
发布时间:2021-04-07 00:45:49











语法是掌握英语的一个基础,打好这个基础会使你分析文章更容易,也能够写出很好的句式。英语的名词性从句(Nominal/Noun Tense)是英语从句结构的重要组成部分,主要分4种:主语从古、宾语从句、表语从句与同位语从句。本书详细讲述了主语从句的4种情况,宾语从句的8种情况,同位语从句的8种使用情况及表语的使用情况。


全书内容详实,讲解细致,例句丰富,掌握全书内容,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句的正确使用完全没问题。名词性从句(NOMINAL/NOUN CLAUSE)一、引导名词性从句的关联词

引导名词性从句的关联词(Correlative)主要有下面几种。1.连接词that,whether和if(1)连词that本身无意义,有时可省略;whether和if本身有意义,均不能省略。that和whether可以连接所有的名词性从句,而if引导名词性从句时,主要引导宾语从句或不在句首的主语从句;if可引导表语从句,但少见。(2)whether可以作介词宾语,而if则不能。(3)whether引导的句子可以放在复合句的句首,而if引导的从句只能放在主句谓语动词后面。引导宾语从句时,if和whether可以互换,在口语中多用if,但宾语从句位于主句之前时,只用whether。(4)whether后可以接不定式,而if则不能。(5)whether or no意为“无论如何,不管”,不可说if or no。(6)动词wonder可以接if或whether从句,也可以接that从句。(7)动词doubt(怀疑,不知道)的肯定句接if或whether从句,但否定式don't doubt和疑问式Do you doubt要接that从句;doubt作“不信”解,表示强烈的不相信时,在陈述句中可接that从句。(8)if和whether常用在see,ask,try,wonder,know等动词后。(9)可以说no matter whether或no matter if。(10)这三个连词在句中只起连接作用,不担任句子成分。

That he survived the accident is a miracle.他在这场事故中幸免于难,真是奇迹。(主语从句)

Whether she comes or not makes no difference.她来不来都没有关系。(句首主语从句,不用if引导)

It is doubtful whether he is coming.他是否来不得而知。(可用if,主语从句,但不在句首)

I don't know whether he will attend the concert.我不知道他是否去参加音乐会。(可用if,宾语从句)

The problem is(that)we can't get there early enough.问题是我们不能很早到达那里。(表语从句)

I haven't settled the question of whether I'll lend him the money.我还没有决定是否把钱借给他。(不用if,作介词的宾语)

He didn't know whether to get married or to wait.他不知道是现在结婚,还是等等再说。(不用if)

The question whether he should join the team has not been decided upon.他是否加入这个队的问题还没有决定。(不用if,同位语从句)

The question is whether it is worth trying.问题是这是否值得一试。(不用if,表语从句)

No matter whether she comes or not,we'll go there tomorrow.不管她来不来,我们明天都将去那儿。

What I'm anxious to know is whether the library is open now.我急于想知道的是图书馆现在是否开门了。(可用if,表语从句)


It remains to be seen if we are wrong in the matter.[√](主语从句,不在句首)

If we are wrong in the matter remains to be seen.[×]

Tell him whether you need the book.告诉他你是否需要这本书。(宾语从句,“是否”)

Tell him if you need the book.如果你需要这本书,就告诉他。(状语从句,“如果”)

I doubt that she will stay there.我不信她会留在那里。(不相信)

I doubt whether she will stay there.我怀疑她是否会留在那里。(怀疑)

I doubt that she is guilty.我不信她有罪。(=I don't think...)

I doubt whether(可用if)she is guilty.我不知道她是否有罪。(=I am not sure...)

I suspect that she is guilty.我怀疑她有罪。(=I think...)

I doubt that it's true.我不信那是真的。(不信,=I don't think it is true.)

I doubt whether it's true.我怀疑那是不是真的。(怀疑)

I don't doubt that you are innocent.我相信你是清白的。

She never doubted that she was right.她从不怀疑自己是正确的。

I don't doubt that(不用if或whether)he will come soon.我不怀疑他不久会来。

Can you doubt that she will win?你怀疑她会赢吗?

