
发布时间:2021-03-06 00:37:14







版权信息书名:世界遗产-中国作者:杨大洲排版:KingStar出版社:摄影出版分社出版时间:2015-01-01ISBN:9787115361653本书由人民邮电出版社授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —

天然图画 锦绣文章 共有的瑰宝 共有的家园

Natural Gifts Colorful Creations Our Gems Our Home序言PREFACE

Guanfu Museum Manager Ma Weidu

观复博物馆 馆长 马未都






Humans are lucky to have subsisted on this planet.The species almost went extinct some 20,000 years ago,but eventually survived from last Ice Age and began to grow.Over the past ten millennia,civilization has emerged and developed,nurturing the accumulation of not only knowledge but wealth.As an integral piece of humanity,Chinese civilization has experienced a road of perseverance and inclusiveness as it has grown through the ages.

Civilization derives from culture.While culture may discontinue,civilization lives on.From primitive life to the present high-tech age,humans have left behind solid footsteps,each bearing traces of growth.Although Mother Nature blessed us with beautiful landscapes,their values are highlighted because of the survival of mankind.Throughout the river of history,culture,created by humanity,has given birth to spirit,which later transforms into material.Ultimately,the two are integrated and culminate as precious cultural legacies,which,along with natural landscapes,compose the most inviting scenery on Earth.

In view of this,we are duty-bound to protect such legacies.World Heritage consists of various human cultures,and those in China evidence the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese nation.Standouts on the list of China’s World Heritage Sites not only include the long Great Wall that has survived more than two millennia as a cultural heritage icon and Jiuzhaigou Valley as an enchanting natural heritage destination characterized by a plethora of deep ravines,but also a number of locations valued for both cultural and natural attributes such as Mount Taishan,Mount Huangshan,and Mount Wuyi.These legacies showcase the charm of the land that has nourished the Chinese nation while illustrating the spirituality of the Chinese people.

Humans are responsible to the planet we call home.When we became the smartest of all living creatures,capable of controlling the world,our responsibility became more concrete.World Heritage protection has become a pressing mission in this century.This photo book was compiled with the intention of reminding-a reminder to humanity that not only did we have a glorious past,but we also deserve a beautiful future.Ma Weidu中国世界遗产分布示意图 China World Heritage Sites



Natural Heritage文化遗产及景观

Cultural Heritage & Sight自然与文化双重遗产

Natural & Cultural Heritage首都



Boundaries Of Provinces,Municpalities And Autonmous Regions特别行政区界

Boundaries Of Special Autonmous Regions


The boundaries on this map are complied according to the "Topographic Map of People's Republic of China " scale 1:4,000,000 published by China Cartography Publishing House in 1989.

2.台湾资料暂缺。Information of Taiwan is not included.长城 The Great Wall


文化遗产 世界文化遗产遴选标准:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi)



Location:N40 25 00 E116 05 00 Criteria:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi) Date of Inscription:1987

The World Heritage Commitee Description:In 220 B.C.,under Qin Shi Huang,sections of earlier fortifications were joined together to form a united defence system against invasions from the north.Construction continued up to the Ming dynasty(1368–1644),when the Great Wall became the world's largest military structure.Its historic and strategic importance is matched only by its architectural significance.


绵延万里的长城并不只是一道城墙,而是由城墙、敌楼、关城、墩堡、营城、卫所、镇城、烽火台等多种防御工事所组成的一个完整的防御工程体系。 此外,长城所蕴藏的文化内涵十分丰富,除了规划、布局和建筑艺术之外,还有雕饰、绘画、诗词歌赋、民间文学、戏曲说唱等,其中边塞诗词更是古典文学中的一个重要流派。李白的“长风几万里,吹度玉门关”,王昌龄的“秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还”,王维的“劝君更进一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”等名句,千载传诵不绝。


In 221 B.C,Ying Zheng put an end to the long rivalry among the seven independent principalities during the Warring States Period and established the first centralized,unified feudal empire in Chinese history – the Qin Dynasty(221-207 B.C).He was thus called Qin Shi Huang,or“First Emperor of Qin.”To reinforce the security of the state,especially prevent from the invasion of Hun,a powerful nomadic ethnic minority in the north,the emperor ordered to link up the border walls constructed by different principalities during the Warring States Period.The reconstructed wall,starting in Lintao in the west and ending where today’s Chongchon River of Pyongyang,DPRK,enters the sea in the east,stretches more than 5,000 kilometers as an integral defense work.

During the Han Dynasty(206 B.C.-220 A.D.),the wall was further extended westward to reach Luobupo in Xinjiang,registering a record length in its history.Some documents even reveal that the Han Great Wall linked the Ershi Fortress in Dawan(today’s Osh City,Kyrgyzstan)in the west and the north bank of the Heilongjiang River in the east,measuring nearly 10,000 kilometers in length.

During the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644),to defend the invading Mongolian and Nuchen troops,the wall was reinforced again,stretching more than 7,000 kilometers from the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east to the Jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west,passing Liaoning,Hebei,Beijing,Tianjin,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Ningxia,and Gansu.

