
发布时间:2021-04-21 23:47:19










1. 收词全面,释义精确


2. 典型例句,活学活用


3. 经典考题,温故知新


4. 考点用法,高分秘籍





【例句】—— 典型例句

【搭配】—— 考点搭配

【辨误】—— 用法误区

【辨异】—— 同义速辨

【联想】—— 联想归类

【考题】—— 经典考题

【考点】—— 考点用法


abandon[əˈbændən]vt. ①丢弃,离弃[同]desert, forsake ②放弃[同]give up, quit 【例句】The heartless man abandoned his wife and children. 那个无情的男子抛弃了妻子和孩子。∥The search was abandoned when night came. 天色已晚,大家放弃了搜寻。【搭配】abandon oneself to 沉湎于,陷入 with abandon 放纵地,纵情地【辨误】【辨异】abandon: 放弃对人或物的拥有或控制的权力,不再要了

desert: 强调违背诺言,逃避责任

give up: 泛指“放弃”,用于口语

forsake: 表示与人或物脱离关系【联想】abandoned a. 放纵的,抛弃的

abundant a. 大量的,丰富的

abandonment n. 放弃,断念,遗弃

abnormal[æbˈnɔːml]a. 不正常的,异常的[同]odd, unusual, irregular[反]normal 【例句】The country suffered heavy losses this year because of the abnormal weather. 由于气候反常,这个国家今年损失惨重。【搭配】abnormal behaviour 变态行为

abnormal psychology 变态心理

abnormal phenomena 不正常现象【联想】norm n. 常规,标准

normal a. 正常的

normally ad. 正常地,通常

normalize v. (使)正常化,标准化

supernormal a. 异常的

subnormal a. 低于正常的【考题】His body temperature has been _____ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degrees centigrade.

A) uncommon


) disordered


) abnormal


) extraordinary

答案C)。译文:他的体温已连续大概三天不正常了,最高时曾达到40.5摄氏度。abnormal意为“不正常的,不寻常的”。A) uncommon意为“不寻常的,不凡的,罕见的”。B) disordered 意为“混乱的,发狂的,生病的”。D) extraordinary 意为“非常的,特别的,惊人的”。【考题】_____ human behavior may be caused by eating substances that upset the delicate chemical balance in the brain.

A) Deliberate

B) Consistent

C) Primitive

D) Abnormal

答案D)。译文:人类的反常行为可能是由于吃了扰乱大脑内部复杂化学平衡的物质引起的。A) deliberate 意为“故意的,深思熟虑的”。B) consistent意为“一贯的,始终如一的”。C) primitive意为“原始的,简单的,粗糙的”,如:primitive societies原始社会。

abolish[əˈbɒlɪ∫]vt. 彻底废除,废止[同]do away with, put an end to, remove[反]establish 【例句】There are many bad customs and old laws that ought to be abolished. 有许多坏习惯和旧法律应该废除。∥Slavery was abolished in


ngland in the 19th century. 英国在19世纪就废除了奴隶制。【辨异】abolish: 常指用暴力或法律手段废除旧制度、旧风俗、旧习惯等

cancel: 取消某个计划、约会,删除某个词句等

eliminate: 消除、除掉不需要的东西

extinguish: 把火熄灭,使(思想、感情)破灭【联想】abolition n. 废除【考题】Many people hold that boxing should be _____ on the grounds that hundreds of young men have had their brains knocked out in the sport.

