
发布时间:2021-05-17 21:40:17







版权信息书名:江川之美作者:江川县委,县政府排版:KingStar出版社:中国摄影出版社出版时间:2010-12-01ISBN:9787802364998本书由中国摄影出版社授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —这是世界上最有表现力和暗示性的两种色彩,既提升了大自然的多样性,又提升了我们生活的意义或价值。

These two colors are the most expressive and suggestive,increa sing the diversity of nature as well as improving the meaning or value of our life.序言大地上最迷人的地理元素





可以说,湖光山色既决定了江川历史的某些写法,还决定了江川人文内涵的某些特征。眼前的这部画册,正是我们的摄影艺术家对这片土地最直接、最生动、最精心的再现和诠释,更是江川人民献给大地和世界的一首最真诚、最明亮、最赏心悦目的“赞美诗”。Preface The Most Charming Geographical Featureiangchuan is a broad land embraced by mountains and lakes,forests and plants.It owns Xingyun Lake,Fuxian Lake,Gushan JIsland,Lijiashan Mountain,Field stack Hill,Urus Hill,etc,all of which make up its most charming geographical feature...A landscape of lakes and mountains.

This geographical feature,has both realistic and sybolic meani ng to a village,as well as a county,a province and a country. Besides,the mountains and lakes mean a lot to everyone,no matter we local peole living on this land since born or a visitor being here for sightseeing. It is believed that lakes and mountains on this land have speci al beauties. Almost every scenery,such as the mountains,valleys,lakes,clouds and plan ts are very spectacular,profound,prosperous,gorgeous,pure and emotional. There are f resh air,beautiful flowers,various kinds of juicy fuit all the year around. Meanwhile,this place owns a happy,charming,dreamlike atmosphere as well. Coincidently,Jiangchua n,the county name itself has literally told us that it should be a place with lakes and mountains. Actually,it is a fairyland with lakes and mountains,which are unbelievably charming. Air is extremely fresh,as if it tastes sweet. Sunshine is quite warm and cozy,making every corner attractive. The water of Fuxian Lake is more special. It is as nice as the best wine,more shining than normal pure water,quieter than the bule sky,purer than the air,more fascinating than the emerald.

Since a long time,we Jiangchuan people know the mountains and lakes beyond visual level,but feel them by heart and soul. Therefore,our lives and thoug hts become vivid,as if they have some reactions with the mountains and lakes. Beautiful thi ngs constantly nourish our spirits,until they become part of us. We have a misterious conversation with the mountains and lakes to understand their history and spirit. In a word,ow ning to the mountains and lakes,the land of Jiangchuan gains divinity and sprituality,w hich make Jiangchuan the heaven on Yunnan-Guizhou plateau.

The heaven is pure and charming,just like the new-born baby. E verything is natural and misterious,remote and profound. Daily life of Jiangchuan peopl e,such as food,clothes,housing,transportation,living,working or communication,is misterious too.On the heavenly land,we grow crops,catch fish,sing,raise children and make development. This land to us,is like the wheat field near Ahl to Van Gogh,Provence to Paul Czanne or Walden to Thoreau. It is an artistic material and spiritual space for us.

In a way,we can say the lakes and mountains have influenced th e history of Jiangchuan and the characters of Jiangchuan people. This album is right the display of this land by our photographic artists in a very direct,vivid and serious style. Besides,it is the very sincere,clear and enjoyable hymn to the land and the world from Jiangchuan people.江山之美一条小船荡漾在蓝色的湖面上,悠然从容,别有情趣,如同进入了一幅珍奇的风景画。

A boat is floating on the lake,randomly and quitely. It is tranquil and interesting,as if we are walking into a precious landscape.抚仙湖的早晨静悄悄的,湖面笼罩着一层乳白色的晨雾,一条条小渔船游弋其中,宛若出现了“海市蜃楼”。

The morning of Fuxian Lake is very quiet. Milky white fog envelops the lake,fishing boats are moving on it. This scene is quite like mirages.星云湖四围,一年四季严格按照预定的时间为人们呈现出不同的田园风光,使其迷人的形象、色彩和气息与江川这块诗意盎然的土地宿命般地联系在一起。

