
发布时间:2020-05-12 02:24:58








石油—— 一滴滴黑色的金子,国家之命脉,民生之厚基。





















思悟或有所得。我翻拍旧照,查阅史料,经常研读著名摄影家、影评家的图册和论著,及其他报刊的图片与文章; 多次聆听著名摄影家的讲座,多次请摄影界的老师和影友对我的作品指导讲评等等。所有这些都启迪着我:以人为表现主体的纪实摄影为什么具有独特的、深远的社会性和历史性?石油工业摄影在工业摄影中处于什么状态?把钻工作为自己摄影创作的主要对象会有哪些挑战?我逐渐在学习探索中找到了答案和方向。

摄影是门艺术。 纪实摄影归根结底是用以记录人的生存方式和社会活动。 工业摄影是记录包括人制造的机器在内的工业生产成果和生产过程留下的各种痕迹,它将忠实刻录和反映工业文明给人类社会带来的进步及造成的后果。因此,工业摄影主要表现手段是纪实。不论过去还是当下,工业摄影本质上就是“机器+人”的艺术。




People Who Knocking on the Door of Underground Treasure Palace——Drillers in My Heart

Oil-drops of black gold,lifeline of national economy,foundation of people’s livelihood.

Oil has brought revolutionary changes to ways and quality of human beings’ lives.

Oil has sent man into the universe to touch the moon and stars around us.

It’s no exaggeration to say that oil has made the greatest impact on people’s lives and the development of the society,except for the sun,water and air up to now.

Only if drillers exploit oil deposits can all these miracles be performed.

Therefore,here they are-the drillers.

The drillers in this photo album come from Daqing Oilfield,China.

On September 26th,1959,industrial oil spurted out of “Well Songji 3”,which both ended the oil-deficiency history of China and opened a new era of oil industry.

For more than 50 years,workers in Daqing Oilfield have completed over 100,000 oil wells,produced an accumulation of 2.2 billion tons of crude oil,and created a historical record of stable production of 50 million tons per year for 27 consecutive years and 40 million tons per year for years.

Since 2008,Daqing Oilfield has launched its new project of oil and gas exploitation. Over 100 drilling crews worked together in different oil blocks,which reproduced the magnificent scene of Great Petroleum Campaign. In order to record this new campaign,the author of this album followed the drilling crews into the whole drilling sites and collected data by cameras in his spare time.

The photos in this album were taken on the front line of oil exploitation. The author more deeply moved and stimulated by Those spectacular working scenes,intensive labor workload,optimistic spirit and moments of workers’ daily lives.第12~13页钻井·石油·能源——钻工在钻台上作业。——摄于2013年4月

Page 12~13

Drilling·Oil ·Energy——Rig workers working on drill floor.(Photo taken in April,2013)第14~15页钻工在更换PDC钻头。PDC钻头是钻井中常用的表层钻头,直径342mm,重300多公斤,更换时要用“气葫芦”将钻头和保护接头一同吊起,用大钳卡住钻头,由转盘卸下保护接头后,再连接钻杆。——摄于2010年8月

Page 14~15

Drilling workers were replacing PDC drill bit. PDC drill bit is commonly used bit for drilling surface formation. It is 342mm in O.D. and 300 kilos in weight. When replacing it,drilling workers need to lift the bit and the saver sub with “air winch”,then fix the bit with rig tongs and disassemble the saver sub with the rotary table,and connect the bit to drill pipe at last.(Photo taken in August,2010)打开回水阀门。——摄于2010年3月

Open the backflush valve(Photo taken in March,2010)第18~19页钻井风雪夜。——摄于2010年12月

Page 18~19

Snowstorm night at drilling site.(Photo taken in December,2010)第20~21页钻机轰鸣,是生活的福音;井架高竖,是耸起的希望。石油能源,是如此直接地装扮我们的生活,承载起民族的未来与梦想。——摄于2012年4月

Page 20~21

The roar of oil rig is the sign of happiness,the standing derricks are the hope of life. Oil is decorating our lives and carrying and future to our nation.(Photo taken in April,2012)

Lens and Drilling,on First Acquaintance

It was the summer of 2007,I went to shoot the lotus in Heiyu Lake,Daqing. On my way back,I happened to see lots of oil derricks standing along the lakes and in the woods. This common landscape in the grasslands of Daqing suddenly touched my heart and drove me to a drilling site. I still remember that it was a new well which was muddy for the rain. Despite of the bad weather and harsh working condition,all the drilling tools were neatly arranged and workers were very busy. Machines were roaring. Tractors and loaders were leveling the ground.Drilling workers were working in pairs to fix the derrick by pulling thick cables,and the other couple of drilling workers were walking in the mud with drilling tools on their shoulders;With a sudden whistle and the succeeding work songs,the oil rig which is 20 meters in height and dozens of tons in weight was slowly set up by collaborative work of drillers and machines,all of which composed a labor symphony that is inspiring and shaking. The moving scene of the Great Petroleum Campaign in 1960s seemed to unfolded before my eyes.

