
发布时间:2021-02-14 20:30:27







第1章 GRE General Test文字推理部分考试指南

自从1990年在中国实行以来,GRE考试经历了多次变革。2011年8月ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)再次对GRE General Test进行了改革,而此次改革在考试内容、形式和计分方法上均有所体现。

1.1 GRE考试简介

GRE考试(Graduate Record Examinations),中文名字为“美国研究生入学考试/资格考试”,是由ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)主办,全球最广为接受的研究生入学标准考试。

GRE考试共分为两类:General Test \ Aptitude Test(一般能力或倾向性测验)和Subject Test\ Advanced Test(专业测验或高级测验)。

General Test即是平时常说的也是大部分中国学生参加的考试,主要是对考生从事高级阶段学术研究的一般潜在能力进行考查,并不涉及任何专业方面的特殊要求。其目的在于检测考生的Verbal Reasoning(文字推理)、Quantitative Reasoning(数量推理)和Analytical Writing(分析性写作)的能力,而这些技能是在研究生院取得成功所必不可少的。

Subject Test则重点测试考生在某学科领域或专业领域中所获知识和技能水平。

1.2 GRE General Test试卷结构

目前GRE General Test考试有两种测试形式:computer-based test(基于计算机的考试)和paper-based test(基于纸笔的考试)。

改革后的GRE General Test试卷结构如下所示:

◆Structure of the Computer-based GRE revised General Test

基于计算机的GRE General Test包括不计分部分考试时间总共为3小时45分钟,第三部分结束后会有10分钟的休息时间。其中分析性写作的位置比较固定,通常在考试开头,而文字性推理、数量推理和不计分部分则可能以任何顺序出现,因此对于每一部分都需认真对待。

基于计算机的GRE General Test考试在分析性写作之后可能会出现一个unscored section,该部分可能以任何顺序出现。或者research section会代替unscored section出现,其位置经常是在试卷结尾部分,该部分同样不计分。

◆Structure of the Paper-based GRE revised General Test  基于纸笔的GRE General Test考试时间总长为3小时30分钟,共有6部分构成,第二部分结束后会有10分钟的休息时间。每部分的题目数量和考试时间在考试说明中都会给出。其中分析性写作的位置比较固定,通常在考试开头,而文字性推理和数量推理则可能以任何顺序出现。

1.3 GRE General Test文字推理部分命题分析和解题技巧

GRE General Test考试文字推理部分(Verbal Reasoning)会对考生多方面的能力进行测试,并且以不同测试形式出现,主要考查考生分析、评估文字材料并从中获取信息的能力,以及对句子成分进行分析和识别单词概念关系的能力。

该部分的测试形式包括三种:阅读理解(Reading Comprehension),段落完形填空(Text Completion)和同义句填空(Sentence Equivalence)。
















2.确定所填词的词性(part of speech)


The Wildlife Conservation Society originated in 1895 as the New York Zoological Society, _____ to teach zoology conserve, and establish a top-notch zoo.

A. consented

B. authorized

C. endeavored

D. materialized

E. appraised

分析:该句主要成分完整,主语为the Wildlife Conservation Society,谓语为不及物动词originated,而in 1895和as the New York Zoological Society均为状语成分。因此结合所给选项可知空缺处应填入一个过去分词形式的非谓语动词,与主语the Wildlife Conservation Society构成被动关系,可知只有选项B(authorized被授权,被认可的)符合句意:野生动物保护协会…被授权教授生态保护知识和建立一个一流的动物园。



Although I consider myself moderately “green”, I am not nearly as_____as my friend Simon, who refuses to eat anything grown more than 50 miles away.

A. communal

B. audacious

C. nebulous

D. ingratiating

E. zealous












分析句子结构时,考生需对强调句子整体结构的词汇特别注意,如“however,moreover,on the other hand,although,unless等”,这些词汇和短语通常会提供解题的重要线索。





第2章 GRE General Test阅读理解170题

  GRE General Test文字推理部分的测试形式之一是阅读理解(Reading Comprehension),该种题型所给材料从一个到多个段落不等,段落后会有一到六个问题,问题形式多为五选一的单项选择题,但也有少数不定项选择和根据题目从段落中选出一个句子的问题。文章题材比较广泛,涵盖


,人文科学和社会科学的多个方面,本章通过对近年GRE General Test考试真题的分析,精选出77篇阅读理解,包括170个小题,每篇文章均根据常考题材进行划分,包含:自然科学(天文学、化学、地理学、生物学、科技、环保和医学),人文科学(文学类、民俗类、艺术类、音乐类)和社会科学(历史类、经济类、社会类、政治类)。

对于GRE General Test阅读理解部分的选择题,除给出具体要求,其他均为单项选择(Select one answer choice unless otherwise instructed)。



Passage 1

The bright star we call Sirius is really a binary star—a gigantic white star known as Sirius A and a far smaller dwarf called Sirius B. Sirius A is truly massive—about twice the size of our sun and around 25 times more luminous.

