
发布时间:2021-08-04 19:57:44







第1章 新托福写作考试指南

1.1 新托福简介

TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language,简称托福),由美国教育考试服务中心,(ETS, Educational Testing Service)这一美国最大的考试机构在全世界举办,是一项旨在针对申请到美国或加拿大等国家上大学或读研究生的母语非英语的人进行的英语水平考试。


新托福考试(TOEFL iBT)从2005年9月起在美国开始启动,之后在世界各地的考试中心举办。新托福考试(iBT,即以互联网为依托)取代了以计算机为依托的托福考试(CBT)。对于无法进行新托福考试的地区,考生仍可参加纸笔形式的托福考试(PBT)。


新托福考试的四部分包括了阅读、听力、口语、写作等语言运用的各种技能,侧重考查考生在学术环境中有效使用英语的能力,利用综合性试题,反映真实的学术环境。TOEFL iBT能够反映学生在一流大专院校的教学和校园生活中的语言应用能力。全部考试约三个半小时,听力测试结束后有10分钟的休息时间。
















1.2 新托福写作命题分析

新托福考试的写作部分包括两道试题,分别是综合写作和独立写作,考生需要在大约50 分钟的时间内完成。





考生有20 分钟的时间(包括准备时间)来概括听力材料中的要点,并解释这些要点与阅读材料中的内容有什么不同。通常有效的回答应是一篇150-225个单词的作文。









考生需要在30 分钟的时间内,根据自己的知识和经验陈述、解释并支持对待某一问题的某个看法。通常有效的回答应是一篇300个单词左右的作文。作文字数没有上限。


独立写作按形式可分为A or B, Agree & disagree, Pervasive and Compare & contrast 四类。通过对已公布的托福独立写作进行归类与分析,得知其考核的形式集中为Agree & disagree。此类题目观点的确立可以是一边倒或折中,然而观点的取舍取决于充分论据的搜寻情况,即考生应选择可以叙述得有力与饱满的观点。




1.3 新托福综合写作策略




(1) 进行“扫描式”阅读,把文章主题和每段中心论点快速一扫而过,并随时准备速记重点,切忌“精读”,否则时间不够。

(2) 把握好每段重点,这可以帮助你从容地推测后面听力材料的要点。这种方式尤其适用于听力不够好的考生。


(1) 重点一般分布在每段的首尾,前后呼应,逻辑性强。段首:陈述每段主题段尾;得出结论。

(2) 笔记重点可按照“假说→假说根据1 →假说根据2 →假说根据3”的模式记录,这也是答题模板,建议大家熟记。在新托福考试听力部分结束后的10分钟休息时间内,考生最好在草稿纸上面先写好这个模板。

(3) 笔记内容要短而精,切忌抄句子。


(1) 概括总结summarize——选取关键词(key words)、中心思想(main idea)、证据(evidences)、例子(examples)

(2) 添枝加叶 Paraphrase——单词替换、结构替换

1.4 新托福独立写作策略



审题是写好一篇文章的最重要的一个环节。审题很重要,在托福独立写作的评分标准中有一套系统的评分规则,首先第一点就是看大家是否很好地切中题目,successfully address the topic, 论证文章的有效性。

做到审好题,需要注意四点:1) 定题目类别;2) 牢牢地抓住绝对词与细节词;3) 牢牢抓住争论焦点;4) 写作过程中不断提及限定条件。


托福写作通常是一个五段三点式的写作,通常我们也叫鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式:开头段+论述段+结尾段。论述段也就是主体段,主体段的发展指的是运用例子,细节和理由来支持你在文章中所阐述的观点。在独立写作中,我们经常使用的段落发展手段有列举,举例,假设,因果,比较,排比,反问,让步等。主体段通常分三段来论述,可以将正反两方的理由分散在主体段中来写,也可以一个观点或立场的三个方面。












1.5 新托福写作评分标准







1.6 新托福写作考试界面



① 写作部分提示文

从总体上对Task l和Task 2的要求进行说明。

② Task l(综合写作)提示文


③Task l(综合写作)阅读文


④ Task l(综合写作)录音


⑤ Task l(综合写作)答题界面


⑥ Task 2(独立写作)提示文


⑦ Task 2(独立写作)答题界面


第2章 新托福独立写作高分范文100篇


1. Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live?更易准备的食物改进了人们的生活方式吗?

