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感谢贵州大学外国语学院前任院长王健芳教授对本书的编写给予的帮助和指导。因编者水平有限,如有不当之处,望读者给予诚挚的批评和指正。编 者Chapter 1English Essay Writing完整作文写作UNIT 1Title of Essay题目与构思1.1 题目与体裁Genre Analysis

英语写作和中文写作一样,首先需要确定写作目的和题目。明确题目对内容和形式的要求,并确定写作范围和重点,从而决定采用某种恰当的体裁和表达方式。不同体裁的文章题目都有它自身特点,抓住表现体裁特点的关键词,就能够确定题目,确定体裁。Task 1

Observe the titles of writing essay in the table then talk about the different contents and styles of the four writing modes you estimate from the titles.My Childhood,A Precious Gift,A生 活中的所见所NarrationCar Accident闻My Father,A Beautiful Park,An 人物、地点、事DescriptionUnforgettable Wedding物How to Cook Beef,Introduction of 说明书、广告、ExpositionHaier报道ArgumentationOn Failure,On Study分析、评论根据题目定体裁


这四个问题的答案能够帮助你确定写作题目和写作体裁。请看下面两个段落如何描述阻力这个概念,第一段是写给同行科学家的论文,第二段是写给普通大众的报告。写作的目的不同使得写作风格和体裁都不同。Example:What is Drag?StructureWordsIn fluid dynamics,drag(sometimes called air resistance or fluid resistance)refers to forces acting opposite to the relative motion of any substance moving in a fluid.This drag:阻力can exist between two fluid resistance:阻力Technical/layers(or surfaces)or a fluid and Scientific Style a solid surface.Unlike other and Tonefriction:摩擦力resistive forces,such as dry velocity:速度friction,which is nearly independent of velocity,drag forces depend on velocity.Drag forces always decrease fluid velocity relative to the solid object in the fluid's path.We cannot see or hear many of forces around us,but we can certainly detect their presence.Walking or running into a strong wind,for example,requires a great deal of effort and often Nontechnical quickly leaves us feeling tired.drag:阻力Style and ToneWhen a ship sails through the water,it also experiences these opposing forces known as drag.Overcoming drag causes a ship to reduce its energy efficiency,which leads to higher fuel costs.根据题目定重点

确定写作的重点也要从题目入手,根据题目的中心词可以判断写作的重点内容。一般来说,主谓句的题目,中心词往往是谓语动词。如“The manager disagrees with…”,文章重点就是中心词“disagree”。如果是动宾词组的题目,中心词往往是动词。如“How to apply for a business position”,中心词“apply”就是重点,文章要重点写“methods of applying for a business position”。如果题目是偏正词组,定语或者状语就是中心词,即文章重点。如“unforgettable interview”,就要重点写明这个采访是如何令人难忘的。Task 2

Find out and underline the key words of the following titles,discuss the most important content of each essay.A Book I loveThe Teacher I admireHow to Spend Spring FestivalCampus life in My MindA Wonderful Day1.2 构思Ideation


写作之前,就自己的主题用who,what,why,when,where and how进行自我提问,这几个问题是记者采访时常用的问题。通过回答这一系列问题,能拓展思路,提炼思想,丰富信息,发掘细节。同时,提问还能够帮你发现新方法和新视角。


记叙文:What happened?Who was involved?Why did it happen?When did it happen?Where did it happen?How did it happen?

描写文:What does it look like?What are its characteristics?Why does it look good?How is it made?

说明文:What is it?Why is it called…?When and where is it called…?How to use it?

议论文:What is the topic?What is something I will agree or disagree?Why do I agree or disagree?How(In what way)will I agree or disagree?Task 3

Suppose you will write an essay“Cheating on Exams”,try to ask yourself some questions of 5W to help you generate ideas.Write down the answers to the 5W questions and make a rough outline.头脑风暴

首先,把你能想到的跟题目相关的思想内容按照出现的先后次序写下来,不要在意语法用词以及内容好坏,把出现在你脑海的所有想法记下来。例如,下面就是一位同学列出的关于“Competition”这个题目的思想内容。CompetitionToo much competition in our lifeCan be found in every aspect of lifeIn schools—for good academic recordIn companies—for promotion and profitsIn sports field—to win the championIn markets—to occupy more percentage of salesBrings better goods and servicesCruel,but important for your personal developmentStimulate you to work harderHelp to improve your abilityYou become psychologically strongThe fittest surviveGreat pressureBring prosperity to the societyProvide equality and opportunityHas chance to display his abilityBring your ability into full playUnfair competition—big obstacle to social developmentChallengeDevelop positive attitudesImprove your capabilities


1.Competition and youCruel,but important for your personal developmentStimulate you to work harderHelp to improve your abilityYou become psychologically strongThe fittest surviveGreat pressureProvide equality and opportunityHas chance to display your abilityBring your ability into full playChallenge and opportunitiesDevelop positive attitudesImprove your capabilitiesUnderstand it in a constructive wayCompetition is double-edged sword.

