
发布时间:2021-03-04 11:00:26

















题材:英雄品质  词数:251  建议阅读时间:5分钟

It's not easy to find a person with the qualities it takes to be a hero.I didn't really understand the meaning of the word“hero”until my third year in the college.

If you saw her,you wouldn't think she really looks the part,but she is stronger than Superman could ever be.Her name is Sandra Keierleber.I first met her at volleyball tryouts,but didn't notice anything special at first.As the week passed,however,she showed she had more heart than anyone.She stood out because she never gave up,no matter what.

Sandra isn't the tallest or the fastest—in fact,this was her first time playing volleyball and it showed—but that didn't stop her.She was always the first to arrive and the last to leave.By the end of tryouts she had found a place in everyone's heart.When the name list for new members was put up,we all waited nervously as she checked.When she stood at the door and smiled happily,all we could do was cheer.

After Sandra made the team,she worked even harder to improve her game.When she asked for help,we gladly taught her.She also became our fan,attending almost every school game and even joining us in the city games.We all like her,because she never thinks about doing things the easy way,or lose that smile.Because of her great efforts,she makes herself a true hero—and my hero,too.生词look the part 显得像那个角色的样子:There was a man walking up and down our street all last night,and if he wasn't actually a thief he certainly looked the part.昨天一整晚,有个人在我们这条街上走来走去,即使他真的不是贼,样子也很像。tryout n.选拔(赛):tryouts for chorus合唱队的选拔stand out 显眼,引人注目:A very tall man stands out in a crowd.高个子在人群中很显眼。make the team 被选进运动队:Heidi is sure to make the basketball team.海迪肯定会入选篮球队。


1.What did the writer think of Sandra Keierleber at the beginning?





2.Sandra began to play volleyball when _____.

A.she was at college

B.she was tall enough

C.she became a hero

D.she met the Superman

3.Which of the following is true about Sandra?

A.She was born a volleyball player.

B.She isn't the tallest but the fastest.

C.She does things in an easy way.

D.She is popular with her teammates.

4.The writer is most probably _____.

A.a news reporter

B.a college student

C.a story teller

D.a college teacher

5.Why does the writer think of Sandra Keierleber as a true hero?

A.She did very well at the tryouts.

B.She worked hard and never gave up.

C.She took part in the city matches.

D.She asked for help from her teammates.参考译文要想找到一个具备英雄品质的人并非易事。在大学3年级之前,我一直没有真正体会到“英雄”这个字眼的含义。如果看见她,你不会觉得她真的像英雄,但她却比超人最强大时还要强大!她的名字是桑德拉·凯乐伯。我是在排球选拔赛上与她初次碰面的,当时并没有发现她有什么与众不同之处。然而,当一周的时间渐渐过去,她却表现出比其他任何人都要多的决心。她之所以杰出,就在于她无论如何都永不言弃的精神。桑德拉并不是队里身材最高或速度最快的人,实际上,那是她第一次打排球,她的表现也说明了这点,但这并没有成为让她却步的理由。她总是最早到场,最晚离开。当选拔赛全部结束时,她已在每个人的心中占据了一席之地。当新队员的名单公布后,我们都焦急地等待着她核对自己是否入选的结果。当她开心地笑着站到教室门口时,我们全都欢呼起来。桑德拉成功入选排球队后,为了提高自己的水平,她甚至比以往更加努力。当她向我们寻求帮助时,我们都欣然应允。她也成了我们的粉丝,跟我们一起参加几乎所有的校际比赛,甚至城际比赛。我们都很喜欢她,因为她从未想过一步登天,也从未失去笑容。由于付出了巨大努力,她让自己成了真正的英雄,也成了我心中的英雄。Tuesday

题材:趣闻轶事  词数:330  建议阅读时间:6.5分钟

At one time no one could travel on an English road faster than four miles an hour.That was the law until 1896.A man had to walk in front of a car which could not go faster than the man.At night the man had to carry a red lamp.

Once Charles Rolls brought a car from France to England,but he wanted to drive faster than four miles an hour.In order to have no trouble with the police,he had a talk with some of the police officers,who ordered their policemen to look the other way when the car came along the road.This was a good plan in the country,but not so easy to follow in the busy streets of London.

One night Rolls and some friends started from London on their journey to Cambridge.One of the men walked in front with the red lamp,but he walked as fast as he could.The police became very interested in walls and shop-fronts when they heard the car,and not one of them saw it.