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.【范文】

Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live?

Nowadays people spend less time preparing their meals than they used to. In the past, provident housewives generally had to work for hours to prepare for a single meal: they had to buy home dirty vegetables that need washing, meat slicing, and so on so forth. Every step of preparation was energy and time-consuming, but now things change. Clean vegetables and sliced meat are provided freshly in supermarket, and some even have relevant ingredients and need only a few minutes to be made into delicious meals. (1)Changes like this have substantially improved the way people live.

(2) To some extent, food preparation becomes easier to tolerate rather than a monotonous task. The change has freed many women from the chores of everyday life and offered them an opportunity to do more meaningful things, for example, a higher-pay job or a more respectful one. On the other hand, more and more men are willing to the chores once they have hated so much, and under some circumstances, the transformation of men has a dramatic positive impact on the family. Nowadays, it’s easier to imagine that a wife comes home tiredly and gladly to find out that her favourite dishes have been served on table by her husband. Moreover, children will be more independent from their parents for they can make their own meal when their parents are absent.

(3) But this change has brought about several unexpected outcomes. For girls, Household work is no longer thought as responsibilities of them. The reason for that is obvious: once it can be ridiculous to get men to do the insignificant housework than go to work and support family, but things become different now. The girls might think like this: I could work as well, or maybe I can earn a higher salary than you do, if you want to marry me, answer me one question first, “will you prepare me breakfast and dinner every day?” As a result, some boys pause and ponder, some even remain solitary. One of the reasons that impel them to do so is that goes as follows: “I can take care of myself, at least I don’t really need someone to prepare me dinner!”

(4)Anyway, the change is positive to some extent and it indeed enhances people’s quality of life. At least it has offered an opportunity to those who has a liking for cooking, no matter what kind of opportunity it is.【范文分析】


(1) provident adj. 节俭的

(2) time-consuming adj. 耗时的

(3) ingredient n. 原料

(4) monotonous adj. 单调的

(5) On the other hand另一方面

(6) Moreover adv. 而且;此外

(7) bring about 导致,带来

(8) ponder vi. 考虑;沉思

(9) solitary adj. 独居的

(10) have a liking for v. 喜欢【重点句型】

(1) Changes like this have substantially improved the way people live.

(2) To some extent, food preparation becomes easier to tolerate rather than a monotonous task.

(3) But this change has brought about several unexpected outcomes.

(4) Anyway, the change is positive to some extent and it indeed enhances people’s quality of life.

2. The most important thing I want to change about my hometown最想使家乡发生的一种改变

If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.【范文】

The most important thing I want to change about my hometown

I was born in a small town named Hailin, located in northeast China. The backward idea that women are inferior in the family, school, workplace and society is the most serious problems in my hometown. These negative stereotypes hurt women, as well as all of society. (1) If possible, I would change how people view women’s status so that they would consider men and women equally.  

Discrimination against women long exists in my hometown before they are born. Because (2) people here hold the view that only men can fulfill the responsibility of carrying on the family line, every family wants to have at least one son. However, due to the overpopulation problem, each family is only allowed to have one child, which means that once the family learn about the gender of the fetus is female, they will probably abort it. Or in other cases, mothers will continue to give birth to babies until a son comes out, which only makes the population problem worse. However, if female and male were considered equal, then these two problems probably would not exist.

The discrimination against girls goes on as they go to school and work. (3) We hold the banal stereotype that women are not as smart as men, and that we should not waste time and money educating them. Generally, families often insist that girls should stay at home and do the housework while boys should go to school. As a matter of fact, girls are born as smart as boys and equally they deserve to reap the benefits of education. For example, many of the world’s famous scientists and leaders are women, from Marie Curie to Margaret Thatcher. Therefore, we need to eradicate the stereotype that women are less intelligent than men, and consequently, our community will take advantage of the achievements made by those intelligent women when armed with education.

