
发布时间:2021-02-22 05:08:52









本系列分为五个级别,词汇量逐级扩大,“如何使用本书”和“如何提高英语阅读水平”提供了概括性的指导。另外,本系列还针对不同的故事内容设计了“你读懂了多少”(Comprehension Quiz),帮助你检测阅读理解的效果。“阅读准备”(Before You Read)以图文并茂的形式让读者对生词形成一定的感性认识,并在文中给出更详尽的注释。书后附有译文,帮助你更好地理解故事。本系列还配有精美的插图和“背景知识”(Understanding the Story),让你的阅读更加多姿多彩。




比彻·斯托夫人(1811~1896)Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe





❶ 原汁原味的作品


❷ 重点词汇(Key Words)


❸ 一点通(One Point Lesson)








想学好英语并没有捷径。只有那些进行大量阅读的学习者才能登上语言学习的顶峰。如果你经常大量地阅读英语作品,相信你的英语水平会有一个令人惊喜的提高。Uncle Tom's Cabin


Before You Read阅读准备第1章奴隶和奴隶主CHAPTER 1 Slaves and Masters

In the early 1800's, black people were not free in America.

They were slaves.

Rich, white masters owned them.

They used slaves to work on their farms.

Many masters were terrible to their slaves.

But some were kind.

Master Shelby was one of them.

Recently, his farm's business was poor.

He borrowed a lot of money from the bank.

The only way to pay his debt was to sell some slaves.

He hoped to sell his best slave, Tom, for a high price.

A slave trader named Mr. Haley came to buy Tom.

Mr. Haley was a terrible man.

He treated slaves like animals.

"Tom is the best slave I have," said Master Shelby.

"He is a good man who believes in God."

"God does not care about blacks.

They are not even men.

I just want to buy Tom because he is a hard worker," said Mr. Haley.

"But you want too much money for one slave.

I'll pay the money you need if you give me a slave child, too."

"Okay," agreed Master Shelby.

"I hate to do it, but I have to save our farm.

I'll give you little Henry.

He will grow up to be a good slave."

In the next room was a slave named Eliza.

She was a beautiful woman with light skin.

"Oh, my son, no!" she cried to herself.

She heard Master Shelby and Mr. Haley talking to each other through the wall.

She knew it would be terrible to lose her son.

This woman had been taken from her mother when she was a little girl.

Eliza's husband George ran away to Canada a few days ago. Blacks were free in Canada.

George wanted to work and save money.

Then he could buy Eliza and Henry from Master Shelby.

But that would never happen if the bad man took Henry down south.

Eliza picked up her son and hugged him.

"Don't worry," she said softly.

"If we trust in God, He will show us the way to freedom."

Behind Master Shelby's large house was a small log cabin.

This was a home for slaves.

It was tiny, but the cabin was very warm inside.

The smell of a freshly baked cake was in the air.

At the table sat Uncle Tom and Johnny.

Johnny was Master Shelby's son.

He loved Uncle Tom and his wife Aunt Chloe very much.

Now Johnny was teaching Uncle Tom how to read.

The cabin was suddenly filled with their many happy children.

They ran into the cabin when they smelled the cake.

Johnny was excited to eat the cake, too.

Uncle Tom felt very happy.

He held two of his children and sang a song.

While they were eating cake, Eliza came into Uncle Tom's cabin.

She had to tell him the terrible news.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "Master Shelby sold my son!

We have to run away.

We will try to reach Canada.

Uncle Tom, Master Shelby sold you, too.

Come away with us!

God will show us the way!"

"No," said Uncle Tom.

"I can't run away with you.

If I do, Chloe and my children will be in danger.

It is better for me to go.

I will pray that God protects me."

Aunt Chloe and the children could not stop crying.

Eliza couldn't wait.

She picked up Henry and held him tightly.

Then she disappeared into the night.KEY WORDS

free adj. 自由的

own v. 拥有

terrible adj. 残忍的

recently adv. 最近

poor adj. 不景气的

pay v. 偿还


debt n. 债务

sell v. 卖


price n. 价钱

salve trader 奴隶贩子

treat v. 对待

believe in 信仰

care about 在乎

hard adj. 努力工作的

agree v. 同意

hate v. 不愿

grow up 长大

light adj. 浅色的

skin n. 皮肤

lose v. 失去


run away 逃跑

save v. 积攒

hug v. 拥抱

trust in 相信(某人)

show v. 指示


freedom n. 自由

log cabin 小木屋

tiny adj. 小的

smell n. 味道

freshly adv. 刚

baked adj. 烘烤的

be filled with 被……充满

excited adj. 兴奋的

feel v. 感到


hold v. 抱着


try to 尽量做(某事)

reach v. 到达

be in danger 陷入危险之中

pray v. 祈祷

protect v. 保护

tightly adv. 紧紧地

disappear v. 消失One Point Lesson

He will grow up to be a good slave.


grow up to be...:意为“长大后成为……”

e.g. She grew up to be a famous actress.


