
发布时间:2021-02-14 21:46:17








第一部分 大作文必背范文01 人口类:老龄化02 人口类: 人口城镇化03人口类: 人口负增长04 经济类:票房增长率05 经济类:共享经济06 经济类:节日旅游业收入07 经济类:诚信08 文化类:文化产业09 文化类:出境游10 文化类:快餐11 教育及职场类:学历与就业12 教育及职场类:创业13 科技类:网络犯罪14 科技类:网络广告15 科技类:电子书16 交通类:私家车17 交通类:交通堵塞18 环保类:环保财政支出19 环保类:低碳生活20 环保类:濒危物种第二部分 小作文必背范文01 感谢信02 道歉信03 求学信04 求职信05 投诉信06 推荐信07 祝贺信08 邀请信09 拒绝信10 慰问信11 建议信12 订购信13 倡议信14 询问信15 告示16 备忘录17 报告18 寻物启事19 招领启事20 请假条序言|preface















因此,本书可用于考生进行深度学习,提高自身的写作能力。另外,本书也适合在考前进行背诵,俗话说“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,说的就是这个道理。头脑中积累20篇大作文和20篇小作文之后,考场上必能思如泉涌,写出的文章也一定能具有很强的可读性。考研之路漫漫长,需要考生上下而求索。科学地研习和背诵本书中的文章,是考生在考研路上顺利通过的有力保障!愿所有考生锲而不舍,梦想成真!第一部分 大作文必背范文01 人口类:老龄化Directions:

Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing you should

1) describe the chart briefly, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.2007~2020年中国60岁以上人口数量及比重经典范文

The given chart above clearly illustrates the stable but unfavorable rises in terms of the number of senior citizens beyond the age of 60 and the population proportion of the same age group. In 2007, the number was already as high as 158 million, while it is estimated to jump to 248 million in 2020 which accounts for approximately 17 percent of the nation's overall population.

The baby boom during the peaceful years from the 1950s to 1960s causes a soaring number of elderly citizens today, while one-child policy in the late 1970s leads to a plunging number of young adults. Undeniably, this poses great challenges to families and society. Middle-aged spouses have to undertake double pressure from supporting their parents and raising their young children. Some feel hard to care for aged members adequately and even a few find their parents’ demands excessive or intrusive.

With the prolongation of average life expectancy, the trend of aging population will surely continue, so it is obliged to accelerate the development of industries serving the demands and convenience of the elderly, such as nursing homes and elderly universities. In addition, relevant laws need to be introduced to protect the rights and interests of senior citizens.参考译文




illustrate 说明,阐明

unfavorable rise 不利的增长

population proportion 人口比重

estimate 估计;估算;估价

approximately 大约

overall population 总人口

baby boom 婴儿潮

soaring 猛增的,激增的

one-child policy 独生子女政策

plunging 锐减的

young adult 年轻人

pose 造成,引起(问题等)

middle-aged spouse 中年夫妇

excessive 过度的;过多的

intrusive 干涉的;打扰的

life expectancy 平均寿命

rights and interests 权益02 人口类: 人口城镇化Directions:

Write an essay based on the following diagram. In your writing you should

1) describe the diagram briefly, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.2011年至2015年中国户籍人口城镇化率经典范文

As is shown in the chart, the ratio of registered urban residents in China grew constantly from 2011 to 2015. The ratio of the urbanization increased from 34.71% in 2011 to 39.90% in 2015.

There are several primary driving factors behind China's urbanization. First and foremost, rural urbanization in China has been accelerating with the development of national economy and overall progress of society since the reform and opening of China. Secondly, it is accepted that urbanization is a source of development and an engine for social advancement and economic prosperity. Our country has also been placing great emphasis on the strategic importance of urbanization.In addition, a large number of people prefer to live in cities which can offer better medical conditions and convenient modern facilities.

This trend will continue for a while in the future based on the above analysis. But there is one thing we must remember that the quality of urbanization must be guaranteed during the urbanization progress.参考译文




ratio 比例,比率

urbanization 城市化

accelerate (使)加速,加快

engine 引擎

advancement 进步,进展

prosperity 繁荣,发达

strategic 战略性的

medical conditions 医疗条件

facility 设施 ,设备

guarantee 保证03人口类: 人口负增长Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.我国某市人口自然增长率变化图经典范文

The line graph above illustrates the change of the natural population growth rate in a certain city in China between 2007 and 2012. According to the graph, the figure fell sharply from 0.21% in 2007 to a trough of -1.21% in 2010 before beginning to rise steadily from 2010 onwards, reaching -0.12% in 2012.

