
发布时间:2021-02-22 09:43:03














词根:scrib=to write(写)



   transcribe=tran(=trans 穿过)+scrib(写)+e→用另一种方式来写→抄录;改编






vi. 徘徊,彷徨(wander);(鸟等)翱翔,盘旋

记 联想记忆:在爱人(lover)身边徘徊(hover)

例 The criminal is hovering between life and death. 这个罪犯在生死之间徘徊。

参 hovercraft(n. 气垫船)四、原汁原味例句,模拟考试语境






Word List 1

词根、词缀预习表ess存在essence n. 本质,精髓deca十decade n. 十年,十年期cult种植;培养cultivate vt. 耕种;培养vag漫游vagrant n. 无业游民stit站立substitute v. 代替clin倾斜incline v.(使)倾斜naiss出生renaissance n. 再生nown名字renown n. 名望form形状conform vi. 符合liter文字obliterate vt. 消灭essence


n. 本质,精髓(basic nature)

记 词根记忆:ess(存在)+ence→存在的根本→本质,精髓

搭 of the essence 非常重要的,不可缺少的

例 This constant reshaping and recreation is the essence of folk music.这种不断的重塑和再创造是民间音乐的精髓。pastel


a. 彩色蜡笔的;柔和的(bland, soft)n. 彩色蜡笔(画)

记 词根记忆:past(生面团)+el→用糊状物制作的粉笔→彩色蜡笔的

搭 pastel shades 柔和的色彩

例 Pastel colors are always restful to our eyes. 柔和色总能让我们的眼睛得到休息。

派 pastelist(n. 彩色蜡笔画家)cultivate


vt. 耕种;培养(bring up, foster)

记 词根记忆:cult(种植;培养)+iv+ate(动词后缀)→耕种;培养

例 Expressive leaders cultivate a personal relationship with staff in the group. 富有表现力的领导能与小组成员建立一种私人关系。

派 cultivation(n. 耕种;培养)recover


v. 复原,恢复(renew);重新获得;收回

记 联想记忆:re(再,又)+cover(包括)→重新获得

例 After taking some medicine, she has almost recovered from her cough.吃了些药后,她的咳嗽快好了。

派 recovery(n. 恢复;重获)substitute


n. 代替者,代替品(replacement)v. 代替(replace)

记 词根记忆:sub(在…下面)+stit(=stat 站立)+ute→站在下面→代替

例 Radio is a substitute for newspapers in people's homes. 在人们家中,广播是报纸的一种替代品。

派 substitution(n. 代替,替换)renaissance


n. [the R-] (欧洲14至16世纪的)文艺复兴,文艺复兴时期;复兴,再生(renewal, revival)

记 词根记忆:re(再,又)+naiss(=nasc 出生)+ance→再生

例 The Renaissance was more than a "rebirth". It was also an age of new discoveries, both geographical and intellectual. 文艺复兴不仅仅是一次“新生”,也是一个重新发现的时代,既包括地理上的新发现,又包括智力上的新发现。sweat


n. 汗;一身汗 v.(使)出汗

记 联想记忆:辛勤的汗水(sweat)过后是甜蜜的(sweet)果实

搭 sweat gland 汗腺

例 I woke up in a sweat. 我醒来时浑身是汗。

派 sweaty(a. 出汗的;吃力的);sweater(n. 毛衣;厚运动衫)

参 sweatshirt(n. 运动衫);sweatshop(n. 血汗工厂)underscore

[ˌʌndərˈskɔːr] vt. 强调(stress, emphasize, underpin);在…之下画线

[ˈʌndərskɔːr] n. 底线

记 组合词:under(在…下面)+score(画线)→在下面画线以示重要→强调

例 These excesses underscore a feature of residential expansion related to the growth of mass transportation. 这些多出的部分强调了住宅扩展的特点,这一扩展与大规模运输的发展有关。conform


vi. 遵守,服从(comply);符合(agree);适应(adapt)

记 词根记忆:con(共同)+form(形状)→形状相同→符合

例 They should be designed to conform to the topography of the area. 它们的设计应该符合该地区的地貌。

