
发布时间:2021-04-04 17:55:32








余自幼随知青父母拓荒于大兴安岭,长于辽西古镇兴城,求学乃率性而为,先后修习英语、计算机和工商管理,奉行“Live and learn”,现于北京大学教育学院就读教育经济与管理博士课程。曾于新东方早期挥汗于三尺讲坛,五年间学生超二十万众。受益于新东方讲坛对讲师心智与技能多方面的磨炼,后于留学法国期间以五分钟英语演讲在学生会竞选中获得来自全球四十二国的、两百多名中高层经理人同学百分之七十的支持,当选法国高商(HEC)MBA学生会主席。乃有机会深入了解所谓欧洲精英阶层,深悟外语在国际交流中的重要,反思我国留学教育中的积弊,现主张将应试教育与应用能力二者尽可能和谐推进。本书以备考SAT和实际应用为双重目的,方法上沿用“词以类记”这一已证实的有效途径,选词上遍寻最新资料提炼出最全词集,期冀读者多听勤记,尽早超越词汇瓶颈,并应用于考场、课堂和未来管理工作当中。



过去十五年,我一直在近距离观察中国的留学生群体,由于受国内应试教育模式或深或浅的影响,他们在实际学习中表现出的外语水平严重低于考试水平,因而,几乎每个留学生在留学生涯初期的强烈愿望均是要尽快克服外语难关,尽快听懂授课、参与讨论问题以及应付各类演示。克服这个困难的最佳时机不是在到达留学目的地之后,而是在此之前,即备考时就要有意识地提高实力;而解决问题的关键在于掌握足够多的积极词汇(active vocabulary,指能够熟练掌握运用的词汇,相对于消极词汇passive vocabulary而言)。

积极词汇量的多寡直接影响学术表现。记得我留学期间参加的第一次期末考试考的是市场案例分析(Marketing Case Analysis),试卷有40多页A4纸,考试时间为4小时。我当时注意观察了一下同学们完成阅读开始提笔写作的时间:中国大陆的同学多数要两个多小时读完这个案例,剩下写作的时间并不充分,读得比较慢的一个同学感慨案例太长读完就剩半个小时了,而美国和英国的同学说他们都是在一小时内读完动笔的。这差距太大了!也许现在你就能从这个例子中看到未来读书时你与母语者在英语语言上的巨大差距,将来也就不会因为考出比美国同学还高的SAT分数而骄傲了。母语者语言中大量的积极词汇是用其生命经历来积淀的,我们记住的很多词汇还有待于转化为积极词汇。



口语和写作需要有相当扎实的积极词汇储备,词不在多,而在于精。这里必须提到一点,仅通过背诵词汇了解单词的意思离写作中的应用还很遥远,需要有目的地将一些写作中常用的词汇做辨析后再考虑应用,同时在阅读篇章中也要认真揣摩其用法,并在实战中不断自我挑战和查证,这样才能真正懂得“proper word at proper place”(合适的词用在合适的位置上)。口语的词汇量更是少而精,例如美国家庭主妇的词汇量约在3000左右,足够一生使用。我们的口语词汇是要在学习正确的范例并不断实践中掌握的。为何要“词以类记”?


在早期新东方课堂上,我发现同学们最专注、觉得自己最有收获的一个环节就是我借着考题中的某一个词汇来发散讲解,提到可能在考试中出现的与这个词相关的一组词。当时主要用的思路就是将同学科或同意群词汇总结到一起,这种联想很有效,但由于课上时间有限不能做到全面。2004年我留学回国后用一年时间将这一系统工程完成,首先应用在《词以类记:TOEFL iBT词汇》中,之后有关IELTS、GRE、GMAT的词汇书陆续出炉,如今大家看到的是专为SAT考试预备、通过计算机程序词频统计并辅以人工筛选的方式得到的最新最全的词表,主要以学科、意群为分类线索,并以词根词缀法为微观记忆辅助,此外还设置适当的练习。使用本书记忆单词的方法:


