
发布时间:2021-03-31 17:29:43














本教材的视频由李睿提供,音频由北京同光晖科技有限责任公司制作。若教学需要,可向责任编辑索取,邮箱为826630050@qq.com。1 Overview

People use oil and gas more than any other source of energy. From oil, refineries make or extract gasoline, diesel fuel, and lubricants. Petrochemical plants make plastics and fertilizers. Natural gas heats our homes and fires steam generators to make electricity. Without oil and gas, everyone's life would be very different.

The petroleum industry produces oil and gas from special layers of rocks called reservoirs. Like a multilayered cake, additional beds of rock lie above and below these reservoirs. And, like the frosting on a cake, a relatively thin layer of ground sometimes covers the rock layers. On the other hand, the“frosting”may not be dry land; it may be water instead. Since oceans and seas cover about three-fourths of the earth, it is no surprise that water also covers rock layers.

Operating in oceans or seas—offshore—presents special problems to oil producers that they do not have to face on land sites. This book examines many of the special conditions the marine environment imposes on finding, producing, and transporting oil and gas.1.1 Historical perspectives

Offshore oil and gas operations began in the late 19th century. Edwin Drake drilled the first oilwell in the world in 1859. He did it on a piece of land near Titusville, Pennsylvania. In 1897, another enthusiast drilled the first offshore well in the world. He drilled it off the coast of ①Southern California, immediately south of Santa Barbara.

In the late 1800s, a group of people founded the town of Summerland, California. The founders picked the site because of its pleasant, sunny climate. Coincidentally, it also had numerous springs. These springs did not, however, produce water: crude oil and natural gas bubbled out of them.

Since Summerland could use gas to light its homes and businesses, and since oil could provide income, the city's residents took an interest in efficiently producing the springs. One citizen, H.L.Williams, was knowledgeable about extracting oil from the earth. So, just as Drake had done earlier in Pennsylvania, Williams drilled wells in the vicinity of the springs. The wells allowed him to extract more oil than if he had simply dammed up the springs. These early wells were successful and, as a result, he and others drilled many more in the area.

After drilling a large number of wells, these early oilmen noticed that those nearest the ocean were the best producers. Eventually, they drilled several wells on the beach itself. But, at this point, the Pacific Ocean stymied them. Experience convinced them, however, that more oil lay in the rock formations below the ocean. The question was how to drill for it.

Williams came up with the idea of building a wharf or a pier and erecting the drilling rig on it. The idea worked. His first offshore well, drilled from a wharf made of wooden pilings and timbers, extended about 300 feet (90 meters) into the ocean. On the end of the wharf, Williams erected a drilling rig and used it to drill the first offshore well in the world. Williams's crew set a steel pipe, called a casing, from the drilling platform down through the sandy bottom, and used cable tools to pound their way down 455 feet to two oil sands. As expected, it was a good producer and before long the entrepreneurs built several more wharves (Fig. 1.1). The longest stretched over 1,200 feet (nearly 400 meters) into the Pacific.Fig. 1.1 Piers and derricks at Summerland, California, 1901

The term offshore usually conjures up visions of vast expanses of water well beyond the pounding surf. However, the next important bit of offshore history happened in a more contained locale. In the area around Lake Caddo in East Texas over the years following 1900, wildcatters searching for oil continually stumbled on pockets of associated natural gas—to the chagrin of most. Gas cost much more to transport and required large discoveries and dense populations to create a market. Only one out of three of these conditions appealed to an East Texas wildcatter. In 1907, J.B.McCann, a scout for Gulf Oil Corporation, mulled over maps of the Lake Caddo area and thought about the gassy province that lay below. Late one night, he used a novel tool to prove his theories. He rowed across the lake, carefully touching lighted matches to the vapors bubbling from the waters. Besides successfully avoiding self-immolation, he convinced himself, and eventually W.L.Mellon in Gulf headquarters at Pittsburg, that a large oil and gas field crossed under the lake.

