
发布时间:2021-04-09 13:30:58









既然学习语言应该从听说练习开始,那么想学好英语的你又能找到多少可以训练听和说的素材呢?总结一下,比如英文有声书、英语电视节目、英文对白的电影、英语广播和网站上提供的其他音频、视频资料等,这些都是非常好的学习材料,但是各有利弊。一般书店销售的英语学习类图书大多配有音频光盘,使之成为有声材料,但是有些出版者在图书音频录制过程中对录音者要求不高,导致所录材料中的语言缺乏感情,缺少相关场景的配合,显得很生硬,自然很难让学习者提起学习的兴趣;国内目前电视平台提供的英语节目不是很多,你可以选择网络或卫星来观看国外的英语电视节目,但是由于这些素材并未照顾到语言学习者的水平,普遍语速太快,而且没有字幕,让我们这些外语或二外学习者理解起来有不小的难度,只能单纯用来磨耳朵;看英文对白电影是个比较好的学习方式,既有趣又发音准确,在网上也能找到很多,大多还配有字幕,但是不少由志愿者提供的字幕翻译水平参差不齐,有可能误导观众,带有字幕也会让人产生依赖性。另外英文对白的电影长度太长,如果只是从头到尾泛泛地看,无法从学习语言的角度切入,效果也不理想;收音机和网络电台中的英语广播只能听不能看,并不直观,同样速度较快,没有文本,不适合反复学习;最后说说来自Youtube, megavideo, HuIu等网站上的视频资料,我们在这些网站中发现了大量,很受欢迎的非常贴近生活的英语视频资料,大多数趣味性、实用性和学习性都很强,难度不高,非常适合普通英语学习者观看学习。因此我们特地收集和整理了一些,集合成册,分门别类,制作成适合中国读者的英语学习类图书,并且由经验丰富的作者为其配备了英、中双语文稿,从内容和语言学习的双重角度加以解说,让读者学习语言的同时还可以拓展百科知识,一举两得。


本书视频资料摘自互联网,仅供学习使用。由于内容来源众多,无法一一联络,原作者可自行联系本书作者或出版者索取版权使用费。本书出版的过程中,受到中国纺织出版社的编辑老师的大力协助,深表感谢。同时还要感谢袁金萍、刘星辰、王调菊、董学慧等几位好友的鼎力协助。由于时间仓促,水平有限,如有疏漏和不当之处,请读者朋友们批评指正。编者2015年1月第一篇 面试 Interview

面试在求职的环节至关重要,因为直观的印象会影响人的判断,简历是第一步,而面试是进一步印证求职者能力的最佳机会。面试时应注意着装、仪态、礼貌用语、专业性回答、细节处理等方面。通过本篇你可以了解一些求职面试的小秘诀。原文 ScriptJob Interview Tips

Hi there, I'm Denise Richardson. And this is howdini.com.If you wanna learn how to ace a job interview, stay tuned.We are about to talk about it with Maggie Mistal, who is a life purpose and career coach, who can be heard regularly on Martha Steward Living Radio on Sirius.Thank you so much for being with us.Thanks, Denise.

You show up with your dress properly. You walk in to meet an interviewer.What is the first thing you do when you walk in?

I love to smile. And obviously I think you can tell by that.But I like to make the interviewer just as at ease as I'm trying to be.Because really, this interview is a conversation that you are gonna have with this other person who is a human being and it can be a real ice-breaker, if you can be relaxed and at least give yourself a break to say,“Hi, how are you?”And even try to talk about the weather or some type of ice breaker that kind of gives everybody the chance to take a deep breath because this is an evaluative conversation and it can be nerve-wracking for both parties.

So the interviewer says to that prospective employee,“Why do you want to leave your job?”

Yes. That's always a great question, isn't it?And you have to be prepared for the key questions.Especially,“Why are you moving on?”Now, if you are moving on because you can't stand your boss, right?Which happens a lot and we've all been there.You don't wanna say that!What you do want to say is that I really need to be in a place where I can be managed and developed and where I can get guidance or mentoring.You really focus on the things that you are looking to get as opposed to all the reasons why you don't have it now.

