新托福百日百句百篇(第一册) (“新托福百日百句百篇”系列图书)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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新托福百日百句百篇(第一册) (“新托福百日百句百篇”系列图书)

新托福百日百句百篇(第一册) (“新托福百日百句百篇”系列图书)试读:




;(2)准备把本书当作一本“北美考试机经合集”,请读序二;(3)没啥想法的话,那就两个序都读吧 !序一



所谓的“百日百句译”,无非是挑出新托福真实考试之中的 100个句子,先一天一句慢慢地讲解,之后再要求大家用讲解完的结构和用法来造句而已。



●每天都花 5分钟时间看一下要翻译的这个句子(遇到不认识的单词要查、要背,积累词汇量)。

●花些精力译一译(要多思考,不要追求速度,大概花 10分钟)。请大家一定要动手,而不只是动脑:事情往往“想起来容易,做起来难”,而思考“如何翻译才更好”的过程,其实就是我们理清难句的过程,所以必不可少——这样第二天看解析的时候才会有更真切的感受。

●为了能够事半功倍,将阅读和写作结合在一起,大家还要耐下性子完成汉译英的翻译训练,因为在以后的写作中或许能够派上用场(大概 15分钟)。

我想,每天花费半个小时(5+10+15分钟),只需 100天就能使得阅读和写作水平有所提升。什么?觉得 100天太长?呵呵,有人在那些所谓有效的“速成理论”中都不知蹉跎了多少个 100天了呢!所以还是老老实实、扎扎实实地投入到英语能力的综合训练之中来吧。

所谓的“百日百篇读”,就是每天通过微信发布一篇英文文章,并配有题目。而这些文章都还原自 2011年至 2013年北美托福考试的阅读文章;对于相信机经的同学来说,这也算是一个练习的契机,因为 2014年至 2015年在中国内地的新托福考试中,很有可能会考到这些英文文章。这样的活动最适合以下人群参与:刚刚开始准备托福的同学;测试分数在 80分以下的同学;乐闻携尔“监狱”集训营班级的同学。


●每天花 20分钟时间,把文章细细地读一遍。对于文章中不认识的单词,一定要及时查出来(需要大家重点识记的单词已经在文中着重标出来了)。


其实,我一直觉得“top down”的英语学习方法才是正解:从文章阅读中积累词汇和句型,要远比背单词书有效得多——尽管看起来速度不快,但效率极高,因为有语境才会用。有些类似小时候的语文课:老师一天只教一篇文章,抠出五个生字,在文中讲解。

这个活动做满 100天了,参加的同学也越来越多。我和出版社的冬梅老师商量了一下,于是决定把微信课堂上的内容整理成册后出版发行,书名定为《新托福百日百句百篇》。这本书共分四册,而第一册就是前 25天的所有课堂内容。

2013年 3月 3日的托福考试刚结束,就有很多同学发微信感谢我:因为当日考试的文章在“文勇的微信空中课堂”中都出现过(它们分别是“中世纪商人信用”、“猛犸草原”和“独居与群居”)。类似的情况在 3月 30日这一天又发生了,有同学在考试的时候欣喜地发现了“Japanese Climate”和“Mesoamerica”这两篇熟悉的文章。我觉得挺得意的同时,心里当然知道,这些同学取得好成绩是应该的——不是因为他们碰上了机经,而是因为这些同学中的大部分人我都特别眼熟,他们都是坚持每天参加百日读活动的乖孩子。哪里有努力的人不成功的道理?


序二:Necessary Evil


开篇明义:其实我并不中意“机经”。“机经”这个说法,最早可能源于机考 GRE的年代——在那个时期多次考试的考题是可能完全重复的(一般以“自然月”为周期)。常出现的情形是:月末参加考试的同学遇到的试题,居然与月初的试题完全一致。所以,尽管考生在参加这些标准化考试之前都需先“签字画押”(签订保密协议,同意绝不将试题内容透露给任何第三方),但仍有“热心”的同学愿意在网络上回顾、分享自己考过的试题,这也就给后来参加考试的同学们创造了提前熟悉某些将要考到的真实考题的机会。