Gulf acquired the concession to drill 8,000 acres of lake bottom and brought new techniques to the area and to the industry. Starting in 1910, they towed up the Mississippi and Red Rivers a floating pile driver, a fleet of supply boats, and barges of derricks, boilers, and generators. In the lake, they drove pilings by using the abundant cypress trees felled along the shoreline. Atop they built platforms for their derricks (Fig.1.2) and pipe racks. Each drilling/production ②platform had its own derrick and gas-driven generator. Each pumped production down a 3-inch diameter steel flowline laid along the lake bottom to separation and gathering stations atop other platforms.Fig. 1.2 Drilling from wooden pile platforms in Lake Caddo, Texas

Over the next four decades Gulf drilled 278 wells and produced 13 million barrels of oil from under Lake Caddo, creating in the process a commercially successful prototype for water-based operations, the platform on piles.1.1.1 Concrete progress

American notions aside, not all progress and innovation took place in the United States. Production in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, in the mid-1920s might have replicated Caddo Lake but for one thing, the dreaded teredo. These intrusive shipworms had pestered mariners since ancient times. In less than eight months these pesky parasites could chew through the wooden pilings that supported a Lake Maracaibo drilling platform, not allowing enough time to make a profit. Creosoted pine from the United States proved a technically effective ③antidote, but the expense made it an uneconomic solution.

In an instance of serendipity, the Venezuelan government had contracted with Raymond Concrete Pile Company to build a seawall on the lakefront near the oil fields, thereby underwriting an entire infrastructure necessary to make concrete platform pilings. Lago Petroleum tried using these concrete pilings in place of the wooden pilings. Soon they were fitting the pilings with steel heads to allow faster installation and tying them together with steel and wire rope for structural integrity. In the next thirty years industry erected nine hundred concrete platforms in Lake Maracaibo. By the 1950s, they used hollow cylindrical concrete piles with 5-inch walls and 54-inch diameters and lengths of 200 feet that were prestressed with steel cable.1.1.2 Free at last

At the same time Lago was developing Lake Maracaibo, the Texas Company, later Texaco, was searching for a better idea for their properties in the Louisiana swamps. Platforms on driven wooden pilings worked, but the expense left room for improvement. The idea of using a barge sunk in place as a drilling platform intrigued the Texas Company. In their own prudent way they first visited the U.S. Patent Office and discovered that Louis Giliasso, a merchant marine captain who had worked in the Lake Maracaibo fields, had already claimed the idea(Fig. 1.3). After a Byzantine search, they found him in 1933, improbably running a saloon in Panama. Soon after, the Texas Company sank two standard barges, side-by-side, in a swampy section of Lake Pelto, Louisiana. With only a few feet of water to deal with, they had enough freeboard to weld a platform on top and install a derrick.Fig. 1.3 The submersible Giliasso from the original U.S. patent application

In a magnanimous moment, they named the first submersible the Giliasso after its inventor. They sank another barge nearby with a boiler for power supply and proceeded to drill a well to 5,700 feet. ④Like most of their competitors by the 1930s, they used a rotary drill. Undaunted by finding no hydrocarbon and having to abandon the well, they pulled casing, refloated the barges, and quickly moved around the lake, drilling another five wells over a year's time. A triumph in innovation and efficiency, the Giliasso reduced lost time from completion of one well to drilling the next well from seventeen days to two. Mobile offshore drilling had begun.1.1.3 The scope of offshore operations

Today, offshore activities take place in the waters of more than half the nations on earth. And no longer do primitive, shore-bound wooden wharves confine offshore operators. Instead, they drill wells from modern steel or concrete structures. These structures are, in many cases, movable. What is more, they can float while being moved, and often while drilling. Further, offshore rigs have drilled in waters over 7,500 feet (over 2,200 meters) deep and as far as 200 miles (over 300 kilometers) from shore. Offshore drilling and production have progressed far beyond those early efforts at Summerland.

Offshore work today involves a wide range of technologies. These technologies are similar in many cases to those used to find, produce, and transport oil and gas on land. Offshore activities include, however, additional technologies that relate to a marine environment. Unlike oil operations on land, offshore operations involve meteorology, naval architecture, mooring and anchoring techniques, and buoyancy, stability, and trim.

Drilling and producing oil and gas wells are important phases of offshore operations, but the scope goes further. Offshore operations also include exploring—looking for likely places where oil and gas may exist in the rock formations that lie beneath the surface of the oceans, seas, gulfs, and bays. In addition, offshore operations include transporting oil and gas—moving them from their points of production offshore to refineries and plants on land.New words and phrases

