
发布时间:2020-05-10 02:12:09















本书的最终完成,绝不是我一个人的努力。新东方教育科技集团高级副总裁、新东方前途出国咨询有限公司总经理周成刚老师对此书高度重视,给予了热情的鼓励和莫大的支持;北京新东方学校英联邦考试部总监何钢老师对此书提出了专业的见解;北京新东方学校的外教Joe和Laurie及雅思前任考官Chris Green都为本书做出了重要贡献。最后还要感谢北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司的编辑们,没有他们的认真工作,估计这本书还会晚半年跟考生见面。

诚然,一本书解决不了雅思口语的所有问题,但它起码能让考生去感受英语学习的步骤,去理解阅读、听力以及网络这些看上去跟口语毫不相干的事物和活动对口语的巨大帮助。在此,祝所有的雅思考生考试顺利,心想事成。孙涛第一节雅思口语考试介绍Ⅰ.概述► 口语考试时间

口语考试可能安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天。考试具体时间可在笔试日期前十天登录雅思报名网站(http://ielts.etest.net.cn)查询。► 口语考试特点

考试一对一进行(即一名考官考核一名考生),双方隔着桌子面对面坐着。考官均为母语为英语的外籍人士。► 口语考试形式与内容► 口语考试评分标准






四个标准份量相同,最后经过计算得出一个分数,这就是考生的口语最终得分。口语和写作自2007年7月1日起引入半分制。► 口语考试到底有多难


听力6 阅读7 写作6 口语6

目前中国考生口语的平均分在5.3分左右。因此只要目标不是太高,有大学4级水平的考生一般经过3个月左右的努力学习,口语分数是可以提高到6分及以上的。Ⅱ.口语水平提高策略► 工具书的使用

拥有一定的词汇量无论是对提高雅思成绩而言还是对提高口语水平而言都是相当重要的。雅思口语6分对于词汇量的要求是“has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length”,即“有足够的词汇量维持长时间的讨论”。所谓“足够”,很多人都有误解,以为必须得到七八千词汇量才可以,其实不然。就口语交流而言有三四千的词汇足已。中国大学四级考试大纲中规定考生得掌握4,500个词汇,也就是说只要考过四级就掌握了日常口语交流所需的大部分词汇了。但问题在于在拥有了一定的词汇之后,如何实现“uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation”(7分)甚至“convey precise meaning”(8分)。无论是“风格”也好,“搭配”也好,还是“精准”也好,传统的背单词方式已经满足不了要求,熟练的使用一本英-英工具书才是实现词汇好分数最根本的办法。

举例说明,在口语中想表达“我昨天买了一本书”时,有些考生可能会想到“purchase”一词,虽然也是“购买”的意思,但用在这里却不恰当,因为它的风格属于“formal”,在词典里有清晰的标识。再比如说“sophisticated”一词,大部分中国学生在头脑中的反应可能是“世故的”、“城府深的”,但实际上在英文中它的含义没有那样含有贬义,相反,它表示“having a lot of experience of life,and good judgment about socially important things such as art,fashion,etc.”,指的是“高雅的”、“有涵养的”。类似的例子举不胜举,看来要想了解英文单词真正的含义和使用方法,最好的办法还是要看看英语国家出版的词典,这样才能看清词汇的本来面目。

目前市面上存在着各式各样的工具书,其中有两本很适合雅思考试的,一本是Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,一本是新东方与柯林斯出版集团合作编写的IELTS Examination Dictionary(《新东方-柯林斯雅思备考词典》),两者都备受雅思考生青睐,使用很方便。► 增加背景阅读


此外,网络上丰富的英语资讯加上强大的搜索引擎,使得互联网成为了巨大的英语资料库。读者在备考雅思或学习英语的过程中如果遇到词汇匮乏、思路狭窄等问题,不妨试一下网上淘宝,相信会有惊喜收获。下面给大家介绍几个最常用的网站:► 反复演练



所谓实战练习,即找个练习口语的伙伴,约定话题后集中练习。伙伴可以是外国朋友,也可以是中国同学。但使用这种方法最需要注意的一点是要尽量避免两个人毫无目的的“free talk”,最好是在实战练习前先规定话题,然后对要讨论的话题进行大量的准备后再进行练习。不做准备就直接开练的做法不可取,因为那样做的效率太低,效果最差,而且有时候会产生挫败感。Ⅲ.口语考场应试技能