A) cancelled

B) eliminated

C) abolished

D) refused

答案C)。abolish废除,废止。A) cancel取消会议、计划、旅行等,如:cancel a concert 取消音乐会。B) eliminate消除,排除,宾语常是不需要的或不必要的人或物,如:eliminate mistakes from one's writing 消除文字中的错误。D) refuse 拒绝(请求、提供),如:refuse an invitation 拒绝邀请。

abortion[əˈbɔː∫n]n. ①流产,堕胎 ②(计划等的)失败,夭折[同]failure 【例句】She was asked to have an abortion. 有人劝她堕胎。∥The project has proved a complete abortion. 这个计划结果表明完全失败了。【搭配】induced abortion 人工流产

natural abortion 自然流产

illegal abortion 非法堕胎

prove an abortion 终于失败【联想】abortional a. 失败的

abortionist n. 堕胎者

abort v. 流产,早产,(计划等)失败

abrupt[əˈbrʌpt]a. ①突然的,仓促的[同]sudden ②(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的【例句】The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off the seats. 火车突然停住了,使许多旅客从座位上摔了下来。∥She had a rather abrupt manner. 她的举止相当粗鲁。【联想】erupt vi. 爆发

bankrupt vt. 使…破产

interrupt vt. 打断

disrupt vt. 使中断【考题】That is a road with many _____ turns.

A) swift

B) abrupt

C) urgent

D) accidental

答案B)。abrupt突然的,abrupt turns表示“急转弯”。A) swift迅速的。C) urgent紧急的。D) accidental偶然的。

absence[ˈæbsəns]n. ①缺席,不在场[反]presence ②缺乏,不存在[同]lack,omission 【例句】Her absence from the meeting was not noticed. 没有人注意到她没有出席会议。【搭配】absence from 缺席

during one's absence某人不在时

in the absence of 在(人)不在时,(物)缺乏时【联想】presence n. 出席

consistence n. 一致,一致性

absolute[ˈæbsəluːt]a. ①绝对的,完全的[同]complete, utter[反]relative ②确实的,肯定的 ③专制的,独裁的【例句】He is a man of absolute honesty. 他是个绝对诚实的人。【联想】absolutism n. 专制主义

relative a. 相对的

perfect a. 完全的,完美的

abstract[ˈæbstrækt]a. 抽象的[反]concrete, actual n. ①摘要,抽象[同]brief, summary ②抽象派艺术作品 v.[æbˈstrækt]提取,抽取【例句】Please write an abstract of this scientific article. 请写这篇科学论文的摘要。∥He abstracted the most important points from the long report. 他从这篇长篇报告中摘取最重要的内容。【搭配】in the abstract 抽象地,理论上

abstract...from 从…摘取【辨异】abstract: 简短的文字材料,表示原文的主题要点

summary: 总结,摘要,用很少几句话概括原文内容

outline: 大纲,纲要,按顺序列出原文的要点

digest: 文摘,对原文进行浓缩,篇幅摘要【联想】contract v. 收缩

subtract v. 减去

protract v. 延长

detract v. 转移,分散

extract v. 提取

retract v. 收回

tractor n. 拖拉机

distract v. 使…分心,分散…注意力▲

absurd[əbˈsɜːd]a. 荒谬的,荒唐的[同]ridiculous, unreasonable[反]rational 【例句】


t's absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather. 这么冷的天气不穿一件外套,真是荒唐。【辨异】absurd: 指不符合客观事实,不符合常识、人性、逻辑而使人感到荒唐奇怪

ridiculous: 指行为愚蠢,使人感到可笑,相当于silly【联想】absurdly ad. 荒谬地,荒唐地

absurdity n.荒谬,荒唐【考题】There was once an _____ idea that the earth was flat and motionless.

A) absurd

B) intrinsic

C) eternal

D) offensive

答案A)。译文:曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球是扁平的,静止不动的。A) absurd意为“不合理的,荒谬的”。B) intrinsic意为“内在的,固有的”。C) eternal意为“永恒的”。D) offensive 意为“冒犯的”。【考题】It is _____ that woman should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.

A) abrupt

B) absurd

C) adverse

D) addictive

答案B)。译文:男女同工不同酬是荒谬的。A) abrupt突然的,意外的,唐突的。C) adverse不友好的,敌对的,不利的,如:have an adverse effect on 对…有不利影响。D) addictive(使人)入迷的,(使人)上瘾的。【考题】Even sensible men do _____ things sometimes.