派 conformity(n. 符合,一致);nonconformity(n. 不墨守成规)husk


n.(果类、谷物等的)外壳,外皮(shell, outer covering)vt. 去壳,削皮

例 How can we remove the husk of the grains? 我们怎样去掉谷物的外皮?tide


v. 涨落 n. 潮,潮汐;潮流,趋势(trend)

记 联想记忆:潮(tide)起潮(tide)落,岁月(time)如歌

搭 tide sb. over 帮助某人渡过难关

例 Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Thursday? 你能借我20块钱帮我渡过难关吗?下周四就发工资了。

派 tidal(a. 潮汐的;潮流的)

参 tidy(a. 简洁的,整齐的)decade


n. 十年,十年期

记 词根记忆:deca(十)+de→十年,十年期

例 The last decade is a dream decade for the country's economic growth. 过去的十年是该国经济飞速发展的十年。pluralism


n. 多元化,多元性;多元主义

记 来自plural(a. 复数的)

搭 cultural pluralism 文化的多元性

例 Don't pursue pluralism too much, or you will accomplish nothing instead. 不要过于强调多元性,否则你将一事无成。vagrant


n. 无业游民,流浪者 a. 漂泊的

记 词根记忆:vag(漫游)+rant→无业游民,流浪者

例 Sophie met a band of vagrants at the door of the coffee shop. 索菲在咖啡店门口遇到一群流浪汉。incline

[ɪnˈklaɪn] v.(使)倾斜;(使)倾向于 [ˈɪnklaɪn] n. 斜坡,斜面(slope)

记 词根记忆:in(向内)+clin(倾斜)+e→向内斜→(使)倾斜

例 They have come back from their trip to Europe; they inclined to take a rest for a couple of days. 他们刚从欧洲旅行回来;这几天想休息一下。grievous


a. 令人忧伤的;极严重的(serious)

记 词根记忆:griev(=gra 重的)+ous→心情沉重的→令人忧伤的

例 The report said that was a grievous waste. 报道称,那真是一种令人悲痛的浪费。saucy


a. 无礼的;俏皮的;漂亮的

例 She was tall, slim, with fair skin and large saucy eyes. 她高个子,苗条,皮肤白皙,有一双漂亮的大眼睛。disproportionate


a. 不成比例的

例 Disproportionate emphasis on examinations may bring about serious consequences. 对考试的过分重视会造成严重的后果。withhold


vt. 拒绝给,不给(refuse);抑制(prevent);忍住

记 联想记忆:with(有)+hold(拿着)→自己拿着,就是不给→拒绝给

例 There are some parents who might withhold sweets from their children as a form of punishment. 有些父母会不给孩子糖果,以示惩罚。nosy


a. 爱管闲事的,好打听的(inquisitive)

记 来自nose(n. 鼻子)

例 Tom says it's nosy to ask others about their private lives. 汤姆说问及他人的私生活是爱管闲事的表现。stumble


vi. 绊脚;蹒跚而行;(说话等时)结巴

记 联想记忆:stum(看做stump,树桩)+ble→绊脚之物→绊脚

搭 stumble across/on/upon 意外发现,偶然遇见;stumble into无意间涉足

例 Be careful not to stumble against that table, or you'll break the glasses on it. 当心不要撞上那张桌子,否则会打翻上面的玻璃杯的。imaginative


a. 富有想象力的;创新的

例 That famous artist who was seen as the father of painting is full of imaginative ideas. 那位被奉为绘画之父的知名艺术家有着丰富的想象力。chaotic


a. 混乱的,无秩序的

记 联想记忆:chao(看做chaos,混乱)+tic→混乱的

例 Inherent complexity is the true cause of chaotic systems. 内在的复杂性是系统混乱的真正原因。// The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.在高峰时间,城市的交通混乱不堪。renown


n. 名望,声誉(reputation)

记 词根记忆:re(再,又)+nown(=nom 名字)→名字被一再提及→名望

例 Seldom has a city as New York gained such world renown. 很少有哪个城市能像纽约这样在世界上享有如此盛名。scroll


n. 卷轴;纸卷,画卷;名册

例 Look at this; it's a Chinese vertical scroll painting. 来看看这个,这是一幅中国垂直式卷轴画。embrace


v. 拥抱;包含;欣然接受 n. 拥抱(hug)