雅思口语准备情况如何,最终都要到口语考场上接受检验。考场上紧张的气氛和快节奏为口语最终得分带来很大变数。就像所有的竞技比赛一样,有了扎实的基础之后,还要力争将自己的竞技状态在比赛现场调整到最佳。下面所列出的“考场发挥5原则”是帮助考生在考试现场发挥出最好水平的重要技巧。► 主动交流

口语考试旨在考查考生能否“communicate effectively in English”,因此交流技能是考官重点考查的能力之一,而交流的主动性是最显而易见、也是最容易被考官注意到的交流能力。考生应该在考试中表现出“willing to speak”,即表现出一种“我虽然英语不好,但我特别想交流,而且尽量去交流”的态度来,这对于基础较薄弱的考生来说尤为重要,它可以帮助考生保住基本的5分或6分。表现交流主动性最简单的办法就是在问答时尽量避免只用一个单词或者“Yes”、“No”,或者简单的一句话来做答。在回答出考官的问题后,后面可以再加个“1”——即一条额外的信息,比如说对前面的回答做更细致描述,或者加以解释等,如下面的例子:

—(考官在第一部分问到)Where do you live now?

—(考生回答)I live in Beijing now.I am happy to be here because the city is really on the move and there is a lot of excitement here.

—(考官在第一部分问到)What kinds of films do you like best?

—(考生回答)My favorite kinds of films are comedies.I like movies that can make me laugh.

在上面两个例子中,考生在给出问题的答案后(即下划线部分),又主动给出了附加的解释说明(斜体部分),非常好地体现出交流的主动性以及语言能力。这样的答案肯定要比单单给出下划线部分或者光给出“Beijing”和“comedies”两个单词要好得多。在本书后面真题演练部分,书中给出的答案都反映出了这一交流策略。► 微笑+眼神交流

微笑是交流的润滑剂,也是给自己加油鼓劲的心理暗示。此外,在考试过程中,跟考官的“eye contact”也是必不可少的,微笑的眼神流露出自信和交流的意愿。► 自然

雅思口语固然需要准备,但考试时尽量不要一字不漏地背诵已经准备好的答案。考官可以看出来你准备了,那样的话,即使你说得再好也不会得到理想的分数了。有时可以用一些表示犹豫的词语如er,erm,uh,and,yes,right,yeah,oh right等增添一分自然的味道,但是不能过度频繁地使用这些词语。► 得体着装

口语考试毕竟是个较为正式的场合,考生固然不需要穿得太正式,但得体的服装能体现出对对方的尊重。► 礼貌

进入考场后大大方方地问候,口试结束后向考官表示谢意并告辞。切忌在离开考场时向考官询问自己的成绩或表现情况,这在考官看来是不成熟的表现。Ⅳ.如何使用此书► 使用《雅思口语特训》四步骤









雅思口语话题更新速度快,在备考过程中遇到新题也可以按照本书所介绍的方法去准备,甚至可以直接到本书中去寻找需要的素材,比如说2007年出现的新题“Describe a modern interesting building”,考生也可以直接去“地点题”部分参考“重要建筑物”话题卡,其实旧题中提供了足够的用来描述新题所需要的语言资源。第二节雅思口语最新话题选材

Introductory questions:


1)Good morning/afternoon.

2)Can you tell me your full name, please?

3)What shall I call you?

4)Can you tell me where you're from?

5)Can I see your identification, please?1.Education and Learning 教育和学习1)Do you work or are you a student.

Presently I am a student.I have been studying at Beijing University for three years.I will graduate in one year.2)What subject are you studying.

I am studying Accounting.Along with Accounting, I am also majoring in Business Finance.3)Why did you choose to study that.

My father has a business and I want to work with him.I plan to take over company finances.更多资源It's practical and useful in getting a job because many companies are interested in hiring students with a background in international business.I've always liked reading, especially novels, history, literature.That's why I chose Humanities.I didn't choose my major, I just went with the flow.I was taking maths courses left and right and I found myself majoring in Applied Maths with a Computer Science option.It was the easiest decision ever.I chose it because I have passion for it.4)Do you like your university.