They reached a hill;but what a waste of time it was to drive down the hill at four miles an hour!Rolls was getting ready to jump into the car;but then he noticed a policeman who was not looking the other way.The slow car reached him.

“Good evening,”said the policeman,looking at the car.

“Good evening,”said Rolls,holding the lamp.

“One of these horseless things,”said the policeman,looking at it with interest.

“Yes,”said Rolls,and waited.

“I've often wanted a ride in one;but of course policemen can't buy things like that.”He turned and looked hopefully in Rolls's face.

“Jump in,”said Rolls.

“Thanks,”said the policeman,and did so.“Now,”he said,sitting down,“you can let it go just as you like down this hill.There isn't another policeman on this road for a mile and a half.”生词front n.建筑物的正面:The west front of the church contains some fine old windows.这座教堂朝西的那面有许多漂亮的老式窗户。


1.The policemen were told“to look the other way”so that _____.

A.they could watch the car coming from the other direction

B.the car could go faster than four miles an hour

C.they could make sure no one was in the way

D.the car would not hit them on the road

2.In what way did the policemen carry out the order from their officers?

A.They greeted Rolls when the car came along.

B.They walked in front of the car with a red lamp.

C.They pretended to be attracted by something else.

D.They stood on duty every 1.5 miles along the road.

3.The policeman who said“Good evening”to Rolls wanted to _____.

A.teach Rolls a lesson

B.take a free ride home

C.have a talk with Rolls

D.have a car ride experience

4.After the policeman jumped into the car,Rolls _____.

A.dared not drive the car faster than he was allowed to

B.could drive as fast as he wished within a certain distance

C.could drive on any road he liked for the rest of the journey

D.drove his car as fast as he could down the hill to Cambridge参考译文曾经有一段时间,在英国的马路上开车不能超过每小时4英里。这条法律一直执行到1896年。开车时必须有一个人走在前面,车不能开得比这个人快。晚上的时候,这个人必须提一盏红灯。有一次,查尔斯·罗尔斯把一辆车从法国弄到了英国,他想让车速超过每小时4英里。为了不让警察找麻烦,他和警察局的官员们谈了一次话,于是这些官员命令警察在这辆车沿着马路开过来时朝别的方向看。如果在乡下,这倒是一个好办法,但假如是在伦敦的繁忙街道上,这就很难做到了。一天晚上,罗尔斯和朋友们开车从伦敦出发到剑桥。有一个人举着红灯走在前面,他尽量走得快一些。当警察们听到车开过来的声音时,他们装作对墙和商店的门面感兴趣,因此,没有一个警察看到这辆车。他们上了一个小山包,但下山的时候,如果也是每小时4英里的话,那真是浪费时间!罗尔斯准备钻进车里开快车,这时,他注意到有一个警察没有看别的地方。这辆车只得慢慢地靠近他。“晚上好,”这位警察一面看着车一面说。“晚上好,”罗尔斯手里举着灯说道。“这就是那种不用马拉的东西,”这位警官看着车饶有兴趣地说。“是的,”罗尔斯说,等着看这位警察还有什么举动。“我经常想坐坐车,但警察当然买不起这样的东西。”他转过身来,充满期待地看着罗尔斯的脸。“上车吧,”罗尔斯说。“谢谢,”警察边说边上了车。“现在,”他一面坐下一面说道,“下山的时候,你想开多快就开多快吧。这条路上1.5英里之内不会有第二个警察了。”Wednesday

题材:环境保护  词数:352  建议阅读时间:7分钟

More than 50,000,000 people live in the rainforests of the world and most of them do not hurt the forest they live in.They eat the fruits that grow on the forest trees,but they do not cut them down.They kill some animals to eat,but they do not destroy them.

When we cut down the rainforests,we destroy these forest people,too.In 1900,there were 1,000,000 forest people in the Amazon forest.In 1980,there were only 200,000.

The Yanomami live along the rivers of the rainforest in the north of Brazil.They have lived in the rainforest for about 10,000 years and they use more than 2,000 different plants for food and for medicine.But in 1988,someone found gold in their forest,and suddenly 45,000 people came to the forest and began looking for gold.They cut down the forests to make roads.They made more than a hundred airports.The Yanomami people lost land and food.Many died because new diseases came to the forest with the strangers.

The Yanomomi people tried to save their forest,because it was their home.But the people who wanted gold were stronger.

