
发布时间:2021-04-04 19:49:39








Part Ⅰ: Translation (90 points)

A. Translate the following into Chinese(1)

Work therefore is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom, for the foredoom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days. With this advantage of work another is associated, namely that it makes holidays much more delicious when they come. Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor, he is likely to find far more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find.【参考译文】


There was something awaiting us in the midst of this wild primeval forest. Suddenly, as if in a strange vision, we came to a beautiful little meadow huddled among the rocks: clear water, green grass, wild flowers, the purling of brooks and the blue heaven above, a generous stream of light unimpeded by leaves.【参考译文】


The construction of such a satellite is now believed to be quite realizable, its realization being supported with all the achievements of contemporary science, which have brought into being not only materials capable of withstanding severe stresses involved and high temperatures developed, but new technological processes as well.【参考译文】


B. Translate the following into English(1)


The moon sheds her liquid light silently over the leaves and flowers, which, in the floating transparency of a bluish haze from the pond, look as if they had just been bathed in milk, or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood. Although it is a full moon, shining through a film of clouds, the light is not at its brightest; it is, however, just right for me—a profound sleep is indispensable, vet a snatched doze also has a savor of its own. The moonlight is not spread evenly over the pond, but rather in a harmonious rhythm of light and shade, like a famous melody played on a violin.(2)


We must create a harmonious international situation in which every country can make their choices freely and common ground is guaranteed while differences reserved. There are about 200 countries in the world which are different from each other in terms of social system, value, developmental level, historical tradition and religious culture. According to their own national conditions and the will of their people, social system and development path is the sovereignty of all peoples and other countries have no rights to interfere. Each country and nation having its own characteristics and advantages, we have to respect each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, live in harmony, and promote each other if we want to create a colorful world.(3)


I was originally a commoner, tilling my land in Nanyang, trying merely to survive in the troublous times, and not seeking to be known to the nobility. The late Emperor, disregarding my humble birth and low position, condescended to pay me three visits in my thatched cottage, consulting me on contemporary issues. I was therefore very grateful to him and promised him my whole-hearted service.

Part Ⅱ: Writing (60 points)

Read the following passage and write a summary of no less than 200 words.

Most cultures that have formal educational systems teach much the same content—reading, mathematics, writing, and so forth—but educational differences can be found in what a culture emphasizes and how the content is taught. Although the teaching of history is common to all cultures, the history the culture emphasizes is its own. For the United States, the history of the Industrial Revolution might be taught. In Mexico, the focus could be on the impact of Spanish invasion on that country. Likewise, the teaching of language is common to all cultures, but the language emphasized is its own. By teaching a culture’s history and language to school children, a society is reinforcing its value, beliefs, and prejudices. Each culture, whether consciously or unconsciously, tends to glorify its historical, scientific, and artistic accomplishments and to minimize the accomplishments of other cultures. In this way, schools in all cultures, whether they intend to or not teach ethnocentrism. For instance, the next time you look at a world map, notice that the United States is prominently located in the center—unless, of course, you are looking at a Chinese or Russian map. Many students in the United States, if asked to identify the great books of the world, would likely produce a list of books by Western, white, male authors. This attitude of subtle ethnocentrism, or the reinforcing of the values, beliefs, and prejudices of the culture, is not a uniquely American phenomenon. Studying only the Koran in Iranian schools or only the Old Testament in Israeli classrooms is also a quiet form of ethnocentrism.

In as much as cultures vary in what they emphasize, you should not be surprised to learn that there is cultural diversity in how students participate in the learning process. In some cultures, teachers talk or lecture a great deal of the time, whereas in others students do most of the talking. Silence and minimal vocal participation characterize some classrooms, whereas others tend to be noisy and active. In many cultures, students recite and then write down what their teacher has said rather than using individual textbooks. This is particularly true in countries where the economy does not permit the luxury of textbooks. Also, the authority vested in the teacher varies from culture to culture. Even nonverbal aspects such as space, distance, time, and dress codes are cultural variables in the classroom.

As we examine the specific aspects of what and how cultures teach, it will, of course, be impossible to include every cultural educational system. Fortunately, we need not cover them all in order to make our point: culture influences education. To this end, we explore the educational systems of Korea and Japan to see what and how cultures teach. Throughout these examples, the influence of culture on the learning process, as well as the values and beliefs of the society, will be evident.

