
发布时间:2020-05-11 23:41:14












最后,祝愿各位同学都能在口语考试中取得理想的成绩!董仲蠡第一章六级口试指南第1节 题型介绍一 考试形式

六级口试采用计算机化考试形式。模拟考官及试题呈现在计算机屏幕上,试题材料采用文字或画面提示(图画、图表、照片等)。考生由计算机系统随机编排为两人一组。考生在计算机上进行考生与模拟考官、考生与考生之间的互动。考试分为三个部分,考试总时间约18分钟。二 考试内容三 考试具体流程



③第三部分:两位考生再次各自回答一个问题,答题时间为45秒。注意问题文字并不显示在计算机屏幕上。四 评分方法及标准





◎灵活性和适切性:“灵活性”指考生应付不同场景和话题的能力;“适切性”指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力。五 六级口试能力等级描述

六级口试成绩报道时会转换为A、B、C和D四个等级,各能力等级描述如下:第2节 命题分析及应试指南一 自我介绍和问答1自我介绍1)命题分析






Which dishes do you prefer, meat or vegetables? Why?

Where do you usually have your meals? How do you like the food there?

回答问题的时间为30秒,考生给出的答案最好不要过长或过短,如只给出yes或no,或者只给出一个选择等。二 陈述和讨论1陈述1)命题分析















抓取对方信息点:互动很重要的一点就是对双方所提到的信息有反馈,而不是双方针对题目设置轮番进行自我表述。所以能够听懂对方表达,对其所提到的信息点进行谈论是互动顺畅、有效的关键。因为考试互动双方为随机选择,所以对方的英语水平,如用语难度、发音等,直接影响了互动的整体水平,如果不能够完全听懂对方的表述,至少也要抓住个别信息点进行交流,或者主动变更互动的话题,以便对话顺利进行。三 问答1)命题分析


在经历了前面对该话题的个人陈述和交流后,考生应该对此话题非常熟悉了,此时考官提出的这个问题很可能在之前的个人陈述和双方互动中已经提过,特别是在双方互动中也获取了对方的信息,及时补充了更多的意见和思考,可作为借鉴。因为这是六级口试的最后一个环节,也是考生最后表现自己的一个机会,回答要更具逻辑性,能更详细地陈述自己的理由,表现得更加自信。第二章六级口试强化训练Model Test OneTopic Area: Social IssuesTopic: Reading Crisis音频Part One

Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test—Band Six. We wish you both good luck today. Now let’s begin with self-introductions.

Candidate A, would you please start?(倒计时20秒)

Thank you. Candidate B, now it’s your turn.(倒计时20秒)

Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let’s go on. First, I’d like to ask each of you a question.

Q: Do you mind letting me know what kind of books you like to read? And how many books can you finish each year?两位考生同步回答问题,倒计时30秒Part Two

Now let’s move on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is “Reading Crisis”. Each of you will see a card with instructions for your presentation. You’ll have one minute to prepare, and each of you will have one and a half minutes to give your presentation. Now look at your card.屏幕上只显示讲话人的卡片,倒计时60秒

Now Candidate A, please begin.(倒计时1分30秒)

Candidate B, now it’s your turn.(倒计时1分30秒)两位考生依次根据卡片作叙述

Right. Now that we’ve talked briefly about reading crisis, I’d like you to develop this topic further and have a discussion for about four and a half minutes. During the discussion you may argue and ask each other questions. Our discussion is about how to encourage people to read. (屏幕上显示how to encourage people to read)

Remember, this is a pair activity and you need to interact with each other. So don’t keep talking without giving the other a chance. Now let’s begin. (倒计时4分30秒)

All right, that’s the end of the discussion.Part Three

Now I’d like to ask you just one last question on the topic of “Reading Crisis”.