Many forest people try to save their forests.Chico Mendes was famous in Brazil because he wanted to keep the forest for his people.“I want the Amazon forest to help all of us—forest people,Brazil,and all the Earth,”he said.A few months later,in December 1988,people who wanted to cut down the forests killed Chico Mendes.

In Borneo,people were cutting down the forests of the Penan people to sell the wood.The Penan people tried to save their rainforest.They made blockades across the roads into the forest.In 1987,they closed fifteen roads for eight months.No one cut down any trees during that time.

In Panama,the Kuna people saved their forest.They made a forest park which tourists pay to visit.

The Gavioes people of Brazil use the forest,but they protect it as well.They find and sell the Brazil nuts which grow on the forest trees.生词blockade n.封锁;障碍:After the earthquake the police set up a blockade into town to prevent robbing.地震后警察封锁了进城的道路,以防止抢劫。


1.The number of the people living in the Amazon forest in 1980 was _____ of that in 1900.





2.The people who _____ have destroyed the rainforest of the Yanomami.

A.pick fruits and kill animals to eat

B.use plants for food and medicine

C.have lived there for about ten thousand years

D.made the roads and the airports

3.Those people built roads and airports in order to _____.

A.carry away the gold conveniently

B.make people there live a better life

C.stop spreading the new diseases

D.develop the tourism there

4.Which of the following is wrong?

A.The Penan people closed 15 roads with blockades to save their forests.

B.The Penan people were cutting down the trees to sell the wood.

C.The Penan people didn't want other people to destroy their forest.

D.Those who wanted to cut down the trees were stopped at the road blockades.

5.In Panama,visitors have to_____before they enter the forest park of the Kuna people.

A.buy Brazil nuts

B.plant trees

C.pay for the tickets

D.pay for the gold

6.From the passage,we learn that_____.

A.we need wood to build houses,so we have to cut down trees

B.the rainforest people have done something to protect their home

C.to humans,gold is more important than trees

D.we mustn't cut down any trees or kill any animals参考译文全世界生活在雨林里的人有5000多万,他们大多不去破坏生存的环境。他们吃生长在树上的果实,却不砍伐树木;他们猎杀动物充饥,却不毁掉它们。当我们砍伐雨林时,我们也在毁掉这些居住在雨林里的人。1900年,生活在亚马逊雨林中的人有100万,到了1980年,仅剩下20万。亚诺玛米人生活在巴西北部雨林中的河流沿岸。他们已经在此生活了约一万年,他们使用两千多种植物作为食物和药物。可到了1988年,有人在这片雨林中发现了黄金,立刻有45000人涌入这片森林寻找黄金。他们砍伐树木、铺设道路,建造了100多座机场。亚诺玛米人失去了土地和食物,许多人死于陌生闯入者带来的新疾病。亚诺玛米人想挽救这片森林,因为这里是他们的家园。但淘金的人势力更强大。许多生活在雨林里的人都想挽救他们的家园。奇科·门德斯在巴西很有名,因为他想为他的人民保住雨林。“我想让亚马逊雨林帮助我们所有的人——生活在雨林里的人、巴西人、所有的地球人。”他说。几个月后,也就是1988年12月,想要砍伐雨林的人杀死了他。在婆罗洲,人们砍倒本南人居住的森林出售木材。本南人想挽救雨林,于是在通往雨林的路上设置路障。1987年,他们封锁了15条道路,时间长达8个月。这段时间,一棵树也没有被砍倒。在巴拿马,库纳人挽救了雨林。他们建造了一座森林公园,游客可以付费参观。巴西的加维厄斯人使用森林,同时也保护森林,他们寻找生长在树上的巴西果出售。Thursday

题材:历史事件  词数:268  建议阅读时间:5.5分钟

In May 1927,at least four different people were planning to fly between New York and Paris.On the morning of 20 May,none of them had done so yet.Lindbergh took off from New York in his small plane.It was heavy with fuel and it seemed it would never get off the ground.He got into the air just in time to fly over a tractor and some telegraph wires at the end of the field.

For the first eleven hours he flew along the Atlantic coastline.When he turned towards the open ocean,it was getting dark and the worst part of the flight was just beginning.

First,there was a freezing fog.For a time he kept away from this by flying lower over the water.But then the fog came down to the tops of the waves.Lindbergh flew higher but it was so cold that ice formed on the wings.In the black darkness he shook the ice off by diving and turning sharply.Twenty-four hours had passed now and he was terribly tired.He was still over the Atlantic in darkness.He ate nothing because he thought it would be easier to stay awake on an empty stomach.

