
发布时间:2021-05-16 07:10:01







版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:唐可儿奇遇记:坏小子吉姆·克劳作者:莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆排版:辛萌哒出版社:中国国际广播出版社出版时间:2016-07-01ISBN:9787507838688本书由中国国际广播出版社授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —让优秀的双语桥梁书引领孩子进入英语文学世界(代序)晓华《唐可儿奇遇记》是美国儿童文学家弗兰克·鲍姆(L. Frank Baum)所著的另一隐秘的奇幻佳作,风靡西方百年后,首次在中国面世。作为《绿野仙踪》的作者,鲍姆在中国可算是大名鼎鼎,但知道或读过《唐可儿奇遇记》的人却并不多。


有意思的是,在《唐可儿奇遇记》首次出版时,鲍姆并没有署自己的名字,而是使用了笔名Laura Bancroft。鲍姆的大量作品都使用了不同的笔名,有人说这是因为他太能写了,用笔名是不想市面上同时出现太多部他写的书,互相之间形成竞争。不过,也许是因为这套小说出版之后卖得太好 ,又或许是鲍姆认为这一系列和《绿野仙踪》一样都是自己的得意之作,到《唐可儿奇遇记》再版的时候,他就又署回了本名,弗兰克·鲍姆。《唐可儿奇遇记》系列包括六本小说,此次中国国际广播出版社带给读者的是其中的三本。《草原土拨鼠小镇》讲述了唐可儿和好友查宾斯在野餐时偶遇草原土拨鼠,并受邀去他们居住的小镇做客的故事。在《土拨鼠先生》里,唐可儿做了土拨鼠先生的俘虏,差点被施以酷刑,不过这也让她从动物们的视角看到了人类的残忍。《坏小子吉姆·克劳》的主角则换成了唐可儿的宠物乌鸦吉姆·克劳,他野性难驯,逃离了唐可儿家后,在森林里做尽坏事,但最后终究难逃法网。《唐可儿奇遇记》中的故事传达出的,是人和动物间相互尊重、和谐相处的讯息。比如,在《土拨鼠先生》中,鲍姆借着土拨鼠先生之口,说出了这样一段话:“你们残忍地对待可怜的动物,而他们不过是别无他法,找不到吃的就得饿死。其实广阔的田野上生长的东西足够人类和我们都吃的。”在鲍姆看来,人类按照自己的利益划分动物好坏,进而铲除“坏动物”的行为,实在是一种残忍。





ONE day, when Twinkle’s father was in the corn-field, he shot his gun at a flock of crows that were busy digging up, with their long bills,the kernels of corn he had planted. But Twinkle’s father didn’t aim very straight, for the birds screamed at the bang of the gun and quickly flew away—all except one young crow that fluttered its wings, but couldn’t rise into the air, and so began to run along the ground in an effort to escape.



The man chased the young crow, and caught it; and then he found that one of the little lead bullets had broken the right wing, although the bird seemed not to be hurt in any other way.

It struggled hard, and tried to peck the hands that held it; but it was too young to hurt any one, so Twinkle’s father decided he would carry it home to his little girl.

“Here’s a pet for you, Twinkle.”



He said, as he came into the house. “It can’t fly, because its wing is broken; but don’t let it get too near your eyes, or it may peck at them. It’s very wild and fierce, you know.”

Twinkle was delighted with her pet, and at once got her mother to bandage the broken wing, so that it would heal quickly.唐可儿与吉姆·克劳

小乌鸦羽毛乌黑,后背和两个翅膀却散发出漂亮的紫蓝色光泽。眼睛亮晶晶的,呈淡褐色,透着一股狡猾劲儿。他看唐可儿的方式很奇怪,先是把头转向一边,用右眼盯着她,然后再扭到另一边,用左眼看。唐可儿经常想知道,自己在小乌鸦的两只眼睛里是一样呢,还是有什么不同。The crow had jet black feathers, but there was a pretty purplish and violet gloss, or sheen,on its back and wings, and its eyes were bright and had a knowing look in them. They were hazel-brown in color, and the bird had a queer way of turning his head on one side to look at Twinkle with his right eye, and then twisting it the other side that he might see her with his left eye. She often wondered if she

looked the same to both eyes,

or if each one made her seem




She named her pet “Jim Crow” because papa said that all crows were called Jim, although he never could find out the reason. But the name seemed to fit her pet as well as any, so Twinkle never bothered about the reason.

Having no cage to keep him in, and fearing he would run away, the girl tied a strong cord around one of Jim Crow’s legs, and the other end of the cord she fastened to the round of a chair—or to the table-leg—when they were in the house.



