
发布时间:2021-04-19 04:56:20


作者:北京新东方研发中心 韩冰 潘晨光











●特别添加常考“六选二”同义词词对、美国当代英语语料库(Corpus of Contemporary American English)主词词频、常考反义词、派生词、外教原创例句,多维度诠释词汇。



语言是活的,由于每个人对于词汇的理解仁者见仁,又限于实际教学与考试经验,所以在实际使用过程中难免会遇到中文翻译上的一些分歧。如果读者朋友有更好的理解方式,望不吝赐教,共同进步。《GRE高频真词表》读者意见反馈邮箱。潘晨光于北京新东方大厦 序二这一次,在乐词GRE佛脚词汇表独家登陆乐词APP











参考同学们的记忆特点,我们给出了如下记忆方案:(注:List 25作为新增List,暂不计入背诵计划。)使用说明


在主词表部分中,每个标签的意义为下:本书所收录的所有词汇都属于近些年考过的高频单词。为了让读者更加深刻地理解词汇在实际中的运用,我们参考了美国当代英语语料库(Corpus of Contemporary American English)中主词条出现的频率,由低到高将词频分为1~5五个等级,供读者参考。单词的中英文释义。每个词的释义,并不是机械地搬运词典释义,而是结合具体考点语境做出对应的解释。英文释义从《韦氏大学词典》(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)simple definition或full definition当中选择性摘录,同时也参考了美国传统词典(American Heritage Dictionary)的释义。provincial [prəˈvɪnʃl]【释】adj. 眼光狭隘的 limited in outlook【例】After encountering a wide range of perspectives at college, Emma began to question if her previous outlook had been too provincial and conservative.【选】insular【释】adj. 乡下的 lacking the polish of urban society【例】After moving to the city, Jon realized that his hometown theater was only a provincial imitation of Broadway.insensitive [ɪnˈsensətɪv]【释】adj. 漠视的,不在乎的 not responsive or susceptible【例】Emma was gradually alienated by her colleagues due to her insensitive behavior and lack of empathy.shackle [ˈʃækl]【释】v. 阻碍 to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps【例】The prisoners were rendered immobile as their limbs were cruelly shackled to the poles with thick metal chains.【选】stifle在GRE考试中,有一种题型叫做句子等价(sentence equivalence),俗称“六选二”。其中绝大多数情况下是要求考生选择一对同义词,使句子的逻辑变得通顺。基于实际考试,我们将考过的六选二词对予以标明,使所背即考点,性价比更高。注意:(1)有的时候两个词在原考题语境中是一对正确选项(比如说inferable from与entailed by)抛离了语境可能不是一对同义词,会使读者产生困惑,不用纠结,做到面熟即可。(2)有的时候“选”标签下给出的词汇的词性可能与主词词性不一致,不用在意。比如说precocious这个词给出的“选”为maturity,是因为在考试中考的是precocious的名词词性,而陪考的同义词也为名词词性。此类现象,并非笔误,请读者理解。由资深外教逐条编写的原创例句,从英语母语者角度诠释一个词在语境中的具体运用。我们希望考生能够做到举一反三,记忆一个词的同时能够将一系列的词都记住,所以也罗列了部分词汇的常考派生词,旨在提高背诵记忆的性价比。cumbersome [ˈkʌmbərsəm]【释】adj. 笨拙的 unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk【例】The train journey was uncomfortable because the lady seated next to me was carrying some cumbersome baggage that she refused to store away in the roof rack.【选】unwieldy【派】cumber(v. 阻碍,挡路)encomium [enˈkoʊmiəm]【释】n. 赞美 glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise【例】Sir John Rose, the former boss of Rolls-Royce, deserves the encomium he receives from the public as he is a truly tremendous business leader.【选】tribute【反】invectivedecelerate [ˌdiːˈseləreɪt]【释】v. 减缓 to decrease the rate of progress of【例】The software company decided to decelerate their pace of introducing new products, and focus on improving existing ones.revitalize [ˌriːˈvaɪtəlaɪz]【释】v. 使…复活 to make active, healthy, or energetic again【例】The shampoo commercial dishonestly claimed that the product could revitalize tired hair and cure split ends.indisputable [ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəbl]【释】adj. 不容置疑的 impossible to question or doubt【例】Given the indisputable video-replay evidence, the referee had no choice but to overturn the touchdown.【反】refutableroost [ruːst]【释】v. 栖息 to settle down for rest or sleep【例】Some species of birds prefer to roost in the shady woods during the day as they are kept safe from predators due to the use of camouflage.在2011年之前,老GRE时代考过一种题型叫做“类比反义”,我们摘取了此类题目中常考的反义词选项。经过对实际考试的分析发现,在老GRE时代考过的反义关系也会在新GRE填空题目中体现,比如说空格对应某个元素取其反义词,所以这个部分很有记忆的价值。 致谢佛脚,感恩有你