As a complete defending system,the Great Wall consists of a diversity of defense works,such as city walls,watchtowers,passes,outer enclosures,battlements,barracks,garrison cities,and beacon towers.Apart from this,the Great Wall embodies rich cultural connotations,including architecture and the arts of engraving,painting,poetry,and folk opera.Of particular note are poems on frontier fortresses,which formed an important genre of Chinese classical literature.Famous verses that have been circulated for more than 1,000 years include“The wind,that has come a thousand miles,beats at the Jade Pass battlements,”attributed to Tang-Dynasty poet Li Bai;“The moon goes back to the time of Qin,the wall to the time of Han,and the road our troops are traveling goes back three hundred miles,”attributed to Wang Changling; and“Come,drink one more cup of wine,west of the pass you will meet no more old friends,”attributed to Wang Wei.

The Great Wall has been designated as one of the Seven Wonders of the World,the others being the ancient city of Petra in Jordan,the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil,Machu Picchu in Peru,the Maya civilization site at Chichen Itza in Mexico,the Colosseum of the Roman Empire in Italy,and Taj Mahal in India.During his visit to the Great Wall,former US President Nixon praised the amazing structure and the people who built it by saying“this is a great wall and that it had to be built by a great people.”


The Ming Great Wall,Huairou,Beijing


China extensively constructed the Great Wall during the Qin(221-207 B.C.),Han(206 B.C.-220 A.D.),and Ming(1368-1644)Dynasties.This well-preserved section of the Wall,built during the Ming Dynasty,features an array of watchtowers proportionally arranged on all the critical elevated points,a peculiar design,and novel structures.It is one of the most wondrous sections of the Great Wall.


The Great Wall at Simatai


Meandering in the northeastern part of Miyun County,Beijing,this section of the Great Wall was first erected in the first year of the Ming(1368-1398)Dynasty.At precipitous places,the wall was built on the verge of the mountain cliff.The entire section exhibits a magnificent manner.


The Qin Great Wall,Daqingshan,Inner Mongolia


Constructed around 215 Qin General MengTian with huge granite stones,the wall basically remains its original appearance,four meters in height,of great historical value.


The Western Han Wall,Dunhuang


According to local terrains and materials,the wall was laid up with a mixture of willow branches,reeds,hemps,loess and gravels.The lowland south of the wall,paved with fine sands,was also known as“Heavenly Field,”so designed for observing footprints.


The Ming Wall,Datong,Shanxi


To reinforce its northern frontier defence,the Ming Dynasty constantly built the wall,and varying materials were applied according to local geographical conditions,such as earth,mud bricks,stones,rocks,and a mix of bricks and stones.This section was constructed in the mid and late Ming period,its wall built with earth and its gateways and watchtowers with earth wrapped with bricks.


Watchtower at the Jinshanling Great Wall


General Qi Jiguang,of the mid-Ming,created a hollow-in wall-bestriding watchtower,of which the battlement on the upper story functioned for observation and shooting while the arched cave below was used for stationing troops and reserving arm and provisions.Such a design greatly enhanced the defensive function of the Great Wall.


Jiayu Pass,Gansu


First built in 1372,the fifth year of the reign of Ming Emperor Hongwu,Jiayu Pass is the western end of the Ming Great Wall,bordering desert in the west and facing the Qilian Mountains in the south.Reputed to be the“Number One Pass of the Hexi Corridor”for its strategic geographical location,it is the most majestic,best-preserved military fortress of the Ming Great Wall.


Jiankou(Arrow Nock)Great Wall of the Ming


Located in Beijing’s Huairou District,this section is so named because of its shape like a spreading arrow,which is easy to defense but difficult to attack.


Battlement and Barrier Wall


Outside the city wall is a battlement,which contains crenels on the upper part for observing enemy situation and shooting holes on the lower for battling.On strategic sections are also barrier walls for resisting the“in case”situation when enemies climbed the wall.


Zhenbei Tower,Yulin


The largest beacon tower of the Ming Wall,it was erected in 1607,the 35th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Wanli,at a strategic position on mountain,historically serving as an important pass and military watchtower.


Arch Door of Watchtower


The relief decorations on the arch door exhibit the Great Wall’s aesthetical value apart from its practical functions.


Interior of a Watchtower


Watchtowers are mostly brick arch structured,in two stories,with an interior space large enough for stationing troops and reserving arm and provisions.


