
发布时间:2021-03-04 15:42:36







版权信息书名:与这个世界温柔相待:智慧卷作者:《新东方英语》编辑部排版:昀赛出版社:北京语言大学出版社出版时间:2015-01-01ISBN:9787561939918本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司 授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。—·版权所有 侵权必究·—Earth Song[1][2]

One Star was painting the story on a buffalo hide when I met him. He was an old man now, and he wanted to record the tale while his memory was still bright.

He invited me to sit beside him, and I watched and listened as the old man told the Earth Song.

One Star had been a young chief when they came to him in a dream, the owl and the wolf, and the song they had sung was a sad one.

The owl was the first to appear. He sang of a time when the skies were clear and the air was pure, a time when his kind could nest in the tall pines of the great forests that stretched for as far as the eye could [3]see, a time when food was plentiful and his family could soar and hunt above the vast plains forever.

The owl sang of a beautiful land where cool clean water [4][5][6]cascaded from majestic mountains into lush green valleys.

The creatures of the air had flourished in this land, and generation after generation had raised their young and thanked the Creator for this place.

But all that had changed.

The new people had come, and they had cleared the dense forests for materials to build their own wooden nests which now covered the plains. Their machines polluted the air and their waste was discarded into the once clean rivers and streams.

The new people hunted for food, which the owl understood, for it was the way. But they also hunted for sport, which the owl did not understand.

As the new people grew in number, so the owls were fewer. They were forced to look for new homes, in unfamiliar lands where nesting places were scarce and food was harder to find.

Some could not adapt to the changing ways and were never to be seen flying above the face of the earth again.

The wolf appeared and his song echoed that of the owl's.[7]

His clan too had been forced to retreat from the oncoming civilization. They went into the foothills of the sacred mountains and [8]had to roam far from their dens in search of food.

They were feared and misunderstood, and were hunted and pursued.

The wolves, whom the "first ones" called the protectors of women, [9]were banished from their homelands by the new people.

The owl and the wolf ended their song by asking One Star what they might have done that had offended the Creator and caused him to treat them so.

The young chief had no answer for them.

He understood their plight, for his tribe had walked a similar path.

One Star had listened to the elders of the tribe speak of times of freedom and plenty, when man and beast shared the earth in harmony, and were caretakers of the land, not plunderers.

One Star could give the owl and the wolf no answer, but he did make them a promise. He swore to sing their song to all he met. To tell everyone of the importance of keeping nature's balance. And to try to bring man and beast and earth together again in one caring family, as it was meant to be.

One Star is gone now, but his message, the Earth Song, is still in [10]the air for all to hear and heed.(From netnet.net)

[1] buffalo [ˈbʌfələʊ] n. (北美)野牛,(亚洲)水牛

[2] hide [haɪd] n. 兽皮,动物的皮

[3] soar [sɔː(r)] vi. 高飞,翱翔

[4] cascade [kæˈskeɪd] vi. 像瀑布般下落(或倾泻、流注)

[5] majestic [məˈdʒestɪk] adj. 雄伟的,壮丽的

[6] lush [lʌʃ] adj. 葱翠的

[7] clan [klæn] n. 【生】族;种类;纲

[8] roam [rəʊm] vi. (漫无目的地)随便走,漫步

[9] banish [ˈbænɪʃ] vt. 驱逐,把……流放;把……驱逐出境

[10] heed [hiːd] vi. 注意,留意地球之歌





















孤星已经与世长辞,但他所传递的讯息——“地球之歌”仍旧回荡在空中,唱给所有的人听,也警示所有的人。(译 / Michelle)The Last Chimpanzee

We have watched them cut down our forests, destroy our homes. They know they should not do it. They know they should be trying to help. But they aren't. They know about us. They call us the closest relative to human kind. What they don't know is that we know. We're here. We understand.

It was alright when my mother was with me. But she disappeared when the men came. And she wasn't the only one. They destroyed our quiet lives, and sent awful noises through our jungle home. There is hardly any of the jungle left now. It used to stretch for many miles, and be home to thousands of creatures, but when the fires came, and the saws, they disappeared.[1]

Ever since my mother died I've had to fend for myself. I have watched as my home has shrunk around me. I have watched other creatures die. And now it's just me in this tree. There are a few other [2][3]tall trees clustered around me, but in front of me is a black barren land, the mark of the last fire. Behind me, is my flooded home. Broken [4]sticks float in the water. Animals that will never breathe again crouch in the water-logged trees. To my side, is a road, noisy and dirty, [5]through which huge loud things pelt at unbelievable speeds. The city is just beyond, grey and ugly. And as I sit here, in this tree, I know I am all alone.

