分好类 超好背?15000英语单词 便携口袋书 英语口语词汇学习 英语入门 一次彻底掌握(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2021-04-10 09:54:08


作者:耿小辉,(加)Larissa Cherry,(加)Jordan Andre,Michael Philip,昂秀外语教学研究组



分好类 超好背?15000英语单词 便携口袋书 英语口语词汇学习 英语入门 一次彻底掌握

分好类 超好背?15000英语单词 便携口袋书 英语口语词汇学习 英语入门 一次彻底掌握试读:















开本小,方便你随身携带,随时学习。Section 1 基本常识Basic common sensePart 1 时间与方位Part 2 数字与度量衡Part 3 货币常识Part 4 自然常识Part 5 应急常识Part 1 时间与方位1.1.1 时间(1)场景词汇

[1]时间 time [taim] n.

[2]秒 second [ˈsekənd] n.

[3]分 minute [ˈminit] n.

[4]一刻钟 quarter [ˈkwɔːtə] n.

[5]小时 hour [ˈɑuə] n.

[6]钟点 o'clock [əklɔk] n.

[7]日 day [dei] n.

[8]星期 week [wiːk] n.

[9]月 month [mʌnθ] n.

[10]季度 quarter [ˈkwɔːtə] n.

[11]年 year [jəː] n.

[12]十年 decade [ˈdekeid] n.

[13]世纪 century [ˈsentʃəri] n.

[14]千年 millennium [miˈleniəm] n.

[15]日出 sunrise [ˈsʌnrɑiz] n.

[16]日落 sunset [ˈsʌnset] n.

[17]黎明 dawn [dɔːn] n.

[18]上午 morning [ˈmɔːniŋ] n.

[19]中午 noon [nuːn] n.

[20]下午 afternoon [ˌɑːftəˈnuːn] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.我们什么时候走?

What time will we go?● what time = when“什么时候”2.他一会儿就到。

He'll arrive in a few seconds.3.马上我就会到那里。

I'll be there in just a minute.● in a minute“立刻,马上”4.我们可以在八点四十五分离开吗?

Can we leave at a quarter to nine?■ “差几分到几点”用介词to;“几点过几分”用介词past,如ten past nine“九点十分”。5.下周去拜访你方便吗?

Is next week a good time to visit you?6.她几月份来看我们?

Which month is she coming to visit us?■ 现在进行时可以表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作(主要用于位移动词,如come,go,arrive,leave,start,do,get,begin等)。7.她比我大十岁。

She is a decade older than me.8.你看到了昨晚美丽的日落吗?

Did you see the beautiful sunset last night?9.我将在中午见你。

I'll meet you at noon.10.我们直到下午晚些时候才到达。

We didn't arrive until late in the afternoon.● not…until…“直到……才……”1.1.2 时间(2)场景词汇

[1]午前 a.m [ˌeiˈem] abbr.

[2]午后 p.m [ˌpiˈem] abbr.

[3]傍晚 evening [ˈiːvniŋ] n.

[4]夜晚 night [nɑit] n.

[5]午夜 midnight [ˈmidnɑit] n.

[6]今晚 tonight [təˈnɑit] n.&ad.

[7]过去 past [pɑːst] n.

[8]现在 now [nɑu] n.

[9]未来 future [ˈfjuːtʃə] n.

[10]昨天 yesterday [ˈjestədei] n.&ad.

[11]今天 today [təˈdei] n.&ad.

[12]明天 tomorrow [təˈmɔrəu] n.&ad.

[13]前天 the day before yesterday [ðə dei biˈfɔː ˈjestədei] n.&ad.

[14]后天 the day after tomorrow [ðə dei ˈɑːftə təˈmɔrə] n.&ad.

[15]稍后 later [ˈleitə] ad.

[16]上个月 last month [lɑːst mʌnθ] n.&ad.

[17]下个月 next month [nekst mʌnθ] n.&ad.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.飞机上午十点到达。

The plane arrives at 10 a.m.2.明天晚上你能过来吗?

Can you come over tomorrow evening?● come over“过来,顺便来访”3.昨晚的电影怎么样?