Q: How often do you read a newspaper?两位考生同步回答问题,倒计时45秒

OK, that’s the end of the test. Thank you.答案详解音频Part One自我介绍高分表达Candidate A

Good morning, dear examiner. I’m Zhao Ling from Peking University. I’m a sophomore of the law school, and I’m very excited about this spoken English test. I’ve been learning English for a very long time, but I’m not so sure about my speaking. Today I hope I could do my best and perform well.Candidate B

Nice to meet you. My name is Li Tang. I’m studying Mechanics at Tsinghua University now. When for the first time I found English really intriguing I was in the eighth grade because then I made my first pen pal from another country. I’m very grateful that English opens a window for me.亮点表达

sophomore 大学二年级

intriguing 有趣的,迷人的

do one’s best 尽力

pen pal 笔友问答Q: Do you mind letting me know what kind of books you like to read? And how many books can you finish each year?高分表达Candidate A

Well, I do take a delight in reading historical anecdotes. I could be quite thrilled if I find something new about a famous historical figure or event from the materials. It makes me know more about the great names of history, especially the human side of them. But I have to admit I could barely finish one paper book a year. I almost read everything with my phone.Candidate B

I would be very glad. Actually it is a precious chance for me to share my reading experience, for most people I meet are not so keen on this topic. I have a passion for science fiction novels—we call it “Scifi” in our circle. You can be fascinated by the unparalleled imagination of these Scifi novels. I just finished a set of novels “Three Body” last week. I may finish reading 20 books a year.亮点表达

take a delight in 喜欢

unparalleled 无与伦比的

anecdote 趣闻,轶事Part Two个人陈述话题分析

两个话题围绕阅读方式展开,考生A要谈论电子阅读的优势,考生B要谈论传统阅读,即读纸质书的优势。对于这两个话题,我们都可以采用介绍现象的方式展开,即首先描述目前的整体阅读趋势,再具体谈论其原因。原因可从阅读工具的更新、生活方式的转变、图书价格等方面分析。高分表达Candidate A

Every year around the day of 23th, April—the World Book Day—people would talk about how few books we read every year. In fact the statistics are not so accurate because they failed to count in the e-reading time and amount which is the mainstream Chinese reading style now.

The material basis of this reading style lies in the electronic devices, which are increasingly economical, portable, and versatile. If we could carry a palm-size device with us, we can read anywhere anytime. I find this extremely convenient because I could make an effective use of time to read e-books in my smart phone when waiting in line. What’s more, e-reading actually costs less than paper books. If you’ve got a phone or a tablet, you could download free e-books. Even if some are charged, they are of much lower prices, which is really student-friendly for we seldom have any income right now.

Of course, at present there are still a vast number of people reading paper books. But with all the merits, the e-reading will rule the future.Candidate B

Remarks that traditional paper books will be completely replaced by e-books are quite eye-catching recently. But the real fact is that sales of paper books increased these years.

We keep the old way of reading because what the paper books bring us is irreplaceable. The paper books can be preserved for a very long time, which makes them the best material carrier for our cultural heritage. And this cultural inheritance could run in family. When I was reading an old book “Tang Dynasty Poems” from my father’s bookshelf I found some notes with signs of age. And my father told me that’s from my grandma who admired Chinese poetry a lot. Then I felt a special connection between me and my grandma by her notes on the poems. I hope my books would also strike a chord with my kids and grandkids in the future.

Right now we live in a machine’s world. The cold shiny delicate devices may distract us from the real purpose of reading, so if you want to experience the charm of reading, get a real book.亮点表达

count in... 将……计算在内

irreplaceable 不可替代的

electronic device 电子设备

carrier 载体

economical 经济的;节省的

cultural heritage 文化遗产

portable 便携式的;轻便的

admire 喜爱;欣赏

versatile 通用的,万能的

strike a chord 引起共鸣

rule the future 主宰未来

delicate 精巧的;精美的

eye-catching 吸引眼球的

distract...from... 使……从……分心双人互动话题分析


Candidate A: I find some comments online that Chinese people sorta stop reading books, which really get to me since I seldom buy books, let alone read them. May I ask your opinion about it?

Candidate B: Well, that’s not the exact case. But I know why some people hold that opinion. The statistics say that we Chinese only read less than 8 books on average during the last year.

Candidate A: Hmm, that’s quite serious. Reading plays an essential role in inspiring our mental development and training our minds. If we read less and less, I can’t imagine what we could achieve in the future.

Candidate B: I’m in full agreement. Without reading, the spirit civilization will be a castle in the air. The good news is that our government is aware of it and in an effort to advocate and educate citizens to read more.

Candidate A: If the government aims to reach as large an audience as possible, they should put more cultural programs on TV to arouse people’s interest in reading.

Candidate B: I do know such a TV program, called “Eight Minutes with a Book”. I strongly recommend it. The host will give a detailed rundown of one book every day.