Loud voices are suddenly nearing.

A group of young male humans are coming closer. I watch them as they pile some sticks up and light a small fire. They dance around it, laughing. Another voice—that of a grown male human—begins shouting.

"What are you doing with that fire? Put it out—now! Don't you know this is the only remaining rainforest in the world? Put it out!"[6]

The young males hurriedly stamp the fire out. As they leave, I [7]wonder whether the glow amidst the charred sticks and white ashes is still meant to be there. I turn to watch them as they disappear into the city. Once they are out of sight, I turn back, but I only see a huge orange flame, that is spreading and burning the patch of remaining trees where I live.

I must escape. I cannot go to the water—I do not like it, and I do not want to go to the black land beyond where there is no shelter. The only place to go is the horrible, loud city, otherwise I will get eaten up [8]by the ravenous flames.[9][10]

The huge shiny contraptions are blaring past, and very quickly [11]I dart across the road. There are no trees here. No one seems to [12]have noticed my home slowly burning, prey to the vicious orange flames.

Suddenly, shouting and cheering nears me. Two men holding a large banner are marching down the street. One of them is shouting.

"The last chimpanzee! Come and see the last chimpanzee!"

And for the first time I notice, on the shoulders of men marching behind them, a huge iron cage.

Crouched inside the cage is a lump of black fur. It turns towards me. I look at it, and our eyes meet. Familiar eyes stare into my own. It is the first of my kind that I have seen since the great fire, when most [13]of the forest was destroyed, and the rest of my kin disappeared. We stare at each other. I can tell that this one is older than me, for it has a darker face. It looks at me, with such sad eyes.[14]

Suddenly screams shoot through the air like a gun crack.

"Fire! Fire! It's coming this way! Run!" Men are shouting, females are screaming and protecting their young. Then I see the flames.[15]

They advance towards me, a young black-haired stooped creature who nobody notices. Towers of red, orange and yellow. [16][17][18]Plumes of grey and blue smoke. They lick at the spindly trees [19]lining the streets and dance around the puddles. Sparks fly out. Horrible flames. The things that ate my family, my home, and then my hiding place—if only they would shrink, sink into the ground, give up.... [20]But they keep on raging.

The parade has stopped and the men holding the banner have fled. The men supporting the iron cage let it fall. Orange flames eat it up, and here they come, for me....

But the smoke is clearing. I see the cage has broken open. The old, black-haired creature is curled in a sad lump. Slowly, I make my way towards her. She looks up. Such familiar eyes. She leads me away, and I follow her, trusting her as my mother. Then I notice the flames and the screaming humans have disappeared. Without a word, I understand what she is trying to tell me. We must find trees, find a new life, away from humans and fires.

We move on. Past the charred streets, the spindly trees, the road. No loud, fast contraptions destroy the silence now. We go past the ruin that was, until this morning, my home. We will try to find a new place, a better one. But with the humans cutting down the trees, bringing noise, fire and destruction wherever they go—will we find anywhere? We do not know.(From young-writer.co.uk)

[1] fend for oneself: 自己谋生,照料自己

[2] cluster [ˈklʌstə(r)] vi. 丛生;群集

[3] barren [ˈbærən] adj. (土地等)贫瘠的,荒芜的,不毛的

[4] crouch [kraʊtʃ] vi. (动物由于恐惧或为了准备跳跃等而)蜷伏

[5] pelt [pelt] vi. 匆匆地走,赶路

[6] stamp out: 踩灭;扑灭

[7] glow [ɡləʊ] n. 灼热,发光

[8] ravenous [ˈrævənəs] adj. 贪求的,贪婪的

[9] contraption [kənˈtræpʃn] n. 奇妙的机械装置

[10] blare [bleə(r)] vi. (像喇叭般)发嘟嘟声,发出响而刺耳的声音

[11] dart [dɑːt] vi. 突然行进,猛冲,飞奔

[12] vicious [ˈvɪʃəs] adj. 恶毒的,凶残的

[13] kin [kɪn] n. [总称] 家属,亲属

[14] crack [kræk] n. 噼啪声响;爆裂声

[15] stoop [stuːp] vi. 俯身,弯腰

[16] plume [pluːm] n. 羽状物(如烟云、雪尘等)