与之类似,机经在新托福(iBT)考试出现后,也逐步流行了起来,因为自从托福将纸笔考试(PBT)改革成计算机考试之后,也出现了重复出题的现象(尽管它并不是以自然月为周期的,但终归是重复了很多次,还是有规律可循的)。按照陈睿老师的说法,科班出身的理工科专业人才使用 STATA或 SPSS等统计软件来“处理数据、总结规律”的能力还是不可小觑的。于是同学们总能看到诸多预测机经,也总能够听到我们的机经预测命中的消息。这看上去是一件皆大欢喜的事情。



请允许我以写作为例来进行阐述。其实提前知道作文题目在很大程度上并不会影响最知了的——只要你愿意,就可以在考前将题库里面的 185个作文题目全都看一遍。大家不要觉得不可思议,事实上公布题库的行为在标准化考试中十分普遍: GRE考试中的写作部分(无论是 Issue还是 Argue题)也都是提前公布题库的。


更进一步地说,即便是通过机经预测,在考前顺利将出题范围圈定在 20个话题以内,甚至再夸张一点,花时间把这些题目也都逐一写一遍,考试的时候也无非就是把已有的水平再重复发挥一次而已,最后该得多少分,还是多少分,不会变(即使根据这些预测题目把文章都写一遍,而且还都修订打磨成范文一般的美文,或者干脆考前去背诵大量的范文,往往也还是低分)。有些同学会不服气:“难道是我背诵的范文本身写得不够好吗?”







其二,事实上,机经还是一个纯粹的习题库。这些曾经在真实考试中出现过的试题,最能代表托福考试的风格。特别是对于写作和口语这两个科目来说,机经能帮助考生了解怎样的题目类型是 ETS最喜欢考查的,而对此考生自己又应当如何回答;而在阅读和听力部分,机经则能为考生提供背景知识及复习方向的指示。倘若考生发现阅读机经中出现了一篇关于天文学的文章,并且自认为对此不太熟悉,那么就会额外把天文类的相应单词都好好地背诵一下,提前做准备以防考试的时候干瞪眼。显然,从这个角度来说,机经可以指出考生阅读的盲点,听力部分也是如此。


其实我用“Necessary Evil”作为这篇短文的标题,也算是为制作机经的我们和阅读机经的你们开脱,毕竟这并不是一件多好的事情。亚里士多德说过的一句话放在这里或许会很合适,无论我们是否承认:

Evil draws men together.(正是邪恶的想法,才能把人们聚集起来。)

最后,我想要留出篇幅,感谢如下同学:是他们在微信上的积极参与,才敦促我坚持做完了这 100天的活动;让我以他们的名义,将这本书献给更多正行进在留学路上的同学。


以下名单排名不分先后:乐闻携尔熬夜团 团支书文勇亲爱的读者朋友们:




◆本书的结构主要分为两大部分—— Passage和 Sentence。其中, “Passage”部分为整理出炉的最新北美机经还原文章,并附有一至两道练习题目,以检验同学们对于文章的理解程度(文章中着重标注出来的单词是需要额外注意的,如果对它们不够熟悉,大家最好下点儿工夫强化记忆并将其牢牢掌握);“Sentence”则全部选自免费共享资料“黄金阅读”,该部分下设几个小板块,包括需要翻译的英文原文、参考翻译、知识点小结、与该原文相关的阅读题目、汉英翻译练习及其参考翻译、扩充后的中文段落翻译及其相关的托福写作题目以及勇哥批改学生的翻译练习。


◆书中阅读题目的答案请见本书最后的“参考答案”(注:没有给出具体答案而用笑脸 .代替的,表示 ETS并未针对此句英文原文出阅读题目)。



Day 1

Passage 1

Mammoth Extinction

① Mammoth, the common name for several extinct species of the elephant family, hadlong,curved tusks which grew to approximately 3m(about10.1ft.)in length,and aprominent hump on the back.The first mammoths appeared in Africa during the early Pliocene Epoch, almost 5 million years ago. The first North American mammoths migrated across the Bering Strait from Asiain to Alaska during aperiod of low sea levels nearly 2million years ago.By the beginning of the Pleistocene Epoch,about 1.6million years ago,mammoths inhabited North America,Europe,and Asia.Scientists believe that most mammoths had died out toward the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, about 11,000 years ago. Yet the cause of their extinction remains unsolved.

