
发布时间:2021-02-26 05:59:50
















— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —   




把您在本书中学到的句子用到日常生活场景中,不断提高自己的英语交流能力,相信您会感叹:哇,原来英语对话也不过如此! Part 1用餐宴请一、一日三餐二、餐馆就餐三、宴请客人四、酒吧消遣 一、一日三餐

★  一般表述



0001:该吃早餐了。It’s time for breakfast.

0002:我开始做午饭了。I began to make lunch.

0003:我已经饿了。I’m getting hungry.

0004:我都快饿死了。I’m starving.

0005:吃饭之前请洗手。Please wash your hands before eating.

0007:请拿你的碗。Please take your bowl.

0008:他去拿碗了。He went to take the bowl.

0009:把盘子放在中间。Set the plate in the centre.

0010:你看起来很饿。You look very hungry.

0011:我们的饭菜很丰盛!What a big meal!

0012:今天的饭真好吃。Today’s food is really delicious.

0013:今天的牛肉很不错。The beef is very good today.

0014:天啊!这个龙虾真辣!Oh my god,the lobster is so spicy.

0015:这个蛋糕闻着真香。The cake smells very good.

0016:这是我最拿手的一道菜。This is my best one.

0017:看上去真好吃!This looks great.

0018:喝点果汁。Have some fruit juice.

0019:你吃的太少了,请再多吃一点。You eat too little,please eat a little more.

0020:我在节食。I’m on a diet.

0021:你几乎什么都没吃。You’ve hardly eaten angthing.

0022:你们不吃完,我们哪儿也不去。We’re not going anywhere until you’ve fed!

0023:不要玩你的食物。Don’t play with your food.

0024:请保持桌面干净。Please keep the table clean.

0025:别把面包屑洒在桌子上。Don’t spill your crumbs on the table.

0026:请吃完它。Please finish eating it.

0027:饭吃完后,请掸掉衣服上的碎屑。Please brush crumbs from your clothes after dinner.

0028:饭后我们出去走走。Let’s go out for a walk after dinner.

0029:饭后要擦嘴。Wipe your mouth after dinner.

0030:吃完东西要漱口。Please rinse out your mouth after eating.

0031:这咖啡不热。This coffee is not hot enough.

0032:面包没烤熟。This bread is soggy.

0033:牛奶过期了。Expired milk.

0034:这药太苦了。This medicine tastes too bitter.

0035:别撒了。Don’t tip it over.


★  有疑必问



0036:沙拉是谁做的?Who make the salad?

0037:杰姆怎么没来吃饭?Didn’t Jim come to dinner?

0038:你一定饿了吧?Must you be hungry?

0039:龙虾好吃吗?Is lobster delicious?

0040:你对龙虾过敏吗?Are you allergic to lobster?

0041:你还要点什么别的吗?Do you need anything else?

0042:你会用筷子吗?Can you use chopsticks?

0043:好吧,您想要什么样的牛排?Okay,so how would you like your steak prepared?

0044:能帮我收拾盘子吗?Would you help me clear the table?


★  有问有答



0045:你吃好了吗?Did you enjog your dinner?

嗯,我吃得很饱。Well,I’m very full.

0046:你觉得饭菜的味道怎么样?How do you like the taste of the meal?

味道好极了!The taste is great!

0047:我感觉有点儿饿,你不饿吗?I’m kind of hungry.How about you?

我也饿了,到了吃午饭的时候了。Yeah,it’s time for lunch.

0048:这个可以吃吗?Can I eat this?

对不起,你不能吃这个。Sorry,You can’t eat that.

0049:这个味道怎么样?How does it taste?

好吃。It’s good.

0050:你需要咖啡吗?Would you like some coffee?

现在不要,谢谢。Not now,thanks.

0051:寿司怎么吃呀?How do you eat sushi?

你得蘸酱油。You dip it in soy sauce.

0052:这是什么鱼?What kind of fish is this?

啊,那是金枪鱼。Oh,that’s tuna.

0053:你需不需要来点儿?Would you like some?


0054:你能帮我准备餐具吗?Would you help me set the table?

乐意之至。I’d be happy to.

0055:可以吃了吗?Shall we begin?

请先吃吧。Please go ahead.

0056:这刀挺好使的,是不是?This knife cuts well,doesn’t it?

真挺快的。It sure does. 二、餐馆就餐

★  一般表述


0057:我想吃法国菜。I’d like some french food.

0058:请给我们安排一张大桌子。We need a large table,please.

0059:给我来这个和那个。I’ll take this and that.

0060:我要一个70美元的晚餐包括酒水。I’d like to have dinner for 70 dollars including drinks.

0061:请给我一份牛排。I’d like a steak.

0062:请给我来一杯咖啡。I’d like a cup of coffee,please.

0063:这些已经够了。That’s all for me.

0064:这个菜不是我要的。I didn’t order this.

0065:我点的菜还没上。My order hasn’t come yet.

0066:要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶。I’d like a hamburger and an iced tea.

0067:请加番茄酱和芥末。With ketchup and mustard,please.

0068:我来埋单。I’ll take care of it.

0069:这儿好像选错了。I’m afraid there is a mistake here.

0070:不用找了。Keep the change.

0071:我们各付各的。We’d like to pay separately.


