
发布时间:2021-02-11 10:55:12








备考雅思,真题的重要性不言而喻。新东方与剑桥大学出版社亲密合作,为广大中国雅思考生独家引进了CAMBRIDGE IELTS系列,目前最新出版有CAMBRIDGE IELTS 8(简称《剑8》)。剑桥雅思真题系列每本都收录了4套完整的含“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”在内的学术类考题和2套含“读”、“写”的移民类考题。有了真题如何去利用?是仅用于考前模拟吗?是不是只做一遍核对答案即可?如果是这样的话,那么真题的价值便没有真正被挖掘出来。





希望广大考生能充分利用《剑4》、《剑5》、《剑6》真题及与它们配套的本书,也祝愿大家能够早日实现飞跃重洋的梦想。本书在编辑出版的每一环节中都力求审慎周全,但恐仍有疏漏之处,尚祈读者不吝指正。你们的支持,就是我们前进的动力。编者第一部分雅思考试应试指导第一章雅思考试听力应试指导I. 雅思听力考试四大基本要素

考生在备考雅思听力的过程中应该注意以下四个方面:语音、词汇、语法和短期记忆。1. 语音(1)口音

雅思考试的全称是IELTS——International English Language Testing System(国际英语语言测试练习)。相应地,雅思听力中有四种口音:英音(60%-70%),澳音(15%-20%),美音(10%-15%)和杂音(5%)。雅思听力中英音比重很大,各种口音的特点如下:


① /a:/——/æ/英音中单A字母的发音在美音中变成了/æ/。例如:after, class, answer, laugh, chance等。

② /ɔ/——/ʌ/最常见的单词有:hot, possible等。美国人是如何读boss这个单词的呢?他们会发成/bʌs/的音。

③ /ʌ/——/ə/美音中大部分情况下会把/ʌ/发成/ə/的音。有人认为美国人是把/ʌ/弱读成了/ə/。

④ /ə/——/r/英音中er, ar, or, ur这些字母组合在美音中总是附带着/r/的音。

⑤ /ju:/——/u:/英音中super, puma等都有/j/这个音,但是美国人一般都发成/su:pər/和/pu:mə/。


① /ei/——/ai/澳洲人见面打招呼时经常说:Good day, mate. /gud dai mait/. Where are you going today, mate?/wee a: u: guiŋ tedai/。从上述两个例子可以看出这个明显的特点:把/ei/发成/ai/。

② /e/——/i/这是澳音第二个比较明显的特点。Next, we were going to bed. /nikst wi:we geuiŋ to bid/。这个句子是一位著名的新西兰人Hilary(第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的人)说的,让人误以为他要冒险登顶。其实,他只是说要睡觉。

③ /iə/, /eə/, /uə/这三个音,在澳洲人嘴里发出来就像/i:/ /e/ /u:/。

关于杂音,主要注意苏格兰口音(1. 没有爆破音:Tom-dom;2. /r//l/不分),爱尔兰口音(1. 像美国口音;2. qr-tsr)和东南亚口音(1. 很平;2. q-d)。(2)易混音


① /i/——/i:/这主要是因为许多考生长音发得不够长,短音发得不够短。如:ship, sheep; shit, sheet。英美人在发/i/这个音的时候,就好像没有一样,如:before, behind, listen,我们一般是听不到这个音的,但是我们在发/i:/的时候,一定要用舌尖弹一下齿龈。

② /e/——/æ/这两个音混淆的原因是肌肉的惰性使然。尤其是两个音相邻的时候,如:pet, pat; bed, bad。其中前者口型较小,后者口型很大。

③ /e/——/ai/; /ɔ:/——/au/这两组被混的原因是考生没有很好地掌握双元音的发音规律,把它们发成了单元音。比如:press, price; smell, smile和sauce, south等。考生要注意在发双元音的时候一定要有一个平稳的滑动。

④ /iə/——/ɛə/这两个双元音非常难以区分,比如:really, rarely。

⑤ /l/——/n/——/r/这三个辅音的舌位很接近,第一个也被称为舌边音,舌尖抵住上腭,气流从舌头两边送出;第二个是鼻辅音,舌头抵住上腭,气流从鼻腔中送出;第三个发音时要将舌尖从口腔上部弯回来。如:light, night, right。

⑥/n/——/ŋ/前后鼻音形成气流阻塞的部位不同。前者是用舌头抵住上腭,后者是用会厌软骨挡住气流形成。如:changing; check in, checking。