It's OK.I am not thrilled with it but I am getting the education that I wanted.更多资源大学 I'm in university and it's awesome! I've never had so much fun or learned so much about a topic, or most importantly, learned so much about myself.I've met so many great and diverse people and been in situations that I never thought I'd ever be in.I wouldn't trade my years at university in for anything.I went to Northeastern in Boston: not a good choice for me—big commuter school, not a big“campus”atmosphere.I transferred and ended up at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY.It was great, mainly because of my program in the communications school and because there were things going on around campus.中小学 It's the best school we have in…This school's history goes back many months, but everything is nice and kept in good condition in addition to some new things.Plus the teachers are cool and so is the current principal.Everything is cool there.5)Is there anything you don't like about your studies.

Basically studying, just joking.Some of my studies I just have to take for the credits and that gets a little tedious sometimes.6)Which subject do you like the most.

I like Math.For some reason math comes easy to me.It could be because my father was a math teacher.更多资源Right now my favorite subject is Physics.I have an absolutely amazing professor and I love the class.I am learning so much.7)Which subject do you think will be the most useful to you after you leave university.

I suppose my English class will be the most useful since I am planning on studying further in Australia.Probably 90%of what I've learned I will never use though.8)Do you often get together with your classmates after classes.

I get together with my classmates as much as I can after class.Getting together with them really helps to relieve the pressure for me.9)What was your favorite subject in high school.

Well, I think my favorite subject in high school was art.One reason was I sat next to the prettiest girl in the class.更多资源History was always enjoyable for me.Math was highly dependent on the teacher, but I typically enjoyed physics and chemistry.Really, it was teachers more than the subject that made a subject unpleasant.I like science because I think it is very interesting to learn about new things that we hadn't even thought of before.Science(e.g.Biology).It tells about how life works and it's useful, too.I like biology because that is the study of living organisms, which really fascinates me.10)Which school subject do you think is the most useful for people in adult life.

Any subject having to do with communication would be the most useful when you graduate from school.Geography is also a subject that is nice to know, if you are going to travel.You would want to know what country you are in and which country is north and which is south.教育话题必备词汇

1.learning atmosphere 学习氛围

2.academic standards 学术水平

3.faculty n.系

4.lecturer n.讲师

5.supportive adj.支持的

6.academic subject 学术课程

7.skip classes 逃课

8.sit an exam 参加考试

9.do badly in an exam 考的不好

10.transcript n.成绩单

11.drop-out n.辍学

12.social skills 社交技能

13.life skills 生活技能

14.transferable skills 受用终身的技能

15.internship n.实习

16.association n.联盟,社团

17.extracurricular activities 课外活动

18.social and cultural life 业余生活

19.develop talents and interests 发挥聪明才智

20.tuition fees 学费

21.grant n.助学金

22.dormitory n.宿舍

23.reach one's full potential 实现全部潜能2.Working Life 工作1)Could you tell me what you do for a living.

I work in the foreign trade department, I am in sales.It is my job to bring foreign investors to the city to open up a business here.更多资源I work for a large European car maker.I work on car design.In fact, I run the design department and I manage a team of designers: 20 people work under me.One of my main responsibilities is to make sure that new model designs are finished on time.I'm also in charge of design budgets.2)What are your responsibilities at work.

I have to develop a strategy for bringing foreign investment to Beijing.I work together with other departments to basically sell and promote Beijing as a good place to start a business.3)What is the most interesting part of your work.

The most interesting part of my work is meeting people from other countries.To me people are very interesting and I am keen on learning the customs and cultures of other countries.更多资源I do like my job, been here for 6 years! It's a small office; the work environment is great; everyone is chill, laid back.I don't have to dress up.I can wear jeans everyday if I wanted.I definitely love my job…it is something that I enjoy doing.I meet so many cool people daily and I have opportunities to learn more about myself and others.I like dealing with people from different cultures and traveling.I also like the 30 days paid holiday.4)Is there anything you don't like about your job.

The pay is one thing that I don't like about my job.My boss is another thing that I don't like about my job.The distance to the office is the last thing that I don't like about my job.更多资源I work as a system developer.I'm stuck with the same client, the same users, the same programs for the last 3 and a half years, so it's now boring, and not exciting as it was before.Besides, I haven't acquired any new knowledge, or have any new challenges.5)Is your job very important to you.

My job is very important to me.If I didn't have my job, I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you, applying for a chance to go overseas.6)Would you like to change your job.

I don't want to get stuck at this job that I am working at now.I am still young, so I want to learn as much as I can and then I plan on starting my own business.7)Do you often get together with your colleagues(workmates)after work.