How was the movie last night?4.他直到午夜才到家。

He didn't get home until midnight.5.过去他在那家工厂工作。

He worked in that factory in the past.6.我需要你马上停下来。

I need you to stop right now.● right now“此刻,立即,目前”7.前天下雪了。

It snowed the day before yesterday.8.她将在后天到达。

She will arrive the day after tomorrow.● arrive in + 大地方(城市,国家等);arrive at + 小地点(车站,公园等)9.我稍后会给你打电话。

I will call you later.10.你有下个月的计划表吗?

Do you have next month's schedule?1.1.3 日期(1)场景词汇

[1]工作日 weekday [ˈwiːkdei] n.

[2]周末 weekend [ˈwiːkend] n.

[3]星期一 Monday [ˈmʌndei] n.

[4]星期二 Tuesday [ˈtjuːzdei] n.

[5]星期三 Wednesday [ˈwenzdei] n.

[6]星期四 Thursday [ˈθəːzdei] n.

[7]星期五 Friday [ˈfraidei] n.

[8]星期六 Saturday [ˈsætədei] n.

[9]星期日 Sunday [ˈsʌndei] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.二十五号是工作日吗?

Is the twenty fifth a weekday?2.我等不及想要周末早点到来。

I can't wait for the weekend to arrive.● can't wait for sth. / to do sth.“等不及某物 / 做某事”3.他计划周一离开巴格达。

He planned to leave Baghdad on Monday.4.我们周二见面可以吗?

Can we meet up on Tuesday?5.我猜足球赛是在星期三。

I expect the football game is on Wednesday.6.每隔一个星期的星期四举行一次会议。

Meetings are held on alternate Thursdays.★ alternate [ˈɔːltɜːnət] a. 轮流的,交替的,间隔的7.星期五的聚会是在哪里?

Where is the party on Friday?8.我已经拜托妈妈下周六为我们临时照看一下孩子。

I've asked Mum to sit for us next Saturday.9.上周日我在医院。

I was in the hospital last Sunday.● in hospital“住院”(in the hospital“在医院里”)1.1.4 日期(2)场景词汇

[1]一月 January [ˈdʒænjuəri] n.

[2]二月 February [ˈfebruəri] n.

[3]三月 March [mɑːtʃ] n.

[4]四月 April [ˈeiprəl] n.

[5]五月 May [mei] n.

[6]六月 June [dʒuːn] n.

[7]七月 July [dʒuˈlai] n.

[8]八月 August [ˈɔːgəst] n.

[9]九月 September [səpˈtembə] n.

[10]十月 October [ɔkˈtəubə] n.

[11]十一月 November [nəuˈvembə] n.

[12]十二月 December [diˈsembə] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.今年一月这么冷。

This January has been so cold.2.二月份我要回家度假。

I'll go home for holiday in February.3.这个学期三月一日开始。

This term will begin on March 1st.4.四月是种树的时候。

April is the time to plant trees.5.我们五月一日结婚。

We got married on May 1st.6.去年六月我决定去马贝拉旅行。

Last June I decided to take a trip to Marbella.7.每年七月我们全家去度假。

Every July our family goes on holiday.★ family单复数同形。指家庭时,是个整体概念,谓语用单数;指家人时为复数概念,谓语用复数。8.我出生在八月。

I was born in August.9.第一架飞机定于十月二号起飞。

The first plane is due to leave on October 2nd.10.孩子们十二月份有考试。

The kids have exams in December.1.1.5 方向与位置场景词汇

[1]方向 direction [diˈrekʃ(ə)n] n.

[2]位置 position [pəˈziʃən] n.

[3]指南针 compass [ˈkʌmpəs] n.

[4]东 east [iːst] n.

[5]西 west [west] n.

[6]南 south [sauθ] n.

[7]北 north [nɔːθ] n.

[8]东南 southeast [ˌsɑuθˈiːst] n.

[9]东北 northeast [ˌnɔːθˈiːst] n.

[10]西南 southwest [ˌsauθˈwest] n.

[11]西北 northwest [ˌnɔːθˈwest] n.

[12]正面 front [frʌnt] n.

[13]反面 back [bæk] n.

[14]左 left [left] n.

[15]右 right [rɑit] n.

[16]中心 center [ˈsentə] n.

[17]在……之上 on [ɔn] prep.

[18]在……之下 under [ˈʌndə] prep.

[19]在……之前 front [frʌnt] prep.