Seen with the naked eye, the two stars coalesce into a single bright object in the nighttime sky. Sirius’s existence was recorded by the ancient Egyptians, who used its initial date of visibility—the date at which the earth’s rotation moves it far enough from the glare of our sun to be clearly seen—as the basis for their calendar. Its extreme brightness frightened the ancient Greeks, who ascribed to it evil powers. It wasn’t until 1844 that astronomer Friedrich Bessel determined that Sirius must have an invisible companion star, and in 1862, American Alvan Graham Clark finally observed the tiny Sirius B.

1. Which statement could most logically follow the final sentence in the passage?

A. The Romans liked to celebrate the setting of Sirius with a canine sacrifice.

B. We see Sirius as extraordinarily bright due to its proximity to Earth.

C. The name of the star comes from the ancient Greek word for “glowing”.

D. More recently, orbital irregularities have suggested a third, even smaller companion.

E. Sirius is nicknamed the “Dog Star”, as it is part of the Canis Major constellation.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

2. The passage suggests that Sirius A is unusual in which of the following qualities?

A. radiance

B. density

C. hue


本文主要内容与天狼星(Sirius)相关,第一段指出天狼星实际上是双子星(binary star),由巨大的白星天狼星A和小得多的矮星天狼星B构成。第二段则着重则描述了古时候不同文化对于天狼星的不同认识,及天狼星被发现是双子星的过程。


1. D  分析最后一句的主题和逻辑关系可知,它按照时间顺序讲述的是“the discovery of the invisible companion of Sirius”,因此最符合逻辑的选项因该是D项,接着前文的话题,继续讲述“a third companion”的发现。

2. A  文段第一段第二句提到了Sirius A的不同之处:“Sirius A is truly massive—about twice the size of our sun and around 25 times more luminous”,强调的是其大小和亮度,因此A项radiance(发亮度,光辉)符合题意,而B项density(密度)和C项hue(色彩)在文中均没有提及。

Passage 2

Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the Milky Way? The odds seem to favor a positive response, but scientists like numbers and proofs. For that reason, radio astronomer Frank Drake created a formula that has become fundamental for many in the field of SETI—the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

The 1961 Drake equation begins with N = the number of intelligent civilizations, defined as those with whom we might communicate. It finds N by multiplying the rate of star formation in our galaxy, which Drake calculated as 10 per year, by the fraction of stars with planets, about one-hall. That in turn is multiplied by the number of planets per star that might be capable of sustaining life, which Drake figured as two, and by the fraction of those planets that will develop life, which he considered to be 100%. Finally, that is multiplied by the percentage of those life-bearing planets that might develop intelligent life, the percentage of that life that might be able to communicate, and the length of time during which such life might send communications into space. Drake’s figures, being 50 years old, have since been superseded by more accurate predictions.

1. Which of these premises did Drake NOT include in his calculations?

A. Not every life-form can communicate.

B. The time during which communication might occur is finite.

C. Not every planet is capable of sustaining life.

D. Not every planet is orbited by satellites.

E. Not every star is orbited by planets.

2. In the last sentence of the passage, the author probably mentions the age of Drake’s equation to

A. show how long a single hypothesis may prove valid and useful

B. indicate that some variables within the hypothesis have changed

C. suggest that intelligent life should have been found by now

D. provide a timeline to use when calculating the odds of intelligent life

E. surprise the reader with the unexpected age of a forward-looking model

3. NASA now calculates that the rate of star formation in our galaxy is closer to seven per year than to Drake’s original calculation. If that were the only change, how would it affect Drake’s equation?

A. The fraction of stars with planets would decline about 30 percent.

B. The number of planets per star capable of housing life would decline.

C. The number of intelligent civilizations would decline by 30 percent.

D. The number of planets per star capable of housing life would increase.

E. The number of intelligent civilizations would increase by 70 percent.

「文章大意」  本文主要介绍了Frank Drake用于计算外星人是否有可能存在的公式,文章最后指出该公式已存在了50年之久,从那之后就被更加精确的预测所取代。


1. D  Drake的计算中包括:“the percentage of that life that might be able to communicate”;“the length of time during which such life might send communications into space”;“the number of planets per star that might be capable of sustaining life”;“the fraction of stars with planets”,其中不包括D项,故本题选D。