Scenery around Xingyun Lake changes according to the turns of seasons. Its charming view,color and smell are naturally and fatefully related to the poetic land Jiangchuan.抚仙湖里曾经被人们称之为“宇宙色”的蓝色,已深深沉淀在江川人的记忆和生活里。

The blue color of water in Fuxian Lake was once called “color of the universe”. Now it has been deeply impressed in Jiangchuan people’s life and memories.一幅色彩斑斓、相互交融、摇晃在一起的图像出现了,它是湖面的一个特写,却呈现出迷宫一样的意象,它离人们这样近,又那样远,它满足了人们对神秘世界的一切想象和寄托。

A colorful and mingled picture appears. It is a close-up photograph of the lake surface,but it seems like a labyrinth,close before eyes,yet too remote to know. It fully satisfies people’s imagination and expectation to the misterious world.因为有荷花的装点,抚仙湖更像一个引人入胜的水上花园。(上图)

With the decoration of lotus,Fuxian Lake is even more like an enchanting water garden.(above)下湖捕鱼无疑是江川的一道风景,捕鱼者娴熟的划船和撒网动作常常让人大开眼界。可以说,在江川人的生活史中,捕鱼是一种劳动,一种技艺,一种生活。(下图)

Fishing on the lake is doubtlessly a typical scene in Jiangchuan. The fishingmen’s adept skills in rowing boat and casting nets often broaden visitors’vision. We can say in the life history of Jiangchuan people,fishing is a kind of work,skill and life.(below)星云湖又称浪广海,浪广海的美不在于浪花,而在于日出日落,云卷云舒;在于湖面如镜,宁静致远。

Xingyun Lake is also called Langguang Lake. The beauty of Langguang Lake doesn’t lie in waves and spray,but in the impressing scenery of sunrise and sunset,clouds changing and moving,and the tranquil surface of the lake.一泓宽阔的湖水,湖面是淡淡的晶莹的青色,湖边镶嵌着各种色调的板块,各种色彩相互呼应,宛若一幅巨大的水彩画。

A little part of the broad lake,in light crystal-clear blue,is surrounded by a colorful scenery. These colors echo with each other,looking like a large piece of watercolor.星云湖上吹动着徐徐清风,湖面上微波摇荡。在山水之间,江川县城形成了一条直线,烟雾中,这条直线的美丽最大限度地显现出来。

Gentle breeze rippled the quiet water of Xingyun Lake. Between the mountains and waters,the city of Jiangchuan county looks like a straight line on the photo. Its beauty was perfectly displayed in the fog.所有渔船似乎都在这个粉红色的早晨出动了,船影染上了玫瑰色,带着梦幻般的变化向东方进军。

It seems that all fishing boats have set out in the early morning with sunglow. While they are heading towards the east,boats’shadows turn rosy,making frequent and fantastic changes.晨曦中,太阳把期许洒向海面,勤劳的渔民收获一片阳光,也收获殷实的生活。

In the early morning,the sun beams hopeful rays to the lake surface. A hardworking fishman can enjoy the sunshine and a good harvest.傍晚时分,天空出现了玫瑰红的彩云,如火烧云锦,烁日蒸霞,堪称湖上奇观。

In the late afternoon,rosy clouds appear in the sky,so red and grand. It is worthy being called a spectacular sight of the lake.“开渔节”这天的星云湖,水面上突然热闹非凡,千舟竞发,撒网捕鱼,那是这片大地上的“生活盛宴”和“艺术盛宴”。

On the “Fishing Festival”,Xingyun Lake suddenly becomes extremely crowded. Thousands of boats are competing in setting out and casting nets. It is the most splendid life feast and art feast on this land.朝霞满天,晨风拂面,渔民劳作在美丽的画卷中。

With radiant light and gentle breeze of the morning,fishmen are busy working in the picturesque environment.12月25日“开渔节”这天,沿湖公路上飘动着一阵阵节日的气息,就是这里特有的生活画面,新鲜、动人,美不胜收。

December 25th is the yearly Fishing Festival Day. Roads along the lake are in joyful atmosphere. This is the unique picture of local life,fresh,moving and charming.霞光中的湖水,红的更红,紫的更紫,它们相互融化在一起。