I do get together with my colleagues after work as much as I can.When I get together with them, we can shoot the breeze and have a few beers.I really look forward to getting together with them and count on it to make my week.补充资源“描述你将来想从事的工作”是第二部分的话题卡之一,下面是国外网友对自己理想工作的描述,从里面可以找到很多用来评价工作的语汇。What is your dream job.

My dream job is one that combines traveling, teaching and doing voluntary work.So in a sense, the ideal job is to teach kids in a foreign country and have the ability to travel to the different parts of the world/country.I hope it's achievable.

I am doing my dream job right now actually, I am a children's literacy tutor.I love to work with kids and helping them learn to read is the most rewarding experience.It is fun and every session is different and full of challenges.I wouldn't want to do anything else.I have had my share of dead-end, low-wage jobs and now this is the ultimate dream job for me.

My dream job would be.

1.A job with flexibility of time.

2.A job where I can learn and grow as a professional.

3.A job with a nice environment.

4.A job that pays well.

5.A job not so far from home.

6.A job where I could feel security, and not feel that if the project finishes I have the risk of loosing it.

7.A job where I could have better benefits than I have now.工作话题必备词汇

1.working hours 工作时间

2.make a living 谋生

3.daily routine 日常事务

4.in charge of 负责

5.paperwork n.文书工作

6.work nine to five 朝九晚五

7.flexi-time 灵活工作时间

8.work overtime 加班

9.work experience 工作经验

10.administration n.行政管理

11.colleague n.同事

12.business associates 商业伙伴

13.client n.客户

14.retire v.退休

15.workaholic n.工作狂

16.trainee n.实习生

17.promote v.升迁

18.training course 培训课程

19.freelance n.自由职业者

20.in-job training 在职培训

21.job satisfaction 工作满意度

22.opportunity to learn 学习机会

23.fringe benefit 额外福利

24.well-paid adj.高薪的

25.pay rise 涨工资

26.paid holiday 带薪假期

27.sick pay 病假工资

28.medical insurance 医疗保险

29.working environment 工作环境

30.commuting time 上下班时间

31.dream job 理想工作

32.challenging adj.有挑战性的

33.prospects n.前景

34.rewarding adj.有益的,值得的

35.engaging adj.让人投入的

36.pension scheme 养老计划

37.sense of accomplishment 成就感3.Towns and Cities 城镇家乡1)Whereabouts did you grow up.

I grew up in Tianjin, a city that is southeast of Beijing.It is closer to the sea than Beijing, and is also a municipal city like Beijing.2)Do you still live there.

No, I haven't lived there for many years.I went to school here in Beijing and have simply settled here and made it my hometown.I still go back to Tianjin every once in a while.3)What's the most famous place in your hometown.

Well, there isn't much in Tianjin that is famous, not like Beijing, where there are so many famous places, but the TV tower is where most people want to go when they come to Tianjin.4)How has your hometown changed in recent years.

I hardly even recognize it, it has changed so much.Just like most of China, Tianjin is changing rapidly at an alarming rate.更多资源It's quite amazing, from 1990 to 2006, my state has grown from 660, 000 residents to 783, 000 people.There is nothing recognizable of my hometown except the historic area.My hometown has changed dramatically over the past 20 or so years.Downtown does not look the same and real estate prices went through the roof.All the roads are under constructions and places that were considered the Ghetto when I moved to Miami in 1999 now have homes that are over$500, 000.While much of the place is the same and seems familiar, it does not feel like home.I can drive right by the house that I lived in through Junior High and High School and feel completely disconnected from the place.It isn't home anymore….a rather bittersweet feeling if you ask me.5)Where do you live now.

I live in Beijing now.I am happy to be here because the city is really on the move and there is a lot of excitement here because of the Olympics.6)What part of the city do you like best.

I like the CBD the most because there are a lot of clubs there and also a lot of hustle and bustle and that is what I am into.I like to be where the crowds are, the same as most young people.更多资源The one thing I do like: people here are nice; there is a good sense of community.Also, there is not the traffic problem that you'd find in larger cities.I love where I live because I have so many friends here, I've lived here all my life, I like the weather, and there are so many fun things to do.7)Is there anything you don't like about this city.