Behind Master Shelby's large house was a small log cabin.


Behind...house 意为“在……房子后面”。表示方位的介词+名词,表示“在……”。

e.g. Under the tree was a sleeping rabbit.


It is better for me to go.


It is...for sb. to do sth.:意为“对某人来说做某事……”。

e.g. It is easy for you to help her.

对你来说帮助她是件很容易的事情。CHAPTER 1第1章Comprehension Quiz你读懂了多少

A 在横线上填上正确的人名。

❶ a kind owner of slaves


❷ a slave and the mother of Henry


❸ the best slave that Master Shelby has


❹ a slave trader


❺ the son of Master Shelby


B 根据故事内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。

❶ In the 1900's, there was slavery in England.


❷ Slave traders were friendly people who helped black people.


❸ Master Shelby was kind to his slaves.


❹ Aunt Chloe baked the best cakes.


❺ Eliza and her son were sold to Mr. Haley.


C 选择适当的词语填空。

cabin  debt  free  masters  disappeared

❶ Rich, white _________ owned black people.

❷ Mr. Shelby had to sell some of his slaves to pay his_________.

❸ Blacks were _________ in Canada.

❹ Uncle Tom lived in a small log _________ behind Master Shelby's large house.

❺ Eliza held her son and _________ into the night.

D 根据故事内容将下列句子重新排序。

❶ Eliza and Henry ran away.

❷ Master Shelby agreed to sell Tom and Henry to Mr. Haley.

❸ Aunt Chloe baked a cake.

❹ Eliza heard through the wall that her son had been sold.

❺ Eliza asked Uncle Tom to run away with her.


A ❶ Master Shelby

❷ Eliza

❸ Uncle Tom

❹ Mr. Haley

❺ Johnny

B ❶ F

❷ F

❸ T

❹ T

❺ F

c ❶ masters

❷ debt

❸ free

❹ cabin

❺ disappeared

D ❷⇨❹⇨❸⇨❺⇨❶第2章离家出逃CHAPTER 2 Leaving Home

The next morning, Mrs. Shelby knew that Eliza had run away with Henry.

"Oh, dear," thought Mrs. Shelby, "Mr. Haley will kill Eliza if he catches her."

Mr. Haley was very angry when he heard Eliza had run away.

Mrs. Shelby decided to slow Mr. Haley down.

This would give Eliza a chance to escape.

She had an idea.

One of her slaves put a small stone under the saddle on Mr. Haley's horse.

This made the horse very upset.

Mr. Haley was unable to ride the horse for a long time.

Finally, he got on his horse and went to look for Eliza.

Mr. Haley knew that runaway slaves always went to the Ohio River.

If they could cross the river, people in Ohio would help them.

Eliza was also desperate to get across the river.

But when she reached the river, it was full of ice.

No boats could cross the icy river.

Eliza prayed to God to help her cross.

Mr. Haley saw Eliza and Henry.

"Stop!" he yelled. "That boy is mine!"

Eliza was trapped between Mr. Haley and the icy river.

So she jumped on a chunk of ice in the river.

Then she jumped onto another piece of ice!

She wasn't wearing any shoes, and her feet were bleeding.

But at last she crossed the river.

On the other side of the Ohio River, Eliza saw a man she knew.

He was one of the Shelby's friends, Mr. Simms.

"Mr. Simms, please, help me!" cried Eliza.

"I know a powerful man who hates slavery," he said.

"He will help you. His name is Senator Bird."

Mr. Simms pointed to a nice, big house across the street.

Eliza went to the house and knocked on the door.

Mrs. Bird let Eliza in.

Senator and Mrs. Bird heard Eliza's story.

They agreed to help her reach Canada.

Mr. Haley was on the other side of the river.

He was very angry.

He hired a slave catcher to chase Eliza.

Then he went back to the Shelby's farm to get Tom.