② Some scientists hold the proposal that the mammoths'extinction were triggered by climatic change.During the Late Pleistocene,the environment of the northern territories of Eurasia, (ranging from Western Europe toAlaska,) was generally open, tending towardsteppe-like.It is known as the Mammoth Steppe,an ecosystem remarkable for its unusual combination of mammal species.The Mammoth Steppe was very productive and characterized by very diverse flora and fauna,with alargevariety in species.It would have sustained mammalian herds all year round.Yet as the planet warmed during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, a drastic rearrangement of its floral and faunal components occurred which led to a marked change in the distribution of species.The steppes there gave way to silt,dust,and ice-based tundral landscapes,dominated in some places by forests and in others by mosses.As the ecosystem of the Mammoth Steppe collapsed and was replaced by the modern tundra and steppe belts of Eurasia, mammoth became extinct after having survived many climatic changes during several hundreds of thousands of years.

③ However,other researchers tend to form a different theory.They believe the Clovis people, who were big-game hunters, could help explain an unsolved puzzle of the Americas in the late Pleistocene:the catastrophic extinction of dozens of species of large animals.Across the Americas, millions of large animals disappeared, including the mammoth. These extinctions were thought to coincide with the arrival of Clovis groups, a chronological coincidence that led University of Arizona ecologist Paul Martin to propose the hypothesis of Pleistocene overkill, as the Pleistocene-Holocene transition is also the period during which humans spread into Northern Siberia and crossed Beringia on their journey to America. This hypothesis, first put forward in 1167, contends that the Clovis big-game hunters caused the extinctions. Martin suggested that overkill was especially likely—even inevitable—if Clovis groups were the first Americans. These giant animals, if they had never faced human hunters before, would have been especially vulnerable prey to this new, dangerous, two-legged predator.【1】

④ Over time, however, it became clear that the Pleistocene overkill hypothesis was not strongly supported by the archaeological record.Archaeologists have yet to document a single Clovis sloth kill, horse kill, camel kill, or a kill of any of the other several dozen mega faunal species. Whatever caused the extinction of these animals, it was not human hunting. Currently, the extinction remains a puzzle.

——2012年 5月 26日北美机经

1. All of the following are mentioned in Paragraph 2 as contributing to the extinction of mammoth EXCEPT ______ .

A. the atmosphere generally warmed up

B. the disappearance of their natural habitat

C. the human invasion into Northern Siberia

D. the violent rearrangement of Mammoth Steppes floral and faunal composition

2. According to Paragraph 4, why was the overkill hypothesis weakly supported?

A. Scientists are more inclined to adopt the climatic change hypothesis.

B. Apart from mammoth, other several dozen megafaunal species also died out.

C. The archaeologists cannot find any evidence on the Clovis killing of other animals to support the mammoth overkill hypothesis.

D. The time of mammoth extinction doesn't agree with that of the Clovis settlement.
















1. The fossil consists of a complete skull of an archaeocyte, an ______ group of ancestors of modern cetaceans.(OG:The Origins of Cetaceans)

2. In addition, there were other immigrants who ______ west in search of new homes, material success, and better lives.(TPO-20:Westward Migration)

3. Nomadism has further consequences. It means that pastoralist societies occupy and can influence very large ______ .(TPO-14:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia)

4. Moreover, our humanness must be ______ through social interaction—and fairly constantly so.(TPO-11:Types of Social Groups)

5. The late Cretaceous extinction of the dinosaurs and ammonoids was just one of the more ______ in a whole series of such recurrent extinction episodes.(TPO-11:Mass Extinctions)

6. The labor movement gathered some momentum in the decade before the Panic of 1837, but in the depression that followed, labor's strength ______ .(OG:Artisans and Industrialization)

7. Experiments have also cast serious doubt on the belief that yawning is ______ by a drop in blood oxygen or a rise in blood carbon dioxide.(TPO-18:The Mystery of Yawning)

