
发布时间:2021-04-01 00:03:52


作者:"(苏格兰)理雅各 译"





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Is This Book for You?力压百家,一枝独秀——“最经典英语文库”第六辑之《论语》导读








理雅各(James Legge,1815—1897),英国著名汉学家,伦敦布道会传教士,1842年担任香港英华书院校长,是第一个系统研究并翻译中国古代典籍的人。从1861年到1886年的25年间,在友人王韬、助译黄胜的协助下翻译了《四书》《五经》《诗经》《道德经》《离骚》等中国主要典籍28卷。晚年在牛津大学执教,将全部精力都投入到中国古代典籍的英译上,虽久病缠身,仍日日连续工作十几小时,笔耕不辍。






James Legge (translator of the book)

James Legge (1815 - 1897) was a Scottish sinologist, missionary, and scholar, best known as an early and prolific translator of Classical Chinese texts into English. Convinced of the need for missionaries to be able to comprehend the ideas and culture of the Chinese, he began in 1841 a translation in many volumes of the Chinese classics, a monumental task that he completed a few years before his death.

General Preface

Millions of Chinese are learning English to acquire knowledge and skills for communication in a world where English has become the primary language for international discourse. Yet not many learners have come to realize that the command of the English language also enables them to have an easy access to the world literary classics such as Shakespeare's plays, Shelley's poems, mark Twain's novels and Nietzsche's works which are an important part of liberal-arts education. The most important goals of universities are not vocational, that is, not merely the giving of knowledge and the training of skills.

In a broad sense, education aims at broadening young people's mental horizon, cultivating virtues and shaping their character. Lincoln, Mao Zedong and many other great leaders and personages of distinction declared how they drew immense inspiration and strength from literary works. As a matter of fact, many of them had aspired to become writers in their young age. Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) is said to take along with him two things, waking or sleeping: a book and a dagger, and the book is Iliad, a literary classic, by Homer. He would put these two much treasured things under his pillow when he went to bed.

Today, we face an unprecedented complex and changing world. To cope with this rapid changing world requires not only communication skills, but also adequate knowledge of cultures other than our own home culture. Among the most important developments in present-day global culture is the ever increasing cultural exchanges and understanding between different nations and peoples. And one of the best ways to know foreign cultures is to read their literary works, particularly their literary classics, the soul of a country's culture. They also give you the best language and the feeling of sublimity.

Liaoning People's Publishing House is to be congratulated for its foresight and courage in making a new series of world literary classics available to the reading public. It is hoped that people with an adequate command of the English language will read them, like them and keep them as their lifetime companions.

I am convinced that the series will make an important contribution to the literary education of the young people in China. At a time when the whole country is emphasizing "spiritual civilization", it is certainly a very timely venture to put out the series of literary classics for literary and cultural education.Zhang ZhongzaiProfessorBeijing Foreign Studies UniversityJuly, 2013 Beijing








辽宁人民出版社及时并隆重推出“最经典英语文库”系列丛书,是具有远见与卓识的出版行为。我相信,这套既可供阅读,同时也具收藏价值的英语原版经典作品系列丛书,在帮助人们了解什么才是经典作品的同时,也一定会成为广大英语爱好者、大中学生以及学生家长们挚爱的“最经典英语文库”。北京外国语大学英语学院北外公共外交研究中心欧美文学研究中心主任全国英国文学学会名誉会长张中载 教授2013年7月于北京



1. The Master said, "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?"

2. "Is it not pleasant to have friends coming from distant quarters?"

3. "Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?"

TITLE OF THE WORK—论语, 'Discourses and Dialogues;' that is, the discourses or discussions of Confucius with his disciples and others on various topics, and his replies to their inquiries. Many chapters, however, and one whole book, are the sayings, not of the sage himself, but of some of his disciples. The characters may also be rendered 'Digested Conversations,' and this appears to be the more ancient signification attached to them, the account being, that, after the death of Confucius, his disciples collected together and compared the memoranda of his conversations which they had severally preserved, digesting them into the twenty books which compose the work. Hence the title—论语, 'Discussed Sayings,' or 'Digested Conversations.' See论语注疏解经序. I have styled the work 'Confucian Analects,' as being more descriptive of its character than any other name I could think of.

HEADING OF THIS BOOK—学而第一. The two first characters in the book, after the introductory—'The Master said,' are adopted as its heading. This is similar to the custom of the Jews, who name man books in the Bible from the first word in them. 第一, 'The first'; that is, of the twenty books we find a unity or analogy of subjects, which evidently guided the compilers in grouping the chapters together. Others seem devoid of any such principle of combination. The sixteen chapters of this book are occupied, it is said, with the fundamental subjects which ought to engage the attention of the learner, and the great matters of human practice. The word学, 'learn', rightly occupies the forefront in the studies of a nation, of which its educational system has so long been the distinction and glory.