Candidate A: Thank you so much. The authority should take the lead and set an example, but I doubt it alone will settle the problem. Have you got any concrete measures?

Candidate B: Well, from my personal experience, more libraries should be established. At present if you are off campus, you have to go through hardships to borrow a book.

Candidate A: I can identify with that. I like reading paper books, but some new books just cost too much, and even if I can afford them, there is not much space in my apartment for all the books I’d like to read.

Candidate B: So I recommend the local government set more community libraries where people around could borrow books.

Candidate A: That’s brilliant. And it reminds me of the subway library in Beijing where you can get a book from the entrance and return it when you check out.

Candidate B: Borges once said, “I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” If this ideal could be achieved, every community, every subway train will be our paradise.

Candidate A: And every family too. Some education experts suggest we should also set a “Family Reading Hour”—an exclusive hour of reading for parents and kids each day.

Candidate B: You do picture me a dreamland. My sweetest memory is that my parents read me stories and I bugged them with endless “whys”.亮点表达

let alone 更不用说

concrete measure 具体措施

in full agreement 完全同意

community library 社区图书馆

a castle in the air 空中楼阁

exclusive 特有的

advocate and educate 宣传教育

bug 烦扰

rundown 纲要Part Three问答Q: How often do you read a newspaper?高分表达Candidate A

I’m afraid I have to say “seldom”. I simply couldn’t recall the last time I bought a copy of newspaper. But I keep myself informed of what’s going on all the time not by reading a newspaper. I will tune in the news channel on radio every morning when I work out outdoors. And my smart phone receives all kinds of news—home and abroad in both Chinese and English around the clock. And sometimes the news flash spreads faster online than the TV. So I feel like it’s not necessary to read a newspaper.Candidate B

I read newspaper once a week in the school library. That’s my way of concerning myself with the world. I’ve got a tight schedule of my study and part-time jobs, so I could barely keep track of the news daily and I only do it weekly. The traditional newspaper bears obvious distinctions from the news online. Reports and columns on newspapers tend to be more reliable and more solid. And the in-depth coverage on newspapers seems rather thought-provoking to me.亮点表达

recall 回想起

column 专栏

tune 调整(频道或频率)

coverage 报道

news flash 新闻快讯

thought-provoking 发人深思的

tight schedule 紧凑的日程Model Test TwoTopic Area: Social IssuesTopic: Food Safety音频Part One

Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test—Band Six. We wish you both good luck today. Now let’s begin with self-introductions.

Candidate A, would you please start? (倒计时20秒)

Thank you. Candidate B, now it’s your turn. (倒计时20秒)

Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let’s go on. First, I’d like to ask each of you a question.

Q: Which type of dishes do you prefer, meat or vegetables? Why?两位考生同步回答问题,倒计时30秒Part Two

Now let’s move on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is “Food Safety”. Each of you will see a card with instructions for your presentation. You’ll have one minute to prepare, and each of you will have one and a half minutes to give your presentation. Now look at your card.屏幕上只显示讲话人的卡片,倒计时60秒

Now Candidate A, please begin.(倒计时1分30秒)

Candidate B, now it’s your turn.(倒计时1分30秒)两位考生依次根据卡片作叙述

Right. Now that we’ve talked briefly about food safety, I’d like you to develop this topic further and have a discussion for about four and a half minutes. During the discussion you may argue and ask each other questions. Our discussion is about how to solve food safety problems. (屏幕上显示how to solve food safety problems)

Remember, this is a pair activity and you need to interact with each other. So don’t keep talking without giving the other a chance. Now let’s begin. (倒计时4分30秒)

All right, that’s the end of the discussion.Part Three

Now I’d like to ask you just one last question on the topic of “Food Safety”.