A) abrupt

B) absurd

C) acute

D) apt

答案B)。译文:即使是聪明人有时也会做出荒唐事。A) abrupt意为“突然的,意外的”。C) acute意为“尖锐的,敏锐的,剧烈的”,如:an acute sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉。D) apt 意为“易于…的,恰当的,适当的”。▲

abundance[əˈbʌndəns]n. 大量,丰富,充足[同]plenty, affluence[反]scarcity, shortage 【例句】At the party there was food and drink in abundance. 宴会上有丰富的食品和饮料。【搭配】in abundance丰富,充裕

a life of abundance 富裕的生活

an abundance of 大量的,丰富的【联想】abundant a. 大量的,充足的

abound v. 充满,富于【考题】In the storage there is good food in _____. You need not worry about food supplies. What you need to do is to ensure the water supply.

A) shortage

B) abundance

C) number

D) quality

答案B)。in abundance 丰富,大量,如:an abundance of good food 丰盛的美食。A) shortage 不足,短缺,不同in搭配,如:a shortage of funds 资金不足。C) in number 在数目上,总共。D) in quality 在质量上。

abuse[əˈbjuːz]v. ①辱骂,诬蔑[同]insult ②虐待[同]mistreat[反]honour ③滥用[同]misuse n.[əˈbjuːs]①辱骂[同]insult ②虐待[同]harm[反]care③滥用【例句】I won't allow you to abuse that dog. 我不允许你虐待那条狗。∥This is an abuse of your position. 这是滥用你的职权。【搭配】abuse one's power 滥用权力

alcohol abuse 酗酒

the problem of drug abuse 滥用药物问题【联想】accuse v. 控告,起诉

amuse vt. 使…高兴

misuse v. 误用,滥用

abusive a. 骂人的

abusively ad. 辱骂地

accelerate[ækˈseləreɪt]v. (使)加快,(使)增速[同]speed up, quicken[反]delay, slow down 【例句】They made a plan to accelerate the growth of tourism. 他们制订了一项促进旅游业发展的计划。【联想】

acceleration n. 加快,加速

accelerated a. 加快的

accelerant n. 催化剂,加快进程的东西

accelerative a. 加快的,加速的

access[ˈækses]n. ①(to)接近,获得(机会等)[同]admission, approach ②通道,入口[同]entrance, gateway[反]exit 【例句】Access to the house was across a field. 到那所房子要经过一片田野。∥Students need easy access to books. 要让学生容易获得图书资料。【搭配】have/gain access to 有(机会、手段)可以获得/接近/进入

the only access to the tower 去那座塔的唯一途径【辨异】access n. 通道,入口

excess n. 过度,超过

assess v. 评价,评估

possess v. 拥有▲

accessory[ækˈsesərɪ]n. ①附件,配件[同]supplement,attachment ②(常pl.)(妇女的)装饰品(如手提包等) ③同谋,包庇犯[同]accomplice 【例句】I frequently change accessories in my room. 我经常更换我房间里的摆设。∥He is an accessory to the murderer. 他是杀人犯的帮凶。【搭配】an accessory to a car 汽车的附件

an accessory to a crime 参与犯罪的从犯【联想】accessary n. 同谋,从犯

principal n. 主犯

crime n. 罪行

plot n. 阴谋 v. 密谋,计谋

murder n./v. 谋杀

steal v. 偷窃

rob v. 抢夺

sentence n./v. 判决【考题】The lady often wears _____ such as a diamond bracelet, a necklace and earings.