8. But even without such specific documentation, it is clear that impacts of this size do occur and that their results can be ______ .(Official Model Exam:Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction)

9. The time had come to formulate a ______ .(TPO-7:The Geologic History of the Mediterranean)

10. Sigmund Freud, for example, believed that aggressive impulses are ______ reactions to the frustrations of daily life.(OG:Aggression)

11. These higher-frequency sounds do not travel as far, and so may better conceal the individuals producing them, who are especially ______ to predators in their ground nests.(TPO-11:Begging by Nestlings)

12. The ______ evidence clearly indicates, though, that Teotihuacán was the center that did arise as the predominant force in the area by the first century A.D.(TPO-8:The Rise of Teotihuacán)

13. Why does the fossil record not ______ the series of evolutionary changes during the evolution of animals?(TPO-1:The Cambrian Explosion)


1. extinct

2. migrated

3. territories

4. sustained

5. drastic

6. collapsed

7. triggered

8. catastrophic

9. hypothesis

10. inevitable

11. vulnerable

12. archaeological

13. document【1】与今日百句译(

Sentence 1

)相同的句型。Sentence 1


If the pores are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold, and it will drain away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films, too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held.TPO-1(2001.11.8): Groundwater本题全文及相应译文见免费共享资料“黄金阅读”【1】




1.词组“exist as”意思是“作为……而存在,以……的形态存在”,比如:

a. Matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas.(以……的形态存在)


b. Though scattered and persecuted, the Jews still exist as a nation【2】(作为……而存在)


2.“too… to”是个很常见的句型,意思是“太……以至于不能……”,简单的用法大家肯定都了解,比如:This question is too difficult for me to answer.(这个问题太难了,我回答不出来。)但是如果此句型经过一番改造,变得略微复杂时,比如本句中“too… to”之间的内容就比较长,有些考生就容易犯晕了。

看句子时要看到以下骨架“sth. +is + too + adj./n. + for sb./sth. + to do sth.”。“for”后面的“sb./sth.”是“to do”部分动作的执行者,该部分可有可无。重要的是大家看到长句子前面的“too”时,就应该有意识地去找后面的“to”,只要找到这个结构,再长、再复杂的句子也就都容易攻下了。

3.要弄清楚“holding them in place”是分词短语作修饰语,修饰前面的名词“the force of surface tension”。长难句中经常会出现分词短语作修饰语的情况,分词短语包括现在分词 v-ing和过去分词 v-ed两种形式。其实分词短语作修饰语就相当于一个定语从句,大家不妨看看以下这几个例子:

a. Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.

相当于:Most of the people who were invited to the party were famous scientists.

b. Thin films are too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place.

相当于:Thin films are too light to overcome the force of surface tension which holds them in place.

至于什么时候用现在分词,什么时候用过去分词,这要看句子的先行词和动作之间的关系。如果是主动关系,就用现在分词,比如“the force of surface tension”(表面张力)和“hold”之间是主动关系,所以原句中为“... holding them ...”;如果是被动关系,则用过去分词,比如“people”和“invite”之间是“被邀请”的关系,这也是使用“Most of the people invited...”的缘由。



Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

If the pores are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold, and it will drain away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films, too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held.

A. Surface tension is not strong enough to retain drops of water in rocks with large pores but it is strong enough to hold on to thin fi lms of water in rocks with small pores.

B. Water in rocks is held in place by large pores and drains away from small pores through surface tension.

C. Small pores and large pores both interact with surface tension to determine whether a rock will hold water as heavy drops or as a thin film.

D. If the force of surface tension is too weak to hold water in place as heavy drops, the water will continue to be held fi rmly in place as a thin film when large pores exist.




If we take proper measures in pollution control, even if we build a factory near the community, the surrounding environment would not be affected a lot; but if we don't, the pressure on the environment would be too much for the ecological balance to be retained.