★  有疑必问


0072:你觉得哪家饭店好?Which restaurant do you recommend?

0073:这附近有没有好吃的饭馆?Could you recommend a good restaurant near here?

0074:这附近有法国餐馆吗?Is there a french restaurant around here?

0075:我需要预订吗?Do I need a reservation?

0076:您这儿有什么特色风味吗?Do you have any local specialties?

0077:能不能安排一张离乐队近一点儿的桌子?Could we have a table close to the band?

0078:可以把菜单给我吗?Can you give me the menu,please?

0079:有汉语的菜单吗?Do you have a menu in Chinese?

0080:你们都有些什么啤酒?What kind of beer do you have?

0081:你推荐什么菜?What do you recommend?

0082:我想要和那个一样的?Can I have the same as that?

0083:我们可以各付各的吗?Could we have separate checks?

0084:套餐里包括饮料吗?Are beverages included in the set meal?

0085:请给我两个热狗,好吗?May I have two hot dogs,please?

0086:我在哪儿埋单?Where should I pay?

0087:可以给我开张发票吗?May I have a receipt,please?


★  有问有答


0088:您好,这是中式餐厅。我可以为您服务吗?Hello,this is the Chinese Restaurant.May I help you?

我需要订餐,今天晚上5点,10个人的位子。I’d like to make a reservation for ten people at five o’clock tonight.

0089:您可以点菜了吗?May I take your order?

唔,让我想想…… Well,let’s see...

0090:牛排要几成熟?How would you like your steak prepared?


0091:您需要早餐吗?Are you having breakfast?

不,我只要一杯牛奶。No,I’ll just have a cup of milk.

0092:来杯牛奶吧?Would you like some milk?

那太好了。That would be great.

0093:还要点什么?Anything else?

不,谢谢,这些已经够了。No,thank you.That’s all.

0094:您是在这儿吃吗?Will you be eating here?

不,我带走。I’d like it to go,please.

0095:我来请客。It’s on me.

哦!那太好了!Oh!How nice! 三、宴请客人

★  一般表述


0096:好久不见了。Long time no see.

0097:辛苦了。You’ve had a long day.

0098:为我们的友谊干杯!Cheers to our friendship!

0099:为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!For your health,John.May you have a successful time in Manchester!

0100:祝你成功,干杯!May you success!Cheers!

0101:约翰,你敬酒吧。John,you do the honors and propose the toast.


0103:您的位置在这里。Here is your seat.

0104:请就坐。Please have a seat.

0105:请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯!I’d ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends present here.

0106:菜不好,请多多包涵。Food is not good,please forgive me.


★  有疑必问


0107:您喝点什么?What would you like to drink?

0108:晚饭后您想喝咖啡还是喝茶?What would you like to drink after dinner,coffee or tea?

0109:我能要两个热狗吗?May I have two hot dogs?

0110:你想要一些果汁还是汤?Would you like some fruit juice or soup?

0111:你需要一些米饭吗?Do you want some rice?

0112:你吃饱了吗?Are you full?


★  有问有答


0113:再来一杯怎么样?Would you like another drink?

不,我已经喝很多了。No,I think I’ve had enough.

0114:要不要来杯咖啡?Would you like a cap of coffee?

那太好了。That would be great.

0115:您喝什么样的咖啡?How do you like your coffee?

加牛奶和糖的咖啡。With cream and sugar,please.

0116:炸土豆的味道怎么样?How does fried potatoes taste?

它很脆。It’s crispy. 四、酒吧消遣

★  一般表述


0117:欢迎来到快乐吧。Welcome to Happy bar.

0118:很高兴再次见到您。Nice to meet you again.

0119:请稍等。Please wait a moment.

0120:请给我一张缴费收据。Please give me a receipt.

0121:先生,这是菜单,请慢慢看。Here’s the menu,sir.Please take your time.

0122:请不要在快乐吧里大声说话,好吗?Please don’t speak loudly in Happy bar,will you?


★  有疑必问


0123:我可以为您做点什么吗?Is there anything I can do for you?

0124:这里可以刷卡吗?Can I use the credit card here?

0125:你们能不能帮我保管一下行李?Will you take charge of my baggage?

0126:快乐吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?There is a floor show in Happy bar.Would you like to see it?

0127:说实话,我不喜欢这种酒。Frankly speaking,I don’t like this wine.

0128:我喜欢喝很甜的咖啡,我夫人一样。I like very sweet coffee,so does my wife.


★  有问有答


0129:我建议您品尝一下鸡尾酒。I suggest you have a taste of cocktail.

好的,主意不错。Okay,good idea.

0130:你喜欢这款鸡尾酒吗?How do you like this cocktail?

我非常喜欢。I like it very much.

0131:先生,您想喝点什么?What would you like to drink,sir?

我也不知道该喝些什么。I can hardly decide what to drink.

0132:您在等饮料的时候,要不要看看报纸?Would you like to read newspapers while waiting for your drink?

好的,谢谢。That’s fine.Thank you.

0133:您更喜欢哪种风格的鸡尾酒,是上海鸡尾酒还是美国的?Which styles of cocktail do you like better,Shanghai cocktail or American?

上海鸡尾酒。Shanghai cocktail.

0134:你喜欢伏特加吗?How do you like vodka?