[20]在……之后 behind [biˈhɑind] prep.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.朝购物中心的方向走。

Walk in the direction of the mall.● in the direction of“朝着……方向”2.你的 iPod 上有指南针吗?

Do you have a compass on your iPod?3.我们就住在你的西边。

We live just west of you.4.在高速公路上往北开三十公里。

Drive north on the highway for 30 kilometers.5.我们家在东南角。

Our home is on the southeast corner.6.你看书的背面了吗?

Did you see the back of the book?7.苏珊左边的男孩是谁?

Who's the boy to the left of Susan?8.我的鞋在椅子下面。

My shoes are under the chair.★ under强调在物体垂直的正下方。9.在大楼前面等我。

Wait for me in front of the building.● in front of“在……的前面”指在某物整体的前方(in the front of“在……的前部”指在某物里面的前部)10.我就停在你后面。

I parked right behind you.★ right [rɑit] ad. 恰巧,刚好Part 2 数字与度量衡1.2.1 数字(1)场景词汇

[1]零 zero [ˈziərəu] num.

[2]一 one [wʌn] num.

[3]二 two [tuː] num.

[4]三 three [θriː] num.

[5]四 four [fɔː] num.

[6]五 five [faiv] num.

[7]六 six [siks] num.

[8]七 seven [ˈsevən] num.

[9]八 eight [eit] num.

[10]九 nine [nɑin] num.

[11]十 ten [ten] num.

[12]十一 eleven [iˈlevən] num.

[13]十二 twelve [twelv] num.

[14]十三 thirteen [ˌθəːˈtiːn] num.

[15]十四 fourteen [ˌfɔːˈtiːn] num.

[16]十五 fifteen [ˌfifˈtiːn] num.

[17]十六 sixteen [ˌsiksˈtiːn] num.

[18]十七 seventeen [ˌsevnˈtiːn] num.

[19]十八 eighteen [ˌeiˈtiːn] num.

[20]十九 nineteen [ˌnainˈtiːn] num.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.我们有两个家。

We have two homes.2.他们有三个孩子。

They have three children.3.我们需要一张四人桌。

We need a table for four.4.还有八集。

There are eight more episodes left.★ episode [ˈepisəud] n. (电视剧)一集;(小说等)片段,插曲5.我们打算去九号房间。

We are going to room number nine.■ be going to表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作(多用于口语)。■ Room 9和the ninth room都可意为“九号房间”。6.你有十根胡萝卜吗?

Do you have ten carrots?7.这本书有十一个章节。

There are eleven chapters in this book.8.十四岁时我去了那里。

I went there when I was fourteen.9.下周她就十六岁了。

She turns sixteen next week.■ take one's turn“轮流”10.十九人会来参加我们的家庭聚会。

Nineteen people will come to our family reunion.★ reunion [riːˈjuːnjən] n. (亲友等)团圆,聚会(前缀re-有“再、重新”之意)1.2.2 数字(2)场景词汇

[1]二十 twenty [ˈtwenti] num.

[2]二十一 twenty-one [ˈtwenti-wʌn] num.

[3]三十 thirty [ˈθəːti] num.

[4]四十 forty [ˈfɔːti] num.

[5]五十 fifty [ˈfifti] num.

[6]六十 sixty [ˈsiksti] num.

[7]七十 seventy [ˈsevənti] num.

[8]八十 eighty [ˈeiti] num.

[9]九十 ninety [ˈnainti] num.

[10]百 hundred [ˈhʌndrəd] num.

[11]千 thousand [ˈθauzənd] num.

[12]百万 million [ˈmiljən] num.

[13]第一 first [fəːst] det.

[14]第二 second [ˈsekənd] det.

[15]第三 third [θəːd] det.

[16]第四 fourth [fɔːθ] det.

[17]第五 fifth [fifθ] det.

[18]第六 sixth [siksθ] det.

[19]第七 seventh [ˈsevənθ] det.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.我们是二十一岁的时候结婚的。

We were married when we were twenty-one.2.我需要三十多个盘子。

I need over thirty plates.★ over [ˈəuvə] prep. 多于,超过(时间、数量、花费等)3.今晚应该有大约五十人去那儿。

There should be about fifty people there tonight.4.我爷爷今年六十岁。

My grandpa is sixty this year.5.我认为他奶奶八十岁了。

I think his grandma is eighty.6.有一百万人在那里。

There were a million people there.7.她又是第一名。

She came in first place again.● in first place“第一名,首位”(in the first place“首先,起初”)8.这是我们第二次来这里。

This is our second time here.9.这是我第三次告诉你了。

This is the third time I've told you.10.这是他们的第四个孩子。

This is their fourth child.1.2.3 数量相关场景词汇

[1]数字 number [ˈnʌmbə] n.

