
发布时间:2020-05-10 14:59:21







版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:卖火柴的小女孩(轻松英语名作欣赏-小学版)(第2级)作者:安徒生排版:燕子出版社:外语教学与研究出版社出版时间:2009-07-01ISBN:9787560087320本书由外语教学与研究出版社有限责任公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —Chapter 01/第1章A Little Girl Sells Matches小女孩卖火柴

It is New Year's Eve.

The streets are covered with snow.

There is a little girl on the street. She sells matches.

"Matches, matches!" She shouts and shouts all day!

But no one buys any matches.

Words Up 你认识吗?

New Year 新年

eve 除夕

street 街道,大街

cover 覆盖

shout 大叫,叫喊

all day 整天

buy 买street

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

It is New Year's Eve.


▶it 作无人称代词,是形式主语,没有词汇意义,可以表示自然现象、气候、时间等。如:

It is three o'clock. 现在是3点钟。

The streets are covered with snow.


▶be covered with:被……覆盖

Quiz Quiz 考考你

What does the little girl sell? □ □

The little match girl sees a family through the window.

They are in their warm house.

"Here is a New Year's card for you.

Happy New Year!" says a girl.

"Oh, thank you. Happy New Year, too!" say her father and mother.

They sing together. They enjoy their New Year's party.

Words Up 你认识吗?

family 家庭,家人

through 透过,通过

window 窗户

warm 温暖的

card 贺卡

sing 唱歌

enjoy 享受……的乐趣windowsing

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Here is a New Year's card for you.


▶Here is…: 倒装句,主语是后面的a New Year's card,因此谓语动词为单数is(比较:Here are some cards.)。

▶you 指代father and mother。

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

The little girl sees the happy family through the window.

"I want to be in the warm house.

I want to enjoy the party.

Here it is so cold," cries the little girl.

She is very poor. She wears an old dress.

Her shawl is very old, too.

They do not keep out the cold.

Words Up 你认识吗?

cold 寒冷的

cry 哭(喊)

poor 贫穷的

wear 穿

old 旧的

dress 连衣裙

shawl 披肩,披巾shawl

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

I want to enjoy the party.


▶want to+动词原形:想要做某事

They do not keep out the cold.


▶They 指代the old dress 和her shawl,因此用复数形式。

▶keep out:(使)留在外面,(使)不进入

Quiz Quiz 考考你

The little girl's dress and shawl are ________.

□ new

□ old

Snow falls again on the street.

The little girl pulls the shawl over her head.

The ground is frozen.

The little girl's feet are bare.

She has no shoes and no socks.

She lifts her feet up.

Words Up 你认识吗?

fall 落下,降落

pull 拉上来

head 头

ground 地面

frozen (地面)结冰的

bare 光的,赤裸的

sock 袜子

lift 抬起bare feetlift

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

She has no shoes and no socks.


▶shoes, socks: 鞋、袜都是成双的,因此用复数表示。

She lifts her feet up.


▶lift up:提起,抬起

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

The little girl wears shoes and socks.

The little girl rubs her hands together.

But she isn't warm at all.

She is so cold, hungry and lonely!

"Oh, what can I do? No one cares for me! Mom, Grandma, I miss you," she cries.

Words Up 你认识吗?

rub 揉搓

hand 手

hungry 饥饿的

lonely 孤单的,孤独的

care for 照顾,关心

grandma 奶奶

miss 想念handhands

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

The little girl rubs her hands together.


▶hands: 以-d结尾,加s变成复数后,-ds合读成[z]。

But she isn't warm at all.


▶not...at all:一点也不

Mom, Grandma, I miss you


▶you 指代mom 和grandma 两人。

Quiz Quiz 考考你

How does the little girl feel?

□ Warm and happy.

□ Cold and lonely. The Little Match GirlWords & Sentences 1练练看

A 找出与图片对应的单词,并抄写三遍。



















B 选择适当的词填空。

1 There is a little girl on the

2 The little girl's feet are

C 仿照例句,用所给的词造句。



➞ A little girl sells dresses on the street.

1 matches


2 shawls


3 shoes


4 socks

➞_________________________Chapter 02/第2章She Lights a Match她点燃了一根火柴

New Year's Eve is so cold.

The little match girl wants to go home.

But her father will beat her if she doesn't sell any matches.

"Go out and sell the matches. Bring me the money," he will shout.

Words Up 你认识吗?

beat 打

if 如果

bring 带回

money 钱money

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

if she doesn't sell any matches



▶doesn't 是does not 的缩写形式。

Go out and sell the matches.



Quiz Quiz 考考你

What's the date?*

□ December 31*

□ December 30*December 12月

The little girl's fingers are stiff from cold.

She cannot feel her fingers!

She wants to warm her hands.

She takes out a match and she lights it.

"What a warm flame!" exclaims the little girl.

She warms her hands over the fire.

She looks into the flame. It dances with warmth.

Words Up 你认识吗?

finger 手指

stiff 僵硬的

feel 感到

warm 使暖和;温暖的





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