哦,对了,还有正在使用佛脚词汇表的你,我相信奇迹即将来临……韩冰于北京新东方大厦Word List 1

divulge [dɪˈvʌldʒ]【释】v. 泄露 to make known something private or secret【例】Despite pressure from reporters to discuss the scandal in which Senator Scottsdale was embroiled, the press secretary would not divulge the details of the senator's upcoming public address.【反】keep secret

inadvertent [ˌɪnədˈvɜːrtənt]【释】adj. 粗心的,不留意的 marked by or resulting from carelessness; negligent【例】Online shopping increases the chances of inadvertent ordering due to its increased convenience and accessibility.【反】careful, intentional【派】advertent(adj. 注意的,小心的)【释】adj. 不是故意的 not deliberate or considered; unintentional【例】The student made an inadvertent call to her parents when the cell phone in her back pocket pressed against the wall.

panegyric [ˌpænəˈdʒɪrɪk]【释】n. 赞文,赞美 a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment【例】The president delivers a panegyric at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers every year on Veteran's Day.【派】panegyrical(adj. 赞美的)

draconian [drəˈkoʊniən]【释】adj. 极其严苛的 exceedingly harsh or very severe【例】The unusually severe ordinances banning all rehearsals in private venues were denounced by musicians as draconian.【选】stringent, rigorous

hodgepodge [ˈhɑːdʒpɑːdʒ]【释】n. 混杂,混合物 a mixture of different things【例】The Senator tried to increase his chances of winning by proposing a hodgepodge of measures appealing to different interests in the Democratic Party rather than enforcing a singular message.【选】patchwork, welter, pastiche

incontrovertible [ˌɪnkɑːntrəˈvɜːrtəbl]【释】adj. 不容置疑的 impossible to dispute【例】Age may be an incontrovertible number, but “old” is just a state of mind to me.【派】controvert(v. 反驳,争论)

impartial [ɪmˈpɑːrʃl]【释】adj. 公正的,不偏不倚的 not partial or biased【例】Judges play an important role in a country's system of justice as impartial decision-makers who are not swayed by emotions, relations or selfish gains.【选】disinterested, fair, detachment【派】partial(adj. 有偏见的,偏袒的)

endemic [enˈdemɪk]【释】adj. 地方性的,流行的 prevalent in or limited to a particular locality, region, or people【例】Almost all the organisms in the Western Ghats are endemic to India and need to be conserved to ensure their continued survival for future generations.【选】native, domestic, indigenous【反】exotic, imported, introduced【释】adj. (问题、情形)常见的 common in or inherent to an enterprise or situation【例】The endemic corruption that had long crippled Nigeria was clamped down when Muhammadu Buhari took the office in 2015 and prosecuted hundreds of people.

minuscule [ˈmɪnəskjuːl]【释】adj. 微小的 very small and tiny【例】Singapore may be a minuscule country, but it sure is a crowded one with almost 8,000 people per square kilometer!【选】diminutive

lucrative [ˈluːkrətɪv]【释】adj. 盈利的,赚钱的 producing wealth【例】Although many novelists write for artistic reasons, others are lured by the money as popular success in writing can also be extremely lucrative.