2.Competition and societyBrings more better goods and servicesBring prosperity to the societyUnfair competition—big obstacle to social development

3.Competition can be found in every aspect of lifeToo much competition in our lifeCan be found in every aspect of lifeIn schools—for good academic recordIn companies—for promotion and profitsIn sports field—to win the championIn markets—to occupy more percentage of sales

毫无疑问,在“competition”对个人影响这个方面的想法更多,就需要把写作的主要内容具体到“competition and you”。接着就根据这个主题把前面的想法进行分类,这几类要点就是你的文章的主要内容。此时再用到前面所说的采访式提问,围绕主题“competition and you”提问:

What is your life like with so much competition?

How is it related to personal development?

Why is it so?

How should you respond?

根据这几个问题的答案,可以把所有的想法分为三类:Competition and You1. Competition can be found in every aspect of our life.2. Competition is cruel but important in one's personal development.3. Develop positive attitude towards competition.

然后把相应每一类别的想法要点放在一起,去掉重复出现的和无用的观点。这样把所有观点组织在一起,可以看到哪些是要点哪些是细节论据,就成为一个提纲草稿。Competition and You1.Competition can be found in every aspect of our life.1)Sports ground—sportsmen—to win the champion.2)In the business world—businessmen—gain more profits.3)In schools—students—for good academic record.2.Competition is cruel but important in one's personal development.1)Stimulate you to work harder.2)You become psychologically strong.3)Provide equality and opportunity.4)Bring your ability into full play.5)Has chance to display your ability.(repetitive)6)Improve your capabilities.(repetitive)3.Develop positive attitude towards competition.1)Understand it in a constructive way.2)Challenge and opportunities.3)Competition is double-edged sword.(does not fit in the point)

学生在进行brain storming时,要尽量用英语写。因为英语作文和汉语作文在思维方式上有很大的区别。不要先写中文,再翻译成英语,这样既浪费时间,又容易出现中式英语的错误。Task 4

Choose one of the following topics and use brain storming to generate ideas that you might include in a 300-word essay.To finish the task,the reminders below might be helpful.● Write down your thoughts quickly without stopping to think twice.● Analyze your ideas with the journalist questions.● Identify your main points.● Plan your writing.1. Pollution2. The most exciting sport you know about3. The rewards of a part-time job绘图构思



其次,从分支中找出一个分论点作为具体化的文章主题。通常要选一个你自己比较感兴趣的或者比较了解的。假设你决定选“Pros and cons of advertising”。然后,再继续为这个论点划出更多分支圆圈,层层细化,写出具体分论点。

进一步分析所有论点,把它们分别归类,这些类别就是你要写的文章主要论点。最后可以列出这些要点并把每个要点下面的分论点归类,写出大概纲要。去掉那些多余重复和无用的论点。1.Advantages of advertising1)a quick access to the product needed2)the best price by comparing and contrasting the prices and specifications of the commodity advertised by different suppliers2.Disadvantages of advertising1)the cost will definitely be passed on to the customers2)the Generation Youth would probably lose their individuality例文一AnalysisExample  Advantages and Disadvantages of AdvertisingThesis   Nowadays,no matter where you get around in a statementcity or even in the countryside,it is pretty easy for you Supporting to find one or two signs introducing a product.This has ideas:been increasingly popular in our daily lives.Whether Advantagesthe influence of advertising is good or bad could be 1)examined as follows.informative  We will start by talking about the merits(n.优点)2)have a of advertising.Firstly, advertising is informative,best price by which provides the customers with a quick access(n.comparing 进入,接近)to the product needed.Take me as an and example.I am a new resident of Guangzhou,a contrastingmetropolitan(adj.大都市的)city located in the south of China.At the very beginning when moving to this Disadvantagecity,I did not have a clue about where to purchase all sof the necessities for my newly-bought flat.Thanks to 1)The cost the ads on TV and in newspapers,amazingly almost all will be of the items ranging from furniture to household passed on to appliances were settled within a week.Secondly,the customersconsumers can expect to have a best price by 2)Youth comparing and contrasting the prices and would lose specifications(n.规格)of the commodities their advertised by different suppliers.individuality  However,advertising involves some defects(n.Conclusion瑕疵)and I would like to list two of them herein.Critical thinking

Advertising is having a big influence on our daily lives.Some people believe the negative effects of advertising outweigh the positive effects.What's your opinion?