Then dawn came.A few minutes later he was over the Irish coast.He flew on over England and crossed to France.It was dark again when he reached Paris.A huge,excited crowd of 100,000 people were waiting for him when he landed.He had flown for thirty-three and a half hours.It is probably the most famous flight in history.生词sharply adv.突然地,急剧地:Interest rates have fallen sharply over the last few weeks.在过去的几周内,利率急剧下降。dawn n.黎明:We arrived just as dawn was breaking.天刚发白时,我们到达了。


1.In May 1927,at least four people were planning the flight.Lindbergh was _____ to take off.

A.the first one

B.the second one

C.the third one

D.the last one

2.After he took off from New York,he _____.

A.flew along the coastline for quite a long time

B.immediately turned towards the open ocean

C.ran into freezing fog and ice over the Atlantic

D.found it was already getting dark

3.Why didn't he eat anything?

A.He had forgotten to bring any food with him.

B.He was afraid he would fall asleep if he should eat anything.

C.He was not hungry.

D.It was difficult to eat while flying a plane.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.When he got to Paris,it was already dark.

B.When he got to Paris,his plane had just run out of fuel.

C.When he got to Paris,he was hungry and tired.

D.When he got to Paris,about 100,000 people welcomed him.

5.This is an article _____.

A.on aviation history

B.about a man called Lindbergh and his plane

C.about a famous flight across the Atlantic

D.about how to go to Paris from New York by plane参考译文1927年5月,至少有4人计划进行一次纽约与巴黎间的飞行。5月20日早晨,他们中还没有一人行动,而林德伯格却驾驶着自己的小飞机从纽约出发了。由于燃料的缘故,他的飞机显得如此沉重,好像不能正常起飞一样。但最终他还是及时越过飞机场上的牵引车和机场边缘的电报线,成功地飞向天空。在开始的11个小时中,他沿着大西洋海岸飞行。转向公海时,天色开始变暗,飞行中最糟糕的一段才刚刚开始。首先,他遇到了冻雾。为了躲避冻雾,他只能紧贴水面飞行了一段时间。但不久冻雾就直压下来,甚至笼罩到海浪上。林德伯格试图拉高飞机,但天气太冷,机翼上覆盖了冰层。在这漆黑的夜里,他操控飞机急剧地俯冲和转向,想把冰层抖落下来。24小时过去了,此时他已非常疲惫,但还未飞出漆黑的大西洋上空。他没有进食,因为他认为在空腹的情况下容易保持清醒。黎明终于来临。几分钟后他到达爱尔兰海岸上空。他继续飞行,越过英国向法国进发。到达巴黎时,迎接他的又是黑夜。着陆的时候,多达10万之众的人群正兴奋地等着他。他一共飞行了33.5小时。这可能是有史以来最著名的飞行。Friday

题材:趣闻轶事  词数:245  建议阅读时间:5分钟

Mr.Brown was at the theatre.He had got his ticket at the last moment,so he had not been able to choose his seat.He now found that he was in the middle of a group of American ladies,some of them middle-aged and some quite old.They obviously all knew each other well,as,before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see,they all talked and joked a lot together.

The lady sitting on Mr.Brown's left,who was about sixty years old,seemed to be the happiest and the most amusing of the American group,and after the first act of the play,she apologized to him for the noisiness of her friends.He answered that he was very glad to see American ladies so obviously enjoying their visit to England,and so they got into conversation.Mr.Brown's neighbour explained what they were doing there.

“You know,I have known these ladies all my life,”she said.“We all grew up together back in our hometown in the United States.They have all lost their husbands,and call themselves‘the Merry Widows’.It is a sort of club,you know.They go abroad every summer for a month or two and have a lot of fun.They always go everywhere together.I have wanted to join their club for a long time,but I didn't qualify for membership until the spring of this year.”生词curtain n.窗帘;幕布:She fainted as the curtain fell on the third act.第三幕落幕时,她晕倒了。act n.(戏剧的)一幕;(演出节目的)一项:a one-act play一出独幕剧widow n.寡妇:She was left a widow at the age of thirty.她30岁时成了寡妇。qualify v.使合格,使胜任:His ability qualifies him for the job.他的能力使他胜任这一工作。


1.Why had Mr.Brown not been able to choose his seat?


2.What did the American ladies do before the curtain went up?