compensate [ˈkɑːmpenseɪt]【释】v. 弥补 to offset an error, defect, or undesired effect【例】In order to compensate for the loss of natural wetlands used by migrating snow geese, conservationists in the 1960s and 1970s established wetland refuges in the northern prairies.【释】v. 抵消 to serve as or provide a substitute or counter balance【例】The baker intelligently compensated for the lack of baking powder by using carbonated water in the pancake recipe.【选】offset

discursive [dɪsˈkɜːrsɪv]【释】adj. 杂乱无章的 moving from topic to topic without order; rambling【例】This biography of Charles Dickens is not a succinct portrait of the writer as it is padded with many undigested and discursive excerpts from his personal writings and letters.【选】aimless, digressional, rambling【释】adj. 推论的 marked by analytical reasoning【例】The mathematician excelled professionally due to his discursive mind, but his lack of empathy made him a loner in his personal life.

presuppose [ˌpriːsəˈpoʊz]【释】v. 假定 to require as an antecedent in logic or fact【例】The burnt timbers and broken pottery found by the archaeologists presupposed the destruction of a previous settlement.

intermediary [ˌɪntərˈmiːdieri]【释】adj. (作为)中间人(的) acting as a mediator【例】Many Hong Kong banks make use of their extensive customer networks and familiarity with conditions in China to serve as intermediary organizations between Chinese and overseas businessmen.

derogate [ˈderəɡeɪt]【释】v. 贬低 to cause to seem inferior【例】It was not right of the construction supervisor to derogate the foreign workers in such a demeaning manner for a trivial mistake that could have been made by anyone.【派】derogatory(adj. 贬低的)

overbearing [ˌoʊvərˈberɪŋ]【释】adj. 专横的,压倒性的 often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way【例】My sister eventually moved out of the house as her mother-in-law was too overbearing and always restricted her choices and decisions.【选】dominant

zealous [ˈzeləs]【释】adj. 对(某人或偶像)狂热的 marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal【例】The politician was too zealous in his push for implementing large-scale social initiatives and ended up losing votes from other minority populations.【选】impassioned, fervent, fiery, passionate【派】zealotry(n. 狂热的态度或行为)

extraneous [ɪkˈstreɪniəs]【释】adj. 不重要的,不相关的 not important【例】Deleting my social media accounts has allowed me to cut out extraneous activities so I can focus on what really matters.【选】irrelevant【释】adj. 外部的 coming from the outside【例】The attendants were on the lookout for people attempting to smuggle extraneous food and drinks into the stadium.

rehash [ˈriːhæʃ]【释】v. (没有实质改变地)重提 to bring forth again in another form without significant alteration【例】As Jerry had to deliver a speech this morning on a very short notice, he decided to rehash a talk that he had already given last week at the University of Cambridge.【选】recycle

perfunctory [pərˈfʌŋktəri]【释】adj. 敷衍的,草率的 acting with indifference, showing little interest or care【例】Manuel was so solitary and aloof that he would gladly spend months with just perfunctory contact with other people.【选】cursory, casual

compound [ˈkɑːmpaʊnd]【释】v. 混合,合成 to form by combining separate things【例】Many words in Creole languages are formed by compounding different parts of words from various native dialects.【释】v. 使…变糟糕 to make worse【例】The instability of the regime, compounded by global economic woes, unfortunately led to a national debacle.

envy [ˈenvi]【释】v. 嫉妒 to feel a desire to have what someone else has【例】The girl envied her best friend for having received the most expensive Barbie doll for Christmas.【选】covet【派】enviable(adj. 令人嫉妒的)

defensive [dɪˈfensɪv]【释】adj. 被动防守的, 防御的 in a situation which you are forced to defend or protect someone or something【例】Xin grew very defensive of her younger brother and vehemently maintained his innocence when the crowd started accusing him of being a thief.