Wall Bricks


Inscriptions on the Great Wall bricks,categorized in the forms of mould imprinting,engraving,and calligraphy,are mostly attributed to brick artisans,evidencing the date of production and official examination of the bricks.明清皇宫:北京故宫、沈阳故宫 Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang

文化遗产 世界文化遗产遴选标准:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)




Criteria:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) Date of Inscription:1987,2004

The World Heritage Commitee Description:Seat of supreme power for over five centuries(1416-1911),the Forbidden City in Beijing,with its landscaped gardens and many buildings(whose nearly 10,000 rooms contain furniture and works of art),constitutes a priceless testimony to Chinese civilization during the Ming and Qing dynasties.The Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty in Shenyang consists of 114 buildings constructed between 1625 and 1783.It contains an important library and testifies to the foundation of the last dynasty that ruled China,before it expanded its power to the centre of the country and moved the capital to Beijing.This palace then became auxiliary to the Imperial Palace in Beijing.This remarkable architectural edifice offers important historical testimony to the history of the Qing Dynasty and to the cultural traditions of the Manchu and other tribes in the north of China.

北京故宫位于北京市中心,旧称紫禁城,是明、清两朝的皇宫。为明代第三位皇帝朱棣于永乐四年(1406)兴建,至明永乐十八年(1420)基本完成。 故宫南北长961米,东西宽753米,四面环有高10米的城墙和宽52米的护城河,城墙四面各设城门一座。建筑面积16.7万平方米,占地面积78万平方米,是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木结构建筑群。故宫城内殿宇楼台,画栋雕梁,红墙黄瓦,金碧辉煌,相传共有房9999间半,象征皇权至高无上。实际有大小院落90多座,房屋8728间。故宫建筑整体上划分为南部的“前朝”和北部的“后寝”。“前朝”由太和殿、中和殿、保和殿组成;“后寝”由乾清宫、坤宁宫、交泰殿组成。明清两朝共有24位皇帝先后在这里居住与执政,历时500余年。



The Imperial Palace in the heart of Beijing,also known as Forbidden City,was the power center of the Ming(1368-1644)and Qing(1644-1911)Dynasties.On order of Zhu Di,the third emperor of the Ming,the construction of the palace began in 1406 and was completed in 1420,the 18th year of his reign.

The Imperial Palace in Beijing measures 961 meters from south to north and 753 meters from east to west,and is surrounded by a 10-meter-high city wall and a 52-meter-wide moat.On each of the four sides of the city wall is a city gate.Covering a floor space of 167,000 square meters and a land area of 780,000 square meters,the palace is the world’s existing largest and best-preserved ancient wood architectural complex.Within the palace are orderly arrayed resplendent buildings featuring red walls,golden glazed roofs,and painted columns and beams.It is said that there are 9,999 and a half rooms,a figure symbolizing the supreme power of the royal sovereign.In fact,the palace encompasses 90-plus courtyards,totaling 8,728 rooms.The entire compound is divided into the Front Court in the south and the Back Palace in the north.The Front Court is mainly composed of Taihe Dian(Hall of Supreme Harmony),Zhonghe Dian(Hall of Central Harmony),and Baohe Dian(Hall of Preserving Harmony); while the Back Palace primarily consists of Qianqing Gong(Hall of Heavenly Purity),Jiaotai Dian(Hall of Union),and Kunning Gong(Hall of Earthly Tranquility).A total of 24 Ming and Qing emperors administered state affairs and resided here,spanning more than 500 years.

The Forbidden City has been recognized as one of the five greatest palaces in the world,the other four being the Palace of Versailles in France,the Buckingham Palace in the UK,the White thHouse in the US and the Kremlin in Russia.On October 10 ,1925,the Palace Museum was formally established and the Forbidden City has since been open to the public.

The Imperial Palace in Shenyang,capital of Liaoning Province,was constructed in 1625,originally known as the Shengjing Imperial Palace.Covering an area of more than 60,000 square meters,it served as the imperial palace before the Qing Dynasty relocated its capital to Beijing.Compared to the palace in Beijing,the architectures in the Shenyang Imperial Palace display an amalgamation of Han,Manchu and Mongolian styles.In the eastern section,the layout of the impressive Dazheng Dian(Hall of Great Affairs)and a group of pavilions known as Ten Kings Pavilion models after that of nomadic tents of the Eight-Banner Troops.The middle section features higher residences but lower buildings for handling court affairs,and such a design derives from the Manchu custom of living on higher terraces.The East and West Palaces,in the central and western sections,exhibit a typical Han style.


Forbidden City


Built strictly in accordance with the imperial construction principles as prescribed in the historical classic Record of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty,the Forbidden City is the most integral model among palace complexes in axis symmetry.According to ancient Chinese astrologists,the Ziwei(Purple)Enclosure was located in the center of the sky as the residence of the God of Heaven,and since the emperor on Earth was supposedly the son of the God of Heaven,his central and dominant position was highlighted by the use of the word“Purple”in the name of his residence.Therefore,the imperial palace was also known as“Purple Forbidden City;”or“Forbidden City.”


Meridian Gate(Wumen)


The main entrance to the Forbidden City,it is the highest building in the palace complex.The red walls and yellow glaze-tiled roofs give the building a magnificent appearance.It was the venue for the emperor to promulgate rescripts,order a military expedition,and receive prisoners of wars.Winners of the first three places at the highest imperial examinations were honored to exit the palace from the central arch of the gate.





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