
发布时间:2020-05-12 04:48:20











这本书写的就是阿加莎·克里斯蒂的生活。她是怎样的一个人?我们对她的了解有多深?她富有,赫赫有名,有过两次婚姻。而在她的生活中也有一个未解之谜……AGATHA CHRISTIE,WOMAN OF MYSTERY

Many people enjoy reading murder mysteries, because they are puzzles. Can we guess the murderer's name before the detective tells us at the end of the book? Was the broken chair an accident, or is it an important clue? How did the murderer get into the house? Did he (or she) have a key? Why were there three coffee cups on the table?

Agatha Christie's murder mysteries are famous all over the world. She wrote more than seventy books and they have sold millions of copies. There have been many television plays and films of her stories. Her detectives, Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, are famous too—a short round Belgian with a black moustache, and a dear little old lady, who sees, hears, and remembers everything.

This is a story about Agatha Christie's life. What kind of person was she? How much do we know about her? She was rich, famous, and twice married. And there was a mystery in her life, too...1 'Why don't you write a story?'

Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was bored. It was a winter morning in 1908, and she was in bed because she was ill.

'I'm feeling much better today,' she said to her mother, Clara. 'I think I'll get up.'

'You're still ill,' said Clara. 'The doctor told you to stay in bed and keep warm. And that's what you're going to do!'

Agatha was eighteen years old at this time, but in those days daughters had to do what their mothers told them.

'But I'm bored!'

'Well, do something, then,' said her mother. 'Read a book. Or write a story. Yes, why don't you write a story?'

'Write a story?' said Agatha, surprised.

'Yes,' her mother said. 'Like Madge.'

Madge was Agatha's sister. She was eleven years older than Agatha, and sometimes wrote short stories for magazines like Vanity Fair.

'I don't think that I can write stories,' said Agatha.

'How do you know?' said her mother. 'You've never tried.' And she went to find a pencil and paper.

Soon after, Agatha sat up in bed and began to write a story. It was called House of Beauty, a strange story about dreams.

It wasn't a very good story. She typed it on Madge's old typewriter, and sent it off to a magazine. But they sent it back with a letter: Thank you for sending us your story. We are afraid we cannot publish it...

'You must try again,' said her mother. Clara was always sure that her daughters could do anything.

So Agatha went on writing stories, and sending them out to magazines—but they all came back. She was a little disappointed.

'I'll try writing a novel,' she decided.

An idea came to her. She remembered seeing a beautiful young girl in a hotel in Cairo when she was visiting Egypt with Clara. The girl was always with two men, one on each side of her. One day, Agatha heard someone say, 'That girl will have to decide between them some time.'

It was all that Agatha needed for an idea, and she began writing. It was not a detective novel. It was the story of a young girl who lived in Cairo, and it was called Snow Upon the Desert. It was really two long stories put together to make a book. When it was finished, Agatha sent it to three or four publishers, but they all sent it back.

'Oh dear,' said Agatha. 'What shall I do now?'

'Why don't you show it to Eden Phillpotts?' said Clara.

Eden Phillpotts was a writer who lived near the Millers. During his life, he wrote more than a hundred popular novels, and many plays for the theatre. Agatha was a little afraid of sending her novel to this famous man, but she agreed to do it and sent it off.

Mr Phillpotts was a good writer, and also a kind man. He read Agatha's novel carefully and wrote her a letter.

Some o f your writing is very good, so I am sending you a letter to take to my agent, Hughes Massie...

Agatha—still only eighteen years old—went to London on the train. It was a long journey—more than 200 miles from her home in Torquay in Devon, and the trains were not so fast in those days.

She was very shy, and Hughes Massie was a big, frightening man. Agatha gave him the letter from Eden Phillpotts. Massie read it, talked with Agatha for a while, then kept her book to read.

Agatha went home to wait.

Some months later, Massie returned Snow Upon the Desert to her. I do not think that I can find a publisher for it, he wrote to her. The best thing is to stop thinking about it any more and to write another book.