unbounded [ʌnˈbaʊndɪd]【释】adj. 不受限制的,无限的 not limited in any way【例】Many parents are reluctant to expose their children to the internet too early as they fear that the unbounded space of online culture would lead them astray.【选】immoderate, expansive

specious [ˈspiːʃəs]【释】adj. 似是而非的,假的 falsely appearing to be right【例】The senator's claim that he is not interested in running for a second term is specious given the extremely visible fund-raising activities of his campaign committee.【选】artificial, forged, fabricated, spurious【反】valid, veritable, impeccable

aimless [ˈeɪmləs]【释】adj. 漫无目的的 not having a goal or purpose【例】The college sophomore sampled different courses and activities in an aimless fashion as he had not decided on his future career path.【选】discursive

ingenuous [ɪnˈdʒenjuəs]【释】adj. 纯朴的,真诚的 having or showing the innocence, trust, and honesty characteristic of young people【例】She was too ingenuous to have wholeheartedly believed every single word that the salesman said in his sales pitch.【选】simple【反】guileful

intrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk]【释】adj. 固有的,本质的,内在的 belonging to the essential nature of a thing【例】Some people argue that greed is such an intrinsic part of being human that it is the basis of all evil acts and can never be eradicated from any society.【选】inherent

inevitable [ɪnˈevɪtəbl]【释】adj. 不可避免的,必然的 sure to happen【例】When a witness describes a crime scene, it is inevitable that some details will be forgotten or misremembered.【选】unavoidable, preordained, ineluctable

intransigent [ɪnˈtrænzɪdʒənt]【释】adj. 不妥协的,固执的 completely unwilling to change【例】The company was so intransigent with its “no social media” policy that it gradually lost its competitive edge in the market and was trampled over by the new startups.【选】resolute, obduracy

detached [dɪˈtætʃt]【释】adj. 不受感情影响的,公正的 not influenced by emotions or personal interest【例】Unlike coworkers who delighted in office gossip, Felicia remained detached and appeared completely indifferent to these matters.【释】adj. 脱离的 not joined or connected【例】Some of the housemates ended up burning themselves while cooking as the skillet had long been detached from its handle but no one had bothered informing the housekeeper.

inveterate [ɪnˈvetərət]【释】adj. 根深蒂固的 firmly and long established; deep-rooted【例】Kenji was an inveterate procrastinator who put off doing his work until the last minute for nearly every task.【反】casual【释】adj. 习惯性的 persisting in an ingrained habit; habitual【例】The stray cat became an inveterate beggar in the restaurant and could be seen pestering customers for food every night.

backhanded [ˌbækˈhændɪd]【释】adj. 不直接的 oblique or indirect【例】Even though Agee's letters seemed harsh and critical, they actually provided backhanded encouragement to the young writer.【释】adj. 含沙射影的,讽刺挖苦的 having derogatory or insulting impli-cations【例】Although the woman thought she was praising the man's weight loss, he interpreted her comments as a backhanded compliment and stormed off.

affable [ˈæfəbl]【释】adj. 和蔼可亲的 easy and pleasant to speak to【例】Jaelyn and Sean are temperamental opposites as Jaelyn is outgoing and affable, while Sean is reserved and aloof.【选】easygoing, cordial, genteel【反】irascible

whimsy [ˈwɪmzi]【释】n. 突发奇想 an unusual, unexpected, or fanciful idea【例】Her paintings of bullfights are so successful as they convey both a sense of whimsy and a deep respect for the long-held tradition.【选】capriciousness【派】whimsical(adj. 突发奇想的,多变的)

tenacious [təˈneɪʃəs]【释】adj. 坚定的 very determined to do something【例】His peers respected him as a tenacious and diplomatic man who could remain steadfast in his beliefs yet tactful in his negotiations.【选】resolve, endurance【派】tenacity(n. 坚定)【释】adj. 持续的 continuing for a long time【例】Evolution is a tenacious process that began with appearance of life on Earth.