对我来说它恐怕太烈了。I’m afraid it’s too strong for me. Part 2居家交流一、租房搬家二、房屋设施三、物业服务四、居家生活五、子女教育 一、租房搬家

★  一般表述


0135:此房出租/出售。This house is for rent /sale.

0136:这个房子有中央供暖。This house has central heating.

0137:真便宜。It’s really a bargain.

0138:这一带的房子很贵。The houses in this neighborhood are very expensive.

0139:我想要有家具的房子。I want to rent a furnished house.

0140:我想租一间一房一厅的公寓。I’d like to rent a onebed room apartment.

0141:我想与一个男孩合住一套公寓。I’d like to share a flat with a boy.

0142:就租这间了。We’ll rent this flat.

0143:这个房子看上去可以。This apartment looks nice.

0144:这房子太旧了,需要刷一下。This is a rather old house,it needs painting.

0145:客厅可真大呀!The living room is really large,isn’t it!

0146:这房子已经装修过了,而且家具也齐全。The apartment has been recently renovated and comes completely furnished.

0147:我住在这里有家的感觉。I feel at home living here.

0148:房东太太人很好。The landlady is very good.

0149:这套公寓真不错!It’s a nice apartment!

0150:你已经连着两个月迟交房租了。For the second month in a row,your rent is late.


★  有疑必问


0151:这里有没有房子要出租?Do you have any apartments for rent right now?

0152:你喜欢什么样的家具?What kind of furniture do you like?

0153:那间公寓里有家具吗?Is that apartment furnisherd?

0154:要多少租金?又要多少押金?What’s the rent and cheposit on that?How much is the deposit?

0155:谁付水、电和煤气等费用?Who pays for the utilities?

0156:要交押金吗?Do you require the deposit?

0157:你能帮我搬家吗?I’m moving,could you help?


★  有问有答


0158:听说您有空房间。I’ve been told you might have a vacant room.

是的,我有一间空房。Yes,I have a spare room.

0159:我现在来看房子,行吗?Would it be ok to look at the room now?

你10分钟后过来吧?我们正在吃晚饭。Could you come here in 10 minutes?We’re right in the middle of dinner.

0160:这客厅有多大?How big is the living room?/ What is the erea of your living room.

大约有40平方米。about forty square meters.

0161:我能打开窗户透透气吗?Can I open the window for air?当然可以。Sure.

0162:房租多少?How much is the rent?

一个月2500元。2500 yuan a month.

0163:房租中包括水、电和煤气费吗?Are the utilities included in the rent?

只包括煤气。你需要支付水电费。Only gas is included.You have to pay for the electricity and water.

0164:我们什么时候可以搬进来?When can we move in?

下周三就可以。Next Wednesday,if you like. 二、房屋设施

★  一般表述


0165:这个客厅太大,感觉冷清。This living room is huge and cold.

0166:那些银色的家具给人冷的感觉。The silver furniture looks so cold.

0167:我想把那些画挂在那面墙上。I’d like to hang these paintings on that wall.

0168:约翰不喜欢现代式的设计。John doesn’t like contemporary design.

0169:约翰想用象牙白的色调来装饰客厅。John wants the living room in an ivory tone.

0170:我想把窗户改成落地窗。I would like to change the windows into French windows.

0171:水龙头漏水了。The faucet is leaking.

0172:下水道又堵了。The drain is blocked again.

0173:热水器坏了。The water heater doesn’t work.

0174:我去找个人来修一下。I’ll ask someone to fix it.

0175:热水器里没有一点儿火苗。There isn’t any flame in the water heater.

0176:浴缸需要清洗。The bathtub needs scrubbing.

0177:浴缸下水道的水在往外溢。The bathtub is backing up.

0178:马桶不能冲水了。The toilet won’t flush.

0179:马桶堵上了。The toilet is clogged.

0180:停电了。The electricity isn’t working.


★  有疑必问


0181:您想要什么材质的沙发?What kind of fabric would you like for your sofa?

0182:你想把沙发放在哪儿?Where do you want this sofa?

0183:有一张特大号的床,您要看吗?Would you like to see this extre large bed?

0184:壁炉前要不要放一张地毯?Do yo want a rug in front of the fireplace?

0185:我们该怎么装饰圣诞树呢?How are we going to decorate the Christmas tree?

0186:哪里来的,这么漂亮的花瓶?What a lovely vase!Where did you get it?

0187:你可以在墙上设计一个橱柜吗?Could you design a cupboard along the wall?

0188:你喜欢法式乡村风格吗?Do you like French Country Style?

0189:你喜欢较柔和的色调吗?You like a soft tone?

0190:你想要什么样的卧室家具?Do you have any ideas about the bedroom furniture?


★  有问有答


0191:你说我该种些什么好呢?What do you recommend that I plant?

郁金香或者一些盆栽植物。Tulipor or some containergrown trees.

0192:你有什么想法呢?What do you have in mind?

我想要张特大号的床。I want a extre large bed.

0193:那你喜欢哪一类的色调呢?What kind of color tones do you like?

粉红或是紫色。Pink or purple.

0194:厨房里有没有煤气灶?Is there no gas range in the kitchen?

是的,但你可以用电炉。Yes,but you can use the electric stove.

0195:房间里有一个很大的壁橱。The room has a big closet.