[2]数量 amount [əˈmaunt] n.

[3]总的 total [ˈtəutl] a.

[4]一打 dozen [ˈdʌzən] n.

[5]全部的 whole [həul] a.

[6]整个的 entire [inˈtɑiə] a.

[7]每一个 every [ˈevri] a.

[8]唯一的 only [ˈəunli] a.

[9]一半 half [hɑːf] n.

[10]很多的 many [ˈmeni] a.

[11]很多的 much [mʌtʃ] a.

[12]几个 several [ˈsevərəl] a.

[13]单一的 single [ˈsiŋgəl] a.

[14]几个 a few [ə fjuː] a.

[15]一点儿 a little [ə ˈlitl] a.

[16]足够的 enough [iˈnʌf] a.

[17]大多数 most [məust] a.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.给每个玻璃杯倒上一样多。

Pour the same amount in each glass.2.给我买一打鸡蛋。

Buy me a dozen eggs.3.她告诉了我整个事件。

She told me the whole story.4.他自己吃了整个蛋糕。

He ate the entire cake by himself.● by oneself“独自地,独立地”5.我是唯一一个盛装打扮的。

I was the only one who dressed up.● dress up“盛装打扮,穿上正装”6.我说话没有你的一半多。

I don't talk half as much as you.● as much as“与……一样多”7.那里有几个有趣的人。

There were several interesting people there.8.我只想要一杯浓咖啡。

I'd like a single shot of espresso.● a shot of“少量饮料,(尤其)少量烈酒”9.再添点儿水。

Add a little more water.10.我没有足够笔供每个人使用。

I don't have enough pens for everyone.★ enough修饰名词时,放在名词前面;修饰形容词、副词时要放在其后面,如good enough“足够好”。1.2.4 度量衡场景词汇

[1]码 yard [jɑːd] n.

[2]米 meter [ˈmiːtə] n.

[3]厘米 centimeter [ˈsentiˌmiːtə] n.

[4]毫米 millimeter [ˈmiliˌmiːtə] n.

[5]公里 kilometer [ˈkiləˌmiːtə] n.

[6]英里 mile [mail] n.

[7]英寸 inch [intʃ] n.

[8]英尺 foot [fut] n.

[9]平方英尺 square foot [skwɛə fut] n.

[10]平方米 square meter [skwɛə ˈmiːtə] n.

[11]盎司 ounce [auns] n.

[12]磅 pound [paund] n.

[13]克 gram [græm] n.

[14]毫克 milligram [ˈmiliˌgræm] n.

[15]千克 kilogram [ˈkiləgræm] n.

[16]吨 ton [tʌn] n.

[17]升 liter [ˈliːtə] n.

[18]毫升 milliliter [ˈmiliˌliːtə] n.

[19]品脱 pint [paint] n.

[20]加仑 gallon [ˈgælən] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.向前走大约十码。

Go forward about ten yards.★ forward [ˈfɔːwəd] ad. 向前,前进地(反义词为backward“向后,反向地”)2.游泳池有五十米长。

The pool is fifty meters long.3.我们住的地方只相差大约一公里远。

We only live about a kilometer away.4.花园大约两平方米。

The garden is about two square meters.5.那一瓶有多少盎司?

How many ounces is that bottle?6.我们有一磅面粉。

We have a pound of flour.★ flour [ˈflɑuə] n. 面粉(同音词为flower“花”)7.你能给我十克这种香料吗?

Can you get me ten grams of this spice?8.这个婴儿重三公斤!

The baby weighs 3 kilograms!★ weigh [wei] v. 称重量(名词形式为weight“重量”)9.我需要一升牛奶。

I need a liter of milk.10.我们喝了大概三加仑啤酒。

We drank about three gallons of beer.Part 3 货币常识1.3.1 各种货币场景词汇

[1]人民币 Chinese yuan [ˌtʃaiˈniːz juːˈɑːn] n.