请将以上句子扩充后的中文段落翻译成英文:(1)当然,在社区附近设立工厂也将有不少缺点:环境污染是最重要的一条。(2)首钢,举个例子来说,就是由于这个原因搬离北京的。(3)但这一缺陷可以通过做好污染的防治管理工作来解决。(4)如果我们在污染防治管理方面做得不好 ,环境承受的压力可能会过大而导致无法维持生态平衡;但是如果我们可以在污染防治管理方面做好措施 ,即使在社区附近建立工厂,周边的环境也不会受到很大影响。


A company had announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.——来自老托福 185题库(2001.5)



如果你也想让自己的练习得到批改、想得到老师更多解答的话,请通过以下方式关注我们:(1)新浪微博 @人大社考试分社(2)文勇的微信账号 liuwenyonglasedu或扫描二维码【1】“黄金阅读”是学生备考托福的一大法宝,请访问 http://www.lasedu.com/的“资料分享”界面,或直接在网上搜索“文勇的黄金阅读”即可找到。现已更新到 11.6版本,囊括了 10篇 OG文章、 3篇 Online Test文章和 26个 TPO。【2】nation在这里算是一个熟词僻义,作“民族”讲。

Day 2

Passage 2

Coral Reef

① Coral Reef is a coastal and oceanic ecosystem renowned for its beautiful life forms and for providing one of the most biologically diverse habitats on Earth. Areef is a ridge or outcrop of rock in the sea that comes close to the surface. Acoral reef is a reef that has been built largely or entirely by corals,tiny animals that live together in colonies.Over hundreds of thousands of years, the limestone skeletons of coral build up, with new corals growing on the skeletons of the dead ones.【1】This physical structure, with its living surface of corals and other organisms, is a coral reef.

② The most important organisms for the development of coral reefs are, of course, corals. Corals are tiny animals with a simple tubular body knownas a polyp. Polyps have a mouth on top, surrounded by a ring of tentacles. Only some corals build reefs. These are the stony corals, or scleractinians, which live in colonies. Thousands of polyps live and grow together, layingdownasharedskeletonoflimestone(calciumcarbonate).Overtheyearssuch skeletons may become large structures, with a living outer layer of coral animals.

③ Despite their importance,corals are not the only creatures involved in the building of coralreefs.Other animals such as mollusks build skeletons from limestone.In addition,a number of important groups of marineplants known as algae also lay down limestone.These include a group of pink or red coralline algae that encrust bare rock and often act like cement on a reef.

④ Corals in general are found in all seasand oceans,even in deep oceans and cold waters. Reef-building corals, by contrast, require quite specific conditions in order to thrive. None are found in areas where the water temperature drops much below18°C(64°F) for more than a few days.Likewise,although some species in the Arabian Searegularly encounter temperatures of 36°C(16.8°F),corals are adapted to thrive in a much smaller temperature range.

⑤ Apart from temperature, corals also require clear waters. This is partly because they need sunlight to support the algae that live within their tissues. In the sea, light is filtered out by depth, so reef-building corals can only grow in relatively shallow water. Even in the clearest oceans, few reef-building corals grow below a depth of 80 to 100 m (260 to 128 ft.). They are also very sensitive to particles of mud or sediment settling on them, which means that corals rarely grow close to rivers or other sources of sediment.

⑥ Although corals need nutrients, they cannot thrive in areas where there are large amounts of nutrients. Typically, in nutrient-rich water, the excessive growth of microscopic organisms in the plankton, or seaweeds (macro algae) smothers the corals, blocking out the light.

⑦ The complex shapes of the coral reefs provide a surface for many plants and animals to settle and grow. The great mass of holes and contours provide shelter and protection for fish, and even places for predatory fish to ambush other fish. The total number of species observed in coral reefs throughout the world is about 100,000, but scientists believe about 100,000 other species may be awaiting discovery. The variety and number of species still baffle scientists. One study of a dead coral colony yielded 8,261 individual animals burrowed within the coral rock. These included about 220 different species.

⑧ Because coral reefs in shallow waters house a quarter of all marine fish species, reefs are highly productive resources for human beings. Hundreds of millions of people live within easy reach of coral reefs and rely on them to provide food. Coral reefs also help protect human settlements from large waves during storms.——2012年 4月 20日北美机经





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