There are many reasons for the negative population growth in some cities in China. One is that the decline in the death rate was made possible by the advances in both living standards and medical care thanks to China's economic develop. Meanwhile, the average age to get married, pushed up by more education and career opportunities, leads to a low birth rate. One more reason is that many young couples who have already been financially squeezed by rising house prices balk at raising children and would rather postpone the birth of a child or even not have one at all.

It is problematic and disturbing to have a negative population growth. A subsequent aging population will not only strain the social-security system but constrict the labor market as well. Fortunately, the Chinese government has already taken a few effective measures, such as unwinding the one-child policy, in an effort to raise fertility rates. Therefore, it is more than likely that the demographic pattern of China will improve in the foreseeable future.参考译文




natural population growth rate 人口自然增长率

trough 低谷

negative population growth 人口负增长

death rate 死亡率

birth rate 出生率

squeeze 压榨

balk at 畏缩

social-security system 社会保障体系

labor market 劳动市场

fertility rate 生育率

demographic pattern 人口结构04 经济类:票房增长率Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.2014年、2015年中国电影市场国产片和进口片票房情况经典范文

The bar chart above shows the changes of the box office receipts for both domestic and foreign films in China from 2014 to 2015. According to the chart, the box office returns for domestic films surged by nearly 68%, while those for foreign films increased only by approximately 26%.

It does not take a leap of the imagination to see some factors that might account for this trend. First and foremost, domestic films, deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture or contemporary society, are more likely to resonate with and thus appeal to Chinese audiences than foreign ones. In addition, the quality of domestic film production has improved rapidly. With the ever-increasing investment, the domestic film industry is now capable of producing movies with spectacular special effects comparable to Hollywood blockbusters. Finally, these years the domestic film industry seems to take full advantage of the favorable policies from the government, such as subsidies for cultural and creative industries and quotas imposed on imported films.

Given the discussion above, we can come to the conclusion that this trend is positive. And if domestic films are ever going to maintain their competitive edge, it is crucial that they produce high-quality films to attract increasingly demanding audiences.参考译文




the box office receipt 票房收入

domestic film 国产片

foreign film 进口片

a leap of the imagination 想象的飞跃

be rooted in 扎根于

traditional Chinese culture 中国传统文化

contemporary society 当代社会

resonate with 引起……的共鸣

appeal to 吸引

spectacular special effect 壮观的特效

Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片

take full advantage of 充分利用

subsidy 资助,补贴

cultural and creative industry 文化创意产业

quota 配额

maintain one's competitive edge 保持某人的优势05 经济类:共享经济Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.某市共享经济服务使用情况调查经典范文

The bar chart above clearly shows the use of the sharing economy services in a certain city. Specifically, 95% of people aged between 20 and 39 report that they have used such services in daily life. By contrast, this percentage is only 47% for those in their 40s and 50s and 27% for people over 60.

This difference is traceable to several possible factors listed below. To begin with, youngsters are more willing to try something new and fashionable than their parents or grandparents. For example, when traveling, the young usually book their rooms by Airbnb and rent a car by RelayRides, while the older people habitually stick to a traditional hotel or taxi. In addition, the familiarity with technology makes young people more skillful in getting access to those services. On the contrary, fearing that their money might be stolen, some seniors even refuse to install on their smart phones, if any, an online payment app, which serves as a necessity for a transaction in the sharing economy services.

Thus, we can conclude that attitudes towards new things, the mastery of technology and economic considerations all contribute to the difference between generations in the use of the sharing economy services.参考译文




be traceable to 归结为

fashionable 时尚的,流行的

habitually 习惯地

stick to 坚持;遵守;继续做

familiarity 熟悉;精通

access to 接触

on the contrary 相反

install 安装

transaction 交易

the sharing economy 共享经济

mastery 熟练;精通06 经济类:节日旅游业收入Directions:

Write an essay based on the graph below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the graph briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.2012~2017年我国黄金周旅游人数和旅游业收入经典范文

The chart above demonstrates clearly that the number of tourists in golden weeks has been increasing in recent years. In 2012, the number of tourists was 425 million, while, after five years, it has reached 660 million, with a growth rate of over 50%. Similarly, the revenue of tourism has also been showing an upward trend, from 201.5 billion yuan in 2012 to 482.2 billion yuan in 2016, after which there has been a steady increase in 2017, and the figure reached the peak of 549.4 billion yuan.