Nobody can possibly doubt that he will succeed.没有人会怀疑他会成功。【提示】

①whether和that都可以引导宾语从句,但有所不同。如果宾语从句表示两种可能性居其一时,只能用whether(or not可省),不可用that。例如:

I wonder whether he knows the manager(or not).我不知道他是否认识经理。

I doubt whether the news is true or not.我怀疑这消息是不是真的。

=I doubt whether or not the news is true.


I do not doubt that she will wait for you.我不怀疑她会等你的。

I asked that she(should)come immediately.我要她立即就来。

Please see that he does the work well.请务必让他把工作做好。


I wonder whether he did it.我想知道他是否做了那件事。(后可加or not)

I wonder that he did it.他竟然做了那件事,我感到很奇怪。(后不用or not)


Whether it rains or snows,I don't care.不管是下雨还是下雪,我都不在乎。(不用if)

③在现代英语中,既可以用whether...or,whether...or not引导宾语从句,也可以用if...or,if ...or not引导宾语从句。例如:

I don't care whether you come or not.我不在乎你来不来。(可用if)

Please try to find out whether he is at home or at the office.请尽量查明他在家还是在办公室。(可用if)

I asked her if she wanted tea or coffee or ice-cream.我问她要茶、咖啡还是冰淇淋。

④whether后可以直接跟or not或or no,构成whether or not或whether or no,if则不可。例如:

He will write you whether or not he can do it.他会写信告诉你他能否做那件事。(不用if)

Whether or not she did it,I can't tell.她是否做了那件事,我不能说。(不用if)

He will leave for Paris tomorrow,whether or no.他明天无论如何要动身去巴黎了。


He asked whether she could help.他问她是否能帮忙。(表示疑问,可加or not)

He asked whether she couldn't help.他认为她能帮忙。(表示肯定,后不可加or not)

She considered whether it would be wiser to remain silent.她考虑保持沉默是否更明智。(表示疑问)

She considered whether it wouldn't be wiser to remain silent.她认为保持沉默会更明智。(表示肯定)

He wondered if he had better break off all the relations with her.他想知道是否最好同她断绝关系。(表示疑问)

He wondered if he hadn't better break off all relations with her.他知道最好还是同她断绝关系。(表示肯定)


I don't know whether she is well or not.(不知是否安好)

I don't know whether she is well.(怀疑身体不好)

I don't know whether she is not well.(想来非常不好)



I wonder if he isn't mistaken.我想他是错了。

=I wonder if he is mistaken.


I don't care if he doesn't pay the money.如果他不付钱,我也不介意。(不用whether)


I shall tell you later if I have enough money.




I shall tell you later,if I have enough money.(只表示条件,意为“如果”)

I shall tell you later whether I have enough money.(只表示“是否”)2.连接代词

在英语语法中,有连接代词(Conjunctive Pronoun)、连接副词(Conjunctive Adverb)和关系代词(Relative Pronoun)、关系副词(Relative Adverb)之分;连接代词和连接副词引导名词性从句——主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句,关系代词和关系副词引导定语从句。



Who will preside at the meeting has not been decided yet.由谁主持会议还没有决定。(引导主语从句同时作从句的主语)

He asked whom I borrowed the money from.他问我向谁借的钱。(引导宾语从句同时作从句的宾语)

Which team has won the game is not known yet.还不知道哪个队赢了这场比赛。(引导主语从句同时作从句的定语)

This is what he said to me.这就是他对我说的。(引导表语从句同时作从句的宾语)【提示】

①比较下面的缩合连接代词/复合连接代词(Condensed Conjunctive Pronoun),这些词不表示疑问:

who=anyone who/the person who    what=anything/all/something that

whatever=anything that  whoever=anyone who/those who

whichever=anyone who/any one which/that  whomever=anyone who/whom

whosever=anyone whose/anything that

Who believes that will believe anything.相信那件事的人会相信任何事。

After the earthquake,they soon repaired what had been damaged.地震过后,他们很快就将损坏的东西修复一新。