In Korea, all schools follow the same program of study. The curriculum content is determined by the Ministry of Education. There are few electives in middle schools and high schools, and variations are tailored to the type of school a student attends. Schools take a variety of forms. There are general schools, vocational schools, or specialized schools, and assignment is based on regional examination and lottery. Reading and writing are highly emphasized, and children learn both Korean and Chinese in elementary school. Although children must learn approximately 1,600 Chinese characters to be able to comprehend a daily newspaper, Koreans believe that it is a sign of a well-educated person to be able to use Chinese characters. English, as well as an additional foreign language, is required in middle school and high school. Writing emphasizes penmanship rather than composition, and students are encouraged to imitate classical works rather than initiate their own original creations.

In addition to standard subjects, Korean schools emphasize moral education. Thus, social values, civic awareness and duty, and academic preparation are all integral parts of the educational program. Teachers are expected to assume leadership in these areas, and parents hold teachers responsible for disciplining their children. Because of this reliance on teachers for discipline, children are often warned by their parents that their teachers will be notified if they misbehave at home. In Korea, students remain in their homerooms for most subjects, and teachers rotate among classes, In this way, the teacher is the social and academic counselor who can easily deal with discipline problems. Group solidarity and conformity are both goals of the Korean educational system. These goals are achieved by having students take all of their classes together and by requiring that all students wear badges and uniforms. Other rules addressing appearance, such as hair length for boys and no makeup for girls, are strictly enforced even on the way to and from school.

Korean students engage in several typical classroom behaviors. They typically show respect by avoiding eye contact, bowing, and not initiating conversation with an elder. Formal vocabulary is used to speak to the teacher, who is called seon-saeng-nim (teacher) rather than by name. Students avoid open disagreements with the teacher, deferring to his or her judgment. When they do not understand, they avoid insulting the teacher by nodding politely and attributing their lack of understanding to their own lack of diligence. Korean students prefer to remain silent rather than offer a mistaken answer that would insult the teacher and embarrass the student. Finally, Korean students hesitate to express personal opinions unless they are faced with unfairness, dishonesty, or immoral behavior.

Education in Japan is relatively homogeneous and set by a national standardized curriculum that emphasizes social studies, democratic political processes, and religious tolerance. Reading is also emphasized, and students become avid readers of nonfiction subjects such as sports, nature, history, crafts, and music. ‘Writing skills are enhanced by answering assigned questions and through sakubun—creative composition and letter writing. Calligraphy, done with a bamboo brush and black ink, issued on formal occasions, so to be graceful in society, it is important to have a minimal level of this skill. Instruction in calligraphy also becomes training in two important Japanese values: self-discipline and meditation. English is a compulsory subject from junior high to high school. Students begin with the Roman alphabet and progress to the reading of classical excerpts from Dickens and Shakespeare. Although reading, writing, and mathematics are emphasized, oral language is not.

Educators in Japanese schools do not overtly concern themselves with oral language development in the curriculum…Reticence is valued in the presence of elders and superiors in Japanese culture, and the school complements the home in imbuing this value in youngsters. Furthermore, even when it is one’s prerogative to speak, simple and brief remarks are valued over lengthy or pointed statements. Traditional fairy tales concerning “The Monkey and the Crab” show the smooth-talking crab to be quite a disreputable character. Japanese will point out that their nation has never produced a great orator or even a notable historical speech.

This lack of practice in oral skills often causes Japanese students to experience serious problems when they attend school in the United States.

Prestige in Japan is determined almost entirely by education. This has led to a system that is intensely competitive, but nonetheless fosters group solidarity and collaboration—two important values in Japanese culture. This strong collective value is reflected in the Japanese proverb that states, “A single arrow is broken, but not in a bunch.” Schools, as we have noted, foster in-group orientation. Junior high and high school students stay together for most subject classes, and teachers rotate among classes. School identification is shown in kindergarten by the wearing of matching smocks, in elementary school by identification badges, and in junior high and high school by the wearing of uniforms. There are rules addressing appearance, behavior codes, and even lunch.

Despite this collective emphasis, distinctions in individual ability are drawn very early in the Japanese educational system, and only the most academically advanced students gain entrance into the most prestigious college-preparatory junior and senior high schools, and ultimately college. To master subjects and to prepare for important entrance exams for junior high and high schools, many students often attend additional private schools called juku. Classes meet every day after school, on Saturdays, and during school vacations. This is in addition to an extended school year of 240 days. In the course of nine years of education, these additional days can add up to an extra two full years schooling compared to most schools in the United States.