[2]美元 US dollar [juːes ˈdɔlə] n.

[3]美分 cent [sent] n.

[4]英镑 Great Britain pound [greit ˈbritən paund] n.

[5]便士 penny [ˈpeni] n.

[6]欧元 euro [ˈjuərəu] n.

[7]加元 Canadian dollar [kəˈneidiən ˈdɔlə] n.

[8]澳元 Australian dollar [ɔˈstreiliən ˈdɔlə] n.

[9]日元 Japanese yen [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz jen] n.

[10]韩元 Korean won [kəˈriən wʌn] n.

[11]俄罗斯卢布 Russian rouble [ˌrʌʃən ˈruːbl] n.

[12]新加坡元(新币) Singapore dollar [ˌsiŋgəˈpɔː ˈdɔlə] n.

[13]马来西亚林吉特 Malaysian ringgit [məˈleiʒən riŋgit] n.

[14]泰铢 Thai baht [tɑi ˈbət] n.

[15]印度卢比 Indian rupe [ˈindiən ruːˈpiː] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.你旅行有人民币吗?

Do you have any Chinese yuan for the trip?2.今年美元会继续升值。

The appreciation of US dollar will continue this year.3.只要五十美分。

It only costs fifty cents.★ cost [kɔst] v. 花费(时间、金钱等)(主语一般为物)4.便士上是谁的照片?

Whose picture is on the penny?5.加元真的很强大。

The Canadian dollar is really strong.6.如果你用日元买会更便宜。

If you buy it in Japanese yen it'll be cheaper.■ “in+货币”意为“用某种货币形式(付款等)”。7.那会花费多少韩元?

How many Korean won would that cost?8.我想兑换一些新币。

I want to change some Singapore dollars.★ change [tʃeindʒ] v. 改变,兑换9.旅馆将花费五十马来西亚林吉特。

The hostel will cost 50 Malaysian ringgit.10.你见过泰铢吗?

Have you ever seen a Thai baht?1.3.2 货币兑换场景词汇

[1]兑换 exchange [iksˈtʃeindʒ] v.

[2]汇率 exchange rate [iksˈtʃeindʒ reit] n.

[3]护照 passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] n.

[4]签名 sign [sɑin] v.

[5]填写 fill out [fil ɑut] v.

[6]表格 form [fɔːm] n.

[7]现金 cash [kæʃ] n.

[8]纸币 bill [bil] n.

[9]硬币 coin [kɔin] n.

[10]零钱 small change [smɔːl tʃeindʒ] n.

[11]支票 check [tʃek] n.

[12]银行 bank [bæŋk] n.

[13]账户 account [əˈkaunt] n.

[14]余额 balance [ˈbæləns] n.

[15]办理窗口 window [ˈwindəu] n.

[16]申请 apply [əˈplai] v.

[17]申请单 application form [ˌæpliˈkeiʃ(ə)n fɔːm] n.

[18]手续费 service charge [ˈsəːvis tʃɑːdʒ] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.我们可以在哪里兑换钱?

Where can we exchange money?2.我需要看一下您的护照。

I'll need to see your passport.3.请您在这张表格上签名,好吗?

Can you sign this form please?4.您想现金付账吗?

Would you like that in cash?■ in cash“以现金的方式”5.我身上没有零钱。

I don't have any small change on me.■ small change表示小面值的零钱,很小的零钱。6.您能给我写一张支票吗?

Can you write me a check?7.你用哪个银行?

Which bank do you use?8.我想申请一个账户。

I'd like to apply for an account.● apply for sth.“申请某物”(apply to sb.“向某人申请”)9.我需要知道余额。

I need to know the balance.10.你可以在那个窗口兑换钱。

You can change your money at that window.Part 4 自然常识1.4.1 天气(1)场景词汇

[1]天气 weather [ˈweðə] n.

[2]预报 forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst] n.

[3]阳光明媚的 sunny [ˈsʌni] a.

[4]阳光 sunshine [ˈsʌnʃain] n.

[5]云 cloud [klɑud] n.

[6]多云的 cloudy [klɑudi] a.

[7]雨 rain [rein] n.

[8]下雨的 rainy [ˈreini] a.

[9]暴风雨 rainstorm [ˈreinstɔːm] n.