Having lived and worked in Daqing Oilfield for decades,I am familiar with the derricks all around. But,seldom have I seen so many derricks in one oil region and firstly did I come into close contact with oil exploitation. What astonished me more was the surprisingly intense labor of oil exploitation. After the oil derrick being lifted,the team logo “Rig 15152” monkey board of the platform came into my eyes. From then on,oil derricks always beckon me and my esteem to oil drilling and drillers grew.

That day is the beginning of my drilling and drilling workers photographing.

Inevitable inspiration from the reality.

I grew up in a drilling family. I took part in the oilfield construction right after finishing my school education. Because of my life and professional experience,I loved and paid high attention to the oilfield from the very beginning. I witnessed the birth and prosperity of Daqing Oilfield in the process of oil exploitation. My love to oil is engraved in my heart. Finally,I fell in love with photography which carries my love to oilfield. And,it has been photography that leads my way for five years to the artistic work on oil drilling and production.

A rough and rugged road behind,a longer way in the front.

A Subject set,and it served as the starting point for my photographing.

Look back in the past,with camera in hands,I found I couldn’t locate the subject for quite a long time. I wouldn’t go out shooting with my friend simply because either I got pazzled of don’t know what to shoot and how to shoot. I was lost.

“Excellent photos are there around you”,said by Mr. Li Shaobai.

Since I found direction of photography,I realized that my passion burst like a volcano that gives me continuous power and enthusiasm to take photos for oil industry. Finding my root,hence,I stood on the very starting point of photography for oil industry.

Initially,I was reveling in shooting the scenery of oilfield,such as the white steam and colorful clouds of oil sites,the daybreaks,the sunrises,the grand standing derricks and the nearby light together with the faraway stars in the sky at night. Later,I was confused by the identical questions again——what and how.

For my job’s sake,I often visit the two museums with foreign guests(Daqing Petroleum Science and Technology Museum,Iron Man Wang Jinxi Memorial). The historical and infectious black and white images of Wang Jinxi’s notes and deeds together with the moving scene of fighting against severe natural conditions by labor power of drillers extremely shocked me.

Reflection brings benefits. I recopied the old photos,listened to the lectures of famous photographers and consulted the historical materials,frequently studied the photo album and books like Memory Engraved in Photos as well as other articles on journals,and attended lectures of famous photographers. Besides,many famous photographers and friends had guided me through my shooting. All of which inspired me. Why the man-focused documentary photography is of profound and unique social and historical significance? What is the status of the oil industry in the industry photography? What challenges will I meet if I choose drillers as my theme? I am trying to find answers through exploration.

Photography is an art. The eventual aim of documentary photography is to record people’s way of life and social activities. Industry photography records every result of the industrial production and traces of the production process and which faithfully reflects human society’s improvement as well as evil consequences caused by industrialization. Therefore,the major means of industry photography has to be documentary. No matter at present or in the past,the essence of industry photography is the art of “machine+human”.

Oil industry is a special and significant branch in the huge industrial system,and oil industry photography is an important category in the industry photography. The most characteristic and expressive aspect of oil industry photography is destined to be well drilling,for it is the threshold of oil industry. So,since oil was discovered,drilling has always been honored as “The pioneer of oil industry”.

In order to take good photos of drillers,I visited oil drilling companies to learn the recent oilfield development strategy and major policies,then I focused my lens on the great petroleum campaign in the new era as if the familiar scenes of the 1960s reappeared under my lens. How lucky am I to get this historical opportunity?

Hereupon,lens is bound to acquaint itself with drills,and I am destined to be a friend of drillers.PDC型钻头。 PDC钻头有多种型号,根据地层不同情况和钻井施工生产工序的需要选择使用。一般情况下,钻地表层用330mm的钻头,用于下表层套管,直径均要大于钻杆,钻头中间有很多水眼,泥浆液从地面通过钻杆、钻头水眼注入钻头底部,冷却钻头,冲洗岩屑,沿着钻杆与地层的间隙流到地面泥浆池将岩屑沉淀。——摄于2010年8月

PDC drilling bits. PDC drilling bits have various types,drillers need to choose from all of them according to different formation conditions and drilling procedures. Generally drilling bits of 330mm in O.D. are used for drilling surface formation and running in surface casing. There are nozzlex on the bits through which the mud can run down to the bottom of borehole and then flow down to the mud pit via annulus between drill pipe and well wall. The mud can cool the bits,wash and carry cuttings to the ground.(Photo taken in August,2010)



An oil well is like a door of underground palace,and drilling crew migration is like penetrating the doors of these oil palaces.









Oilfield construction can be generally divided into two parts:surface and subsurface. People called the former one “Palace”,and the later one “Underground Palace”. In No.1 Oil Plant of Daqing Oilfield,there is a bus station named “Di Gong Men” which means the gate of underground palace. That place was,and still is the largest place of oil reserves and oil production. An oil well is like a gate. Drilling crew migration is to go through the gate of underground palace.

