
发布时间:2020-05-12 12:07:13







版权信息书名:托福满分范文120篇精讲作者:北京新东方研发中心;白瑜;高文成排版:情缘出版社:浙江教育出版社出版时间:2018-08-01ISBN:9787553668406本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · ——— 第一章 ——教育学习篇  第一节 学生行为1. Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.范文Introduction

It is tempting to think the more time a student spends on his studies, the better an education he/she can hope to receive.

However, I hold the opposite opinion that it is impossible for a student to get a better education by excessively studying 11 months a year. More schooling does not necessarily equate a better education as education encompasses a rich array of aspects other than simply knowledge from textbooks.引出话题


转折表明自己的观点,更长的学期并不会带来更好的教育。Body paragraph 1

A longer period of study contributes very little to a better education.

It has been reported that people cannot focus on one thing for more than a few hours at a time. If they force themselves to stretch their attention span, then their physical condition deteriorates, leading to a decline in efficiency and productivity, be it at work or at study.

It is not surprising, for example, that a skilled flutist might have difficulty in controlling her armature and overall posture for hours without drifting her focus to other less important things, like the hot guy in the trumpet section. A programmer, however skillful in coding, could not tease out a single bug after spending more than ten hours in front of the computer.

Similarly, if students were forced to sit in the classroom for more than the regular school year of 8 months, listening to monotonous lectures one after another, they would soon become exhausted and even rebellious to such an unreasonable arrangement. They will become absent-minded in class and slack off on homework assignments.

In contrast, if students take several months off after a normal semester of intense work, they can charge their batteries and return to the next semester, more engaged and rejuvenated.主题句





如果孩子有个长暑假可以做些与学习无关的事情,他们在重返校园时才会对学习有更积极的态度。Body paragraph 2

The second reason for my stance is that the best education occurs outside of school.

A several-month long summer break, for example, will allow students to go outside of their typical environment and to get in touch with the real world. They gain the opportunities to travel and socialize with people they normally wouldn’t interact with. These meaningful experiences offer an education that students could never hope to receive at school.

I once met a person during my own summer vacation who was volunteering at a non-profit organization aimed at helping children from less privileged families. She sacrificed a high-paying job offer from a multinational company to devote her time wholeheartedly to helping those children. The encounter made me realize the power of dreams and how certain aspirations can motivate a person to leave behind materialistic desires, such as a stable job.

Another example is a boy whom I met in Beijing. He was brought up in an orphanage as he lost his parents at an early age. But he remained optimistic and always wore the biggest smile on his face. We chatted and joked often. His sunny nature taught me that true happiness lies not in one’s circumstances, but in one’s state of mind. No matter how meager lives we lead, a simple smile can keep us happy from within. Those are precious lessons that I have stayed with me to this day.

If I myself hadn’t gone on a vacation, I would have missed the education of a lifetime and become a very different person today.主题句



细化前面的解释,采用多例法。Another example引出第二个例子,每个都是对于前面逻辑链的细化。遇到了什么样具体的人,学到了什么样具体的人生经验。总结例子


Therefore, 11 months of education per year amounts to a harmful plan. I would encourage students to take breaks and take them often.结尾段






a rich array of 各种各样的;丰富的

stretch one’s attention span 延长注意力可集中的时间

a decline in efficiency and productivity 效率和生产率的下降

drift one’s focus to… 注意力转移到…

become exhausted and 变得疲惫甚至叛逆

even rebellious absent-minded 心不在焉的

slack off on… 在…上松懈

rejuvenated 恢复活力的

get in touch with 联系…;接触到…

socialize with 社交

less privileged families 贫困家庭

devote one’s time wholeheartedly to 全身心投入

leave behind materialistic desires 丢掉物质欲望举一反三


Some people think that it is an important part of a child’s education to go on a field trip (for example, museums), other people think a child’s time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. Which do you prefer?

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific examples and reaons to support your answer.

The most important education for students should be conducted in classroom, not out of the classroom.2. One of the best ways that parents can help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take part-time jobs.范文Introduction

Some parents contend that the primary concern of teenage children should be their studies and that working part-time is not only unnecessary but even distracting.

However, I hold the opposite view. I believe that work experience can be as beneficial for teenagers as campus life and that early exposure to the working world will prepare them well for adulthood.引出话题


转折表明自己的观点,兼职让孩子们为成年生活做好准备。Body paragraph 1

First of all, working part time raises a young person’s sense of frugality, an attribute that will serve them well when they begin managing their own finances.

