
发布时间:2020-05-11 10:24:59



















In 1985, the first credit card in China, Great Wall credit card, was issued by Bank of China. By 2010, the total number of credit cards issued in China already exceeded 200 million. However, cash out of credit card is increasing rapidly. In 2009, 2.58 billion yuan was cashed out of credit cards. On one hand, all the money was cashed by made-up transactions. We don' t know what the loan was actually used for, which leads to high risk. Currenlty, cash out of credit card is one of the primary risks for credit card industry. It hurts the further development of the entire industry. On the other hand, the merchant provides path for cash out by POS and makes money in this illegal business. These kind of made-up transactions break the financial regulations and produces false information in statistics of national economy. As the scale of the credit card cash out increases, the negative effects are becoming more and more widespread. Now the problem how to curb credit card cash out is becoming a hot research topic.

Cash out of credit card and anti-cash out of credit card are contemporary issues of our country in special period. Compared to developed countries in credit card market, China has a short history of credit cards and the regulation designs are immature. We don' t authorize and prohibit cash out from POS, while many developed countries like in US with many years of using credit cards, have mature regulations and regulations. They even encourage credit card cash out and take the high risk. Therefore, there aren' t any experiences what we can learn from. Fortunately, some researches have drawn the initial conclusion that cash out behaviors of credit card can be classified to some fixed patterns, and there are some connections between cash out and the designed regulations. But, current researches in this area are insufficient, especially in the following aspects:(1)The cash out patterns:many researches focus more on specific cash out behaviors. But further analysis is needed on the patterns behind cash out behaviors. So, previous research is little reference to anti-cash out. They pay more attention to prevent stores' cash behavior. And, the cardholders' frauds in cash-out aren' t refrained for stores' unknown participation.(2)Regulation designs:it is important consider and prohibit cash out behaviors in regulations. However the research in this field is insufficient. Although there are many regulations for the credit card industry, such as“credit card operation and management”and other credit management explanation and notifications, there are many regulations that encourage the unhealthy competitions between credit card issuers and acquirers, which in turn facilitate the cash out of credit card. Furthermore, the separation of the regulations of payment system and commodity trading system, makes it more convenient for the cash out of credit card.(3)The research of relationship between credit card cash out and regulation designs. Previous studies of anti-cash-out of credit cards do analyze the cash behavior and evaluate the credit card regulations. They believe that credit card cash can be curbed by improving the regulations designs. But the anti-cash-out mechanism is set up over uncertain cashier behaviors. The control method of anti-cash out is inefficient. In order to solve above problems and control credit card cash out, this paper conducts researches over behavior pattern-based anti-cash-out of Credit card in China. More specifically, this research analyzes behavior patterns according to consumer behavior theory firstly. Then, it proposes an anti-cash-out design which controls cash out from all partners in a payment transaction. And, adding cost and risk of credit card cash out is the main method. So, this research integrates theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, literature review and case study. Practice and visiting are also the main methods adopted in this research. Lastly, this research is presented in four parts or eight chapters. They are introduction, literature review, theoretical basis, research evaluation and the main body. The main body is described as follows:(1)According to loan theory and behavior theory of consumers, the cash out behaviors can be grouped into eight categories of behavior patterns. Game theory is ap plied to evaluate the possible profit of each participant in different cash-out patterns. The game reveals the motivation of each participant in some way. Different cash-out patterns introduce different level of risks, thus different mechanisms should be adopted accordingly to curb the cash-out transactions. In studying the categories of cash-out patterns, we find out that anti-cash-out of credit cards is a systematic problem, which involves every participant in every aspect of the credit card industry while the card holders are of limited rationality; the other participants like the merchants are of full rationality, driven by the profit. Thus different cash-out patterns might be selected and different levels of risks are introduced.(2)Cash-out behavior patterns reflect the flaw of regulation designs to some extent. Social control theory and institutional economics theory tell us that when bad behaviors were not punished, they were encouraged indeed. And, this conclusion is adapted to credit card cash out. Through investigation, we get to know that cost, risk, and income are the main factors to cashier. All the factors are affected by regulations. This paper proposes a model for the relationship of cash behavior and regulations.(3)The model was further analyzed by case and data that comes from investigation and commercial bank, especially combined with the long-term practice of China UnionPay. The use of practice come into contact with a number of financial institutions, credit card transaction data collected from more than commercial banks and the People' s Bank of China, to vocational cash in the merchant credit card transaction characteristics, to analyze the impact of the existing cash management system for a credit card. By this chapter, the study found that the card issuers and acquirers, to apply for credit card / POS audit is not strict acquiescence with lax oversight of the card links credit card cash advances; cash merchant credit card has the following characteristics:① Professional cash merchants comprise of high proportion of credit card payment link; ② The national commercial bank credit card cash less than the commercial banks of other; ③The credit card time is no clear periodicity. When cash in the merchant to gets a certain size, cash transactions number is stabilized; ④ The cashier is not familiar with a credit card basic information, transaction abnormal rate is high; ⑤ The number of cash for small transactions is high; ⑥ The credit card cash more than one time in an interest-free credit period.(4)On the basis of the above studies, we propose a novel approach based on information technologies to implement the management mechanism innovation, the modifications of the procedures merchant credit card payment processes, eliminate credit card cash out, and false trading behaviors of merchandises. And in this new approach every participant in the credit card payment under continuous monitoring. Each credit card payments is under multiple monitor, to increase the cost of credit card cash, reduce credit card cash profit to zero, which will eventually the the participant out of the market.