2.B  最后一句话中,作者提到因为数据很陈旧了,所以需要重新计算,故B项是正确的。

3.C  最新统计,行星的形成要比Drake计算的少30%。Drake在计算中用10来计算行星的形成,所以现在要将其变为7,所以得到的总的结果要减少30%,故C项是正确的。

Passage 3

Human fascination with space began hundreds of years ago. That interest has not waned, and today, the Hubble Telescope orbits 375 miles above Earth, working non-stop to unlock the secrets of the universe. The Hubble uses state-of-the-art instruments to provide amazing views of the universe that cannot be matched by ground-based telescopes. The reason for this is that, from the ground, we look at stars and other objects in space through Earth’s atmosphere. Our atmosphere is full of clouds, dust, and pollution, which cause everything we see to shimmer and shake. This effect creates difficulty for scientists on the ground to make steady, accurate measurements of objects moving in space. With assistance from the Hubble Telescope, astronomers can pinpoint the location of faraway stars and galaxies, and measure the speeds and distances of astronomical objects with far greater precision. Astronomers may even one day tell us exactly when the universe began.

The author suggests that “steady, accurate measurements” can be difficult to attain because

A. scientists frequently introduce unnecessary complications to simple situations

B. Earth-based telescopes are insufficiently precise due to atmospheric dust and pollution

C. due to Earth’s constant rotation, it is nearly impossible to pinpoint exact distances in outer space

D. most telescopes require regular repair missions when their cameras aren’t functioning properly

E. astronomers are not yet able to tell us exactly when the universe began


本文主要讲述到人们对于太空的兴趣几百年来从未消减,而围绕地球运行的Hubble Telescope使得人们可以清晰地看到太空中的景象,并且利用该望远镜宇航员也可对遥远星体和星系进行准确定位,以及更加精确地测量太空物体的速度和距离。


B  根据文段倒数三四句,“Our atmosphere is full of clouds, dust, and pollution…This effect creates difficulty for scientists to make steady, accurate measurements of objects moving in space”可知,B项最符合题意。

Passage 4

Sending a robot into space to gather information is a viable option, but should only be regarded as that—an option. Even the most technologically advanced robots cannot and should not replace manned missions to outer space. Certainly it is cheaper and less dangerous to launch a computer probe that can gather reams of data, but often the information obtained by a machine only serves to produce more questions than it answers. Therefore, the space program should allow manned missions to follow up on those initial information-gathering robotic ventures.

While manned missions are more costly than are unmanned missions, they are also more successful. Robots and astronauts use much of the same equipment in space, but a human is more capable of calibrating those instruments correctly and placing them in appropriate and useful positions. A computer is often neither as sensitive nor as accurate as a human in managing the same terrain or environ-mental circumstances. Robots are also not as equipped as humans to solve problems as they arise, and robots often collect data that is not helpful or even desired. A human, on the other hand, can make instant decisions about what to explore further and what to ignore.

1. The passage supplies information to answer which of the following questions?

A. What is the cost of launching a computer probe into space?

B. What type of information can safely be ignored when exploring outer space?

C. How much information can a computer probe gather in outer space? 

D. What is the next level in space exploration?

E. Are unmanned space missions more economical than manned space missions?

2. Select the sentence that offers potential advantages to using robots as information gatherers in space.

3. According to the passage all of the following are advantages of humans over robots EXCEPT

A. humans can more accurately manage the data collected

B. humans can apply critical thinking skills to new situations 

C. humans can only calibrate instruments designed by robots 

D. humans are more sensitive to environmental changes

E. humans are better at preparing instrumentation for use in space




1. E  根据文章第二段第一句话中“While manned missions are more costly than are unmanned missions”可知,有人操控的太空任务比无人操控的太空任务耗资更大,也就是说,无人操控的太空任务比有人操控的太空任务要节俭,经济得多,与选项E相对应。而A、B、C、D选项在文中都找不到明确答案,因此选择E。

2. Certainly it is cheaper and less dangerous to…than it answers.

题干中的关键词是“advantages”,文章中第一段第三句肯定了由机器操控收集数据的好处:“cheaper”,“less dangerous”,符合题干的要求。

3. C  此题为排除题。通读第二段不难发现,选项A、B、D、E都是人类相比机器的优势,可以在原文中找到对应,而选项C却与文章不符,文章中只提到人类比机器更“capable of calibrating those instruments correctly”,没有提及仪器是由谁设计的,因此选择C项。

Passage 5

Scientists believe that by raising atmospheric pressure and surface temperature, it is possible to transform the climate of Mars to the point where humans would be able to live there. The process by which a hostile or unsuitable environment is transformed into one that can sustain human life is called terraforming. In addition to potentially providing an alternate home for the people of Earth in the future, this undertaking may also allow scientists to test hypotheses about the process of global warming, which is a highly pertinent issue affecting our planet today.