It’s true that working teenagers would encounter many challenges and difficult situations. For example, one might be shouted at by a boss who may be reacting to nothing more than a minor accounting mistake; or a marketing intern may experience months of low pay until they are able to earn their own commissions; a dish washer might be required to compensate the restaurant for any plate he or she accidentally breaks.

Such students might have been just as much the kid who frequents social media on all the latest gadgets, wears designer brand shoes, carries luxury bags, and lead lavish lifestyles without any sense of consumer restraint or economic reality. Yet, the experience of a part-time job that pays a menial salary should awaken even the blithest spendthrift, and expose them to the harsher side of the economic spectrum. Such valuable lessons that can only be gained from working part-time will play a considerable role in the development and maturation of a teenager.

Furthermore, even if the amount of money earned by working part-time is not much, it can still serve as the basis for a saving account that will grow with the teenager.主题句


整个解释以“such students might have been...”为界。其之前是逻辑链的前半段,用例子细化做兼职会遇到什么样的困难;后是逻辑链的后半段,遇到这些困难以后,孩子们就会知道赚钱不易,有意识地停止他们无节制的消费。段内递进

给出证明主题句的第二个理由,兼职挣得钱虽然不多,但是储蓄的基础。Body paragraph 2

Another benefit to holding a part-time job is that the experience can help young people identify suitable economic niches, thereby enabling them to achieve success earlier in life.

Restricted to an ivory tower totally removed from the real world, the majority of young people, including university seniors who will soon enter the job market, have no clear idea what kind of job they are interested in and what kind of career they want to develop. How could a person without even a sense of self achieve anything in the future?

In this sense, there may be no better means by which parents can prepare their children for the future than by enabling them to find limited work opportunities before graduation.

For example, by working in a cafeteria and observing the manner in which a small business operates, a student begins to understand how to run a business and come to realize that good management requires not only developing and implementing strategies and plans but also the ability to give employees a great sense of belonging.

Or consider an intern reporter in a newspaper office. This student aspiring to become a world-renown journalist may find that the mastery of written language is only a part of the skill set needed to become an insightful and persuasive news reporter. In fact, a good reporter must also demonstrate excellent social skills and tact in pursuing a difficult story and then presenting it to the world.

With a better understanding of what kinds of work different careers may entail, young people are more likely to make wiser career choices and end up with jobs that are both economically productive and personally fulfilling.主题句






In conclusion, the experience of a part time job can impart knowledge that is more useful to teenagers than the rote knowledge they find in their textbooks.

Such an experience can also teach them to be financially independent. Furthermore, having a part-time job helps students to build up a social network, enhance their people skills, and lay the foundation for a future career.

That is why I am firmly convinced that one of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adulthood is by encouraging them to take part-time jobs.总结分论点深化主题







early exposure to 早期接触到…

manage finance 理财

encounter many challenges and difficult situations 遇到挑战和困境

nothing more than… 不过,仅仅

earn commissions 赚取佣金

compensate for 补偿

frequent 常到,常去

lead lavish lifestyles 过着奢靡的生活

awaken the blithest spendthrift 唤醒挥霍无度的人

serve as the basis for 作为…的基础

identify one’s niche 找到合适的职业

an ivory tower 象牙塔

a sense of self 自我意识

develop and implement strategies 开发并实施策略

a great sense of belonging 强烈的归属感

the mastery of 对…的精通

make wiser career choices 做出更明智的职业选择

economically productive 经济上富有成效的

personally fulfilling 使个人有满足感的

impart knowledge 传授知识

financially independent 经济独立的

build up a social network 建立社交网

enhance one’s people skills 增强社交技能

lay the foundation for 打下…的基础举一反三


The most important education that a person gets is from outside schools and classrooms.

In order to become a financially responsible adult, people should be taught how to manage money at an early age.3. All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study in.范文Introduction

Today, students study a wide range of subjects and disciplines in universities. However, history courses are on the decline and are routinely merged with other subjects.

Traditionalists argue that young people know little of the history of their country or the evolution of human society and the subject should be compulsory for all students, regardless of their majors.

I disagree with this view, as the proposition is problematic.背景介绍



表明个人观点,历史课不应该在大学成为必修课。Body paragraph 1

First and foremost, the compulsory study of history will put more pressure on students and eat into their precious time.

College students already study theoretical and professional courses and their schedules are already very tight. For example, a medical student is obliged to complete academic studies for credits, and acquire clinical experience.