(4) In fact, women deserve the respect to hold professional and leadership jobs in our community. This would mean that jobs advertised on the newspapers would no longer require “men only.” We will not know how many women could have done those jobs better than a man could have until the parents of every baby girl decide that their daughter is worth as much as their son. This is probably the most important thing that I want to change about my hometown.【范文分析】


(1) backward adj. 落后的

(2) inferior adj. 差的;下级的

(3) stereotype n. 成见

(4) Discrimination n. 歧视

(5) hold the view that 表示;认为

(6) fetus n. 胎儿

(7) abort vt. 使流产

(8) banal adj. 陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的

(9) reap the benefits of获得益处

(10) eradicate vt. 根除,根绝【重点句型】

(1) If possible, I would change how people view women’s status so that they would consider men and women equally.

(2) people here hold the view that…

(3) We hold the banal stereotype that…

(4) In fact, women deserve the respect to hold professional and leadership jobs in our community.

3. Live in a small town or in a city?住在小城镇还是大城市?

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.【范文】

Live in a small town or in a city?

(1) Different people can seldom see eye to eye with each other even on petty issues like whether to live in a small town or big city. It is a little bit rash to say that it is better to live in a big city than in a small town, or vice versa.

Living in a big city has several advantages. (2) First, more job opportunities are available in a big city than in a small town. Moreover, but the quality of the position is much higher as well. In addition, the salary is considerably handsome. Second, the education that children will receive is of higher quality compared with their counterparts who live in a small town. For most families, children’s education is the first priority. Finally, the living standard for people in a big city are superior to that in a small town. Besides, there are more commodities and services in city markets; public utilities available and more television channels are frequently seen in big cities.

(3) However, there are still some benefits for living in a small town. Because a small town can offer people a more comfortable and tranquil life. They don’t have to bear the working pressure in the cities, although the average pay is much less than that of big cities, the price of daily necessities, such as vegetables or meat, is usually less expensive. Moreover, they don’t have to suffer the solitary prevailing in the big cities. Children might grow up more healthily because of close relationship among residents in small towns. The people living in a small town needn’t get up early for no traffic jam will confuse them, and accidents rarely happens because people drive slowly. They might have fewer channels in television, but they have more friends readily available to chat or entertain with.

(4) As far as I am concerned, although I crave for the comfortable atmosphere and relationship among neighbors which almost only exist in small cities, I have chosen to live in Beijing, since I have found a pretty good job here, and a decent pay. But I think I would choose to live in a small town rather than big cities when I get retired one day.【范文分析】


(1) see eye to eye看法一致

(2) rash adj. 轻率的;鲁莽的;不顾后果的

(3) counterpart n. 极相似的人或物

(4) the first priority第一要务;重点

(5) be superior to优越于;胜过

(6) public utilities 公共设施

(7) tranquil adj. 安静的,平静的

(8) solitary adj. 孤独的

(9) traffic jam交通阻塞,塞车

(10) crave for渴望

(11) decent adj. 相当好的【重点句型】

(1) Different people can seldom see eye to eye with each other even on petty issues like…

(2) First, …Moreover,…In addition,…Second,…Finally,…Besides,…

(3) However, there are still some benefits for living in a small town.

(4) As far as I am concerned, …

4. Eat at home or out?在家吃饭还是外出就餐?

Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.【范文】

Eat at home or out?

After a day’s hard work and study, many people feel like cooking for themselves is troublesome. They would rather hastily eat some fast food at a restaurant and go home for rest as quickly as possible. (1) But as far as I am concerned, cooking at home is worth the time and trouble because it is cheaper, healthier, and more enjoyable.

Buying the ingredients and cooking for myself is much cheaper than eating in a restaurant. (2) I find that a meal that I cook myself on average costs half to two-thirds less than a comparable meal in a restaurant. The meals in a restaurant are more expensive for the restaurants have to rent space, hire chefs, waiters, and managers, as well as buy food and make a profit. When I cook I have no additional expenses. The only extra expense I have to pay is the time it takes for me to cook the food.

(3)Apart from the above mentioned advantage, I can also ensure that the vegetables and food I have bought are the freshest and cleanest. From the restaurant’s perspective, it is more important to buy the cheapest food possible in large quantities so that it can make a higher profit. But from my own stance, I try and buy the healthiest food possible. For instance, when I buy meat, I try and buy the meat with the least fat on it. However, in a restaurant they add more fat and oil to dishes to make them taste better, but for me, health is more important.