[10]雷雨 thunderstorm [ˈθʌndəstɔːm] n.

[11]彩虹 rainbow [ˈreinbəu] n.

[12]雪 snow [snəu] n.

[13]下雪的 snowy [ˈsnəui] a.

[14]雪花 snowflake [ˈsnəufleik] n.

[15]暴风雪 snowstorm [ˈsnəustɔːm] n.

[16]雷 thunder [ˈθʌndə] n.

[17]闪电 lightning [ˈlaitniŋ] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.最近天气这么奇怪。

The weather has been so strange lately.2.明天的天气预报是什么?

What is the forecast tomorrow?3.整个周末都是晴天。

It was sunny the entire weekend.4.应该一整天都阳光明媚。

There should be sunshine all day.■ all day = the whole day“一整天”5.那朵云的形状像一只狗。

That cloud is shaped like a dog.6.我们的假期中下雨了。

We had rainy weather on our holiday.7.你能看到那道彩虹吗?

Can you see that rainbow?8.我真希望现在下雪。

I really wish it would snow.■ wish后面用的是虚拟语气,表示愿望无法实现或实现的几率很渺茫。9.这是一张雪花的照片。

Here's a picture of a snowflake.10.昨晚你听到雷声了吗?

Did you hear the thunder last night?1.4.2 天气(2)场景词汇

[1]风 wind [wind] n.

[2]多风的 windy [windi] a.

[3]飓风 hurricane [ˈhʌrikən] n.

[4]龙卷风 tornado [tɔːˈneidəu] n.

[5]沙尘暴 sandstorm [ˈsændstɔːm] n.

[6]雾 fog [fɔg] n.

[7]霜 frost [frɔst] n.

[8]冰 ice [ais] n.

[9]冰雹 hail [heil] n.

[10]露水 dew [djuː] n.

[11]热的 hot [hɔt] a.

[12]温暖的 warm [wɔːm] a.

[13]凉爽的 cool [kuːl] a.

[14]冷的 cold [kəuld] a.

[15]结冰 freeze [friːz] v.

[16]温度 temperature [ˈtemp(ə)ritʃə] n.

[17]度 degree [diˈgriː] n.

[18]摄氏 Celsius [ˈselsiəs] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.今天的风真大。

The wind is really strong today.2.有一个飓风南下。

There was a hurricane down south.★ down [dɑun] ad. 向南方,在南方3.今天的雾真糟糕。

The fog is so bad today.★ so和such都意为“如此,这样”。但是so后面接形容词或副词,such后面接名词,如such a good girl。4.昨晚有点小霜。

There was a little frost last night.5.小心路上的冰。

Watch out for that ice on the road.● watch out for = look out for“小心,留意”6.南方现在天气炎热。

The south has hot weather now.7.我们终于有些凉爽的天气了。

We're finally getting some cool weather.8.今天的温度是多少?

What's the temperature today?9.晚上几度?

How many degrees is it at night?10.今天外面有三十摄氏度!

It's 30 degrees Celsius out today!1.4.3 颜色场景词汇

[1]黑色 black [blæk] n.&a.

[2]灰色 grey [grei] n.&a.

[3]白色 white [wait] n.&a.

[4]棕色 brown [braun] n.&a.

[5]粉红色 pink [piŋk] n.&a.

[6]红色 red [red] n.&a.

[7]橘色 orange [ˈɔrindʒ] n.&a.

[8]黄色 yellow [ˈjeləu] n.&a.

[9]绿色 green [griːn] n.&a.

[10]蓝色 blue [bluː] n.&a.

[11]紫色 purple [ˈpəːpl] n.&a.

[12]金色 gold [gəuld] n.&a.

[13]银色 silver [ˈsilvə] n.&a.

[14]珊瑚色 coral [ˈkɔrəl] n.&a.

[15]海军蓝,深蓝 navy blue [ˈneivi bluː] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.我的车是黑色的那辆。

My car is the black one.2.我能借你的棕色毛衣吗?

Can I borrow your brown sweater?3.她打算把头发染成粉红色。

She's going to dye her hair pink.4.我到处都找不到我的红帽子。

I can't find my red hat anywhere.★ anywhere [ˈeniwɛə] ad. 任何地方,无论何处(一般用于否定句和疑问句)5.是那个戴黄色帽子的那个人。

It's the man with the yellow hat.★ with后面接服饰时表示“穿着……,戴着……”。6.他有一双梦幻般绿色的眼睛。

He has dreamy green eyes.7.我把我的房间墙壁漆成了紫色。

I painted my room walls purple.8.你的银色鞋子在哪里?