Students with such a heavy workload cannot afford to study irrelevant courses, such as history. This would unnecessarily burden students and jeopardize studies, exacerbating their worries about meeting multiple deadlines and passing final exams.主题句


学生现在学习任务已经很重,历史课成为必修课会加剧学生的忧虑。Body paragraph 2

Second, the requirement to study history leads to unnecessary cost for parents and students.

Universities will need to recruit personnel, including administrative staff and lecturers to deliver the lectures and tutorials, which will increase the cost of schooling. These costs will be passed onto the student and will be reflected in higher tuition fees, depriving many underprivileged students of an opportunity to attend university.主题句


大学需要招聘,增加学校教育的成本。这些成本会导致学费增加,甚至剥夺贫困学生上大学的机会。Body paragraph 3

Admittedly, studying history is beneficial for young people.

Students will gain an understanding of how society evolved and learn not to repeat mistakes made in the past. For instance, students would learn about the causes of the two World Wars and other bloody battles that claimed the lives of millions and changed the course of history.

Also, students could gain a better understanding of current issues by studying historical events. For example, by studying the American Revolution, a student can be enlightened on the concept of democracy and its application to the modern world.

However, historical knowledge can be gained by methods other than compulsory courses. In this day and age, television programs, films, documentaries, books, and museums are all available options for students to learn about history.让步段





In conclusion, although there are a few benefits to studying history, it would be unfair to burden a student both academically and financially.

In addition, the benefits a history course would provide can be obtained through other means.重述观点







a wide range of 范围广泛的

merge with 与…合并

regardless of 无论,不管

eat into one’s precious time 侵蚀宝贵的时间

be obliged to 不得不

a heavy workload 繁重的工作负荷

jeopardize 危害

exacerbate one’s worries 加重忧虑

meet multiple deadlines 赶上各种最后期限

recruit personnel 招聘人员

administrative staff 行政人员

deliver lectures 发表演讲

deprive of 剥夺

underprivileged students 穷困的学生

gain an understanding of 理解;了解

repeat mistakes 重复错误

be enlightened on 在…方面受到启发

compulsory courses 必修课

burden sb. both 在学术和经济上给

academically and financially 某人负担举一反三


Universities should require all their students to learn about foreign cultures as well as their own culture.

University students should be required to take basic science courses no matter what field they study.4. Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.范文Introduction

In today’s society there is too much emphasis on the core subjects of math, languages and science to the detriment of a wider and more balanced curriculum. Humanities and creative disciplines such as the arts and music, are marginalized and often fall by the wayside.

In my opinion, the exploration of creativity through art and music is just as important for a child’s development as the study of core subjects. Also, education is more than just mastering essential skills and knowledge.背景介绍


艺术和其他科目同等重要。教育不仅仅是掌握核心技能和知识。Body paragraph 1

Primarily, studying art and music encourages creative thinking amongst children.

In art and music classes, unconventional thinking is encouraged so that students are able to come up with novel and interesting ideas. That is to say, students can be taught creative skills, and then be given free rein to express themselves.

These sorts of activities build up imagination and intellectual curiosity, as well as, encourage inventive thinking, which will help children to think outside the box and provide innovative solutions to problems as adults.主题句


在艺术课上,老师鼓励非常规思维,鼓励孩子表达自己。→这类活动帮助孩子解放思想,提出创新想法。Body paragraph 2

Second, an arts education helps with the emotional development of a child.

It will help them to cope with the stresses of life and make them less vulnerable to depression and anxiety.

Researchers are currently experimenting with art and music for therapeutic purposes; initial studies show that art therapy is very effective in addressing emotional and psychological issues.

I know from personal experience that art can really help. When I was younger, I was lean and weak, which made me a prime target for the bullies in school. In art class, I drew myself as a superhero and this process of reimagining myself gave me the strength to cope with the bullying and eventually stand up for myself.

Therefore, by providing non-threatening means for children to express their thoughts and feelings, art and music sooth their nerves and restore their souls.主题句





重述主题句。Body paragraph 3

Finally, a strong engagement with art and music will help children to develop an appreciation of the beauty around them, and this will make them more environmentally-conscious.

That is not to say that a subject like math cannot contain beauty, but beauty is experienced much more frequently and directly in the arts. Stunning landscape painting, soul-stirring music and pictures in galleries are all examples of beauty, which students can appreciate.

Such exposure will make children more likely to appreciate the beauty of a forest, habitat or woodland, or an alternative way of living and recognize the importance of protecting such things from destruction.主题句






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