太好了,我可以把行李放在里面。Well,I can put my luggage in the inside.

0196:这个浴缸可以同时容纳两个人。The bathtub is large enough for two people.

太好了,我们可以给两个孩子一起洗澡了。Great.We can give our two children a bath together. 三、物业服务

★  一般表述


0197:欢迎光临。Welcome to our apartment.

0198:希望你在这儿过得愉快。I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

0199:自我介绍一下。Let me introduce myself.

0200:这位是我们的经理,约翰先生。This is our manager,Mr.John.

0201:非常高兴认识你。Nice to meet you.

0202:非常感谢你的帮助。Thank you for your help.

0203:乐意为你服务。You are welcome.

0204:为你服务是我的荣幸。It is my pleasure.

0205:我随时为你服务。I am at your service.

0206:对不起,这是我的错。I’m sorry It’s my fault.

0207:不必担心,夫人。我们会处理好的。Don’t worry,madam.We’ll see to it.

0208:我们会把它收拾干净的。We’ll clean it up.

0209:太不幸了,希望你快些好起来。I’m sorry to hear that.I hope you are better soon.

0210:我马上叫修理工来检查。I will send a repairman to check it at once.

0211:他必须赔偿造成的损失。It’s necessary for him to pay for the damage.

0212:欢迎您提意见和建议。Any comments and suggestion are always welcome.


★  有疑必问


0213:你需要留言吗?Would you like to leave a message?

0214:对不起,能再说一遍吗?I beg your pardon?

0215:请您说慢些好吗?Can you speak a little slower,please?

0216:你不会介意我把它撤走吧?Would you mind if I take it away?

0217:能给我看一下你的房卡吗?Would you like to show me your room card?

0218:您没伤着吧?Did you hurt yourself?

0219:能耽误你一会儿吗?May I take up a few moments of your time?


★  有问有答


0220:你好!(初次见面)How do you do?

你好!How are you?

0221:祝你在公寓里过得愉快。Wish most pleasant stay in our apartment.

谢谢。Thank you.

0222:我为这个向你道歉。I apologize for this.

不要紧,忘了它吧。That’s all right.Let’s forget it.

0223:对不起,能告诉我你的名字吗?Excuse me,may I have your name?

当然。Of course.

0224:你能告诉我电梯在哪里吗?Can you tell me where is the elevator?

当然可以,夫人。请跟我来。Certainly,madam,let me help you.Please follow me.

0225:我可以和您谈一会儿话吗,夫人?May I speak to you for a moment,madam?

当然可以,请讲。Of course,please. 四、居家生活

★  一般表述


0226:早晨好!Good morning.

0227:该起床了!It’s time to get up!

0228:我真不想起床。I don’t want to get up.

0229:你总算起床了。You finally got up.

0230:我还想睡。I’m still sleepy.

0231:把被子叠好。Let’s fold up the futon.

0232:昨天晚上你打呼噜了。You were snoring last night.

0233:我做了个恶梦。I had a nightmare.

0234:你一直没关灯。You left the light on.

0235:我要洗脸了。I have to go wash my face.

0236:我是个夜猫子。I am a hangover.

0237:咖啡可以帮我提神。Coffee wakes me up.

0238:我要梳头了。I have to comb my hair.

0239:快换衣服。Hurry up and get dressed.

0240:你毛衣穿反了。You’re wearing your sweater inside out.

0241:不要忘了把垃圾扔掉。Don’t forget to take out the garbage.

0242:你快点儿,我们要迟到了。If you don’t hurry,we’ll be late.

0243:都已经8点了!It’s already 8:00.

0244:我得赶紧走!I have to rush!

0245:今天好像要下雨。It might rain today.

0246:出门时,别忘了锁门。Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.

0247:还是家好哇。It’s good to be home.

0248:我要冲个澡。I’m taking a shower.

0249:我在看电视。I’m watching TV.

0250:帮我照看一下弟弟和妹妹啊。Take care of my brother and sister.


★  有疑必问


0251:闹钟响了吗?Did the alarm clock go off?

0252:能帮我关掉闹钟吗?Would you turn off the alarm clock?

0253:昨晚你熬夜了?Did you stay up late last night?

0254:刷牙了吗?Did you brush your teeth?

0255:穿什么好呢?What should I wear?

0256:你锁门了吗?Did you lock the door?

0257:今天过得愉快吗?Did you have a good time?

0258:我可以出去玩会儿吗?Can I go out to play?

0259:能给我点儿零花钱吗?May I have my allowance?

0260:你要买什么呀?What do you want to buy?

0261:你怎么不睡午觉?Why don’t you take a nap?

0262:你能把那件衬衫熨熨吗?Will you iron the shirt?

0263:今晚能帮我照看一下孩子吗?Can you baby-sit tonight?


★  有问有答


0264:快点儿起床!Get up soon!

我真不想起来。I don’t want to.

0265:你醒了吗?Are you awake?

我刚醒。I am now.

0266:你不舒服吗?Are you feeling sick?

没有,只是有点儿累。No,I’m just tired.

0267:睡得好吗?Did you sleep well?

嗯,睡得挺好的。Yes,I slept very well.

0268:几点回来?What time are you coming home?

大概7点左右吧。Around seven o’clock.

0269:点心在哪儿?Where are the snacks?