Where are your silver shoes?9.这条项链配我的珊瑚色裙子吗?

Does this necklace match my coral dress?10.看,他穿着一身海军蓝。

Look, he is all in navy blue.●“ in+衣服 / 颜色”意为“穿……衣服 / 颜色的衣服”。1.4.4 环境场景词汇

[1]环境 environment [inˈvɑiərənmənt] n.

[2]污染 pollute [pəˈluːt] v.

[3]污染 pollution [pəˈluːʃən] n.

[4]污染物 pollutant [pəˈluːtənt] n.

[5]烟雾 smog [smɔg] n.

[6]臭氧 ozone [ˈəuzəun] n.

[7]氧气 oxygen [ˈɔksidʒən] n.

[8]浪费 waste [weist] v.

[9]废品 waste [weist] n.

[10]回收利用 recycle [ˌriːˈsɑikəl] v.

[11]天然气 gas [gæs] n.

[12]石油 oil [ɔil] n.

[13]煤炭 coal [kəul] n.

[14]电力 power [ˈpɑuə] n.

[15]能源 energy [ˈenədʒi] n.

[16]太阳能 solar energy [ˈsəulə ˈenədʒi] n.

[17]核能 nuclear energy [ˈnjuːkliə ˈenədʒi] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.环境正在被破坏。

The environment is being ruined.2.这座城市的污染是一个非常严重的问题。

The pollution in this city is a very serious problem.3.因为烟雾,我什么也看不见。

I couldn't see anything because of the smog.4.我们的臭氧层处于危险之中。

Our ozone layer is in danger.● be in danger“处于危险中”5.这个包装是一种浪费。

This packaging is a waste.6.你应该回收利用那个玻璃瓶。

You should recycle that glass bottle.7.我们需要把车加满气。

We need to fill the car with gas.8.他们停止了用煤取暖。

They stopped using coal for heating.■ stop doing sth.“停止做某事”(stop to do sth.“停下来去做另一件事”)9.关灯节约能源。

Save energy by turning off the light.● turn off“关掉(灯、煤气、水、电视等)”10.这个工厂用太阳能运转。

This factory is run by solar energy.1.4.5 物质与材料场景词汇

[1]物质 matter [ˈmætə] n.

[2]塑料 plastic [ˈplæstik] n.&a.

[3]金属 metal [ˈmetl] n.&a.

[4]矿 mine [mɑin] n.

[5]矿物质 mineral [ˈminərəl] n.

[6]金 gold [gəuld] n.

[7]银 silver [silver] n.

[8]铜 copper [ˈkɔpə] n.

[9]铁 iron [ˈɑiən] n.

[10]化学的 chemical [ˈkemikəl] a.

[11]原子 atom [ˈætəm] n.

[12]分子 molecule [ˈmɔlikjuːl] n.

[13]固体 solid [ˈsɔlid] n.&a.

[14]液体 liquid [ˈlikwid] n.&a.

[15]粉末 powder [ˈpaudə] n.

[16]纯的 pure [pjuə] a.

[17]混合的 mixed [mikst] a.

[18]混合物 mixture [ˈmikstʃə] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.那个袋子是用塑料做的。

That bag is made out of plastic.● be made (out) of“由……制成”,用于看得出材质的情况,看不出材料时用be made from。2.她对很多金属都过敏。

She's allergic to a lot of metals.3.这些石头来自哪个矿?

Which mine did these stones come from?● come from = be from“来自……”4.在水中我可以尝出矿物质。

I can taste the minerals in the water.5.你的戒指是纯金的吗?

Is your ring out of solid gold?6.这座雕像是用铜做的。

The statue was made out of copper.7.我爱用铁锅烹饪。

I love cooking with an iron pan.8.那些化学制品的味道真的很大。

The smell of those chemicals is really strong.★ smell [smel] n. 气味,嗅觉9.这些耳环是纯银的。

These earrings are pure silver.10.这是哪种混合物?

What kind of mixture is this?Part 5 应急常识1.5.1 呼救场景词汇

[1]救命 help [help] n.