Like Korean parents, Japanese parents view education as the single most important factor in their children’s future success. Families often make considerable sacrifices so that their children can excel in their school work and pass the rigorous entrance exams. Japanese mothers, who often label themselves kyoiku mama or education mamas, maintain close contact with their child’s teacher and are involved with every phase of the education process. They assist with homework and ensure that their children are freed from domestic and recreational activities so that they have plenty of time to study.

Education is a high national priority because the Japanese believe that the best way to ensure their future is to develop their most valued natural resource—their people. Because of this value placed on education, the Japanese have a correspondingly high regard for educators. Teachers have a reciprocal responsibility to the community. Because they are esteemed as role models, they are expected to be correct in their behavior at all times. Japanese teachers consciously refrain from behaviors that might be labeled marginal by the traditional Japanese culture, such as visiting coffee shops or playing pachinko in the amusement halls.【参考范文】

Although formal education systems are similar in teaching content, yet the culture emphasizes and the way that knowledge is taught are different from one country to another. That is because of the existence of ethnocentrism whether those countries are aware of it or not. Like culture emphasizes are various, the ways that students participate in the learning process also vary. In some countries, students are silent and seldom do they take part in the class, while in some countries, students are noisy and active. Reasons for this are many such as difference in the investments to the classroom.

Since we have already known that culture influences education, we are going to take education in Japan and Korea as examples to demonstrate this. In Korea, what is taught by schools is determined by the Ministry of Education and schools have few electives. There are different kinds of schools in this country. All schools put more emphases on reading and writing. Besides, schools in Korea mainly focus on moral education. Parents rely on teachers to discipline their children and students give their teachers so many respects to their teachers that they seldom express personal opinions unless they are faced with unfairness, dishonesty, or immoral behavior. While in Japan, education is relatively homogeneous and social studies, democratic political processes, and religious tolerance are important parts in education. Reading and calligraphy are of great importance in Japan. Reticence is a precious value for students and many students have difficulties in expressing themselves. What’s more, Japan’s education attaches great importance on both collective quality such as solidarity and collaboration and individual ability. There are also similarities between educations of the two countries. Parents all view education as the single most important factor in their children’s future success. Japanese even believe education is the best way to explore their most valuable resource, that is, people.【解析】



Part Ⅰ: Translation (100 Points)

A. Translate the following into Chinese(1)

It is an interesting reflection on the general climate of thought before the twentieth century that no one had suggested that the universe was expanding or contracting. It was generally accepted that either the universe had existed forever in an unchanging state, or that it bad been created at a finite time in the past more or less as we observe it today. In part this may have been due to people’s tendency to believe in eternal truths, as well as the comfort they found in the thought that even though they may grow old and die, the universe is eternal and unchanging. (15 points)【参考译文】


The failures that we need to correct arise both from poverty and from the short-sighted way in which we have often pursued prosperity. Many parts of the world are caught in a vicious downwards spiral: Poor people are forced to overuse environmental resources to survive from day to day, and the impoverishment of their environment further impoverishes them, making their survival ever more difficult and uncertain. The prosperity attained in some parts of the world is often precarious, as it has been secured through farming, forestry and industrial practices that bring profit and progress only over the short term. (15 points)【参考译文】


One has the leisure of July for perceiving all the differences of the green of leaves. It is no longer a difference in the degrees of maturity, for all the trees have darkened to their final tone, and stand in their differences of character and not of mere date. Almost all the green is grave, not sad and not dull. It has a darkened and a dally color, in majestic but not obvious harmony with dark grey skies, and might look, to inconstant eyes, as prosaic after spring as eleven o’clock looks after the dawn. (20 points)【参考译文】


B. Translate the following into English(1)


教育不仅是教授书本知识。在所谓“管理”世界、处理世界各种事务、保证世界进步、使世界从长远来看大体上能执法公正、逐渐消失束缚世界的羁绊的过程中,书本知识所占的比例还不到百分之五。(15 points)【参考译文】

We all are convinced that educated men are tasked with helping those unappreciated men. In a republic, the mission of learned people educating the public is more pressing in that the destiny of a republic is determined by how much knowledge and morality its people grasp.

Education not only means imparting knowledge on textbooks. In the process of so-called managing the world, dealing with all kinds of affairs, ensuring progress, forging a fair world and eliminating fetters that bind the world, knowledge from textbooks that we use accounts for less than 5%.(2)






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