在碗橱里。They’re in the cupboard. 五、子女教育

★  一般表述


0270:下课后来个电话。Call when you finish.

0271:我精疲力尽了。I’m exhausted.

0272:不许挑食。Don’t be picky.

0273:游戏玩够了吧。Enough with your video games.

0274:别乱掉东西。Don’t leave your stuff here.

0275:把你的房间收拾干净。Clean up your room.

0276:你什么时候能做完家庭作业?When will you be through with your homework?

0277:我不知道今天的作业是什么。I don’t know what homework we should do today.

0278:学习语言充满了乐趣。Language learning can be fun.

0279:我知道你在学习DNA。I know you’re studying DNA.

0280:这不是一个简单的数学问题。This isn’t simply a question of math.

0281:你先要学会尊重别人。You must learn to respect others.

0282:你的作业进步很大,我们都为你的进步而高兴。应该保持下去。Your work has improved a lot,we are all pleased with your progress.Keep it up.


★  有疑必问


0283:你能帮我把衣服叠起来吗?Will you help me fold up the clothes?

0284:你的作业完成了吗?Have you finished your homework?

0285:我们今天有家庭作业吗?Do we have homework today?

0286:你什么时候做作业?When are you going to do your hoomwork?

0287:数学和语文你最喜欢哪一科?Which do you prefer,maths or chinese?

0288:你喜欢英语还是语文?Do you like English or Chinese?

0289:你是不是该上学了?Aren’t you supposed to be at school?


★  有问有答


0290:我走了。妈妈再见!I’m leaving.Bye mom!好好学习啊!Study hard.

0291:今天我们逃课,怎么样!Let’s play hookey today!好哇,走吧!Yeah,let’s.

0292:你什么时候回来的?What time are you coming home?大概7点左右吧。About seven o’clock.

0293:你的饭盒带了吗?Have you got your lunch box?带了。Yes,right here.

0294:我现在能出去玩会儿吗?Can I go out to play?不行,写完作业再去吧。No,After you finish your homework. Part 3职场办公一、求职应聘二、职场培训三、出勤迟到四、请假调班五、解聘辞职 一、求职应聘

★  一般表述


0295:我很高兴,我的简历被你们接收。I am very glad to know that my resume was received.

0296:我为获得这个面谈机会而感到高兴。I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.

0297:我刚大学毕业,现在正在找工作。I have just graduated from college,and am looking for a job.

0298:我一直没有工作过,这是我第一次找工作。I have never had other job,this is my first time to look for job.

0299:我觉得工资实在太少了。I thought the salary is too low.

0300:大学毕业后,我做过这方面的工作。I have been in this field since I graduated from college.

0301:这种类型的工作我曾经做过好几年。I have done this kind of work for several years.

0302:虽然我目前的工作很好,但薪金太低,无法维持家庭。A lthough my present job is good for me,the salary is too low to support my family.

0303:为了维持家庭,我希望一个月能赚5000元港币。I hope to make hk$5000 a month for supporting my family.

0304:我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。I have come here for an interview by appointment,Nice to meet you.


★  有疑必问


0305:我可以进来吗?May I come in?

0306:对不起,我可以见约翰先生吗?Excuse me,May I see Mr.John?

0307:你们是不是在招聘文秘?You is it right?In secretarial?

0308:请问,人事部在哪儿?Excuse me,how to get the personnel department?

0309:你们能给多少工资?How much salary can you provide?

0310:你们将给我安排什么职位?What kind of job will you be for me?

0311:我需要提供什么材料吗?What material do I meed?

0312:如果我们聘用你,你什么时候能上班?If we decided to offer you the job,when could you start?

0313:你们大概什么时候会作出决定?Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision?


★  有问有答


0314:你以前在哪里工作?where were you employed?

因为我刚离开学校,以前我从未工作过。I have never been employed before,because i just finished my study.

0315:你过去做过什么工作?What did you do in the past?

我曾在一家贸易公司担任秘书。I have been a secretary in a trading company.

0316:请你谈谈你的工作经历?Would you tell me your employment history?

我刚大家毕业,希望找个工作。I have just graduated from college,I hope to look for a job.

0317:你以前担任过什么职务?What positions have you held before?

办公室各种工作我都能做,希望你能给我一个工作机会。I can do all kinds of office work,I hope you could give me the opportunity to work for you.

0318:你以前做过在这方面的工作吗?Have you been employed in this field?

我曾做过推销员的工作,但现在的公共关系工作我也能做。I have been a salesman but now,I can do public relations.

0319:你个性上最大的特点是什么?What is your strongest trait?

乐于助人和关心他人。Helpfulness and caring.

0320:你能承受工作上的压力吗?Do you work well under stress or pressure?

我想可以。Yes,I think so. 二、职场培训

★  一般表述


0321:我有好多事要干。I’ve got so much to do.

0322:我赶时间。I’m pressed for time.

0323:我是个普通的公司职员。I’m an ordinary office worker.

0324:这工作不麻烦。The work doesn’t need much effort.

0325:那项工作已经做完了。I’m done with the work.

0326:我还能工作好长时间呢。I can still work for a long time.

0327:请把这个订在一起。Please staple these together.

0328:复印机有毛病了。This copy machine doesn’t work.

0329:我想复印机是没纸了。I think it ran out of paper.