gas 天然气

refinery 炼油,精炼厂

extract 提取

gasoline 汽油

diesel 柴油

lubricant 润滑油,润滑剂

petrochemical plant 石油化工厂

natural gas 天然气

generator 发电机

petroleum 石油

produce 生产

reservoir 油藏

offshore 海上,海洋

marine 海洋的;船舶的;航海的

transport 输送;运输

operation 作业,操作

drill 钻,钻孔;演习,演练

spring 泉;弹簧;春季

crude oil 原油

wharf/pier/jetty/dock 码头

erect 安装

drilling rig 钻机;钻探装置

timber 木材,原木

casing 套管

drilling platform 钻井平台

cable 电缆

entrepreneur 企业家

derrick 井架

bit 钻头

wildcatter 勘探者(wildcat well:初探井)

associated 伴生的;相关的

cost 成本;花费;费用;付出

vapor 蒸气

headquarter 总部,指挥部

oil and gas field 油气田

tow 拖航

pile driver 打桩机

supply boat 供应船,补给船

barge 驳船

boiler 锅炉

atop 在……之上

production platform 生产平台,采油平台

pump 泵

flowline 出油管

separation 分离

barrel 桶(缩写:bbl)

process 处理;程序

shipworm/teredo 船蛆,船蛀

expense 开支,开销;支出,花费

concrete 混凝土;具体的

seawall 海堤,防波堤

infrastructure 基础设施

wire rope 大绳,钢丝绳

integrity 完整性

cylindrical 圆柱形

prestress 预应力

swamp 沼泽

install 安装

submerge 浸没,淹没

hydrocarbon 烃;碳氢化合物;油气

completion 完井;完成

meteorology 气象学

naval architecture 造船学;船舶工程

mooring 系泊

anchoring 锚泊;抛锚

buoyancy 浮力;浮性

stability 稳性;稳定性

trim 纵倾;修剪

phase 相;阶段Notes

①immediately south of Santa Barbara:紧临圣巴巴拉南边。


②production platform:采油平台。


③technically effective antidote:有效的技术解决方案。

④rotary drill:旋转钻井。

传统钻井方法分两种,一种是旋转钻井,一种是顿钻。旋转钻井是靠动力带动钻头旋转,在旋转的过程中对井底岩石进行破碎,同时循环钻井液以清洁井底的钻井方法。顿钻是交替升起和降落钻具在硬岩石中钻井的方法。1.2 Oil and gas

People often call crude oil petroleum. Petroleum comes from the Latin word for rock, petra, and the old Greek word for oil, oleum; petroleum literally means“rock oil”. Petroleum is a good name for crude oil because it really does come from rock. The rocks in which oil companies find petroleum have special characteristics. Explorationists—those who look for oil and gas—sometimes have a hard time finding the special rocks. Usually, many other rock layers cover and bury them below the earth's surface. Like petroleum, natural gas also comes from special rocks buried far below the earth's surface. Frequently, gas occurs with oil.1.2.1 Characteristics of oil and gas

Oil and gas are hydrocarbons. That is, oil and gas contain only two elements: hydrogen and carbon. Other substances, such as sulfur, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and salt, may also exist with gas and oil.1.2.2 Chemical makeup

Even though only hydrogen and carbon make up hydrocarbons, a hydrocarbon's chemical structure is not necessarily simple. Hydrogen and carbon have a great attraction for each other and can arrange themselves in simple or very complex ways.

Natural gas tends to be less complex than crude oil. As it comes 4out of a well, it is mainly methane (CH), which is the simplest hydrocarbon. Natural gas frequently contains heavier hydrocarbons 2638410such as ethane (CH), propane (CH), and butane (CH). In addition to hydrocarbon compounds, natural gas may contain other gases, such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen sulfide, and water vapor.

Crude oils can be complex. They often contain not only simple hydrocarbons, such as methane, but also complicated liquid and sometimes solid hydrocarbons. The complex structure of oil can keep even advanced chemists occupied with studying it.1.2.3 Properties

Methane (natural gas) is odorless, colorless, less dense than air, and flammable. Because natural gas is naturally odorless and so flammable, gas companies add a chemical to make it smell bad before selling it. This odorant allows you to smell leaking gas and thus avoid accidents.

Crude oil varies widely in appearance. Its color can range from pitch black to pale straw. In weight, or density, it ranges from very dense—denser than water—to very light, perhaps only three-fourths as dense as water. Its viscosity, or resistance to flow, ranges from solid, which does not flow at all, to very thin liquid—almost like water. Crude oil's odor can range from very pungent to almost odorless. And, of course, it is flammable, which is partly why it is so valuable.1.2.4 Oil and gas reservoirs

Hydrocarbons and their associated impurities occur in rock formations that are usually buried thousands of feet or meters below the surface. Scientists and engineers often call rock formations that hold hydrocarbons“reservoirs”.