⑦/v/——/w/这两个辅音也是因为肌肉的惰性造成的。如:wave; vowel; very well。前者需要上牙接触下嘴唇,后者是一个圆唇音。

⑧/r/——/ʒ/这两个辅音的舌位正好相反。前者舌位在上,后者舌位在下;前者舌头上钩,后者舌头下压。如:garage; mirror, measure。



吞音特例1:一般情况下,鼻辅音不会被吞掉,因为“鼻形”做出时,鼻音已经被发出来了。只有在两个相同的鼻辅音相邻的时候,才会吞掉一个。比如:Take it away from me. /teik it əwei fro mi:/。


吞音特例3:p、b、t、d、k、g这六个音在大部分情况下都要被吞掉。比如:put it up在这个词组中,两个/t/和/p/都要被吞掉。

连读时也会有特例,要注意辅音之间的连读。比如:/t/加/j/会发成/tju:/的音,这样的情况有Tuesday, won't you等。/d/加/j/会发成/dju/的音,这样的情况有during, would you等。/s/加/j/会发成/sju/的音,这种情况有suit, advice you等。/z/加/j/会发成/ʒ/的音,比如:use your head/ju:ʒu:hed/等。

元音和元音有时候也会连读。比如:radio会读成/reidijəu/, /i/和/əu/中间多出一个/j/。另外blue earring会发成/blu:wiəriŋ/, /u:/和/iə/之间多了一个/w/的音。

如果不注意,这些都会成为我们听力中的障碍。吞音和连读需要在了解规则的基础上在练习时加以注意。2. 词汇




单词记忆的方法各种各样。有的人背字典,有的人用词根词缀,有的人用联想记忆法,但需强调的是两点:重复和使用。重复是记忆的根,重复七遍才能记忆深刻。使用是记忆的干,有时候偶尔在口语或者作文中使用一次刚刚记住的单词,那么它将永远与你相伴。3. 语法

句法结构和固定搭配是理解句子的关键。请看这个句子:There is no difference but difference of degree between different degree of difference and no difference。每个单词都很简单,但是如果考生不注意句子结构和其中的no...but, between...and两个固定搭配,就极有可能抓不住句子的含义。



—— How are you today?—— I still have some problems with my breathing, doctor.—— Then I'll give you something to stop that.

第三句话中的“that”可以指第二句话中的“problems”也可以指“breathing”。如果指前者的话——正常。但是如果指后者的话,这位医生也太狠点了吧。所以考生必须要做到代词的正确还原。4. 短期记忆


考生要想提高短期记忆,最好的方法就是练习听写。尤其是在听完一个句子之后,靠短期记忆把记得的内容写出来。II. 雅思听力考试的题型与场景

前面论述了雅思听力考试的一些基础性因素,下面对雅思听力考试特定的题型和场景进行剖析,以便考生掌握雅思听力试题的一般规律。题型1. 表格2. 选择3. 问答4. 完成句子5. 地图6. 判断改错7. 图画8. 图例9. 搭配场景1. 住宿2. 谈论家乡3. 旅游度假4. 日常介绍5. 新生入学6. 图书馆7. 选课8. 研究9. 环境10. 授课III. 雅思听力考试基本题型及解题思路


Questions 1-5

Complete the table with information about the festival program. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.Type of actStageNameTimeBrazilian Drum BandDrum band37.00Claude and JacquesMime artist38.00Great Grapefruit(1)27.00(2)Crossed WiresJazz fusion1Tom Cobblecomedian110.30Flying Barito Brothers(3)acrobats9.00Reggae singer(4)Winston Smiles3Great MysteronMagic and illusion29.30(5)Blue Grass Ben212.00Music groupThe Proffets112.00◆ Tapescripts:

Now that I've got the official announcements out of the way, I'd like to tell you about tonight's program. The Brazilian Drum Band will be appearing on stage 3 at 7.00. This is the first time that they have performed outside South America, so their show is not to be missed. This will be followed by Claude and Jacques, the French mime artists, at around 8.00. During the performance Claude and Jacques will be introducing special guests from the fields of music and dance. Meanwhile, on stage 2, there is a modern ballet from Great Grapefruit Incorporated, illustrating women's role in world peace. This will begin at 7.00 and last for roughly 2 hours. Stage 1 begins at 9.00 with the jazz fusion band, Crossed Wires, whose performance tonight is the last date on their world tour. Stage 1 continues with a regular guest at these festivals, comedian Tom Cobble. His show begins at 10.30. After Claude and Jacques at 9.00 on stage 3, there will be a performance by the Flying Barito Brothers who are acrobats with the Albanian State Circus. The Flying Barito Brothers' fire-eating trapeze act is unique. No other performer has managed to equal their grand finale. From 11.15 we are happy to present Winston Smiles and the Kingston Beat who will be playing authentic Jamaican reggae until the end of the official program at 1.30. Over on stages 2, the Great Mysteron will be presenting his show of magic illusion and mystery at 9.30. During the show he will be chained and thrown into a sealed aquarium from which he will try to escape. If everything goes to plan the act will finish at 11.30 and the stage will be ready for the country and western music of Blue Grass Ben and the Cattlemen at 12.00. This act will be the last on stage 2 tonight. After Tom Cobble on stage 1, we have tonight' s main attraction, The Proffers, who will be performing in public tonight for the first time since they broke up 5 years ago. The news is that they are back and they will be presenting a show including both old favourites and songs from their new album, which is to be released in September. They are expected on stage at midnight. After the official program has ended, there will be a number of side shows taking place around the site.◆ 解题思路:

针对表格题,要做到以下五点:1. 扫描行和列,把握表格整体内容。2. 根据例子判断缺失信息。3. 听录音时根据已知信息定位未知信息。4. 注意题目要求和拼读规律。5. 检查答案格式。

这是一个关于音乐艺术节的日程介绍,通过扫描行和列,可以发现表内有关于艺术节的表演者、节目、舞台和时间的共40条信息。根据给出的35条信息,可以轻松判断第1和第5题是表演的节目内容;第2和第4题是表演时间;第3题是舞台号码。这为听到答案打下了良好的基础。在写答案的时候,一定要注意题目要求“No more than three words”。因为第5题听到的是“Country and western music”,共四个单词,应该去掉其中一个单词。写完答案之后要检查答案的格式与所给的是否一样。比如,表格中的时间只有一个点,如果写两个点的话,在格式上就不一致,若要被扣分,岂不冤枉?二、选择题

You will hear part of an introductory talk by a Student Information officer. As you listen, answer questions 1 to 7. Circle the correct answer.1. Overseas students will enroll on _________.A. 8th FebruaryB. 16th FebruaryC. 17th FebruaryD. 18th February2. Undergraduate students must enroll _________.A\. between 8.00 and 10.30 pmB. between 9.30 and 12.30 pmC. between 12.30 and 2.30 pmD. between 2.00 and 4.30 pm3. The venue for enrolment is _________.A\. in the Mathematics FacultyB. on Level 158C. in Room C658D. in Room C64. At enrolment, all students _________.A\. must show a letter of acceptance from their facultyB. need not show their letter of acceptanceC. need not bring any identificationD. must prove their level of English proficiency5. Students who have paid their fees _________.A\. should go to the International Students' OfficeB. are guaranteed a place at universityC. must get a bank chequeD. should pay a further $10,0006. The Student Card _________.A\. is issued before enrolmentB. has the student's identification numberC. is issued by the LibraryD. is not laminated7. During university terms, the Library will be open _________.A\. from 9.00 am to 4.00 pmB. from 9.00 am to 9.00 pmC. from 8.30 am to 9.00 pmD. from 4.00 am to 9.30 pm◆ Tapescripts:

Welcome to the Orientation Program. I hope you are all settling in to your new residences and starting to feel at home here. This Orientation Program is designed to familiarize you all with some of the essential information about the University and about what it is like to be a student here, but before we begin I'd like to say a few words about enrolment day because I know that many students, many of you are unsure of the procedures. There are two enrolment days, for different categories of student. Local students, or students who are permanent residents will enroll on the 16th of February. Overseas students will enroll two days later, on the 18th of February, in one of two sessions. First of all, all students doing undergraduate studies must come and enroll in the morning session. That morning enrolment session, for people enrolling in undergraduate courses, will be from 9.30 to 12.30 on level 6 of the Walsh Building, in Room C658. The Walsh Building is the one where the Faculty of Law is located. So that's for undergraduates.

Postgraduate students must also come to the same place, Room C658 on Level 6, from 1.30 pm on the 18th, and that enrolment session finishes at 4.30 pm. When you come to enroll, and this applies to all students, please bring your passport or some other identification, that's really essential, and also bring the letter of acceptance from the Faculty you will be enrolling in. For overseas students we'll also need proof of your English proficiency level, that is, your IELTS test result, that's if you're an overseas student, and your health-care cards for health insurance, plus the receipt from the Student Admission Office to show you have paid your fees.