背本书的第一遍,一定要求效率,可以牺牲质量(实际上你再努力也不可能背一遍记住50%以上)。务必要在一个月内完成背第一遍单词的任务。这样做具有双重意义:1.初步建立基本印象和信心 2.培养心理成就感:知道不过如此,再有两遍就搞定了。二、螺旋式上升







第一部分为按学科分类词汇,有15个WORD LIST,覆盖26个学科。

第二部分为按意群分类词汇,有41个WORD LIST,包含253个意群。


建议同学们以每天两个WORD LIST为基本任务量,学科词汇可以根据你当前要看的阅读文章或要听的听力短文的学科属性来判定,这样可以做到学习后马上应用。如果没有结合真题学习,就可以按顺序背诵。



非常感谢梁翠、周倩和新东方的编辑在本书编辑中所做的工作,她们的协助使本书的出版得以圆满完成。SAT按学科分类SubjectsWord List 1数学·物理·化学数学**binary

[ˈbaɪnəri] adj. 成双的(of or involving a pair or pairs);二进位的 n. 二进制数字*divisible

[dɪˈvɪzəbl] adj. 可除尽的【例】8 is divisible by 2 and 4, but not by 3.


[ˈfæsɪt] n. 平面【例】The stonecutter decided to improve the rough diamond by providing it with several facets.*sequence

[ˈsiːkwəns] n. 序列【记】sequ(跟随)+ence→一个跟着一个→序列**circulate

[ˈsɜːrkjəleɪt] v.(使)循环【例】Open a window to allow the air to circulate.


[kəmˈpjuːt] v. 用计算机计算(to calculate sth with a computer)【例】Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket.*calculate

[ˈkælkjuleɪt] v. 计算,估计(to count);计划【例】Mary calculated her monthly expenses.*enumerate

[ɪˈnuːməreɪt] vt. 列举,枚举;计数(to count; numerate)【记】e(出)+numer(数字)+ate→按数列出→列举【例】Sam can enumerate all the presidents of the United States.*evaluate

[ɪˈvæljueɪt] vt. 评价,估计(to estimate; assess)【记】e+valu(价值)+ate→评价【例】The assessor evaluated the plot of land before Anne sold it.**fraction

[ˈfrækʃn] n. 分数【记】fract(碎裂)+ion→碎裂的整数→分数


[əˈrɪθmətɪk] n. 算术【记】arithm(数学)+etic→数学的分支→算术【例】Arithmetic is a basic school subject.


[ˈdesɪml] adj. 十进制的;小数的 n. 小数【记】decim(十分之一)+al→十进制的【例】The metric system is a decimal system.


[ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 乘法【例】multiplication table


[ˈbiːlaɪn] n. 直线,最短路线(direct quick route)


[ˈɪndɪsiːz] n. 指数(signs; indications)【记】index 的复数


[ˌekspəˈnenʃəli] adv. 指数地;迅速增长地【记】exponent(指数)+ially→指数地*diametrical

[ˌdaɪəˈmetrɪkl] adj. 直径的;正好相反的*semicircular

[ˌsemiˈsɜːrkjələr] adj. 半圆的【例】The hotel, freshly built by decree of the progressive, tourism-minded king, was semicircular in shape.*tangential

[tænˈdʒenʃl] adj. 切线的;离题的(divergent; digressive)【反】tangential point(非要点)→gist(n. 要点)*elliptical

[ɪˈlɪptɪkl] adj. 椭圆的;晦涩的(ambiguous);省略的【反】palpable(adj. 明显的)*circuitous

[sərˈkjuːɪtəs] adj. 迂回的(indirect; roundabout)【记】circuit(绕圈)+ous→迂回的【例】You could tell Mary that she was evading our question when she gave a circuitous response.*curvature

[ˈkɜːrvətʃər] n. 弯曲形状,弯曲(curved form; curving)【例】the curvature of the earth's surface*tangency

[ˈtændʒənsi] n. 相切,(在一点上)接触【例】Based on the analysis, determine the unicity of point of tangency and point of intersection.*halve