3.Who seemed to be the happiest and the most amusing of the American group?


4.What did the lady apologize to Mr.Brown for after the first act of the play?


5.What did the American ladies do every summer?


6.When did Mr.Brown's neighbour join their club?


方框内的单词均为本单元生词,请将其与下面的释义一一对应。tryout  blockade  curtain  act  widow  qualify(  )1.a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again(  )2.one of the main parts of a play or opera(  )3.a very large piece of cloth that is pulled up or to the side on a theatre stage when a performance starts(  )4.to have the qualities that are necessary for something(  )5.a test of the suitability of a performer(  )6.a situation in which a place is surrounded by soldiers or ships in order to prevent goods or people from reaching it轻松一刻幽默故事第2周(答案参见此处)Monday

题材:成长故事  词数:269  建议阅读时间:5.5分钟

It was during a weekend.Mum gave me two tickets for a film and told me she was too busy with the endless housework to go with me.She told me to keep the money if I could sell the extra ticket.I was very happy,of course.At that time,a ticket only cost 20 cent.But to me,a little girl of 12,20 cent seemed quite a lot.

I reached the cinema in a great hurry.Holding the ticket in my hand,I began to look for a buyer.A handsome young man noticed me and the ticket in my hand.He came towards me with a big smile.“You've got an extra ticket?”

“Yes,”I nodded.

“That's great.Say,how much?”

“Twenty cent.”

“Oh,”he thought for a while and then took out a ten-dollar note from his wallet.

“I'm very sorry,but I've only got this note.”Seeing I was confused,he added,“Then,how about waiting for a while and I'll give you the money after I have changed it in the cinema's store?”

Without much thinking,I agreed.Then we went to the cinema together.He walked fast.I could hardly keep up with him.By and by,he left me farther and farther behind.Soon he disappeared in the Gents.I stood there without knowing what to do.Suddenly I seemed to realize the handsome young fellow had cheated me.He had saved twenty cent,but lost his honour.

It seemed to be a funny or even ridiculous experience.But it did cast a dark shadow on my young mind.生词gents n.[常作Gents]男厕所(Gentleman的缩写)ridiculous adj.滑稽的,可笑的:The fat old man looked ridiculous in his tight pink trousers.这个胖老头穿着粉红色紧身裤,看上去真可笑。cast v.扔,抛:The oak tree casts a long shadow across the lawn in the afternoon.下午,橡树在草坪上投下了一个长长的影子。


1.When do you think the story probably happened?





2.The sentence“20 cent seemed quite a lot”in Paragraph 1 suggests that _____.

A.the writer did not have much pocket money

B.the writer cared much for the money

C.20 cent could buy a lot of things

D.the writer had never had as much money as that

3.The man took out a ten-dollar note from his wallet,for _____.

A.he thought the writer would be happy at the sight of the note

B.he really had nothing but the ten-dollar note

C.he was not sure if the writer would sell him the ticket

D.he knew the writer was not able to give him back the change

4.How did the writer realize that she was cheated?

A.The man walked too fast for her to keep up with.

B.The man went to the Gents and was not seen again.

C.The man asked her to wait for a while.

D.The man said that he only had a ten-dollar note.参考译文那是一个周末,妈妈给我了两张电影票,告诉我因为不断地有家务要做,所以不能陪我一起去。她说如果我能卖掉多余的那张,钱就归我了。当然,我非常高兴。那时,一张票只有20美分。但对我这样一个12岁的小姑娘来说,20美分似乎是很大一笔钱。我匆忙赶到电影院,手里攥着那张票,开始寻找买家。一位英俊的小伙子注意到了我和我手中的票。他面带灿烂的笑容朝我走来:“你有多余的票吗?”“是的。”我点点头。“太棒了,多少钱?”“20美分。”“哦,”他思量了片刻,然后从钱包里掏出一张10美元面值的钞票。“对不起,我只有这张钞票。”他看到我困惑的样子,又说:“这样吧,等一会儿我去电影院的商店把钱换开再给你,怎么样?”我没多想就同意了。然后我们一起走进电影院。他走得很快,我几乎跟不上他。渐渐地,他把我落得越来越远。很快,他进了男厕所。我站在外面不知所措。突然,我似乎意识到这个英俊的小伙子骗了我。他省了20美分,却丢掉了信用。这似乎是一个可笑甚至荒唐的经历,但它却在我幼小的心灵里留下了阴影。





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