记 词根记忆:em(使…)+brac(胳膊)+e→使在胳膊里→拥抱

例 Not everyone embraced the new population plan which was proposed by the President. 并非每个人都拥护总统提出的这个人口计划。// He held her in a warm embrace. 他热烈地拥抱着她。obliterate


vt. 覆盖;消灭;忘却

记 词根记忆:ob(去掉)+liter(文字)+ate(动词后缀)→去掉文字→消灭

例 The government official was eager to obliterate his mistake. 这名政府官员急于掩盖自己的过错。colonization


n. 殖民地化

记 来自colonize(v. 殖民化,殖民地化)

例 This treaty ends the colonization of the two islands. 该条约结束了这两个岛屿的殖民化历史。affiliate

[əˈfɪlieɪt] vt. 使隶属于 [əˈfɪliət] n. 分公司

记 词根记忆:af(接近)+fill(儿子)+iate→形成近乎和儿子一样的关系→使隶属于

例 The next item on the agenda is to discuss the affiliating program. 会议议程的下一项是讨论联盟计划。

派 affiliation(n. 隶属关系;隶属)rancorous


a. 怨恨的,满怀恶意的

记 来自rancor(n. 怨恨)

例 Ever since the family has been characterized by a rancorous bitterness. 从此,这个家庭充满了仇恨与痛苦。subculture



例 It is obvious that foreign culture here belongs to a subculture. 很明显,外来文化在这里属于一种亚文化。forum


n. 论坛;讨论会

记 词根记忆:for(门;户外)+um→在室外(进行公开讨论)→论坛

例 The on-line forum provides a platform for people to voice their opinions. 在线论坛为人们提供了一个表达自己观点的平台。participant


n. 参与者;参赛者

记 词根记忆:part(部分)+i+cip(拿,取)+ant(表人,名词后缀)→只拿住部分的人→参与者

例 That black man was a leading participant in the movement to end slavery. 这位黑人是结束奴隶制运动的一位重要参与者。strain


n. 拉力,压力,张力;扭伤 vt. 扭伤(sprain);使紧张;拉紧

记 本身为词根,意为“拉紧”

例 These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. 偿还这些债务给我们的财务状况带来了压力。// You might strain your shoulder. 你可能会扭伤你的肩膀。vary


v. 改变,变化(change, alter)

例 Orthoclases vary in color from white to pink to red. 正长石颜色不一,从白色到粉色再到红色都有。

派 varied(a. 各式各样的);various(a. 不同的,多种多样的)mediate


v. 调解,调停,斡旋(reconcile, compose)

记 词根记忆:medi(中间)+ate→在矛盾双方中间→调解,调停

例 The National Academy of Design mediated conflicts between artists. 国家设计研究院调解了艺术家们之间的冲突。sensitive


a. 敏感的;灵敏的(delicate)

记 词根记忆:sens(感觉)+itive→敏感的

例 Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. 蚂蚁会对这些信号极其敏感。

派 hypersensitive(a. 非常敏感的);sensitivity(n. 灵敏性;敏感)exposition


n. 展览会,博览会(exhibition);阐释

记 词根记忆:ex(出)+pos(放)+ition→放出来(让人看)→展览会,博览会

例 The city will host the country's biggest flower exposition. 这个城市将主办国内最大的花博会。sphere


n. 球(体)(ball, globe);范围,领域;阶层

记 词根记忆:spher(球)+e→球(体)

搭 the political sphere 政界

例 This area was formerly within the sphere of French influence. 这一地区先前属于法国人的势力范围。