[hæv] vt. 把…对半分(to divide sth into two equal parts)【例】The latest planes have halved the time needed for crossing the Atlantic.**vertex

[ˈvɜːrteks] n.(三角形、多边形等的)角的顶点;顶点,最高点(highest point summit)【例】The origin in a polar coordinate system; the vertex of a polar angle.*symmetry

[ˈsɪmətri] n. 对称(性),匀称(balance; harmony)【记】sym(共同)+metry(测量)→两边测量结果一样→对称


[plʌm] adj. 垂直的(straight; vertical)*perpendicular

[ˌpɜːrpənˈdɪkjələr] adj. 垂直的(exactly upright; vertical)【记】per(每)+pend(挂)+icular→全部挂的→垂直的*cylindrical

[səˈlɪndrɪkl] adj. 圆柱形的,圆柱体的【例】His car had cylindrical glass holders attached to either door and a white leathery interior.*parameter

[pəˈræmɪtər] n. 参量,变量(any of the established limits within which sth must operate)【记】para(辅助)+meter(测量)→辅助测量→参量*axiom

[ˈæksiəm] n. 公理(maxim);定理【记】ax(斧子)+iom→斧子之下出公理→公理*aggregate

[ˈæɡrɪɡət] n. 合计,总计;集合体**deduction

[dɪˈdʌkʃn] n. 扣除,扣除之量;推论,演绎法**scatterplot

n. 散点图**pictogram

[ˈpɪktəɡræm] n. 象形图*vector

[ˈvektər] n. 矢量(quantity that has both magnitude and direction, e.g. velocity)*imponderable

[ɪmˈpɑːndərəbl] adj.(重量等)无法衡量的【记】im(不)+ponder(衡量)+able→无法衡量的*discrete

[dɪˈskriːt] adj. 不相关的;不连续的;离散的(separate)【例】A computer can perform millions of discrete functions per second.*determinant

[dɪˈtɜːrmɪnənt] n. 决定因素 adj. 决定性的(decisive)【记】来自 determine(v. 决定,下决心)*chart

[tʃɑːrt] n. 航海图【例】a naval chart物理*opaque

[oʊˈpeɪk] n. 不透明物 adj. 不透明的;不传导的**echo

[ˈekoʊ] n. 回声,回波*resound

[rɪˈzaʊnd] vi. 回响(to be filled with sound);鸣响(to be loudly and clearly heard)*leverage

[ˈlevərɪdʒ] n. 杠杆作用**forcemeter

[ˈfɔːrsmiːtər] n. 测力计


[ˈsentɪɡreɪd] adj. 百分度的;摄氏的【记】centi(百)+grade(级,度)→百分度的【例】Centigrade scale is used in most countries except the United States.*celsius

[ˈselsiəs] adj. 摄氏的 n. 摄氏度【例】Boiling point is 100 Celsius.*filament

[ˈfɪləmənt] n. 灯丝;细丝【记】fila(丝)+ment→灯丝;细丝**circuitry

[ˈsɜːrkɪtri] n. 电路,电路系统


[ˈɡælvənaɪz] vt. 电镀;给…通电;激励(to stimulate)【记】来自 galvanic(adj. 电流的)【反】lull(vt. 使麻痹,使平静)


[ɪˌlektroʊmæɡˈnetɪk] adj. 电磁的


[mæɡˈnetɪk] adj. 有磁性的(with the properties of a magnet)【例】The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.


[rɪˈfrækʃn] n. 折射(bending of a ray of light)


[ˈluːmen] n.(pl. lumens, -mina)流明(光通量单位)【例】A former luminance unit was equal to one lumen per square foot.*diffuse

[dɪˈfjuːs] v.(使)传播,(使)扩散(to scatter; spread)【记】di(分开)+f+fuse(流)→分流→扩散【例】The winds diffused the smoke throughout the neighborhood.**emit

[iˈmɪt] vt. 发出,放射(to discharge; give off)【例】All the cars that emit poisonous gas have been called back.*density

[ˈdensəti] n. 密度【例】The population density is very high in Hong Kong.*foam

[foʊm] n. 泡沫(bubble; froth)*clutter

[ˈklʌtər] n.(雷达显示器上的)杂乱回波;混乱,杂乱 vt. 使混乱(to litter; disarray)【例】My office is filled with useless clutter.*thaw

[θɔː] v.(使)溶化,(使)融解(to melt; defrost)【例】Last week it was so warm that the frozen pond thawed.