[17] lick [lɪk] vi. (火焰)吞卷

[18] spindly [ˈspɪndli] adj. 细长(而不结实)的

[19] puddle [ˈpʌdl] n. (污)水坑,泥潭

[20] rage [reɪdʒ] vi. (风浪、火势等)狂暴;肆虐最后一只黑猩猩
















我们继续向前。穿过烧焦的街道、稀疏的树林,走过山间小路。再也没有响声巨大、行进迅速的机器怪物来破坏这一刻的宁静。我们穿越这片在今天早上之前还是我的家的废墟。我们要试图找到一个新的、更好的栖身之处。但是人类还在砍伐森林,他们每到一处,就会带来噪音、大火和毁灭——我们能找到一个安身之处吗?我们不知道。(译 / 韦双全)The Polar Bear's Dinner

I'm a polar bear. Where do I live? On an iceberg of course, not that far from the North Pole. We never go too near the North Pole though; it's much too cold up there. We prefer to live in places like Greenland.

So, I'm sitting on my favorite iceberg, a great place for sitting around, hanging out, chatting to a few friends every now and then, catching fish and whatever else I can find. And I notice something strange. My favorite iceberg is getting smaller. Well, either my iceberg is getting smaller, or perhaps I'm getting bigger. If I'm getting bigger it means I'm getting fat. But I can't be getting fat, because I've also noticed that recently I haven't been eating very much at all; there are far fewer fish around now than there were a few years ago.

Let me tell you a few things about polar bears. We only live at the North Pole, not the South one. And I've never met a penguin. Because penguins only live in the South Pole. It's a long way from one pole to the other, so we rarely meet. There was a cousin of mine though, who [1]ended up in a zoo, and they put him in the enclosure next to the penguins. He said the penguins were pretty noisy.

Let me tell you something else about polar bears: we get cold. I bet you thought we'd have layers of fur and fat to keep us warm from the arctic cold. Well, we do, but it's never quite enough. We still get cold. I do anyway, and so do most of the other polar bears I talk to (and, believe me, I talk to a lot of polar bears.)

So, where was I? Sorry, yes, I was telling you that I was sitting on my iceberg, noticing that the iceberg was getting smaller and the fish [2]were getting fewer, when this walrus arrives. I hate walruses. They're awful. Loud and smelly and stupid. Always bothering us. I tried to catch [3]him, but he was too quick for me. He just splashed around in the water making that terrible noise and shouting at me.

"Hey stupid!" He shouted. "Yes you! Big stupid polar bear! What's the matter? Can't you catch me? Of course you can't! You know why? Because your iceberg's disappearing! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"I know that, ugly." I shouted to him. "If you can tell me why it's happening then perhaps I won't have you for my dinner!"

"You're as stupid as all polar bears!" replied this extremely [4]cheeky walrus. "Global warming! Never heard of it, have you? Bye now!" And then the walrus dived back under the water and splashed away. I did have to admit that I had never heard of global warming, so when a few of the other bears were around, I asked them if they'd heard anything about it.

"Oh yeah," they said. "It means the sea is getting warmer, so the ice is melting."

"What's causing it?" I asked.

"Humans, of course," they replied. "It's always humans. That's why there aren't as many fish now as well. The humans are eating them all."

This really was bad news. No iceberg; no fish. No dinner for me.

"The problem is," continued my friend, "there's very little we can do about it. I mean, how can we stop the humans?"

"Look," I said, "If there are no fish, then that's bad news for the walruses too, isn't it? They eat fish too."

So, the next day, I'm sitting there on my favorite iceberg again, and along comes the same cheeky walrus.

"Caught anything yet? Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Listen ugly," I replied to him. "You're right about global warming, but what you haven't realized is that the humans who are causing global warming are also eating all our fish. The only way we can stop them is we work together ... polar bears and walruses and everyone else who lives here...."

"Work with you! No way!" shouted the walrus, and off he went.