派 spherical(a. 球状的)discharge

[ˈdɪstʃɑːrʤ] n. 流出物;放电

[dɪsˈtʃɑːrʤ] v. 释放(release);放(电);解雇;清偿;履行

记 联想记忆:dis(分离)+charge(电荷)→放电

例 Are you in any pain or is there any discharge in your ears? 你感觉到痛吗?耳朵里有分泌物吗?// If too much volcanic heat is discharged, the crater's ice pack will melt away entirely. 如果释放出过多的火山热量,火山口的冰层就会完全融化。giant


a. 巨大的(immense);超群的(outstanding)n. 巨大的动物(或植物);才智超群的人

记 联想记忆:gi+ant(蚂蚁)→蚂蚁虽小,但团结起来力量却很大→巨大的

例 A galaxy is a giant family of many millions of stars. 星系是由数百万颗恒星组成的一个大家族。melt


v.(使)融化,(使)熔化;(使)溶化(dissolve, liquefy);(使)消散

例 If clay contains too much iron it will melt when fired. 黏土中如果含有过多的铁就会在烧制过程中熔化。solicit


v. 恳请(entreat);乞求(beg);征求;勾引;招揽(生意)

记 词根记忆:soli(=sole 唯一,全部)+cit(引出)→全力引出某人做事→恳请;乞求

例 Bill solicited my opinion. 比尔征求了我的意见。

派 solicitor(n. 事务律师,诉状律师);solicitous(a. 关怀的;热切的)leisure


n. 空闲,闲暇(rest, spare time)

搭 at leisure 闲散,悠闲;leisure pursuits 休闲活动

例 She doesn't have much leisure. 她没有太多空闲时间。unravel


v. 澄清(discover);解体,瓦解;解开

记 联想记忆:un(解开)+ravel(纠缠)→解开纠缠→澄清

例 Genetic engineering helps researchers unravel the mysteries of previously incurable diseases. 遗传工程帮助研究人员揭开此前那些不治之症的谜团。nail


n. 指甲,爪;钉 vt. 将…钉牢,钉住

搭 as hard/tough as nails 像钉子一样硬,坚强;a nail in sb.'s/sth.'s coffin 导致失败的事物;nail down 将…固定;达成一致

例 She hammered the nail in. 她把钉子敲了进去。

参 hail(n. 冰雹);mail(n. 邮件);snail(n. 蜗牛)attain


vt. 达到(reach);获得(achieve, gain)

记 词根记忆:at+tain(拿住)→稳稳拿住→获得

例 Mango trees grow rapidly and can attain heights of up to 90 feet. 芒果树长得很快,高度可达90英尺。

派 attainment(n. 达到;成就)constitute


v. 组成(make up);设立(set up, establish);制定(enact)

记 词根记忆:con(共同)+stit(站立)+ute→站在一起→组成;设立

例 Governments should be constituted by the will of the people. 政府应依人民的意志而设立。

参 institute(n. 学会);substitute(n. 代替品)unsubstantiated


a. 未经证实的,无事实根据的(unverified)

记 来自substantiate(vt. 证实)

例 There are numerous unsubstantiated reports. 有无数未经证实的报告。stylized



记 来自stylize(vt. 使风格化)

例 In her versions the figures became more stylized and the landscapes less naturalistic. 在她的版本里,人物更加脸谱化,风景也不再那么写实。intrepid


a. 勇敢的,无畏的(fearless)

记 词根记忆:in(不)+trep(害怕)+id→不害怕的→勇敢的,无畏的

例 Nellie gained a reputation as a daring, intrepid journalist. 内莉赢得了勇敢无畏的记者的美名。nominee


n. 被提名者,被任命者

例 Both political parties wanted Dwight D. Eisenhower as their presidential nominee. 两个政党都想让德怀特·D. 艾森豪威尔当他们的总统候选人。panic


n./v. 惊慌(alarm)

记 来自Pan(潘),希腊神话中的山林、畜牧之神。它的怪叫声使人产生极大的恐惧感,panic指Pan出现时给人们带来的恐惧感

搭 in panic 惊慌;panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人仓促做某事

例 The class presentation started half an hour ago and I was just beginning to panic. 半个小时前,课堂报告开始了,我就开始惊慌了起来。lure


vt. 吸引,诱惑(attract, tempt)n. 诱惑力;诱饵

记 联想记忆:纯(pure)属诱惑(lure)