0330:我们有1小时的午休时间。We took an hour lunch break.

0331:我是西区的负责人。I’m in charge of the west side.

0332:我们开始吧。Let’s begin.

0333:现在我不能放下这个工作。I can’t leave this job at the moment.

0334:你应该更加努力工作。You’d better work harder.

0335:会议开得很成功。The meeting went well.

0336:全部重做。Please do it all over again.

0337:请在重要事项的下面划线。Please underline the important items.


★  有疑必问


0338:帮我复印一下这份材料好吗?Would you copy these papers?

0339:应缴款项截止到什么时候?When is this due?

0340:我们休息一会儿吗?Shall we take a break?

0341:给我倒杯咖啡,好吗?Get me a cup of coffee,will you?

0342:尽你的全力!Do your best!

0343:悠着点儿。Don’t work too hard.

0344:打起精神来。Pull yourself together.

0345:我该怎么填这张表?How do I fill out this form?

0346:您能帮我填一下这张表吗?Can you help me with this form?

0347:看来会议要开长时间了,是吧?It seems it’s going to be a long meeting,doesn’t it?

0348:你说的是哪份文件?What document are you talking about?

0349:你今晚加班吗?Are you working overtime tonight?


★  有问有答


0350:我们可以星期二见个面吗?Can we meet on Tuesday?

让我看看我的日程安排。Let me check my schedule.

0351:这工作不吃力。The work doesn’t need much effort.

那你太幸运了。Lucky you!

0352:干活别偷懒。Don’t neglect your duties!

好的,我绝不偷懒。Okay,I won’t.

0353:付款截止到什么时候?When does this have to be finished by?

付款日期截止到30号。It’s due on the thirtieth.

0354:我们休息一会儿吧。Let’s take a break.


0355:工作怎么样?How’s work?

忙得连喘口气的工夫都没有。I don’t even have time to catch my breath.

0356:你怎么拉后了,快点儿!What’s keeping you?Hurry up.

马上就来。I’ll be over soon.

0357:请说重点。Get to the point,Please.

好的,好的。All right,all right.

0358:您好,您有什么事吗?Hello,May I help you?

是的,我已经和约翰先生约好了。Yes,I have an appointment with Mr.John.

0359:ABC公司在几楼?What floor is ABC on?

在10楼。The tenth floor.

0360:怎么没再帮他一把?Why didn’t you help more?

我已经尽了最大的努力了。I did all I could do. 三、出勤迟到

★  一般表述


0361:赶上了!I made it!

0362:准时到达。I arrived on time!

0363:你又迟到了。You are late again.

0364:我只迟到了3分钟。I was only late by three minutes.

0365:今天忙了一天。It’s been a long day.

0366:我不能为你破例。I can’t make an exception for you.

0367:对不起,我睡过头了。Sorry,I overslept.

0368:让您久等了,真对不起。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.


★  有疑必问


0369:打出勤卡了吗?(上班时)Did you punch in?

0370:打出勤卡了吗?(下班时)Did you punch out?

0371:你能搭乘一班早一些的公共汽车吗?Is it possible for you to take an earlier bus?


★  有问有答


0372:要守时。Be punctual!是,知道了。Yes,sir.

0373:今晚你加班吗?Are you working overtime tonight?很不幸,要加班。Unfortunately,yes.

0374:你怎么来这么晚?What made you so late?有急事脱不开身。I was tied up with some urgent business.

0375:对不起,马林,我迟到了。Sorry,Ma Lin,I’m late.这是本周的第二次了。Jane,that’s the second time this week. 四、请假调班

★  一般表述


0376:我来看看我的日程安排。Let me confirm my schedule.

0377:约翰刚才打电话请病假了。John called in sick just now.

0378:我生病了。I’m sick.

0379:恐怕我今天来不了。I’m afraid I can’t come today.

0380:我想请病假。l’d like to ask for sick leave.

0381:我想休一段时间。I’d like to take some time off.

0382:我想离开一个小时。I’d like to put in for one hour’s leave.

0383:我想请假回家照顾我的宝宝。I want to take parental leave to look after my baby.

0384:我带来一张病历。I’ve brought a proper sick note.

0385:我来递交请假条。I come here to send in an excuse.

0386:我不在的时候,约翰先生会负责。Mr.John will be in charge during my absence.

0387:我想休息一周与我的家人团聚。I want to take a home leave and be with my family for a week.

0388:我恐怕今天不能上班了。我觉得很不舒服。I’m afraid I can’t come to work today.I’m not feeling well.

0389:我需要休息,我忙了好长一段时间。I’ve been really busy for a long time,Ineed some rest.

0390:我要请一周的假,因为我要结婚了。I’m asking for a week’s leave to prepare for my wedding.


★  有疑必问


0391:我能请两天假吗?Can I take two days’ leave?

0392:我想请假上计算机课,不知道您准不准假?I was wondering if you could give me leave of absence to attend a computer course.

0393:你要离开这么长时间,你什么计划吗?That’s long leave.How’s your project coming along?

0394:我不知道我是否可以请两个星期的假?I was wondering if I could take another two weeks off?


★  有问有答


0395:我想休息一段时间。I’d like to take some time off.

没问题。That’s no problem.

0396:你有十天的年假离开,是吗?You still have ten days annual leave left,is that right?

