
发布时间:2021-01-24 05:51:27








Part One Phrase Translation (30 points)

Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate 30 technical terms, abbreviations or proper names, either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English, within 60 minutes.

Section A  English to Chinese (15 points)

1) FTA【答案】自贸协定

2) Richard Nixon【答案】理查德·尼克松

3) FIFA【答案】国际足球联合会

4) The Inquisition in Spain【答案】西班牙宗教法庭

5) ISO【答案】国际标准化组织

6) Photo voltaic effect【答案】光伏效应

7) Matteo Ricci【答案】利玛窦

8) The Chinese Academy of Science【答案】中国科学院

9) remote access【答案】远程访问

10) machine tools【答案】机床

11) comforts and conveniences of home【答案】家一样的舒适条件和便利设施

12) low temperature superconducting magnet【答案】低温超导磁铁

13) mentally deficient people【答案】智障人士

14) prefabricated units【答案】预制构件

15) Hyper text transport protocol【答案】超文本传输协议

Section B  Chinese to English (15 points)

16) 澳门特别行政区【答案】the Macao Special Administrative Region

17) 治理水土流失【答案】bring soil erosion under control

18) 工商行政管理总局【答案】General Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Administration

19) 空中交通管制【答案】air traffic control

20) 中华全国总工会【答案】All-China Federation of Trade Unions

21) 农村义务教育【答案】rural compulsory education

22) 银行转账【答案】bank transfer

23) 省会城市【答案】provincial capital

24) 安理会【答案】Security Council

25) 中国建设银行【答案】China Construction Bank

26) 改善民生【答案】improve people’s well-being

27) 商务印书馆【答案】Commercial Press

28) 城际列车【答案】inter-city trains

29) 公交卡【答案】public transport card

30) 节能减排【答案】energy conservation and emissions reductions

Part Two Passage Translation(120 points)

Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and one Chinese passage into English within 120 minutes.

Section A  English to Chinese (60 points)China to launch 3-D bus that can seat over 1,000 passengers

British media have recently reported on China’s newly proposed “3-D bus”, believing that its launching will help alleviate traffic jams facing many a Chinese city. The vehicle is expected to seat about 1400 passengers and is only 1/10 the cost of underground railway.

Its designer, a Shenzhen-based company, is reportedly being negotiating with the district government of Mentougou, a satellite town of Beijing, on making the area a national demonstration base.

The new vehicle will roll at 60-80km/h, almost three times faster than ordinary buses.

Its most eye-catching feature, however, is that it allows cars to run beneath it, provided that their height does not exceed the 2-meter limit. According to Song Youzhou, general manager of the company, the daily passenger capacity of the transporter may well match that of the underground railway at a dramatically reduced cost. Moreover, the new concept transporter is solar-powered and capable of emergency braking. When cars beneath it get too close to the rails on which the transport runs, a warning will be triggered off for other vehicles to respond in time.

Although use of the transporter might reduce traffic jams by 20-30%, its 4.5 meter height makes its safe passage through bridges and tunnels a real problem. This, according to Mr. Song, can be solved by lowering the level of the road surface.(236 words)【参考译文】中国设计的立体巴士投入使用可坐千人






Section B  Chinese to English (60 points)念书与读书




天底下念书的人多,读书者少。因为读书需要跋涉,讲究兴趣与耐力,缺一不可。【参考译文】Two Ways of Reading

School life can be likened to a battle in which all the participants are equipped with bags of schemes to achieve good results in examinations. As soon as the session is over, they throw into oblivion all that they have mechanically memorized before they know what grades they are given. This mental state shows clearly that books are meant to be recited, no more no less. The moment their purpose is served they are done away with. Nobody bothers to pay any attention to their contents, let alone digest them. Don’t you see how joyful those girls are when they celebrate the end of examinations by throwing away their books? It is the strongest proof that reading is done merely by rote. Also the popular saying: “A novice chants scriptures—he moves his mouth without troubling his mind.” Nothing else illustrates the point more satisfactorily.