(4) Finally, cooking food with my friends and family brings me a special kind of joy. We are living in a world where we are turned into consumers, but I insist to be creative and producing something good. I enjoy learning and inventing new recipes and sharing them with friends. Even though it takes more time to shop, cook, and clean up when I cook for myself, in the end I will know that I hadn’t waste my time so that I truly enjoyed life for an hour at the end of the day.【范文分析】


(1) troublesome adj. 麻烦的

(2) hastily adv. 匆忙地;急速地

(3) enjoyable adj. 快乐的;令人愉快的

(4) ingredient n. 原料

(5) comparable adj. 可比较的

(6) make a profit获利;赚钱

(7) in large quantities大量地

(8) from my own stance从我的立场

(9) creative adj. 创造性的【重点句型】

(1) But as far as I am concerned, cooking at home is worth the time and trouble because it is cheaper, healthier, and more enjoyable.

(2) I find that a meal that I cook myself on average costs half to two-thirds less than a comparable meal in a restaurant.

(3) Apart from the above mentioned advantage, I can also ensure that…

(4) Finally, cooking food with my friends and family brings me a special kind of joy.

5. What makes a good neighbor?好邻居需具备哪些品质?

Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.【范文】

What makes a good neighbor?

Neighbors are extraordinarily important people in our lives. Many people make a decision about what place they want to live in based on their future neighbors. (1) People most want to live near neighbors who are respectful, vigilant, and community-minded.

The foundation of any relationship, whether among neighbors or friends, colleagues or family members, is mutual respect. Respect between neighbors means that when they see each other they will be warm and polite. Neighbors do not have to be friends, but they need not be strangers either. Because neighbors live close together, sometimes it is unavoidable that they will learn personal details about their neighbors. A respectful person will not intrude upon their neighbors’ privacy, or share these private details with anyone else.

(2) Another important aspect of being a good neighbor is to be vigilant. If people see a robber trying to break into their neighbor’s house, then they should call the police. If they see a neighbor’s young child in a dangerous situation, they should help the child, or at least give the alarm. If the government posts new regulations, they will help inform their neighbors of the new laws. If everyone in a neighborhood watches out for each other’s safety, then the neighborhood will be a safer and more pleasant place.

(3) Moreover, good neighbors are community-minded. They care about their local environment. Good neighbors will not throw trash on the ground, and if they see trash on the ground they will pick it up. They will make decisions that take into consideration their neighbors. They will not play loud music late at night or get drunk and fight in public. They want to live in a happy, peaceful community and they believe that their personal actions have a direct effect on the happiness of all of their neighbors. If all the people in the community think about the good of the community when they make decisions, the whole community will benefit.【范文分析】


(1) extraordinarily adv. 非常

(2) vigilant adj. 警惕的

(3) community-minded社区意识的

(4) foundation n. 基础

(5) mutual respect相互尊重

(6) unavoidable adj. 不可避免的

(7) intrude upon侵入

(8) give the alarm报警;发警报,敲警钟;引起警觉

(9) take into consideration 顾及;考虑到……

(10) have a direct effect on 对…产生直接影响【重点句型】

(1) People most want to live near neighbors who are respectful, vigilant, and community-minded.

(2) Another important aspect of being a good neighbor is….

(3) Moreover, good neighbors are….

6. What’s your opinion on a new restaurant built in your neighborhood?你对在社区新建一家餐馆有什么看法?

It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.【范文】

What’s your opinion on a new restaurant built in your neighborhood?

Until recently our neighborhood has not had any restaurants. We have a local food market and several small convenience stores, and even several street side food stands, but no real restaurants. (1) I am personally in favor of opening a new restaurant in our neighborhood, and I believe it will make people’s lives more convenient, support the local economy, and create a healthier community spirit.

Cooking at home every night is time-consuming and tiring for local families. After a long day at work, local people have to spend at least one hour to shop for groceries, and even more for cooking dinner, and cleaning up after the meal. By the time all is finished, they almost have no time to enjoy the company of their families. Eating out would save time if there were a restaurant nearby, but the closest restaurant is a 30-minute walk away. If a restaurant opened in our neighborhood it would allow local people to relax for a night or two every week and enjoy more time with their families.

A new restaurant would also help the local economy. Building the restaurant would require the labor of local carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. The new restaurant would need to buy a great deal of





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