You know there are some people who walk into that interview and they walk in a little defensively and because they really need a job. And they hear the words,“You are overqualified!”And they are willing to take a job and do their best at it.How do you handle,“You are overqualified?”

You can say things like,“Well, I've, you know, I've really thought about that and if I were in your shoes, I'd be asking the same question.And when I think about it, I can tell you for a fact, I'm looking to downshift, and I know this industry well, and I don't need to be in charge.I've been the person on the totem pole before and I can do that again.I'm really looking for a place where I can contribute but where I don't have to be the one who's running the show.”And really address those concerns which are behind the“overqualified”comment.

And they may say the op(opposite),“You just don't have enough experience for us.”

Oh, for folks who are just starting out maybe a new career or college students who just graduated or even folks out of high school are new to the work world that's a common problem.So again I go back to,“internships are great,”anyway that you can get some experience on your resume to demonstrate,“Hey, yeah, I may not be, you know, ten years in this field, but I can tell you in this……this experience that I had this summer, I didn't know anything going in and here is how successful I was.”Y You want to show situations where, yeah, you went in without a lot of experience but were still able to succeed.And this is where references can be so helpful as well.Even if you don't have a lot of experience, anybody can be a good reference for you.Even a teacher, or a professor, or even, um, someone that you volunteered for, who can attest your ability to learn quickly and perform well can be a great asset.

“We really like you. How much money are you looking for?”It's such a trick question.

Oh, it is!And for that question you definitely want to do your homework. This is one of the best uses for the internet.Salary.com, Indeed.com, Monster, Hotjobs, a lot of them have salary calculators associated with now.So you can look up the job title in your geographic area, and get the range of salaries for that position.And find where you would fit based on your level of experience.

Briefly, if I……if the interviewer hasn't brought up the word“salary”,should you?

Not right away. And in the initial conversation, you want to get to know whether or not this job even is a good fit.And I always tell people:Become the superstar to this person first, and then you are in a much better place to negotiate salary.And they may even pay more for you because they are like, wow, we can't let Denise go.She's such a fabulous candidate.We are only going to pay this much but now that we've found Denise.We are willing to do more.

Health care, flex-time, vacation time, these are the issues that you should bring up during a first interview or do you wait for,“Come back and meet Mr.Smith?”

Right. Come……Wait for the come back because, again,first interview should be about,“Is this a company I can picture myself in?”and vice versa for the interviewer and if it is a place you can see yourself in, do the……do really be your best self and really let them know why you'd be a fantastic fit.

But we're certainly happy to have you with us. Thank you so much Maggie Mistal.

You are welcome.译文 Translation求职面试小秘诀

















注一:the person on the totem poIe这个词组比较常见的用法是a high[Iow]man on the totem poIe;重要(不重要)的人物。这里因为影片中没有提到high或Iow,我们认为这句的意思是在那个阶层中。词汇短语 Words and Phrases

evaluative adj.可估价的;评估性

nerve-wracking adj.极端令人头疼的,非常伤脑筋的

mentor v.有经验可信赖的顾问;指导

downshift v.放慢脚步

attest vt.证明;证实学习小贴士







_______________________________第二篇 诚实 Honesty

诚实是一个人最应该遵守的优良品德之一,也是一家企业最应该遵循的经营之道。当今的社会,很多人目光短浅,只顾眼前利益,甚至是昧着良心来经商,结果严重地损害了自己和他人的名誉和权益。每个人都应该认真地观看一下本篇所讲述的内容,相信会有所启发。原文 ScriptHonestly Speaking-The Honest Company Advertising Video

Being a mom is the most profound experience I have ever had. I'm Jessica Alba, mother of two gorgeous girls.

I'm Christopher Gavigan, and I've spent my adult career focusing on helping parents create healthy environment for their children.

All my priorities in life have completely shifted to my children. I feel this intense responsibility now to create the safest, most loving and healthiest environment for my family.

Before children, there is like a classic selfishness about it. But when you are a parent, you have this great new opportunity to say like,“I would do anything for this new little being.”

As good as it is, it could also be exhausting, and totally overwhelming.I was definitely not prepared.

Today's parents, they are facing a new reality:autism, allergies, childhood cancer. Yet, most parents don't really understand how to protect their children from these chronic diseases.