Agatha was disappointed. She did write another book, but some other important things happened in her life first.

bore vt. make (sb.) feel tired and uninterested by being dull or tedious.(因单调或乏味)使(某人)感到厌烦。

magazine n. paper covered periodical, usu. weekly or monthly, with articles, stories, etc. by various writers. 杂志;期刊。

typewriter n. machine for producing characters similar to those of print by pressing keys which cause raised metal letters, etc. to strike the paper, usu. through inked ribbon. 打字机。

send...off send sth. by post; dispatch. 寄出或发出某物。

disappointed adj. sad or dissatisfied because sb. has failed, some desired event has not happened, etc. 失望的;失意的;受挫的。

detective n. person, esp. a police officer, whose job is to investigate and solve crimes. 侦探。

detective story story in which the main interest is a puzzling crime and the process of solving. 侦探小说。

publisher n. person or firm that publishes books, newspapers, etc. 出版者;出版商;出版社。

agent n. person who acts for, or manages the affairs of, other people in business, politics, etc. (商业、政治等方向的)代理人,经纪人。

frightening adj. causing fear. 引起恐惧的;惊恐的;可怕的。1.“为什么不写个故事呢?”
















阿加莎失望至极。她后来的确又写了一本书,但在此之前她的生活中发生了其他一些重要的事情。2 A shy young man

Agatha's father, Frederick, died in 1901, when Agatha was eleven years old. He was an American, and was ten years older than Clara. After he died, Clara began to travel a lot, and often took Agatha with her.

In 1911, when Agatha was twenty-one, Clara was ill.

'You need to go somewhere warm and sunny to get better,' Clara's doctor told her.

So Clara decided to go to Egypt again, and she took Agatha with her. They stayed in a hotel in Cairo. There were some English soldiers staying near the hotel, and they often came to the hotel dances.

Agatha was a shy young woman, but she loved to dance. During her stay in Cairo, she went to fifty dances. She met a lot of exciting young men and had a wonderful time.

When she came back to England, she was soon getting invitations to garden parties, tennis parties, dances, and to country houses for the weekend.

Then a young army officer called Reggie Lucy came home from Hong Kong. Agatha was a friend of Reggie's three sisters, and often played tennis with them. But she did not know Reggie. He was a very shy young man who did not go out very much. He liked to play golf but did not like parties or dances.

'I like to play golf, but I'm not very good at it,' Agatha said when she met him.

'I—I could help you,' said Reggie, shyly. He had dark hair and brown eyes. Agatha liked him.

So, while Reggie was in England, he and Agatha played golf nearly every day.

One very warm day they played golf for a little while, then Agatha said, 'I'm hot, Reggie! Shall we have a rest?'

They sat under a tree, out of the sun, and talked. Then, suddenly, Reggie said, 'I want to marry you, Agatha. Did you know that? Perhaps you did. But you are still very young, and—'

'No, I'm not!' said Agatha. 'Not very young.'

'Of course, a pretty girl like you could marry anybody,' said Reggie.

'I don't think I want to marry anybody,' Agatha said. 'I—yes, I think I'd like to marry you!'

'I have to go back to Hong Kong in ten clays' time,' said Reggie. 'And I'll be there for two years. But when I come back, if there isn't anybody...'

'There won't be anybody,' said Agatha.

So Reggie went back to Hong Kong.

Agatha wrote letters to him, and he wrote to her. It was all agreed. When Reggie came home again, they would get married.

dance n. social gathering at which people dance. 舞会。

invitation n. request to go or come somewhere, or do sth. 邀请某人去或来某处或做某事。

golf n. outdoor game in which the player tries to hit a small hard ball into a series of 9 or 18 holes using as few strokes as possible. 高尔夫球运动。

marry v. take (sb.) as a husband or wife. 与(某人)结婚;嫁或娶(某人)。2.腼腆的年轻人











他们的信件你来我往。一切都已经安排好。雷吉再回来时,他们就结婚。3 Tea at the railway station

On October the 12th, 1912, when Agatha was twenty-two, she went to a dance at the home of Lord and Lady Clifford. They lived near Chudleigh, twelve miles from Torquay, and there were many young people there for Agatha to talk to.

During the evening a young army officer came up to her.

'Will you dance with me?' he asked Agatha.