The significance of our work lies in the following two aspects. In theory, this paper addresses the credit card cash out problem from the regulation design perspective, attempting to combine institutional economics, informational economicsand other related areas to build the theoretical framework of anti-cash-out of credit cards. Through innovative design, our work provides a whole new perspective for this research, enriching the content and methodologies, and is of theoretical significance for exploring the characteristics, intrinsic law, theory and methodologies for the research on credit card anti cash out.

In practice, the rapid development of credit card industry and the increasing of credit card cash out calls for a better system design that could lead to a fair market environment to curb credit card cash out to avoid credit risk. The innovative design of the dedicated anti-credit card raises the costs and risks for credit card cash out participants, encourages cardholders and business merchants with good card / POS habits. And taking the great background into consideration, we consider credit card anti-cash control characteristics, approaches, systems and measures, and actively explore and gradually establish a mechanism for credit card anti-cash for China' s national conditions. It has important practical significance.

This research has novelty in three aspects. One is the proposed eight categories of cash out behavior patterns, which is more stable compared with the traditional approaches. Secondly, this work includes practical cases to systematically and scientifically study the connection between cash our behaviors and the regulation design. We study the influence of each participant in one credit-card cash out transaction and establish a model to evaluate the connection through case study and collected data. Thirdly, this research makes full use of relative theories of credit card to solve the complex cash problem. The study goes through the whole lifecycle of credit card and POS machine. It takes all participants and all aspects of a credit card cash out into consideration. With the observation that the traditional way punishes the merchants even though it were the cardholders who initiate the illegal transaction, we propose corresponding strategies for the credit card issuers and the regulators that could help curb the credit card cash our behaviors.

Key Words:Anti-cash-out of credit card; Cash behavior pattern; Management institution; Cash-out maket; Credit-card industry1导论1.1研究背景


信用卡因为对有资信的客户提供短期免息信贷消费,其发展十分迅猛,到2010年,我国信用卡发卡超过2.3亿张,其中,有6 366万张信用卡为工商银行发行,工、农、中、建四大国有商业银行发卡量超过信用卡总量的一半,并且在信用卡支付方面,2010年工行信用卡刷卡消费金额达到6 383亿元(其数据根据各银行2010年年报整理),2003年,伴随着我国“金卡”工程的推行,信用卡得到高速发展,图1-1描述了我国2003—2010年信用卡发卡增长情况。黄兴海(2004)的研究中表明,信用卡高速发展的同时,带动了经济的高速发展。图1-1 2003—2010年我国的信用卡发卡情况资料来源:根据已有研究文献和2003—2010年《中国支付体系发展报告》整理。

虽然我国信用卡主要用于免息消费信贷,但信用卡作为支付工具,它支持短期资金借贷。为支付信息卡借贷资金引发的成本和不确定的资金流向带来的风险损失,我国规定了信用卡提现时,提现资金的额度远小于消费信贷的额度;而且,借款者必须为信用卡借贷支付手续费和利息:一般手续费为1%~3%(不同商业银行手续不同),日利率为0.5‰,且以复利计算,而我国同期贷款的年利率为6.1%~7.05%,折合日利率不到0.2‰。信用卡在消费信贷和提现政策方面的差异,促使一些客户假以信用卡信贷消费实现信用卡提现,从而出现了大量的违背银行发行信用卡的使用原则的套现行为,其过程如图1-2所示:图1-2 信用卡支付过程(以后方交换型网络为例)资料来源:根据电子银行系统网络结构图和交易流程进行整理。