So, I'm sitting here on my iceberg, and my iceberg's getting smaller everyday, and I'm getting hungrier every day. Some other polar bears, I hear, the ones who live closer to places where there are more humans are going to the humans' rubbish bins and eating everything they can find there. That's one solution, I guess, but I'd rather have some nice fresh fish—or big juicy piece of walrus—than humans' rubbish. I'd really like there to be a happy end to this story I'm telling you, but at the moment there isn't. What am I going to have for my dinner?(By Chris Rose)

[1] enclosure [ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)] n. 围栏

[2] walrus [ˈwɔːlrəs] n. 【动】海象

[3] splash [splæʃ] vi. 带着泼溅声走过

[4] cheeky [ˈtʃiːki] adj. 厚颜无耻的北极熊的晚餐







现在,我正坐在我的冰山上。它每天都在变小。我每天也变得越来越饿。我听说,那些住在人类聚集地附近的北极熊开始去人类的垃圾箱里找吃的,吃那里面能找到的一切东西。我猜这是个办法,但我更喜欢吃新鲜的鱼——或者大块多汁的海象肉——而不想吃人类的垃圾。我真的很想给我正在讲述的这个故事一个美好的结局,但是目前还没有。我的晚餐该吃什么呢?(译 / 康那)The Tide Turns[1]

"It's time to fight back!" whistled the Pink Dolphin to the sea creatures floating above the sea bed, far away from human ears. "If they continue to pollute our island we will all die out forever!"

Calls of agreement echoed through the water as the Pink Dolphin [2]continued. "They have already killed the Crustaceans and poisoned [3]the Plankton we eat. We must find a way to stop them from destroying us!"

"Let's fight them, bite them, and eat them alive!" shouted the Tiger Shark, catching a seal in her great big jaws.

"Stop that now!" ordered the Pink Dolphin. "We must work together, not attack each other!"

The Tiger Shark's sharp teeth fell open in surprise and the seal dived out to safety.

"Let's sink their ships...!" suggested the big Blue Whale.[4]

"... and turn them into soup!" added the Finless Bull Shark.

"Stop! Listen!" whistled the Pink Dolphin, raising his pink beak high. "We must plan our attack with the skills and intelligence we alone possess. We can see more and hear more than any human in the sea. We have the power to locate their every move."[5]

"You mean 'echolocation'?" asked a Dolphin calf.

"That's right," replied the Pink Dolphin. "We can all learn the high-[6]pitched call Dolphins use to find fish and detect danger. If our call bounces back we know exactly what's at sea and where it is. That's how we can fight back!"

For weeks the Pink Dolphin trained the sea creatures to make the high-pitched call. Soon they could identify each other from far away, and could track the fishing boats as soon as they left the port.

"First we must show them we are not afraid of their nets and knives!" whistled the Pink Dolphin. "We must stop them from catching our fish!"[7]

"But that's impossible!" cried the Sardines. "Their boats are so big and their nets are so strong!"

"Nothing is impossible for us!" said the Swordfish. "Here's our plan ..."

Early the next morning the fishermen cast their nets into the sea. As the Swordfish cut through the main ropes with their long, sharp swords, the sardines swam into the nets in their thousands. Amazed by the size of their catch, the fishermen quickly pulled up their nets, but with a sudden SNAP! The ropes broke, rocking and rolling the boats over and over into the deep, dark sea.

"Hurray! We've done it!" cried the Swordfish to the sardines. "Let's go and see how the others are doing!"

Over by the shore, things were not quite going to plan at the [8]sewage factory. Locating the main pipe that pumped its waste into the sea, the Blue Whales dived down. The youngest Blue Whale, excited by the mission, swam straight into the pipe.

"Didn't you listen to my instructions?" whistled the Pink Dolphin, now purple in the face. "Get out of there now, before the toxic waste kills you!"

But the young Blue Whale could not move a fin. "Get hold of his tail!" ordered the Pink Dolphin to his team of Octopuses. With their [9]thousands of tentacles, the Octopuses took hold of the tail and pulled and pulled until the Blue Whale, now black and oily, came out of the pipe with a POP!

Bigger than the biggest dinosaurs, the Blue Whales threw their bodies onto the top of the pipe, crushing and pushing it deep into the sea bed, closing it up forever.

"Hey!" cried one of the factory workers as the waste flooded back into the factory. "What's going on? Quick! Let's get out of...."

As the Blue Whales and the Octopuses swam back out to sea, the [10]Hammerheads and Tiger Sharks, fish kings of junk food, prepared for action.

"You mean we have to locate all their rubbish, dump it on their beaches, and don't get to eat any?!" they asked, amazed.

"That's right!" whistled the Pink Dolphin. "Who knows what damage their rubbish is doing to your stomachs?" The Hammerhead Sharks set off first, their long heads shoveling the rubbish together, the Tiger Sharks gathering the old tin cans, plastic bags, ice-cream papers





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