'Me?' said Agatha. 'Oh, yes, all right.'

He was tall and good-looking, with friendly blue eyes, and his name was Archibald Christie. Agatha liked him immediately. They danced together many times that evening, and Archie told her his plans.

'I want to fly,' he said, 'and I'm trying to get into the Royal Flying Corps.'

'How exciting!' said Agatha.

A week later, she was having tea with some friends at a house opposite Ashfield, her home, when there was a telephone call for her. It was her mother.

'Come home, will you, Agatha?' said Clara. 'There's a young man here. He's just arrived and I'm giving him tea. I don't know him, and I think he wants to see you.'

Agatha had to leave her friends and hurry home, so she was not very pleased. But when she got home, she found Archie Christie waiting for her.

'Hello,' he said. 'I was in Torquay and—and I thought that perhaps it would be nice to see you.' His face was red and he looked at his shoes.

Agatha smiled.

Archie stayed for the rest of the afternoon, and for supper that evening. When it was time for him to leave, he said, 'Will you come to a concert in Exeter with me, Agatha? We can go to the Redcliffe Hotel for tea after the concert.'

'I'd love to,' said Agatha, then looked at Clara. 'Can I, mother?'

'A concert, yes, Agatha,' said Clara. 'But tea at a hotel? No, I don't think so. Not a hotel.'

'Perhaps I could take Agatha to tea in—in the restaurant at Exeter railway station!' said Archie.

Agatha tried not to smile, but her mother agreed. So Agatha and Archie went to the concert—and then had tea at Exeter railway station!

'There's a New Year's dance in Torquay on the second of January,' said Agatha, when Archie took her home later. 'Will you come?'

He smiled. 'Of course,' he said. 'I want to see you as often as I can.'

But when Archie came to the New Year's dance he was very quiet and did not seem happy. He seemed to be worried about something, but Agatha said nothing. Two days later, on the 4th of January, 1913, they went to another concert together. Archie was still very quiet, and after the concert Agatha asked, 'What's wrong, Archie?'

'The Royal Flying Corps have said "yes" to me,' said Archie. 'I have to leave Exeter in two days' time. I have to go to Salisbury.' He looked at her. 'Agatha, you've got to marry me! There will never be anyone for me, only you! I've known that since our first evening together, at the Cliffords' dance.'

Agatha was very surprised. 'But—but I can't marry you. I've already told Reggie that I'll marry him.' And then she told him about Reggie Lucy.

'You didn't marry him before he went away,' said Archie. 'Why not? It's because you don't really love him!'

'We thought it was better to wait—' began Agatha.

'I won't wait,' said Archie. 'I want to marry you next month, or the month after.'

'We can't!' said Agatha. 'We haven't got any money. How will we live?'

But she did want to marry Archie.

'Archie has asked me to marry him, and I want to. I want to very much!' she told her mother.

Clara was very surprised. 'You must wait,' she told them both. 'I like you, Archie, but you are only twenty-three years old, and neither of you has any money.'

So Archie went to Salisbury, and he and Agatha waited. Agatha wrote to Reggie Lucy. It was a difficult letter to write, but Reggie wrote a very kind letter back to her. 'Don't worry about it,' he told her. 'I understand.'* * *

In August 1914, England was suddenly at war with Germany. Archie went to France with the Royal Flying Corps, and Agatha went to work as a volunteer nurse at the Torbay Hospital in Torquay.

Archie came back to England for five days in December, and Agatha went up to London to meet him. Then the two of them went down to Bristol, where Archie's mother lived. They could not wait any longer. They wanted to get married.

Archie's mother was not happy about this, but Clara thought differently. 'Yes, get married now,' she said. 'There's a war on. Who knows what will happen? Be happy while you can.'