The springtime when the winds from the Gobi desert blow in and the sky turns a hazy orange is one thing I don't like about Beijing.Another one of my least favorite things is having to fight rush hour traffic on the subway.8)Do you want to live in a big city or a small town.

I just couldn't go back to living in a small town.I have gotten accustomed to life in the big city and it would be hard to get me back to those“country roads.”更多资源I like living in a small town within driving distance of a city.That way I can enjoy the craziness of the city for a time and then return to the simplicity of the small town life.Big city.It's hard to get bored when you live in a city that never sleeps, like NYC, LA, Miami, Rome, Paris.There's much to do.I really love to live in the small city, because there is less traffic and it's not so crowded.The small city looks so peaceful to me, but I love to visit the big city also, to go shopping, have fun with friends and stay for a couple of days, but not to live there.I grew up in a small town, and could not wait to get out…now, as an adult, I'd love to go back….I am tired of all the traffic…all the crime…all the rushing around like ants.城镇家乡话题必备词汇

1.ancient adj.远古的

2.cosmopolitan adj.国际化的

3.cultural atmosphere 文化氛围

4.tourist attraction 游览胜地

5.situated adj.位于

6.suburb n.郊区

7.scenery n.景色

8.population n.人口

9.inhabitant n.居民

10.spectacular adj.引人入胜的

11.historical site 历史遗迹

12.public library 公共图书馆

13.well-preserved adj.保存完善的

14.specialty n.特产

15.pace of life 生活节奏

16.lifestyle n.生活方式

17.living standard 生活水平

18.cost of living 生活消费

19.sense of community 相互关爱和谐的感觉

20.downtown n.市区

21.job opportunity 就业机会

22.air quality 空气质量

23.architecture n.建筑

24.infrastructure n.基础设施

25.city service 市政服务

26.sightseeing n.观光

27.night-life 夜生活

28.bustling adj.熙熙攘攘的

29.lively adj.活跃的

30.vibrant adj.充满生机的

31.dynamic adj.生机勃勃的

32.well worth a visit 值得一游

33.holiday resort 度假地

34.seaside resort 海滨胜地

35.art gallery 艺廊

36.concert hall 音乐厅

37.exhibition center 展览中心

38.opera house 歌剧院4.Daily Routine and Leisure Time 日常生活和休闲

Daily routine 日常生活1)What part of your day do you like best.

My favorite part of the day is late afternoon, because the day's work is coming to an end, I can go home, and I have the evening to look forward to, and the weather is generally pleasant and cool.更多资源Late night, when I can mess around here for a bit, play a computer game or two, then snuggle down and read a book or watch TV until I fall asleep.No worries, nothing to do, just relax and sleep.I love it.I like the evening after I get off of work.I can then cook a good meal, work on my hobbies, and read as late as I want.I am not on a schedule then.When I get up.No one else in the house is awake yet.That's my quiet time when I can do what I want.For most people it would be in the evening when everyone else goes to bed, but for me I'm exhausted by then.2)What is the busiest part of the day for you.

From about 10 o'clock to noon.That is when I have to take care of my work and things are a bit hectic.3)When do you have free time.

I have free time during the evenings and on the weekends.I guess you could say that I have it pretty good, because a lot of people here in China don't have so much free time.4)What's your favorite way to relax.

I take a long hot shower and then I jump in bed with a good book and something to snack on.It is a little hard on my figure but then it just means that I have to do a few more exercises the next morning.更多资源I sit in a hot tub with bubble bath.Candles light the room and there is good music playing in the background.Perfect way to end the day.I usually listen to music or just play around on the Internet.I pretty much do anything that makes me forget about my school work.Sometimes I like to drink alone and listen to music.They say you shouldn't drink alone, but it is probably okay once in a while, and it is a very relaxing experience.I love to go for a long walk…listen to jazz in my little radio, or some kind of nice music…and then go home, put on pyjamas, turn on the heat and have a little something that tastes really good and curl up and watch the Movie Channel, with all the old movies...The best way I relax after work is to clean up my house! Even just tidying makes me feel so much more relaxed.I sort myself out by doing this and for me it works.5)Do you do things in your leisure time with friends or family.

Mostly with my friends.I often go out to eat or go shopping with my friends, and sometimes we stay in and watch a movie or play games.Sometimes we just talk together.6)Do you have any hobbies or interests.

I love to read novels, go go-carting, hiking, watch movies and write.I have lots of different interests.





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