是的。Yes. 五、解聘辞职

★  一般表述


0397:我不干了!I quit!

0398:我们的上司被解雇了。Our boss has been fired.

0399:到那时你就被解雇了。By that time you’ll be fired.

0400:我想拓展我的视野。I want to expand my horizons.

0401:长官,我已经下定决心了。这是我的辞呈。I’ve made a tough decision,sir.Here is my resignation.

0402:我不想落入俗套才辞职。我希望能向前迈进。I quit because I don’t want to be stuck in a rut.I want to move on.

0403:首先,我想告诉大家,我真的很高兴能与你们共事。但是,我觉得该是我离开的时候了。First of all,I’d like to say that I’ve really enjoyed working with you.However,I think it’s about time for me to leave.

0404:虽然我很努力,但我觉得无法胜任这个工作。I’ve been trying,but I don’t think I’m up to this job.

0405:我在这里待太久了。我想转换一下环境。I’ve been here for too long.I want to change my environment.

0406:我很抱歉在这个时候提出辞呈,但我已经决定要出国念书了。I’m sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment,but I’ve decided to study abroad.

0407:说实话,我有一个更好的工作机会。To be honest,I’ve got a better offer.

0408:我很累了。我需要好好休息。I’m running out of steam.I need to take a break.

0409:我辞职是因为我想尝试不一样的东西。I’m quitting because I want to try something different.

0410:公司不能履行和你的协议了。The company cant’ carry out the agreement with you.

0411:我恐怕公司得终止和你的合作关系了。I’m afraid that the company has to break up the partership with you.

0412:公司在精简人员。Our company is downsizing the work force.

0413:你的职位已经被取消了。Your positon is being made redundant.

0414:你们违反了合同。You violated the contract.

0415:我不能失去这个工作。I can’t lose this job.

0416:这太不公平了。It’s unfair.

0417:我被辞退了,没有任何解释。I was fired without any explanation.


★  有疑必问


0418:你为什么要辞退我?Why do you fire me?

0419:我能得到一些赔偿吗?Can I get some compensation?

0420:你能告诉我你为什么要辞职吗?Could you tell me why you want to quit?

0421:辞职后你有什么打算?What are you going to do after resignation?


★  有问有答


0422:我们的上司被解雇了。Our boss has been let to go.

你不是在开玩笑吧!You’re kidding!

0423:怎么回事?What’s the matter?

我很抱歉地说,我们必须让你走,约翰。I’m sorry to say that we have to let you go,John.

0424:为什么呢?我工作非常努力。Why?I work very hard.

你不能和其他的员工很好地合作。You don’t work well with the other employees. Part 4校园求学一、求学伊始二、课堂学习三、课外交流 一、求学伊始

★  一般表述


0425:我在申请读法律学校。I’m applying for law school.

0426:我在想读什么课程。I’m trying to decide what classes to take.

0427:我想修现代管理和通信的课程。I’d like to take modern business communications courses.

0428:我参加了很多课外活动。I have lots of extra-curricular activities.

0429:我想报名学习这门课。I’d like to sign up for this course.

0430:我在考虑读哪个学校。I’m trying to decide what school to go to.

0431:我听说私立学校要穿校服。I hear you have to wear uniforms at private schools.


★  有疑必问


0432:你在哪所学校读书?What school do you go to?

0433:你最喜欢哪门课?What’s your favourite subject?

0434:你喜欢学校的什么?What do you like about school?

0435:这学期你的导师是哪几个?Which tutors did you get this semester?

0436:你的课程是怎么安排的?What does your class timetable look like?

0437:你有什么兴趣爱好?What are you interested in?

0438:你是新生吗?Are you a new student?


★  有问有答


0439:很高兴认识你。你是美国人吗?Pleased to meet you.Are you American?

不,我是中国人,来自中国湖北。No,I’m not.I’m in Chinese.I’m from Hubei,China.

0440:我是新来的,我叫约翰。I’m a new comer.My name is John.

嗯,我是二年级学生。Well,I’m a student of the second year.

0441:这是我们的教室。This is our classroom.

是的,它真大,真干净!Yes,this is,how big it is and how clean it is!

0442:能帮个忙吗?我有两箱行李在出租上,他们都很重。Can you help me?I have two cases in the taxi and they are very heavy.

没问题,我们一起搬吧。Don’t worry,Let’s get them together now.

0443:你今年的课程表进度怎么样?What’s your schedule like this year?

很紧。我今年要修很多学分。Pretty busy.I have to pick up a lot of credits this year.

0444:你的专业是什么?What’s your major?

我专业学的是商务。I’m a business major.

0445:你参加什么课余活动吗?Do you have any extracurricular activities?

当然。我在学钢琴。Sure.I’m learning piano.

0446:你在国外的这一年打算做什么,约翰?What are you going to do for your year abroad,John?

学习学习再学习。我想多学点东西。Study study study!I want to learn a lot. 二、课堂学习

★  一般表述


0447:上课。Class begins.

0448:请坐。Sit down,please.

0449:下次别再迟到了。Don’t be late next time.

0450:别说话。Don’t talk.

0451:别说话了。Stop talking.


0453:坐直。Sit up straight.

0454:我们来进行日常对话。Let’s have a daily talk.

0455:今天我们上新课。We are going to have a new lesson today.