Q: What do you think of some people going on a diet?两位考生同步回答问题,倒计时45秒

OK, that’s the end of the test. Thank you.答案详解音频Part One自我介绍高分表达Candidate A

Good morning. I’m Tian Chang from Peking University. I’m majoring in Medicine, and I love watching English movies at leisure. I think mastering English is quite helpful to my major. I hope I could learn more cutting-edge medical achievements through English in the future.Candidate B

Good morning. My name is Li An. I’m in my third year at Beijing Jiaotong University, studying Civil Engineering right now. I’ve made friends with a bunch of foreign students since I enrolled in my university. And I think as an international language, English is really useful.亮点表达

at leisure 有空,清闲

a bunch of 很多

cutting-edge 前沿的

enroll 注册;入学问答Q: Which type of dishes do you prefer, meat or vegetables? Why?高分表达Candidate A

Vegetables are definitely my thing. There are a huge variety of vegetables with all kinds of tastes. It’s like an endless enjoyment of the flavors when you try different cooking methods of vegetables. What’s more, vegetables are the healthiest food in the world for the vitamins and trace elements they carry. That’s why people always say “It won’t do you any harm to eat more vegetables.”Candidate B

To tell the truth, I have a “meat tooth”, especially for the chicken, like the fried chicken legs, wings. I personally think that there is nothing more delicious than fried chicken. I just can’t get enough. I’m in the basketball team, and a good meal with meat will always make me feel vigorous on the court. Of course, I guess I need to add more vegetables to my diet, for health.亮点表达

a huge variety of 非常多(种类)

meat tooth 爱吃肉的人

trace element 微量元素

vigorous 精力充沛的,充满活力的Part Two个人陈述话题分析

两个话题都是围绕食品安全问题展开,考生A要描述食品安全问题产生的原因,考生B需谈论食品安全问题的危害。对于这两个话题,我们都可以采用介绍问题的方式展开,即首先大致描述食品安全问题的现状,再具体谈论其原因或危害。原因可从企业责任、政府监管、教育和宣传等方面进行分析。危害方面可从对人们生命健康的影响、整个社会的安全等角度论述。解决食品安全问题需要政府和个人协同努力,政府可以通过立法及监督以保障食品安全。高分表达Candidate A

The food safety problem frequently becomes lead stories in the news programs, for it is related closely to everybody’s life and health. And it’s in everyone’s best interest to figure out the causes of food safety problems.

A host of reasons account for the problems. We can notice that profits drive many food producers to challenge the law. They may just try to gain the utmost profits at the minimum cost while entirely ignoring the food safety standards. For instance, some producers will add chemicals or drugs in the food processing to make their products attractive and tasty. Obviously, the departments concerned should take the blame for letting these poor-quality or even poisonous food products reach the market. They should have done a better job at supervising the producers and administrating the market.

Well, grim as the food safety problem is, I still hold that if strong measures can be taken the problem can be solved.Candidate B

Food is the first necessity of the people, which is the most common Chinese saying. That’s why we may feel threatened, or even rage about the food safety problems.

Sub-standard food could affect our health. We’ve frequently seen reports of food poisoning in some diners and on roadside stalls since the owners employed illegal food additives or expired ingredients to cut cost. What’s worse is the dreadful news of some inferior milk powder which actually harmed babies. Accidents like that not only harm our physical health but also make us feel insecure. So food safety problems will cause damage to society both materially and morally. In addition, the concerned companies, industries would also suffer in the long run. In this battle, there is no winner.

So, there is no other choice but to completely solve the food safety problems. And every one of us, the government, food manufacturers, consumers, is a party concerned.亮点表达

lead story 头条新闻

supervise 监督,管理;指导

a host of 很多

rage 发怒;怒斥

account for 对……做出解释;说明

roadside stall 路边摊

utmost profits 最大利益

food additive 食品添加剂

concerned 相关的

expired ingredient 过期调料

take the blame 承担过错双人互动话题分析


Candidate A: Hi! Have you heard the news yesterday that another gutter oil workshop was busted by the police?

Candidate B: Well, not exactly, but I’m not surprised at all. This kind of news could barely be considered “new” these days.

Candidate A: Right, but we still can’t just get used to it. And the news also said that this oil was most used by the roadside stalls.

Candidate B: Really? Like the stalls just next to our campuses? Oh, no. I like the grilled squid there so much that I visited them at least three times a week.

Candidate A: Well, maybe you don’t need to worry so much. There must be a solution to the food safety problems like gutter oil, and illegal additives.

Candidate B: I hope so. Food safety is related to everyone’s life, and we all should take action. For a start, I believe the government should take the main responsibility, like making stricter rules and regulations for food manufacturing.

Candidate A: Good point! When a problem might harm the health of a whole nation, government should be alert. And besides more rigorous laws, we also need the government to be proactive in supervising all food-related industries to make sure the food producers obey the rules.





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