[2]紧急情况 emergency [iˈməːdʒənsi] n.

[3]医院 hospital [ˈhɔspitl] n.

[4]生病的 sick [sik] a.

[5]受伤的 injured [ˈindʒəd] a.

[6]呼吸 breathe [briːð] v.

[7]流血 bleed [bliːd] v.

[8]昏迷 coma [ˈkəumə] n.

[9]攻击 attack [əˈtæk] v.&n.

[10]恐吓 threaten [ˈθretn] v.

[11]抢劫 rob [rɔb] v.

[12]抢劫者 robber [ˈrɔbə] n.

[13]枪击 shot [ʃɔt] v.

[14]人质 hostage [ˈhɔstidʒ] n.

[15]绑架 kidnap [ˈkidnæp] v.

[16]绑匪 kidnapper [kidˈnæpə] n.

[17]迷路的 lost [lɔst] a.

[18]滑倒 slip [slip] v.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.她现在需要你的帮助。

She needs your help right now.2.我们需要带他去医院。

We need to take him to the hospital.3.她从小就生病。

She's been sick since she was a child.4.没有人在爆炸中受伤。

No one was injured from the blast.★ blast [blɑːst] n. 爆炸5.你能给他止血吗?

Can you stop his bleeding?6.男人从后面攻击受害者。

The man attacked the victim from behind.7.他们的房子被抢劫了。

Their house was robbed.8.他腿部中了两枪。

He was shot in the leg twice.■ “一次”,“两次”的表达方式分别为once,twice。三次以上的表达方式为“数字+times”,如three times“三次”。9.人质十天后被释放了。

The hostages were released after ten days.★ release [ri ˈliːs] v. 释放,解放■ “after+一段时间”意为“……之后”,表示以过去某时为起点的一段时间之后,用过去时态。10.他在冰上滑倒了。

He slipped on the ice.1.5.2 救助场景词汇

[1]打电话 call [kɔːl] v.

[2]家人 family [ˈfæməli] n.

[3]医生 doctor [ˈdɔktə] n.

[4]警察 police [pəˈliːs] n.

[5]救护车 ambulance [ˈæmbjuləns] n.

[6]担架 stretcher [ˈstretʃə] n.

[7]护照 passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] n.

[8]按压 press [pres] v.

[9]伤处 wound [wuːnd] n.

[10]毛巾 towel [ˈtɑuəl] n.

[11]口罩 mask [mɑːsk] n.

[12]纱布 gauze [gɔːz] n.

[13]绷带 bandage [ˈbændidʒ] n.

[14]包扎 bind up [baind up] v.

[15]急救 first aid [fəːst eid] n.

[16]急救箱 first-aid kit [fəːst-eid kit] n.

[17]创可贴 band-aid [bænd-eid] n.

[18]体温计 thermometer [θəˈmɔmitə] n.你一定要会说的Top10场景句1.明天给我打电话。

Give me a call tomorrow.2.你在附近有什么家人吗?

Do you have any family nearby?★ nearby [ˈniəbɑi] ad. 附近地,不远地3.警察逮捕了他。

The police arrested him.4.给救护车让路。

Make way for the ambulance.● make way for“给……让路”5.他们把他抬到担架上。

They brought him in on a stretcher.6.我需要看一下您的护照。

I need to see your passport.7.轻按五分钟。

Press lightly for five minutes.8.那位戴口罩的女士病了。

The lady wearing a mask is ill.■ 现在分词(短语)作定语时表示主动,进行。9.你把急救箱放哪里了?

Where did you put the first-aid kit?10.我们会在伤口上贴一个创可贴。

We'll put a band-aid on the cut.★ cut [kʌt] n. 伤口;(锋利物留下的)开口,破口Section 2 居家生活Household lifePart 1 日常饮食Part 2 水果、蔬菜与肉类Part 3 日常家务Part 4 电话与电邮Part 1 日常饮食2.1.1 早餐场景词汇

[1]早餐 breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n.

[2]牛奶 milk [milk] n.

[3]燕麦片 oatmeal [ˈəutmiːl] n.

[4]酸奶 yoghurt [ˈjɔguət] n.

[5]水果 fruit [fruːt] n.

[6]果汁 juice [dʒu(ː)s] n.





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