0457:仔细听。Listen to me carefully.

0458:现在先听,再重复一遍。Now listen and repeat.

0459:请听录音。Listen to the tape recording.

0460:请注意我的口型。Look at my mouth.

0461:跟我说。Say it after me.

0462:跟我读。Read after me.

0463:慢慢地、清楚地读。Read slowly and clearly.


0465:大声点。Don’t murmur.

0466:再说一遍。Say it again.

0467:再来一次。Once more.

0468:想一想。Think it over.

0469:再试一试。Try again.

0470:好些了。That’s better.

0471:用英语讲。Say it in English.

0472:请举手。Please put up your hands.

0473:把手放下。Put down your hands.

0474:到前面来。Come to the front.

0475:把书合起来。Close your books.

0476:回到座位上去。Go back to your seat.

0477:请看黑板。Look at the blackboard,please.

0478:我们来做句型练习。Let’s do pattern drills.

0479:不要看课本。Don’t look at your textbooks.

0480:一起读。准备,开始。Read in chorus.Ready,start!

0481:请继续。Go on,please.

0482:单词“often”中的字母“t”不发音。The letter“t”is silent in the word “often”.

0483:不要抄别人的作业。Don’t copy others’ work.


★  有疑必问


0484:这里有人坐吗?Is anyone sitting here?

0485:到齐了吗?Are you all here?

0486:这个单词怎么读?How do you pronounce this word?

0487:你怎么拼单词“box”?How do you spell the word“box”?

0488:这个单词是什么意思?What’s the meaning of this word?

0489:“bike”的中文意思是什么?What’s the Chinese for“bike”?

0490:谁能帮帮他?Who can help him?

0491:你来试试好吗?Will you have a try?


★  有问有答


0492:今天谁值日?Who’s on duty today?

我值日。I am.

0493:我可以进来吗?May I come in?

请进。Yes,please do.

0494:今天是星期几?What day is today?

今天是星期二。Today is Tuesday.

0495:都到齐了吗?Is everyone here?

不,约翰没有到,他病了。No,John is absent,He is ill.

0496:今天天气怎样?What’s the weather like today?

今天天晴。It’s fine.

0497:你能回答这个问题吗?Can you answer this question?

我来试试。Let me try. 三、课外交流

★  一般表述


0498:我本来打算今天还你的书的,可是我忘了。I mean to give you this book today,but I forgot.

0499:让我们准备好上课。Let’s get ready for class.

0500:我来简单做一下自我介绍。I’ll just tell you a bit about myself.

0501:我是你们新的英语老师。I’m your new English teacher.

0502:今年我教你们英语。I’ll be teaching you English this year.

0503:我来擦黑板吧。Let me clean the blackboard.

0504:我们该打扫教室卫生了。It’s time for us to clean the classroom.

0505:你们全都出来。All of you ,get outside now!

0506:大家都在门口排队。Everybody ,queue up by the door.

0507:祝你们假期过得愉快。I hope you all have a nice vacation.

0508:不要再坐在那儿学习了。Don’t sit over your work any longer.

0509:让我们休息一会儿。Let’s take a break.

0510:还有改进的余地。There’s room for improvement.

0511:再努力试一下。Try harder.

0512:再加把劲。A bit more effort.

0513:我很不满意。I wasn’t very satisfied with that.

0514:你还得花更多的时间来练习这个。You’ll have to spend more time practicing this.

0515:你的发音非常好。Your prnunciation is very good.

0516:你朗读得非常流利。You read very fluently.

0517:你取得了很大的进步。You have made a lot of progress.

0518:你的拼写还有些困难。You still have some trouble with you spelling.

0519:你的确学到了很多东西。You are really learning a lot.

0520:继续努力!Keep on trying.

0521:你今天发挥超常了。You outdid yourself today!

0522:没有人做得比你好。I’ve never seen anyone do it better.


★  有疑必问


0523:对不起,先生,您这是什么意思呢?Excuse me,sir,what do you mean by that?

0524:我们组建个学习小组怎么样?How about forming a study group?

0525:我一次能借出多少书?How many books can I check out at one time?

0526:约翰,你今天感觉怎么样?How’re you feeling today,John?

0527:约翰,你今天感觉好多了吗?Are you feeling better today ,John?

0528:你知道几点了吗?Have you got the time?

0529:你读过很多书吗?Do you do a lot of reading?

0530:你看过很多电视吗?Do you watch a lot of TV?

0531:你经常去电影院吗?Do you go to the cinema a lot?

0532:你周末做什么?What do you do at weekends?

0533:你晚上都是怎么度过的?How do you spend your evening?

0534:你参加俱乐部了吗?Are you in any clubs?

0535:你是俱乐部成员吗?Are you a member of any clubs?

0536:你星期日通常做什么?What do you usually do on Sunday?

0537:你去过日本吗?Have you ever been to Japan?

0538:你假期在哪儿?Where did you spend your summer holidays?

0539:你收到了什么圣诞礼物?What did you get for Christmas?

0540:你将来想成为什么样的人?What do you hope to become?

0541:你对将来有什么规划?Have you any plans for the future?


★  有问有答


0542:还有几分钟?How many minutes are there to go?

还有5分钟。There are still five minutes to go.

0543:上课的时间到了吗?Is it time for class?





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