sardonic [sɑːrˈdɑːnɪk]【释】adj. 嘲讽的,讥笑的 scornfully or cynically mocking【例】The comedian's sardonic wit is hilarious as long as one is not the object of his rant.

skullduggery [skʌlˈdʌɡəri]【释】n. 欺骗,作假 secret or dishonest behavior or activity【例】For all its corporate skullduggery, it's hard to deny that Uber has some clever promotions at times.

legitimate [lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət]【释】adj. 合法的 being in compliance with the law【例】The birth of his only son by his wife left King Henry with a legitimate heir.【释】adj. 合理的 valid or justifiable【例】African Americans' discontent during the civil rights movement was legitimate because they suffered from a lack of freedom and equality.【释】v. 使…合理,合法 to make (something) real, accepted, or official or to show that (something) is fair or reasonable【例】A scientist should not automatically reject folkways that might at first seem silly or superstitious; scientific qualifications are not a license for smugness nor do they legitimate prejudice or bias.

plagiarize [ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz]【释】v. 抄袭 to reproduce or otherwise illegitimately use as one's own【例】Despite accusations to the contrary, it is unlikely that he intended to plagiarize the articles since he had cited them in his bibliography.

disavow [ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ]【释】v. 否认 to say that one is not responsible for or does not support something【例】It is common for politicians to disavow their earlier promises to suit the current political atmosphere in the country.

deplete [dɪˈpliːt]【释】v. 耗尽 to use most or all of【例】The battery life on the new phone is excellent and is never depleted even after a full day's use.【派】depletion(n. 耗尽)

ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl]【释】v. 嘲笑,耻笑 to laugh at and make jokes about【例】The unusual designs of John Harrison were always ridiculed by his peers until they were finally recognized as some of the best in the history of clock making.【选】deride【派】ridiculous(adj. 荒谬的)

undermine [ˌʌndərˈmaɪn]【释】v. 削弱 to make (someone or something) weaker or less effective【例】The tumbling of equity markets around the world has erased wealth and undermined confidence.【选】subvert, impair, undercut, weaken

self-serving [ˌselfˈsɜːrvɪŋ]【释】adj. 自私的 having or showing concern only about one's own needs and interests【例】Professor Fernandez was dubious about the so-called humanitarian aspects of the colonial government and insisted that their actions were actually self-serving.

perishable [ˈperɪʃəbl]【释】adj. 易消亡的,短暂的 likely to spoil or decay quickly【例】This kind of wood is very perishable when exposed to weather, but keeps extremely well in dry conditions.【派】perish(v. 消亡)

capricious [kəˈprɪʃəs]【释】adj. 变化多端的 changing often and quickly【例】Kate's impulsive nature and sudden whims led her friends to label her capricious.【选】impulsive, cavalier, fickle, versatile, volatile, flighty, erratic【反】resolute, steadfast【派】caprice(n. 突发奇想,怪念头)

egotism [ˈiːɡoʊɪzəm]【释】n. 自大 an inflated sense of one's own importance【例】His character, notwithstanding the egotism which often made him act selfishly, had an amiable and engaging side.

unqualified [ˌʌnˈkwɑːlɪfaɪd]【释】adj. 完全的 complete or total【例】The launch of the iPad was an unqualified success for Apple.【选】unalloyed【释】adj. 不合格的 not having the skills, knowledge, or experience needed to do a particular job or activity【例】Apple labeled the prospective employee as unqualified for the position after noticing a lack of technical experience on his resume.

magisterial [ˌmædʒɪˈstɪriəl]【释】adj. 权威的 authoritative【例】Wanting desperately to be perceived as learned and authoritative despite his young age, Johnson adopted a magisterial tone when speaking in public.

chauvinistic [ˌʃoʊvɪˈnɪstɪk]【释】adj. 极端爱国的 believing that one's country, gender or other group is better than any other【例】Many right-wing Americans hate cosmopolitanism and hold a chauvinistic belief in their country's superiority.

sleek [sliːk]





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