Help yourself to whatever you want.请尽情享用。

Whatever I have is at your service.我所有的一切你尽管使用。

I'll take whatever help I can get.任何帮助我都接受。

We must do whatever is best for her.我们必须做对她最有益的事。

I'll take whoever wants to go.谁想去我就带谁去。

Whoever is responsible for this will be punished.对此事负有责任的人都将受到惩罚。

Who delays,pays.延误者罚款。

He is not who I thought he was.他已不是我过去所想象的人。

You're responsible to whoever is in charge of sales.你对掌管销售的人员负责,无论其为何人。

She can marry whomever/whoever/who she chooses.她可以和她选择的任何人结婚。

You can have whichever you like best.你可以拿你最喜欢的。

Buy whichever is cheapest.哪个便宜买哪个。

Whichever climbs to the top of the hill first will receive a prize.哪个先到山顶,哪个得奖。

Take whichever picture you like.你喜欢哪幅画就拿哪幅。

We are fully prepared for whatever problems lie ahead.无论前面会遇到什么困难,我们都有充分准备。

We should try our best to help whomever we love and respect.我们应尽力帮助我们热爱和尊重的人们。

Whosever are left here for a certain time will be confiscated.不管谁的东西落在这里一段时间后就被充公。

Whosever books are overdue will be find.不管谁的书延期都要被罚款。

I'll pay whatever fee you ask.你要的任何费用我都会付。

The office is cleaned by whoever's turn it is that day.当天轮到谁,谁就打扫办公室。

Whoever's this is is to be returned.不管这是谁的都得归还。



Whatever that is worth doing should be done well.[×]

Whatever is worth doing should be done well.[√]


The gold medal will be presented to whoever that comes out first.[×]

The gold medal will be presented to whoever comes out first.[√]

②what有时保留它原有的疑问意义,表示“什么”,有时作缩合连接代词,等于“the thing which/ that”,这时,what前面不能再加that或all。另外,what若作疑问代词,介词可移到what前,而用作连接代词则不可。例如:


The picture reminded me of what that I had ever seen near a lake.[×]

The picture reminded me of what I had ever seen near a lake.[√](=the things which)

It was clear what he meant.他是什么意思,那很清楚。(疑问代词)

What worries him is his wife's health.他忧虑的是他妻子的健康。(连接代词)


He ate what he paid for.[√](连接代词)

He ate for what he paid.[×]


He asked the pupils what water was composed of.[√](疑问代词)

He asked the pupils of what water was composed.[√]


All what she said is true.[×]

What she said is true.[√]

All that she said is true.[√]


I don't know what he is writing.我不知道他在写什么。(疑问代词)

I know what he meant.我知道他的意思。(连接代词)

What is happening outside is not known.不知道外面在发生什么事。(疑问代词)

What is happening outside does not concern us.外面发生的事与我们无关。(连接代词)

What follows is doubtful.接着会发生什么还难以料定。(疑问代词)

What follows is satisfactory.接着发生的事是令人满意的。(连接代词)

The question is what she told her son before she died.问题是她临死之前告诉了她儿子什么。(疑问代词)

The decision is what she told her son before she died.决定就是她临死之前告诉她儿子的。(连接代词)


We can see what appears to be a plate.我们能看到那个貌似盘子的东西。

We can see what appear to be plates.我们能看到貌似盘子的一些东西。3.连接副词


when(=the time when什么时候,何时)    where(=the place where什么地方,何时)

how(=the way in which如何,怎样)  why(=the reason why为什么)


When we can begin the expedition is still a question.我们何时才能开始这次考察仍悬而未决。(引导主语从句同时作从句的时间状语)

We didn't know why she didn't come.我们不知道她为什么没来。(引导宾语从句同时作从句的原因状语)

The question is how we can get the loan.问题是我们如何才能弄到贷款。(引导表语从句同时作从句的方式状语)

I remember when it used to be a quiet village.我记得它曾经是个安静的村庄。(引导宾语从句同时作从句的状语)

Fall is when fruits become ripe.秋天是果实成熟的季节。(引导表语从句同时作从句的状语)

They are waiting outside for when they should be wanted.他们在外面等着,随时听候指派。(作介词for的宾语)

That's where he used to live.那就是他从前住的地方。(引导表语从句)


I don't remember when the meeting was held.