Back at the Shelby's farm, Uncle Tom sat in his cabin.

He was reading the Bible.

Aunt Chloe cried, "If only they weren't selling you down south.

Nobody comes back from there.

They kill slaves down there!"

"It's in God's hands now," said Uncle Tom.

"I'm thankful that they sold me and not the little ones."

He looked lovingly at his sleeping children.

There was a knock on the door of the cabin.

It was Mrs. Shelby.

Mrs. Shelby stood there crying.

"It's time to go, my dear man," she said.

"But I promise to find out where you are.

We will get the money and buy you back."

Suddenly, Mr. Haley burst into the room.

He said to Tom, "It's time for you to go!"

He put Uncle Tom in heavy chains.

Then they drove away in a wagon.

On the way out of town, Mr. Haley stopped at a store.

Tom waited outside in the wagon.

Young Johnny Shelby followed them on his horse.

He jumped in the wagon and hugged Tom.

"I hate slavery, Uncle Tom!" cried Johnny.

Uncle Tom hugged the boy and said, "Now Master Johnny, you be good to your mother.

God only gives you one mother."

"I will, Uncle Tom," promised Johnny.

He also promised to come down south and buy Uncle Tom.

Then they said goodbye.KEY WORDS

decide v. 决定

slow...down 使……延误

escape v. 逃脱

saddle n. 马鞍

upset adj. 烦躁不安的

ride v. 骑(马)


for a long time 长时间地

look for 寻找

runaway adj. 逃跑的

cross v. 渡过

desperate adj. 不顾一切的

be full of 充满

icy adj. 结冰的

yell v. 大叫

trap v. 使陷于困境

chunk n. 一大块

wear v. 穿


bleed v. 流血


at last 最终

on the other side of 在……的另一边

powerful adj. 有权势的

slavery n. 奴隶制度

senator n. 参议员

point to 指向

across prep. 在对面

knock v. 敲

hire v. 雇用

catcher n. 捕捉者

chase v. 追赶

Bible n. 基督教《圣经》

thankful adj. 感激的

lovingly adv. 慈爱地

promise v. 保证;答应

burst into 闯进

chain n. [~s] 镣铐

drive away 驾车离开

wagon n. 四轮马车

on the way... 在去……的路上

store n. 商店

follow v. 尾随One Point Lesson

The next morning, Mrs. Shelby knew that Eliza had run away with Henry.



e.g. The movie had already begun when we got to the theater.


If only they weren't selling you down south.


if only+表示过去的时态:表示对实际情况的假设,意为“要是……就好了”。

e.g. If only he were here now.

要是他现在在这就好了。CHAPTER 2第2章Comprehension Quiz你读懂了多少

A 将下列两栏相关的内容连线。

B 改正下列句子中的错误。

❶ In the morning, Mrs. Shelby knew that Eliza had run away with Tom.


❷ Mr. Haley was amused when he heard that Eliza had run away.


❸ Mr. Haley went back to the Shelby's farm to get Henry.


❹ Back at the Shelby's farm, Uncle Tom was crying.


C 选择正确的答案。

❶ How could Mrs. Shelby slow down Mr. Haley?

(a) She hid his horse.

(b) She asked one of her slaves to put a stone under his horse's saddle.

(c) She stole his horse's saddle.

❷ How did Eliza escape from Mr. Haley at the Ohio River?

(a) She shot him with a gun.

(b) The Quakers helped her get across the river.

(c) She jumped on pieces of ice floating in the river.

D 根据故事内容将下列句子重新排序。

❶ Eliza jumped across the floating ice.

❷ Eliza went to Mr. Bird's house to get help.

❸ Mr. Haley came and took Tom with him.

❹ Mrs. Shelby decided to slow Mr. Haley down.

❺ Mrs. Shelby realized that Eliza had run away.


A ❶–ⓒ





B ❶ Tom→Henry

❷ amused→angry

❸ Henry→Tom

❹ crying→reading the Bible

C ❶ (b)

❷ (c)

D ❺⇨❹⇨❶⇨❷⇨❸Before You Read阅读准备第3章去北方寻找自由CHAPTER 3 North to Freedom

Eliza's husband George had escaped from his master, too.

George's skin was very lightly colored.

So he was able to look like a white man.

He did this by coloring his hair yellow.

He also put on some rich-looking clothes.

Then no one knew he was a runaway slave.

George walked into a restaurant.

He saw his old friend he was looking for.





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