So Agatha and Archie were married at last on the 24th of December, 1914. Two days later, Archie went back to the war, and Agatha did not see him again for six months.* * *

During the summer of 1915, Agatha was ill and could not do any nursing work at the hospital for three or four weeks. Then, when she returned, she went to work in the hospital dispensary. And here she learned something which was very useful for a writer of detective stories. She learned about poisons.

immediately adv. at once; without delay. 立刻;马上;当即;毫不耽搁。

opposite prep. facing. 面对。

hurry v. do sth. or move quickly or too quickly; rush. 迅速的或仓促的做某事或移动;赶紧。

concert n. musical entertainment given in public by one or more per formers. 音乐会。

restaurant n. public place where meals can be bought and eaten. 餐馆;饭店。

go away leave a place. 走开;离开。

worry about be anxious about. 担忧;担心;发愁。

be at war be in a state of war. 处于交战状态。

volunteer n. person who offers to do sth. without being compelled or paid. 自愿或无偿地效劳的人;志愿者。

dispensary n. place in a hospital, school, etc. where medicines are given out. (医院、学校等的)药房。3.车站茗谈














于是阿奇去了索尔兹伯里,他和阿加莎都等待着。阿加莎给雷吉·卢西写了一封信,这封信写起来异常艰难,不过雷吉的回信却非常善解人意。“不要担心,”他告诉她,“我能理解。”* * *




于是1914年12月24日,阿加莎和阿奇终于结婚了。两天后,阿奇返回了战场,这一分离便是六个月。* * *

1915年夏天,阿加莎病倒了,有三四个星期不能做任何护理工作。病好后,她转到了医院药房工作。在这里她学到了一些对成为一个侦探小说家大有益处的东西。她认识了毒药。4 A detective story

One day, some time before the war, Agatha was talking with her sister, Madge, about detective stories. They both enjoyed reading this kind of book very much.

'I'd like to try and write a detective story myself,' said Agatha.

'You couldn't do it,' said Madge. 'They're very difficult to do. I've thought about it.'

'Well, one day I'm going to try,' said Agatha.

The idea stayed in Agatha's head, and she wanted to show Madge that she could do it. And when, years later, she went to work in the hospital dispensary, she again began to think about writing a detective story.

'There must be a murder in it, of course,' she thought. The questions ran busily around inside her head. 'But what kind of murder? A death by poisoning? Who will die? Who will the murderer be? When? How? Why? Where? And what about a detective?'

There were some Belgian people living in Torquay, who were there because of the war in Belgium. Clara, like everyone in the town, was very kind and helpful to them when they arrived. She gave them chairs and beds for their homes, and tried to make them feel happy and comfortable. Now, Agatha suddenly remembered them.

'What about a Belgian detective?' she thought, and began to build the character in her head. 'He'll be a very clever, very tidy little man. But what shall I call him? I know, I'll call him Hercules!' She smiled. 'It's a good name for a small man. And his second name? Poirot. Hercules—no, Hercule Poirot! Yes, that's it.'

Agatha thought about her detective story during every quiet minute in the dispensary. She knew a lot about poisons now. She knew which poisons worked quickly, and which worked slowly. She knew how much to give, and what different poisons smelt and tasted like. She knew how people died from poisons—did their faces turn blue? Did they die in their sleep, or die screaming in pain? A good detective—and a good writer of detective stories—must know these things. She began to write her story at home, and used Madge's old typewriter again.

'What are you doing?' Clara asked her one day.

'I'm writing a detective novel,' said Agatha, 'I want to finish it, but it's very difficult.'

'Why don't you finish it during your holiday?' said Clara. 'Go away somewhere nice and quiet, and take it with you. Where do you want to go? Dartmoor?'

'Yes!' said Agatha. 'Dartmoor!'

Dartmoor was a beautiful, lonely moor in Devon. Agatha took Madge's typewriter with her and stayed at the Moorland Hotel at Hay Tor. It was a large hotel with a lot of rooms, but not many people were staying there. For two weeks she wrote in her room every morning, then went for long walks alone on the moor in the afternoons. Everything went well. The characters seemed to come alive inside her head, and during her walks she planned her writing for the next day.

She finished the last half of the book during her holiday, and soon after she sent it to a publisher. They returned it, but Agatha was not surprised. She sent it out again, but it came back once more. She sent it to a third publisher, but they returned it, too. Then she sent it to The Bodley Head publishing company—and forgot all about it.

Two years went by. Archie came back to work in London, the war ended, and Agatha had a baby—Rosalind. The three of them were





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