我不记得开那个会议的时间了。(when作连接副词,相当于the time when)【提示】名词性从句一般用陈述语序。例如:


How is he going to do it is a mystery.[不妥]

How he is going to do it is a mystery.[√]


It is still a question whether can he buy a railway ticket.[不妥]

It is still a question whether he can buy a railway ticket.[√]4.but,but that和but what

1 用于no doubt和not deny之后,等于that

There can be no doubt but that it is the best choice.这无疑是最好的选择。

She didn't doubt but that/but he was a responsible man.她不怀疑他是个有责任心的人。

I cant not deny but what it is an urgent matter.我不否认这是一件急迫的事情。

2 用于特殊疑问句中或否定词之后,相当于that...not

Who knows but that it may be true?谁能说这不会是真的呢?

=Who knows that it may not be true?

I can hardly believe but that the answer is right.我简直不能相信这答案不正确。

=I can hardly believe that the answer is not right.

3 but that可以引导条件状语从句

这时,but that表示“若不是”,相当于if从句,主句常用虚拟语气。例如:

He would have helped you but that he was short of money at the time.如果不是当时没有钱的话,他会帮助你的。

He would have said no but that he was afraid.若不是害怕的话,他会说不的。

But that she aided me,I might have gone bankrupt.要不是她帮助我的话,我可能已破产了。(=If she hadn't aided me...)【提示】but,but that和but what还可以引导结果状语从句,参阅第十八讲。二、主语从句1.主语从句在复合句中充当主语

大多数主语从句(subject clause)都可以用it代替,作形式主语,把主语从句置于句尾。that引导的主语从句可用it代替,that一般不省。当what引导的主语从句表示“……的东西”时,一般不用it作形式主语。whatever,whoever,whichever一般也不用it作形式主语。例如:

That I liked geography seemed strange to my father.我喜欢地理,在我父亲看来,这很奇怪。

That you will have an answer is certain.你能得到答复,这是肯定的。

That the thieves will be caught is likely.这伙盗贼被抓住的可能性很大。

What angered me most was his total lack of remorse.最使我生气的是他居然毫无悔意。

Why he did such a thing is not clear.并不清楚他为什么做这种事。

Where she lives has not been found out.还没有查清楚她住在哪里。

When he heard about it is unknown.他什么时候听到那个消息不得而知。

Whether or not these figures are accurate remains to be checked.这些数字是否确切还有待核对。

Who he is doesn't concern me.他是谁与我无关。

What will be,will be.要发生的事总是要发生的。

That she should be ungrateful cut him to the heart.她竟忘恩负义,这使他很伤心。

That Mary liked Chinese food seemed strange to her mother.玛丽喜欢吃中国菜,在她母亲看来,这很奇怪。

That all his dreams and ambitions will be fulfilled is unlikely.他所有的梦想和抱负都能实现,这可能性不大。

Whether she sold the house and how much money she got out of it doesn't concern you.她是否卖了房子,从中得了多少钱,与你无关。

That the two sides should have a difference of opinion over aims and methods is natural.双方在目的和方法上意见有些不一致是自然的。

It was clear enough what she meant.她的意思是再清楚不过了。

It's not my business,how he chooses to live.他爱怎么生活就怎么生活,这与我不相干。

Is it known where she went?知道她去哪儿了吗?

It hurt her a great deal that all she had done for him in the past years was of no avail.想着多年来为他奉献的一切都付诸东流水,她伤心欲绝。

It's well known that the Chinese people show great hospitality.中国人以热情著称于世。

It matters what you'll do.你要做什么,这至关重要。

It is a complete mystery what led to the tragic consequences.是什么造成了悲剧性的后果,这完全是个谜。【提示】


How could it happen that the kids showed no interest in what I was saying?小家伙们怎么会对我的话一点也不感兴趣呢?

Is it possible that the famous gallery will present the works of a new artist?这家著名美术馆有可能展出一个刚出道的艺术家的作品吗?

Why is it that her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy?为什么她的案子得到了无数公众的同情?

How amazing it is that the 70-year-old man should have swum across the channel!这位70岁的老人竟然游过了海峡,真是令人惊奇!