A) ornaments

B) decorations

C) furnishings

D) accessories

答案D)。译文:那位女士常戴钻石手镯、项链、耳环等饰物。accessories(妇女的)装饰品。A) ornament一般的装饰品。B) decoration 外观艳丽的装饰品,尤指节日的装饰品。C) furnishing(房屋里的)家具与陈设等。

accidental[ˌæksɪˈdentl]a. 意外的,(偶然)发生的[同]incidental, unexpected[反]intentional 【例句】The rate of accidental death has decreased since last year. 去年以来意外死亡率降低了。▲

accommodate[əˈkɒmədeɪt]vt. ①向…提供住处或膳宿[同]board ②容纳[同]hold, contain ③使适应,顺应[同]adapt, adjust 【例句】The delegates were accommodated in Beijing Hotel. 代表们被安置在北京饭店。∥He accommodates himself to new ways of living. 他使自己适应新的生活方式。【搭配】

accommodate oneself to the new circumstances 使自己适应新的环境

accommodate sth. to 使某物适应、迁就、迎合【辨异】accommodate: (旅馆等)可容纳多少旅客

contain: (容器等)可容纳多少物品

hold: (影剧院、大厅等)可容纳多少观众等【考题】The newly-built restaurant can _____ eight hundred people in first class establishments.

A) provide

B) contain

C) reside

D) accommodate

答案D)。译文:这家新建成的旅馆设施一流,能接纳800名旅客。accommodate为…提供住处/膳宿。A) provide提供,结构为:provide sb. with sth.。B) contain (容器)容纳(物品),(建筑物)可容纳(听众、观众)。C) reside 居住,如:reside in college住在校内。

accommodation[əˌkɒməˈdeɪ∫n]n. ①住处,膳宿[同]lodging ②(pl.)便利的设备/用具 ③适应,调节[同]adaptation 【例句】The hotel has accommodation for two hundred people. 那家旅馆可供200人食宿。∥The university offers excellent accommodation for summer visitors. 这所大学为夏季来访者提供很好的住宿。【搭配】afford accommodation for 100 guests 为100位客人提供膳宿

seek accommodations 投宿

the high cost of accommodations 住宿费用昂贵【辨异】accompaniment n. 伴随

accomplishment n. 才艺,完成

accomplice n. 同伙,帮凶

accompany[əˈkʌmpənɪ]vt. ①陪伴,陪同[同]attend, escort[反]leave ②伴随,和…一起发生[同]go with ③(on, at)为…伴奏或伴唱【例句】She played the violin and her friend accompanied her on the piano. 她拉小提琴,她的朋友用钢琴伴奏。∥My friend accompanied me to many scenic spots in London. 我的朋友陪伴我去了伦敦的许多景点。【搭配】accompany sb. on/at the+乐器 用乐器为某人伴奏

accompany sb. to 陪某人去某地(to为介词)

accompany sb. home 陪某人回家【辨误】不说accompany sb. to do sth.

accord[əˈkɔːd]n. ①一致,符合[同]agreement, accordance ②(尤指国与国之间的)谅解,协议[同]understanding vt. 授予,赠予,给予[同]confer, grant[反]deny vi. (with)相符合,相一致,相和谐[同]conform, concur 【例句】With one accord, they stood up to cheer her.他们大家一起站起来为她欢呼。∥What you have just said does not accord with what you told me earlier. 你刚才说的话同你早先告诉我的不一致。【搭配】in accord with与…一致,与…相符合[同]in agreement/accordance with

out of accord with 与…不一致

of one's own accord 出于自愿,主动地[同]voluntarily

with one accord 一致地,一致同意[同]unanimously

be in accord on the question of... 与…在此问题上一致

accord with 与…相符/一致【联想】accordable a. 可调解的

concord n. 和谐,一致

discord n. 不一致

cordial a. 衷心的

accordance[əˈkɔːdəns]n. ①一致,和谐,符合[同]agreement ②授予,给予【例句】Seat belts must be worn in accordance with the law. 按照法律规定必须系上安全带。【搭配】in accordance with与…一致,按照,根据(可作表语、状语)【辨异】in accordance with: 较正式,根据规则、法律等,常作状语或表语