[ˈfjuːʒn] n. 熔合*constituent

[kənˈstʃuənt] n. 成分(component)**incompatible

[ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl] adj. 不兼容的(inconsistent; incongruous)【记】in(不)+compatible(融合的,兼容的)→不兼容的**compatible

[kəmˈpætəbl] adj. 融合的,兼容的(harmonious; congruous)【例】Is this software compatible with my computer?


[ˌdɪsəˈluːʃn] n. 分解,溶解;崩溃,瓦解(disintegration; looseness in morals)【例】Experiments were carried out at 100℃ and pressures sufficiently low to prevent dissolution.∥The profligacy and dissolution of life in Caligula's Rome appall some historians.*dynamic

[daɪˈnæmɪk] adj. 动态的(opposed to static);有活力的(energetic; vigorous)【记】dynam(力量)+ic→有活力的***mechanics

[məˈkænɪks] n. 力学;机械学*cohesion

[koʊˈhiːʒn] n. 内聚力;附着,结合;凝聚力【例】Cohesion is the force causing molecules of the same substance to stick together.*impetus

[ˈɪmpɪtəs] n. 推动力(urge; momentum)【记】im(进入)+pet(追求)+us→追求力→推动力【例】The physical object in motion needs impetus.∥His longing for another kind of life is a major impetus for his hard working.


[ˌdiːˈseləreɪt] v.(使)减速(to decrease the speed of)【例】A parachute is used to decelerate a fast-moving object.∥Many countries are seeking measures to decelerate the arms buildup.【反】accelerate(v. 加速)


[əkˈseləreɪt] v.(使)加速(to expedite; speed)【记】ac+celer(速度)+ate→加速【例】The car accelerated as it went downhill.*expedite

[ˈekspədaɪt] vt. 使加速(to speed up; hasten)【记】ex(出)+ped(脚)+ite→脚跨出去→加速【例】Use of a rotary vacuum evaporator will expedite the concentration steps in the procedure.∥The person it alked to on the phone promised to expedite the shipment of the book ordered.*radiate

[ˈreɪdieɪt] v.(使)散发,发射(to emit; give off)【例】Heat radiated from the stove.


[ˈkwɪvər] v.(使)振动,(使)颤抖(to shiver; tremble)【例】The dog quivered in the rain.


[ˌsentrɪˈfjuːɡl] adj. 离心的(moving or tending to move away from a center)【记】centri(中心)+fug(逃跑)+al→逃离中心的→离心的


[senˈtrɪpɪtl] adj. 向心的(moving or tending to move toward a center)【记】centri(中心)+pet(追求)+al→追求中心→向心的


[ˈsɜːrkɪt] n. 电路(complete path along which an electric current flows);环行;环行道;线路(a curving path that forms a complete circle round an area)


[dɪˈklɪvəti] n. 下倾的斜面【记】de(下)+cliv(斜面)+ity→下倾的斜面*indexer

[ɪnˈdeksər] n. 分度器


[ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl] adj. 万有引力的,重力的【记】来自 gravitation(n. 万有引力,重力)


[prəˈdʒektl] n. 抛射物,发射体(a body projected by external force)【记】pro(向前)+ject(扔)+ile→扔向前的东西→抛射物


[ˈtensl] adj. 张力的,可伸展的(capable of being stretched)*elastic

[ɪˈlæstɪk] adj. 有弹性的,能伸展的(easily resuming original shape after being stretched)【记】e+last(持久)+ic→能伸展的【反】inelastic(adj. 无弹性的)*cohesive

[koʊˈhiːsɪv] adj. 有凝聚力的**aerodynamics

[ˌeroʊdaɪˈnæmɪks] n. 空气动力学


[ˌeroʊdaɪˈnæmɪkl] adj. 空气动力学的**disperse

[dɪˈspɜːrs] v. 消散,驱散【记】di(分开)+sperse(散开)→分散开→驱散【反】focus(v. 聚集);aggregate(v. 聚集)


[tʃeɪf] vt. 擦热(to rub; scrape)【例】Coarse fabric will chafe your skin.