另外,也可以根据不同主题采用不同的图式来帮助构思。例如“The Major Events of My Family”,可以采用一条时间轴,标注出重要日期及重要事件,帮助你理顺要点,为写作打下基础:Task 5

The following cluster diagram shows four categories that may make good topic sentences.Think what information might support these topic sentences.Then cluster some supporting ideas in the balloons provided.Feel free to add more balloons if necessary.Use the information you have generated in the above task to write a 300-word essay.College life自由写作

自由写作(free-writing)是另一种开拓思路的构思方法,用于发掘你对某个事物所了解的背景信息。想好题目后,一旦开始写,就不停地写下去,把头脑中闪现的所有念头都记录下来。在写的过程中,不要管拼写、标点、语法的正误,也不要回头阅读和修改写下的文字,任凭思绪随着联想拓展前进。自由写作可以引领释放思路。因为我们可能都有这样的经历:面对题目忽然头脑一片空白,毫无头绪,这时让笔在纸上不停地滑过或者让手指不停地敲击键盘,手的动作慢慢会缓解大脑的紧张,解除对写作的压力。自由写作最好有个时间限制,以五到十分钟为宜。自由写作时偏离了题目也不要紧,因为这不是正式的写作,而是为了放松,只有在大脑放松了之后,才会找到文思泉涌的感觉。结束自由写作之后,回过头来读一读所写的内容,找一找哪些观点值得你在文章中展开。例文二ExampleIdeas  My Dieting ExperienceCount   Counting calories—I really hate that,it's so difficult to know how many calories(卡路里)are in what I'm calories;Protein diet;eating.Jane told me about a protein(蛋白质)Gain weight diet(节食);but she said it's hard to follow and gives her a stomachache(胃疼).I always gain the weight back;Feel bad andb ack as soon as I go off a diet—easy to get off,hard to keep off.Dieting makes me feel tired and hungry.I difficult;Hard to know it's important for my health but it's so difficult.controlW hen my stomach is empty I really feel like I can't control myself from eating.I can't think of anything but myself;Substitute food when I'm hungry.My friend told me I can substitute(替代)healthy food for the unhealthy food healthy foodthat makes me gain weight.Task 6

Choose one of the following topics and do free writing for 10 minutes.

Mobile Phone—A Friend I Cannot Do Without

The First Time I did…1.3 主题的确立Thesis Statement


首先要区别话题(topic)、标题(title)与主题(thesis)这三个概念,它们的区别可以从范围与体现形式两个方面分析。例如:TopicTitleThesis statementOur Company Our company president our company President is should be fired for three presidentIncompetent for His reasons.Position

标题为“Our Company President is Incompetent for His Position”的文章,其话题是“our company president”,文章的主题是“Our company president should be fired for three reasons”.

由此可知,从范围上讲,话题比标题宽,标题又比主题宽。想要写作成功,就需要在一个宽泛的话题中寻找到一个具体而独特的视角,上例中就从“our company president”这个话题中选择了“our company president is incompetent for his position”这个视角来表明作者的态度和写作意图。视角通常会体现在标题中,但视角不是文章的主题,主题是作者要表达的中心思想或者文章要得出的结论。上例的主题是一句明确的观点“Our company president should be fired for three reasons”,比标题更为具体而明确。从表达形式上来说,主题通常是以完整的陈述句来体现,标题多以短语形式出现,如“An Interesting Book”“Lady Hermit Who are Down But Not Out”,句子类标题大多是问句“Why I Teach”或者祈使句,如“Daydream a Little”。确定了主题,才能确定作者想要表达的主要内容,也就是确定了文章的中心思想,这个中心思想通常在文章的起始段出现。


例如:“Owning a pet has several important benefits”,在这个主题中,话题是“owning a pet”;作者要写的中心论点是“Owning a pet has several important benefits”。


例如第9页“brain storming”中的“Competition”是一个话题,通过写出脑海里所有关于这个话题的观点并分类,得出三个具体的视角:1.Competition and you;2.Competition and society;3.Competition can be found in every aspect of life。根据这三个视角分别可以设计三个标题,同时也有三个主题,写作时选择其中一个你能提供支撑材料的主题。Task 7

In the box that follows are several general topics,follow the example to provide a specific version of each general topic and a thesis statement about each specific topic.General TopicSpecific TopicThesisA honeymoon is perhaps the worst way to MarriageHoneymoonbegin a marriage.My old sister helped me overcome FamilyOld sistershyness.  Television  Children  SportsTask 8

Sometimes a topic must go through several stages of limiting before it is narrow enough to write about.Below are four lists reflecting several stages that writers go through in moving from a general topic to a narrow thesis statement.Number the stages in each list from 1 to 5,with 1 marking the broadest stage and 5 marking the thesis.