according to: 根据某人、某学说等,引导短语,只能作状语

account[əˈkaʊnt]n. ①记述,描述,报告[同]description, statement ②账,账户,账目[同]bill, check ③解释,说明 vi. ①(for)说明…的原因,是…的原因[同]explain ②(在数量、比例方面)占【例句】There was an account of the train crash in the paper. 报纸上有一篇关于火车事故的报道。∥The government should take account of the interests of the disabled. 政府应当顾及残疾人的利益。【搭配】on all accounts 无论如何

of no account 不重要的

on account of 为了…的缘故,因为,由于

on no account 决不(位于句首时主谓倒装)

take...into account考虑[同]take into consideration

take account of 考虑到,理解,体谅

account for 解释,说明[同]clear up

open an account with the bank 在银行开账户【联想】count v. 值得考虑,点数

discount v. 不考虑

counter n. 柜台

encounter v. 碰到,遇见

accounts n. 账户,账目

accountant n. 会计

accountable a. 有责任的

accountant[əˈkaʊntənt]n. 会计人员,会计师【例句】He employs an accountant to deal with his income tax. 他请一位会计师来办理他的个人所得税。

accumulate[əˈkjuːmjəleɪt]vt. 堆积,积累,积聚[同]store, collect[反]waste vi.累积,聚积[同]gather, store up 【例句】I've accumulated a large number of books over the years. 几年来,我积累了大量书籍。∥Snow has accumulated in the garden. 园子里积满了雪。【搭配】【联想】accumulation n. 积蓄

accumulative a. 累积的,渐增的

assemble v. 集合

stimulate v. 刺激

accumulator n. 累加器,存储器

accumulatively ad. 累积地,递增地

accuracy[ˈækjərəsɪ]n. 准确(性),精确(性)[同]precision, exactness[反]inaccuracy 【例句】Mathematical problems must be solved with great accuracy. 数学题必须做得十分准确。

accurate[ˈækjərət]a. ①正确无误的 ②准确的,精确的[同]precise, exact[反]inaccurate 【例句】They need accurate data to construct the bridge. 他们需要精确的资料来造这座桥。【搭配】be accurate in one's work 做事仔细【辨异】accurate: 侧重准确性,精确无误

precise: 侧重细节、定义的准确

exact: 强调恰好的,一模一样的【联想】accurately ad. 精确地

inaccurate a. 不准确的

inaccurately ad. 不准确地

accuse[əˈkjuːz]vt. ①指责[同]blame ②指控,控告[同]charge 【例句】They accused her of stealing the books. 他们指责她偷书。【搭配】【联想】accusation n. 指控

accuser n. 起诉者

accused a. 被控告的 n. 被告

excuse n. 借口

blame v. 批评,指责

criticize v. 批评

acknowledge[əkˈnɒlɪʤ]vt. ①承认,承认…的权威或主张[同]admit[反]deny ②对…打招呼,理会[同]greet ③告知收到,确认 ④对…表示谢忱,报答【例句】She is acknowledged as an expert on the subject. 她被公认为是这个学科的专家。∥He walked right past me without even acknowledging me. 他从我身边走过,连个招呼都没有跟我打。【搭配】acknowledge...as/to be 认为…是[同]admit...as

acknowledge oneself beaten 承认失败

acknowledge defeat 承认失败【辨误】【辨异】acknowledge: 公开地承认事实

admit: 常暗示因受外界压力或受良心的驱使而承认

confess: 承认,坦白,侧重于对某人不利或有损的事【联想】acknowledgement n. 承认,感谢

knowledge n. 知识【考题】Professor Hawking is _____ as one of the world's greatest living physicists.

A) dignified

B) clarified

C) acknowledged

D) illustrated

答案C)。译文:霍金教授被公认是世界上健在的最伟大的物理学家之一。acknowledge意为“承认,承认…的权威”。A) dignify意为“使…有尊严,使…变得崇高,给…增光”。B) clarify意为“澄清,阐明”。D) illustrate意为“(用图、例子)说明,阐明,表明”。【考题】Despite almost universal _____ of the vital importance of women's literacy, education remains a dream for far too many women in far too many countries of the world.