[diːˈhaɪdreɪt] v.(使)脱水(to dry)【记】de(去除)+hydrate(水合物)→使脱水【例】Her body had dehydrated dangerously with the heat.**fathom

[ˈfæðəm] n. 英寻(水深测量单位,等于1.89米)v. 彻底明白,领悟(to understand thoroughly)【记】fathom 原意为“伸展手臂测量”,引申为“伸展手臂后的长度”*candlepower

[ˈkændlˌpaʊər] n. 烛光*interatomic

[ˌɪntɜːrəˈtɑːmɪk] adj. 原子间的【例】inter atomic forces were considered as a function of the separation of atoms.*edgewise

[ˈedʒwaɪz] adv. 刀口朝向外边,沿边


[ˈkærət] n.(钻石等的重量单位)克拉;(金子的纯度单位)开*brink

[brɪŋk] n. 边缘(margin edge rim)【例】A fence was built along the brink of the cliff to prevent accidents.化学


[ˌɪndɪˈsɑːljəbl] adj. 不可溶解的,不可分解的;牢固持久的(firm and lasting)【例】an indissoluble compound∥The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.*soluble

[ˈsɑːljəbl] adj. 可溶的(capable of being dissolved);可以解决的(capable of being solved)【记】solu(松开)+ble→可溶的*detergent

[dɪˈtɜːrdʒənt] adj. 净化的(cleansing)n. 清洁剂【记】de(除去)+terg(擦)+ent→擦掉→净化的;清洁剂


[hɜːrˈmetɪk] adj. 密封的(completely sealed by fusion; airtight);深奥的【记】her(她)+met(遇到)+ic(看做 ice,冰)→她遇到冰进不去了→密封的【反】easily comprehended(易被理解的)*impurity

[ɪmˈpjʊrəti] n. 杂质;不纯**composite

[kəmˈpɑːzɪt] adj. 混合的 n. 混合物(made up of different parts or materials)【例】a composite substance∥The play is a composite of reality and fiction.*liquefy

[ˈlɪkwɪfaɪ] v.(使)液化,(使)溶解(to make or become liquid; melt)【记】liqu(液体)+efy→变成液体→(使)液化*dissolve

[dɪˈzɑːlv] v.(使)溶解,(使)融化【例】Water dissolves salt as heat dissolves ice.*corrosive

[kəˈroʊsɪv] adj. 腐蚀性的,腐蚀的(tending or having the power to corrode)


[kəˈroʊd] v. 腐蚀,侵蚀(to erode; eat away);受腐蚀【例】Battery acid corroded the inside of the camera.*additive

[ˈædətɪv] n. 添加剂


[ɪˈvæpəreɪt] v.(使)蒸发(to vaporize)【记】e+vapor(蒸汽)+ate→(使)蒸发【例】The rubbing alcohol evaporated as soon as the nurse dabbed it on the patient's arm.*tentative

[ˈtentətɪv] adj. 试验性的(trial)【记】tent(=test 测试)+ative→试验性的【例】Tentative measures have been taken to settle these refugees.


[ˈmɪsəleɪni] n. 混合物(a collection of various items or parts)【记】misc(混合)+ellany→混合物【派】miscellaneous(adj. 混杂的,各种各样的)*flammable

[ˈflæməbl] adj. 易燃的(easily set on fire)【记】flamm(=flam 火)+able→易燃的


[kəmˈbʌstəbl] adj. 易燃的(flammable);易激动的(easily aroused)【记】com+bust(燃烧)+ible→易燃的


[prəˈpelənt] n. 推进物,推进燃料,发射火药*explode

[ɪkˈsploʊd] v.(使)爆炸(to blast)【例】The red balloon exploded when I popped it with a pin.