例 Many adults were lured to the cities by promises of steady employment. 很多成年人被稳定的就业所吸引,纷纷来到城市。routine


n. 例行公事;惯例,常规(convention)a. 例行的;常规的(regular)

记 联想记忆:例行公事(routine)就是按常规路线(route)走

例 Farmers relieved the burden of the daily routine with such relaxation as hunting. 农民以诸如狩猎等娱乐活动来缓解日常劳作的艰辛。// The fault was discovered during a routine check. 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。

派 routinely(ad. 例行公事地)solution


n. 溶液(liquor);解答,解决(办法)

记 词根记忆:solu(解开;溶解)+tion→让其充分溶解→溶液

例 Attempts to find a solution have failed. 找到解决方法的种种努力均以失败告终。revere


vt. 尊敬,敬畏(respect)

记 联想记忆:我们都很敬畏(revere)这位严厉(severe)的老师

例 The movement revered craft as a form of art. 这场运动把工艺尊为一种艺术。

派 reverent(a. 尊敬的,虔诚的);reverently(ad. 尊敬地,虔诚地)idealize


vt. 将…理想化(transfigure)

记 来自ideal(n. 理想 a. 理想的)

例 This is how Thomas Jefferson idealized the farmers at the beginning of the 19th century. 这就是托马斯·杰斐逊在19世纪初如何把农民理想化的。

派 idealization(n. 理想化)flash


n. 闪光;闪现(flare, sparkle)vi. 闪光;反射(flare, glare, sparkle)

记 联想记忆:网络词汇“闪客”就是flash

搭 in a flash 转瞬间;flash by 一闪而过

例 Flashes of light were followed by an explosion. 阵阵闪光之后就是一声爆炸的巨响。secrete


vt. 分泌(excrete);藏匿,躲藏

记 联想记忆:他把那封秘密(secret)信件藏(secrete)在角落里

例 This substance is secreted from cells in the intestinal walls. 这种物质是从肠壁的细胞中分泌出来的。

派 secretion(n. 分泌;分泌物);secretin(n. 分泌素)issue


n. 问题,争论点;发行;(报刊的)一期 vt. 颁布;发行

例 He and Dr. Johnson disagreed on basic economic issues. 他和约翰逊博士在基本的经济问题上无法达成共识。// No silver coins were issued until 1794. 直到1794年才发行银币。aria


n. 独唱曲,咏叹调

例 An aria in music was originally any expressive melody, usually, performed by a singer. 在音乐中,咏叹调最初是指任何形式的抒情曲调,通常由一位歌唱家来表演。facilitate


vt. 推动,促进(impulse)

记 词根记忆:fac(做)+ilit+ate(使…)→使做事更便利→推动

例 Government's trade policies facilitated the exporting of agricultural products. 政府的贸易政策推动了农产品的出口。electricity


n. 电;电流

例 The hydroelectric station began generating electricity in the mid-1980s. 该水电站于20世纪80年代中期开始发电。

派 electric(a. 电动的,电的);electrical(a. 有关电的);electrician(n. 电工)progressive


a. 进步的(ascensive);逐步的,渐进的(gradual);【语】进行时的

记 来自progress(n. 进步)

例 Although based on feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania developed a reputation for a progressive political and social outlook. 尽管基于封建模式,宾夕法尼亚殖民地却因进步的政治和社会观点而颇受好评。

派 progressively(ad. 逐渐地);progressivism(n. 进步主义)reef


n. 礁,暗礁

搭 a coral reef 珊瑚礁president


n. 总统,(大学)校长,(大会)主席

例 The President's visit promoted the cooperation between the two countries. 总统的访问促进了两国间的合作。

派 presidential(a. 总统的)feeble


a. 虚弱的,衰弱的,无力的(weak, frail)

记 联想记忆:fee(费用)+ble→需要花钱看病→虚弱的

例 The national government made a feeble attempt to make larger holdings available to homesteaders. 国民政府试图给自耕农更大的股份,但收效甚微。influx


n. 注入,涌入(arrival)

