M.I.T.媒体实验室和斯坦福大学设计学院的教学模式,即举例说明现有的教学模式改革。故正确答案为B项。【参考译文】

当哈佛教育专家托尼·瓦格纳描在描述他当下的工作时,他说他是“两个敌对阵营,教育界阵营和商界阵营,的翻译者”,前一阵营教育孩子,后一阵营为他们提供工作岗位。瓦格纳在其著作《培养革新者:打造改变世界的人》(Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World)一书中的论点是,我们的K-12和大学教育并非始终如一地在“增加价值并教授市场上最看中的技能”。



我这一代很容易。我们得“找到”一份工作。但我们的孩子比以往任何时候都需要“发明”一份工作。当然,幸运儿们会找到他们的第一份工作,但是,考虑到今天的变化速度,如果他们想要在工作上取得进步,他们自己要比他们的父母更经常地对那份工作进行再创造、再设计和再构思。“芬兰是世界上最具创新性的经济体之一,”瓦格纳说,“它是唯一一个让学生离开高中就准备好革新的国家”。他们学习理念和创造力而非事实,而且有许多选修课——所有的课程在校时间短,作业少,几乎没有考试。有越来越多像这样的“再创造”的大学,比如奥林工程学院(Olin College of Engineering),M.I.T.媒体实验室和斯坦福大学设计学院(the ‘D-school’ Stanford)。”

Passage Two

Yet these global trends hide starkly different national and regional stories. Vittorio Colao, the boss of Vodafone, which operates or partially owns networks in 31 countries, argues that the farther south you go, the more people use their phones, even past the equator: where life is less organized, people need a tool, for example to rejig appointments. “Culture influences the lifestyle, and the lifestyle influences the way we communicate,” he says, “If you don’t leave your phone on in a meeting in Italy, you are likely to miss the next one.”

Other mundane factors also affect how phones are used. For instance, in countries where many people have holiday homes they are more likely to give out a mobile number, which then becomes the default where they can be reached, thus undermining the use of fixed-line phones. Technologies are always “both constructive and constructed by historical, social, and cultural contexts”, writes Mizuko Ire, an anthropologist at the University of California in Irvine, who has co-edited a book on Japan’s mobile-phone subculture.

Indeed, Japan is a good example of how such subcultures come about. In the 1990s Americans and Scandinavians were early adopters of mobile phones. But in the next decade Japan was widely seen as the model for the mobile future, given its early embrace of the mobile





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