The crow would run all around, as far as the string would let him go; but he couldn’t get away. And when they went out of doors Twinkle held the end of the cord in her hand, as one leads a dog, and Jim Crow would run along in front of her, and then stop and wait. And when she came near he’d run on again, screaming “Caw!Caw!” at the top of his shrill little voice.

He soon came to know he belonged to Twinkle, and would often lie in her lap or perch upon her shoulder.



And whenever she entered the room where he was he would say, “Caw—caw!” to her, in pleading tones, until she picked him up or took some notice of him.

It was wonderful how quickly a bird that had always lived wild and free seemed to become tame and gentle. Twinkle’s father said that was because he was so young, and because his broken wing kept him from flying in the air and rejoining his fellows.吉姆在搞恶作剧



But Jim Crow wasn’t as tame as he seemed,and he had a very wicked and ungrateful disposition, as you will presently learn.

For a few weeks, however, he was as nice a pet as any little girl could wish for. He got into mischief occasionally, and caused mamma some annoyance when he waded into a pan of milk or jumped upon the dinner table and ate up papa’s pumpkin pie before Twinkle could stop him.


But all pets are more or less trouble, at times, so Jim Crow escaped with a few severe scoldings from mamma, which never seemed to worry him in the least or make him a bit unhappy.

最后,唐可儿见吉姆这么温驯,就把他腿上的线拿掉让他随心所欲地自由活动了。这下可好,他可以在整幢房子里四处闲逛,在外面的院子里,赶赶鸭子,逗逗猪,这让他总是不讨人喜欢。他有自己的一套,常常能站在爸爸最喜欢的马老汤姆的身上,在他耳边不停地絮絮叨叨,直到他烦得骤然冲进马厩把这位不受欢迎的访客甩掉。AT last Jim got so tame that Twinkle took the cord off his leg and let him go free, wherever he pleased. So he wandered all over the house and out into the yard, where he chased the ducks and bothered the pigs and made himself generally disliked. He had a way of perching upon the back of old Tom, papa’s favorite horse,and chattering away in Tom’s ear until the horse plunged and pranced in his stall

to get rid of his unwelcome



Twinkle always kept the bandage on the wounded wing, for she didn’t know whether it was well yet, or not, and she thought it was better to be on the safe side. But the truth was,that Jim Crow’s wing had healed long ago, and was now as strong as ever; and, as the weeks passed by, and he grew big and fat, a great longing came into his wild heart to fly again—far, far up into the air and away to the lands where there were forests of trees and brooks of running water.



He didn’t ever expect to rejoin his family again. They were far enough away by this time.And he didn’t care much to associate with other crows. All he wanted was to be free, and do exactly as he pleased, and not have some one cuffing him a dozen times a day because he was doing wrong.

So one morning, before Twinkle was up, or even awake, Jim Crow pecked at the bandage on his wing until he got the end unfastened, and then it wasn’t long before the entire strip of cloth was loosened and fell to the ground.吉姆解开了绷带



Now Jim fluttered his feathers, and pruned them with his long bill where they had been pressed together, and presently he knew that the wing which had been injured was exactly as strong and well as the other one. He could fly away whenever he pleased.

The crow had been well fed by Twinkle and her mamma, and was in splendid health. But he was not at all grateful. With the knowledge of his freedom a fierce, cruel joy crept into his heart,and he resumed the wild nature that crows are born with and never lay aside as long as they live.



Having forgotten in an instant that he had ever been tame, and the pet of a gentle little girl,Jim Crow had no thought of saying good-bye to Twinkle.

Instead, he decided he would do something that would make these foolish humans remember him for a long time.


So he dashed into a group of young chickens that had only been hatched a day or two before,and killed seven of them with his strong, curved claws and his wicked black beak. When the mother hen flew at him he pecked at her eyes;and then, screaming a defiance to all the world,Jim Crow flew into the air and sailed away to a new life in another part of the world.



I’LL not try to tell you of all the awful things this bad crow did during the next few days, on his long journey toward the South.

Twinkle almost cried when she found her pet gone; and she really did cry when she saw the poor murdered chickens. But mamma said she was very glad to have Jim Crow run away, and papa scowled angrily and declared he was sorry he had not killed the cruel bird when he shot at it in the corn-field.唐可儿为她的小鸡感到难过



In the mean time the runaway crow flew through the country, and when he was hungry he would stop at a farm-house and rob a hen’s nest and eat the eggs. It was his knowledge of farm-houses that made him so bold; but the farmers shot at the thieving bird once or twice,and this frightened Jim Crow so badly that he decided to keep away from the farms and find a living in some less dangerous way.

And one day he came to a fine forest, where there were big and little trees of all kinds, with several streams of water running through the woods.“我要在这里安家。这里肯定是我可能找到的最好的地方了。”吉姆·克劳说。






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