If there's anyone who hasn't paid their fees for this semester yet, please go to the Student Admission Office and pay the fees as soon as possible. Your place at the university is not guaranteed until you've paid your fees and you can't enroll. Just a word of advice: it's best to get a bank cheque to pay your fees. The thought of carrying $ 10,000 in cash in your pocket is terrifying. You could easily lose it or have it stolen. On Enrolment Day you'll all be issued with your Student Cards. You don't have to bring a photo for these. The enrolling officer will take an instant photo, and put it on the card with your student ID number and then laminate the card, so it's all done at once. You use this student card to borrow from the library, to use student services like the medical center, and get discounts at the cinema and bookstore. By the way, the library hours are from 9.00 to 4.00 at the moment, but when the university term begins on the 21st of February the library opening times will be from 8.30 in the morning until 9.00 at night. It's also open at weekends. Okay? So, if you're all ready, we'll begin our tour of the campus now.◆ 解题思路:

对于选择题,需要按照下面的思路解题:1. 听前扫描题干,划出核心词。2. 听时综合扫描选项。3. 听时遵循的原则:(1)所听即所得,(2)顺序原则,(3)生词原则,(4)最近答案原则。4. 检查时遵循的原则:(1)常识原则,(2)同义相斥原则。




Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

1. When they arrive, students initially feel ____________________.

2. The first cause of students' unhappiness mentioned is__________________.

3. The second cause of depression mentioned is ___________________.

4. The counselor advises the students to be _________________.◆ Tapescripts:

Good morning, everyone. This is the second of my three introductory talks as Overseas Student Counselor at the university. In the first session you will remember we talked about the services offered in the Overseas Student Union at the university, and in this session I'd like to talk to you briefly about some of the problems, the most common problems that overseas students encounter when they come to study with us. After all, it's no secret that you may not find everything as easy as you would like, and we are here to help you.

Firstly I'd like to talk about the transition experienced by many students from euphoria to doubt and depression. When students arrive, they are usually excited by being in a new city with lots of attractions. Many students also enjoy the personal freedom of being in a foreign country, of meeting new friends and so on. But then when the classes start and the student fells under pressure to hand in assignments, complete all the reading, understand the difference in learning style and everything else, they may begin to feel very unsure of their ability to cope and even wonder if they have made the right decision to come and study here. This depression phase that many students experience can be put down in the first place to simply being away from everything you are accustomed to. Being homesick is a natural thing to experience. Even students from this country whose family lives in other cities experience homesickness. As part of missing home, many students find it hard to look after themselves, cooking, cleaning, shopping, paying the bills, doing the laundry, things they might never have had to do before. It's part of learning to be independent, and to overcome it to try to make friends with other students from your own country and also with students in your classes; you'll be in class with them for a very long time so it's worth developing friendship here to make you feel more at home.

The second factor that may be at the heart of depression is one that needs to be looked at carefully. Many students achieve low marks at first, low grades for academic work, and this is a problem that all students might experience, not just overseas students. Students often come to university with very high expectations; they are used to being high achievers, and to doing very well at school, so their expectations are too high when they move to a completely different learning environment. In fact, this new learning environment should not be underestimated as case of low marks. Students may be using a different language, they may be required to work independently for the first time. Many of you will have to present seminars, something you may never have done before in academic studies and to do independent library research. You have to develop skills for this different style of learning, before you can achieve good grades.

So, to cope with this possibly huge swing in your emotional state from excitement to very low morale, my advice in this first semester of your academic life is: be realistic about what you can achieve. If your expectations are too high you may become very depressed if you do not receive the grades you expect. A realistic approach is more sensible.◆ 解题思路:

对于填空题,必须按照下面的思路解题:1. 扫描题干,画出核心词。2. 判断所需句子成分及词性。3. 听核心词及其同义词或者听题干的基本结构。4. 简写答案。5. 检查语法是否规范。

首先,在读题时要画出核心词,这样在听的时候才能定位答案。第二点非常必要,否则无法听到正确信息。第1题缺表语,是形容词,可以听到。第2题和第3题缺表语,但是应该是名词性信息,而且可以用“first”和“second”定位到答案。第4题也可以通过核心词“advise...to be”定位到需要的形容词。






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