I mean, there's so much information out there.It's hard to really figure out what is what.And what are the right choices.

There's an assumption that everything on store shelves are safe.That is not always the case.There are many toxic chemicals found in everyday products that had been linked to these chronic diseases.But there is a good news.We can make better and safer choices for a family.

We created The Honest Company because we had to. We had to make it easier for parents to buy safe products for their families.

And The Honest Company is committed to creating the safest, none-toxic, healthiest, family and baby products around.

And you don't even have to go to the grocery and get it. It just pops up on your doorstep.It's kinda perfect.Overall, our dream is to redefine the idea of the family brand.

Because we know that together, we can do things better.

We hope you join us.译文 Translation杰西卡·阿尔芭的诚实公司













我们期待你的加入。词汇短语 Words and Phrases

profound adj.意义深远的;深刻的

priority n.重心;优先

overwhelming adj.势不可挡的

autism n.自闭症;孤独症

allergy n.过敏

toxic chemicals 毒性化学物质

chronic diseases 慢性病

redefine v.从新定义;再定义补充知识

杰西卡·阿尔芭(Jessica Alba),1981年4月28日出生于美国加利福尼亚州,美国影视演员。1993年,杰西卡参演了她的银幕处女作《疯狂夏令营》。2000年,杰西卡出演的科幻题材电视剧《末世黑天使》开播。2001年,杰西卡获得第58届美国金球奖剧情类剧集最佳女主角提名。2005年,杰西卡接拍了根据漫画改编的电影《神奇四侠》和《罪恶之城》。2007年,杰西卡出演《神奇四侠2》。2014年,杰西卡主演的《罪恶之城2》在北美上映。

杰西卡·阿尔芭一手创立的诚实公司(Honest Co)正在准备首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO),诚实公司主要负责生产生态友好的婴幼儿用品。近期,诚实公司再次获得7000万美元的融资,市值为10亿美元。


_______________________________第三篇 简历 Resume

求职的过程是这样的,你要发现一家公司在招聘,比如看到了他们发的广告,找到适合自己的职位之后,你要把自己的简历先通过该公司预留的联系方式发过去,这是第一次接触,非常重要,是敲门砖。因此你的简历应该怎样写在整个应聘环节中起到决定性作用,只有简历写好了,你才会有接下来的机会。原文 ScriptHow to Write a Resume

Hi, my name is Brad Bucklin, and I'd like to tell you about writing a resume. First, I will go over what to include in a resume.

First, you want to include obviously your name and your contact information, and, preferably at the top of the resume, because that's where they are gonna look for.

Secondly, you want to include an objective. Now, there's some controversy to this, but I say that an objective actually directs your resume, so that they know what you want.And be specific.Be as specific as you can.And don't say something like,“Seeking an employment with an opportunity to……”Just say what you want:“I want an administrative position.”Or“Administrative position,”that's all you need to say.

The other thing is, to include qualifications-things that impress people about you.Now, you don't need to say things like……organized, unless you can back it up with organized……with the ability to do something in the organizational area.

Now, both things should go to top just so they have an idea of what your skills, abilities and talents are. And then you wanna include your……obviously, your job history.And it should be in reverse chronological order, which means the most recent first, working backwards.

Then, after that, you should include your education.Education should also be in reverse chronological order so that the most recent is first.Now, also you wanna remember to be as concise as possible, but get across what is going to be impressive to them, which includes achievements, things that you did on the job that are impressive, like you were employee of the month, or you save them quarter-million dollars, or you were top sales person, something that was an achievement.Those really drive a resume.

So those are some of the basic things that you should include in your resume. If you'd like to learn more about getting a job, click on any of the links above.Thank you.译文 Translation如何写好简历







所以那就是一些基本你应该写到简历里面的东西。如果你想要多学一点关于找工作的事情,点击以上任意链接。谢谢。词汇短语 Words and Phrases

controversy n.争论;争议

chronological adj..按年代顺序排列的学习小贴士




1.Express, not impress.


2.Simple sentences work best.


3.Active, rather than passive.


4.Know who your target audience is.


5.Read it aloud.


6.Avoid using jargon as much as possible.


7.In terms of words, size matters.


8.Being positive is better than being negative-even in writing!