[ˈmoʊltən] adj. 熔化的(melted)*rust

[rʌst] v.(使)生锈;(使)成铁锈色 n. 铁锈【例】An iron plow would get rusted under wet weather.∥If you leave your metal tools outside in the rain, they will rust.*smolder

[ˈsmoʊldər] vi. (无火焰)缓慢燃烧


[ˈkɪndl] vt. 点燃,燃起(to ignite; inflame);激起(情绪等)【记】和 candle(n. 蜡烛)一起记【例】The sparks kindled the dry grass.∥Her cruelty kindled hatred in my heart.**sear

[sɪr] vt. 灼烧,烧焦【例】The hot iron seared the trousers.*ignite

[ɪɡˈnaɪt] vt. 点燃,使燃烧(to inflame; kindle)【例】A smoldering cigarette ignited the newspapers.


[dɪˈstɪl] v. 蒸馏,提炼(to turn a liquid into vapor by heating)【记】di(分开)+still(滴下)→蒸馏


[ˈlevn] n. 发酵剂,酵母(a substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid);影响力 vt. 使发酵(to raise with a leaven);影响【记】leave(离开)+n→离开旧的状态→使发酵;和 heaven(n. 天堂)一起记


[ˈkɑːrbən] n. 碳*scorch

[skɔːrtʃ] vt. 烤焦,烫得褪色(to discolor)【例】Do not leave the iron on that delicate fabric or the heat will scorch it.*chlorinate

[ˈklɔːrɪneɪt] vt. 使氯化**erode

[ɪˈroʊd] vt. 侵蚀,腐蚀(to corrode; wear away)【例】A constant stream of water eroded the rock mountain.*blend

[blend] v./n. 混和(to combine; mix)【例】The room's decoration was a good blend of traditional and modern pieces.∥The artist blended painting with etching.*ferment

[fərˈment] v./n.(使)发酵(to cause fermentation in);(使)骚动(to excite; agitate)【记】ferm(=ferv 煮沸)+ent→发酵【反】tranquility(n. 宁静)


[əˈseɪ] v./n. 试验,测定(to test for quality)【记】as(正如)+say(说)→正如试验数据所说→试验**synthesize

[ˈsɪnθəsaɪz] vt. 合成,综合*blanch

[blæntʃ] v.(使)变白,漂白(to make or become white);(使脸色)变苍白(to turn pale)【记】和 blank(adj. 空白的)一起记*coagulate

[koʊˈæɡjuleɪt] v.(使)凝结(to curdle; clot)【记】co(一起)+ag(做)+ulate→使到一起→(使)凝结


[ˈrerɪfaɪ] v.(使)变稀薄(to make thin, less compact or less dense);提炼(思想等),使纯化【记】来自 rare(adj. 稀薄的)【例】Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life.【反】concentrate(v. 集中,浓缩);condense(v. 压缩,浓缩);make denser(使浓缩)*ossify

[ˈɑːsɪfaɪ] v.(使)硬化,(使)骨化;(使)(传统)僵化【记】oss(骨)+ify(…化)→(使)骨化【反】transcend conventions(超越传统)*concentrate

[ˈkɑːnsntreɪt] v.(使)聚集,(使)浓缩(to bring into one main body)【记】con+centr(中心)+ate→聚集【反】deploy(v. 展开);dilute(v. 稀释);rarefy(v.(使)变稀薄)


[əˈsiːtɪk] adj. 醋的;酸的*brass

[bræs] n. 黄铜**bronze

[brɑːnz] n. 青铜**bicarbonate

[ˌbaɪˈkɑːrbənət] n. 碳酸氢盐,重碳酸盐*millilitre

[ˈmɪliliːtər] n. 毫升*blast

[blæst] n. 爆破,爆炸;(一阵)疾风【例】Several passers-by were killed by the blast. ∥The leaves were lifted into the air by a sudde n blast of wind.**ingredient