How amusing it is that the magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat!魔术师从帽子里变出一只兔子,真逗人!

②在It dawned on sb.that结构中,that引导的从句只能后置。例如:

It dawned on her that he had been right all along.她突然意识到他一直都是对的。



What he needs is more experience.[√]

It is more experience what he needs.[×]


That a round-trip to Mars would take more than a year is estimated.[√]

It is estimated that a round-trip to Mars would take more than a year.[√]


Whether she would play the part is still doubtful.[√]

It is still doubtful whether she would play the part.[√]


How the prisoner escaped is a mystery.[√]

It is a mystery how the prisoner escaped.[√]


it作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构(特别是谓语较短时),主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对某一句子成分的强调(这一成分可以是词、词组或句子),其结构是“It be+that”。无论强调的是什么成分,都通用连接词that,强调人时也可用who/whom/whose,强调地点时也可用where,强调时间时也可用when。参阅有关章节。比较:

It was ordered that the goods be sent there by plane.根据命令,那些货物必须空运到那里。(it作形式主语)

It was last summer that he graduated from the university.他是去年夏天从那所大学毕业的。(it be that为强调句型)

It has been found out who set the record.已经弄清楚纪录是谁创造的。(it作形式主语)

It was Mary that/who set the record.是玛丽创造了纪录。(it be that为强调句型)3.用it作形式主语的主语从句结构


1 主语+名词+从句

It is a pity that...遗憾的是……       It is a fact that...事实是……

It is good news that...……是好消息  It is no wonder that...……不足为奇

It is a wonder that...真是个奇迹……  It is a shame that...……真是可耻

It is an honour that...……非常荣幸  It is common knowledge that...……是常识

2 主语+形容词+从句

It is quite clear that...明确无误……  It is amazing that...令人惊诧的是……

It is natural that...很自然……  It is obvious that...显而易见……

It is fortunate that...幸运的是……  It is possible that...很可能……

It is unlikely that...不可能……  It is strange that...奇怪的是……

3 It+过去分词+从句

It is not known that...……不得而知  It is not decided that...……尚未决定

It is said that...据说……  It is reported that...据报道……

It must be pointed out that...必须指出……  It is to be discussed that...……有待讨论

It has been proved that...已证明……  It is estimated that...据估计……

It is to be noted that...值得注意的是……  It is believed that...据认为……

It is universally believed...普遍认为……  It is announced that...据宣布……

It can safely be said that...完全可以说……  It must be admitted that...必须承认……

It can thus be concluded that...可以由此得出结论

4 其他

It doesn't matter...……是无关紧要的

It makes no difference...……毫无区别

It doesn't make too much difference that...……关系不大

It doesn't need to be bothered that...不必担忧……

It is of little consequence that...……无关紧要

It suddenly struck me/occurred to me that...我突然想到/感觉到……【提示】在下面的结构中,it为虚设主语,that-从句是一个外置的主语,但该主语不可前置放在句首:

It seems/appears/(so)happens/chanced/transpired/came about/turned out/occurred to+that-从句

It may/could be+that-从句

Thus it came about that he left home on a cold winter morning,never to return.就这样,他在一个寒冷的冬天早晨离开了家,再没有回来过。

How did it come about that he did not report the theft until two days after it occurred?他怎么直到盗窃案发生两天后才报案呢?

Didn't it occur to you that the detectives were keeping the place under observation?你当时没有想到这个地方受到侦探的监视吗?



1 It doesn′t matter+how/whether...结构中的主语从句不可提前


It doesn't matter whether he likes it or not.[√]

Whether he likes it or not doesn't matter.[×]

2 It is said/reported...结构中的主语从句不可提前


It is said that the expressway will be open to traffic next year.[√]

That the expressway will be open to traffic next year is said.[×]

3 含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前


Is it likely that it will snow in the afternoon?[√]

Is that it will snow in the afternoon likely?[×]【提示】在简短句子中,主语从句的引导词that可以省略。例如:

It's a good thing George can't hear us.乔治听不见我们讲话是个好事。

It's a pity you can't swim.你不会游泳,真遗憾。

It seems likely someone left the door unlocked.似乎有人可能忘了锁门就出去了。





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