The most spectacular scene of rig migration is rig skidding. Under the order of platform manager,a dozen of heavy tractors pulled the drilling platform through steel wire ropes. Drilling machines were roaring,smoke was billowing,and drillers were chanting work songs. I was right there and flashed back to the moving scene in the movie “Start of an Enterprise”. At that time,workers were lack of machines and equipment. Iron man Wang Jinxi,together with team members developed a program of self-migration in winter. Within five days,dozens of workers removed drilling rigs,derricks and other facilities 500 meters away with only two Dongfanghong Tractors,which is recorded as a miracle. Nowadays,the technology and working condition have became better,the space between oil wells has been as short as 3 to 5 meters(infill well);while the quality standard has been higher,and requirement has been stricter. The new generation of driller still has the great spirits and hard-working traditions. Sometimes in winter,the ground is covered with ice,so tractors cannot work well. Workers have to break the ice and pave the way for tractors and drilling platform with shovels and pickaxes.

If the migration destination is far away,workers may have to overcome lots of obstacles and some of the drilling equipment needs to be disassembled. Disassembling movement is a hard and strict operation with many dangerous steps. It is hard because every part of the drilling equipment is tons in weight. It is strict because drilling crew need to follow the strict working procedure and the sequence of installation. When setting dozens of tons of drilling platform,workers must accurately position it. Inaccuracy must be controlled within 0.5 meters,otherwise drilling tools may deviate from the oil reservoir. A slight deviation of a rivet may influence the installation. If the nail big hydraulic tube connection cap is loose,the danger may be undermined. Therefore,when workers are installing and removing derricks and heavy equipment,HSE supervisers and technician must be there on the spot to make sure every detail is correct and to avoid equipment collisions and personal injuries.

In order to record rig move process,I need to know the working schedule. Informed that Iron rig 1202 would relocate in a weekend,I followed and shot them during their migration for a whole day. Among lots of wonderful pictures,the most impressive one should be a picture of toolpusher Liu Jie. This post-1980s generation drilling worker precisely and meticulously took command of lifting session,which shows the responsible attitude and vigorous state of the new generation of drilling workers(Page 54~55).In Chenjia Dayuan Lake,Saertu,a tens of meters high tower-type derrick was being lifted by workers with drawworks and wire rope. It took 3-5 minutes to lift the derrick,while the author spent 2 hours waiting there,and felt numbness in his hands. Then he climbed up to the platform to take this photo(Page 82~83).Before the lift of the completed derrick,workers need to attach the team flag to the top of the derrick. When seeing the strong figures of workers,the flying red flag and the raising derricks,I felt that pride and respect arose in my heart(Page 84~85).

Oil workers—— the backbone of the national industry.第36~37页钻井队在夜间进行整拖搬家。——摄于2012年4月

Page 36~37

Rig skidding at night.(Photo taken in April,2012)


Lifting Heavy Machines Easily



The spectacular scene of rig skidding with hundreds of tons in weight. A s a whole shows the grand scene of Great Petroleum Campaign.

This is the pioneering work of oil worker and demonstrates the spirit of iron.第38页拖拉机手。——摄于2010年5月

Page 38

A tractor driver.(Photo taken in May,2010)第39页井架拖运前的准备。——摄于2012年4月

Page 39

Preparation before rig skidding.(Photo taken in April,2012)第40~41页清晨搬家。 清晨4时30分,搬家的拖拉机运到1205钻井队井场。——摄于2010年1月

Page 40~41

Migration in morning. 4:30 am,the tractor arrived at wellsite of Rig 1205.(Photo taken in January,2010)第42~43页被大庆油田命名为“新时期钢铁钻井队”的15152队在整拖搬家。——摄于2010年1月

Page 42~43

Rig 15152 was skidding. Daqing Oilfield honored this crew as “Iron Drilling Crew of New Era”. (Photo taken in January,2010)15153钻井队井位迁移。——摄于2010年8月

Rig 15153 crew was relocating the oil well.(Photo taken in August,2010)南飞雁。一群南飞的大雁从15150钻井队驻地上空飞过。——摄于2012年11月

Wild geese flying south. A group of wild geese was flying across the rigsite of Rig 15150.(Photo taken in November,2012)


Wisdom and Strength


Lifting and linking——devote subtlety on rough machines,accuracy in complex procedures. Wisdom tamed the iron,and strength moved the earth.第48页回收钻台加宽台。——摄于2012年3月

Page 48

Retrieving the wide board of drilling platform.(Photo taken in March,2012)第49页清晨,等待搬迁的钻井队。——摄于2010年1月

Page 49

The drilling crew was waiting for migration in early mornimg.(photo taken in January,2010)放倒的井架。新井位比较远,途中又有障碍物,井架需要放倒后,拆卸成若干部分,运到新井位后,重新组装起升。——摄于2013年3月

Flat derrick. The location of a new well is far and obstructed. So,the derrick needs to be disassembled and transported to the new site,then be reassembled and lifted there.(Photo taken in March,2013)





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