A) identification

B) compliment

C) confession

D) acknowledgement

答案D)。译文:尽管普遍承认妇女识字的重要性,但对于许多国家的很多妇女来说,接受教育还是一个梦想。acknowledgement意为“承认,确认”,出自动词acknowledge。A) identification意为“身份证明,认出,鉴定”,出自动词identify。B) compliment表示“赞美,恭维(话),(pl.)问候,致意”,如:make/pay a compliment to sb. on sth. 为某事赞美某人。C) confession意为“承认,坦白,供认”,出自动词confess。

acquaint[əˈkweɪnt]vt. (with)①使了解[同]inform ②使认识,使熟悉[同]make known 【例句】The author of the report is well acquainted with the problems in the university. 这篇报道的作者非常熟悉该大学的各种问题。∥We are quite acquainted with each other 我们彼此很熟。【搭配】acquaint oneself with 了解,知悉

acquaint sb. with 把…通知某人,使某人了解

become/get acquainted with 开始认识,开始了解【辨误】【考题】The author of the report is well _____ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.

A) informed

B) acquainted

C) enlightened

D) acknowledged

答案B)。译文:这份报告的作者对这家医院的情况十分熟悉,因为他已在那里工作了许多年。be acquainted with了解,与…相识。A) inform通知,告知,常用结构:inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事。C) enlighten启发,开导,启蒙。D) acknowledge承认,就…表示谢意。【考题】Ms. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _____ with everyone who comes to the store.

A) accepted

B) admitted

C) admired

D) acquainted

答案D)。acquaint使知道,使熟悉,常用结构:be acquainted with熟悉,认识。A) accept接受。B) admit承认。C) admire钦佩,羡慕。

acquaintance[əˈkweɪntəns]n. ①认识,相识,了解[同]knowledge, understanding ②相识的人,熟人【例句】That evening he made the acquaintance of a young actress. 那天晚上他结识了一位年轻的女演员。【搭配】

have a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交

have a nodding acquaintance 点头之交【辨误】【辨异】acquaintance: 认识,熟人

intimate: 密友,至交

acquisition[ˌækwɪˈzɪ∫n]n. ①获得物,增添的人或物 ②取得,获得,习得[同]acquirement 【例句】This car is my latest acquisition. 这辆车是我最近新添置的。【搭配】make an acquisition获得

the acquisition of knowledge求知

a valuable acquisition to the team 一个不可多得的新队员【联想】requisite a. 必要的 acquisitive a. 渴望得到的,能够得到的▲

activate[ˈækɪtɪveɪt]vt. 使活动起来,使开始起作用【例句】A good teacher knows how to activate his or her class. 一位好教师知道如何使课堂活跃起来。【联想】activation n. 激活

activator n. 活化剂【考题】Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that _____ disease resistance in neighboring plants.

A) contracts

B) activates

C) maintains

D) prescribes

答案B)。activate使活动起来,使激活。A) contract缩小,缩短。C) maintain保持,维持。D) prescribe开(药方),规定做(某事)。

acute[əˈkjuːt]a. ①严重的,激烈的[同]intense, severe ②敏锐的[同]sensitive[反]dull ③(疾病)急性的[反]chronic ④尖的,锐的[同]sharp 【例句】The long drought caused an acute shortage of water. 长期的干旱造成严重缺水。∥Dogs have an acute sense of smell. 狗有灵敏的嗅觉。【搭配】in acute pain 剧痛

an acute lack of food 严重缺少食物

acute disease 急性病

acute sense 敏锐的感觉【考题】A human's eyesight is not as _____ as that of an eagle.