记 词根记忆:in(内)+flu(流)+x→涌入

例 The rapid growth of Boston during the mid-nineteenth century coincided with a large influx of European immigrants. 随着大量欧洲移民的涌入,波士顿在19世纪中期得到迅速发展。receptacle


n. 容器(container);插座

记 词根记忆:re(再,又)+cept(拿,取)+acle→能一再拿住→容器

例 The seas have been used as a receptacle for a range of industrial toxins. 海洋成了各种有毒工业废料的容器。accent

[ˈæksent] n. 重音(stress);口音;重音符号 [ækˈsent] vt. 重读

记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+cent(歌唱)→大声歌唱→强调→重音

搭 a strong/broad accent 浓重的口音

例 Anyone with a foreign accent, even a child, was discriminated against in the district. 有外国口音的人,哪怕是孩子,在这个地区都会受到歧视。kernel



记 词根记忆:kern(=corn 谷粒)+el→仁;粒

例 Squirrels bite through the shells to get at the nutritious kernels. 松鼠咬开果壳,吃里面营养丰富的果仁。secure


a. 安全的,有保障的(safe);可靠的;确定的;稳固的 vt. 获

**得(obtain, acquire);确保

记 联想记忆:se(看做see,看)+cure(治愈)→亲眼看到治愈,确定其是安全的→安全的

例 Agriculture made possible a more stable and secure life. 农业使更加稳定且更有保障的生活成为可能。// The girl secured herself a place at business school. 那个女孩在商学院获得了一席之地。

派 securely(ad. 安全地);security(n. 安全,保障)electron


n. 电子

派 electronic(a. 电子的);electronics(n. 电子学)

参 electrocardiogram(n. 心电图)segment


n. 音段;段,部分(part, section)

记 词根记忆:seg(=sect 切割)+ment→段,部分

例 Social atomization affected every segment of society. 社会分化影响了社会的各个部分。nourish


vt. 滋养;养育(rear)

记 词根记忆:nouri(=nutri 滋养,孕育)+sh→滋养;养育

例 The rain nourished the crops. 雨水滋养了庄稼。

派 nourishment(n. 营养品);nourishing(a. 有营养的)engulf


vt. 吞没(merge)

记 联想记忆:en(进入)+gulf(海湾;深渊)→进入深渊→吞没

例 The movie star was engulfed by a crowd of his fans. 那个电影明星被他的粉丝团团围住。bedrock


n. 基础,根基(foundation, basis);基岩

例 Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. 诚实是建立一切良好关系的基础。due


a. 到期的;预期的(scheduled);应得的;恰当的,适当的;应支付的

搭 due to 由于;due date 到期日,支付日

例 I can't remember the due date for our final paper. 我不记得论文的截止日期了。unprecedented


a. 空前的(unexampled)

记 联想记忆:un(不)+precedent(先例)+ed→空前的

例 These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent. 这些生产创新把产量和生活标准提高到了前所未有的程度。expel


vt. 开除;驱逐;排出(discharge)

记 词根记忆:ex(出)+pel(推)→推出去→开除;排出

例 When you sneeze, you expel air from your lungs. 打喷嚏时会排出肺部的空气。

参 impel(vt. 推动,推进);compel(vt. 强迫,驱使);repel(vt. 击退);dispel(vt. 驱散)verbal


a. 口头的(oral, spoken);言辞的;动词的

记 词根记忆:verb(言语)+al→言辞的

搭 verbal agreement 口头协议

例 They were too excited to give a verbal description of what the success of the Moon landing meant. 他们太兴奋了,以至于无法用语言表达登月成功意味着什么。deadline


n. 最后期限,截止时间

记 组合词:dead(死)+line(线)→最后期限

例 If you can't meet a deadline for an essay, you should go and see your lecturers. 如果不能按时提交论文,就应该去找你们的导师(说明情况)。tolerate


vt. 忍受(endure, withstand);容许,承认

例 I won't tolerate your foolish behavior anymore. 我再也无法容忍你愚蠢的行为了。identity


n. 身份(status);特征,特性(characteristic);同一性

记 联想记忆:i+dent(牙齿)+ity(表性质,名词后缀)→通过牙齿来确定身份→身份

例 The identity of the author is unknown. 这名作者的身份不为人所知。// The hardness of the mineral often gives a clue to its identity. 矿物的硬度常常是了解其特性的线索。seep


v. 漏出,渗漏(pass through slowly, ooze)