List 1

_____ Teachers

_____ Education

_____ Math teacher

_____ My high school math teacher was incompetent

_____ High school math teacher

List 2

_____ Bicycles

_____ Dangers of bike riding

_____ Recreation

_____ Recreational vehicles

_____ Bike riding in the city is a dangerous activity

List 3

_____ Retail companies

_____ Supermarkets

_____ Dealing with customers

_____ Working in a supermarket

_____ I've learned how to handle unpleasant supermarket customers

List 4

_____ Camping

_____ First camping trip

_____ Summer vacation

_____ My first camping trip was disastrous experience

_____ Vacations


1.中心思想句不是宣告话题的简单句● I want to talk about the smoking in classroom.● The“baby boom”generation is the concern of this essay.

上面这两个句子不能算作中心思想句,因为它们仅仅告知了文章的话题,缺乏作者的论点,不能表达作者的情感与态度,提供的信息不全面也不具想象力。中心思想句应该是针对一个具体话题的中心论点。上面的句子可以修改成中心思想句:● Smoking in classroom should be prohibited.● The“baby boom”generation has changed American society in key


2.要避免主题过宽● Disease has shaped human history.● Men and women are very different.

这两个主题过于宽泛,内容涉及太广,在一个500字的短文里无法包括所有视角的内容。可以用前面讲过的构思方法收窄主题。● In the mid 1980s,AIDs changed people's attitudes about dating.● Men and women are often treated very differently in the work


3.要避免主题过窄● The speed limit near my home is sixty-five miles per hour.● A person must be at least thirty-five years old to be elected

president of United States.

这两个中心思想句的内容已经不需要别的细节来支撑,它们自身就是细节。也无法对它们进行展开写作。所以,中心思想句的内容要宽窄合适。上面两个句子可以这样修改:● The speed limit near my home should be lowered to forty miles

per hour for several reasons.● The requirement that a U.S.president must be at least thirty-

five years old is unfair and unreasonable.

4.确保中心思想句只讲一个主题● Studying with others has several benefits,but also has

drawbacks and can be difficult to schedule.● Teachers have played an important role in my life,but they are

not as important as my parents.

这两个中心思想句中分别包含不止一个主题。例如“Studying with others has several benefits,but also has drawbacks and can be difficult to schedule.”,这个句子中很明显有两个主题,一个是“studying with others has several benefits”,另一个是“has drawbacks and can be difficult to schedule”。读者阅读时是自然认为这个句子阐释了两个论点,每一个论点都可以单独写一篇短文。每一篇短文的写作目的是和读者交流某一个论点,所以你必须在中心思想句中清楚地写出一个论点,使读者明白文章的中心思想。修改后的中心思想句为:

Studying with others has several benefits.

Teachers have played an important role in my life.Task 9

Write TN in the space next to the two statements that are too narrow to be developed in an essay.Write TB beside the two statements that are too broad to be covered in an essay.Then,in the spaces provided,revise the too-narrow statements and too-broad statements to make them each an effective thesis._____ 1.The way our society treats elderly people is unbelievable._________________________ 2.Up to 70 percent of teenage marriages end in divorce._________________________3.Measures must be taken against being late._________________________ 4.I failed my biology course.____________________1.4 编写提纲Writing an Outline提纲编写的要求和结构


通常,中心思想句必须在提纲最开始出现,即放在文章第一部分“introduction”中。英语短文一般有三个部分:introduction,main body和conclusion。因为“introduction”和“conclusion”既是文章必要部分又没有太多篇幅,我们在本书介绍的提纲里就不再给这两部分用数字或字母标注,有些教材会在这两部分之前用罗马字母标注。




常用的提纲有两种,一种是标题式提纲(topic outline),另一种是句子式提纲(sentence outline)。在标题式提纲中,所有要点都用名词短语或者相当于名词的词组,比如分词短语或者不定式短语。而句子式提纲则由完整的句子表示每个要点。标题式提纲简洁明了,全文内容一目了然。句子式提纲明确具体,可以把思路表达得更加清楚,能够在写稿初期给你更多帮助。比较下面两个不同类型的提纲:The Cost of Attending the University in U.S.





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