Under the shining morning sun,the water in the lake where is red turns redder and redder,where is purple turns more and more purple,and somewhere the two colors melt and mix with each other.眼前的画面不停地变幻着,让人们恍如隔世,常常有一种时空交错的感觉。

The view in front is constantly changing,which reminds people of the old memories or beautiful dreams.太阳要出山了,水墨似的湖面如同被泼进了朱红、橘红、绯红等一切与红有关的颜料,使人感到江川的山水中似乎永远流动着一种厚重、崇高、灿烂的文化光华。

The sun is to rise up. The lake surface is as dark as ink. Soon it is colored by various red pigments,such as vermilion,orange,scarlet and so on. People may feel as if mountains and lakes in Jiangchuan always consist a kind of profound,respectful and splendid cultural spirit.这是一幅静穆而宏阔的景观,阳光冲破云层,在星云湖上空放射出一条条奇异的光,向湖面展现出它的旷世之美。

This is a tranquil and magnificant landscape. The sun breaks through the thick clouds,and radiates millions of shinning rays on the surface of Xingyun Lake,displaying its greatest and everlasting beauty to the lake.船儿疾驶,碧水拖蓝,恋海的水鸟追逐着浪花,追逐着梦想飞向远方。

Boats are speeding up,leaving behind it a trail of blue spray. Birds,loving the water a lot,are chasing the spray and flying to a dreaming land.红色的渔船,随着水波的节奏,摇摇晃晃,让人想起儿时的歌谣。

The red fishing boats are shaking,according to the rhythm of waves. It can remind people of childhood songs.正值日出时分,湖面的色彩异常丰富。除了风声、波涛声、说话声,只有令人惊讶的静谧。那是一种罕见的宁静,既生机勃勃,又风烟俱尽。

At sunrise,the surface of the water is extraordinarily rich in color. Except sound of wind,waves and talking,there only exists surprising slience. It is a rare quietness,living yet comfortable.金色的朝霞慷慨地把光和热洒在湖面,渔船和它们的主人如同被定格在金属一般的湖水里,成为阳光的杰作。(对页)

Golden alpenglow generously emits light and heat on the surface of the lake. Fishing boats and their owners seem being set still on the metallic-color lake. What a masterpiece of the sunshine!(opposite)日落时分,阳光懒懒地洒在湖面,守护在岸边的小树在和煦的晚风中站成风景。

At sunset,sunshine leisurely radiates on the surface of the water. Little trees stand by,enjoying the gentle and warm evening breeze.江川人一直以这样的方式或姿态来捕鱼,他们虔诚地划船、撒网,千方百计地深入到美妙的湖水之中,与山水、阳光、植物联系在一起,组成了一幅完美的图画。他们没有特殊的使命,常年都生活在这样的图画之中,或者说,他们本身就是这类图画的创作者。

The people of Jiangchuan have always been living and fishing in such a manner:they row boats and cast nets sincerely,trying their best to know the misterious lake. Also they care about mountains,sunshine and plants,which make up the picturesque landscape. They have no special mission,but live here all year around. In other words,they themselves are the creator of this landscape.在这一带,蓝色湖泊就像从大地上生长出来的梦幻,那是滇南所特有的美学诱惑。人们的生活就建立在这片神性、人性和诗性共融的土地上。

In this zone,blue lakes are like fairylands born by the earth. They are the unique artistic attractions among all the sounthern Yunnan landscapes. Life is based on this land,whose divinity,humanity and poetic charaters are well combined.一切归于罕见的安谧,归于晨曦中金色湖水,一条小渔船被融化其中,犹如在丰富多彩的梦境中出没。

In the morning,everything is absorbed in a rare quietness and the golden water surface. A small fishing boat is rowing on the lake,as if it is rowing in a colorful fairyland.如此和善的星云湖,年复一年地赋予人们无限的自由和想象,是魔力、色彩、树木、沧桑故事的混合物,构成了星云湖的本身。白云飘飘,更显出她的美丽与和谐。

Xingyun Lake is so mercy that it offers people great freedom and imagination year after year. It is the mixture of magic,color,plants and old stories,which make up the lake itself. With the decoration of drifting white clouds,the lake becomes much more beautiful and harmonious.





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