[ɪnˈɡriːdiənt] n. 成分(element)【记】in(进入)+gredi(走)+ent→走进去成为一部分→成分*amalgam

[əˈmælɡəm] n. 混合物(a combination or mixture)【记】am+alg+am→前后两个 am,中间 alg→混合物


[ˈælkəmi] n. 炼金术**filter

[ˈfɪltər] n. 滤纸,多孔过滤材料(a porous article (as of paper) through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out matter in suspension)vt. 过滤(to remove by mean sofa filter)*aluminium

[ˌæljəˈmɪniəm] n. 铝


[ˌefərˈvesns] n. 冒泡,沸腾*crystal

[ˈkrɪstl] n. 水晶;结晶体【例】Salt crystals can be found in every home.*inhalation

[ˌɪnhəˈleɪʃn] n. 吸入;吸入药剂


[iˈmɑːliənt] n. 润肤剂(a medicine applied to surface tissues of the body)【记】e+molli(=soft 软)+ent→使(皮肤)变软→润肤剂


[moʊt] n. 微粒,微尘(a speck of dust)


[ˈnaɪtrədʒən] n. 氮


[sɪnˈθetɪk] adj. 综合的;合成的(artificial; man-made)

Patience is better than pride.


compatible  composite  corrosive  detergent  diffuse

circulate  disperse  dissolve  emit  erode

enumerate  incompatible  liquefy  resound  rust

sear  smolder  soluble  synthesize  tentative

1. The hours of the job are ____. with family life.

2. Unemployment is having a ____. effect on our economy.

3. The new system will be ____ with existing equipment.

4. Most synthetic ____ are in the form of powder or liquid.

5. Problems are ____ not readily.

6. He reached so me ____ conclusions about the possible cause of the accident.

7. The play is a ____ of reality and fiction.

8. Blood ____ through the body.

9. The minimum pressure required to ____ a gas at its critical temperature is its critical pressure.

10. Laughter ____ through the house.

11. Salt ____ in water.

12. The underneath of the car was badly ____.

13. Police ____ the protesters with teargas.

14. She ____ the items we had to buy, sugar, tea, soap, etc.

15. The bonfire was still ____ the next day.

16. DDT is a pesticide that was first ____ in 1874.

17. The problem is how to ____ power with out creating anarchy.

18. The metal container began to ____ a clicking sound.

19. The heat of the sun ____ their faces.

20. Her confidence has been slowly ____ by repeated failures.配对题

1. celsius  回声

2. flammable  电路

3. bronze  灯丝

4. bicarbonate  成分

5. opaque  测力计

6. forcemeter  不透明物

7. ingredient  碳酸氢盐

8. filament  青铜

9. circuitry  易燃的

10. echo  摄氏度

11. clutter  空气动力学

12. mechanics  杠杆作用

13. filter  杂质

14. density  英寻

15. foam  添加剂

16. additive  泡沫

17. fathom  密度

18. impurity  滤纸

19. leverage  力学

20. aerodynamics  杂乱回波练习题答案填空题答案

1. The hours of the job are incompatible with family life.

2. Unemployment is having a corrosive effect on our economy.

3. The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.

4. Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid.

5. Problems are not readily soluble.

6. He reached some tentative conclusions about the possible cause of the accident.

7. The play is a composite of reality and fiction.

8. Blood circulates through the body.

9. The minimum pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature is its critical pressure.

10. Laughter resounded through the house.

11. Salt dissolves in water.

12. The underneath of the car was badly rusted.

13. Police dispersed the protesters with teargas.

14. She enumerated the items we had to buy, sugar, tea, soap, etc.

15. The bonfire was still smoldering the next day.

16. DDT is a pesticide that was first synthesized in 1874.

17. The problem is how to diffuse power with out creating anarchy.

18. The metal container began to emit a clicking sound.

19. The heat of the sun seared their faces.

20. Her confidence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures.配对题答案

1. celsius  摄氏度

2. flammable  易燃的

3. bronze  青铜

4. bicarbonate  碳酸氢盐

5. opaque  不透明物

6. forcemeter  测力计





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