记 联想记忆:啤酒(beer)渗出(seep)发出哔哔声(beep)

例 Some parts of this country are dry because rainwater seeps quickly through sandy soils and into the rock below. 该国的一些地区非常干燥,因为雨水很快渗过砂土,进入下面的岩石层。

派 seepage(n. 渗漏;渗漏的量)patriarch


n. 家长,族长(master, chief)

记 词根记忆:patri(父亲)+arch(统治)→男性统治者→家长,族长engage



记 联想记忆:en(使…)+gage(挑战)→使接受挑战→(使)从事于

搭 engage in (doing) sth. 从事于某事

例 How are we going to classify a typical politician or business person who engages in unethical practices? 我们如何区分那些做事不道德的典型政客或商人呢?

派 engaged(a. 忙碌的);engagement(n. 婚约;雇用)constrain


vt. 束缚,限制(confine, limit)

记 词根记忆:con(表加强)+strain(拉紧)→使劲拉紧→束缚,限制

例 Their species' genetic makeup constrains them to be insects. 它们的物种基因对它们构成了限制,使它们只能成为昆虫。

派 constraint(n. 约束,强制)innocent


a. 天真的(naive);清白的;无恶意的(harmless)

记 词根记忆:in(无)+noc(伤害)+ent→无害人之心的→天真的

例 The man was found innocent of any crime. 该男子获判无罪。// It was a perfectly innocent remark. 那只不过是一句毫无冒犯之意的话。

派 innocence(n. 天真,无知;清白)Today, is the first day of the rest of my life, I wake as a child to see the world begin. On monarch wings and birthday wonderings, want to put on faces, walk in the wet and cold. And look forward to my growing old, to grow is to change, to change is to be new, to be new is to be young again, I barely remember when.——美国乡村歌手 约翰·丹佛(John Denver)

Word List 2

词根、词缀预习表hydr水dehydrate v.(使)脱水nomin名称nominal a. 名义上的sinu曲线sinuous a. 蜿蜒的cert确信certitude n. 确定cip拿,取anticipate v. 预见hom人homage n. 敬意crit判断critic n. 评论家,批评家fatu傻瓜infatuate vt. 使糊涂ortho正orthodox a. 正统的pos放oppose v. 反对,对抗interior


a. 内部的(inner);内地的 n. 内部;[the~]内陆(inland)

记 词根记忆:inter(在…之间)+ior→内部的

搭 interior design 室内设计;in the interior of 在…内部

例 If a volcano erupts, some of the Earth's interior heat escapes to the surface. 如果火山喷发,地球内部的一些热量就会逃逸到地表。constitution


n. 宪法,章程;体质;构成

记 词根记忆:con+stit(站立)+ution→国无法不立→宪法

例 The student studied the genetic constitution of cells hard. 这个学生努力学习细胞的基因构成。

派 constitutional(a. 章程的,宪法的);constitutionally(ad. 按照宪法)freeze



搭 freeze over 冰封;freeze up (机器、引擎等中的水)结冰

例 Jack caught a fish and dropped it beside him on the ice and it froze solid. 杰克捉到一条鱼,将其随手扔在身旁的冰上,结果鱼冻得硬邦邦的。// I was really happy to be writing a detective story. But after the first few pages, I sort of froze up mentally. 我很高兴能写侦探小说。但是只写了几页,我的脑子就不转了。dehydrate


v.(使)脱水(dry, desiccate)

记 词根记忆:de(分离)+hydr(水)+ate(使…)→(使)脱水

例 The little girl's body had dehydrated dangerously with the high temperature. 那个小姑娘的体温很高,严重脱水。

派 dehydration(n. 脱水,干燥)sinuous


a. 蜿蜒的(winding);迂回的

记 词根记忆:sinu(曲线)+ous→弯曲的→蜿蜒的

例 They walked along the sinuous course of the river. 他们沿着弯弯曲曲的河道散步。alarm





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