A) eccentric

B) acute

C) sensible

D) sensitive

答案B)。译文:人的视力不如鹰的视力敏锐。A) eccentric(人、行为等)古怪的,怪僻的,如:eccentric clothes 奇装异服。C) sensible明智的,意识到的,如:a sensible choice 明智的选择。D) sensitive 敏感的,神经过敏的,如:be sensitive to one's environment对周围的环境很敏感。▲

addict[əˈdɪkt]vt. 使成瘾,使入迷 n.[ˈædɪkt]①有瘾的人 ②入迷的人【例句】The man has been addicted to drugs for three years. 那人吸毒已有三年。【搭配】

a drug addict 吸毒上瘾的人

a work addict 工作狂

be addicted to drugs 吸毒成瘾【联想】addiction n. 沉溺,吸毒成瘾

addictive a. 使上瘾的,使成瘾的【考题】


e _____ drugs two years ago.

A) addicted

B) addicted to

C) became addicted to

D) became addicted

答案C)。译文:他两年前染上毒瘾的。addict使沉溺,使上瘾,常用结构:be addicted to。

addition[əˈdɪ∫n]n. ①加,加法 ②增加的人或物【例句】In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience. 课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。【辨异】in addition: 另外,加之(为副词,相当于as well)

in addition to doing sth.: 加上,除…之外(为介词,相当于as well as)

in addition to: 除…外(还有)(=besides, aside from)

with exception of: 除…外(没有)(=except, except for)【联想】addition n. 加法

subtraction n. 减法

multiplication n. 乘法

division n. 除法

additional[əˈdɪ∫ənl]a. 添加的,额外的,另外的[同]extra, supplementary 【例句】An additional charge is made for heavy bags. 重的行李要额外收费。【联想】additionally ad. 额外地

adequate[ˈædɪkwət]a. ①充足的,足够的[同]enough ②适当的,胜任的[同]competent, equal to 【例句】The city's water supply is no longer adequate for its growing population. 这座城市的用水已经不足以供应日益增长的人口了。∥He is adequate to the task. 他胜任这份工作。【搭配】be adequate for sb. 对某人足够

be adequate to (doing) sth. 胜任(做)【辨异】adequate: 数量上和质量上的充足,有不多不少之意

sufficient: 强调充足而有余

enough: 常用词,可放在名词前后▲

adhere[ədˈhɪə]vi. ①(to)黏附,附着[同]stick to, cling to ②(to)遵守,坚持[同]abide by ③(to)追随,支持[同]follow 【例句】It had rained all day and the mud adhered to their shoes. 整天下雨,他们的鞋子都沾满了泥。∥He adhered to the original plan. 他坚持原计划。【搭配】adhere to 坚持[同]stick to

adhere to the opening policy 坚持开放政策【辨异】adhere:正式场合使用,侧重坚持、遵守


cling:强调抓紧、缠绕【联想】adherence n. 黏附,坚守(to)【考题】He resolutely _____ to what he had decided at the board conference.

A) insisted

B) persisted

C) persevered

D) adhered

答案D)。译文:在董事会上,他执意坚持自己的决定。adhere to坚持,忠于。A) insist同on连用,insist on sth./doing sth. 一定要…,坚决主张。B) persist同in连用,persist in doing sth. 坚持做某事,执意做某事。C) persevere 尤指不顾困难坚持做某事。【考题】More than 85 percent of


rench Canada's population speaks French as a mother tongue and _____ to the Roman Catholic faith.

A) caters

B) adheres

C) ascribes

D) subscribes

答案B)。译文:85%以上的法裔加拿大人把法语当成母语并且坚持信仰罗马天主教。A) cater(to,for) 迎合,投合。C) ascribe(to) 把…归于。D) subscribe(to) 捐款,订阅。▲

adjacent[əˈʤeɪsənt]a. (to) 邻近的,毗连的[同]adjoining, neighboring[反]remote 【例句】


iangsu Province is adjacent to Zhejiang Province. 江苏省与浙江省交界。【搭配】adjacent to 邻近,在…附近[同]border on

live on adjacent streets 住在相邻的街上【辨异】adjacent: 邻近的,搭界的,可以相接触,正式用词


near:附近的,常用的【考题】My office is _____ to my brother's, so we often have lunch together.