The data here have revealed an apparent phenomenon that tourism in modern China has become a sunrise industry and been flourishing in recent years. On the one hand, this has brought a lot of benefits such as the rise in revenue for local governments, the rising employment and the development of these cities and towns. On the other hand, the rising number of tourists can also be a huge burden for the ecological environment of these cities and towns, and thus there should be a balance between trourism development and protection of environment.

Based on the analysis above, some actions should be employed to balance this situation. Firstly, it should adopt some policies to promote the development of tourism. Secondly, some part of the revenue from tourism should be used in the conservation of local environment lest tourism brings harm. Only through our attention and efforts can tourism in our country develop healthily.参考译文




steady increase 稳定增长

peak 高峰,顶点

sunrise industry 朝阳产业

flourish 繁荣,兴旺

revenue 收益,收入;税收

employment 就业

huge burden 沉重的负担

ecological environment 生态环境

adopt 通过;采取,采纳

lest 免得,以免

healthily 健康地07 经济类:诚信Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the chart briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.2017年我国某市不合格产品统计经典范文

The chart has clearly reflected different proportions of products which were substandard in a Chinese city in 2017. The biggest part is about food, whose ratio is 44.72%, while the second is about toys for children covering 32.16%, which more than doubles that of electronic products, whose figure is 14.58%. The rest substandard products include furniture, costume, medicine and so on, which totally account for 8.54%.

The data here has revealed an apparent phenomenon of integrity crisis which has become a serious problem in our modern society. There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. The internal cause is that some businessmen and manufacturers will do anything to pursue profits. The external cause is that there is a lack of rules and regulations of punishment for those who lack integrity.

Based on the analysis above, it is necessary for us to take effective measures to ensure people live in a healthy society. First and for most, relevant laws and regulations should be established to severely punish those who produce inferior products. Secondly, all the media should take the responsibility to supervise them. Only through our joint attention and efforts can we have a harmonious society.参考译文




proportion 份额;比例

substandard 不合格的

ratio 比例;比率

cover 覆盖;包括

electronic 电子的

account for 占(一定数量或比例)

apparent 明显的,显而易见的

integrity crisis 诚信危机

internal cause 内因

manufacture 生产商

pursue 追求

external cause外因

regulation 法规

inferior 差的,次的

responsibility 职责,义务

supervise 监督

joint 共同的,联合的

harmonious 和谐的,和睦的08 文化类:文化产业Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the chart briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.2013-2017年我国国产电影票房总收入与同比增长率经典范文

As the chart clearly shows, the box-office incomes have been increasing in recent years. In 2013, the income was roughly 4.1 billion yuan, while, after four years, it reached 12.37 billion yuan, nearly three times that of 2013. In addition, we can also notice that the growth rate reached the peak of 55.48% in 2015 but then fell dramatically to -0.96% in 2017.

The data here reveal that the Chinese box-office incomes increased constantly from 2013 to 2015. There are two main reasons for the constant increase. Firstly, with the improvement of living standards, some Chinese people may enrich their cultural life by watching movies. Secondly, the technologies of domestic films are developing rapidly, some of which are comparable to that of foreign ones.

However, the growth rate of box-office income dropped sharply from 2016 to 2017. This change can be attributed to the below factors. First of all, with the constant development of technology and Internet, a large number of movies can be watched online. Besides, the emergence of home theatres also has a major impact on box-office income.

Based on the analysis above, it is high time that film industry should take greater efforts to change this situation.参考译文





box-office income 票房收入

growth rate 增长率

dramatically 大幅度地

constantly 持续地

improvement 改善,提高

living standards 生活水平

enrich 使丰富;充实

domestic film 国产电影

be attributed to 归因于

emergence 出现

home theatre 家庭影院

major impact 重大影响,显著影响09 文化类:出境游Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.全国出境旅游人数(百万)经典范文

The chart above demonstrates clearly that some changes have taken place in terms of the number of Chinese people travelling abroad during the past two decades. From 1990 to 2000, the number increased sharply from 7.5 million to 10 million, and then reached 12.1 million in 2010.

Some driving factors that contribute to the tendency may be summarized as follows. To begin with, a series of preferential policies aiming at promoting the overseas tourism launched by some local governments, combined with high-quality traveling routines and excellent services offered by local agencies, have contributed a great deal to the development of overseas travels. In addition, with the rapid improvement of economy, more and more Chinese people can afford to take a trip to a foreign country. Last but not least, it is quite a common belief that traveling abroad encourages us to find not only a perfect way of relaxation but an essential way of acquiring knowledge and broadening our horizons inspired by understanding the distinctions between our motherland and foreign countries.

Taking into account what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive and therefore acceptable, and I am firmly certain that this trend will continue in the coming years.





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