9.Set aside time for revising and rewriting-after you've written the whole content.


10.Write.All the time.


_______________________________第四篇 英语 English

我们一直在说学英语的重要性。作为世界上使用最广泛的通用语言,英语无时无刻不存在,小到平时看到的路标、地名和说明书等,大到互联网、影视剧以及资料查询。由于世界上最发达的几个国家都把英语作为官方语言,无论是经济、人文还是科技等领域,英语都能够快速地帮助人们理解思想,传递信息,学习知识。原文 ScriptLearning English-Lesson One(Introduction)

Hi, everybody. This is Misterduncan in England.How are you today?Are you OK?I hope so.Are you happy?I hope so.Welcome to the very first episode of my series of English teaching videos.Before I begin, we will take a look at some of the common questions that often arise when talking about learning the English language, and more importantly, learning it as a second language.So, the first question must be:“Why do we need to learn English?”

Of course, one of the reasons why we need to be able to speak English nowadays is because the world is becoming smaller. Thanks to the Internet and our developing global economy, more and more people are using English as a common way to communicate with each other.So now it has become unavoidable that companies and large businesses will need to employ people who can speak more than their own native language.That is where English comes in.It is now officially considered as an international language.

Of course, learning anything is difficult, and English is no exception. However, there are ways to make the situation easier.I have come up with my own list of general rules for learning English.Do you want to hear them?Do you want to know what they are?Ok, let's go!

Learning English takes time and patience.It cannot be rushed.Try to relax and take it easy.The most important thing you need at the beginning is a good vocabulary.Without words, you have nothing to work with.You must start with a strong foundation or base, and slowly build on it, day by day!You must view English as a part of your body, just as you would, an arm or a leg.It must become a part of your everyday life.Daily practice is very important.Do not worry about making mistakes.In fact, the more mistakes you make, the more you will learn from them.Just like learning to ride a bike, sometimes you fall off.So what do you do?You get back on and try again.Do not look at English as just another subject.

Your attitude to English and the way you view it will decide how well you progress, just as we say in English:“No pain, no gain.”The two most important words to remember when learning English are:practice and confidence.Practice English everyday and be confident.You will find that the more you use English, the better your English will become, and the more confident you become, then the more you will want to use it.Make it a rule to tell yourself:I can do it……I can do it……I can do it!

Please remember, my lessons are aimed at everyone, so hopefully you will find something useful in each one. Maybe you will find some of the words I use very easy, but you will also see some words that may be new to you.Remember, my lessons are aimed at everyone.Even teachers are very welcome to join in.

Learning English should be a fun experience, and I hope with the help of my video lessons, you will discover just how much fun it can be. I hope you've enjoyed my first lesson.This is Misterduncan in England, saying,“thanks for watching and bye-bye for now.”译文 Translation英语学习第一课:介绍







学英语应该是个有趣的体验,而我希望借着我的影片课程的帮助,你会发现它可以是多么的有趣。我希望你已经享受了我的第一堂课。这里是英国的邓肯先生,跟你说“谢谢收看,再见吧。”词汇短语 Words and Phrases

unavoidable adj.不可避免的学习小贴士


1、西方人(主要指有一定修养的欧美人)在与他人交流时,比较多地使用情态动词:can、could、may、might、would等等;情态动词(Model Verbs)又称为情态助动词(Model Auxil-iaries),表示说话人的语气,可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,使得说话的语气比较有礼貌。

2、比较多地使用虚拟语气,比如would(had)rather、would(had)sooner、would(just)as soon等等,或者在陈述句中使用过去式表示虚拟语气,或者使用if等引导的从句表示“可能性”。这样说话可以使人感觉表达者是在考虑达到最佳的结果或方式,尽量避免不好的结果或方式,或者推测可能出现的问题,并找出可能解决的办法。

3、往往在句尾加please,而不是在句首加please。当please用在句首的时候,语气听起来就比较强,听起来像命令。比如请求别人做某事的时候,我们中国人会说“请在周一前给我回复。谢谢。”但是如果你直接用英语说“Please reply to me by Monday.Thank you.”听者会觉得你是在命令他,一点礼貌也没有。而如果这样说:“Could you please reply to me by Monday?Thank you.”就显得有礼貌了。






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