A) intimate

B) distant

C) adjacent

D) nearby

答案C)。译文:我的办公室离我弟弟的很近,所以我们常常一起吃午饭。adjacent毗连的,临近的,常用结构:be adjacent to 与…毗邻。A) intimate(朋友间)亲密的,亲近的。B) distant远隔的,遥远的。D) nearby 附近的,不远的,如:a nearby river 近处的河流。▲

adjoin[əˈʤɔɪn]vt. 贴近,与…毗连[同]be joined to, attach[反]detach 【例句】Our classroom adjoins the library. 我们的教室与图书馆相邻。【辨误】adjoin是及物动词:【联想】adjoining a. 毗连的,邻近的【考题】Although the two girls have been living in _____ apartments for 2 years, they have never said a word to each other.

A) adjoining

B) ascending

C) discrete

D) remote

答案A)。adjoining 毗邻的,如:the adjoining rooms 毗邻的房间。B) ascending上升的,处于上升期的。C) discrete分离的,不相关联的,如:The word “heart” has several discrete meanings. “heart” 这个词有好些不相关联的词义。D) remote遥远的,如:a remote mountain village 一个遥远的山村。【考题】The playfield _____ the school.

A) joins

B) links

C) connects

D) adjoins

答案D)。译文:运动场紧靠着学校。adjoin与…毗连。A) join 连接,参加。B) link 连接,常用结构:link up with 与…相连。C) connect 连接,结合,常用结构:connect sth. with 把某物与…相连。

adjust[əˈʤʌst]vt. ①校准,校正,调整[同]modify ②调节,改变…以适应[同]adapt vi. (to)适应【例句】He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country. 他很快就适应了这个国家炎热的气候。【搭配】【联想】adjustable a. 可调节的

adjuster n. 调整者,调停者▲

administer[ədˈmɪnɪstə](=administrate)vt. ①掌管,料理…的事务[同]manage, deal with ②施行,实施[同]carry out ③给予,派给,投(药) 【例句】Mr. Jones administers the company's accounts. 琼斯先生管理公司的账目。∥The nurse administered the medicine to the patient. 护士给病人服药。【考题】The government _____ relief to famine victims.

A) ruled

B) administered

C) controlled

D) dominated

答案B)。译文:政府向灾民发放救济品。administer正式派给,供给。A) rule 统治(一个地方,国家)。C) control控制。D) dominate 支配,在…占上风。

admire[ədˈmaɪə]vt. ①钦佩,赞赏,羡慕[同]appreciate, honour[反]despise②称赞,夸奖[同]praise 【例句】We all admire him for the way he saved the child from the fire. 我们都钦佩他从火中救出孩子的壮举。【搭配】admire sb. for 因…而羡慕某人,因…而佩服某人【辨异】admire: 对人的仰慕

respect: 对(地位高的)人的尊敬

honour: 对人或物的极大敬仰

wonder at: 对…惊异,指“好”或“坏”的事情【联想】admirable a. 出色的

admission[ədˈmɪ∫n]n. ①准许进入,准许加入[同]entrance, access[反]prohibition ②承认,供认[同]confession, acknowledgment[反]denial 【例句】Hundreds of people were refused admission to the hall. 数以百计的人被拒绝进入大厅。∥Her admission of guilt surprised everyone. 她承认有罪,使所有的人都大吃一惊。【搭配】与to或into连用:

admission to the university进大学

admission to the school 入学

gain admission into a club 获得加入俱乐部的许可

Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。▲

adolescence[ˌædəʊˈlesns]n. 青春期,青少年[同]youth 【例句】Adolescence is often a difficult time in one's life. 青春期常常是人生中困难的阶段。【考题】The period of _____, i.e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on society's definition as to what constitutes maturity and adult.





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