1. THE WHOLE WORK AND ACHIEVEMENT OF THE LEARNER, FIRST PERFECTING HIS KNOWLEDGE, THEN ATTRACTING BY HIS FAME LIKE-MINDED INDIVIDUALS, AND FINALLY COMPLETE IN HIMSELF. 1. 子, at the commencement, indicates Confucius. 子, 'a son', is also the common designation of males,—especially of virtuous men. We find it, in conversations, used in the same way as our 'Sir'. When it follows the surname, it is equivalent to our 'Mr.' or may be rendered 'the philosopher', 'the scholar', 'the officer', etc. Often, however, it is better to leave it untranslated. When it precedes the surname, it indicates that the person spoken of was the master of the writer, as 子沈子, 'my master, the philosopher 沈'. Standing single and alone, as in the text, it denotes Confucius, the philosopher, or, rather, the master. If we render the term by Confucius, as all preceding translators have done, we miss the indication which it gives of the handiwork of his disciples, and the reverence which it bespeaks for him. 学, in the old commentators, is explained by 诵, 'to read chantingly', 'to discuss'. Choo He interprets it by 效, 'to imitate', and makes its results to be 明善而复初, 'the understanding of all excellence, and the bringing back original goodness'. Subsequent scholars profess, for the most part, great admiration of this explanation. It is an illustration, to my mind, of the way in which Choo He and his followers are continually being wise about what is written in the classical books. 习 is the rapid and frequent motion of the wings of a bird in flying, used for 'to repeat', 'to practice'. 之is the obj. of the third pers. Pronoun, and its antecedent is to be found in the pregnant meaning of 学. 不亦 is explained by岂不, 'is it not?' See 四书补注备旨. To bring out the force of 'also' in 亦, some say thus:—'The occasions for pleasure are many, is this no also thone?' 说, read yuĕ, as always when it has the 4 tone marked, stands for 悦. What is learned becomes by practice and application one's own, and hence arises complacent pleasures in the mastering mind. 悦 as distinguished from 乐, lŏh, in the next par., is the internal, individual feeling of pleasure, and the other, its external manifestation, implying also companionship. 2. 朋, properly, 'fellow-students'; but, generally, individuals of the same class and character, like-minded. 3. 君子 I translate here—'a man of complete virtue'. Literally, it is—'a princely man'. See on 子, above. It is a technical term in Chinese moral writers, for which there is no exact correspondency in English, and which cannot be rendered always in the same way. See Morrison's Dictionary, char.子. Its opposite is 小人, 'a small, mean man'. 人不知, 'Men do not know him,' but anciently some explained—'men do not know', that is, are stupid under his teaching. The interpretation in the text is doubtless the correct one.


1. The philosopher Yew said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors. There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion.

2. "The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up.

2. FILIAL PIETY AND FRATERNAL SUBMISSION ARE THE FOUNDATION OF ALL VIRTUOUS PRACTICE. 1. Yew, named 若, and styled 子有, and 子若, a native of 鲁, was famed among the other disciples of Confucius for his strong memory, and love for the doctrines o antiquity. In personal appearance he resembled the sage. See Mencius, III. Pt.II.iv.13. 有子 is 'Yew, the philosopher', and he and Tsan̆g Ts'an (or sin) are the only two of Confucius' disciples who are mentioned in this style in the Lun Yu. This has led to an opinion on the part of some, that the work was compiled by their disciples. This may not be sufficiently supported, but I have not found the peculiarity pointed out satisfactorily explained. The tablet of Yew's spirit is now in the same apartment of the sage's temples as that of the sage himself, thoccupying the 6 place in the eastern range of 'the wise ones'. To this position it was promoted in the 3d year of K'een-lung of the present dynasty. A degree of activity enters into the meaning of 为 in 为人,='playing the man', 'as men, showing themselves filial',&c. 弟, here=悌, 'to be submissive as a younger brother', is in the low 3d tone. With its proper signification, it was anciently in the 2d tone. 而='and yet', different from its simple conjunctive use='and', in the prep. ch. 好, a verb, 'to love', in the up.3d tone, different from the same char. in the 2d tone, an adj.,='good'. 鲜, up. 2d tone,='few'. On the idiom—未之有, see Premare's gram.p.156. 2. 君子 has a less intense signification here than in the last chap. I translate—'The superior man' for want of a better term. 本, 'the root', 'what is radical', is here said of filial and fraternal duties, and 道, 'ways' or 'courses' of all that is intended by 为 (= 行) 仁, below. The particles 也者 resume the discourse about 孝弟, and introduce some further description of them. See Prem., p.158. 与, in the lowest first tone, is half interrogative, an answer in the affirmative being implied. 仁is explained here as 'the principle of love', 'the virtue of the heart'. Mencius says—仁也者人也, '仁is a man', in accordance with which, Julien translates it by humanitas. Benevolence often comes near it, but, as has been said before of 君子, we cannot give a uniform rendering of this term.