Oil does not flow in underground rivers or pool up in subterranean lakes, contrary to what some people think. And, as you′ve learned, gasoline and other refined hydrocarbons do not naturally occur in pockets under the ground, just waiting to be drilled for. Instead, crude oil and natural gas occur in buried rocks and, once produced from a well, companies have to refine the crude oil and process the natural gas into useful products. Further, not every rock can hold hydrocarbons. To serve as an oil and gas reservoir, rocks have to meet several criteria.①1.2.5 Characteristics of reservoir rocks

Nothing looks more solid than a rock. Yet, choose the right rock—say, a piece of sandstone or limestone—and look at it under a microscope. You see many tiny openings or voids. Geologists call these tiny openings“pores”. A rock with pores is“porous”and a porous ②rock has“porosity”. Reservoir rocks must be porous, because hydrocarbons can occur only in pores.

A reservoir rock is also permeable-that is, its pores are connected. If hydrocarbons are in the pores of a rock, they must be able to move out of them. Unless hydrocarbons can move from pore to pore, they remain locked in place, unable to flow into a well. A suitable reservoir rock must therefore be porous, permeable, and contain enough hydrocarbons to make it economically feasible for the operating company to drill for and produce them.1.2.6 Origin and accumulation of oil and gas

To understand how hydrocarbons get into buried rocks, visualize an ancient sea teeming with vast numbers of living organisms. Some are fishes and other large swimming beasts; others, however, are so small that you cannot see them without a strong magnifying glass or a microscope. Although they are small, they are very abundant. Millions and millions of them live and die daily. It is these tiny and plentiful organisms that many scientists believe gave rise to oil and gas.

When these tiny organisms died millions of years ago, their remains settled to the bottom. Though very small, as thousands of ③years went by, enormous quantities of this organic sedimentaccumulated in thick deposits on the seafloor. The organic material mixed with the mud and sand on the bottom. Ultimately, many layers of sediments built up until they became hundreds or thousands of feet (meters) thick. The tremendous weight of the overlying sediments created great pressure and heat on the deep layers. The heat and pressure changed the deep layers into rock. At the same time, heat, pressure, and other forces changed the dead organic material in the layers into hydrocarbons: crude oil and natural gas.④

Meanwhile, geological action created cracks, or faults, in the earth's crust. Earth movement folded layers of rock upward and downward. Molten rock thrusted upward, altering the shape of the surrounding beds. Disturbances in the earth shoved great blocks of land upward, dropped them downward, and moved them sideways. Wind and water eroded formations, earthquakes buried them, and new sediments fell onto them. Land blocked a bay's access to open water, and the resulting inland sea evaporated. Great rivers carried tons of sediment; then dried up and became buried by other rocks. In short, geological forces slowly but constantly altered the very shape of the earth. These alterations in the layers of rock are important because, under the right circumstances, they can trap and store hydrocarbons.

Even while the earth changed, the weight of overlying rocks continued to push downward, forcing hydrocarbons out of their source ⑤rocks. Seeping through subsurface cracks and fissures, oozing through small connections between rock grains, the hydrocarbons moved upward. They moved until a subsurface barrier stopped them or until they reached the earth's surface, as they did at Oil Creek. Most of the hydrocarbons, however, did not reach the surface. Instead, they became trapped and stored in a layer of subsurface rock. Today, the oil industry seeks petroleum that was formed and trapped millions of years ago.New words and phrase

characteristics 特征,性质

explorationist 勘探家

hydrogen 氢

substances 物质,成分

sulfur 硫,硫磺

nitrogen 氮

salt 盐

methane 甲烷

ethane 乙烷

propane 丙烷

butane 丁烷

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

helium 氦

hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢

solid 固体;结实的,可靠的

odorless 无味的

flammable 易燃的,可燃的

leak 泄漏

pitch 纵摇;沥青

viscosity 黏度,黏性

sandstone 砂岩

limestone 石灰岩;石灰的

geologist 地质师,地质学家

pore 孔隙

porous 多孔的

porosity 孔隙度;孔隙性;多孔性

organism 有机物;生物体

settle 沉淀;解决;定居

sediment 沉淀,沉积物

accumulate 积聚

seafloor 海底,海床

mud 钻井液,同drilling fluid

overlying 上覆的

geological action 地质作用





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