For Question 1, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

1. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage regarding the Martian atmosphere?

A. It has a lower pressure than Earth’s atmosphere. 

B. It has a higher surface temperature than Earth. 

C. It can most certainly be transformed to be more like Earth’s atmosphere.

For Question 2, select one answer choice.

2. The passage addresses which of the following consequences of terraforming?

A. The creation of a more hospitable planet. 

B. The risk of overpopulation.

C. The elimination of suitable environments. 

D. The depletion of the atmosphere.

E. The production of greenhouse gases.




1. A  这是一道推断题,题干中的关键词是“Martian atmosphere”。从段落中的信息可知,科学家们发现通过“raising atmospheric pressure and surface temperature”,可以改变火星上的气候环境,使其更适合人类居住。由此可知,选项A是正确的,而选项B是错误的,火星上的地表温度比地球上要低;科学家们只是表明改变火星的大气环境是可能的,并没有对此持绝对肯定态度。因此选择A项。

2. A  文中最后一句谈到了“terraforming”的结果:“providing an alternate home for the people of Earth”以及“allow scientists to test hypotheses about the process of global warming”。选项中只有A 项符合题意。

◆化 学

Passage 6

The pluses of polycarbonate plastics are easy to see. A child’s cup now bounces rather than shatters when it’s tossed out of the high chair. People with terrible eyesight can wear featherweight glasses rather than massive, heavy glass lenses. People like polycarbonates for their lightweight clarity and their toughness under fire. Nevertheless, polycarbonates appear to have some minuses, too. Until recently, when a few manufacturers changed their processing, all polycarbonates were found to leach a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA). This chemical, once studied as a potential estrogen replacement, is believed to inhibit the endocrine system and to be especially harmful to young children. It is possible now to buy BPA-free products, but the consumer should assume that BPA is in a polycarbonate product unless it is labeled otherwise.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

Which of the following generalizations is supported by the passage?

A. All polycarbonates are durable and light.

B. All polycarbonates leach bisphenol A.

C. All children should avoid bisphenol A.


本文主要围绕聚碳酸酯塑料制品(polycarbonate plastics)的优点及危害展开,首先介绍了碳酸酯塑料制品在人们日常生活中所带来的便利,接着指出在加工的过程中,聚碳酸酯会产生一种化学物质,而这种化学物质会对内分泌系统造成影响,尤其会对孩子产生危害。


A, C  根据“People like polycarbonates for their lightweight clarity and their toughness under fire.” 可知A正确;根据“This chemical, once studied as a potential estrogen replacement, is believed to inhibit the endocrine system and to be especially harmful to young children.” 可知C正确,故本题选A、C项。


Passage 7

At over 195,000 square miles, Canada’s Baffin Island is the fifth-largest island in the world-more than twice the size of Great Britain. As large as it is, Baffin Island is home to only about 11,000 people, primarily due to its harsh climate. It is surrounded by sea ice and the Arctic Ocean, and the temperature rarely gets above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, even in July. In the center of the island, summer temperatures hover below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter, temperatures throughout the island average well below zero.

Geologically speaking, Baffin Island represents a continuation of the Canadian Shield, an expanse of land scoured by glaciers that extends from the Arctic Archipelago south into the north-central United States, and from the Northwest Territories all the way east to Labrador. The geography of the island features rocky bluffs, a coastal strip of marshland, and a wide plains region that turns into a large plateau at the northern end of the island. Despite its inclement weather, it is a breeding ground for a remarkable variety of seabirds and a wintering place for narwhals, belugas, and walruses.

Things are changing on Baffin Island. Hunters are beginning to see melting of the sea ice. Trekkers are finding glaciers turned to slush in some places. Rock surfaces that have never seen the light of day are starting to emerge from the ice-covered tundra. The last decade has not warmed Baffin Island to the point where it is habitable for any but the hardiest souls—but it has definitely warmed it.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

1. Which of the following statements about the climate on Baffin Island is supported by the passage?

A. The climate is intolerable for all but the toughest of animals and humans.

B. Recent changes in the climate have led to changes in local topography.

C. It is rare for temperatures at the island’s center to climb above freezing.

For questions 2 through 3, select one answer choice each.

2. In the first sentence of paragraph two (“Geologically speaking ... Labrador”), the author implies that

A. Baffin Island is huge, but it is dwarfed by its surroundings

B. at one time, Baffin Island was joined to the Canadian mainland

C. glaciers separate Baffin Island from the mainland of Canada





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