Filial piety and fraternal submission!-are they not the root of all benevolent actions?"


The Master said, "Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue."


The philosopher Tsan̆g said, "I daily examine myself on three points:—whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not faithful;—whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not sincere;-whether I may have not mastered and practiced the instructions of my teacher."

3. FAIR APPEARANCE ARE SUSPICIOUS.巧言令色,—see Shoo-king, II.ⅲ.2. 巧, 'skill in workmanship'; then, 'skill', 'cleverness', generally, and sometimes with a bad meaning, as here,='artful', 'hypocritical'. 令 'a law', 'an order', also 'good', and here like 巧, with a bad meaning,='pretending to be good'. 色, 'the manifestation of the feelings in the colour of the countenance', is here used for the appearance generally.

4. HOW THE PHILOSOPHER TSANG DAILY EXAMINED HIMSELF, TO GUARD AGAINST HIS BEING GUILTY OF ANY IMPOSITION. Tsan̆g, whose name was 参, (Ts'an, now commonly read Sin) and his designation 子舆, was one of the principal disciples thof Confucius. A follower of the sage from his 16 year, though inferior in natural ability to some others, by his filial piety and other moral qualities, he entirely won the Master's esteem, and by persevering attention mastered his doctrines. Confucius employed him in the composition of the 孝经, or 'Classic of Filial Piety'. The authorship of the 大学, 'The Great Learning', is also ascribed to him, though incorrectly, as we shall see. Ten books, moreover, of his composition are preserved in the Le-ke. His spirit tablet among the sage's four assessors, occupying the first place on the west, has precedence of that of Mencius. 省, read sing, 'to examine'. 三省 is naturally understood of 'three times', but the context and consent of commentators make us assent to the interpretation—'on three points'. 身, 'the body', 'one's personality'; 吾身=myself. 为 is in low 8d tone,= 'for'. So, frequently, below. 忠 from 中, 'middle', 'the centre', and 心, 'the heart', =loyalty, faithfulness, action with and from the heart. 朋, see ch.1. 友, 'two hand joined', denoting union. 朋友, 'friends'. 传不习 is very enigmatical. The translation follows Choo He. 何安 explained quite differently:—'whether I have given instruction in what I had not studied and practiced?' It does seem more correct to take 传 actively, 'to give instruction', rather than passively, 'to receive instruction'. See 四书改错, XV.17.


The Master said, "To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at the proper seasons."


The Master said, "A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies."


Tsze-hea said, "If a man withdraws his mind from the love of beauty, and applies it as sincerely to the love of the virtuous; if, in serving his parents, he can exert his utmost

5. FOUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF A LARGE STATE. 道 is used for 导, 'to rule', 'to lead', and is marked in the 3d tone, to distinguish it from 道, the noun, which was anciently read with the 2d tone. It is different from 治, which refers to the actual business of government, while 导 is the duty and purpose thereof, apprehended by the prince. The standpoint of the principles is the prince's mind. 乘, in low 3d tone, 'a chariot', different from its stmeaning in the 1 tone, 'to ride'. A country of 1000 chariots is one of the largest flefs of the empire, which could bring such an armament into the field. The last principle, —使民以时, means that the people should not be called from their husbandry at improper seasons, to do service on military expeditions and public works.

6. RULES FOR THE TRAINING OF THE YOUNG:—DUTY FIRST AND THEN ACCOMPLISHMENTS.弟子, 'young brothers and sons', taken together, =youths, a youth. The 2d 弟 is for 悌, as in ch.2. 入出, 'coming in, going out',=at home, abroad. 泛is explained by Choo He by 广, 'wide', 'widely'; its proper meaning is 'the rush or overflow of water'. 力, 'strength', here embracing the idea of leisure. 学文 not literary studies merely, but all the accomplishments of a gentleman also:—ceremonies, music, archery, horsemanship, writing, and numbers.

7. TSZE-HEA'S VIEWS OF THE SUBSTANCE OF LEARNING. Tsze-hea was the designation of 卜商, another of the sage's thdistinguished disciples, and now place 5 in the eastern range of 'the wise ones'. He was greatly famed for his learning, and his views on the She-king and the Ch'un Ts'ew are said to be preserved in the comm. of 毛, and of 公羊高 and 谷梁赤. He kept himself blind on the death of his son, but lived to a great age, and was much esteemed by the people and princes of the time. With regard to the scope of this chapter, there is some truth in what the comm. Woo, 吴, says,—that Tsze-hea's words may be wrested to depreciate learning, while those of the Master in the prec. ch. hit exactly the due medium. The 2d 贤 is a concrete noun. Written in full, 贤, it is composed of the characters for a minister, loyal, and a precious shell. It conveys the ideas of talents





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