图1-2中,如果持卡者通过信用卡进行POS消费,持卡者无须支付任何手续费,收单行、银联以及开户行等金融机构都会获得商家POS刷卡的手续费;如果持卡者通过ATM或柜台提现,相比POS刷卡消费,持卡者需要支付开户行高额的信贷手续费和利息;如果持卡者通过POS套现(按约定还款),不仅可以在信用额度范围内提取更多的现金,而且,可以不用支付或少量支付提现的手续费;当信用卡套现被看成是一笔POS交易发生的费用,对开户行、收单行以及银联等参与者,不仅无任何损失,相反,却因为信用卡套现,开户行、银联以及收单行都可以获得POS刷卡消费的收益,商户可以获得额外的收入。胡斌等(2010)在研究中针对信用卡套现给各参与者带来的收益还进行了精确计算。正是由于POS套现的便利性和低成本等特点,信用卡套现金额快速增长,其2003—2009年套现金额情况如图1-3所示:图1-3 2003—2009年我国的信用卡套现情况资料来源:根据网络新闻和已有文献整理。










信用卡套现的迅速增加干扰了正常的金融秩序,信用卡套现扩大了信用卡无息信贷范围,干扰了正常的金融信贷市场;由于信贷资金去向不明,信贷资金的风险较大;信用卡循环贷款的特性使金融风险隐蔽、潜伏周期长;信用卡持卡者消费信贷和提现不同的成本使发卡行得不到预期的信用卡提现收益。到2009年年末,信用卡风险资金(逾期6个月未还款的信贷资金)总额76.96亿元。目前,信用卡套现已引起学者的广泛关注,GOOGLE搜索引擎显示,以“信用卡”、“套现”作关键词,网页有369 000条记录,GOOGLE学术有341条记录;以“credit card”和“cash out”为关键词,GOOGLE学术有67 400条记录,CNKI数字期刊全文含“信用卡套现”的文章从2006年以来有101篇,以“信用卡套现”为题目的文章65篇(作者大多供职银行等机构从事实务工作),尤以2010年文献居多。。

信用卡套现过程中,持卡者的套现动机、套现途径不同,具有明显的行为模式;信用卡套现频发与管理制度之间存在紧密的关系,但目前在这方面的研究仍显不足,主要表现在如下几个方面:1.1.1 在研究套现者行为模式方面,目前的研究集中在不确定的具体套现行为研究,而对套现者行为模式研究不足

许多文献对套现者的套现动机、套现原因以及套现渠道等进行了分析,列出了众多的套现行为,但未依据现有套现行为归纳出稳定的套现行为模式,也未能进一步分析套现模式典型的行为特征,这使其研究结论在未来发卡或POS安装过程中识别套现高风险人群和设定信用额度等方面可借鉴性差,而信用卡或POS申领既是信用卡反套现的重要环节,同时也是信用卡产业发展的重要环节,其迫切需要套现行为模式的研究结论对其作进一步评估。1.1.2 在管理制度建设方面,从制度上阻断信用卡套现的根源对遏制信用卡套现具有重要意义,但现有文献对其研究不足

我国一直致力于信用卡管理制度的建设,制定了《信用卡业务管理办法》等行业规定和《关于加强银行卡安全管理预防和打击银行卡犯罪的通知》等行业自律通知,并从司法角度颁布了《关于妨碍办理信用卡管理刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题解释》等法律,在信用卡反套现方面起到了一定的作用,但信用卡在POS刷卡消费和ATM取款之间政策的巨大差异,使信用卡套现与提现在便捷性和收益方面都有较大的差异,并且,信用卡的同质性使各商业银行将信用卡发卡量和POS商户拥有量作为开拓市场的衡量指标,使得发卡行之间、收单行之间进行着无序竞争助推了信用卡套现。显然,从制度上解决信用卡套现的根源对遏制信用卡套现具有重要意义,但现有文献尚对其研究不足。1.1.3 在信用卡套现与管理制度关系方面,对该“关系”研究不足



鉴于传统意义上信用卡反套现效率低,本书的研究主要有两方面意义:1.2.1 理论意义

本书对信用卡套现研究,采用管理制度的视角探索遏制信用卡套现的途径和方法,尝试融合制度经济学、信息经济学等多学科领域的知识,根据信用卡支付的流程,构建信用卡反套现的理论框架,通过管理制度创新实施信用卡反套现控制。该理论框架为研究信用卡反套现提供了新的视角,丰富了信用卡反套现的研究内容和方法,完善了信用卡欺诈的研究内容,对进一步研究和探索我国信用卡反套现的特点、规律、理论与方法等具有重要理论意义。1.2.2 现实意义


为便于本书的研究,本书将涉及与信用卡套现相关的概念,例如信用卡、信用卡套现、套现者,等等。本节对所涉及的概念进行界定。1.3.1 信用卡


定义1:信用卡泛指金融机构授权发卡机构发行,发卡机构向个人和单位发行的,具有支付、结算和信贷等功能的一种电子支付工具,因此本书研究的信用卡属于广义的信用卡,包括准贷记卡和贷记卡。1.3.2 信用卡套现










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