On the other hand, intelligent reading never aims at examination results. It requires devotion—one has to devote time and energies to extensive reading from which to draw useful materials. Then proceed from comparison and analysis to assimilation. Reading this way is prompted by interest and done in earnestness. There may be stopovers on the way, but certainly no end.

It is a long-distance travel, an endless process of opening up vistas for the mind; while mechanical reading is but a short tour along the narrow path of worldliness with one’s view never beyond one’s nose. The former enlivens one like life-giving spring rain and breeze, resulting in a well-cultivated mind to last as long as he lives; the latter makes one muddle along, engages him in a battle of examinations to fight for diplomas and end up in fruitlessness.

There are too many people in the world engaged in mechanical reading, only a few read intelligently. That’s because the latter demands two requisites—interest and stamina—for it to travel far and wide.


Part One Phrase Translation(30 points)

Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate 30 technical terms, abbreviations or proper names, either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English, within 60 minutes.

Section A  English to Chinese (15 points)

1) disposable income【答案】可支配收入

2) malicious software【答案】恶意软件

3) asylum application【答案】庇护申请

4) air filtration face masks【答案】空气过滤口罩

5) community nursing service【答案】社区养老服务

6) fabricate academic credentials【答案】学历造假

7) eco-friendly toilet【答案】环保厕所

8) sperm banks【答案】精子库

9) solicit public opinion【答案】公开征求意见

10) to buy for the thrill of the bargain【答案】只为享受买打折的快感

11) The Lord of the Flies【答案】《蝇王》

12) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)【答案】跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定

13) pragmatic anti-corruption cooperation【答案】务实反腐合作

14) post-disaster recovery【答案】灾后重建

15) removal of papers【答案】论文撤稿

Section  B Chinese to English (15 points)

16) 《水浒传》【答案】Heroes of the Marshes or Water Margins or All Men Are Brothers

17) 中国“十三五”规划【答案】China’s 13th Five-Year Plan

18) 亚洲基础设施投资银行【答案】the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

19) 生态文明【答案】ecological progress or ecological conservation or eco-civilization

20) 秦腔【答案】the local Qinqiang Opera

21) 颜控【答案】face obsessed

22) 秀恩爱【答案】public displays of affection

23) 抗日民族统一战线【答案】Chinese united front against Japanese aggression

24) 依法治国【答案】law-based governance of the country

25) 政府权力清单【答案】list of government powers

26) 入乡随俗【答案】Do in Rome as the Romans do

27) “三步走”战略【答案】Three-Step Development Strategy

28) 新常态【答案】new normal

29) 健康稳定的大国关系框架【答案】a sound and stable framework for major-country relations

30) 全国人口普查【答案】national census

Part Two Passage Translation(120 points)

Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and one Chinese passage into English within 120 minutes.

Section A  English to Chinese (60 points)

Often the technologies that reshape daily life sneak up on us, until suddenly one day it’s hard to imagine a world without them—instant messaging, for example, or microwave ovens. Other watershed technologies are visible a mile away, and when you contemplate their applications, the ultimate social impact looks enormous. A good example of the latter is radio frequency identification chips—RFID, for short.

An RFID chip is a tiny bit of silicon, smaller than a grain of rice, that carries information—anything from a retail price, to cooking instructions, to your complete medical records. A larger piece of equipment called an RFID “reader” can, without direct contact, pull that information off the chip and in turn deliver it to any electronic device—a cash register, a video screen, a home appliance, even directly onto the Internet. RFID is the technology used now to automate toll taking at bridges and tunnels; drivers are given a small plastic box with an RFID chip inside, allowing them to drive through the tollgates without stopping. An RFID reader in the tollbooth senses the information on the chip and the toll is automatically deducted from the driver’s account.

The first wide-scale applications of RFID will be in retail. At a major industry conference next week, Wal-Mart is expected to urge its suppliers to adopt RFID—the same way that, twenty years ago, the giant retailer jump-started the use of bar codes. And some manufacturers are already on board. Gillette, for example, recently placed an order for half a billion RFID chips that they will begin to use to track individual packages of razors.(264 words)【参考译文】




Section B  Chinese to English (60 points)






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